1 주차. 자기소개하기 Warm up
OPIc 시험정보 1. OPIc이란? Oral Proficiency Interview-computer 컴퓨터기반으로한말하기시험 실제생활에서의영어구사능력평가
OPIc 시험정보 2. OPIc의특징 응시자맞춤형시험 : 관심분야에대한설문 수준에따른문제난이도설정
OPIc 시험정보 2. OPIc의특징 응시자를배려한시험 : 질문을두번씩청취가능 응시자가스스로답변시간조절가능 시험중간에문제난이도조절기회
OPIc 시험정보 3. 시험시간과문제수 시험시간 문제수 답변시간 총 60 분 오리엔테이션 [20 분 ], 본시험 [40 분 ] 12~15 문제 난이도 1~2 중 12 문제, 난이도 3~4 중 15 문제출제 본시험시간인 40 분 [ 문제듣기시간포함 ] 모든문제의답변을 40 분이내, 각문제의답변시간제한없음 한문제권장답변시간 2 분
OPIc 시험정보 4. OPIc 의등급 총 7 개의등급 대부분의기업체에서요구하는등급은 IL, IM 등급
OPIc 시험정보 5. OPIc 화면구성과진행방식 오리엔테이션 [20 분 ] Background Survey 본인의신분과관심분야선택 Self Assessment 시험난이도결정 Overview of OPIc 문제를듣고답하는방법안내
OPIc 시험정보 5. OPIc 화면구성과진행방식 본시험 [40 분 ] 1st Session 본시험첫번째세션 난이도재조정두번째세션들의난이도선택 2nd Session 재조정한난이도의문제가출제
OPIc 시험정보 5. OPIc 화면구성과진행방식문제구성 자기소개문제 선택주제문제 Role-play 문제 돌발주제문제 콤보문제 묶음문제
Today s Questions Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Please tell me a little about yourself. * 학생 / 직장인의경우 Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them.
1 주차. 자기소개하기 Questions
면접관의질문을잘듣고각자의상황에맞게 2 분간답해보세요. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Hint! < 학생 > name age school grade major future plans < 직장인 > occupation position and responsibilities at work
면접관의질문을잘듣고각자의상황에맞게 2 분간답해보세요. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. Hint! < 가족소개 > family members appearances personality hobbies responsibilities at home
모범답안을미리확인해보세요. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Hello, Eva. My name is Heather Kim, and I turned 22 this year. It is my second year at Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. I major in English education, and I am greatly interested in teaching English to young learners. I plan to continue my studies in a graduate program and hope to become a professor.
모범답안을미리확인해보세요. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. My friends describe me as sociable and easygoing because I enjoy meeting new people. Other than that, I love reading and cooking. I take pride in making people happy with the delicious food I make.
모범답안을미리확인해보세요. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Nice to meet you, Eva. I am Johnny Lee, and I am in my early 40s. I currently work for a multinational Korean motor vehicle company. In my role as manager in the Customer Service department, it is my responsibility to make sure that our customers are pleased with the company s services.
모범답안을미리확인해보세요. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. During work hours, I primarily handle complaints from customers and actively pursue improvements to our services. At home, I am a devoted husband and father of two. My family and I enjoy going camping on the weekends and spending time in the mountains. It s a great way for the whole family to recharge.
모범답안을미리확인해보세요. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. There are four members in my family; my father, my mother, my little brother, and myself. My father works at a multinational company, so he is usually busy during the week. On the weekends he makes family a priority. My mother runs the entire household and supports all our activities. When we come home from a long day, she always makes sure we have something healthy and delicious.
모범답안을미리확인해보세요. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. My 17-year-old little brother studies hard every day. He comes home late from his after-school studies. I often help him with his homework. My family and I spend a lot of time together. We especially enjoy hiking on the weekends as well as traveling to new places during vacation. I am happy to have such a close and loving relationship with my family.
1 주차. 자기소개하기 Lecture 1
Q1. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Brainstorming 1) Basic Information: name, age, school, grade, major, future plans, etc. 2) Additional Information: personality, interest, hobbies, strengths and weaknesses, etc.
