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싱카이 역삼점 메뉴내지_단품음주류



퇴좈저널36호-4차, page Preflight (2)

야쿠르트2010 9월재출

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh

14. 우동 Udon Udon noodle soup with fish cakes and vegetables 15. 김치 볶음밥 Kim-chi Fried Rice Fried rice with Kim-chi, bacon and vegetables with a fried e

I&IRC5 TG_08권

서론 34 2


Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,



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Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이

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SET A Marinated beef rib set $75 (for 2-3 People) Marinated Beef Rib with Bone (Angus Beef) 양념소갈비 800 gram SET B premium beef set $89 (for 2-3 People)

ENEX PRODUCT CONTENTS Designed to resemble a nature Prime Series Standard Series Classy (White & Indigo) New Classy (White & Kha

B WAGYU & ANGUS BEEF SET Wagyu Oyster Blade 150g 와규 부채살 150g Angus Beef Scotch Fillet 180g 앵거스 등심 180g Wagyu Beef Short Rib 150g 와규 갈비살 150g C M

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야쿠르트2010 3월 - 최종

April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습


6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관


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PowerPoint Presentation

중학영어듣기 1학년


현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ 두 갑 두 갑 이상 5. Ho







가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에


s tories from lotte 03 Greeting 13 Issue 1 january 2011 contents 신년사 04 Special Events 설날 선물 세트 롯데호텔서울, 월드, 제주, 울산, 부산 반가 정월 특선 ( 班 家 正 月 特 選 ) 롯데호텔서울



Output file


004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

Contents Life of the highest _ 최상의 주거입지 Wide Premium Excellent Spot All Around Infra 죽동 No.블록 프리미엄 풍수지리 명당 동서남북 인프라 Good to the greatest _ 최고


한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구



아니라 일본 지리지, 수로지 5, 지도 6 등을 함께 검토해야 하지만 여기서는 근대기 일본이 편찬한 조선 지리지와 부속지도만으로 연구대상을 한정하 기로 한다. Ⅱ. 1876~1905년 울릉도 독도 서술의 추이 1. 울릉도 독도 호칭의 혼란과 지도상의 불일치 일본이 조선

<B7CEC4C3B8AEC6BCC0CEB9AEC7D B3E23130BFF9292E687770>


여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장


216 동북아역사논총 41호 인과 경계공간은 설 자리를 잃고 배제되고 말았다. 본고에서는 근세 대마도에 대한 한국과 일본의 인식을 주로 영토와 경계인 식을 중심으로 고찰하고자 한다. 이 시기 대마도에 대한 한일 양국의 인식을 살펴볼 때는 근대 국민국가적 관점에서 탈피할

오크우드 레스토랑 메뉴


182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연





004~009 TASTREET YEONGDEUNGPO MAP 138~143 010~011 YEONGDEUNGPO BEST 12 144~161 012~123 124~137 162~173 174~185 185~197 198~202

YANGWHASEONYUDO HANGANG PARK Seonyudo park 02 3780 0590 Yangwha hangang park 02 3780 0581 YEONGDEUNGPO STATION Timesquare 02 2638 2000 Yeongdeungpo traditional market 02 2635 8005 ANYANGCHEON Anyangcheon park 02 2670 4131~2 YEOUIDO HANGANG PARK Yeouido Han River Swimming Pool 02 785 0478 Water taxi 1588-3960 Houses of Parliament 02 788 2114 YEOUIDO PARK Yeouido park 02 761 4079 IFC Mall 02-6137-5000 63CITY 63 city 02 789 5663 Yeouido Saetgang Ecological park 02 3780 0570~1


1 4-29 1-1 KASHIRI Traditional food with nostalgia from Southern province of Korea From Granular ark smelling bud flat of Bulgyo to Mooan s small octopus, Haenam s Korean chicken and summer health foods with abalone, there are full of fresh, warm southern provinces dishes stimulating Jeolla Province people. A will of the owner who was born and raised in Gwang-ju, wanting to deliver the exact flavor of hometown brilliantly mixes with his sincerity. Ingredients directly come from southern provinces. Goolbi (corvina) from Young-gwang bori with green tea is especially recommended. 1 2 3 4 5 2F, 13-4, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-784-0533 AM 11:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Hong-eo Sam Hab (Skate with pork and kimchi) 40,000 Kashiri Chung-sik 35,000 Young-gwang bori Goolbi 25,000 014 015

1 4-29 1-2 KANG Explore for the best taste and service from a master chef. I feel like I am in a first class cabin! This complimentary message for this fine Japanese restaurant from one of their admirer simply indicates how attractive their taste and service are. Chefs with 24 years of professional experience at famous hotel restaurants serve fancy flavor of sushi with no doubt. Classy chinaware and interiors are adequate to dine with your friends or even with your significant customer. Making reservation 3~4 days earlier is recommended. 1 2 3 4 4F, Ailex Building, 37 Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-7050 AM 11:00PM 24:00 Recommendation menu Special Sashimi 100,000 Dinner Special Chung-sik 68,000 Gold Sushi 35,000 016 017

1 1-3 GOCHONJEONG Clean, cheap, and tasty cafeteria Gochonjeong, the cafeteria on the third floor of the National Assembly Memorial Hall has all three - sanitation, reasonable price, and taste. It provides daily menus serving from noodles, soup, and main dishes. This place never uses artificial flavor enhancers in food. With only 4,000 won, you can get yourself a nice satisfying meal. 1 2 3 3F, National Assembly Memorial Hall, 1, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-786-2141 Recommendation menu Unit Price for One Meal 4,000 018 019

1 4-29 4-27 1-4 GUMASAN Mouthwatering chueotang and bul-galbi There is nothing like chueotang when you feel chilly and weary. Gumasan chueotang even captures appetites of those who normally don't enjoy them. The fresh napa cabbage leaves give it a tint of clear, plain taste. The piquant, spicy mideodeok jim (steamed warty sea squirt) and cheonggukjang (soup with fermented soybeans) are popular, not to mention the bul-galbi (rib) that melts in your mouth. 1 2 3 4 2F, Miwon Building, 43, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-3269 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Bul-galbi (single serving) 30,000 Mideodeok Jim 15,000 Chueotang 9,000 020 021

1 4-29 1-5 KISOYA_EAST YEOUIDO Pursuing the best taste as well as clean kitchen Kisoya, the franchise store, also has a branch in east Yeouido as well. Their kindness and cleanness is highly regarded among lots of Kisoya stores around. Proudly, it is recorded as No.1 store with the highest hygiene score among all Kisoya stores in Korea. Crispy texture of Tonkatsu and deep, rich flavor of Katsuobushi U-dong is a nice match up. 1 2 3 B1F, Daeyeong Building, 44-1, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-784-9007 AM 11:30 PM 15:00, 17:00 22:00 Recommendation menu Kisoya Teishoku 13,500 Cheese Tonkatsu Teishoku 14,000 U-dong Teishoku 12,000 022 023

1 4-29 1-6 KISOYA_WEST YEOUIDO Traditional Japanese U-dong which is highly regarded by Japanese in local is now ready in Yeouido, Seoul. U-dong is a type of thick wheat-flour noodle with various toppings. This menu is more attractive especially in chilly weather. Kimchi U-dong, a specialty of KISOYA, give a good collaboration of spicy flavor of kimchi with U-dong. KISOYA uses find ingredient such Japanese Katuobushi, primary ingredient of U-dong soup, as well as hand-made noodle. In addition to Kimchi U-dong, they provide various kinds of traditional U-dong and soba, Japanese thin noodle. 1 2 3 4 5 B1F, CCMM building, 12, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-7078 AM10:30PM22:00 Recommendation menu Kimchi U-dong Chung-sik 12,000 Tenpura Jaru Soba 10,000 Seafood U-dong 9,000 024 025

1 1-7 NAMHAEBADAHOETJIP Fresh and natural fish caught right from the sea Meet the fresh seafood of the crystal clear South Sea! Namhae Bada Hoetjip provides topnotch food and service based on the know-how and the confidence of managing a Japanese restaurant for five years in east Yeouido. Just looking at the best ever seafood from each region, from Geoje Oepo-ri's Geum Daegu (golden cod) to Tongyoung's fresh oyster and sea squirt, natural live fish and Goheung's eel, excites our appetite. 1 2 3 4 1F, Shinhan Building, 12-3, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-761-0748 AM 11:00~PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Sashimi Set (single serving) 40,000 Daegu Tang (soup) 15,000 U-reok Tang (Soft shell clam soup) 15,000 026 027

