사단법인한국육종학회 The Korean Society of Breeding Science 경기도수원시권선구수인로 125 ( 서둔동 209) 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원내한국육종학회 Tel Fax E- mail.

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사단법인한국육종학회 The Korean Society of Breeding Science 441-857 경기도수원시권선구수인로 125 ( 서둔동 209) 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원내한국육종학회 Tel. 031-296-6898 Fax. 031-292-0804 E- mail. koreabreed@hotmail.com http://www.breeding.or.kr 2013 년한국육종학회임원 회 장 김용권농협종묘센터 차기회장 임상종국립식량과학원 부회장 김연규국립농업과학원 정영수동아대학교 박범석국립농업과학원 강시용한국원자력연구소 정종일경상대학교 조용구충북대학교 김태수국립산림과학원 한지학 ( 주 ) 농우바이오 임기병경북대학교 편집위원장 서용원고려대학교 편집이사 박순기경북대학교 강병철서울대학교 사무총장 이주경강원대학교 감 사 정남진전북대학교 김기택농업기술실용화재단 2013 년학술발표회준비위원회 위원장 임상종국립식량과학원 고희종서울대학교 박범석국립농업과학원 박수철국립농업과학원 총무위원 이주경강원대학교 문중경국립식량과학원 양태진서울대학교 기획위원 강규석국립산림과학원 김용호순천향대학교 김율호국립식량과학원 노일섭순천대학교 박용진공주대학교 서용원고려대학교 윤무경국립원예특작원 임기병경북대학교 정영수동아대학교 편집위원 박순기경북대학교 강병철서울대학교 학술위원 강권규한경대학교 김성길전남대학교 김태호국립농업과학원 박영훈부산대학교 박향미국립식량과학원 서학수서울대학교 송천영한국농수산대 우선희충북대학교 윤재복 ( 주 ) 고추와육종 이긍주충남대학교 재무위원 김기택농업기술실용화재단 송준호아시아종묘 정응기농촌진흥청연구정책국 최규환그린국제특허 섭외위원 강시용한국원자력연구원 김연규국립식량과학원 신용억국립원예특작과학원 신학기국립원예특작과학원 조용구충북대학교 최근진국립종자원재배시험과 최임수국립식량과학원 현종내맥류연구소 지원위원 곽태순상지대학교 김홍식충북대학교 안상낙충남대학교 양승균농우바이오 오대근한국농수산대학 황영현경북대학교 본학회사무와학회지에관련되는모든문서는아래로등기우송바랍니다. 학술발표회관련논문은 www.breeding.or.kr 에서논문검색및파일다운로드를할수있습니다. 본학회지에등재된논문의판권은한국육종학회에있습니다. 총무사항이주경사무총장 441-857 경기도수원시권선구수인로 125( 서둔동209) 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원내한국육종학회 TEL. 031-296-6898 FAX. 031-292-0804 E-mail. koreabreed@hotmail.com 편집사항박순기편집이사 702-701 대구북구산격3동경북대학교농업생명과학대학응용생명과학부 TEL. 053-950-7751 E-mail. breededit@hotmail.com 이학술지는정부재원 ( 과학기술진흥기금및복권기금 ) 으로한국과학기술단체총연합회의지원을받아출판되었음 This work was supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Grant funded by the Korean Government.

Program 2013 한국육종학회 - 차세대 BG21 사업단공동심포지엄 ( 유전체육종과종자생명산업전략 ) Strategies on Genomics-assisted Breeding and Seed Biotechnology 1 일째 [2013. 7. 4. 목 ] 12:00~13:00 등록및포스터부착 ( 장소 : 로비 & 주성홀 ) 13:00~13:10 개회식 ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 ) 한국육종학회장인사 제 1 부학술강연 Genome assisted breeding ( 유전체육종 ) 좌장 : 고희종 ( 서울대학교 ) 13:10~13:50 13:50~14:30 14:30~15:10 고추유전체정보와농업형질개발을위한응용최도일 ( 서울대학교 ) 유전체육종을위한전장유전체정보의활용 Qifa Zhang ( 화중농업대학, 중국 ) 병저항성벼개발을위한유전체육종 Shiping Wang ( 화중농업대학, 중국 ) 15:10~15:30 휴식 좌장 : 박범석 ( 국립농업과학원 ) 15:30~16:10 Sequencing the Norway spruce genome reveals a unique history of repeat expansion Nathaniel Street ( 우메오대학교, 스웨덴 ) Epigenetics ( 후생유전체학 ) 16:10~16:50 Active DNA demethylation during gametogenesis regulates gene imprinting and transposon silencing in Arabidopsis Tzung-Fu Hsieh ( 노스캐롤리나주립대학, 미국 ) 16:50~17:30 크로마틴리모델링요소의수량성과개화시기조절기능안진흥 ( 경희대학교 ) 17:30~17:40 휴식 골든씨드프로젝트 제 2 부수출용종자개발사업단 & 분과별발표 17:40~18:10 채소종자사업단소개및추진계획 임용표 ( 충남대학교 ) ( 장소 : 우암홀 ) 식량종자사업단소개및추진계획 최임수 ( 국립식량과학원 ) ( 장소 : 직지홀 A) 원예종자사업단소개및추진계획 노일섭 ( 순천대학교 ) ( 장소 : 직지홀 B) 분과별포스터발표 ( 장소 : 주성홀 ) 18:10~18:45 정기총회 & 학회상 ( 연구상 ) 시상 ( 장소직지홀 ) 19:00~20:00 리셉션 & 경산육종학회상시상 ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 ) i

2 일째 [2013. 7. 5. 금 ] 제 3 부분과별구두발표및사업단워크샵 분과별구두발표 08:30~10:30 수량및저항성육종 좌장 : 박용진 ( 공주대학교 ) 강병철 ( 서울대학교 ) ( 장소 : 우암홀 ) 분자육종및유전공학 좌장 : 조용구 ( 충북대학교 ) 임기병 ( 경북대학교 ) ( 장소 : 직지홀 B) 차세대바이오그린 21 사업단발표 Plant epigenomics for breeding ( 차세대유전체연구사업단 ) 좌장 : 최상봉 ( 명지대학교 ) ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 A) 08:30~09:00 09:00~09:30 09:30~10:00 10:00~10:30 Arabidopsis RNA metabolism by the pre-mrna processing factor 6 homolog 이병하 ( 서강대학교 ) Development of stress-tolerant transgenic plants via RNA metabolism control 강훈승 ( 전남대학교 ) Epigenetic repression of floral genes by long non-coding RNAs in Arabidopsis 허재복 ( 동아대학교 ) Role of a histone-modifying enzyme in plant immunity and tomato small RNAome 정호원 ( 동아대학교 ) GM 작물실용화사업단 좌장 : 이강섭 ( 국립농업과학원 ) ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 B) 08:30~09:00 09:00~09:30 09:30~10:00 글로벌시장진출을위한 GM 작물개발전략김주곤 ( 서울대학교 ) 쌀육종기술의현황과전망원용재 ( 국립식량과학원 ) 중국의 GM 벼개발과 Hybrid 육종 Piao Zhong Ze ( 상해시농업과학원 ) 10:00~10:30 종합토의 10:30~10:40 휴식 제 4 부학술강연 Advanced technology for development of GM crops ( 최신 GM 작물개발동향 ) 좌장 : 박수철 ( 국립농업과학원 ) 10:40~11:20 11:20~12:00 생명공학기법활용선충저항성콩개발 Benjamin Matthews ( 미국농업청, 미국 ) 글로벌농업생명공학기업의 GM 작물연구개발동향 Hangsik Moon ( 신젠타, 미국 ) 12:00~12:30 시상식및폐회 ii

Symposium Program Strategies on Genomics-assisted Breeding and Seed Biotechnology Date and Place (2013. 7. 4 ~ 5) 12:00~13:00 Registration and poster mounting 13:00~13:10 Opening ceremony July 4 (Thursday) Session 1. Plenary lecture Genomics assisted breeding Chair : Hee-Jong Koh (Seoul National University) Genome sequence of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and its application for agronomic trait 13:10~13:50 development Do-Il Choi (Seoul National University, Korea) 13:50~14:30 14:30~15:10 15:10~15:30 Coffee Break 15:30~16:10 Epigenetics 16:10~16:50 16:50~17:30 17:30~17:40 Coffee Break Rice genetic improvement in the post genomics era Qifa Zhang (Huazhong Agricultural University, China) Exploring broad-spectrum and durable disease resistance genes for rice improvement Shiping Wang (Huazhong Agricultural University, China) Chair : Beom Seok Park (National Academy of Agricultural Science) Sequencing the Norway spruce genome reveals a unique history of repeat expansion Nathaniel Street (Umea University, Sweden) Active DNA demethylation during gametogenesis regulates gene imprinting and transposon silencing in Arabidopsis Tzung-Fu Hsieh (North carolina State University, USA) Chromatin remodelling factors OsVIL2 and OsVIL4 control flowering time and yield in rice Gynheung An (Kyung Hee University, Korea) Session 2. Golden seed project workshop & poster presentation 17:40~18:10 Golden seed project workshop Vegetable seed project (chinese cabbage, radish, watermelon, pepper, paprika) Yong Pyo Lim (Chungnam National University) Horticultural seed project (cabbage, tomato, onion, tangerine, lily, mushroom) Ill-Sup Noua (Sunchon National University) Crop seed project (rice, potato, corn) Im-Soo Choi (National Institute of Crop Science) Poster presentation 18:10~18:45 Regular general meeting 19:00~20:00 Dinner iii

Session 3. Oral presentation & poster presentation July 5 (Friday) Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety Chair : Yong-Jin Park (Gongju National University) Byoung-Cheorl Kang (Seoul National University) 08:30~10:30 Molecular breeding and biotechnology Chair : Yong-Gu Cho (Chungbuk National University) Ki-Byung Lim (Kyungpook National University) 10:30~10:40 Coffee Break Plant epigenomics for breeding (TAGC, NextGeneration BioGreen21) Chair : Sang-Bong Choi (Myongji University) Workshop for National Center for GM crops (NextGeneration BioGreen21) Chair : Kang-Seop Lee (National Academy of Agricultural Science) Session 4. Plenary lecture Advanced technology for development of GM Crops Chair : Soo-Chul Park (National Academy of Agricultural Science) 10:40~11:20 11:20~12:00 Development of cyst nematode resistant soybean through biotechnology Benjamin Matthews (USDA, Agricultural Research Service, USA) Research & development of GM crops in global ag-biotechnology industry Hangsik Moon (Syngenta Biotechnology, USA) 12:00~12:30 Awards ceremony & closing remark iv

Contents 연사발표 SY-01 Genome sequence of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and its application for agronomic trait development 3 Doil Choi SY-02 Rice genetic improvement in the post genomics era 3 Qifa Zhang SY-03Exploring broad-spectrum and durable disease resistance genes for rice improvement 4 Shiping Wang SY-04 SY-05 SY-06 Evolutionary insights into gymnosperm genomes resulting from the Norway spruce genome project 4 Nathaniel Street Active DNA demethylation during gametogenesis regulates gene imprinting and transposon silencing in Arabidopsis 5 Tzung-Fu Hsieh Chromatin remodelling factors OsVIL2 and OsVIL4 control flowering time and yield in rice 5 Gynheung An SY-07 Development of cyst nematode resistant soybean through biotechnology 6 Benjamin F. Matthews SY-08 Research & development of GM crops in global ag-biotechnology industry 7 Hangsik Moon 구두발표 수량및저항성육종 OA-01 인삼의고온장해내성품종 선일 육성 11 이준수, 이장호, 안인옥, 이성식, 인준교, 서지호, 김윤수 OA-02 Mapping of yield component traits using near isogenic lines from an interspecific cross 11 Ju-Won Kang, Dong-Min Kim, Yeo-Tae Yun, Hyun-sook Lee, Sang-Nag Ahn v

OA-03Screening of potato lines tolerant to high temperature through in vitro test and field performance 12 Kwang-Soo Cho, Susan Munive, Merideth Bonierbale, Walter Amoros, Young-Eun Park, Ji-Hong Cho, Hyun-Jyun Kim OA-04 배가반수체기술과 genomic selection 을이용한옥수수육종의새로운패러다임 13 소윤섭 OA-05 Development of field corn varieties for adaptation of Primorsky Krai in Russia 14 Si-Hwan Ryu, Ki-Jin Park, Jong-Yeol Park, Eun-Ha Jang, Young-Ho Seo, Woo-Sik Yong, Sang-Min Lee, Kyung-Hee Kim OA-06 영양적, 산업적이용을위한콩기름의지방산조성변화 14 박현우 분자육종및유전공학 OC-01 Effectiveness of marker-assisted backcrossing breeding for biotic resistance in rice 15 Jung-Pil Suh, Kshirod K. Jena, Young-Chan Cho, Ji-Ung Jeung, Yong-Jae Won, Im-Soo Choi, Jeom-Ho Lee, Myeong-Ki Kim, Chung-Kon Kim OC-02 Evolution of the large genome in Panax ginseng 16 Hong-Il Choi, Nam-Hoon Kim, Tae-Jin Yang OC-03Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of a new mutant gene for panicle apical abortion in rice 17 Md. Babul Akter, Rihua Piao, Backki Kim, Yunjoo Lee, Eunbyeol Koh, Hee-Jong Koh OC-04 Gene isolation and characterization of a dominant dwarf mutant, D-h, in rice 18 Rihua Piao, Sang-Ho Chu, Yoye Yu, Donggwan Kim, Sunghan Kim, Hee-Jong Koh OC-05 Genetic engineering of sugarcane for improved biofuel production from lignocellulosic biomass 19 Jae Yoon Kim, Je Hyeong Jung, Walid Fouad, Maria Gallo, Wilfred Vermerris, James Preston, Fredy Altpeter OC-06 The crosstalk mechanism of Brassinosteroids and ABA in early seedling development 20 Hojin Ryu, Wonsil Bae, Ildoo Hwang 포스터발표 수량및저항성육종 PA-01 강원도단작지역적응내재해 고품질콩신품종 강일 23 하건수, 최재근, 조수현, 변학수, 함진관, 김세원, 윤홍태, 오영진, 이종형 PA-02 기계수확이가능한콩나물용콩품종 해품 육성 23 김현태, 한원영, 전명기, 이병원, 이영훈, 고종민, 정찬식, 윤홍태, 백인열, 신상욱 vi

PA-03 내냉성벼품종육성을위한중국운남성에서국내계통의작물학적특성 24 김명기, 정종민, 안억근, 이상복, 신영섭, 서정필 PA-04 내병성고추육성을위한 marker assisted breeding 24 이흥렬, 안혜정, 심동보, 최순호, 이장하, 양희범, 강병철, 남석현, 한지학 PA-05 내병성, 고품질참깨품종 유미 육성 25 황정동, 김성업, 이병규, 심강보, 배석복, 이춘기, 이명희, 박장환, 백인열 PA-06 내재해안전다수성메조 조황메 육성 25 이재생, 고지연, 송석보, 김정인, 우관식, 곽도연, 정태욱, 김기영, 오인석, 오병근 PA-07 다수성종실용옥수수신품종 신광옥 의생육특성및수량성 26 손범영, 백성범, 김정태, 이진석, 황종진, 김선림, 정건호, 권영업, 허창석, 박종열 PA-08 다수성, 갈색참깨품종 갈미 육성 26 김성업, 황정동, 이병규, 배석복, 이명희, 이춘기, 박장환, 심강보, 백인열 PA-09 도복및이삭곰팡이병에강한찰수수 남풍찰 육성 27 김정인, 정태욱, 곽도연, 이재생, 김기영, 고지연, 우관식, 송석보, 정기열, 오인석 PA-10 벼극조생내랭성중간모본 중모 1022 호 육성 27 이상복, 김명기, 조영찬, 정종민, 정오영, 이점호, 이정희, 홍하철, 이정일, 전용희, 정응기, 최용환, 원용재, 양원하, 신영섭, 김형윤, 김정곤 PA-11 벼중생최고품질내병내도복다수성신품종 대보 육성 28 김정일, 박노봉, 이지윤, 권오덕, 박동수, 장재기, 여운상, 이종희, 조준현, 송유천, 장기창, 최경진, 오성환, 황운하, 김우재, 박성태, 남민희 PA-12 벼흰잎마름병균에대한인디카와자포니카벼의단일저항성유전자반응과이들의집적효과 29 박현수, 신문식, 김기영, 노태환, 백소현, 이종희, 하기용, 백만기, 김우재, 박종호, 유재수, 조영찬, 김보경 PA-13 사일리지및종실용옥수수신품종 양안옥 의생육특성및수량성 30 손범영, 백성범, 김정태, 이진석, 구자환, 김선림, 정건호, 권영업, 지희정, 허창석, 박종열 PA-14 수량이높고병해에강한가래떡용 희망찬 개발 30 하기용, 박현수, 백소현, 남정권, 조영찬, 김보경 PA-15 수량이높고병해에강한향기좋은검정쌀 흑수정 개발 31 하기용, 박현수, 백소현, 남정권, 조영찬, 김보경 PA-16 숙기및용도별벼품종의묘소질변이 31 최용환, 한희석, 류인석, 오세웅, 황규석, 양선목, 박순자, 박지형, 박지혜 PA-17 약배양이용벼멸구, 흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병저항성벼계통육성 32 박현수, 백소현, 백만기, 노태환, 백채훈, 정지웅, 이종희, 하기용, 김우재, 남정권, 김기영, 조영찬, 신문식, 김보경 PA-18 오대벼대체고품질중립조생종벼품종 새오대 33 김명기, 신영섭, 원용재, 안억근, 서정필, 정국현, 이점호, 전용희, 윤영환, 윤광섭, 장재기, 양창인, 정종민, 윤미라, 김정곤 vii

