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저자소개 이유미현한양대학교국제어학원교수이화여자대학교대학원영어영문학과문학박사한양한국어 1~3 ( 공저 ) 최희정현한양대학교국제어학원한국어강사한양대학교교육대학원한국어교육석사한국외국어대학교대학원국어국문학과박사수료 이민아현한양대학교국제어학원한국어강사한양대학교교육대학원한국어교육석사 임정남현한양대학교국제어학원한국어강사한양대학교교육대학원한국어교육석사한양대학교대학원국어국문학과박사수료 초판 1쇄발행 2013년 2월 15일초판 2쇄발행 2015년 9월 18일 지은이펴낸이기획팀편집팀관리팀펴낸곳 한양대학교국제어학원박민우송인성, 김선명, 박민하박우진, 김영주, 김정아, 최미라임선희, 정철호, 김성언, 권주련 ( 주 ) 도서출판하우 주소 서울시중랑구망우로 68길 48 전화 (02)922-7090 팩스 (02)922-7092 홈페이지 http://www.hawoo.co.kr e-mail hawoo@hawoo.co.kr 등록번호제306-2004-22호 값 14,000 원 ISBN 978-89-7699-909-2 18710 ISBN 978-89-7699-908-5 (set) 이책의저자와 ( 주 ) 도서출판하우는모든자료의출처및저작권을확인하고정상적인절차를밟아사용하였습니다. 일부누락된부분이있을경우에는이후확인과정을거쳐반영하겠습니다. 이책은저작권법에따라보호받는저작물이므로무단전재와무단복제를금지하며, 이책내용의전부또는일부를이용하려면반드시저작권자와 ( 주 ) 도서출판하우의서면동의를받아야합니다.

머리말 세계에서가장많은인구가사용하는언어는중국어, 영어, 스페인어순이다. 통계에의하면한국어를사용하는인구는전세계약 7,700 만명정도로, 일본어나독일어보다는적은숫자지만세계에서대략 11위권에해당된다. 이는한국의경제력과문화산업의성장에따른결과이다. 뿐만아니라국립국어원, 국립국제교육원, 문화체육관광부, 세종학당, 한국문화원등여러기관에서한국어교육의보급을위해적극적인지원을아끼지않았기때문이다. 최근들어서는 K-POP 등한류의영향으로한국어에대한외국인들의관심이크게높아지고있다. 미국, 일본, 중국의한국어학습자수가지속적으로증가하고있을뿐만아니라, 대만, 말레이시아, 인도네시아, 몽골, 카자흐스탄, 브라질, 칠레등세계각국에서도한국어를배우려고하는외국인들이갈수록늘어나고있다. 이는매년실시하는한국어능력시험 (TOPIK) 응시자수의증가에서쉽게확인할수있는데, 2011년까지한국어능력시험에응시한학생수는총 79만 3,000 명에달한다. 또한세계각국에서한국어를배우러한국에오는학생수도급속히증가하고있다. 그대상도한국어전공자를넘어서일반인들로확대되어가고있다. 한국어학습에대한요구도변화를보이고있는데, 특히단기연수과정을통하여한국어와한국문화를배우고체험하고자하는외국인학습자들의수요가증가하고있다. 이처럼한국어를배우려는외국인들이꾸준히증가함에따라일반정규과정외국인학생들을위한한국어교재는다양하게많이개발되어있다. 그러나단기연수과정을위한전문적인학습교재는거의개발되어있지않은상황이어서기존정규과정의교재를일부발췌하여사용하고있는실정이다. 한양대학교국제어학원은이러한요구에부응하여오랫동안외국인에게한국어를가르쳐온전임교수들을중심으로기존정규과정교재의틀에서벗어나내용과형식면에서단기학습자에게적합한전문교재를편찬하였다. < 빨리배우는한국어 1> 는단기간에한국어를쉽고재미있게배우고자하는외국인과재외동포를위한단기통합교재이다. 이책은한국어초급학습자들에게가장핵심적인어휘와문법을제시하여한국어를단기간에배울수있도록만들었을뿐만아니라, 외국인에게널리알려진한국의대중문화를통해한국어를쉽고재미있게배울수있도록내용을구성하였다.