Q1. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Model Answer Hello, Eva. My name is Heather Kim, and I turned 22 this year. It is my second year at Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. I major in English education, and I am greatly interested in teaching English to young learners. I plan to continue my studies in a graduate program and hope to become a professor. My friends describe me as sociable and easygoing because I enjoy meeting new people. Other than that, I love reading and cooking. I take pride in making people happy with the delicious food I make.
Q1. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Key Vocabulary grade 학년 major 전공 interested 흥미있는 graduate program 대학원과정 sociable 사교적인 easygoing 마음이편안한
Q1. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Key Phrases I turned [age] this year. I m in my [grade] year at [school]. I major in [field of major]. I am interested in V-ing I plan to and hope to become a I love V-ing I take pride in V-ing
Q1. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Model Answer Hello, Eva. My name is Heather Kim, and I turned 22 this year. 안녕하세요, 에바씨. 저의이름은김헤더이고, 올해 22 살이되었습니다. It is my second year at Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. 저는사이버한국외국어대학교에다니는 2 학년생입니다.
Q1. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Model Answer I major in English education, and I am greatly interested in teaching English to young learners. 저는영어교육을전공하고있고, 어린학습자들에게영어를가르치는것에관심이많습니다. I plan to continue my studies in a graduate program and hope to become a professor. 앞으로대학원에가서공부를계속해서, 대학교수가되기를희망합니다.
Q1. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Model Answer My friends describe me as sociable and easygoing because I enjoy meeting new people. 친구들은제가새로운사람들과만나는것을좋아하기때문에저를사교적이고마음이편안하다고묘사합니다. Other than that, I love reading and cooking. I take pride in making people happy with the delicious food I make. 그외에도, 저는책읽는것과요리하는것을즐깁니다. 저는제가만든맛있는음식으로사람들을기쁘게만드는것을자랑스럽게여깁니다.
1 주차. 자기소개하기 Lecture 2
Q2. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Brainstorming 1) Basic Information: name, age, occupation, position and responsibilities at work, etc. 2) Additional Information: family, hobbies, etc.
Q2. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Model Answer Nice to meet you, Eva. I am Johnny Lee, and I am in my early 40s. I currently work for a multinational Korean motor vehicle company. In my role as manager in the Customer Service department, it is my responsibility to make sure that our customers are pleased with the company s services. During work hours, I primarily handle complaints from customers and actively pursue improvements to our services. At home, I am a devoted husband and father of two. My family and I enjoy going camping on the weekends and spending time in the mountains. It s a great way for the whole family to recharge.
Q2. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Key Vocabulary early 40s 40 대초반 vehicle 자동차 department 부서 pleased 만족하다 work hours 업무시간 handle 다루다 / 처리하다 customer 고객 recharge 재충전하는
Q2. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Key Phrases I am in my early 40s. I currently work for [company]. In my role as [position at work] in the [department name] department It is my responsibility to I am a/an [adj.] husband and father of [no. of children]. My family and I enjoy V-ing
Q2. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Model Answer Nice to meet you, Eva. I am Johnny Lee, and I am in my early 40s. 에바씨, 만나서반갑습니다. 저는이쟈니이고제나이는 40 대초반입니다. I currently work for a multinational Korean motor vehicle company. 저는현재한국의한다국적기업의자동차회사에서일하고있습니다.
Q2. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Model Answer In my role as manager in the Customer Service department, it is my responsibility to make sure that our customers are pleased with the company s services. 저는고객서비스부서의매니저로서, 우리고객들이회사의서비스에만족을하게끔하는것을책임지고있습니다.
Q2. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Model Answer During work hours, I primarily handle complaints from customers and actively pursue improvements to our services. 업무시간에는주로고객들의불평사항들을처리하고우리서비스의개선을위해적극적으로노력합니다. At home, I am a devoted husband and father of two. 집에서는저는헌신적인남편이며두아이의아버지입니다.
Q2. Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Model Answer My family and I enjoy going camping on the weekends and spending time in the mountains. 저의가족과저는주말에캠핑하는것과산속에서시간을보내는것을즐깁니다. It s a great way for the whole family to recharge. 그것은온가족이모두재충전하는데좋은방법입니다.
1 주차. 자기소개하기 Lecture 3
Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. Brainstorming 1) Introduce family: family members, appearances, personality, hobbies, responsibilities at home, etc. 2) Describe relationship: time spent together, feelings toward family, etc.
Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. Model Answer There are four members in my family; my father, my mother, my little brother, and myself. My father works at a multinational company, so he is usually busy during the week. On the weekends he makes family a priority. My mother runs the entire household and supports all our activities. When we come home from a long day, she always makes sure we have something healthy and delicious. My 17-year-old little brother studies hard every day. He comes home late from his after-school studies. I often help him with his homework. My family and I spend a lot of time together. We especially enjoy hiking on the weekends as well as traveling to new places during vacation. I am happy to have such a close and loving relationship with my family.
Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. Key Vocabulary multinational company 다국적기업 priority 가장중요한것 / 일 household 가사일 support 도와주다 spend time together 시간을같이보내다 after-school studies 방과후학습 vacation 방학
Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. Key Phrases There are [no. of family members] members in my family; [family members]. He is usually ~ during the week. He makes ~ priority. I often help [family member] with his/her homework. We especially enjoy V-ing. I am happy to have ~
Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. Model Answer There are four members in my family; my father, my mother, my little brother, and myself. 우리가족은아버지, 어머니, 남동생, 그리고저이렇게네명입니다. My father works at a multinational company, so he is usually busy during the week. 아버지는한다국적기업에서일하기때문에주중에는주로바쁘십니다.
Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. Model Answer On the weekends he makes family a priority. 주말에는가족을가장중요하게여기십니다. My mother runs the entire household and supports all our activities. When we come home from a long day, she always makes sure we have something healthy and delicious. 어머니는집에서전체가사일을돌보고우리의모든일들을도와주십니다. 우리가힘든하루를보내고집에돌아올때는언제나건강에좋고맛있는음식을먹게해주십니다.
Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. Model Answer My 17-year-old little brother studies hard every day. He comes home late from his after-school studies. I often help him with his homework. 17 살인남동생은매일공부를열심히합니다. 방과후학습을하다가늦게집에옵니다. 저는자주동생의숙제를도와줍니다.
Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. Model Answer We especially enjoy hiking on the weekends as well as traveling to new places during vacation. 우리는주말에등산하는것을특히좋아하고방학때는새로운곳으로여행하는것을즐깁니다. I am happy to have such a close and loving relationship with my family. 저는이렇게가깝고사랑하는가족이있어서행복합니다.
1 주차. 자기소개하기 Speak up
설명을잘듣고질문에대한답변을말해보세요. Step1. 말할내용생각해보기 Step2. 답변문장 1초만에말해보기 Step3. 질문듣고스스로답해보기 (2분간) Final. 모범답변확인하기
Question 1
Step1. 말할내용생각해보기 (1 분 ) Q1. Please tell me something about yourself. ( 학생인경우 ) 저는올해 [ 나이 ] 살이되었습니다. 저는가되고싶습니다. 저는대학교 [ 학년 ] 이고, [ 학교 ] 에다닙니다. 제전공은 [ 전공과목 ] 입니다. 저는에관심이있습니다. 저는를할계획입니다. 친구들은저를묘사합니다. 저는하는것을좋아합니다. 하다고
Step2. 답변문장 1 초만에말해보기 앞에서생각했던문장들이하나씩제시됩니다. 다음에나오는문장을영어로바꾸어 1 초만에말해보세요. 3 2 1 Start!
Step2. 답변문장 1 초만에말해보기 Q1. Please tell me something about yourself. ( 학생인경우 ) 저는올해 [ 나이 ] 살이되었습니다. 저는대학교 [ 학년 ] 이고, [ 학교 ] 에다닙니다. 제전공은입니다. 저는에관심이있습니다.
Step2. 답변문장 1 초만에말해보기 Q1. Please tell me something about yourself. ( 학생인경우 ) 저는를할계획입니다. 저는가되고싶습니다. 친구들은저를하다고묘사합니다. 저는하는것을좋아합니다.
Step3. 질문듣고스스로답해보기 (2 분 ) 앞에서연습했던내용을바탕으로 실제인터뷰질문에자유롭게답변해보세요. 3 2 1 Start!
Step3. 질문듣고스스로답해보기 (2 분 ) Q1. Please tell me something about yourself. ( 학생인경우 )
Final. 모범답변확인하기 Q1. Please tell me something about yourself. ( 학생인경우 ) Hello, Eva. My name is Heather Kim, and I turned 22 this year. It is my second year at Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. I major in English education, and I am greatly interested in teaching English to young learners. I plan to continue my studies in a graduate program and hope to become a professor. My friends describe me as sociable and easygoing because I enjoy meeting new people. Other than that, I love reading and cooking. I take pride in making people happy with the delicious food I make.
