MD VOCABULARY 33000 1. MD VOCABULARY 33000 MIM DESIGN(010-5388-7142) 2.
P R E F A C E MD VOCABULARY 33000 3. 1. 2.
MD VOCABULARY 33000 Preview 01. abdicate 02. abduct 03. aberrant 01. abstruse 02. abdicate 1st 2nd 3rd 07 08 09 22 MD 33000 Lecture 01 abominate [ b m neit] aboriginal [æb ríd, nl] abortion [ b ;R n] n. abominátion a. abóminable (abhorrent) [Óum n] n. aborígine cf. cólonist [ ríd, neit] [ m n s] [dis rient] v. abórt n. abórtionist a. abórtive unsuccessful) cf. miscárriage stíll birth [ ríg nl] [ ríd, neit] Check - up Test 1. The landscape can change abruptly after a rainstorm in the desert Southwest. (a) quickly (b) sharply (c) favorably (d) slightly úseless fútile 23 26 MD 33000 Lecture 01 acknowledge [ækn lid,] acme (admit that it is true; recognize) n. acknówledg(e)ment (the highest point; zenith) 1. break Break a leg! break away break down
MD VOCABULARY 33000 STEP1 STEP2 STEP3 STEP4 STEP5 STEP6 STEP7 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
MD VOCABULARY CONTENTS MD VOCABULARY 33000 Part (Major Prefixes) Part (Other Prefixes) Lecture 1. AB- 19 Lecture 2. AD- 29 Lecture 3. AD- 39 Lecture 4. AD- 49 Lecture 5. AD- 61 Lecture 22. EX- 271 Lecture 23. IN- 285 Lecture 24. IN- 297 Lecture 25. IN- 311 Lecture 26. IN- 323 Lecture 43. AMBI-, ANA-, ANTE-, APO-, ARCH-, AUTO-, BI-, BY-, CATA-, DI-/DUO-, DIA- 531 541 Lecture 44. EU-, EXTRA-, FOR-, FORE-, HETERO-/HOMO-, HOLO-, HYPER-/HYPO-, INFRA-, INTRA-/INTRO-, MACRO-/MICRO-, META-, MISO-, MONO- 545 555 Lecture 45. MULTI-, NEO-, NON-, OMNI-, PAN-, PERI-, POLY-, POST-, PROTO-, SYN-, TELE-, UNI-, VICE-, WITH- 559 569 Lecture 6. AD- 71 Lecture 27. IN- 337 Lecture 7. AN-, A-, ANTI- 83 Lecture 28. IN- 349 Part (Advanced Words) 573 Lecture 8. BE-, BENE- 95 Lecture 9. CIRCUM-, COM- 107 Lecture 10. COM- 121 Lecture 29. INTER-, MAL-, MIS- 363 Lecture 30. OB- 375 Lecture 31. OVER- 389 Part (Top-level Words) 1. 642 2. 681 Lecture 11. COM- 133 Lecture 12. COM- 145 Lecture 13. COM- 157 Lecture 32. OUT-, PARA- 399 Lecture 33. PER- 409 Lecture 34. PRE- 419 Part (Basic Words) 1. 706 2. 736 Lecture 14. CONTRA/COUNTER-, DE- 167 Lecture 15. DE- 179 Lecture 35. PRO- 431 Lecture 36. PRO-, RE- 443 Part (Index) 757 Lecture 16. DE- 193 Lecture 17. DE- 207 Lecture 18. DIS- 221 Lecture 19. EN- 233 Lecture 20. EN-, EPI- 245 Lecture 21. EX- 257 Lecture 37. RE- 453 Lecture 38. RE- 465 Lecture 39. SE-, SUB- 479 Lecture 40. SUPER-, TRANS- 493 Lecture 41. UN- 507 Lecture 42. UN-, UNDER-, UP- 519 1. 6 2. 24 3. 26 4. 46 5. 52
PART (Major Prefixes)
Lecture 01 Preview 1st 2nd 3rd 01. abdicate 02. abduct 03. aberrant 04. abhor 05. abject 06. abolish 07. abominate 08. aboriginal 09. abortion 10. abrasive 11. abrogate 12. abrupt 13. abscond 14. absolve 15. abstain 16. abstruse 17. allay 18. avert 01. abstruse 02. abhor 03. abolish 04. abortion 05. abrogate 06. abrupt 07. aberrant 08. absolve 09. avert 10. abdicate 11. abduct 12. abject 13. abominate 14. aboriginal 15. abrasive 16. abscond 17. abstain 18. allay
20 MD 33000 Lecture 01 AB - away abdúct abhórabórtionabscónd ABSabscónd abstrúse A- avért avocátion Al- alláy 21 1 01 abdicate [ bd keit] abdicátion ábdicant [ díkt] [d dikeit] 02 abduct [æbd=kt] abdúction [ djú;s] [sidjú;s] hate abhór abóminate 03 aberrant [ b r nt] aberrátion [iróuni s] [ir tik] detést loathe cf. dislíke 04 05 abhor [æbh ;R] abject [ bd,ekt] abhórrence abhórrent [h ;r fai] [h r bl] [ d, isnt] [did, kt] Check - up Test 1. Most feminists abhor the thought of a woman being judged on her physical appearance. (a) prefer (b) defer (c) hate (d) imagine 2. The Watergate scandal was the ostensible cause of Nixon s decision to the presidency. (a) abdicate (b) defer (c) precede (d) abhor 3. The abduction of pets has become a national problem. (a) kidnapping (b) poisoning (c) desertion (d) abuse 06 abolish [ b li ] ab(away)+ol(grow)] abolítion abolítionist [æd l snt] 4. The parents grew more abject as the struggle continued. (a) cooperative (b) fearful (c) wretched (d) ferocious 5. There have been calls for the monarchy to be. (a) abolished (b) aborted (c) abstained (d) absconded 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. a