외국인학습자에게가장적합한최고의한국어교재를집필하기위하여지난몇년간헌신적으로노력해주신이영숙, 이유미, 김정훈교수와그밖의한국어선생님들, 제작을위해모든행정적지원에최선을다해준이희자과장외여러직원들의노고에감사를드린다. 또한국제어학원한국어교재를편찬하기까지전폭적으로지지해주신임덕호총장님께감사드리며, 좋은교재가출판될수있도록심혈을기울여주신 ( 주 ) 도서출판하우에도감사의마음을표한다. 끝으로이책으로공부하는모든학생들이가장쉽고, 재미있고, 정확하고유창하게한국어를배워서앞으로한국과자신의국가간경제와문화교류의가교역할을할수있기를기원한다. 2013 년 2 월 1 일 한양대학교국제어학원장서원남 5

Prologue The world s most widely spoken languages are Chinese, English and Spanish respectively. According to statistics, there are about 77 million Korean speakers in the world. Although it is less than Japanese or German speakers, it ranks in the top 11th most spoken languages. This is the result of Korea's economic power and the growth of its cultural industry. Furthermore, it is thanks to the National Institute of the Korean Language, the National Institute for International Education, the Ministry of Culture, the King Sejong Institute, and the Korean Culture Center along with other various institutes who have actively supported Korean language education. Recently, there is much interest in the Korean language from foreigners due to the increasing popularity of K-pop and the influence of the Korean wave. There are an increasing number of Korean learners in the US, Japan, China, and also an increasing number in many different parts of the world such as Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Brazil, Chile etc. This can be confirmed by the number of applicants who register for the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) held annually. Until 2011, there were a total of 793 thousand students who have applied. There are also rapidly increasing numbers of students from all over the world who come to Korea to learn Korean. These students range not only in Korean majors, but is spreading out to the general public as well. There is also a change in demand for learning strategies, as there are an especially increasing number of foreign learners who wish to learn Korean and experience the Korean culture through short term language courses. Due to such demand in foreigners wanting to learn Korean, there are various Korean language teaching materials for regular course foreign students. However, there is rarely any material specifically targeted for students in short term language courses, so only excerpts of regular course materials are currently being used. Hanyang University's International Language Institute has compiled a specialized textbook suitable for short term learners with the help of 6

full-time professors who have taught Korean for a long time. <Quick Korean 1> is an integrated textbook for foreigners and overseas Koreans who wish to learn Korean in a fun and easy way within a short amount of time. This book presents the most core, essential vocabulary and grammar for beginning Korean learners to learn in a short amount of time, and it is also composed of popular Korean culture widely known to foreigners, making it easy and entertaining for the learner. Many thanks to Professors Lee Young Sook, Lee Yu Mi, and Kim Jung Hoon who devoted years of efforts in trying to make the best textbook most suitable for the foreign learner, and to section chief Lee Hee Ja and many members of the staff for administrative support in the production of this book. Also special thanks to President Lim Duk Ho who wholeheartedly supported the compilation of this book, and to Hawoo Publishing Company for devoting themselves in publishing good quality materials. Lastly, I wish all the students studying this book can learn Korean accurately and fluently and become a bridge for economic and cultural exchange between Korea and their own country. February 1st, 2013 Director, Hanyang University International Language Institute Seo, Weon Nam 7