1 1-8 NODEUL RESTAURANT Original French cuisine along with fabulous Han River view If you want to enjoy nice view and atmosphere with classic French dinner, we would like to suggest here unquestioningly. Special sauce made with fine beef over 2 weeks is nicely harmonized with steak and garnishes. Light taste of seafood rice is also recommended. 1 2 3 4 5 2F, Yeouido Dock, 85-1, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-3271-6907 AM 12:00PM 23:00 Recommendation menu Nodeul course A 78,000 Tenderloin Steak 38,000 Sirloin Steak 36,000 028 029

1 1-9 DAEBANGGOL A special restaurant for southern province foods that you can't stop thinking about Daebanggol, which mainly deals with southern province's dishes, directly gets fresh ingredients like Jeolla South Province Mooan small octopus, Younggwang dried yellow corvina, Jangheung Maesaengi (seaweed fulvescens). Especially, pine needle steamed/a dried yellow corvina boiled early/dinner is outstanding. The root of Doongglerae and rice in green tea are served cool in summer, and warm in winter. The mouthful taste is gorgeous. If you add Bori dried yellow corvina here, it can't be better. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Jinmi Paragon Building, 13, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-4999 AM 11:00PM 23:00 Recommendation menu Namdo Special Dinner 50,000 Pine Needle Steamed/a Dried Yellow Corvina Boiled Early/Maesaengi Dinner 36,000 Pine Needle Steamed/a Dried Yellow Corvina Boiled Early/Dinner 30,000 030 031

1 1-10 DONGWON HOMEFOOD KOREA INVESTMENT & SECURITIES BRANCH A cafeteria where both the price and taste makes you happy Do not look down because it is a cafeteria. Run by Dongwon Home Food, not only is its price affordable but also its taste is guaranteed. Two options, Korean and Special menu, are given for lunch. The special menu provides different dishes for different days, for example, fried rice, curry, bowl of rice served with toppings, and pork cutlet. Iron plate cuisines are on the menu twice a week, and one can order or take out four different kinds of salads; chicken breast salad, autumn squash, sweet potato and tuna sandwich. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Korea Investment & Securities Building, 27-1, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-3276-6991 Recommendation menu Insiders 3,500 Visitors 4,000 032 033

1 1-11 DONGHAEDO HOEJEONSUSHI Cheap yet high quality renowned conveyor-belt sushi buffet "Best sushi is made with small-profit-and-quick-return mind!" Donghaedo s philosophy is reflected in this one sentence. It s really cheap. Not only is it limitlessly refillable, table rotation is fast because many office workers nearby Yeouido visit. All materials are fresh. Fresh shrimp, octopus, clam, salmon, flatfish, marbled beef, whelk sushi and more taste excellent. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Anwon Building, 14-15, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-761-6350 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Adult 20,000 Child 13,000 Baby 6,000 034 035

1 1-12 MASAN AGUJJIM Assorted selection of steamed seafood Harmony of spicy flavor and soft texture of Agu (anglerfish) is a specialty of Agu-Jjim, steamed fish. Agu-Jjim is a popular dish for Koreans with its spicy and rich taste. As well as Agu-Jjim, Haemul-Jjim is also recommendable if you want to enjoy pleasure of assorted seafood. All kinds of popular korean seafood plate are all available here. Just try whatever you want! Fish stew, Mul-hoe and even Gorae Suyook (boiled whale meat) are available. 1 2 3 B1F, Lotte Castle Empire Building, 36, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-761-2858 AM 10:30PM 22:30 Recommendation menu Agu-Jjim, Suyook 50,00060,000 Gorae Modeum Suyook 100,000 Mul-hoe 15,000 036 037

1 1-13 MARKET O YEOUIDO BRANCH Working toward well-being food by careful selection of ingredients Market O is a place where nutritious menus using carefully selected ingredients are loved by people all around. All the menus are beloved but the most popular of all are Crab Pasta made with healthy Korean crab and Charcoal Pasta made with charcoal scented meat plus spinach soy milk cream sauce, and Pizza Bread (Spinach & Bacon), with clean tasting dough. 1 2 3 4 23-10, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-786-8008 AM 11:00PM 23:00 Recommendation menu Crab Pasta 21,000 Charcoal Pasta 18,800 Pizza Bread (Spinach & Bacon) 13,800 038 039

1 1-14 MAD FOR GARLIC YEOUIDO BRANCH Exquisite flavor of harmony with garlic and wine Every morning, chef prepares the best quality homegrown garlic for cooking at "Korea's original garlic and wine restaurant, Mad for Garlic." Pizza made by over 24 hours low-temperature ripening dough and the finest lobster only cooked in limited numbers are also excellent but Soute di Cozze made by fresh mussels saut?ed with various kinds of pepper, garlic, red wine and tomato sauce is considered to be a delicacy. 1 2 3 4 5 B1F, Eugene Investment & Securities Building, 23-9, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-5296 AM 11:0024:00 Recommendation menu Crab & Fresh Lobster Pasta 29,800 Garlic Snowing Pizza 19,300 Garlicholic Rice 18,300 040 041

1 1-15 MOKJANGWON Fresh and delicious marbling that will make your mouth water The tender Korean beef with the perfect marbling will make your mouth water. Mokjangwon serves the highest grade class Korean beef from cattle grown in uncontaminated areas. Based on its owner's motto that "hygiene is the most important," the dishes served here combine hygiene with a "real" taste. In addition, the interior is very neat, adding class to the dining experience. 1 2 3 4 5 2F, Princetel, 13-20, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-1616 AM 11:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu 150gSirloin 39,000 150gTenderloin 36,000 Bulgogi 15,000 042 043

1 1-16 MR.PIZZA YEOUIDO BRANCH The leader of pizza industry with good taste and service Compared to other branches of Mr.Pizza, the Yeouido branch has a better refined salad bar and a cleaner interior design that attracts a lot of office workers nearby. Two popular dishes are Potato Gold, which includes soft potatoes and bacons, and Secret Garden with fresh chicken chest and vegetables. Along with the area for customers, the sanitation of kitchen is also strictly monitored. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Ailex Building, 37, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-784-0005 AM 11:00PM 22:30 Recommendation menu R Shrimp Gold (R) 23,500 R Secret Garden (R) 23,500 RPotato Gold (R) 22,500 044 045

1 1-17 VIKING BUFFET A restaurant with a nice view and hotel-standard service Located on the highest place in Yeouido, this buffet restaurant provides a clear view of Yeouido Park and Han River, with dishes served at deluxe-hotel class. Various cuisines are served, ranging from hot foods such as steak, spicy sweet and sour chicken, and broiled eels to snapper and mullet sashimi, sushi and pasta. Three special rooms are available for first-birthday parties and other events. 1 2 3 4 20F, KT Building, 28-2, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-782-3344 PM 12:0021:30 Recommendation menu Weekdays 37,000( Lunch) 42,000( Dinner) Weekends 42,000( Lunch) 44,000( Dinner) 046 047

1 1-18 BAEKRIHYANG Leading Chinese dining with challenging attitude Exclusively nice view of 63 Building, 57F is such a huge advantage for this posh Chinese restaurant. However, more attractive scene of this dining is made in the kitchen. Chefs with challenging attitude continuously shows fabulous chinese dishes and this is why it is proudly listed on the blue ribbon survey, Korean version of "Michelin Guide." 1 2 3 4 57F, 63 Building, 60, eouido-dong,yeongdeungpo-gu 02-789-5741 AM11:30PM22:00 Suggesntion menu Business Course 60,000300,000 Sanggyeonrye Course 90,000180,000 Lunch Jajochan 48,000 048 049