PA-19 월동형시설풋고추야간온도차이에따른품종별특성 34 김우일, 오주열, 김희대, 손길만, 도재왕, 윤재복 PA-20 재배가안정적이고다수성인장류 두부용콩신품종 진풍 34 전명기, 김현태, 한원영, 이영훈, 고종민, 윤홍태, 백인열, 이병원, 신상욱, 심하식, 하태정, 정광호, 정찬식, 박금룡 PA-21 저농도액비처리에의한포플러단벌기맹아림의바이오매스생산 35 김현철, 신한나, 강규석, 여진기 PA-22 중산간지적응복합내병성고품질조생산호미 35 신운철, 김우재, 박현수, 김보경, 박성태 PA-23 지역특산화를위한장류 두부용극대립콩신품종 중모 3008 호 36 전명기, 김현태, 한원영, 이영훈, 고종민, 윤홍태, 백인열, 이병원, 신상욱, 심하식, 하태정, 문중경, 정찬식, 박금룡 PA-24 친환경재배적응복합내병충성고품질벼 친들 육성 36 김우재, 백소현, 신문식, 박현수, 하기용, 박종호, 조영찬, 김보경 PA-25 캄보디아적응옥수수품종개발을위한자원유래별농업특성및수량평가 37 박기진, 류시환, 박종열, 장은하, 서영호, 용우식, 이상민, 유정훈, 김경희 PA-26 통일형중생다수성 중모 1028 육성 37 이지윤, 조준현, 이종희, 박노봉, 오성환, 한상익, 김상열, 여운상, 송유천, 박동수, 손영보, 황운하, 최대식, 류현수, 이춘우, 남민희, 전영춘 PA-27 항산화활성이높은건강기능성메수수 동안메 육성 38 김정인, 곽도연, 고지연, 정태욱, 이재생, 김기영, 우관식, 송석보, 오인석, 이명철 PA-28 황색 대립의불임내성찰기장 황실찰 육성 38 이재생, 고지연, 송석보, 김기영, 곽도연, 정태욱, 김정인, 우관식, 오인석, 오병근 PA-29 후기녹체성및복합내병성총체사료용벼중간모본 중모 1029 호 개발 39 현웅조, 이점호, 이상복, 양창인, 최용환, 장재기, 정종민, 이규성, 김명기, 김준환, 원용재, 안억근, 모영준, 윤영환, 정지웅, 오세관, 서문원, 김정곤 PA-30 흰앙금제조가가능한팥신품종 흰구슬 39 송석보, 이재생, 고지연, 우관식, 김정인, 김기영, 곽도연, 정태욱, 오인석 PA-31 A comparison in physiological responses and photoinhibition tolerance between superior and inferior families of Pinus densiflora under drought condition 40 Chang-Young Oh, Sang-Urk Han PA-32 A large-scale screening analysis for the evaluation of Bakanae disease in rice 41 Myung-Hee Kim, Saet-Byeol Lee, Tackmin Kwon, Un-Ha Hwang, Soo-Kwon Park, Yeong-Nam Youn, Jong-Hee Lee, Jun-Hyun Cho, Dongjin Shin, Sang-Ik Han, Un-Sang Yeo, You-Chun Song, Min-Hee Nam, Dong-Soo Park PA-33 A new early maturing and high yielding vegetable peanut Ami 41 Suk-Bok Pae, Chang-Hwan Park, Myung-Hee Lee, Sung-Up Kim, Chung-Dong Hwang, Choon-Ki Lee, In-Youl Baek viii

PA-34 PA-35 PA-36 A new forage barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) awnless spike type with lodging and disease resistance, Jungmo2502 42 Young-Jin Oh, Tae-Il Park, Ouk-Kyu Han, Jae-Hwan Suh, Hyoung-Ho Park, Sang-Kyun Cho, Jong-Chul Park, Tae-Hwa Song, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Yang-Kil Kim, Hyeon-Jung Kang, Jae-Seong Choi, Yun-Woo Jang, Kee-Jong Kim, Kwang-Geun Park, Ki-Hun Park, Jai-Hyun Jeung, Gi-Heung Hong, Hong-Jib Choi, Dae-Ho Kim A new mid-late maturing japonica rice variety Hyeonpum with a good grain quality and eating quality 43 Jeong-Ju Kim, Woon-Chul Shin, Mun-Sik Shin, Ki-Yeong Kim, Bo-Kyeong Kim, Jeong-Kwon Nam, Jong-Cheol Ko, Hyeon-Su Park, Ki-Yong Ha, Man-Kee Baek, So-Hyeon Baek, Young-Jun Mo, Woo-Jae Kim, Hyeon-Jung Kang, Jae-Kwon Ko, Han-Su Yang, Jeong-Hwa Park, Ki-Hun Park A new mid-late maturing rice variety Subo with a good grain quality and for direct seeding 44 Man-Kee Baek, Woon-Chul Shin, Jong-Cheol Ko, Bo-Kyeong Kim, Jeong-Kwon Nam, Ki-Yeong Kim, Mun-Sik Shin, Ki-Yong Ha, Hyeon-Su Park, Hyeon-Jung Kang, So-Hyun Baek, Young-Jun Mo, Jae-Kwon Ko, Woo-Jae Kim, Young-Bok Lee, Jeong-Ju Kim, Jeong-Hwa Park, Young-chan Cho, Ki-Hun Park PA-37 A new peanut variety Sinpalkwang with large grain and high yeild 44 Suk-Bok Pae, Chung-Dong Hwang, Sung-Up Kim, Myung-Hee Lee, Chang-Hwan Park, Keum-Yong Park, Choon-Ki Lee, In-Youl Baek PA-38 PA-39 PA-40 Biological function of Brassica rapa cysteine protease in transgenic rice and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae pathosystem 45 Marjohn Nino, Sailila E. Abdula, Hye-Jung Lee, Dal-A Yu, Mi-Sun Kim, Sanguk Byeon, Franz Nogoy, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho Development of molecular marker linked to white rust resistance in chrysanthemum using bulked segregant analysis (BSA) 45 Sang-Kun Park, Jin-Hee Lim, Jae-A Jung, Young Soon Kwon, Hak-ki Shin Evaluation of Korean wheat cultivars for type I and II resistance to Fusarium head blight in 2013 46 Sanghyun Shin, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Chon-Sik Kang, Jae-Han Son, Hag-Sin Kim, In-Duck Choi, Young-Jin Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Kyong-Ho Kim, Jong-Nae Hyun, Chul Soo Park, Kwang-Geun Park PA-41 Evaluation of late-sowing-adaptable soybean cultivar in paddy field 46 Han Won Young, Park Hyeon Jin, Oh Ki Won, Kim Hyun Tae, Shin Sang Ouk, Lee Byong Won, Ko Jong Min, Baek In Youl PA-42 Genome-based fine mapping of the Tomato spotted wilt virus resistance gene, Tsw, in Capsicum 47 Byoung-Cheorl Kang, Ngoc Huy Hoang, Hee-Bum Yang, Won-Hee Kang, Bong Nam Chung PA-43Genome-wide identification and analysis of Catharanthus roseus RLK1-like kinase family in rice 48 Quynh-Nga Nguyen, Sun-Ok Moon, Sun Ah Park, Ki-Hong Jung ix

PA-44 Introgression of brown planthopper resistance of O.rufipogon to japonica rice cultivars 48 Kyung-Ho Kang, Ji-Ung Jung, Jeong-Pil Seo, Hyang-Mi Park, Myeong-Gi Kim, Yeong-Seop Shin, Eok-Keun Ahn PA-45 Ion accumulation of five rice cultivars in drought and salt stress environment 49 Hye-Jin Yoon, Zamin Shaheed Siddiqui, Seung-Bum Lee, An-Cheol Chang, Seok Cheol Suh, Eun-Jung Suh, Yeon-Hee Lee PA-46 Jungmo2503, A new forage barley(hordeum vulgare L.) cultivar with hood spike type and non-scatteredness 50 Young-Jin Oh, Tae-Il Park, Ouk-Kyu Han, Jae-Hwan Suh, Hyoung-Ho Park, Sang-Kyun Cho, Jong-Chul Park, Tae-Hwa Song, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Yang-Kil Kim, Hyeon-Jung Kang, Jae-Seong Choi, Yun-Woo Jang, Kee-Jong, kim, Kwang-Geun Park, Ki-Hun Park, Jai-Hyun Jeung, Gi-Heung Hong, Hong-Jib Choi, Dae-Ho Kim PA-47 Leaf temperature response of soybean (Glycine max) to saline stress 51 Jin Won Kim, Tae-Young Lee, En-Su Park, Byoung Kwan Cho, Do-Soon Kim PA-48 PA-49 PA-50 PA-51 PA-52 PA-53 PA-54 Mapping and validation of quantitative trait loci for spikelets per panicl and grain weight in rice. 51 Dong-Min Kim, Ju-Won Kang, Hyun-Sook Lee, Sang-Nag Ahn Mapping of SSR markers closely linked to a bean rust resistant gene in common bean following bulked segregant analysis with whole genome SNP genotyping 52 Seonghyu Shin, Marcial Pastor-Corrales, Qijiang Song, Gaofeng Jia, Miok Woo, Perry Cregan Molecular characterization of BrUGE1 encoding UDP-glucose 4-epimerase from Brassica rapa in transgenic rice 52 Hye-Jung Lee, Sailila E Abdula, Dae-Won Jang, Marjohn Nino, Franz Nogoy, Mi-Sun Kim, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho Photochemical response analysis for selection of wet tolerant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) mutants 53 Sung Yung Yoo, Jin Woo Byun, Tae Seok Ko, Sun Hee Woo, Tae Wan Kim QTL identification for yield components under low P and water condition from indica x japonica RILs 54 Ian Paul Navea, Hee-Jong Koh, Sung-Han Kim, Joong Hyoun Chin QTL mapping for grain width using near-isogenic lines from a cross between Hwaseongbyeo and Oryza rufipogon 54 Sang-Min Yeo, Yeo-Tae Yun, Hae-Hwang Kim, Sang-Nag Ahn Study on phenotyping of rice for drought tolerance using hyper-spectral reflectance imagery 55 En-Su Park, Byoung Kwan Cho, Jin Won Kim, Do-Soon Kim PA-55 Selection of salt-tolerant rice mutant lines from Ac/Ds insertional mutant population 55 Hyeonso Ji, Hakbum Kim, Gang-Seob Lee, Doh-Won Yun, Ung-Han Yoon, Tae-Ho Kim x

품질육종및유전변이 PB-01 구기자나무유전자원의구기순관련형질특성검정 56 주정일, 윤덕상, 박영춘, 서정석, 이보희, 이봉춘, 김현호 PB-02 국내육성단옥수수자식계통특성평가 56 이진석, 김정태, 손범영, 백성범, 정건호, 김율호, 김선림, 권영업 PB-03 국내적응 quality protein maize (QPM) 옥수수종실의일반성분, 지방산및아미노산함량비교 57 손범영, 백성범, 김정태, 이진석, 김선림, 정건호, 권영업 PB-04 난지형마늘조숙다수성신품종 장새미 57 김성배, 고순보, 고태신, 강성근, 박미영 PB-05 대륜계통의분홍색반겹꽃절화용거베라 Pinkholic 품종육성 58 박상근, 최성열, 정재아, 권영순, 신학기 PB-06 백도의생육환경에따른엽색도반응과엽색에관한유전분석 58 박노봉, 여운상, 권오덕, 이지윤, 남민희 PB-07 벼중생가공용향미우량계통육성 59 조유현, 라원희, 박용진, 김용철, 권순욱 PB-08 보라색홑꽃중형프리지아 모브토파즈 육성 59 최윤정, 정향영, 구대회, 강윤임, 조해룡 PB-09 보리호위축병에강한고품질다수성겉보리신품종 혜다 60 김양길, 이미자, 박종철, 최재성, 김태수, 백성범, 김대욱, 김기종, 김시주, 박기훈 PB-10 복색폼폰화형의절화용스프레이국화 러빙유 육성 60 황주천, 진영돈, 정용모, 이병정, 노치웅, 정병룡 PB-11 복합내병성및밥맛이우수한고품질중생벼신품종 청운 개발 61 양창인, 최임수, 조영찬, 김명기, 이점호, 원용재, 이정희, 김연규, 김정주, 신영섭, 백만기, 이상복, 홍하철, 안억근, 손지영, 한성숙, 모영준, 김정곤 PB-12 선명한핑크색반겹꽃대륜화절화용거베라 써니팜 육성 62 정용모, 황주천, 진영돈, 이병정, 노치웅, 이영병, 권오창 PB-13 설향찰 에서발견된웅성불임계통의특성 63 원용재, 양창인, 안억근, 현웅조, 정응기, 김준환, 이점호, 최임수, 김정곤 PB-14 소화성단백질함량이낮은반찰벼 건양 2 호 육성과유전분석 63 이종희, 이지윤, 길랑키스와라, 허연재, 조준현, 송유천, 손영보, 여운상, 남민희, 김경민 PB-15 쌀도정도에따른식미및이화학특성변이 64 이정희, 윤미라, 모영준, 천아름, 곽지은, 오세관, 이점식, 김정곤 PB-16 양파극조생계웅성불임중간모본 제주 O-MS-1 호 64 김성배, 고순보, 고태신, 강성근, 박미영, 이을태 xi