22 MD 33000 23 07 Lecture 01 abominate [ b m neit] abominátion abóminable [Óum n] [ m n s] 1 08 aboriginal [æb ríd, nl] aborígine cólonist [ ríd, neit] [dis rient] 09 abortion [ b ;R n] abórt abórtionist abórtive miscárriage stíll birth [ ríg nl] [ ríd, neit] 10 abrasive [ br isiv] úseless fútile frúitless abórtive cf. vain futile bóotless abráde abrásion [k ród] [iróud] Check - up Test 11 abrogate [ br geit] abrogátion [ r geit] [ r g nt] 1. Jefferson s embargo of 1807 abruptly halted the New England maritime trade. (a) barely (b) temporarily (c) briefly (d) suddenly 2. Judy abominated the sort of hotels that have garbage rotting in their elevators and rats running on their furniture. (a) abhorred (b) accommodated (c) accomplished (d) implemented 12 abrupt [ br=pt] abrúptly [b \kr pt] [ir=pt] 3. The reference of all production at last to an aboriginal power explains the traits common to all works of the highest art. (a) abnormal (b) ordinary (c) alien (d) indigenous 4. A good football coach should discipline without abrasiveness. (a) coldness (b) harshness (c) gesturing (d) hesitation 5. Congress must abrogate the new tax law. (a) abscond (b) assimilate (c) revoke (d) establish 1. d 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. c
24 MD 33000 25 13 14 Lecture 01 abscond [æbsk nd] absolve [æbz lv] [r k ndait] absolútion [dís lu;t] [ins lv nt] 1 15 abstain [æbst in] ábstinence absténtion ábstinent obtúse [dit in] [p Rt in] absólve acquít excúse exónerate, éxculpate párdon 16 abstruse [æbstrú;s] abstrúseness [ikstrú;d] [ btrú;d] forgíve ámnesty condóne cf. remít 17 18 allay [ l i] avert [ vá;rt] álley álloy [l i f] [l iaut] avérsion [ædvá;rt] [k nvá;rt] Check - up Test 1. He tried to avert the accident by coming to a sudden stop. (a) cause (b) control (c) minmize (d) prevent 2. He thought his mother was angry because he with her jewels. (a) abandoned (b) absconded (c) abominated (d) approved 3. Consumers are being asked to abstain from spending as many goods are in short supply. (a) infuriate (b) contradict (c) refrain (d) pervade 4. This book is often mistakenly considered too abstruse for the lay mind. (a) recondite (b) elaborate (c) exquisite (d) impractical 5. His fears were allayed by the news that his family were safe. (a) abstained (b) assuaged (c) absconded (d) absolved 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b
26 MD 33000 27 Lecture 01 acknowledge [ækn lid,] acme [ kmi] acrid [ krid] acrimonious [ækr móuni s] acumen [ kjù;m n] aftermath [ ft Rmæ^] agenda [ d, nd ] (admit that it is true; recognize) n. acknówledg(e)ment (the highest point; zenith) (strong and unpleasant in smell; pungent) n. acrídity (full of bitterness and annoyance; caustic) (keen insight; perspicacity) (the result following a bad event; outcome) (list of things to be dealt with in a meeting; program) amalgamate [ m lg meit] amenity [ m n ti] amiable [ imi bl] amicable [ mik bl] ample [ mpl] animated [ n meitid] animosity [æn m s ti] (unite in one body; combine) n. amalgamátion pl. (agreeable manners; courtesy) (conveniences) (diffusing warmth and friendliness; good-tempered) n. amiabílity (done in a friendly way; peaceable) n. amicabílity (more than sufficient; abundant) v. ámplify (lively; vivacious) pl. (active enmity; antipathy) 1 agile [ d, l] (quick-moving; nimble) n. agílity agitate [ d,iteit] alacrity [ l kr ti] alienate [ ilj neit] altercation [ ;lt Rkèi n] (stir up; disturb) (eager and cheerful readiness; willingness) (make hostile; estrange) (a noisy argument or disagreement; quarrel) v. áltercate 01 02 03 04 Check - up Test a. pl. -ties (agreeable manners; courtesy); (conveniences) altruistic [æltru;ístik] (unselfish and generous; charitable) n. áltruism 05 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
28 MD 33000 Lecture 02 1. break Break a leg! break away Preview break down 1st 2nd 3rd break even 01. abandon break in break off break ones neck[back] break out break the back of ~ break ground 02. abase 03. abate 04. abbreviate 05. abet 06. abridge 07. accede 01. abandon 02. acquiesce 03. acquit 04. acclaim 05. abbreviate break the ice break the news to break up break with ~ call call at (a place) call a spade a spade call down call for call forth 08. accelerate 09. accessory 10. acclaim 11. acclivity 12. accomplice 13. accost 14. accretion 15. accumulate 16. acquiesce 17. acquit 06. abate 07. abet 08. abridge 09. accede 10. accelerate 11. accomplice 12. accretion 13. accumulate 14. abase 15. accessory 16. acclivity 17. accost call it a day call off call on (someone) call someone in question call someone names call someone to account call someone on the carpet