1 1-19 BRITANIA [C&HANGANG LAND ELFEE NO.1] Enjoying gifted natural landscape and buffet on a cruise Been sailing since 1986, Britania is the cruise where you can enjoy a high class on-board buffet with the beautiful scenery of Han River. You can experience the special leisurely time on the cruise and enjoy the gifted landscape, getting away from the busy routines. With wonderful food made from fresh ingredients by the greatest chefs, sweet live concerts are held having the worlds highest World Cup fountain, Bamseom, Banpo Bridges fantastic rainbow fountain, and Han Rivers night scenery in the background. 1 2 3 4 85-1, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-3271-6940 AM 11:50PM 13:20PM 19:3021:00 Recommendation menu Lunch 29,900 Dinner 60,000 Weekends 65,000 050 051

1 1-20 BLOOMING GARDEN YEOUIDO BRANCH Excellent Italian food tasting with eyes and sounds Can you imagine the combination of pasta and mackerel? The Italian restaurant Blooming Garden claims "real open kitchen" that we can taste with eyes and sounds. It also introduces menus that are in seasons with existing ones. A mackerel spaghetti with Mockpo mackerel and spicy enduja sausage sauce sounds unfamiliar but it tastes superb. Taste the various flavors entertaining your eyes and mouth. 1 2 3 4 5 B1F, Hanwha Financial Center, 23-5, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-6290-8962 AM 11:30PM 23:00 Recommendation menu Fresh Sea Urchin Rose Pasta 22,000 Blue Crab Rose Pasta 22,000 Mackerel Pasta 20,000 052 053

1 1-21 SAMDOILSHIK The fresh taste of Wando meets the hotel class service Samdo IlShik brings all its ingredients directly from Wando. Naturally, sashimi made out of red sea bream, flatfish, and sea bass are all fresh and chewy. The intoxicating tastes of Mineo Tang (croaker soup) and Jeonbok Saeng Daegu Tang (abalone cop soup) of this place are unforgettable. It provides hotel-level food and service based on 10 years of career in Walkerhill hotel. The sashimi course is especially popular since you can try various japanese menus at once. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Geumsan Building, 17-1, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-4610 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Sashimi Chung-sik 33,00040,000 Mineo Tang 35,000 Jeonbok Saeng Daegu Tang 35,000 054 055

1 1-22 SHABU SHABU 63 Healthy, fresh and mild ingredients plunge Shabu Shabu needs to be well-being, too! If you are looking for a special Shabu Shabu that is good for health and goes down well, Shabu-Shabu 63 is the right place. Not only is the kelp-and-dried-bonito-brewed mild broth is great, but also mushroom, bar rice cake, autumn squash, and all other ingredients are all so fresh that it melts down in your mouth. Seafood Shabu Shabu is fresh itself. San-nak-ji, ear shell, clam and other live seafood stimulates texture. 1 2 3 4 5 B1F, 63 Building, 60, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-789-6334 AM 11:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Seafood Shabu Shabu 38,000 Prime Korean Beef Shabu Shabu 28,000 Nutritious Hot Pot 8,000 056 057

1 1-23 SEOUL MARINA Enjoy yacht and tasty delight in the center of Seoul The authentic marina in the center of the city, Seoul Marina Club & Yacht, not only boards yachts but also runs various programs including wedding and academies. Moreover, it has delightful restaurants such as Cafe Breez (first floor), which is a mediterranean-styled cafe serving traditional italian cuisine with wine. Also, there is a creatively reenacted Japanese restaurant Marinaru on the third floor. 1 2 3 81, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-3780-8400 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Margharita Pizza 13,000 Business Lunch A Set 18,000 Sushi Bento 36,000 058 059

1 1-24 SEONGMINCHON 28 years of traditional Shabu-Shabu that one can rely on Prominent with 28 years of tradition, Seongminchon boasts consistent taste as its motto "let the food do the speaking." All the ingredients are carefully checked personally one by one, and the top-quality Korean beef is used. The most popular menu, Mushroom Shabu-Shabu, is highly enjoyable with the deep, rich flavor of the soup and carefully prepared ingredients that make it more special. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Korea Association of Machinery Industry (KOAMI) Building, 13-31, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-369-7077 AM 11:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu 45,000 Ggotdeungsim (Rib Eye) Shabu-Shabu Mushroom Shabu-Shabu 28,000 Guksu Jeongol (noodles hot pot) 13,000 060 061

1 1-25 SEVEN SPRINGS YEOUIDO BRANCH Environmentally friendly restaurant with the feeling of Spring The cutesy pastel tone interior is the highlight of the salad and grill restaurant Seven Springs, which calls for a healthy eating out culture. The scent of fresh spring flowers seem to radiate just by sitting inside. The food is all fresh and neat because they trade directly with environmental friendly farms in Korea. Vegetables on the salad bar Green table are carefully selected by a vegetable sommelier. 1 2 3 4 20F, Korea Teacher's Pension Building, 27-2, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-761-1323 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Mediterranean Seafood Stew Cioppino 42,900 Pepper Garlic Rib-eye Steak 37,900 Miso Mushroom Steak 35,900 062 063

1 1-26 SHUCHIKU High-end Japanese dining created by master of Japanese cuisine Dishes served by Shuchiku are masterpieces with spirit of Japanese gastronomy and modern approach. Star dusted master chef serves premium Japanese dining at the top of a signature skyscraper in Yeouido. Series of fine Japanese Sake are ready to be provided by a professional Sake sommelier, Kikizakeshi. Posh private rooms are also available for your important events. 1 2 3 4 58F, 63 Building, 60,Yeouido-dong,Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-789-5751 AM 11:30 PM 15:00, 17:30 22:00 Suggesntion menu Kaiseki Course 200,000 Tsuki Sashimi Course 160,000 Nakamura Kouji Sashimi Course 160,000 064 065

1 1-27 STAR CHINA YEOUIDO BRANCH High-quality Chinese restaurant with sophisticated atmosphere and flavor Here is the finest Chinese restaurant popular in Yeouido. It has sophisticated interior with black and red color, and white table. Particularly, sweet and sour pork with pineapple flavor and crispy and light crumbs; braised live whole abalone with oyster sauce on the bird nest fry; and fried sea cucumber stuffed with shrimp are the best menu. 1 2 3 4 5 2,3F, Hosung Building, 44-22, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-780-1557 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Sweet and Sour Pork 22,000 Braised Live Whole Abalone with Oyster Sauce 30,000 Fried Sea Cucumber stuffed with Shrimp 60,000 066 067

1 1-28 SINGKAI Cantonese restaurant with 32 years of tradition Singkai is owned by a chef who has started cooking Cantonese food since 1980. It offers traditional Cantonese foods to customers. You can enjoy the food that preserved the original taste and smell of the materials with the view of Han River. Chili Shrimp with profound sauce, Kkanpunggi, fried chicken with hot sauce, and Ttangsuyuk, fried pork with sweet sauce, are the popular menus. Luxurious interior and its good taste made it a popular choice for formal meetings and interviews. 1 2 3 4 5F, East Tower of LG Twin Towers, 20, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-3773-1220 AM1 1:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Chili Shrimp 50,00065,000 Kkanpunggi 36,00048,000 Ttangsuyuk 47,00063,000 068 069

1 1-29 OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE Byword for friendly steak to everyone Outback Steakhouse naturally comes up when you want to eat steaks! Outback Steakhouse is especially popular among families and young people due to its affordable and delicious steaks. Outback Yeouido branch is no exception! Its sanitation is trustworthy, since the head office regularly manages it, and kind service is also satisfactory. Outback Steakhouse accepts reservations. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Shinyoung Securities Building, 34-12, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-761-2961 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Garlic Rib eye Steak 30,500 Toowoomba Pasta 17,900 Aussie Cheese Fries 16,500 070 071

1 1-30 ASHLEY YEOUIDO BRANCH Buffet restaurant with young and refined atmosphere Ashley Yeouido Branch, which is a American Grill & Salad style restaurant, offers more than 80 types of dishes and an expansive salad bar, fast grills, unlimited wine, waffle and Espressos. In exchange of not promoting with any advertisements and with no discount available, Ashley focuses its money on menu development so that you can enjoy high quality food with relatively cheap price. Also, the dishes offered in Ashley Yeouido Branch change with a specific theme related to the season. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Financial Building, 24-5, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-786-1259 AM 10:30PM 23:00 Recommendation menu Weekday lunch 12,900 Weekday Dinner & Weekends 22,900 072 073