PB-17 일품 내병성강화고식미벼중간모본 중모 1025 호 개발 65 안억근, 조영찬, 원용재, 최임수, 이정희, 이상복, 오명규, 김정주, 김연규, 양창인, 정종민, 이점식, 서정필, 노재환, 이충근, 황기호, 정희채, 김정곤 PB-18 잎생산전용품종육성을위한구기자유전자원의잎특성검정 65 주정일, 윤덕상, 박영춘, 서정석, 이보희, 이봉춘, 김현호 PB-19 자주색홑꽃프리지아 샤이스마일 육성 66 최윤정, 정향영, 구대회, 강윤임, 조해룡 PB-20 재래종찰벼를활용한고기능성찰벼우량계통육성 66 조유현, 박용진, 권순욱 PB-21 조생복합내병성벼중간모본 중모 1023 호 개발 67 원용재, 조영찬, 최임수, 이점호, 이상복, 이정희, 오명규, 김정주, 양창인, 안억근, 장재기, 이점식, 홍하철, 윤미라, 서정필, 오세관, 황기호, 김정곤 PB-22 중부지역의맥후작재배에적합한청예사료용피의재배적특성 67 김정곤, 성병열, 박태선 PB-23 한국재래밀유전자원의작물학적특성 68 강정훈, 강만정, 마경호, 이수경, 이호선, 박태일, 이효정, 윤성중 PB-24 한국재래옥수수유전자원의작물학적특성 68 강정훈, 강만정, 마경호, 이호선, 이기안, 장은하, 박기진 PB-25 한국재래조유전자원의작물학적특성 69 강정훈, 마경호, 강만정, 이기안, 허온숙, 이호선, 윤성탁 PB-26 한국재래종콩의 isoflavone 과 saponin 함량변이 69 이지석, 이효재, 곽병삼, 박병덕, 정재현, 신현만, 정헌상, 김홍식 PB-27 한국콩육성품종의 saponin 함량변이 70 이효재, 이지석, 곽병삼, 정재현, 신현만, 정헌상, 김홍식 PB-28 헤어리베치 (Vicia villosa Roth) 백색과분홍꽃의유전분석 70 구자환, 한옥규, 김대욱, 이유영, 김충국, 황종진, 문중경, 권영업 PB-29 황색홑꽃화형스프레이국화 예스미키 육성 71 최현구, 박하승, 이철휘, 김동찬, 전낙범, 이영혜, 원미경, 최병준, 최종진 PB-30 PB-31 A new waxy white grain wheat variety, BaekChal with pre-harvest sprouting and cold hardiness resistance and good cooking quality 71 Chon-Sik Kang, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Young-Keun Cheong, Hag-Sin Kim, Young-Jin Kim, InDuck Choi, Jong-Chul Park, Sang-Hyun Shin, Jae-Han Son, Kyong-Ho Kim, Jong-Nae Hyun, Kee-Jong Kim, Chu Soo Park A new wheat variety, Hojoong with pre-harvest sprouting resistance, low amylose content and good noodles quality 72 Chon-Sik Kang, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Young-Keun Cheong, Hag-Sin Kim, Young-Jin Kim, InDuck Choi, Jong-Chul Park, Sang-Hyun Shin, Jae-Han Son, Kyong-Ho Kim, Jong-Nae Hyun, Kee-Jong Kim, Chu Soo Park xii

PB-32 Analysis of seed proteome from wild and mutant lines of sorghum 73 Swapan Kumar Roy, Abu Hena Mostofa Kamal, Hye-Rim Kim, Soo-Jeong Kwon, Jung-In Kim, Tae-Seok Ko, Zhanguo Xin, Sun-Hee Woo PB-33 Characterization of an ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) mutant lines in C.annuum. 74 Doyeon Hwang, Hee-Jin Jeong, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Si-Yong Kang, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PB-34 PB-35 PB-36 Differentiation of isoflavones of breeding populations between yellow and black soybean 74 Byong Won Lee, Myeong Gi Jong, Min Ko, Hyun Tae Kim, Won-Young Han, Ki Won Oh, Hyeon-Jin Park, Sang Ouk Shin, Tae Yoon, In Youl Baek Evaluation of fruit quality in pepper germplasms(capsicum annuum) introduced from china for high-red pigments breeding. 75 Ji-Eun Hwang, Su-Gyeong Jeon, Kil-Su Jang, Oh-Hun Kwon, Tae-Young Kwon, Hongjin Long, Min Gui, Qiuyue Zhong, Lei Du Evaluation of soluble sugar content in soybean mutant lines derived from gamma-irradiation 75 Kyung Jun Lee, Viayanand Velusamy, Jin-Baek Kim, Bo-Keun Ha, Sang Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Si-Yong Kang, Byung-Moo Lee, Dong Sub Kim PB-37 Global genome expression analysis of rice mutant line in response to salt stress 76 Kyung Jun Lee, Jin-Baek Kim, Bo-Keun Ha, Sang Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Si-Yong Kang, Byung-Moo Lee, Dong Sub Kim PB-38 Identification of genetic diversity and DNA polymorphisms in Korean rice accessions through resequencing 76 In-Seon Jeong, Ung-Han Yoon, Gang-Seob Lee, Hyeon-So Ji, Hyun-Ju Lee, Tae-Ho Kim PB-39 In vitro anther culture of Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema ssp.) 77 Khandakar Md. Rayhanul Kabir, Woo Ju Hong, Yong-Jin Park PB-40 PB-41 PB-42 Influence of high temperature during grain filling and seed maturation on the accumulation of storage proteins in rice 78 Jung-Hee Ko, Hee-Young Jang, Kun Cho, Seong-Woo Cho, Jong-Soon Choi, Toshiaki Mitsui, Chul-Won Lee, Yong-Gu Cho, Sun-Hee Woo Mitochondrial proteome analysis of the seedlings of wheat in roots using LTQ-FTICR-MS/MS 79 Da-Eun Kim, Swapan Kumar Roy, Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal, Kun Cho, Seong-Woo Cho, Chul-Soo Park, Jong-Soon Choi, Sun-Hee Woo Modification of starch composition using antisense and RNAi vectors by targeting SSS1 and GBSS1 genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) 80 Moo-Geun Jee, Hye-Jung Lee, Mingmao Sun, Sailila E. Abdula, Sanguk Byeon, Dal-A Yu, Yu-Jin Jung, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PB-43Palatability and physicochemical properties of rice varieties in the year when yield increased by 10% than usual 80 Jeom-Sig Lee, Jeong-Heui Lee, Mi-Ra Yoon, Jieun Kwak, Young Jun Mo, Areum-Chun, Sea-Kwan Oh, Jae-Ki Jang, Chung-Kon Kim xiii

PB-44 Phenotypic variation of Brachypodium M 2 population that is chronically irradiated by gamma-ray 81 Oonha Shin, Sang Heon Kim, Man Bo Lee, Jae Yoon Kim, Dae Yeon Kim, Yong Jin Lee, Yong Weon Seo PB-45 Selection of genotype with high methionine content in soybean 81 Min-Whan Kim, Mi-Kyung Sung, Hyung-Jin Seo, Jong-Il Chung PB-46 Selection of strains with high sucrose content in soybean 82 Mi-Kyung Sung, Min-Whan Kim, Hyung-Jin Seo, Jong-Il Chung PB-47 se/wx Double mutant 육종소재개발 82 이진석, 김정태, 손범영, 백성범, 정건호, 김율호, 김선림, 권영업 PB-48 PB-49 The genetic architecture of heterostyly and homostyly in buckwheat: the influence of modifiers genes on the stability of self-incompatibility in buckwheat 83 Soo-Jeong Kwon, Tea-Ho Kim, Hye-Rim Kim, Y. Yasui, K. Matsui, Kyung-Ho Ma, Keun-Yook Chung, Hong-Sig Kim, Young-Ho Yun, Chul-Ho Park, Sun-Hee Woo The strategy and potential utilization of temperate germplasm for the improvement of tropical germplasm: genetic diversification program is a GEM (germplasm enhancement of maize) of a resource for(zea mays L.) growers in USA 84 Sun-Hee Woo, Tea-Young Oh, Hee-Young Jang, Jung-Hee Ko, Seong-Bum Baek, Young-Up Kwon, Matthew Krakowsky, Major Goodman, Peter J. Balint-Kurti, James B. Holland, Yoon-Sup So PB-50 TILLING analysis using Brachypodium mutant induced by gamma irradiation 85 Man Bo Lee, Dae Yeon Kim, Oon Ha Shin, Jin Seok Yoon, Sang Heon Kim, Woo Joo Jung, Yong Weon Seo PB-51 Variation of phosphatidylcholine component in soybean seed 85 Mi-Kyung Sung, Min-Whan Kim, Hyung-Jin Seo, Jong-Il Chung PB-52 Youhan, A new whole crop barley cultivar of hooded spike and spring early regenerative type 86 Tae-Il Park, Young-Jin Oh, Ouk-Kyu Han, Hyoung-Ho Park, Jong-Chul Park, Sang-Kyun Cho, Jae-Hwan Noh, Dae-Wook Kim, Tae-Hwa Song, Hyun Seok Chae, Jae-Hyun Jeung, Ki-Heung Hong, Jeong-Suk Bae, Jae-Young Huh, Jin Song, Yun-Woo Jang, Kee-Jong Kim, Ki-Hun Park 분자육종및유전공학 PC-01 고추탄저병저항성 QTL mapping 을위한양친의 NGS re-sequencing 을통한대량 SNP 탐색 87 이준대, 도재왕, 윤재복 PC-02 기개발된식미관련분자표지의육종적활용가능성 87 서정필, 조영찬, 이정희, 원용재, 김명기, 이점식, 안억근, 최임수, 김정곤 PC-03 배추에서이원적전사유도시스템의확립 88 김수윤, 안율균, 우종규, 유희주, 김도선 xiv

PC-04 A genetic linkage map of rice using F 1 DH plants with SSR markers 88 Gyu Ho Lee, Hyun Suk Lee, Min Gyu Kim, Seul Gi Park, Ye Jin Son, Jin Hee Kim, Jae Keun Sohn, Gihwan Yi, Kyung-Min Kim PC-05 A new carrot germplasm constructed by protoplast fusion 89 Min Jung, Da-Hae Son, Ji-Young Hyun, Young-Woo Liu, Sih-Woo Lee, Chee-Hark Harn PC-06 A potential link between mirna expression and fruit development 89 June Hyun Park, Dong-Gyu Hwang, Jae Yun Lim, Donghyun Kim, Yourim Choi, Soyoung Kim, Gregory Reeves, Chanseok Shin PC-07 PC-08 A simple, rapid, and high-throughput DNA extraction method for PCR analysis from rice plants 90 Sung-Ryul Kim, Gynheung An, Kshirod K Jena A variant block-based comparative genomics method for the detection of functional loci in soybeans 91 Yul Ho Kim, Tae-Young Hwang, Hyang Mi Park, Seuk Ki Lee, Man Soo Choi, Seung woo Hwang, Kwang Ho Jeong, Min Jung Seo, Hong Tai Yun, Sun Lim Kim, Young-Up Kwon, Ho-Sung Yoon, Suk-Ha Lee, JongBhak, Sunghoon Lee PC-09 An event of GM cabbage resistant to diamondback moth 92 Bo-Min Kim, Jong-Sup Shin, Beom-Seok Park, Soon-Chun Jeong, Chee-Hark Harn PC-10 Analysis of chemical changes after WBPH inoculation in the rice leaf 92 Seul Gi Park, Sopheap Yun, Hyun-Suk Lee, Kyung-Min Kim PC-11 Analysis of transcriptome change in high level of VitE accumulating rice mutant induced by in vitro mutagenesis 93 Jung Eun Hwang, Sun-Hee Kim, Kang-ie Lee, Sun-Goo Hwang, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Bo-Keun Ha, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim PC-12 Arabidopsis fused kinase TWO-IN-ONE dominently inhibits male meiotic cytokinesis 94 Sung Aeong Oh, David Twell, Soon Ki Park PC-13Assessment of genetic diversity among Korean sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) resources using SSR markers 95 JY Park, AR Kim, SY Yoo, JI Kim, TW Jung, SH Woo, HY Heo, TW Kim, TS Ko PC-14 Association analysis of vitamin E and phytosterols content in dehulled rice 96 Xiao-Qiang Wang, Sun-Kyung Min, Soon-Wook Kwon, Young-Sang Lee, Yong-Jin Park PC-15 PC-16 At least nine independent natural mutations of the DFR-A gene are responsible for appearance of yellow onions (Allium cepa L.) from red progenitors 97 Sook Yi Song, Sunggil Kim, Haejeen Bang, Cheol-Woo Kim, Jin Seong Moon, Bhimanagouda S. Patil Caffeine synthesis by exogenous methyltransferase genes in rice confers a broad-spectrum resistance against biotic stresses 98 Youngchul Yoo, Jong Chan Park, Joo-Mi Yoon, Hyemin Lim, Gang-Seob Lee, Sang-Won Lee xv

PC-17 Characterization and genetic mapping of the early senescence mutant in rice 99 Dongryung Lee, Backki Kim, Hee-Jong Koh PC-18 PC-19 Comparison of isoflavones in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) germplasms by different origins 99 Ill-Min Chung, Eun-Hye Kim, Ju-Jin Lim, Bo-Ra Yu, Ye-Seul Yang, Jae Yeon Yoon, Joo-Hyun Lee, Seung-Hyun Kim Construction of a microsatellite database for fingerprinting analysis of soybean (Glycine max) Varieties in Korea 100 Yong-Sham Kwon, Jee-Hwa Hong, Keun-Jin Choi PC-20 Construction of composite comparative genetic maps for ten legume species 100 Dongwoon Yu, Chaeyoung Lee, Daejin Hyung, Jinhyun Kim, Yejin Jo, Jusuk Park, Eunji Kwon, Hongkyu Choi PC-21 PC-22 Cross-species translation of abiotic stress-responsive genes between Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula. 101 Chaeyoung Lee, Daejin Hyung, Jinhyun Kim, Dongwoon Yu, Yejin Jo, Jusuk Park, Eunji Kwon, Hongkyu Choi Detection of copy number variations using array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis in rice responding to different types of ionizing radiations 102 Sun-Hee Kim, Jung Eun Hwang, Kang-Ie Lee, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Bo-Keun Ha, Joon-Woo Ahn, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim PC-23Development of antifungal transgenic plant by using host induced gene silencing 102 Byung-Jun Jin, Hyun-Jin Chun, Min-Chul Kim PC-24 PC-25 PC-26 PC-27 PC-28 Development of interactive comparative analysis platform for translation of genomic information across different plant species 103 Daejin Hyung, Chaeyoung Lee, Jinhyun Kim, Dongwoon Yu, Yejin Jo, Jusuk Park, Eunji Kwon, Hongkyu Choi Development of marker-free transgenic rice expressing wheat storage protein, Glu-Dx5 104 Soo-Kwon Park, Woon-Ha Hwang, DongJin Shin, Ji-Yoon Lee, Jun-Hyeun Cho, Myung-Hee Kim, Min-Hee Nam, Dong-Soo Park Development of new markers to genotype the functional insertion of badh2, a gene responsible for fragrance in aromatic rice 104 Qiang He, Jae-Wan Park, Yoo-Hyun Cho, Soon-Wook Kwon, Young-Sang Lee, Yong-Jin Park Development of rice molecular breeding platform based on DMB(Dense Mutation Block) and construction of rice NAM(Nested Association Mapping) populations 105 Hyang Mi Park, Yul Ho Kim, Yong Jae Won, Eok Keun Ahn, Young Jun Mo, Kyoung Ho Kang, Ji Ung Jeung Development of sequence characterized amplified region markers for cultivar identification in persimmon 106 Kang Hee Cho, Kwang-Sik Cho, Jeom Hwa Han, Hyun Ran Kim, Il Sheob Shin, Se Hee Kim, Jae An Chun, Hae-Sung Hwang xvi

PC-29 Differential gene expression in Korean soybean under heat stress condition. 107 Kitae Song, Gun-Ho Jung, Sun Lim Kim, Young-Up Kwon, Byung-Moo Lee PC-30 PC-31 PC-32 PC-33 PC-34 PC-35 Ectopic expression of mungbean ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 enhances resistance to osmotic stress in Arabidopsis 107 Eunsook Chung, Chang-Woo Cho, Hyun-A So, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Selvam Ayarpadikannan, Kenneth Ryan Schraufnagle, Ji Hae Park, Se Hyun Park, Jai-Heon Lee Effects of plant growth regulator combination on embryo formation for haploid production in wheat 108 Young-jin Kim, Kyeong-hoon Kim, Hag-sin Kim, Jong-nae Hyun, Jae-hwan Roh, Kee-jong Kim, Kwang-geun Park, Ki-hun Park Evidence of genome duplication through analysis of EST-SSR in Panax ginseg C.A. Meyer 108 Nam-Hoon Kim, Hong-Il Choi, Kyung Hee Kim, Woojong Jang, Tae-Jin Yang Expression analysis for selected transcripts during reproductive stage in several rice varieties subjected to heat stress 109 Sunghan Kim, Youn Young Lee, Chan Mi Lee, Hee-Jong Koh Expression and characterization of the major ampullate slik protein gene from the spider Araneus ventricosus in transgenic rice. 110 Won-Tae Yang, Doh-Hoon Kim Fine-mapping new gene conferring resistance to bacterial blight isolates (K1, K2, K3, and K3a) in Korea 111 Suk-Man Kim, Jung-Pil Suh, Tea-Hwan Noh, Yang Qin, Myung-Ho Lim, Chung-Kon Kim, Russell Reinke, Kshirod Jena PC-36 Food Security and the role of plant biotechnology 111 Minsang Lee PC-37 Functional analyses of the novel salt-inducible genes from Korean halophytes 112 Selvam Ayarpadikannan, Eunsook Chung, Hyun-A So, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Kenneth Ryan Schraufnagle, Ji Hae Park, Se Hyun Park, Jai-Heon Lee PC-38 Functional diversification of soybean FLOWERING LOCUS T homologs 112 Kyung-Hee Lee, Kyung-Mi Park, Chul-Woo Choi, Wook-Hun Jung, Hyun-Min Cho, Min-Chul Kim PC-39 Functional implication of β-carotene hydroxylases in soybean nodulation 113 Sunghan Kim, Youn-Kyung Kim, Hee-Jong Koh, Choong-Ill Cheon PC-40 Functional screening of plant genes suppressed salt sensitive phenotype of calcineurin deficient mutant through yeast complementation analysis 114 Dongjin Shin, Soo-Kwon Park, Un-Ha Hwang, Jong-Hee Lee, Sang-Ik Han, Min-Hee Nam, Dong-Soo Park PC-41 Generation of bacterial blight resistance rice with OsNAC58-overexpressing 114 Eun-Shil Kwak, Ga-Hee Park, Duk-Ju Hwang, Il-Pyung Ahn, Shin-Chul Bae, Beom-Ki Kim, Sangryeol Park xvii