일러두기 빨리배우는한국어 1 은단기간에한국어를배우고자하는외국인과재외동포를위해쉽고재미있게쓰여진단기통합교재이다. 이책은한국어를처음배우는학습자들이한글자모를익혀한글을읽고쓰게하는데목표를두었다. 또한소개하기, 주문하기, 물건사기등생활에기본적인회화기능을익혀한국어의사소통능력을기를수있게하였다. < 빨리배우는한국어 1> 은크게 < 한글공부 > 와 < 회화공부 > 의두부분으로나뉜다. 한글공부는 4과로, 회화공부는 5과 10항으로구성하였다. 본교재를끝내려면각각 4시간분량으로한글공부 16시간과회화공부 40시간을합하여총 56시간이소요된다. < 한글공부 > 는각과마다 3항으로구성하여자모와음절체계를단계적으로학습시킴으로써한글을읽고듣고쓸수있도록하였다. 뒷부분에는단어읽기, 문장읽기를두어회화학습으로자연스럽게연결될수있도록하였다. < 회화공부 > 는초급학습자들에게필수적인주제인 교실, 한국소개, 식당, 쇼핑, 서울구경 을중심으로단원을구성하였다. 수업단계는도입에서학습목표를제시한후단어공부, 문법공부, 대화문, 말하기과제, 듣기과제, 읽고쓰기과제의순으로이루어지는데, 이를구체적으로소개하면다음과같다. 도입 [ 도입 ] 에서는각단원의주제에맞는사진을제시하여시각적으로 학습을돕도록하였으며, 학습목표를주어목표기능과목표문법, 그리고목표어휘를제시하였다. 단어공부 [ 단어공부 ] 에서는주제와관련된단어를 의미장으로묶어서제시하였으며, 사진이나 51 삽화를이용하여초급학습자들이단어를 쉽게배울수있도록하였다. 문법공부 declarative ending E 152 158 164 52 53 [ 문법공부 ] 에서는각항마다두개의문법을배우도록하였다. 예문을통하여 목표문법이어떻게사용되는지를보이고, 대화를통해담화안에서문법을익히도록하였다. 특히형태연습에만그치지않도록유의미한연습을통해문법학습을도왔다. 좀더상세한문법설명이필요한학습자를위하여 < 부록 > 에서영어, 일본어, 중국어로문법해설을하고, 이를쉽게찾아볼수있도록페이지를표기하여놓았다. ( E 152 日 158 中 164) 8 빨리배우는한국어 1

Track 45 Track 44 Track 43 Track 42 대화문 [ 대화문 ] 에서는주제에맞는짧은담화를제시하여기본대화를충분히익히도록하고, 기본대화를응용하여대화를만들어보도록하였다. 과제 1- 말하기 과제 2- 듣기 [ 과제1-말하기 ] 에서는주제와관련된과제를제시하여기본적인의사소통능력을기를수있도록하였으며, 앞에서학습한어휘와문법을활용하여정확성과유창성을함께기를수있도록유도하였다. [ 과제 2- 듣기 ] 에서는듣기지문을듣도록 하여구어의이해능력뿐만아니라구어사용능력을기르도록하였다. 56 과제 3- 읽고쓰기 57 [ 과제3-읽고쓰기 ] 에서는단원의주제와관련된내용의산문을제시하여문어의이해능력과쓰기능력을기르도록하였다. 읽기활동을한후에는내용이해를확인하는질문을하도록하였으며, 마지막단계로읽기텍스트를응용한산문쓰기가이루어지도록하였다. 58 부록으로는 < 듣기지문 >, < 듣기정답 >, < 문법해설 >, < 어휘색인 > 을두어교사와학습자에게도움이되도록하였다. 이책은한국어초급학습자들에게한글자모를학습시키고생활에기본적인의사소통능력을기르게하여한국어를단기간에빨리배울수있도록하였으며더나아가한국의문화를통해한국어를재미있게배울수있도록내용을구성하였다. 아무쪼록이책이한국어와한국문화를배우고자하는국내외의많은사람들에게두루활용되기를기대한다. 9