1 1-31 YANGMANI Enjoy tasty selections of beef's intestines, specialty of Korean style beef barbecue. Yang, a part of beef's intestines is very famous and popular ingredient of Korean barbecue. Yangmani, representative restaurant of Yang barbecue provides many kind of Yang barbecue. Their special sauce made with pineapples and garlics with other fresh ingredients gives a rich favor. As well as Yang gui(barbecue), Daechang gui and Yang stew is also highly recommended to customers. 1 2 3 4 5 13-3, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-784-9282 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu 200gSpecial Yang-gui 27,000 200gDaechang-gui 27,000 150g Hanwoo (Korean native cattle) Sirloin Barbecue 43,000 074 075

1 1-32 EUDO Reliable quality and taste of traditional Japanese dining Eu-do is one of fine Japanese dining among lots of Japanese restaurant scene. As popular it is, as simple its policy is. Eu-do is not really interested in how it looks like but just pay attention to choosing good ingredient, following faithful recipe and serving its customers in a strait forward attitude. Now, you will simply imagine how mouthwatering an assorted seafood stew of Eu-do is! 1 2 3 B1F, Lotte Castle Empire Building, 36, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-785-0773 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Eu-do Selection 150,000 Eu-do Special 120,000 Eu-do Chung-sik 35,000 076 077

1 1-33 YEOUIDOMANHATTAN WEDDINGCONVENTION Spacious and pleasant indoor environment wedding hall with great taste Yeouido Manhattan Wedding Convention, located on the 6th floor of Yeouido department store, got the limelight from people as a wedding hall after going under remodeling. Luxurious lobby, wedding hall, bride s waiting room, Pyebaekroom, and banquet are all connected on one floor, which makes the moving line convenient. Especially, the large banquet can hold up to 800 guests, and one can taste grilled steak, sashimi, sushi and many more delicious buffets with real fruit juice. 1 2 3 4 6F, Yeouido Departmentstore, 36-2, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-784-6600 Additional inquiry required. 078 079

1 1-34 YEOUIDO SAENGGOGI MAIN STORE Unbelievable price for nice fresh beef As it is a butchery and a restaurant, it tastes better than any other beef barbecue. Beef special assorting various parts of beef, which is especially popular in Korean barbecue, is big enough for a family dinner. Due to this attractive menu list and reasonable price, this place is always crowded with family union and office workers around. 1 2 3 B1F, Inyoung Building, 44-11, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-782-3376 AM 10:00PM 23:00 Suggesntion menu So Special 95,000 So Hanmari 65,000 Kimchi Duruchigi 6,000 080 081

1 1-35 YOELBIN Frequent customers through 3 generations firmly guarantee its specialty. Amazing Chinese cuisine is listed on Yeolbin's table. Wide range of menu list will give a pleasure what to have. Common popular dishes such as Tangsuyuk, fried pork with sweet sauce, is good to enjoy with friends and posh menu selections like steamed pumpkin and pork are all available. It is perfect to hold a company event or gala dinner as it has a wide hall for over 200 people. 1 2 3 4 3F, Hongwoo Building, 43-3, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-3838 AM 11:30 PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Pangpanggi 25,00035,000 Tangsuyuk 17,00023,000 Nak-ji Jjam bbong 12,000 082 083

1 1-36 THE ORIOX YEOUIDO BRANCH A buffet where the taste of the East and the West meet Oriox, where the taste of the east and the west live and breathe, is an international casual dining restaurant with a comfortable atmosphere and refined interior. Oriox provides a variety of menus with salads from Italian foods, such as pasta, pizza, and steak, to Indian curry, Japanese pork cutlet, and fried rice with shrimp. On evenings, diverse side dishes are served along with beer and wine for business meetings. 1 2 3 4 B1F, LG Twin Tower, 20, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-3773-1212 AM 07:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Gorgonzola Cheese Pizza 21,000 Vongole Linguine 18,000 Seafood Salad 16,000 084 085

1 1-37 OLA! 6 Carefully prepared Italian dish with a deep taste Natural, modern, classic - where several concepts coexist, Ola6 is an Italian restaurant with European interior. Every morning, breads and noodles are freshly prepared. Courses named after cities-firenze, Milan, Rome-and other menus are all well worth their reputations. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Yeouido Park Center, 28-3, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2070-7220 Lunch AM 11:30PM 15:30 Dinner PM 17:30PM 22:30 Recommendation menu Lunch A Course 34,000 Spaghetti with Lobster and Tomato Basil Sauce 29,000 Spaghetti with Seafood, Tomato Sauce & Crispy Rice 20,000 086 087

1 1-38 OEBAEK Traditional Chinese restaurant maintaining heritage way of cooking Oebaek is a famous traditional Chinese restaurant in Yeouido with 26 years of history. Jjajang-myeon, a signature koreanized noodle from Oebaek gives very deep but simple taste at all. Plates of Oebaek are healthy and fresh because it gets rid of any unnecessary seasonings and just focuses on natural flavor of ingredient itself. Chef of Oebaek always pays attention to purchasing fresh ingredients for this reason. 1 2 3 4 3F, KCC Park Town, 13-22, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-780-5393 AM 11:30 PM 21:30 Suggesntion menu 70,000150,000 Mae-nan-guk-juk Course Sacheon Tangsuyuk 30,000 Jjajang-myeon 5,500 088 089

1 1-39 WALKINGONTHECLOUD Great pleasure to western cuisine just as walking on the cloud Modern interior and fabulous night view make your treasure of European gastronomy in this restaurant more exciting. Wide open kitchen gives you a special experience to thoroughly see the active movement of cooking on the spot. It is often used as film location due to splendid atmosphere as well as fabulous taste of food. 1 2 3 4 5 59F, 63 Building, 60, Yeouido-dong,Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-789-5904 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Debora Course 138,000 Olivia Course 78,000 Lunch A Course 60,000 090 091

1 1-40 JEJUHANGGU Attraction of traditional food of Jeju-island Specialty of Jeju island style cuisine is reproduced in urban Seoul. Fresh Okdom (tile fish), Galchi (hairtail) and other rare and precious kind of fishes are just netted and delivered from Jeju to Seoul via plane 3 times a week. If you are fond of authentic Jeju cuisine, you need to immediately make a reservation because it is always crowded with real big fans of Jeju food. 1 2 3 4 5 4F, Yeouido Department store, 36-2, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-5453 AM11:30PM 22:30 Recommendation menu Jeju Hanggu Special 70,000 Okdom gui (Grilled Fish) 30,000 Galchi Jorim and Godeung-eo gui 21,000 092 093

1 1-41 JONGGOSAN HANJEONGSIK Highly recognized Korean food restaurant with various dishes satisfying our senses This restaurant only uses natural seasoning and puts every heart to all foods. Especially, Jonggosan Gyojasang menu, including platter of nine delicacies, three color jeon, the combination of skate, pork, old kimchi, roasted ribs, roasted large river, and soup, is various enough to satisfy your five senses. It is greatly famous for meetings between families of broom and bride and meetings of important people. Self-sanitary inspection test is done every week. 1 2 3 2F, Hosung Building, 44-24, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-3977 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Jonggosan Gyojasang 53,000 Gulbi (dried yellow corvina) Chung-sik 36,000 Lunch Special A set 28,000 094 095

1 1-42 CHAMBAENAMUGOLORIGIP High hygiene, soft and aromatic duck taste Chambaenamugol Origip is very neat. After entering the door full of will to manage the restaurant s sanitation, it is natural to give trust to the meals. Especially soft, delicate and aromatic smell from slightly smoked dish which reminds you of bacon breaks the prejudice of duck meat. Side dish is tidy and nice. 1 2 3 B1F, Education Facility Mutual Aid Building, 17-10, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-780-5292 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu 32,00044,000 Yeon Hunjae (slightly smoked duck) Seoul Duck 25,00047,000 Lunch set 14,000 096 097

1 1-43 CHEONGHAEJIN CHAMBOKJIP Sensuous blowfish dishes made by 30-year career specialist Various blowfish cuisines made by 30-year career five-star hotel chef indulge your senses. Blowfish is effective for alcohol detoxification and also for decrease in cholesterol level. Bokjiri with refreshing and thick soup is popular among neighboring office workers. Never miss the course A which has excellent flavor and fantastic harmony made by Bulgogi, fritters, steamed dishes, Shabu-Shabu, and Maesaengi-juk. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Namjung Building, 13-19, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-3111 AM 11:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Hwalbokjiri (single serving) 40,000 Bok (blowfish) course 38,000 Bok Bulgogi 24,000 098 099

