UNIT 1 Can you please tell me a little bit about yourself? Answer Strategy

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Novice High 1 Contents 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

UNIT 1 Can you please tell me a little bit about yourself? Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 01_1 Sure. My name is Chio Hyunsup and I am 29 years old. I graduated from Seoul National University in 2008 with a degree in business studies and I am currently living alone in a small, one room apartment in Seoul. I originally come from Sokcho on the East Coast of Korea and I am an only child. When I am not in work, I enjoy playing sports and games, surfing the Internet, reading and listening to music. I have traveled quite a lot around Asia and have been to New York and Paris also. Translation Vocabulary graduate from currently the East Coast only child

With Your Teacher Sure. My name is Chio Hyunsup and I am 29 years old. I graduated from Seoul National University in 2008 with a degree in business studies and I am currently living alone in a small, one room apartment in Seoul. I originally come from Sokcho on the East Coast of Korea and I am an only child. When I am not in work, I enjoy playing sports and games, surfing the Internet, reading and listening to music. I have traveled quite a lot around Asia and have been to New York and Paris also. I live in a studio apartment.

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 01_2 1. I graduated from Seoul National University in 2008 with a degree in business studies. 2. I am currently living alone in a small, one room apartment. 3. I originally come from Sokcho on the East Coast of Korea. 4. I enjoy playing sports and games, surfing the Internet, reading and listening to music. 5. I have traveled quite a lot around Asia and I have been to New York and Paris also.

UNIT 2 You indicated you work. What kinds of projects do you normally work on? Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 02_1 I work in the Overseas Sales Department and I am in charge of exporting my company s products. The company I work for has a lot of buyers in other countries and is planning to increase exports to the overseas markets. I also do overseas marketing, which is a very important job because marketing is a tool to introduce our products to new and potential buyers. In order to do this, it s important to understand the target country s society to get a better handle on which products would be most desired there. Translation Vocabulary overseas be in charge of export tool potential buyer in order to get a handle on

With Your Teacher I work in the Overseas Sales Department and I am in charge of exporting my company s products. The company I work for has a lot of buyers in other countries and is planning to increase exports to the overseas markets. I also do overseas marketing, which is a very important job because marketing is a tool to introduce our products to new and potential buyers. In order to do this, it s important to understand the target country s society to get a better handle on which products would be most desired there. overseas trade overseas edition overseas Chinese go overseas be sent overseas My sister had great potential as a singer.

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 02_2 1. I am in charge of exporting my company s products. 2. The company I work for has lots of buyers in other countries. 3. I also do overseas marketing. 4. Marketing is a tool to introduce our products to new and potential buyers. 5. It s important to understand the target country s society.

UNIT 3 Tell me how you get from your house to work every day. How long does it usually take to get to work? Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 03_1 There are two ways for me to go to work. On sunny days I prefer going to work by bicycle. It s an hour and 20 minute ride from my home to my office. I feel happy and closer to nature when I ride my bike to work through the park, so this is my preferred way to get to work. On rainy days, I m forced to ride a bus and take the subway to work. I really do not like using the public transportation to go to work. You never know how crowded the bus or the subway will be. Sometimes they are so packed that I can t even move my feet. If you are a man and bump into a woman in a crowded subway or bus, you will be treated like a pervert, too! Translation Vocabulary prefer ride preferred be forced to public transportation crowded packed bump into be treated like pervert

With Your Teacher There are two ways for me to go to work. On sunny days I prefer going to work by bicycle. It s an hour and 20 minute ride from my home to my office. I feel happy and closer to nature when I ride my bike to work through the park, so this is my preferred way to get to work. On rainy days, I m forced to ride a bus and take the subway to work. I really do not like using the public transportation to go to work. You never know how crowded the bus or the subway will be. Sometimes they are so packed that I can t even move my feet. If you are a man and bump into a woman in a crowded subway or bus, you will be treated like a pervert, too! I want to know how you could get this work done.

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 03_2 1. There are two ways for me to go to work. 2. It s an hour and 20 minute ride from my home to my office. 3. I m forced to ride a bus and take the subway to work. 4. You never know how crowded the bus or the subway will be. 5. Sometimes they are so packed that I can t even move my feet.