How to Use This Book <Quick Korean 1> is an integrated textbook for foreigners and overseas Koreans who wish to learn Korean in a fun and easy way within a short period of time. This book is for beginners of Korean language and is focused on teaching Hangeul, the Korean alphabet, in order for them to read and write. It also enables the learners to improve their communication skills through basic conversation such as Introduction, Ordering food, Purchasing Items etc. <Quick Korean 1> is divided into two parts: <Korean Alphabet> and <Conversation>. The Korean Alphabet part consists of 4 lessons, and the Conversation part consists of 5 lessons divided into 10 sections. As each section takes 4 hours, the Korean Alphabet part will take 16 hours, and the Conversation part will take 40 hours, totaling a time of 56 hours to complete the book. <Korean Alphabet> is composed of 3 sections for each lesson enabling students to learn Korean alphabet and the syllable structures, so that they can read, listen and write Hangeul. The sections of reading words and sentences can be related to the Conversation part step by step. <Conversation> is composed of essential topics for beginners, such as Classroom, Introducing Korea, Restaurants, Shopping and Seoul Sightseeing. The lessons are composed in the following order: Introduction with Learning Objectives, Vocabulary Study, Grammar Practice, Conversation Section, Task 1-Speaking, Task 2-Listening, and Task 3-Reading and Writing. More specifically, as follows. Introduction [Introduction] A picture for each lesson s topic will be presented helping the learner to understand. Presents learning objectives, including proposing target functions, target grammar, and target vocabulary. Vocabulary Study 51 [Vocabulary Study] Presents the topic-related words using pictures or illustrations, so beginners can learn easily. Grammar Practice declarative ending E 152 158 164 52 53 [Grammar Practice] In each section of this unit, the student will learn two grammar rules. An example sentence is given to see how the target grammar is used, and uses conversation to familiarize the grammar. Meaningful exercises enhance the learning experience so that the learning is not based only on memorization. For learners who need further explanations, grammar explanation is given in English, Japanese, and Chinese in the <Appendix> section and the page numbers will be marked for easy access. ( E 152 日 158 中 164) 10 빨리배우는한국어 1

Track 45 Track 44 Track 43 Track 42 Conversation Section [Conversation Section] Presents a short dialogue related to the topic enabling the student to make basic conversation. Applies use of basic dialogue for making various conversations. Task1-Speaking Task2-Listening [Task1-Speaking] Presents a task related to the topic enabling the learner to improve basic communication skills, and enables the learner to use the communication skills to improve vocabulary and grammar skills in accuracy and fluency. 56 [Task2-Listening] The learner listens to the given recording which enhances spoken language comprehension as well as speaking skills. Task3-Reading and Writing 57 [Task3-Reading and Writing] Presents a written text related to the topic, enhancing written language comprehension as well as writing skills. After reading the text, a list of questions will be asked to the reader to make sure they understood. As the final step of the lesson, the student will make a composition using the reading text. 58 In the appendix, <Listening Scripts>, <Listening Answers>, <Grammar Explanations>, <Vocabulary Index> are given to assist teachers and students. This book enables beginners of Korean language to study the Korean alphabet and to use the basic conversational skills within a short period of time. Furthermore, it is composed in an interesting way by using the Korean culture. Hopefully this book will be useful to many people in and abroad who wish to learn about the Korean language and culture. 11

교수요목 한글공부 단원 1 2 3 4 단원명한글 1 한글 2 한글 3 한글 4 학습내용 1. 기본모음 2. 기본자음 3. 음절구조 1 1. 격음 2. 경음 3. 이중모음 1 1. 음절구조 2 2. 받침 3. 단어읽기 1. 이중모음 2 2. 겹받침 3. 문장읽기 회화공부 단원 단원명 기능및과제문법어휘 5 교실 1 교실 2 사람과사물의이름말하기자기소개하기이름묻고답하기장소관련묻고답하기 -이에요/-예요 -이에요?/- 예요? 이 / 가에있어요 책, 책상, 선생님, 학생학교, 교실, 컴퓨터, 텔레비전 6 한국소개 1 한국소개 2 한국문화소개하기사물을지시하여말하기형용사배우기부정표현배우기 은 / 는이 ~/ 저 ~/ 그 ~ ( 형용사 )-어요/-아요안 ~ 옷, 음식, 영화, 소개좋다, 예쁘다, 맛있다, 맵다 7 식당 1 식당 2 동사배우기목적어를가진문장만들기음식주문하기가격묻고답하기 ( 동사 )-어요/-아요을 / 를 -으세요/-세요하고 먹다, 마시다, 밥, 빵, 라면비빔밥, 된장찌개, 천원, 만원 8 쇼핑 1 쇼핑 2 목적지말하기장소와행동표현하기단위명사배우기물건사기 에가다에서몇 ~? 에얼마예요? 백화점, 시장, 구두, 화장품하나, 둘, 셋, 명, 개, 벌 9 서울구경 1 서울구경 2 제안하기권유하기소망말하기지하철이용하기 -읍시다/-ㅂ시다 -을까요?/- ㄹ까요? -고싶다에어떻게가요? 산, 바다, 지하철, 타다남산, 경복궁, 지하철역, 내리다 12 빨리배우는한국어 1