1 1-44 CHUNHYANGGOL NAMWON CHUEOTANG 100% Korean Chueotang's taste of thick and deep soup Chunhyanggol is a byname of Namwon of Jeolla North Province, where is the home of the Korean representative classic novel ChunhyangJeon (The Love Story of Chunhyang). One of the most famous things of Namwon is chueotang! It is rich in vitamins, and is good for blood circulation and refection. The soup being thick and deep is the characteristic of Jeolla Province s chueotang. 100% Korean mudfish is used, which is trustworthy, and the store provides upper body massage service after 6PM. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Inyeong Building, 44-11, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-780-5988 AM 9:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Chueo Fries 12,000 Chueotang 9,000 Chueo Dumplings 6,000 100 101

1 1-45 KISARA Reenacting Tokyo's traditional Japanese restaurant in a classy, modern way Kisara, meaning spending time relaxed and enjoying the four seasons, is a private place that affords composure to enjoy changes of seasons for busy businessmen. The place offers traditional Japanese dishes with fresh, selectively chosen seafood directly brought from Japan. Customers can enjoy Kisara's special menu regarding the changes of seasons with over 30 different types of Sakes including Kubota Manju and Otokoyama. 1 2 3 4 5F, East Tower of LG Twin Tower, 20, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-3773-1252 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Umi Course 90,000 Mizu Course 65,000 Tsuki Course 55,000 102 103

1 1-46 TAEYOUNGHANUMAUL Fresh beef stock of Korean cattle beef from Bonghwa, Gyeongsang North Province The secret of its success after two years since its open is the fresh beef. Alive cattles are sent straight from Bonghwa every day. By offering fresh beefs that fanaticized many talents and stars with the pickiest appetite, the six rooms it is composed of are mostly full with reservations. The menu with the most popularity is the Hanwoo (Korean cattle beef) Chung-sik with 100g of sirloin, tenderloin, Chuck tail flap, Doenjang stew, and Naengmyeon. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Taeyoung Building, 10-2, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-782-2062 AM 11:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Ggotdeungsim (Rib Eye) 38,000 Hanwoo Chung-sik 15,000 Chadol Doenjang Jjigae 8,000 104 105

1 1-47 TOUCH THE SKY High class French restaurant for special VIPs An original French restaurant with best view and special meals, Touch The Sky, is a high class salon for VIPs. It is famous as the best place for business meetings, proposing sites, and meeting of families before the wedding, with using food in season and having house wine. Breakfast course fit for a business meeting and wedding course for weekend get-togethers are prepared. Five different rooms of various concept are provided. 1 2 3 4 58F, 63 Building, 60, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-789-5761 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Zeus Course 220,000 Poseidon Course 160,000 Athena Course 115,000 106 107

1 1-48 TONY ROMA'S YEOUIDO BRANCH A myth of premium rib in living soft taste Tony Roma's family restaurant is famous for lovely premium rib. Other menus are terrific as well. Peculiar barbecue rib named "The Original Baby Back Ribs" which has original barbecue sauce on tenderest rib is also recommended. Though Hot Pepper Seafood Rice, which is a special rice menu with chungyang pepper and fresh seafood, is great. Moist, warm bread served before meal waits to be served. 1 2 3 4 B1F, Eugene Investment & Securities Building, 23-9, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-4130 AM 11:30PM 23:00 Recommendation menu Filet Mignon Steak 32,500 24,500 The Original Baby Back Ribs Hot Pepper Seafood Rice 18,000 108 109

1 1-49 PARKCAFE Brunch buffet with view of the Yeouido Park Park Café, located within the Yeouido Marriott Hotel, is famous of its brunch and wine buffet. Along with the brunch buffet that offers special menus of the season, milk products, bread, desert, beverages, spiny lobster grills, Frank steak and a variety of different main menus, the wine buffet that offers premium wine and classy service are also famous and interesting to visit. 1 2 3 4 2F, Yeouido Park Center, 28-3, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2090-8052 AM 11:30PM 14:00 PM 18:00AM 24:00 PM 18:00PM 21:30 Recommendation menu Brunch Buffet 50,000 Wine Buffet 50,000 110 111

1 1-50 HANUJIPWE High quality of Korean Beef Restaurant If you really love to enjoy high grade of 100% Korean beef, this is the answer for your requirement. Chef willingly purchase beefs from local beef market of Anyang. All kind of beef is nice to grill and beef Sashimi is popular among office workers around with its creamy texture. 1 2 3 4 5 2F, Lotte Castle Ivy, 43-4, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-780-2528 AM 10:00 PM 22:30 Recommendation menu 180gSalchi-sal (Chuck tail flap) 50,000 180gGgotdeungsim (Rib Eye) 40,000 180g 35,000 Hanwoo (Korean cattle beef) Special 112 113

1 1-51 HAETTEUNHANJEONGSIK Trendy style of Korean cuisine This restaurant represents trendy, fusion style of Korean cuisine. Experiencing its menu will give you a special impression of how Korean cuisine will move on. Pure Korean Hangeul word named for each menu such as Gipeun San (Deep mountain), or Pureun Deul (Blue field) is interesting. Avoiding any kind of artificial seasoning or flavor but using homemade natural seasoning helps your well-being life. 1 2 3 4 5 B1F, Lotte Castle Empire Building, 36, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-0525 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Gipeun San Chung-sik 39,500 Pureun Deul Chung-sik 55,000 Hae-tteun Chung-sik 19,500 114 115

1 1-52 HOLEECHOW YEOUIDO BRANCH Wanna try a sweet, clean, first class Peking duck? Franchise Holeechow's flavor is good and its amount of food is generous compared to the price. Among all, the Peking duck is the most favorite menu. The taste of duck rolled in pancake with sweet sauced and cleanly roasted can not be compared. The Szechuan Special menu which is fried with soft beef, chicken, shrimp, squid in spicy souse is also attractive. It checking restaurant sanitation throughly and autonomously gives us more trust. 1 2 3 4 5 B1F, Samsung Life Insurance Yeouido Building, 23-10, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-786-3333 AM11:30PM 22:30 Recommendation menu Lobster 59,900 Peking Duck 44,900 Szenchuan Special 19,900 116 117

1 1-53 HONGBOSEOK Notorious chinese cuisine over 35 years This classic Chinese dining since its opening in 1977 is admirable to be a symbol of Yeouido gastronomy. Every dish sticks to the basic and added splendid flavor. This is why this place has been acclaimed by customers for a long time. Assorted seafood plate Jeongabok is the most popular menu ever. Spicy Samseon Jjambbong flavored by varied seafood and chicken stock is popular for lunch. 1 2 3 4 5 5F, Ailex Building, 37, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-783-6622 AM 11:00PM 22:00 Suggesntion menu Jeongabok 49,000~70,000 Ryusanseol 33,000~42,000 Samseon Jjambbong 6,000 118 119

1 1-54 63 BUFFET PAVILION Representative premium buffet of Korea This buffet is rated by critics as the No.1 buffet in Korea. More than 200 kinds of fresh dishes are made by the best cooks of 63. With better services than that of premium hotels, you can enjoy extraordinary Korean, Chinese and Japanese dishes and deserts in a dome where you can see the sky. 1 2 3 4 B1F, 63 Building, 60, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-789-5731 Weekday PM 12:0015:0018:0022:00 AM 11:0013:1013:4015:30 Weekend and holiday lunch PM 17:0019:1019:4022:00 Weekend and holiday dinner Recommendation menu Weekday Lunch 33,000 Child63,000 Adult Weekday Dinner/Weekend/Holiday 38,000 Child72,000 Adult 120 121

1 1-55 63 CONVENTION CENTER The finest banquet service for special events 63 CONVENTION CENTER is the best banquet hall for professional conference, various business & special events, family party and tailored wedding in accordance with concept of hall. It provides special food service via exclusive and private banquet hall that equipped the Grand Ballroom which can accommodate up to 2,000 guests, several small & medium-sized halls, and terrace which has a great view of Han River. 1 2 3 4 2,3F, 63 Building, 60, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-789-5800 Recommendation menu Western Course 63,000150,000 Standing Buffet 55,000120,000 Luncheon Box 45,00075,000 122 123

2-56 GRAND CONVENTION CENTER 2-57 NOGEOLDAE GAMJATANG 2-58 DONGYANG WEDDING HALL 2-59 SAPPORO 2-60 TAEPUNGSUSAN 2-61 WESTERN HARACE WEDDING CONVENTION Dangsan-dong There are many elegant wedding halls with great fresh buffets in Dangsan-dong. Also, there are hidden famous diners serving from Gamjatang, fresh sashimi, and Japanese dishes.