UNIT 4 I would like to talk about where you live. Describe your house to me. What does it look like? Where is it located? Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 04_1 I live in a studio by myself. It is located in Gangnam, south of the center of Seoul. I really like the area where I live because there are a lot of things that are within walking distance, like restaurants and also movie theaters. My studio is a little small but is large enough for me since I m by myself. I feel comfortable living in my studio. When I open the door, the first thing I see is the bedroom which is in one corner, and my desk right next to the bed. And that s about it! It s a small place and I have only what I absolutely need. Translation Vocabulary by myself within walking distance comfortable absolutely

With Your Teacher I live in a studio by myself. It is located in Gangnam, south of the center of Seoul. I really like the area where I live because there are a lot of things that are within walking distance, like restaurants and also movie theaters. My studio is a little small but is large enough for me since I m by myself. I feel comfortable living in my studio. When I open the door, the first thing I see is the bedroom which is in one corner, and my desk right next to the bed. And that s about it! It s a small place and I have only what I absolutely need. That s about it. I have no more questions. As far as I m concerned, that s about it.

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 04_2 1. I really like the area where I live. 2. There are a lot of things that are within walking distance. 3. My studio is a little small but is large enough for me. 4. The first thing I see is the bedroom which is in the corner. 5. It s a small place and I have only what I absolutely need.

UNIT 5 What things do you usually do on the weekend? Do you watch TV? Do you catch up on sleep? What else do you do on the weekend? Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 05_1 I usually go to the movies by myself. Before leaving the house, I look up what is playing on the Internet and decide on what to see. It is normally a toss-up between an action film and a fantasy movie like Lord of the Rings. One reason that I like to go to the movies is because it relieves the stress that I have built up during the week from work. Another reason is that the movie theater is just one minute away from my house. If I don t go to the movies, or nothing is playing, then I ll either read a book or watch TV. And that depends on if there s a good book to read or if something interesting is on TV or not. Translation Vocabulary by oneself normally a toss-up action film fantasy film relieve build up either A or B depend on

With Your Teacher I usually go to the movies by myself. Before leaving the house, I look up what is playing on the Internet and decide on what to see. It is normally a toss-up between an action film and a fantasy movie like Lord of the Rings. One reason that I like to go to the movies is because it relieves the stress that I have built up during the week from work. Another reason is that the movie theater is just one minute away from my house. If I don t go to the movies, or nothing is playing, then I ll either read a book or watch TV. And that depends on if there s a good book to read or if something interesting is on TV or not. One reason I like them is (that) they know how to make people laugh.

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 05_2 1. I usually go to the movies by myself. 2. I look up what is playing on the Internet. 3. It is normally a toss-up between an action film and a fantasy movie. 4. One reason that I like to go to the movies is because it relieves the stress. 5. I ll either read a book or watch TV.

UNIT 6 You said you do housework. What are your responsibilities at home? How often do you do your house chores a week? Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 06_1 I have a family of four. My father is very busy to work in another city. Since he comes home every weekend, he does not do any housework. My mother is a housewife so that she takes care of my family. My sister and I are university students. We normally spend time on campus. But we try to help my mother at home. Before going to school in the afternoon, I clean my room and vacuum the carpet in the living room every morning. After my sister is helping my mother make breakfast, I do the dishes. On weekends, my sister and I do the laundry and take the trash bags to the dumpster. Sometimes I make some snacks for my family on Sunday. Translation Vocabulary do housework take care of normally vacuum do the dishes do the laundry trash bag snacks

With Your Teacher I have a family of four. My father is very busy to work in another city. Since he comes home every weekend, he does not do any housework. My mother is a housewife so that she takes care of my family. My sister and I are university students. We normally spend time on campus. But we try to help my mother at home. Before going to school in the afternoon, I clean my room and vacuum the carpet in the living room every morning. After my sister is helping my mother make breakfast, I do the dishes. On weekends, my sister and I do the laundry and take the trash bags to the dumpster. Sometimes I make some snacks for my family on Sunday. I ve known her since she was a child. Since you are not able to answer, we should ask someone else. do the dishes do the laundry do one s homework do one s best do one s business do the shopping

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 06_2 1. I have a family of four. 2. We normally spend time on campus. 3. I clean my room and vacuum the carpet in the living room. 4. After my sister is helping my mother make breakfast, I do the dishes. 5. Sometimes I make some snacks for my family on Sunday.