PC-42 Genetic diversity and construction of core collection in Capsicum 115 Hea-Young Lee, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Hee-Jin Jeong, Na Young Ro, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-43Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of Amaranth collected from the Asian region using 14 SSR markers 115 Cheol-Soon Park, Feng-Peng Li, Woo Ju Hong, Sun-Kyung Min, Jong Wook Chung, Yong-Jin Park PC-44 Genetic diversity and structure analysis of wild soybean (Glycine soja) in Korea 116 Kil Hyun Kim, Seukki Lee, Min-Jung Seo, Mi-Jung Kim, Kwang-Ho Jeong, Jong-Ho Seo, Si-Ju Kim, Young-Up Kwon, Jung-Kyung Moon PC-45 PC-46 PC-47 Genetic diversity, population structure and association mapping for agronomic traits in waxy/flint maize inbred lines 117 Kyu Jin Sa, Byong Wan Kim, Seung Hun Choi, Jong Yeol Park, Ki Jin Park, Ju Kyong Lee Genetic transformation experiments applying MdIAA14 transcription factor related to self thinning gene for apple 117 Se Hee Kim, Il Sheob Shin, Kang-Hee Cho, Hyun Ran Kim, Ki Ok Kim, Kyung Ran Do, Jae An Chun, Hae Seong Hwang Genome wide survey and molecular characterization of heat shock transcription factor gene family in Glycine max 118 Kyoung-Mee Kim, Eunsook Chung, Selvam Ayarpadikannan, Hyun-A So, Kenneth Ryan Schraufnagle, Ji Hae Park, Se Hyun Park, Jai-Heon Lee PC-48 Genome-wide association studies approach and post-gwas study in rice 119 Gang Li, Min-Young Yoon, Won-Hee Ra, Jae-Wan Park, Qiang He, Aye Aye Khaing, Xiao-Qiang Wang, Win Htet Oo, Feng-Peng Li, Byoung Kook Yun, Chang-Yong Lee, Yong-Jin Park PC-49 Genome-wide identification and analysis of Catharanthus roseus RLK1-like kinase family in rice 120 Quynh-Nga Nguyen, Sun-Ok Moon, Sun Ah Park, Ki-Hong Jung PC-50 Genome-wide SNP database for marker-assisted background selection in tomato 121 Ji-Eun Kim, Bong-Woo Lee, Sang-Mi Kim, Bo-Mi Lee, Jeong-Hee Lee, Sung-Hwan Jo PC-51 Genotypic variation of embryo dent of rice grains 121 Yunjoo Lee, Gileung Lee, Rihua Piao, Sunmi Jang, Hee-Jong Koh PC-52 Haplotype analysis of major blast resistance (R) genes in rice; Pi9, Pia, and Pib 122 Won-Hee Ra, Gang Li, Yong-Jin Park PC-53 PC-54 Haplotype analysis of preharvest sprouting related genes in rice; OsVP1, Osaba1, Alpha-amylase3DandOsGA20ox1 122 Aye Aye Khaing, Yong-Jin Park Haplotype variation in Sub1, Sub2 and Ramy3D contributing to the anaerobic germination (AG) in rice 123 Win Htet Oo, Aye Aye Khaing, Yong-Jin Park xviii

PC-55 Identification and interacting partners of OsGRP in rice during gamma-ray irradiation 123 Yong chan Park, Sung Don Lim, Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol Seong Jang PC-56 Identification of promoters conferring anther specific expression in rice 124 Moe Moe Oo, Hyun-Kyung Bae, Dung Nguyen Tien, Sung-Aeong Oh, Ki-Hong Jung, Soon Ki Park PC-57 PC-58 PC-59 PC-60 Identification of rice genes associated with cosmic-ray response via co-expression gene network analysis 125 Sun-Goo Hwang, Dong sub Kim, A-Reum Han, Cheol Seong Jang Increased accumulation of anthocyanins in transgenic alfalfa by overexpressing the sweetpotato R2R3-Type IbMYB1a Gene 126 Sang-Hoon Lee, Ki-Won Lee, Chul Han An, Cha Young Kim Investigation of genetic factors related to quantitative control of capsiate biosynthesis 127 Siyoung Jang, Koeun Han, Yeong Deuk Jo, Hee-Jin Jeong, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Isolation and characterization of novel gene and microsocopic analysis of a rice mutant with narrow leaves. 128 Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-hoon Kim PC-61 Light induced expression of key genes for glycoalkaloid accumulation in potato 129 Manjulatha M, Hwang-Bae Sohn, Kwang-Soo Cho, Oh-Keun Kwon, Jin-Cheol Jeong PC-62 Localization and expression analysis of U-box-containing E3 ligase OsUPS result from phosphate deficiency in rice 130 Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-hoon Kim PC-63Mass propagation in cassava(manihot esculenta Crantz) by somatic embryogenesis 131 Jae-Wan Park, Prapit wongtiem, Yong-Jin Park, Suk-Woo Jang PC-64 Molecular characterization of a gibberllin-sensitive dawaf mutant gene in rice. 132 Won-Tae Yang, Doh-Hoon Kim PC-65 PC-66 Molecular characterization of stress memory using Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cell lines adapted to high salt 132 Hyun-Jin Chun, Wook-Hun Jung, Byung-Jun Jin, Dae-Jin Yun, Min-Chul Kim Molecular characterization of two OsSHSP (Oryza sativa Small Heat Shock Protein) genes in rice 133 Jun-Cheol Moon, Deok-Jae Ham, Sun-Goo Hwang, Sung Don Lim, Cheol Seong Jang PC-67 Molecular characterization of type III DnaJ-like proteins from Arabidopsis 133 Hyun-A So, Eunsook Chung, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Ji Hae Park, Se Hyun Park, Selvam Ayarpadikannan, Kenneth Ryan Schraufnagle, Jai-Heon Lee PC-68 Morphological and genetic characterization of Off-type rice plants collected from farm fields in Korea 134 Joohyun Lee, Jung-Hyun Park, Hee-Jong Koh xix

PC-69 Multiplex marker 를활용한고추병저항성마커스크리닝 135 한상은, 조아영, 김일회, 양희범, 강병철, 이흥렬 PC-70 PC-71 PC-72 PC-73 PC-74 PC-75 Overexpression of OsCHI genes increases tolerance to drought, and salt stress in transgenic arabidopsis 135 Hyun Yong Cho, Hye Lee Lim, Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol Seong Jang Phenotypic characterization and genetic mapping of an open-hull sterile mutant in rice. 136 Gileung Lee, Yoye Yu, Rihua Piao, Aeri Han, Sunghan Kim, Hee-Jong Koh Proteolytic processing and chloroplast trafficking inhibition of the chloroplast targeting RING E3 ligase, OsCTR1, involved in ABA-mediated drought tolerance mechanism 137 Sung Don Lim, Cheol Seong Jang QTL analyses for 8 agronomic characters in two populations of rice derived from wide compatibility line 138 Jeonghwan Seo, Huang Xing, Su Jang, Sunghan Kim, Hee-Jong Koh Qualitative and quantitative analysis of high-molecular-weight subunits in Korean wheat cultivars by two-dimensional electrophoresis 139 Min-Suk Kim, Joo-Hyung Kim, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim, Jong-Yeol Lee Qualitative and quantitative analysis of low-molecular-weight subunits in Korean wheat cultivars by two-dimensional electrophoresis 139 Joo-Hyung Kim, Min-Suk Kim, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim, Jong-Yeol Lee PC-76 Requirement of THO2 for mirna biogenesis and alternative splicing in Arabidopsis 140 Anchilie G. Francisco, Pablo A. Manavella, Hyeon Ju Eo, Ji Eun Jeon, Patricia Lang, Sung Aeong Oh, Jong-Tae Song, Soon Ki Park PC-77 PC-78 RNA-seq profiling of transcriptomic changes in gibberellic acid-treated seeded grapevine during inflorescence development 141 Chan Jin Jung, Su-Jung Lee, Youn Young Hur, Sung-Min Jung, Jung-Ho Noh, Jong-Chul Nam, Kyo-Sun Park, Sung-Hwan Jo, Hee Jae Lee Role of mrna 3 -end processing in phosphate starvation responsive root architecture changes 142 Hyun-Jin Chun, Dong-Won Baek, Chul-Woo Choi, Kyung-Hee Lee, Mi-Suk Park, Dae-Jin Yun, Min-Chul Kim PC-79 Selection of CGMMV resistant watermelon by crossing CGMMV resistant GM rootstock 142 So-Youn Lee, Jang-Ha Lee, Yuon-Sub Shin, Ki-Hyun Ryu, Soon-Chun Jeong, Chee-Hark Harn PC-80 PC-81 Selection of drought-tolerant durum (Triticum turgidum L.) and common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Korea and Tunisia 143 Sang Heon Kim, Dae Yeon Kim, Yacoubi Inès, Yong Jin Lee, Oonha Shin, Jin-Seok Yoon, Woo-Joo Jung, Yong Weon Seo Selection of microsatellite marker set for the analysis of genetic integrity and relationship in rice genetic resources 144 Gi-An Lee, Do-Yoon Hyun, Myung-Chul Lee, Jung Yoon Lee, Jong-Wook Chung, Sok-Young Lee, Yeon-Gyu Kim xx

PC-82 Shotgun proteomics approach to identify candidate proteins related with drought stress in Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis (inbred line Chiifu ) 144 Hijin Kim, Jaebok Cho, Wondo Lee, Joohyun Lee PC-83Sound wave stimulates plant gene response and improve salt stress tolerance of rice seedlings 145 M. J. Jeong, D. W. Bae, H. H. Bae, S. C. Shin, S. I. Lee, J. A Kim, S. H. Park, D. H. Kim, S. C. Park PC-84 SSR 분자마커를이용한튀김옥수수자식계통들에대한집단구조및 association 분석 146 장진선, 장은하, 사규진, 김병완, 김종화, 이주경 PC-85 Studies of R2R3-OsMYB4P transcription factor in phosphate starvation signaling 147 Won-Tae Yang, Doh-Hoon Kim PC-86 PC-87 PC-88 PC-89 Study on the polymorphism between brown midrib mutants and Hwangkeumchal using SSR markers toward sorghum QTL mapping on excessive water stress 148 JY Park, AR Kim, SY Yoo, JI Kim, TW Jung, SH Woo, HY Heo, TW Kim, TS Ko TaGAST genes accelerates spike development by repressing negative growth regulator in wheat 149 Yun Jeong Kim, Dae Yeon Kim, Min Jeong Hong, Jae Yoon Kim, Yong Weon Seo The effect of chronical irradiation on Brachypodium distachyon as a model plant for lignocellulosic bioethanol production 150 Jae Yoon Kim, Dae Yeon Kim, Man Bo Lee, Yong Weon Seo The rice RING E3 ligase OsHIR1 participates in positive regulation of arsenic and cadmium uptake 151 Sung Don Lim, Jin Gyu Hwang, Cheol Seong Jang PC-90 Towards high-throughput marker-assisted backcrossing system 152 Chenie Zamora, Katreena Titong, Michael J. Thomson, Joong Hyoun Chin PC-91 PC-92 Transcriptome profiling of Shindongjin and Sugary mutant at grain-filling stages using RNA-Seq 153 Feng-Peng Li, Min-Young Yoon, Gang Li, Yong-Jin Park Transgenic expression of MsHSP23 confers enhanced tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in forage crops 154 Ki-Won Lee, Jin-Yong Mun, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Hyung Soo Park, Gi Jun Choi, Sang-Hoon Lee PC-93 Whole transcriptome analysis during early symbiotic signaling in Medicago truncatula 155 Hyun-Ju Hwang, Sang Cheol Kim, Mijin Oh, Sin-Gi Park, Hee-Ju Yu, Brendan Riely, Douglas Cook, Jeong-Hwan Mun, Gang-Seob Lee GM 작물실용화사업단 PD-01 웅성불임제초제저항성들잔디 (JG21-MS) 의임성특성평가 156 권용익, 최정근, 배태웅, 강홍규, 박기웅, 이효연 xxi

PD-02 유전자변형벼안전성평가의분자생물학적평가가이드라인개발 156 이범규, 이기종, 권순종, 조현석, 류태훈 PD-03 제초제저항성웅성불임 GM 들잔디 (JG21-MS) 의분자생물학적특성평가 157 강홍규, 김보화, 선현진, 권용익, 이효연 PD-04 An event of gm peppers tolerant to pepper mottle virus (PepMoV) 158 Eun-Mi Jeon, Sun-Hee Shin, Jung-Mi Park, Soon-Ho Choi, Dong-Bo Shim, Nam-Han Her, Jang-Ha Lee, Min Jung, Ki-Hyun Ryu, Soon-Chun Jeong, Chee-Hark Harn PD-05 PD-06 Assessment of microbial community in paddy soils cultivated with Bt and Nakdong rice 159 Soo-In Sohn, Byung-Kwan Cho, Bong-Kyun Jeon, Jeung-Won Lee, Tae-Hoon Ryu, Hyun-Suk Cho, Ki-Jong Lee, Sung-Dug Oh, Hong-Il Ahn, Kong-Sik Shin Characterization of tissue-specific gene promoters in various organs and stage of reproductive development in rice 159 Songhwa Chae, Joung Sug Kim, Kyong-Mi Jun, Yeon-Ki Kim, Baek-hie Nahm PD-07 CMV-CP 바이러스저항성 GM 고추의농업적특성 160 안주희, 김창기, 박정호, 문예슬, 김도영, 장경민 PD-08 Comparison agronomic characteristic and chemical properties between GM (Genetically modified) drought-tolerant rice and donor rice 161 Jin Hee Kim, Mohammmad Ubaidillah, Seul Gi Park, Ye Jin Son, Gyu Ho Lee, Hyun-Suk Lee, Kyung-Min Kim PD-09 Determination of nutrients and anti-nutrients in resveratrol GM rice (Oryza sativa L.) 161 Eun-Hye Kim, Ill-Min Chung, Ju-Jin Lim, Seung-Hyun Kim PD-10 Differential requirement of Oryza sativa RAR1 in immune receptor-mediated resistance of rice to Magnaporthe oryzae 162 Sang-Kyu Lee, Min-Young Song, Chi-Yeol Kim, Muho Han, Jong-Seong Jeon PD-11 Effects of herbicide tolerance rice cultivation on microbial community in paddy soil 162 Sung-Dug Oh, Tae-Hun Ryu, Soo-In Sohn, Chang-Gi Kim, Kyoungwhan Back, Kijong Lee PD-12 Flanking sequence analysis of soybean transgenic plants with three recombinant cry1ac genes 163 Jung Hun Pak, Mi Jin Kim, Hye Jeong Kim, Su Yeong Yun, Young Soo Chung PD-13Gene flow of GM pepper 163 Sun-Hee Shin, Min Jung, Jung-Mi Park, Eun-Mi Jeon, Chang-Gi Kim, Chee-Hark Harn PD-14 PD-15 Genome-scale mutagenesis and phenotypic characterization of response regulators in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae 164 Minh-Phuong Nguyen, Joo-Mi Yoon, Sang-Won Lee Heterologous expression of dehydrin gene from Arctic Cerastium arcticum increases abiotic stress tolerance and enhances the fermentation capacity of a genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 165 Il-Sup Kim, Hyun-Young Kim, Young-Saeng Kim, Han-Gu Choi, Sung-Ho Kang, Ho-Sung Yoon xxii