2 2-56 GRAND CONVENTION CENTER A service that makes a special banquet more special 2-56 ~ 2-61 Grand Convention Center, which was completed in November of 2011, is famous of its area of 6,620 meter square and its magnificent interior design. It has two wedding halls with outstanding modern yet classy interior and the grand hall with 1,200 seats. In case of the First Birthday Party Hall, having a concept similar to that of convention centers of high level hotels, has 360 seats and is proud of being the best choice in exclusive events. 1 2 3 4 337-23, Dangsan-dong 6Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-3667-7776 Additional inquiry required. 126 127

2 2-57 NOGEOLDAE GAMJATANG Savour the culinary delights of Gamjatang and Kimchi Jjageuli 2-56 ~ 2-61 Being named after the first written document on Gamjatang, Nogeoldae offers generous servings of the best Gamjatang, cooked with the neck bone of boiled pork and tender ugeoji that gives it a deep taste. Also, don't miss out on a chance to try the Kimchi Jjageuli, with tender pork and kimchi boiled in spicy meat brot 1 2 3 4 5 102-114, Daewoo Arcade Building, 16-1, Dangsan-dong 2Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2068-0555 24 Recommendation menu Bbyeo Gamjatang (small) 23,000 Kimchi Jjageuli 7,000 Ttukbaegi Haejangguk 7,000 128 129

2 2-58 DONGYANG WEDDING HALL Presenting lifelong memorable memory with prepared service 2-56 ~ 2-61 Located at 3 minute walk away from subway station, Dongyang Wedding Hall is ready to give lifelong unforgettable ceremony. Convenient guest comforts and various hotel-like services are brilliant. The place is so large and pleasant that people can leisurely enjoy banquet. It is popular for ceremony, family event, party, all kinds of meeting, business event and gives nice, delicious foods with a function room available for 2,000 people. 1 2 3 4 93-1, Dangsan-dong 4Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2632-9000 Additional inquiry required. 130 131

2 2-59 SAPPORO 20 years of know-how perfectly balances price, taste, and service 2-56 ~ 2-61 Sapporo is a Japanese restaurant with three elements of price, taste and service in perfect balance. Its clean and neat interior without a speck of dust is beyond comparison. Based on 20 years of know-how in running a business, it removed price bubbles and increased service satisfaction. There are 24 rooms that make a quiet and comfortable meetings possible. You can enjoy lively seafood with delivery system right from the producers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4F, TCC Center, 93-1, Dangsan-dong 4Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2634-6667 AM 11:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Sapporo Special (single serving) 60,000 Lunch Course 'A' (single serving) 28,000 Holiday Family Course 'B'(single serving) 28,000 132 133

2 2-60 WESTERN HARACE WEDDING CONVENTION Special memories with high-class banquet service 2-56 ~ 2-61 Western Harace Wedding Convention having two wedding halls, Lovely House and Romantic house, provides various wedding services. The banquet hall can hold upto 1,400 people with gorgeous sound system, lighting equipments and elegant table setting. The hall can host from small family gatherings to large-scale banquets. The chef will bring you delightful food. You can host any events from wedding receptions, first-birthday parties, 60th or 70th birthdays, seminars, and corporate events. 1 2 3 4 81, Dangsan-dong 3Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2675-6000 Additional inquiry required. 134 135

2 2-61 TAEPUNGSUSAN You should try slightly aged fish sashimi of Taepung Susan 2-56 ~ 2-61 This is specially recommended for meetings or unions as there are 6 private rooms to have. Also, Sashimi here is slightly aged appropriately for 3 hours and this special tip increases texture of Sashimi. Seasonal appetizers are also enjoyable as well as main plate of Sashimi. 1 2 3 4 94-1, Dangsan-dong 4ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2679-2316 PM 12:00PM 23:00 Recommendation menu Modeum Hoe 30,00045,000 Daegu-tang 15,000 Hoe-deopbap 7,000 136 137

Yangpyeong-dong Famous restaurants in Yangpyeong-dong will never disappoint you. Every day specials and Korean beef are excellent, beyond comparison. 3-62 ESOLMARUEESOLMARU 1-1 ESOLMARUEESOLMARU 3-63 QUEEN S APRON 1-2 QUEEN S APRON

3 3-62 EESOLMARU Best Korean beef and ingredients captivates your appetite 3-62 ~ 3-63 It insists on using supreme labeled Korean beef with Korean ingredients. Soon as the Korean beef with vivid marbling is put on a charcoal fire, people s hands become busy. Making side dishes and meat broth from heart, not only Eesolmaru s beef tastes great, but the mild side dishes and single meal menus are great also. Marbled beef soybean stew with mixed crunchy geotjeori (fresh vegatbale salad dressed with garlic and chili powder) just makes you say Wow~! 1 2 3 4 29-7, Yangpyeong-dong 2Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2068-0124 AM 10:00PM 23:00 Recommendation menu (300g) Salchisal (chuck tail flap) 50,000 (300g) Ggotdeungsim (rib eye) 39,000 (300g) Yukhoe (raw beef) 30,000 140 141

3 3-63 QUEEN'S APRON Everyday different menus with freshness 3-62 ~ 3-63 It is located in the base floor of Co-op Residence, which is frequently used by foreigners, and therefore it is popular among visitors. It provides Korean buffet dining for breakfast and variety of a la carte during lunch time for office works around. This restaurant is both popular among foreign visitors and office workers with plentiful selection of menu. 1 2 3 B1F, 43-14, Yangpyeong-dong 2Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2164-0290 AM 7:00 9:00, AM 11:00PM 13:00 Recommendation menu Breakfast buffet 8,000 Lunch a la carte 4,500 142 143

Mullae-dong If you have enjoyed the creative spirit of artists from the Mullae Changjakchon, then you should get yourself something to eat. You can enjoy Budae Jjigae, Chinese food, and delicious traditional Korean dishes there. 4-64 NAMWON CHUEOTANG 4-65 NOLBOO BUDAEJJIGAE & CHEOLPANGUI 4-66 NEUNGI BEOSEOT BAEKSUK 4-67 BAKDAEBAK UIJEONGBU BUDAEJJIGAE 4-68 SERENCSE 4-69 YEA WON MUNRAE BRANCH 4-70 JEJU INYEOKIRANG 4-71 PHOMEIN

4 4-29 4-64 NAMWON CHUEOTANG Thick and deep taste of Chueotang filled in a simple dish Namwon Chueotang is simple from the signboard. This place moves your heart by the simple dishes and side dishes and guarantees taste. Tenderly grinded chueotang has so clean and full taste. The deep flavor exactly same as comfort taste of traditional chueotang from Namwon Jeolla South Province invigorates you. Do not miss the Chamge (Chinese mitten crab) Maeuntang, delicacy of fall and winter seasons! 1 2 3 4-64 ~4-71 76-1, Mullae-dong 3Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2637-9311 AM 10:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Chamge Maeuntang 25,000 Megi (catfish) Maeuntang 20,000 Chueotang 7,000 146 147

4 4-65 NOLBOO BUDAEJJIGAE & CHEOLPANGUI It feels like a homemade food with heart While it is a franchising restaurant, quality of food in this branch is way special and good. Budae jjigae is now a very common style of Korean stew but its origin is a bit distinctive. Decades ago, sausages from US army camp were accidentally added to korean stew and it got popular soon with its unique taste. Assorted sausages and vegetables will arouse a rich flavor of genuine budae jjigae. Cheolpan gui (teppan yaki) of small octopus is also popular with its soft texture and nutrient. 1 2 3 4 4-64 ~4-71 B1F, Ace Hightech City, 54-66, Mullae-dong 3Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-6309-5432 AM 11:00PM 23:00 Recommendation menu Ori Hunje (smoked duck, single serving) 10,000 Dakgalbi Cheolpangui (chicken teppan yaki, single serving) 9,000 Nolboo Budae Jjigae (single serving) 7,000 148 149