UNIT 7 Tell me about your hobbies. What kind of hobbies do you have? When and where do you do your hobbies? Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 07_1 One of my hobbies is to cook. Cooking for someone makes me happy and since I live with my brother and sister, I get to cook for them every day. I especially like to make seafood dishes, and also enjoy making kimchi soup with pork, and curry. One of my other hobbies is writing. I m actually in the process of writing a book about Australia. While it will contain things that are useful for tourists, it s not going to be a traditional tourist guide. It is going to be focused on actually living in Australia, and will describe what it is like to live there, how to get a job, and other aspects of daily life in Australia that would be helpful to know for a newcomer. It will also contain, of course, information about what there is to do there, which should be useful to both the person that is moving there as well as the tourist who is just visiting. Some of my other hobbies include shopping, dancing, and watching DVDs. Translation Vocabulary seafood pork curry in the process of traditional be focused on describe aspect newcomer

With Your Teacher One of my hobbies is to cook. Cooking for someone makes me happy and since I live with my brother and sister, I get to cook for them every day. I especially like to make seafood dishes, and also enjoy making kimchi soup with pork, and curry. One of my other hobbies is writing. I m actually in the process of writing a book about Australia. While it will contain things that are useful for tourists, it s not going to be a traditional tourist guide. It is going to be focused on actually living in Australia, and will describe what it is like to live there, how to get a job, and other aspects of daily life in Australia that would be helpful to know for a newcomer. It will also contain, of course, information about what there is to do there, which should be useful to both the person that is moving there as well as the tourist who is just visiting. Some of my other hobbies include shopping, dancing, and watching DVDs.

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 07_2 1. One of my hobbies is to cook. 2. I especially like to make seafood dishes. 3. I m actually in the process of writing a book about Australia. 4. It is going to be focused on actually living in Australia. 5. Some of my other hobbies include shopping, dancing, and watching DVDs.

UNIT 8 Tell me about any exercise you do. Do you jog? Do you work out with weights? Or do you go for a walk from time to time? Also tell me how often you exercise and for how long. Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 08_1 I ve recently started exercising pretty hard, since I feel like I ve gained weight. One of the things I do for exercise is soccer. I m not in a league or anything, but whenever I see a game, I just ask them if I can join. In addition, I recently started indoor rock climbing. Rock climbing requires a lot of physical strength so doing that helps me lose weight. I play soccer every weekend, and I rock climb three times a week. Another way I get some exercise in is to walk every morning to the bus stop where I catch the bus to work. It takes about 20 minutes to walk from home to the bus stop so that also helps me get in shape. Translation Vocabulary exercising feel like gain weight in addition indoor require physical strength lose weight catch a bus bus stop get in shape

With Your Teacher I ve recently started exercising pretty hard, since I feel like I ve gained weight. One of the things I do for exercise is soccer. I m not in a league or anything, but whenever I see a game, I just ask them if I can join. In addition, I recently started indoor rock climbing. Rock climbing requires a lot of physical strength so doing that helps me lose weight. I play soccer every weekend, and I rock climb three times a week. Another way I get some exercise in is to walk every morning to the bus stop where I catch the bus to work. It takes about 20 minutes to walk from home to the bus stop so that also helps me get in shape. lately currently fluently

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 08_2 1. I feel like I ve gained weight. 2. One of the things I do for exercise is soccer. 3. Rock climbing requires a lot of physical strength. 4. Another way I get some exercise in is to walk. 5. It takes about 20 minutes to walk from home to the bus stop.

UNIT 9 I like to watch movies very much. Please ask me 3-4 questions to find out more about my favorite kind of movie and where I like to see the movie. Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 09_1 You just said you like to watch movies very much. I'd like to ask you a few questions about it. Do you like to watch Hollywood films? What is your favorite type of movie? How often do you watch movies a month? Where do you like to watch movies, at home or in a movie theater? Thank you for your time. Translation Vocabulary

With Your Teacher You just said you like to watch movies very much. I d like to ask you a few questions about it. Do you like to watch Hollywood films? What is your favorite type of movie? How often do you watch movies a month? Where do you like to watch movies, at home or in a movie theater? Thank you for your time. comedy romantic comedy thriller western action film science fiction film cartoon/animation blockbuster

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 09_2 1. You just said you like to watch movies very much. 2. I d like to ask you a few questions about it. 3. What is your favorite type of movie? 4. How often do you watch movies a month? 5. Where do you like to watch movies, at home or in a movie theater?

