English Composition 제 7 주차 2015 년 2 학기 대상 : 국제어학과 1 학년 교수자 : 전현주
7 주차강의목표 NEW TOEIC WRITING Chapter 1 토익라이팅테스트 Question 6-7 Respond to a written request: 이메일답변작성하기 - 유형별접근하기 - Writing tips: Strategies for Successful Reading
기업 / 단체의광고 / 공지 à 개인 Practice: Directions: Read the e-mail below. -From: Nelson Electronics Customer Service Department -To: Mr. Lee, The head of Purchasing Department at J-Max Inc. -Subject: Thank you for your business with Nelson Electronics - Sent: April 10, 2007 (13:25 P.M) We would like to say thank you for your recent bulk purchase of our company s brand-new computer, the S-300 model. If you have experienced any problems with the products so far, please contact our technical department via the email at repair@nelson.com. Thank you! Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are Mr. Lee at J-Max Inc. In your email, describe TWO problems that you have experienced with the computer and make ONE request.
Email 답변작성 5 단계 제 1 단계 : Email 분석 보기의메일은 Nelson Electronics 고객서비스부서에서 J-Max 의구매부책임자에게보내는감사편지이다. Directions 에서이메일을통하여두가지사항을요구할것을주문한다. 첫째, 컴퓨터사용하면서경험한두가지문제점서술 둘째, 요구사항을한가지제시
Email 답변작성 5 단계 제 2 단계 : Brainstorming 첫째, 컴퓨터사용하면서경험한두가지문제점서술 1. 자주다운된다. 2. 새프로그램이잘안깔린다. 3. 처리속도가느리다. 둘째, 요구사항한가지제시 1. 컴퓨터교환 2. 방문수리 3. 환불요청
Email 답변작성 5 단계 제 3 단계 : 문장기술 1. 몇몇컴퓨터가이유없이자주다운된다. è Some computers go down too often for no reason. 2. 우리는새프로그램을설치할수없다. è We cannot install new programs on the computer. 3. 우리는컴퓨터를새것으로교체하기를원한다. è We would like to change the computers with new ones. 4. 기술자를무료로보내달라. è Please send us a technician without charge.
Email 답변작성 5 단계 : 제 5 단계 - Organizing 1. 수신 2. 메일에대한감사인사 3. 컴퓨터사용시문제점제시 1) 컴퓨터가다운된다. 2) 새프로그램설치가잘안된다. 4. 문제점에대한요청, 요구사항 수리공을보내달라 5. 끝인사
To whom it may concern, Sample 답안 Thank you for the email from your customer service department. So far, most computers purchased from your company are working just fine, but some of them are causing problems for their users. The problems are that a little computers go down too often without any obvious reason. Also, they have showed slow performance since the first day we started using them. We did everything we could to fix the problem, but we failed. Therefore, I am wondering if you would send over a technicianist for free. I would really appreciate it if you could do that for us. Thank you. Sincerely,
평가표와비교분석 평가항목 1. 지시사항에서요구하는내용을빠짐없이작성 2. 적절한연결어, 논리적인구성, 다양한문장사용 만점 (4 점 ) 답안내용 지시사항에서요구하는두가지문제점에대한설명과한가지정보에대한요구사항이명확하게내용에포함되어있음 인사말, 본문맺음말의명확한구조를갖고있으며, also, therefore 와같은연결어를적절히사용하여논리성과일관성을갖추고있음 3. 받는사람에대한적절한어조유지 Thank you, I am wondering., I would like to 등기업체에보내는이메일에어울리는적절한어조를사용하고있음 4. 보내는사람이의도한의미를해치지않는사소한문법적오류 문장중 a little 는가산명사를수식할수있는 a few 로, technicianist 는 technician 으로수정해야한다. 하지만이러한실수가문장의의미를훼손하지는않기때문에점수평가에영향을주지는않음
토익라이팅시험고빈도전치사 1
토익라이팅시험고빈도전치사 2
Writing a Comparison 1 Prewriting the comparison: - Identify items for comparison, purpose, and audience. - Make observations of objects to compare if possible. - Brainstorm or create a branching tree of details for comparison. - Check to make certain that the items being compared are properly matched.
Writing a Comparison 2 Planning the comparison: - Create a table out points of comparison and details. - Determine pattern: block or point by point. - Create a rough outline - Test to determine whether points are complete, meet the purpose, and are not skewed.
Writing a Comparison 3 Drafting the comparison: - Introduction establishes purpose for comparison and main point. - Body develops each point of comparison with detail using pattern. - Conclusion may vary but reaffirms the main point.
Writing a Comparison 4 Revising the comparison: - Gather peer responses, talk over the topic, and reexamine items being compared. - Check to make certain everything fits the purpose. - Add additional similarities or differences as needed. - Cut points that don t fit. - Test organization, especially transitions.
REFERENCES 넥서스콘텐츠개발팀 (2010) NEW TOEIC WRITING 넥서스. James A. Reinking & Robert Von Der Osten (2014) Strategies for Successful Writing: A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader, and Handbook 10 th ed. Pearson. http://blog.daum.net/junyoung9197/6076 https://www.ets.org/media/tests/toeic/pdf/ TOEIC_sw_sample_tests.pdf