4 4-29 4-66 NEUNGI BEOSEOT BAEKSUK Bursting power! Would you like to try out Korean mushroom? What looks good tastes good does not apply to every food. One might hesitate about boiled dark mushrooms will taste good or not. However, after eating it, one will be shocked. Many people are shocked of the soup with deep taste. Along with the mushrooms, there are Kalopanax that can prevent cancer, diabetes, hyperpiesia and other materials that are 100% naturally grown. That is one of many reasons why it is considered one of the best health foods in Korea. 1 2 3 4 4-64 ~4-71 9-2, Mullae-dong 4Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2677-7373 AM 10:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Neungi Mushroom Stuffed Boiled Duck 50,000 Neungi Mushroom Stuffed Boiled Chicken 45,000 Neungi Mushroom Chicken Ginseng Soup 10,000 150 151

4 4-29 4-67 BAKDAEBAK UIJEONGBU BUDAEJJIGAE Tasty Uijeongbu Budae Jjigae with carefully selected ingredients Warm and delicious Bakdaebak Uijeongbu Budae Jjigae has competitive fresh soup flavor with traditional bori gochujang, which is personally steamed and germinated bori-made, a year over old kimchi, and fresh vegetables. Made steak roasted on stone pan with original bacon, various hams and butter is also very popular. 1 2 3 4 4-64 ~4-71 B1F, Ace Hightech City, 54-66, Mullae-dong 3Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-3439-0308 AM10:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Made Steak 45,000 Made Budae Jeongol (small) 25,000 Bakdaebak Uijeongbu Budae Jjigae (single serving) 6,500 152 153

4 4-29 4-68 SERENCSE Fresh and clean buffet specializing in first-birthday parties Serencse is optimal for holding first-birthday parties as well as small size business seminars, banquets, and wedding receptions. The functions are all held in independent halls so it won't mix up with other functions or be complicated. Serencse is also known for its freshness and cleanliness because all foods are made with fresh ingredients obtained on each day of reservation. 1 2 3 4 4-64 ~4-71 B1F, 104dong, Byucksan Megatrium, 55-4, Mullae-dong 3Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2636-7666 Recommendation menu A Course 30,000 B Course 33,000 154 155

4 4-29 4-69 YEA WON MUNRAE BRANCH Simple and spacious chinese restarant This modern Chinese bistro served plentiful and tasty cuisines such as Gganpunggi (fried chicken), Tangsuyuk (fried beef), popular Korean-Chinese dishes. Meal decoration is also fabulous and enough to immediately bite off it. Simple interior and spacious tables are enough to accommodate large group of customers. 1 2 3 4 5 4-64 ~4-71 B1F, Ace Hightech City, 54-66, Mullae-dong 3Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-6309-7777 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Suggesntion menu Mayo Wangsaewoo (small) 36,000 Jwajong Danggye (small) 25,000 Yeawon Tangsuyuk (small) 19,000 156 157

4 4-70 JEJU INYEOKIRANG Freshly brought up food from Jeju that sparks appetite Jeju Inyeokirang is full of appetite-sparking food, in line with its luxurious interior. It makes up great food with seafood brought straight from the producer, Jeju. Jeju Lunch Course especially warms our heart with hundreds of food lined up, including roe rice, boiled downs, soup, salad, vegetables, fresh smelt, fried food, Jeju flatfish, sea bass, roasts, and other sea foods. 1 2 3 4 4-64 ~4-71 B1F, Ace Hightech City, 54-66, Mullae-dong 3Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-6309-8888 AM 10:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Teuk (special) Chung-sik 35,000 Hoe (sashimi) Chung-sik 25,000 Jeju Galchi Jorim (boiled hairtail) 21,000 158 159

4 4-29 4-71 PHOMEIN Vietnamese rice noodles with meat broth boiled for 14 hours Phomein features an array of Vietnamese cuisine. Especially, it is well known for Vietnamese rice noodle (Pho), which is low on calories and easy to digest, is good for your diet and health. Phomein uses fresh meat, boils it for 14 hours to the utmost in order to make the best meat broth. The spices used in Vietnamese rice noodles such as cinnamon and clove powder help the meat broth to be tasty. It is also effective for diet by facilitating diuretic effect, suppressing appetite and preventing obesity. 1 2 3 4 4-64 ~4-71 174, Ace Hightech City, 54-66, Mullae-dong 3Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2672-4060 AM 10:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Summer Roll (2 servings) 34,000 Spicy Pho (small) 10,000 Regular Pho (small) 9,000 160 161

5-72 GILMAENCHAMCHI 5-73 M PUB 5-74 YUWONJEONG 5-75 CHINA PLAIN 5-76 HANILKWAN TIMESQURE Yeongdeungpo-dong You must visit the Yeongdeungpo Central Market and Times Square when you are in Yeongdeungpo-dong. There are famous restaurants in Times Square, also near by Lotte department store and Yeongdeungpo station.

3 5-72 GILMAENCHAMCHI Admirable taste of tuna sashimi ever! One of the typical and popular way Koreans enjoy tuna is tuna sashimi, slightly defrosted frozen tuna. Therefore, controlling temperature when defrosting frozen tuna is the key of quality. In this point, we guarantee Gilmaen Chamchi is one of the best tuna sashimi shop for sure. You can enjoy various parts of tuna without limitation as well as multiple side dishes when you order Tuna Sashimi special. 1 2 3 4 5-72 ~ 5-76 10-17, Yeongdeungpo-dong 3ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2634-3737 AM 10:00AM 02:00 Recommendation menu Tuna Sashimi Special 35,000 Special Tuna Chung-sik 20,000 Sashimi Toppab 5,000 164 165

3 5-73 M PUB Enjoy the ease of having beer with indie music performance This place is the perfect choice for enjoying the freeness of live indie performances with a nice beer. M Pub is filled with comfortable analog sensibility and imagination. It offers healthy food made of strictly selected materials and a lot of live performances. You can enjoy variety of beers from all around the world. Also, there is a special corner that sells media products for music lovers. 1 2 3 4 5-72 ~ 5-76 5F, Times Square, 441-10, Yeongdeungpo-dong 4Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2638-2626 Weekdays AM 11:0024:00 Weekends AM 11:00AM 2:00 Recommendation menu Schwein Shaxen 35,000 Whole Rotisserie Chicken 25,000 Grapefruit & Seafood Salad 22,000 166 167

3 5-74 YUWONJEONG Fabulous harmony of beef born stock and Dongchimi stock It is always easy to reach here as it is located inside Lotte department store Yeongdeungpo branch. Cold noodle followers will simply come here by while they enjoy shopping. Deep flavor of Naegmyeon stock is the key of its delicacy. Hoe Naegmyeon, topped with spice Sashimi, is on the favorite list of Yuwonjeong. 1 2 3 4 5 6 5-72 ~ 5-76 10F, Lotte department store, 618-496, Yeongdeungpo-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2164-5484 AM 10:30PM 20:40 Recommendation menu Mul (Bibim) Naengmyeon 8,500 Ddeok Manduguk (dumpling soup) 7,500 Mandu (dumplings) 6,000 168 169

3 5-75 CHINA PLANE Chinese restaurant scene in Times Square It rather seems like a modern style cafe or western dining as it is far way different from classy interior of common Chinese restaurant. Just as the interior, dishes are also served in modern style and covers a wide range of Asian fusion dishes. Crispy texture of Tangsuyuk (fried pork) keeps last and even left off meals are so tasty! 1 2 3 4 5 5-72 ~ 5-76 4F, Times Square, 442, Yeongdeungpo-dong 4Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2638-2477 AM 10:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Chapssal Tangsuyuk 24,000(), 13,000 Cheolpan Sogogi Haemul Bokkeum 100,000 Jeongabok 100,000 170 171