PD-16 PD-17 PD-18 PD-19 Improved resistance of soybean mosaic virus with Coat protein and HC-Pro genes using RNAi method 166 Hye Jeong Kim, Jung Hun Pak, Mi Jin Kim, Su Yeong Yun, Yeong Hoon Lee, Ki Hyun Ryu, Kook-Hyung Kim, Young Soo Chung Introduction of UGT72E3/2 gene into soybean increases higher content of phenylpropanoids 166 Su Yeong Yun, Jung Hun Pak, Mi Jin Kim, Hye Jeong Kim, Jae Sung Nam, Young Soo Chung Isolation and functional analysis of glutamine synthetase (OsGS) gene in transgenic rice under cadmium stress 167 Hye Jung Lee, Sailila E. Abdula, Dae-Won Jang, Moo-Geun Jee, Sung-Han Park, Ung-Han Yoon, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, IllSup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho Molecular biological characteristics and biosafety assessment for drought-tolerant transgenic rice (CaMsrB2) 168 Sung-Dug Oh, Ki-Jong Lee, Soo-In Sohn, Myung Ja Kang, Jong-Sug Park, Hyun Suk Cho, Tae-Hun Ryu 차세대유전체연구사업단 (TAGC) Plant Epigenomics for Breeding OD-01 Arabidopsis RNA metabolism by the pre-mrna processing factor 6 homolog 171 Byeong-ha Lee OD-02 Development of stress-tolerant transgenic plants via RNA metabolism control 172 Hunseung Kang, Tao Xu, Lili Gu, Min Kyung Kim, Su Jung Park OD-03Epigenetic repression of flowering pathway genes by long non-coding RNA in Arabidopsis 173 Jae Bok Heo OD-04 Role of a histone-modifying enzyme in plant immunity and tomato small RNAome 174 Ho Won Jung GM 작물실용화사업단 (NCGC/KBIC) OE-01 OE-02 글로벌시장진출을위한 GM 작물개발전략김주곤 쌀육종기술의현황과전망원용재 OE-03 중국의 GM 벼개발과 Hybrid 육종 Piao Zhong Ze xxiii

2013 년한국육종학회상 00 색인 00 xxiv

2013 한국육종학회-차세대BG21사업단 공동 심포지엄 연사발표

SY-01 Genome sequence of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and its application for agronomic trait development Doil Choi Department of Plant Science and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Republic of Korea Chili pepper (Capsicum annuum) is one of the most important vegetable crop for human being as a rich source of nutritions and spicy condiments. To make reference genome sequence of pepper, we sequenced the whole genome of Capsicum annuum, CM334 using Illumina/Solexa Genome Analyzer GA2. The genome size of CM334 is estimated as 3.5 Gb. A total of 716 Gb (205.96x coverages of the whole genome) of raw sequences were generated. After filtering out the low quality sequences, a total of 233 Gb (66.7x) of the raw sequences were used for assembly. Total assembled contig length and number were 2.93 Gb and 295,502, respectively. N50 and average length were 25.72 kb and 6,5 kb, respectively. By sequencial scaffolding with mate-pair sequences of 2 kb - 20 kb sizes, a total of 3.04 Gb of scaffold which is approximately 90% of the whole genome was assembled. The total number of scaffolds was 33,876 with N50 length of 1,605 kb. For annotation of the pepper genome, a total of 46 Gb of transcriptome sequences were generated from 12 different tissues using Illumina GA2 and Hi-seq 2000. We are under way of analyzing the characteristic traits of pepper using transcriptome data. The progress of pepper genome sequencing project including gene annotation, gene family analysis, comparative genomics studies on evolution of hot taste, genome expansion and fruit development will be presented in the meeting. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: doil@snu.ac.kr SY-02 Rice genetic improvement in the post genomics era Qifa Zhang National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China In the past half century, production of major food crops in the world has kept pace with the population increase. The yields of major cereals such as maize, rice and wheat have been more than doubled in most parts of the world and even tripled in certain countries. However, food production is facing even greater challenges in the next half century because of high demands in both quantity and quality, and ever increasing pressures on resources and environments. At the same time, advances in genomics, biotechnology and genetic studies have brought about unprecedented opportunities for crop genetic improvement. Rice is a major food crop feeding approximately half of the world s population, and has provided a model system for cereal research. In my presentation, I will describe the demands for increased production for future needs, address the main issues that we have encountered as challenges, present current progress in rice functional genomics research, and provide prospect on how the advance in research can be translated into technologies and activities for rice genetic improvement. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: qifazh@mail.hzau.edu.cn -3-

SY-03 Exploring broad-spectrum and durable disease resistance genes for rice improvement Shiping Wang National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, National Center of Plant Gene Research (Wuhan), Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China Fungal blast caused Magnaporthe oryzae, bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), bacterial streak caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) are devastating diseases of rice worldwide. Application of host resistance to these pathogens is the most economical and environment-friendly approach to solve this problem. Some major disease resistance (MR) genes controlling qualitative resistance and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling quantitative resistance are valuable sources for broad-spectrum and durable disease resistance. We have characterized a number of rice MR genes and resistance QTL genes that confer a broad-spectrum or durable resistance to M. oryzae, Xoo, and Xoc. How to efficiently use these genes for rice improvement will be discussed. SY-04 Evolutionary insights into gymnosperm genomes resulting from the Norway spruce genome project Nathaniel Street Umea University, Sweden Conifers have been the dominant tree species of many forests for more than 200 million years and are currently ecologically and economically extremely important species. Despite their importance there has, to date, been no gymnosperm genome sequence available. We produced a draft assembly of the 20 Gbp Norway spruce (Picea abies) genome. Ab initio gene prediction identified 28,354 well-supported genes representing a gene number similar to the >100 times smaller genome of Arabidopsis thaliana. Analysis of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (Ks) identified no evidence of a recent whole-genome duplication suggesting that genome expansion resulted from other mechanisms. Repeat analysis showed that the large genome resulted from the slow and steady accumulation of a diverse set of LTR TEs that were not subsequently removed by unequal recombination, as evidenced by a high abundance of complete LTRs with few solo LTRs being identified. We performed low coverage sequencing of Pinus sylvestris, Abies sibirica, Juniperus communis, Taxus baccata and Gnetum gnemon to enable comparative analyses, revealing that the TE diversity is shared among extant conifers. Profiling of 24nt srnas, which are known to silence TEs via methylation, was highly tissue-specific and much lower than in other plants. We further identified numerous long (>10,000 bp) introns that arose due to TE insertions and that seem to be shared across gymnosperm species in addition to the genome containing numerous gene-like fragments, most likely representing pseudogenes. We additionally identified 13,031 spruce-specific and 9,686 conserved long non-coding RNAs, 2,719 mirna candidates and show that the 21nt srna population is highly diverse, as reported previously for other conifer species. The availability of a conifer genome will enable further advances in conifer forestry and breeding as well as enabling evolutionary analysis including this previously missing group of land plants. -4-

SY-05 Active DNA demethylation during gametogenesis regulates gene imprinting and transposon silencing in Arabidopsis Tzung-Fu Hsieh Plants for Human Health Institute and Department of Plant Biology, North Carolina State University, Kannapolis, NC 28081, US The companion cells of the Arabidopsis thaliana egg and sperm, the central and vegetative cells, undergo active DNA demethylation prior to fertilization. However, its biological significance, extent of conservation, and targeting preferences are not yet clear. We recently showed that localized demethylation of interspersed, small transposable elements is a common feature of A. thaliana companion cells. The DEMETER DNA glycosylase encodes active DNA demethylase activity and is required for seed production. DME-mediated DNA demethylation in the central cell is required to establish imprinted gene expression in the endosperm, and is considered a master regulator for plant gene imprinting. However, the similarity among DME targets in the central and vegetative cells, despite their different functions and developmental fates, suggests that establishment of genomic imprinting may not be the basal function of DME. Lack of DEMETER in vegetative cells causes reduced methylation of transposons in sperm. Our observation suggests that the primary function of companion cell demethylation is to reinforce transposon silencing in plant gametes. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: thsieh3@ncsu.edu SY-06 Chromatin remodelling factors OsVIL2 and OsVIL4 control flowering time and yield in rice Gynheung An Kyung Hee University Flowering is exquisitely regulated by both promotive and inhibitory factors. Molecular genetic studies with Arabidopsis have verified several epigenetic repressors that regulate flowering time. However, the roles of chromatin remodeling factors in developmental processes have not been well explored in rice. We identified a chromatin remodeling factor OsVIL2 (O. sativa VIN3-LIKE 2) that promotes flowering. OsVIL2 contains a plant homeodomain (PHD) finger, which is a conserved motif of histone binding proteins. Insertion mutations in OsVIL2 caused late flowering under both long and short days. In osvil2 mutants OsLFL1 expression was increased, but that of Ehd1, Hd3a and RFT1 was reduced. We demonstrated that OsVIL2 is bound to native histone H3 in vitro. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses showed that OsVIL2 was directly associated with OsLFL1 chromatin. We also observed that H3K27me3 was significantly enriched by OsLFL1 chromatin in the wild type, but that this enrichment was diminished in the osvil2 mutants. These results indicated that OsVIL2 epigenetically represses OsLFL1 expression. We showed that OsVIL2 physically interacts with OsEMF2b, a component of polycomb repression complex 2. As observed from osvil2, a null mutation of OsEMF2b caused late flowering by increasing OsLFL1 expression and decreasing Ehd1 expression. Thus, we conclude that OsVIL2 functions together with PRC2 to induce flowering by repressing OsLFL1. Transgenic plants over-expressing OsVIL2 flowered early. In addition, they were taller and ticker due to increased in cell number, resulting in yield increase. The same phenotypes were observed from OsVIL4 knockout mutants. These indicate that OsVIL4 represses OsVIL2 function by directly binding to the protein. *Corresponding Author: Tel. +82-10-7131-3176, E-mail: genean@khu.ac.kr -5-

SY-07 Development of cyst nematode resistant soybean through biotechnology Benjamin F. Matthews United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Soybean Genomics and Improvement Laboratory, Beltsville, MD 20705 During pathogen attack, the host plant induces genes to ward off the pathogen while the pathogen often induces host genes that increase susceptibility to the pathogen. Gene expression studies identified many soybean genes altered in expression in resistant and susceptible plant roots over time during infection by soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines; SCN). However, it is difficult to assess the role and impact of these genes on resistance and susceptibility by using gene expression patterns alone, because the nematode injects proteins into the host. These nematode effector proteins interfere with and subvert the normal molecular mechanisms of the host cell. Therefore, we cloned >110 soybean genes from gene expression experiments using microarrays and RNA-Seq deep sequencing. The genes were overexpressed in soybean roots of composite plants to determine their impact on SCN development. Several overexpressed genes decreased the number of mature SCN females more than 50% at 32-35 days after inoculation; numerous other genes increased the number of mature females by more than 150%. Genes that reduced the number of mature females per plant by more than 50% when overexpressed, included genes encoding a β -glucanase, two lipases, calmodulin, a possible transcription factor, as well as proteins of unknown function. Four genes increased the number of mature SCN females more than 200%, while eleven more genes increased the number of mature SCN females more than 150%. Genes enhancing susceptibility included several transporters, pectate lyase, a Ca-dependent kinase and ACC oxidase. Our data support a role for auxin and ethylene in susceptibility of soybean to SCN. These studies highlight the contrasting gene sets induced by host and nematode during infection and provide new insights into the interactions between host and pathogen at the molecular level. Some genes that conferred resistance to SCN were also tested against the root-knot nematode (RKN), Meloidogyne incognita. Many of the genes that conferred resistance to SCN also conferred resistance to RKN. This demonstrated that the genes conferred resistance across genera and provides new strategies for developing broad resistance in plants to parasitic nematodes. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: Ben.Matthews@ars.usda.gov -6-

SY-08 Research & development of GM crops in global ag-biotechnology industry Hangsik Moon Syngenta Biotechnology, Inc. 3054 E. Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, NC 27560, USA In 2012, the world population exceeded 7 billion and the need to address food security has never been greater. Achieving food security won t be easy considering the megatrends of growing population, greater affluence, and increasing urbanization. Not only are more people demanding more food, but they want greater variety, including meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables. While demand for food is growing, farmers ability to increase productivity is facing unprecedented challenges. Scarcity of water, energy, and land is expected to define food production in the coming decades. Agricultural practices will also need to protect biodiversity through increasing productivity without expanding into natural ecosystems. Further exacerbating the situation is a changing climate that has led to higher temperatures and erratic weather patterns in some areas. Each day farmers face the challenge of growing more from less - increasing yields while protecting the environment by using less water, land, and energy. Global Agricultural Biotechnology companies like Syngenta have addressed these challenges through innovation in research and development by looking at the grower s challenges holistically, including land, technology, and the community. The presentation will cover general R&D activities in an agricultural biotechnology company, which may differ from those in academic research institutes. Product safety and environmental considerations are integral to industry s R&D work. To make earlier and better-informed decisions on which active ingredients or traits to move forward, normally companies begin safety trials early in the development process, facilitating timely engagement with regulators and other key stakeholders. Also to complement in-house expertise and bring in novel technologies which may or may not be used in agribusiness, companies are actively seeking value-adding partnerships and collaborations to bring exciting new offers to the grower. Development of a GM crop through all those activities mentioned above is quite a costly and lengthy process. My presentation will describe a typical process required for developing a GM crop in an agricultural biotechnology company from early discovery to commercialization to the market, which may give you a different perspective from academic point of view. -7-

2013 한국육종학회-차세대BG21사업단 공동 심포지엄 구두발표 1. 수량 및 저항성육종 2. 분자육종 및 유전공학

OA-01 인삼의고온장해내성품종 선일 육성 이준수 *, 이장호, 안인옥, 이성식, 인준교, 서지호, 김윤수 한국인삼공사중앙연구원 인삼은음지성작물인데 7~8 월고온기에강광과고온하에서잎의가장자리부터피해를받아결국고사하게되는고온장해 ( 엽소 ) 가발생한다. 엽소피해를받은인삼은근중의감소, 뿌리조직의스폰지화로인해홍삼제조시내공의발생율이증가한다. 기존에육성된천풍은지하부체형과홍삼품질이우수하나엽소에약하다. 반면엽소에강한연풍은지하부체형과홍삼품질이불량한단점이있다. 이에따라엽소에강하고홍삼품질이우수한인삼품종의개발이시급하다. 본연구는엽소에내성으로선발된 선일 품종의시기별고온장해발생율, 엽록소형광반응, Fm/Fv 값변화, 인삼잎조직의큐티클층의분포와두께, 광합성특성및유효성분분석결과를보고하고자한다. * 주저자 : Tel. 042-870-3133, E-mail: cbmleejs@kgc.or.kr OA-02 Mapping of yield component traits using near isogenic lines from an interspecific cross Ju-Won Kang 1, Dong-Min Kim 1, Yeo-Tae Yun 2, Hyun-sook Lee 1 and Sang-Nag Ahn 1* 1 Department of Agronomy, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-333, Korea 2 Chungnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Yesan 340-861, Korea In previous studies, we reported that a QTL for 1000-grain weight (TGW), qtgw3 was located in the interval between RM60 and RM523 (1.2Mb) on chromosome 3 using advanced backcross lines derived from a cross between Oryza sativa ssp. Indica cv. Milyang 23 and O. glaberrima. The O. glaberrima alleles at this locus increased TGW and GL in the Milyang 23 background. To further confirm and narrow down the position of the QTLs on chromosome 3, twenty lines with different O. glaberrima segments in the target region were selected. Twenty lines were evaluated for seven agronomic traits including 1,000 grain weight and grain length and also genotyped with ten SSR markers. Sixteen lines(a, B, C groups) with the O. glaberrima segment flanked by SSR markers, RM60 and RM7332 displayed significantly higher values than Milyang 23 in TGW and GL whereas four lines(d, E groups) without the O. glaberrima segment displayed no difference in TGW and GL. The result indicates that two QTL, qtgw3 and qgl3 are located near RM60 and RM7332. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 042-821-7980, E-mail: ahnsn@cnu.ac.kr -11-