UNIT 10 When you go to a gym, what do you do? Please tell me all the steps you do there. Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 10_1 I usually go to a gym four times a week. It is close from home. Before going there, I bring my training suit. When I get there, I have my membership card read and go inside the locker room. I firstly change my clothes and ride a bike for warming up. Ten minutes later, I run on a treadmill while looking at the monitor to watch TV programs. When I am tired, I take a short break on a bench. And then, I take a Yoga class. I stretch my body and meditate there. Next, I go to the locker room and take a shower. Finally, I feel fresh on the way home. Translation Vocabulary gym training suit membership card ride a bike treadmill take a short break meditate on the way home

With Your Teacher I usually go to a gym four times a week. It is close from home. Before going there, I bring my training suit. When I get there, I have my membership card read and go inside the locker room. I firstly change my clothes and ride a bike for warming up. Ten minutes later, I run on a treadmill while looking at the monitor to watch TV programs. When I am tired, I take a short break on a bench. And then, I take a Yoga class. I stretch my body and meditate there. Next, I go to the locker room and take a shower. Finally, I feel fresh on the way home.

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 10_2 1. I usually go to a gym four times a week. 2. When I get there, I have my membership card read. 3. I firstly change my clothes and ride a bike for warming up. 4. I run on a treadmill while looking at the monitor to watch TV programs. 5. Finally, I feel fresh on the way home.

UNIT 11 You said that you like to go to the park in the background survey. Where is the park located that you often go to? What does it look like? Please describe the park you often go to in detail. Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 11_1 I live in Dongtan City near Seoul. There is one large park. We call it Central Park. It was built almost two years ago as the city developed the district. It is located in the center of the downtown where many commercial buildings and restaurants are. Due to its location, it is easy to go there from home and from work. The size is very large and it is difficult to take a walk around the park in a few hours. There are some sporting facilities such as a soccer field and badminton courts. As there are many trees, many old people like to spend time under the trees. On weekends, there is a water fountain show. The water springs up along the music and lights. They look beautiful. Translation Vocabulary district in the center of commercial building due to take a walk sporting facilities water fountain spring up

With Your Teacher I live in Dongtan City near Seoul. There is one large park. We call it Central Park. It was built almost two years ago as the city developed the district. It is located in the center of the downtown where many commercial buildings and restaurants are. Due to its location, it is easy to go there from home and from work. The size is very large and it is difficult to take a walk around the park in a few hours. There are some sporting facilities such as a soccer field and badminton courts. As there are many trees, many old people like to spend time under the trees. On weekends, there is a water fountain show. The water springs up along the music and lights. They look beautiful. The fire was due to the owner s carelessness. The train is due to arrive at ten p.m.

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 11_2 1. There is one large park. 2. It was built almost two years ago as the city developed the district. 3. Due to its location, it is easy to go there from home and from work. 4. There are some sporting facilities. 5. The water springs up along the music and lights.

UNIT 12 I am going to give you a situation for you to role-play it. Let s imagine that you are going to a swimming pool this weekend. Call a local swimming pool and ask 3-4 questions to know about how to use the facility. Answer Strategy

Sample Answer 12_1 Hello, is this ABC swimming pool? I am calling about the pool. I have a plan to go swimming this weekend. Let me ask something. Where is the swimming pool exactly located? Is there any shuttle to go there from the City Hall? And how much is the admission? Is there a student discount? Translation Vocabulary call about exactly be located shuttle admission student discount

With Your Teacher Hello, is this ABC swimming pool? I am calling about the pool. I have a plan to go swimming this weekend. Let me ask something. Where is the swimming pool exactly located? Is there any shuttle to go there from the City Hall? And how much is the admission? Is there a student discount?

Create My Own Answer Memorization by Sound 12_2 1. I am calling about the pool. 2. I have a plan to go swimming this weekend. 3. Where is the swimming pool exactly located? 4. Is there any shuttle to go there from the City Hall? 5. How much is the admission?