3 5-76 HANILKWAN TIMESQURE Long history of traditional Koran dining Hanilkwan, as a leading famous restaurant of Korean cuisine, has kept developing various kind of Korean meals in modern way. High-end style dishes such as Tangpyungchae, Special Korean Crepe, are reproduced by its continuous effort and challenging sprit. 1 2 3 4 5 5-72 ~ 5-76 4F, Times Square, Yeongdeungpo-dong 4Ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-2638-2735 AM 11:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Sirloin Bulgogi Bansang 31,000 Nakji-Bokkeum and noodles 5,000 Goldongban 11,000 172 173

Singil-dong Skate maniacs are in love with Skate Street in Singil-dong. If you cannot bear with skate, don't worry. There are Seolleongtang, live fish fillet, and duck dishes ready to be served. 6-77 MAKNAE HOE CENTER 6-78 BAECKAKKWAN WEDDING CULTURE CENTER 6-79 SHINTO ORI 6-80 MPLUSK 6-81 ONNURI JANGJAKGUI YEONGDEUNGPO BRANCH

6 6-77 MAKNAE HOE CENTER Do you miss the filling, fresh, and real sashimi? Do not compare with other sashimi restaurants. Maknae Hoe (sashimi) Center is unrivaled in its freshness. The hygienic conditions are very pleasant. Diverse sashimi courses including Japanese spiny lobsters and sea cucumbers, squids, and blue crabs and ramen prepared with cheongyang red pepper will make you feel satisfied. The menu is a single course prepared with ingredients that the owner personally brings from the eastern coast of Korea. 1 2 3 4 5 6-77~6-81 194-44, Singil2-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-842-6150 AM 10:00PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Jayeonsan Hoe (fresh and wild sashimi) Course (single serving) 45,000 176 177

6 5-29 6-78 BAECKAKKWAN WEDDING CULTURE CENTER Luxurious, elegant atmosphere and food that please your appetite Baekakkwan Wedding Culture Center is memorable for its indoor design that makes your eyes happy. Its interior design is unique from the already-existing wedding halls. Equipped with refined and elegant wedding hall and banquet hall suitable for seminar, first-birthday party, 60th birthday and all other banquet events, it provides special satisfaction with its best dishes made by top domestic chefs using finest ingredients. 1 2 3 6-77~6-81 253-251, Singil5-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-842-7200 Additional inquiry required. 178 179

6 5-29 6-79 SINTOORI Authentic taste of healthy roasted duck with special sauce Roasted duck is well known as a symbol of well-being food. Roasted duck, uniquely tasty and nutritious, is good to enjoy with vegetable selection. Big plate of roasted duck served with various side dishes and vegetables perfectly fit for family dinner. Special spicy sauce maximize its delicacy! 1 2 3 4 5 4206, Singil6-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-834-5295 AM 11:00PM 23:00 Suggesntion menu Geum Sang Cheom Hwa Chung-sik (34 servings) 63,000 San Hae Jin Mi Chung-sik (2 servings) 43,000 Cordyceps Militaris Boiled Duck 45,000 6-77~6-81 180 181

6 5-29 6-80 MPLUSK (AIRFORCE CLUB BUILDING) Splendid banquet service that concentrates all the best services This is the banquet hall of airforce club that covers all the 20 years wedding hall business know-how. Neat and modern white interior is impressive. It offers service of the best quality by putting chefs from first-class hotels and expert employers in service into various banquets and events, including wedding ceremony. It also offers smoked salmon, caviar, beef tenderloin steak, fresh season fruit and salad. 1 2 3 4 6-77~6-81 1196, Singil7-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-810-6080 Additional inquiry required. 182 183

6 5-29 6-81 ONNURI JANGJAKGUI YEONGDEUNGPO BRANCH Naturally warm atmosphere and barbecue From hardwood feeling entrance, one can feel that Onnuri Jangjakgui considered harmony between human and nature. It is Korea-like professional, generous and relaxed restaurant. The taste of oak smoked gorgeous duck meat (Ori Jangjakgui) and pork belly with double hardwood charcoal roasted in the restaurant's own know-how sauce (Samgyeopsal Jangjakgui) are so light and clean. Even every sweet potato on charcoal fire has chef's affection. 1 2 3 4 6-77~6-81 427-2, Singil-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-848-5292 AM 11:30PM 24:00 Recommendation menu Ori Jangjakgui 41,000 Samgyeopsal Jangjakgui 24,000 Ori Jeongol (small) 14,000 184 185

Daerim-dong If you haven't experienced famous restaurants in Darim-dong yet, you'd better stop by now. All the places are waiting just for you. From Chinese Naengmyeon (cold noodles), Korean traditional dishes, buffet, and to seafood restaurants, a whole diversity will satisfy you. 7-82 GAJOKCHEONHA 7-83 BUJEON GARDEN 7-84 SEAFOOD OCEAN 7-85 FELICE ART HALL 7-86 HWARYONG NAENGMYEON

7 7-29 7-82 GAJOKCHUNHA You will be definitely be a big fan once you visit Gajok Cheonha is such a friendly restaurant with kind waitresses. They always welcome your visit and serve as you are one of their family. Softly melting taste of Korean barbecue is always available to enjoy. Pork Rib with special seasoning made with pine as well as Korean beef are always on frequent order list. This wide place can accommodate over 300 people but most of the seats are reserved on mealtime. 1 2 3 4 775, Daerim 3-dong,Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-847-4500 AM 11:30PM 22:00 Recommendation menu Hanwoo Myeongpum Deungshim (sirloin) 43,000 Ggot Galbisal (prime ribs) 25,000 Cheonha Galbitang 8,000 7-82 ~ 7-86 188 189

7 7-29 7-83 BUJEON GARDEN Enjoy both tasty and healthy food As hygiene and cleanness are the top priorities of this restaurant, chefs are thoroughly purchasing fine ingredients and cook them in a straight-forward way. Therefore, the natural flavor that comes out from ingredient itself makes their food so tasty and popular. Fruit and vegetable mixed barbecue sauce complete the grilled beef delicately. Homemade Sikhye, Korean sweet drink, is served with traditional snack as a desert. 1 2 3 4 989-10, Daerim-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-844-7598 AM 11:00AM 24:00 Suggesntion menu Hanwoo Ggotdeungsim (Korean beef rib eye) 35,000 Bujeon Sogalbi (rib) 20,000 Bujeon Chung-sik 15,000 7-82 ~ 7-86 190 191

7 7-84 SEAFOOD OCEAN Diverse seafood dishes that smell like ocean! Seafood Ocean is a family restaurant where freshness and natural beauty of ocean lives. Here you can meet varied seafood dishes. It provides fresh and high-quality seafood dishes through main dishes and seafood bar in which you can enjoy various seafoods including salmon, shrimp, octopus, calm, sushi, and roll. 1 2 3 4 5 989-5, Daerim-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-842-2005 AM 11:00PM 22:30 Recommendation menu Ocean's Platter 43,730 Seafood Bar (weekday lunch) 21,890 Seafood Bar (weekday dinner) 27,390 7-82 ~ 7-86 192 193

7 7-29 7-85 FELICE ART HAL Refined wedding hall and functional room with clean, fresh dishes Felice Art Hall has three sophisticated, luxury halls and boasts its cutting edge facilities different from other ones. The large, pleasant functional rooms are famous for not only wedding but all sorts of events and meetings. From Korean food to Japanese and Chinese food, neat, fresh dishes increasing eaters' dignity greatly decorates the finale. 1 2 3 993-15, Daerim-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-834-5800 Additional inquiry required. 7-82 ~ 7-86 194 195

7 7-86 HWARYONG NAENGMYEON Famous for its Chinese Naengmyeon and Wangjjambbong Hwaryong Naengmyeon is renowned for not only Chinese Naengmyeon (cold noodle) but also delicious Chinese cuisines. The naengmyeon with cold gooey noodles is surely the seasonal delicacy, but the jjambbong (spicy red noodle soup) with fresh seafood will also satisfy you. It also guarantees you the taste. Especially, Wangjjambbong, the big sized spicy red noodle soup that you get to cook it in front of you in a big pot is enough for four to five people with limitless refill of noodles free of charge. On the second floor, there is a huge wedding hall that can host events like wedding, 60th birthday and first-birthday parties. 1 2 3 709-2, Daerim2-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu 02-844-4888 AM10:30PM 22:30 Recommendation menu Wangjjambbong 28,000 Tangsuyuk (small) 17,000 Jjambbong 7,000 7-82 ~ 7-86 196 197