OA-03 Screening of potato lines tolerant to high temperature through in vitro test and field performance Kwang-Soo Cho 1, Susan Munive 2, Merideth Bonierbale 2, Walter Amoros 2, Young-Eun Park 3, Ji-Hong Cho 1, and Hyun-Jyun Kim 1 1 Highland Agriculture Research Center, National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Pyeongchang 232-955, Korea 2 International Potato Center(CIP), Av. La Molina 1895, Lima, Peru 3 Planning and Coordination Div. National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon, 441-857, Korea The high temperature due to climate change may result in the intensification of several drought and heat stress on crops including potato. These abiotic stress affect on potato development staages; sprout development, tuber initiation and maturation. Potatoes need moderate amounts of nitrogen and cool night for good tuber growth. Especially, high temperature in soil will delay tuber initiation and induce malformation. Therefore, to identify quickly heat tolerant lines and breeding potato lines adapt to high temperature in the field are needed. The objectives of this study were as follows; To apply in vitro screening method for identifying potato lines adapted to high temperature conditions. To verify these results under field assays carried out under natural high temperature field conditions. We used in vitro screening methods with breeding lines from Intranational Potato Center(CIP) under three temperature regime, 18, 25 and 30. All breeding liens had some genotype that produced microtubers at 18 and 25, with a clear tendency for lower percentage of tuberization at the high temperature. To verify in vitro screening methods for heat tolerance lines, we carried out natural high temperature filed evaluation at Tacna, La Molina and Sanramon in Peru. The results of both the in vitro test and the field assay showed clear relationship and similar expression of tuberization percentage. This finding supports the use of the in vitro assay as a rapid screening methods that represents performance at the field level. But the correlation between performance of the breeding lines under the in vitro and field condions was low. This could be due to differential response to breeding lines to characteristics of the field environment, such as soil salinity, drought, which were not represented in the in vitro assay. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-330-1650, E-mail: kscholove@korea.kr -12-

OA-04 배가반수체기술과 genomic selection 을이용한옥수수육종의새로운패러다임 소윤섭 * 충청북도청주시흥덕구개신동충북대학교식물자원학과 옥수수와같은 1 대교잡종품종육성을위한타가수정작물의육종방법은기본적으로원종개발과조합능력검정을통한교잡종육성의큰틀에서 pedigree method 등과같은전통적인방법이나분자육종의최신기술이이용되고있다. Golden Seed Project 의시작으로내수시장에만머물고있던식량작물육종기술이해외시장에서경쟁해야할상황에직면하게되었다. 그중옥수수는소수의다국적기업이선점하고있는해외시장에서수출액 170 억원 ($1,500 만 USD) 을목표로종자개발계획이작성되고있다. 현시점에서소수다국적기업의최신옥수수육종기술의현주소를파악하여 Golden Seed Project 의목표달성과국내옥수수육종기술의질적향상을위한방법을모색하고자한다. 인공자가수분을통한옥수수원종개발은최소 S6 세대까지진행할동안동계온실세대촉진이나아열대동계포장을이용하더라도최초교배조합작성으로부터약 4 년의기간이소요된다. 현재파이오니어, 몬산토, 신젠타뿐만아니라 CIMMYT 과미국의주립대학교등에서는육종년한의단축과 100% 동형접합체를확보하기위하여배가반수체기술을도입하여이를통한원종개발을하고있다. 이기술의핵심은자연적으로배수체를유도하는옥수수 endogenous genes 과반수체의빠른식별을위한표현형적표지인자의 gene pyramiding 을통한반수체유도계통의육성이다. 이미위에서언급한회사및기관에서반수체유도율평균 8% 정도의몇몇의유도계통들이개발되어있다. 이기술을통한원종의개발은 2 년이다. 이기술을통해한해수천개의원종이개발되는데이렇게많이개발된원종들에서우수한교잡종생산을위한교배조합의작성이새로운문제로제기되고있으며이를해결하기위하여 genomic selection 을적극이용하고있다. Genomic selection 에서는 QTL mapping 이나 association mapping 과달리각표지인자의효과에대한유의성검정을하지않는다. 비록각표지인자의추정육종가가미미하더라그정보를그대로이용하여양적유전형질발현에관련된모든 polygenes 의효과를추정함으로써교잡종상태에서의형질발현을예측하고파종전 genotyping 을통해예측가가우수한교잡종만을선발하여파종하고평가한다. * 주저자 : Tel. 043-261-2517, Email: yoonsupso@cbnu.ac.kr -13-

OA-05 Development of field corn varieties for adaptation of Primorsky Krai in Russia Si-Hwan Ryu *, Ki-Jin Park, Jong-Yeol Park, Eun-Ha Jang, Young-Ho Seo, Woo-Sik Yong, Sang-Min Lee, and Kyung-Hee Kim Maize Research Institute, Gangwondo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hongcheon 250-823, Korea We are importing corn grains more than eight million tons every year, and self-sufficiency rate of corn is less than one percent. It is not easy to increase field corn production in Korea because of limited arable land. For this reason, many companies have been interesting overseas agriculture for corn production. But they don t have enough suitable variety for the target area. Our objective is to develop field corn varieties for adaptation in Primorsky Krai which is the southeasternmost region of Russia. This project has been collaborated with Dr. Huk-Ha Lee in Seoul National Univ. and planted three times in Primorsky Krai since 2011. Planting materials for this project were developed in Maize Research Institute. 74 hybrids in 2011, 76 in 2012, and 80 in 2013 were planted for regional performance test. Primorsky Krai is a colder area and has less frost-free days than Korea. Several hybrids have shown good performance, but lots of materials developed in Korea could not fully ripened in 2011 because of late planting and early frost. In 2012, we mainly selected early flowering materials as well as picked materials from first year. The silking date of our materials was later than local commercial varieties, but some our hybrids had good characteristics and high yield. Among them, we picked two hybrids and planted them in Ussuriysk in Primorsky Krai for field demonstration test. We expect some of the selected hybrids can be candidate varieties for improvement of corn production at overseas agricultural production base. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-248-6913, E-mail: shr8921@korea.kr OA-06 영양적, 산업적이용을위한콩기름의지방산조성변화 박현우 * University of Nebraska, USA 오일의산화적안전성을높이고저장기간을늘리기위하여수소를첨가하여액체상태의오일을고체상태로만드는 hydrogenation 이란방법을마가린이나쇼트닝을만드는데사용해왔으나이과정중에 trans fat 이생성되는단점이있다. 콩의기름은약 10% palmitic acid, 4% stearic acid, 17% oleic acid, 55% linoleic acid 와 10% linolenic acid 으로구성된다. hydrogenation 과정을회피하여콩기름을마가린제조에사용하기위하여 mangosteen 의 steroyl-acp-thioesterase 를과발현시킴과동시에콩의 palmitoyl-acp thioesterase 와 delta 12 desaturase 의발현을억제함으로서약 10-20% 의 stearic acid 와 70-80% 의 oleic acid 를갖는콩을생산했으며. 이러한지방산조성은또한기후가온난한지역에서바이오디젤의원료로사용되어질수있다. 어류의소비는급속히증가되고있는반면재고량은계속적으로감소하고있다. 양식이어류의공급을증대시킬대체수단으로여겨져왔으나야생잡어를양식어류의사료로사용함으로써먹이사슬하부에존재하는어류의감소를초래하여결과적으로야생어류의재고를감소시키는결과를초래하였다. 따라서기존의양식사료를대체할새로운사료의개발이절실한상황이다. 우리는콩을이용하여기존의양식사료를대체하려는연구를수행중에있다. 콩이양식어류의사료로사용되기위한중요한요소중의하나는콩의지방산조성및함량으로어류에존재하는지방산과비슷한조성및함량을갖아야한다. 4 개의 long chain omega 3 fatty acid 합성관련유전자와 3 개의 astaxanthin 합성관련유전자를집적함으로서 DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) 의전구물질인 EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) 를 5% 함유하며연어의양식에사용되는 carotenoid 의일종인 astaxanthin 을종자 1g 당 25ug 수준으로생산하는콩을개발했으며이는기존의어류양식에사용되는사료를대체하는데사용되어질수있다. * 주저자 : E-mail: dnahyun@hanmail.net -14-

OC-01 Effectiveness of marker-assisted backcrossing breeding for biotic resistance in rice Jung-Pil Suh 1*, Kshirod K. Jena 2, Young-Chan Cho 1, Ji-Ung Jeung 1, Yong-Jae Won 1, Im-Soo Choi 1, Jeom-Ho Lee 1, Myeong-Ki Kim 1, Chung-Kon Kim 1 1 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon, 441-857, Republic of Korea 2 International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines The transfer of a biotic resistance gene from indica rice cultivars into japonica cultivars by conventional breeding methods often difficult due to high sterility of the progenies, poor plant type, and linkage drag. Molecular markers provide opportunities to map resistance genes and accelerate the application of marker-assisted backcross(mab) breeding through the precise transfer of target genomic regions into the recurrent parent. The basis of MAB breeding is to transfer a specific gene/allele of the donor parent into the recurrent parent genome while selecting against donor introgressions across the rest of the genome. The effectiveness of MAB breeding depends on the availability of closely linked DNA markers for the target locus, the size of the population, the number of backcrosses and the position and number of markers for background selection. We have successfully developed Bph18 version of the commercially cultivated japonica elite cultivar by using MAB and incorporating the resistance gene Bph18 that conferred enhanced resistance to BPH. MAB breeding provides a new opportunity for the selective transfer of biotic resistance genes into elite indica rice cultivars devoid of linkage drag. In additon, molecular markers precisely estimate the introgression of chromosome segments from donor parents and can speed up the recipient genome recovery via background selection. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-455-2031, E-mail: suhjp@korea.kr -15-

OC-02 Evolution of the large genome in Panax ginseng Hong-Il Choi, Nam-Hoon Kim, and Tae-Jin Yang * Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-921, Republic of Korea Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) is the most famous medicinal herb in East Asia. Although medicinal components and their functions have been widely investigated, ginseng has been regarded as an underdeveloped crop in genetics and genomics research areas. This study was conducted to elucidate the structure and evolution of the ginseng genome by analyses of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequences. The EST analysis based on the calculation of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (Ks) in paralog and ortholog pairs revealed that two rounds of polyploidy events occurred in the common ancestor of ginseng and American ginseng (P. quinquefolius L.) and subsequent divergence of the two species. The sequence analysis of repeat-rich BAC clones characterized the major component of the ginseng genome, long terminal repeat retrotransposons (LTR-RTs). The LTR-RTs were classified into five main families, of which three (PgDel, PgTat, and PgAthila) belonged to Ty3/gypsy and the other two (PgTork and PgOryco) to Ty1/Copia. High abundance of the LTR-RTs were revealed by whole genome shotgun (WGS) read mapping and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. Particularly, the most abundant PgDel family have played major roles in expanding heterochromatic regions as well as remodeling euchromatic regions. Biased intensity of the PgDel2 FISH signals on half the total chromosomes demonstrates the allopolyploid feature of ginseng genome. Insertion time estimation of each LTR-RT implied that LTR-RTs have proliferated after the recent polyploidization of ginseng. These results suggest that the ginseng genome of the present day has been expanded and evolved by two rounds of polyploidization and accumulation of LTR-RTs. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4547, E-mail: tjyang@snu.ac.kr -16-

OC-03 Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of a new mutant gene for panicle apical abortion in rice Md. Babul Akter 1, Rihua Piao 1, Backki Kim 1, Yunjoo Lee 1, Eunbyeol Koh 1 and Hee-Jong Koh 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea The architecture of rice panicle is primarily determined by the arrangement of branches and spikelets, and it directly affects grain yield. We identified a mutant for panicle apical abortion from a japonica cultivar Hwacheongbyeo treated with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. Under normal growth conditions, the mutant had multiple abnormal phenotypes, such as a slight reduction in plant height, narrow and dark green leaf blades, and small erect panicles with clear panicle apical abortion compared to the wild-type plants. Genetic analysis revealed that the panicle apical abortion was controlled by a single recessive gene, which is tentatively designated as paa. The paa gene was fine mapped at an interval of 71 kb flanked by STS markers aptn3 and S6685-1 at the long arm of chromosome 4. Sequence analysis of the candidate genes within the delimited region showed a single base-pair change corresponding to an amino acid substitution from glycine to glutamic acid. We expect that the paa gene will be a clue to uncover the molecular mechanism of panicle apical abortion and to maintain the panicle identity for grain yield in rice breeding programs. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008125), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. Keywords: Rice, panicle apical abortion, fine mapping, molecular marker *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4541, E-mail: heejkoh@snu.ac.kr -17-

OC-04 Gene isolation and characterization of a dominant dwarf mutant, D-h, in rice Rihua Piao 1, Sang-Ho Chu 1, Yoye Yu 1, Donggwan Kim 1, Sunghan Kim 1 and Hee-Jong Koh 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea Plant height is an important agronomic trait that affects grain yield. Previously, we reported a novel semi-dominant dwarf mutant, D-h, derived from chemical mutagenesis using N-methyl-N-nitrosourea(MNU) on a japonica rice cultivar, Hwacheongbyeo. In this study, we cloned the gene responsible for the dwarf mutant using the map-based approach. Fine mapping revealed that the mutant gene was located on the short arm of chromosome 1 in a 48 kb region. Sequencing of the candidate genes and rapid amplification of cdna ends-polymerase chain reaction (RACE-PCR) analyses identified the gene, d-h, which encodes a protein of unknown function, but whose sequence is conserved in other cereal crops. Real-time (RT)-PCR analysis and promoter activity assay showed that the d-h gene was primarily expressed in the nodes and the panicle. In the D-h mutant plant, the gene was found to carry a 63-bp deletion in the ORF region, which was confirmed to be directly responsible for the mutant s gain of a functional phenotype by subsequent transgenic experiments. Since the mutant plants exhibit a defect in the GA response, but not in the GA synthetic pathway, it appears that the d-h gene may be involved in a GA signaling pathway. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008125), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. Keywords: rice, dominant dwarf, RACE *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4541, E-mail: heejkoh@snu.ac.kr -18-

OC-05 Genetic engineering of sugarcane for improved biofuel production from lignocellulosic biomass Jae Yoon Kim 1,2, Je Hyeong Jung 2, Walid Fouad 2, Maria Gallo 2, Wilfred Vermerris 2, James Preston 3 Fredy Altpeter 2* and 1 College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Korea University, Anam-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea 136-713 2 University of Florida, IFAS, Agronomy Department, Genetics Institute, Gainesville, FL 32611 3 University of Florida, IFAS, Department of Microbiology and Cell Sciences Gainesville, FL 32611 Sugarcane is one of the most efficient photosynthesizer in the plant kingdom, able to convert as much as 2% of incident solar energy into biomass. A large amount of lignocellulosic biomass such as leaf litter residues and bagasse are generated during the sugarcane harvest or after the sugar refining process, respectively. Therefore, lignocellulosic biomass from leaf and processing residues will likely become a valuable feedstock for biofuel production. However, higher temperatures and/or acid concentrations result in dehydration of xylose to furfural, and glucose to hydroxymethyl furfural, which act as inhibitors of the fermentation process. New pretreatment protocols are being developed that require the application of xylanases and other enzymes for maximal yields of xylose. Our objectives target the improvement of fermentable sugar yields from hemicellulosic sugarcane residues and enhancing the biosafety of the transgenic plants. We evaluated two transgenic approaches: lignin modification by RNAi suppression of the lignin biosynthetic gene COMT and in planta production of a hyperthermostable xylanase. More than 200 transgenic sugarcane plants were generated and lines with suppression or expression of the target genes were selected. RNAi suppression of COMT resulted in reduced lignin content and altered lignin composition. In planta produced xylanase Xyl10B converted the majority of sugarcane xylan to fermentable xylobiose. Performance and conversion efficiency of transgenic plants grown in replicated field plots under USDA-Aphis notification 11-040-120 will also be presented. Aknowledgement: This research was supported by National Nuclear R&D Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. 2012M2A2A60-3566) *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-3290-3463, E-mail: altpeter@ufl.edu -19-