Question 2
Step1. 말할내용생각해보기 (1 분 ) Q2. Please tell me something about yourself. ( 직장인인경우 ) 저는현재 [ 회사이름 ] 에서일하고있습니다. 저는 [ 부서이름 ] 부서의로서, 를책임지고 / 맡고있습니다. 저는한남편 / 아내이며의아버지 / 어머니입니다. 우리가족은하는것을즐깁니다.
Step2. 답변문장 1 초만에말해보기 앞에서생각했던문장들이하나씩제시됩니다. 다음에나오는문장을영어로바꾸어 1 초만에말해보세요. 3 2 1 Start!
Step2. 답변문장 1 초만에말해보기 Q2. Please tell me something about yourself. ( 직장인인경우 ) 저는현재 [ 회사이름 ] 에서일하고있습니다. 저는 [ 부서이름 ] 부서의로서, 를책임지고 / 맡고있습니다. 저는한남편 / 아내이며의아버지 / 어머니입니다. 우리가족은하는것을즐깁니다.
Step3. 질문듣고스스로답해보기 (2 분 ) 앞에서연습했던내용을바탕으로 실제인터뷰질문에자유롭게답변해보세요. 3 2 1 Start!
Step3. 질문듣고스스로답해보기 (2 분 ) Q2. Please tell me something about yourself. ( 직장인인경우 )
Final. 모범답변확인하기 Q2. Please tell me something about yourself. ( 직장인인경우 ) Nice to meet you, Eva. I am Johnny Lee, and I am in my early 40s. I currently work for a multinational Korean motor vehicle company. In my role as manager in the Customer Service department, it is my responsibility to make sure that our customers are pleased with the company s services. During work hours, I primarily handle complaints from customers and actively pursue improvements to our services. At home, I am a devoted husband and father of two. My family and I enjoy going camping on the weekends and spending time in the mountains. It s a great way for the whole family to recharge.
Question 3
Step1. 말할내용생각해보기 (1 분 ) Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. 우리가족은명으로이루어져있습니다. [ 가족구성원 ] 입니다. 아버지는에서근무하고있습니다. 000는주말에는하는것을즐깁니다. 남동생은를열심히합니다.
Step1. 말할내용생각해보기 (1 분 ) Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. 우리는주말에하는것을즐깁니다. 저는하기때문에행복합니다.
Step2. 답변문장 1 초만에말해보기 앞에서생각했던문장들이하나씩제시됩니다. 다음에나오는문장을영어로바꾸어 1 초만에말해보세요. 3 2 1 Start!
Step2. 답변문장 1 초만에말해보기 Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. 우리가족은명으로이루어져있습니다. [ 가족구성원 ] 입니다. 아버지는에서근무하고있습니다. 000 는주말에는하는것을즐깁니다. 남동생은를열심히합니다.
Step2. 답변문장 1 초만에말해보기 Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. 우리는주말에하는것을즐깁니다. 저는하기때문에행복합니다.
Step3. 질문듣고스스로답해보기 (2 분 ) 앞에서연습했던내용을바탕으로 실제인터뷰질문에자유롭게답변해보세요. 3 2 1 Start!
Step3. 질문듣고스스로답해보기 (2 분 ) Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them.
Final. 모범답변확인하기 Q3. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them. There are four members in my family; my father, my mother, my little brother, and myself. My father works at a multinational company, so he is usually busy during the week. On the weekends he makes family a priority. My mother runs the entire household and supports all our activities. When we come home from a long day, she always makes sure we have something healthy and delicious. My 17-year-old little brother studies hard every day. He comes home late from his afterschool studies. I often help him with his homework. My family and I spend a lot of time together. We especially enjoy hiking on the weekends as well as traveling to new places during vacation. I am happy to have such a close and loving relationship with my family.
1 주차. 자기소개하기 Wrap up
Summary OPIc 시험정보 Let s start the interview now. Please tell me something about yourself. Please tell me about your family members and your relationship with them.
One Point Lesson 물흐르듯자연스럽게 No pauses, brakes, repetitions, fillers, etc.