목차 Contents 한글공부제1과한글 (1) 17 제2과한글 (2) 25 제3과한글 (3) 33 제4과한글 (4) 41 회화공부제5과교실 <1> 51 제5과교실 <2> 59 제6과한국소개 <1> 67 제6과한국소개 <2> 75 제7과식당 <1> 83 제7과식당 <2> 91 제8과쇼핑 <1> 99 제8과쇼핑 <2> 107 제9과서울구경 <1> 115 제9과서울구경 <2> 123 부록듣기지문 132 듣기정답 146 문법해설 152 어휘색인 170


Korean Alphabet 한글은조선시대의제 4 대왕인세종대왕이 1443 년에만든글자이다. The Korean alphabet is called Hangeul, which was invented by King Se-jong in 1443. (King Se-jong is the 4th king of Cho-sun dynasty.) 1) 한글을 19개의자음으로구성되어있다. 그목록은다음과같다. Hangeul consists of 19 consonants. The list of consonants is like the followings. 자음 consonants 1 2 3 ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅎ [g/k] [n] [d/t] [l/r] [m] [b/p] [s/ʃ] [ø/ŋ] [ʒ/ʤ] [h] ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅊ [k h ] [t h ] [p h ] [c h ] ㄲ ㄸ ㅃ ㅆ ㅉ [k'] [t'] [p'] [s'] [c'] 2) 한글은 21개의모음으로구성되어있다. 그목록은다음과같다. Hangeul consists of 21 vowels. The list of vowels is like the followings. 모음 vowels 1 2 3 ㅏ ㅓ ㅗ ㅜ ㅡ ㅣ ㅐ ㅔ [a] [ә] [o] [u] [ɨ] [i] [ɛ] [e] ㅑ ㅕ ㅛ ㅠ ㅢ ㅒ ㅖ [ya] [yə] [yo] [yu] [ɨy] [yɛ] [ye] ㅘ ㅝ ㅚ ㅟ ㅙ ㅞ [wa] [wә] [we] [wi] [wɛ] [we] 3) 자음과모음이결합하여다음과같은음절을형성한다. Possible syllable structures in Korean are as the followings. 1 모음 V ㅏ 아 2 자음 + 모음 CV ㄹ + ㅣ 리 3 자음 + 모음 + 자음 CVC ㄹ + ㅏ + ㅇ 랑 16

제 1 과 한글 ➊ 1 2 기본모음 6Basic Vowels 기본자음 9 Basic Consonants 학습목표 ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅗ, ㅜ, ㅡ, ㅣ ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅈ, ㅎ 3 음절구조 Basic Syllable Structures V: 아, 어, 오, 우, 으, 이 CV: 가, 거, 고, 구, 그, 기...... 17

1.1 기본모음 6 Basic Vowels 모음ㅏㅓㅗㅜㅡㅣ 발음 [a] [ә] [o] [u] [ɨ] [i] 입모양 글자아어오우으이 쓰는순서 1. 다음글자를읽으세요. 1) 이 2) 으 3) 어 4) 오 5) 우 6) 아 2. 다음글자를읽으세요. 1) 이으 2) 으우 3) 우오 4) 우이 5) 어오 6) 이오 7) 으아 8) 어아 3. 다음을쓰세요. 글자아어오우으이 쓰기 18 빨리배우는한국어 1