OC-06 The crosstalk mechanism of Brassinosteroids and ABA in early seedling development Hojin Ryu *, Wonsil Bae, Ildoo Hwang Department of Life Sciences, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 790-784, Korea Seed germination and the establishment of young seedlings are critical phases in the plant s life cycle. To control these processes, plants have evolved diverse hormonal signaling networks in which brassinosteroids (BRs) attenuate abscisic acid (ABA) responses; however, the underlying regulatory mechanism remains elusive. Here, we reveal that epigenetic silencing of the ABA signaling regulator ABI3 via the BR-related transcription factor BES1 is essential for the inhibitory effect of BRs on ABA signaling during early seedling development. BR-activated BES1 forms a transcriptional repressor complex with TPL via its EAR motif that recruits the histone deacetylase HDA19. This facilitates the histone H3-mediated deacetylation of ABI3 chromatin, leading to the suppression of ABI3 and its downstream target ABI5, which results in reduced ABA sensitivity. We propose that the BR-activated BES1-TPL-HDA19 repressor complex controls epigenetic silencing of ABI3 and thereby suppresses the ABA response during early seedling development. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 010-8703-4761, E-mail: rhj96@postech.ac.kr -20-

2013 한국육종학회-차세대BG21사업단 공동 심포지엄 포스터발표 1. 수량 및 저항성육종 2. 품질 육종 및 유전변이 3. 분자육종 및 유전공학 4. GM작물실용화사업단

PA-01 강원도단작지역적응내재해 고품질콩신품종 강일 하건수 1*, 최재근 1, 조수현 1, 변학수 1, 함진관 1, 김세원 1, 윤홍태 2, 오영진 2, 이종형 3 1 강원도춘천시충렬로강원도농업기술원작물연구과 2 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원 3 경기도화성시병점중앙로경기도농업기술원 우리나라기후조건은봄가뭄에이은여름철강우및태풍등콩재배에불리한실정이다. 특히도복에따른재배비용증가및수량감수는콩재배전체에영향을미치고있다. 따라서강원도단작지역에적응하며생육중기집중강우와태풍등에의한도복에강하고수량이안정적인품종을육성하고자하였다. 강일 콩은중대립이며재배형질이우수한수원 191 호를모본으로하고수원 196 호를부본으로하여 199 년인공교배후 01~ 03 년도에 F2 - F5 세대를계통육종법으로선발한 HS982-3SSD-10-1-1 계통이다. 04~ 05 년도에실시한생산력검정시험에서는생육특성이우수하고다수성이며내병성및내도복성이우수하여 강원 109 호 의계통명을부여한후 06~ 07 년도에강원지역 4 개소와경기지역 1 개소에서지역적응성검정시험을실시하였다. 강일 콩은꽃은자색, 엽모양은능형이며백립중 23.3g 의중대립으로콩의품질특성이우수하고특히성숙기가태광콩대비 9 일빠른조숙이며내도복성품종으로강원도북부지역및고령지적응성품종이다. 2009 년신품종등록되었으며강원도농업기술원종자보급체계를통하여농업인에게보급종을생산 보급하고있다. * 주저자 : Tel. 033-248-6038, E-mail: redclover@korea.kr PA-02 기계수확이가능한콩나물용콩품종 해품 육성 김현태 1*, 한원영 1, 전명기 1, 이병원 1, 이영훈 1, 고종민 1, 정찬식 1, 윤홍태 1, 백인열 1, 신상욱 1 1 경상남도밀양시농촌진흥청국립식량과학원기능성작물부 나물용콩은콩나물수율을높이기위해소립을선호하고있으며, 립크기가상대적으로작아지는경남과전남의남부지역과제주에서주로생산되어왔으며, 최근에는남부지방에서의재배면적이줄어들면서제주도가전체재배면적의 82% 를점유하고있다. 콩을기계로수확하기위해서는내도복성과내탈립성, 협 줄기동시성숙성등의특성과함께최저착협고 ( 가장낮게맺히는꼬투리의높이 ) 가높아야한다. 그러나, 영양생장기간이짧고바람이많은제주에서는경장이짧아짐에따라착협부위가낮아수확기계를적용하기어려운실정이다. 해품 은지역적응시험 4 개소에서의평균경장이 61cm 로풍산나물콩보다 6cm 길며, 최저착협고또한 15cm 로풍산나물콩보다 6cm 더높다. 특히, 제주에서의 3 년간평균을보면경장이 49cm 로서풍산나물콩보다 8cm 더클뿐아니라풍산나물콩이최저착협고가 6cm 로서기계예취가불가능한반면, 해품은 14cm 로서콤바인을이용한예취가가능하다. 해품은풍산나물콩에비하여성숙기가 5 일빠르며콩나물수율과아스파라긴함량이높다. 100 립중은 10.4g 으로소립이며수량은 3.01MT/ha 로풍산나물콩대비 10% 증수한다. 탈립과도복에도강한 해품 은주산지인제주에서재배확대가기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-1136, E-mail: sojatae@korea.kr -23-

PA-03 내냉성벼품종육성을위한중국운남성에서국내계통의작물학적특성 김명기 1, 정종민 1, 안억근 1, 이상복 1, 신영섭 1, 서정필 1 1 경기도수원시권선구서둔동국립식량과학원 중국운남성은북위 20º8'39''N 에서 29º15'8''N 로중국의남방지역이지만해발 76.4m 에서 6,740m 의지대의범위가다양하며벼재배가능지역은고지대 (1,600~2,200m) 까지가능하다. 이런다양한지대의운남성은재배벼의기원지로다양한유전자원의보고로특히고지대의벼품종들은저온에대한자연적인내냉성선발로저온에강한품종들로일본북해도의논개간은일본의식량부족시대의대표적산물로서내냉성유전자의중국으로부터의도입이있었기에가능하였다. 지구온난화등기후변화에대응우리품종의다양성을위한중국남방고산지역벼유전자원수집및특성평가와수집유전자원활용국내품종의미질및내냉성의안정성증진을하고자내냉성고품질중간모본육성을위하여국내에서 2010 년약배양한계통중수량성및농업적형질이우수한 3 조합 11 계통을공시재료로이용하였다. 중국현지에서의내랭성정도와현지적응성및수량을평가하기위하여실시하였다. 공시재료는중국운남성송밍 (1,900m) 지역과추숑 (1,775m) 지역에각각 3 월 20 일과 3 월 17 일에파종하였고, 이앙은 5 월 22 일과 5 월 25 일에주당 1 본씩각각주간과조간을 10 20 cm간격으로이앙하였다. 출수기, 작물학적특성및내냉성등을조사하였다. 시험계통의출수기는송밍지역에서 7 월 23 일 8 월 2 일사이에분포하였으며진부벼와출수기와비교할때 13 일에서 24 일정도늦은편이었다. 시험계통에따른간장은츄숑 60 72cm, 송밍 50 62cm 로송밍지역이츄숑지역보다간장이작았으며송밍은츄숑에비해시험계통에따라 8.5% 19.3% 의간장단축률을보였다. 계통별평균이삭길이는송밍은 18 21cm, 츄숑은 20 22cm 의분포를보엿다. 주당수수의경우송밍이평균 7.6 개. 츄숑이평균 8.6 개로고도가높은송밍지역이츄숑지역보다간장. 수장, 수수가감소하는경향을보였다. * 주저자 : Tel. 033-455-2031, E-mail: kimmk6690@korea.kr PA-04 내병성고추육성을위한 marker assisted breeding 이흥렬 1, 안혜정 1, 심동보 2, 최순호 2, 이장하 1, 양희범 3, 강병철 3, 남석현 1, 한지학 1* 1 경기도여주군가남면 ( 주 ) 농우바이오, 생명공학연구소 2 경기도여주군가남면 ( 주 ) 농우바이오, 육종연구소 3 서울특별시관악구신림동서울대학교농업생명과학대학식물생산과학부 전통육종과 marker assisted selection(mas) 를함께활용하는방법이최근국내상업육종에서활발히사용되고있다. 식물유전학의빠른발달과차세대유전체염기서열분석 (NGS) 기술이발전함에따라, 대량분자표지를저렴한가격에확보할수있는시대가되었기때문이다. 본연구에서는고추의전사체정보를이용하여 SNP 를분석하고 Fluidign probe 를자동으로디자인할수있는파이프라인을작성하였다. 또한 SNP 를 calling 하기위해총 6 개의 accession(5 개의 C. annuum 과 1 개의 C. chinense) 의전사체염기서열을 Illumina 플랫폼으로분석하였고, reference 염기서열은고추 EST DB 를사용하였다. 분석한 SNP 의유전적위치를알기위하여, UC-DAVIS 의고밀도고추유전자지도와연계하였다. Fluidigm probe 를 design 할수있는조건으로 SNP 를 filtering 한결과, short read 의 depth 가 10 이상을기준으로총 567 개의 SNP 를분석하였고, 총 412 개의 probe 를디자인하였다. 제작한 412 개의 porbe 와논문에공개된 SSRs, COSII 분자표지들, 2 개의고추내병성형질을이용하여, 현재내병성고추품종을육성하기위한 marker assistant breeding(mab) 을진행중에있다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-887-6540, E-mail: chharn@nongwoobio.co.kr -24-

PA-05 내병성, 고품질참깨품종 유미 육성 황정동 1*, 김성업 1, 이병규 1, 심강보 2, 배석복 1, 이춘기 1, 이명희 1, 박장환 1, 백인열 1 1 경남밀양시점필재로 20, 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원기능성작물부 2 경기도수원시권선구수인로 126, 농촌진흥청연구정책국 유미 참깨는내병성다수성품종육성을목적으로모본 양백깨 와부본 SIG950480-6-3-1 을 2001 년인공교배하여계통육종법으로육성한품종이다. 유미 의주요형태적특성을보면초형은소분지형이고꼬투리는 3 과성 2 실 4 방형이며화색은백색이다. 유미 의개화기는 7 월 5 일로표준품종인 양백깨 와같으나성숙기는 8 월 22 일로 1 일이빨랐다. 경장은 149cm 로 양백깨 보다 17cm 컸으며착삭부위장도컸고, 주당삭수는 82 개로 3 개가많은경향이다. 유미 의종실수량은 106kg/10a 으로 양백깨 98kg/10a 보다 8% 증수하였다. 또한 유미 는표준품종인 양백깨 보다역병, 도복에강한특성을나타냈다. 유미 의품질특성을보면조지방함량은 49.7% 로높았고, 올레익산함량이 45.3% 로많았으며, 인체의노화억제와항암효과가있는기능성리그난성분인세사민함량은 2.8mg/g 으로서표준품종 양백깨 보다 0.6mg/g 많은품종이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-1238, E-mail: hcd0094@korea.kr PA-06 내재해안전다수성메조 조황메 육성 이재생 1*, 고지연 1, 송석보 1, 김정인 1, 우관식 1, 곽도연 1, 정태욱 1, 김기영 1, 오인석 1, 오병근 2 1 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원잡곡과 2 사단법인씨알과사람 웰빙트랜드에따라잡곡수요는점차늘어나고있으나, 농가에서재배되고있는조의경우태풍, 폭우등급증하는환경재해에취약하여수량이낮은실정이므로재해저항성이강하고수량이높은조품종의개발이필요하다. 조황메 는안동지역에서수집된재래조를기본집단으로하여분리육종법을통해 2012 년육성된신품종이다. 출수기는대비품종인 황금조 보다보통기에서 12 일, 이모작재배시 13 일늦고, 생육일수는보통기 116 일로 황금조 보다 11 일늦은중생종이다. 간장과수장은 황금조 에비하여큰편이며, 조곡천립중은 황금조 와비슷하다. 배유특성은메성이며조단백질함량은 14.7% 로 황금조 와비슷하다. 조황메 는도복, 불임내성및조도열병에 황금조 보다강하여내재해및내병성이우수하였다. 수량성은지역적응시험보통기재배에서 황금조 에비해 27%, 이모작재배에서 7% 각각증수되었기에적기에파종하면높은수량을얻을수있다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-1268, E-mail: js0lee@korea.kr -25-

PA-07 다수성종실용옥수수신품종 신광옥 의생육특성및수량성 손범영 1, 백성범 1, 김정태 1, 이진석 1*, 황종진 1, 김선림 1, 정건호 1, 권영업 1, 허창석 2, 박종열 3 1 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원전작과 2 경상북도대구시칠곡경북농업기술원작물연구과 3 강원도홍천군강원도농업기술원옥수수연구소 우리나라사료곡물자급률을높이기위한방안은다수성종실사료용옥수수를육성하고다수확재배기술을개발하여옥수수생산량을늘리는것이다. 새로개발된옥수수품종신광옥은다수성사료용옥수수품종개발을목표로 2012 년에농촌진흥청국립식량과학원에서자식계통 KS172 과 KS173 을교잡하여육성한다수성단교잡종이다. 신광옥의종피색은황오렌지색이며입질은중간종이다. 2008~2009 년까지생산력검정시험을거쳐 2010~2012 년까지 3 지역에서지역적응시험을실시하였다. 그결과우수성이인정되어 2012 농작물직무육성신품종으로결정되었고신광옥으로명명하였다. 신광옥의출사일수는대비품종인장다옥보다 3 일빠르다. 간장은장다옥과비슷하나착수고율은장다옥보다낮고도복은장다옥과비슷한정도로강하다. 100 주당이삭은장다옥보다 17 개더많고이삭길이는장다옥과비슷하며, 100 립중은장다옥보다무겁다. 깨씨무늬병저항성은중강이며, 그을음무늬병에는강한편이다. 검은줄오갈병, 이삭썩음병및조명나방저항성은중정도이다. 신광옥의종실수량은 7.8 톤 /ha 로장다옥과비슷하다. 4 1( 모본 : 부본 ) 재식비율로동시파종하여채종시험한결과종자친 ( 모본 ) 출사기와화분친 ( 부본 ) 화분비산기간이일치하였으며채종수량은 3.84 톤 /ha 이었다. 신광옥은전국적으로재배가가능하다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6759, E-mail: z9813139@korea.kr PA-08 다수성, 갈색참깨품종 갈미 육성 김성업 1*, 황정동 1, 이병규 1, 배석복 1, 이명희 1, 이춘기 1, 박장환 1, 심강보 1 백인열 1 1 경남밀양시내이동국립식량과학원기능성작물부두류유지작물과 갈미 참깨는다수성, 갈색참깨품종육성을목적으로모본 HS331-M-3-5-4-1 과부본 HS1392 를 2001 년인공교배하여계통육종법으로육성한품종이다. 주요형태적특성을보면초형은소분지형이고꼬투리는 3 과성 2 실 4 방형이고화색은분홍색이며종피는갈색이다. 갈미 의개화기는 7 월 5 일로표준품종인 강흑 과같았으나성숙기는 8 월 23 일로 강흑 보다 1 일느렸다. 또한경장은 143cm 로 강흑 보다 4cm 작았으나주당삭수는 80 개로 강흑 보다 6 개많았다. 갈미 의천립중은 2.6g 으로 강흑 과같았으며 갈미 의종실수량은 94kg/10a 으로 강흑 81kg/10a 보다 16% 많았다. 또한 갈미 는표준품종인 강흑 보다역병에강한특성을나타냈다. 갈미 의품질특성을보면조지방함량은 43.9% 로 강흑 의 39.9% 보다많았으며그중올레익산함량이 42.4% 로가장높았고 갈미 의리그난함량은 291mg/100g 을나타냈다. 재배상유의점은적응지역내고지대의일조시간이적고온도가낮거나물빠짐이불량한지대에서는재배를피해야하고병해충의적기방제에유의하며예방위주의방제를하여야한다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-1227, E-mail: sesameup@korea.kr -26-

PA-09 도복및이삭곰팡이병에강한찰수수 남풍찰 육성 김정인 *, 정태욱, 곽도연, 이재생, 김기영, 고지연, 우관식, 송석보, 정기열, 오인석 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원잡곡과 대부분의농가에서재배되고있는재래종수수는수량성이낮고, 일부지역에보급되고있는황금찰수수는도복에약해환경재해에취약한실정이어서국립식량과학원에서는 2012 년도복및내재해성이강하고기계화재배가용이한찰수수인 남풍찰 을육성하였다. 남풍찰 은 2009 년경남남해지역에서수집한재래수수를기본집단으로하여순계분리육종법을통해육성된품종이다. 남풍찰 은파종후출수까지평균 68 일, 수확까지는평균 113 일인중생종이다. 키가약 165cm 이고이삭의형태는밀수형이지만밀도가 황금찰 에비해조밀하지않기때문에이삭곰팡이병발생이적은편이다. 줄기굵기가 20.2mm 로굵어 15.0mm 인 황금찰 에비해쓰러짐에잘견디고수량성은 228kg/10a 로안정생산이가능하다. 주당이삭수는 1 개이며현곡천립중은 22.8g, 주당이삭중은 26.6g 으로무겁다. 남풍찰 은찰수수로혼반용으로이용가능하고재래찰수수종자를대체하여농가생산성향상을기대할수있다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-1273, E-mail: kji1204@korea.kr PA-10 벼극조생내랭성중간모본 중모 1022 호 육성 이상복 *, 김명기, 조영찬, 정종민, 정오영, 이점호, 이정희, 홍하철 1, 이정일 2, 전용희 1, 정응기, 최용환, 원용재, 양원하, 신영섭, 김형윤, 김정곤 국립식량과학원 1 농촌진흥청감사담당관 2 한국농업기술실용화재단 벼재해저항성이강화된품종육성을위해서특정외래저항성유전자원의활용은동반하는불량인자로인하여저항성유전형의선발과고정에어려움이있다. 벼품종육성에일정한수준의농업형질과목표로하는재해저항성을보유한중간모본의활용이이루어진다면보다효율적인재해저항성품종육성이이루어질수있다. 조생종내랭성강화를위해내랭성우량계통인진부 31 호와내랭성유전자원교동 23 호를인공교배하여계통육종법으로저온발아성및생식생장기내랭성이우수한벼중간모본 중모 1022 호 를개발하였다. 중모 1022 호 의출수기는중북부중산간지및고랭지의보통기보비재배에서 7 월 23 일로진부벼보다 4 일빠르다. 간장은 67cm 로진부벼와약간작고, 주당수수는 14 개로적으나수당립수가많은수중형이다. 등숙율을 90% 로진부벼와비슷하고현미천립중은 21.5g 으로진부벼보다가벼운중립종이다. 단백질함량은 5.9% 로낮고아밀로스함량은 21%, 밥맛의관능검정에서식미는 0.1 로낮은편이다. 보통기재배수량성은중부북고랭지에서 3 개년평균 561kg/10a 로진부벼대비 2% 증수하였다. 13, 15 일간처리한저온발아율은이 96% 로진부벼대비 17% 증가하고, 감수분열기의내랭성은진부벼와비슷하고출수기에 17, 10 일의냉온처리에의한임실율은 64% 로진부벼보다내랭성이우수하였다. * 주저자 : Tel. 033-254-6328, E-mail: sabolee@korea.kr -27-

PA-11 벼중생최고품질내병내도복다수성신품종 대보 육성 김정일 1, 박노봉 1*, 이지윤 2, 권오덕 1, 박동수 2, 장재기 1, 여운상 1, 이종희 2, 조준현 2, 송유천 2, 장기창 2, 최경진 1, 오성환 2, 황운하 2, 김우재 1, 박성태 1, 남민희 2 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원기능성작물부 국립식량과학원영덕출장소에서 2002 년하계에 YR21247-68-1 를모본으로하고밥맛이우수한영덕 35 호 를부본으로인공교배하여 2002/2003 년동계에국립식량과학원기능성작물부온실에서 26 개체의 F 1 식물체를양성하여 YR23940 의교배번호를부여하였다. 2003 년하계포장에 F 2 집단을공시하면서선발하여 2004 년하계에 F 3 세대를육성하고 57 계통을 F 4 계통으로전개후계통육종법으로선발하여 2007 년생예, 2008 년생본시험을실시한후쌀품위가좋으면서밥맛이우수하고재배안정성이높은 YR23940-B-17-1-2 을선발하여 영덕 51 호 로명명하였다. 2009 년 ~2011 년까지 3 년간지역적응시험을실시한결과중생종이면서쌀알이아주둥근단원형이면서품위가좋고밥맛이뛰어나며내병성과내도복성을갖춘것으로평가되어 2011 년 12 월농작물직무육성신품종선정위원회에서국가품종목록으로등재할것을결정하고 대보 로명명하여적응지역인동남부해안지, 중부및남부평야, 남부중산간지에보급하게되었다. 출수기는 8 월 14 일로 화성벼 보다 1 일늦은중생종이며직립초형이고탈립은잘되지않고이삭추출은양호하고까락이거의없다. 수당립수는 화성벼 보다많고현미천립중도 22.8g 으로 화성벼 보다약간더무겁다. 도정특성이양호하면서쌀알모양이아주둥근단원형이며맑고투명하며밥맛은 화성벼 보다우수하다. 불시출수는안되는편이고, 위조현상에강하고성숙기엽노화가느린편이며내냉성은 화성벼 와같은수준이다. 잎도열병은중도저항성을보였고줄무늬잎마름병과흰잎마름병 (K 1, K 2, K 3) 에는강하나오갈병및검은줄오갈병에약하고벼멸구등충해에는감수성이다. 쌀수량성은보통기재배시 5.93MT/ha 로 화성벼 보다 11% 증수되었고, 이모작재배에서는 5.23MT/ha 로 14%, 만식재배에서는 4.63MT/ha 로 21% 증수하였다. 대보 의적응지역은동해안냉조풍지, 중부및남부평야지, 남부중산간지이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 054-732-0385, E-mail: parknb@korea.kr -28-

PA-12 벼흰잎마름병균에대한인디카와자포니카벼의단일저항성유전자반응과이들의집적효과 박현수 1*, 신문식 1, 김기영 2, 노태환 1, 백소현 1, 이종희 2, 하기용 1, 백만기 1, 김우재 1, 박종호 1, 유재수 1, 조영찬 1, 김보경 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원벼맥류부 2 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원기능성작물부 본연구는우리나라벼흰잎마름병균주에대한인디카형과자포니카형의단일저항성유전자의반응과이들의집적효과를비교분석하고자포니카형의유망조합을제시하여향후우리나라환경여건에효과적인저항성품종을육성하고자수행하였다. 단일저항성유전자계통중 Xa1, Xa3, Xa21 은생태형간에차이가없었으나 Xa4 와 xa5 는자포니카에비해인디카형에서저항성이강하였다. 인디카형과자포니카형에서모두저항성유전자가집적되었을경우에단일또는두개의저항성유전자에비해저항성이정도가증가하거나, 저항성수준이높은유전자가저항성수준이낮거나균계특이적이병성을나타내는저항성유전자를보완하는효과를나타냈다. 자포니카형에서새롭게확인된저항성유전자집적조합인 Xa3+Xa21, xa5+xa21 과 Xa3+xa5+Xa21 은우리나라우점균주와 16 개균주에대해서저항성이었으며현재우리나라벼흰잎마름병저항성육종에서주력저항성조합으로이용되고있는 Xa3+xa5 보다높은수준의저항성을나타냈다. 이들저항성유전자집적조합은균계분화등에따른저항성붕괴에안정적으로대응할수있고저항성을효과적으로강화할수있는유망조합으로생각되어자포니카벼흰잎마름병저항성증진을위한목표조합으로설정하여육종사업을수행하겠다. * 주저자 : Tel. 063-840-2256, E-mail: mayoe@korea.kr -29-

PA-13 사일리지및종실용옥수수신품종 양안옥 의생육특성및수량성 손범영 1, 백성범 1, 김정태 1*, 이진석 1, 구자환 1, 김선림 1, 정건호 1, 권영업 1, 지희정 2, 허창석 3, 박종열 4 1 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원전작과 2 충청남도천안시성환읍국립축산과학원초지사료과 3 경상북도대구시칠곡경북농업기술원작물연구과 4 강원도홍천군강원도농업기술원옥수수연구소 국내옥수수안정생산기반을확립하기위해사료품질이우수하고수량이많은신품종 양안옥 을육성하였다. 양안옥은다수성사료용옥수수품종개발을목표로 2012 년에농촌진흥청국립식량과학원에서자식계통 KS164 과 KS163 을교잡하여육성한다수성단교잡종이다. 양안옥의종피색은황오렌지색이며입질은중간종이다. 2007~2008 년까지생산력검정시험을거쳐, 2010 년을제외한 2009~2012 년까지 4 지역에서지역적응시험을실시하였다. 그결과우수성이인정되어 2012 농작물직무육성신품종으로결정되었고양안옥으로명명하였다. 양안옥의출사일수는대비품종인광평옥보다 2 일빠르다. 간장은광평옥과비슷하나착수고율은광평옥보다높고도복은광평옥과비슷한정도로강하며후기녹체성과이삭비율도광평옥과비슷하다. 깨씨무늬병에는중강의저항성을보이며, 그을음무늬병에는강한편이다. 검은줄오갈병, 이삭썩음병및조명나방에는중정도의저항성을보인다. 양안옥의건물수량은 17.45 톤 /ha 이며, TDN 수량은 11.96 톤 /ha 로광평옥과비슷한수준이다. 양안옥의종실수량은 8.32 톤 /ha 로장다옥과비슷하다. 4 1( 모본 : 부본 ) 재식비율로동시파종하여채종시험한결과종자친 ( 모본 ) 의출사기와화분친 ( 부본 ) 의화분비산기간이일치하였으며채종수량은 1.79 톤 /ha 이었다. 양안옥은전국적으로재배가가능하다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6762, E-mail: kimjt@korea.kr PA-14 수량이높고병해에강한가래떡용 희망찬 개발 하기용 *, 박현수, 백소현, 남정권, 조영찬, 김보경 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원벼맥류부 가래떡은그동안품종특성구별없이보통쌀로제조되어왔다. 더구나원가절감을위하여값싼원료미를이용하여제조하기때문에품질면에서특성이일정하지못하고제조업체마다맛에서큰차이를나타낸다. 가래떡은떡국이나떡볶이를만드는데직접사용되기때문에설날뿐아니라평소에도우리국민이즐겨먹는음식이다. 최근에는한식세계화와더불어품질관리가더욱더중요하게되었다. 하지만지금까지는가래떡제조에적합한품종도없을뿐더러맛에대한체계적인연구도거의없는실정이다. 이에가래떡제조에가공적성이좋은 희망찬 을개발하게되었다. 희망찬 은기존품종보다수량이많고흰잎마름병과줄무늬잎마름병에강한품종으로국립식량과학원벼맥류부에서 2000 년하계에밀양 165 호에 신동진 을인공교배하여계통육종법에따라우량계통을선발고정시켜 2011 년에내병다수성인벼품종을개발하였는데특히가래떡제조에좋은적성을가지고있다. 희망찬 은중만생으로수량이많고도열병과줄무늬잎마름병에저항성이며출수기는 8 월 17 일로 한마음 보다 3 일정도늦고간장은큰편으로수당립수가많고등숙비율이높다. 수량은 한마음 보다보통기다비재배에서 4% 증수되며적응지역은충남이남평야 1 모작지이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 063-840-2255, E-mail: ha0ky04@korea.kr -30-

PA-15 수량이높고병해에강한향기좋은검정쌀 흑수정 개발 하기용 *, 박현수, 백소현, 남정권, 조영찬, 김보경 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원벼맥류부 흑미는대부분쌀에있는안토시아닌색소가항산화작용을하여우리몸의노화를느리게하고동맥경화예방에효과가있다고알려지면서혼반용으로밥에섞어먹어왔다. 한편수요가늘어남에따라재배면적이늘어나면서농가소득향상에기여하여왔는데농가에서재배하고있는흑미는수량성이낮고병해에약한단점이있다. 흑수정 은기존품종보다수량이많고흰잎마름병과줄무늬잎마름병에강한품종으로국립식량과학원벼맥류부에서 2001 년하계에 흑향 벼에 HR14834-11-4-3-4 호를인공교배하여계통육종법에따라우량계통을선발고정시켜 2012 년에내병다수성흑향미를개발하였다. 흑수정 은중만생으로색깔이검고향기가있으며도열병과줄무늬잎마름병에저항성이다. 출수기는 8 월 14 일로 흑남벼 와비슷하며간장은약간큰편으로수당립수가많고등숙비율이높다. 수량은 흑남벼 보다보통기보비재배에서 8% 증수되며, 밥을지을때퍼짐성이좋다. 적응지역은충남이남평야지및서남부해안지이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 063-840-2255, E-mail: ha0ky04@korea.kr PA-16 숙기및용도별벼품종의묘소질변이 최용환 1*, 한희석 1, 류인석 1, 오세웅 1, 황규석 1, 양선목 1, 박순자 1, 박지형 1, 박지혜 1 1 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원기술지원과 최근육성한벼품종을대상으로숙기및용도별벼품종의묘소질에대한차이를알아보고자본연구를수행하였다. 종자파종은국립식량과학원벼재배시험포장신흥통 ( 사앙토 ) 에서 4 월 26 일에하였으며, 파종량은상자당 150g 을하였다. 묘소질조사는 30 일성묘를대상으로묘초장, 엽수, 생체중, 지상부건물중등을조사하였다. 시험결과숙기별묘소질에서는중생골드, 대보등중생종의묘초장이 20 cm로가장컸으며, 엽수는산호미, 화왕등조생종에서 3.7 개로가장많았다. 지상부묘건물중을초장으로나눈묘충실도는조생종이 0.15 로가장양호하였다. 또한용도별벼품종에서는현품, 수광등최고품질벼품종의묘초장이 17.9 cm로가장컸으며, 유색미 (17.1 cm ) > 가공적성 (16.3 cm ) > 기능성 (14.4 cm ) 순이었다. 엽수는가공적성이 3.6 개로가장많았다. 이들품종의묘충실도는최고품질 (0.17) > 찰벼 (0.13) > 가공적성 (0.11) 순으로양호하였다. 묘충실도가양호하고초기신장성이우수한품종들은벼무논점파용품종으로적응성이높을것으로사료된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6802, E-mail: choiyh@korea.kr -31-

PA-17 약배양이용벼멸구, 흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병저항성벼계통육성 박현수 1*, 백소현 1, 백만기 1, 노태환 1, 백채훈 2, 정지웅 2, 이종희 3, 하기용 1, 김우재 1, 남정권 1, 김기영 3, 조영찬 1, 신문식 1, 김보경 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원벼맥류부 2 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 3 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원기능성작물부 복합내병충성품종을조기에육성하고자줄무늬잎마름병 (RSV) 과흰잎마름병 (BB) 에저항성인우량계통 HR26234-12-1-1 과줄무늬잎마름병, 흰잎마름병및벼멸구 (BPH) 에저항성인 SR30071-3-7-23-6-2-1-1 계통을인공교배한 F 1 을약배양하여총 213 개계통을육성하였다. 목표유전자와연관된 DNA 분자표지를이용하여저항성유전자를확인하였다. HR26234 는 Stvb-i, Xa3+xa5 을,, SR30071 은 Stvb-i, Xa4(?), Bph18 을가지고있는것으로나타났다. 이들유래계통들은모두 Stvb-i 를가지고있었고. Bph18 을가지고있는계통은 42 계통이었다. 흰잎마름병저항성유전자의작성가능한조합중에서 xa5 단독계통은발생하지않는등 segregation distortion 이나타났다. BPH(Bph18), BB(Xa4+xa5) 와 RSV(Stvb-i) 의저항성유전자집적 7 계통을선발하여 2012 년에생산력과병해충에대한저항성을검정하였다. 이들계통들의농업적특성들중출수일수는 96 일로진백 (110), 남평벼 (106 일 ), 안미 (102) 보다빠른중생종이었고, 간장은 66 71 cm 로진백 (71 cm), 남평벼 (78), 안미 (77) 보다짧으며, 수당립수는 102 119 개로안미 (119 개 ) 와비슷한수준이었다. 등숙률과수량성은대조품종인남평벼, 진백, 안미보다낮았다. 유묘및성체에서벼멸구에강한저항성을나타냈으며흰잎마름병 K1,K2,K3,K3a 균계에저항성이고줄무늬잎마름병에강하였다. K3a 균계접종후수량및등숙률의감소율이이병성인남평벼와안미에비해낮았다. 약배양을통해단기간에복합내병충성계통을확보할수있었으나계통선발시파악되지않았던일부수층의불균형과불임립발생, 단간임에도도복에안정적이지못하는등열악형질이발견되었다. 약배양을통해조기에육종목표를달성하고자할경우에 segregation distortion 이발생하여편의된변이가발생할수있고파악되지못한형질특성이나타날수있음을고려하여신중하게목표에접근하여야할것으로생각한다. * 주저자 : Tel. 063-840-2256, E-mail: mayoe@korea.kr -32-

PA-18 오대벼대체고품질중립조생종벼품종 새오대 김명기 1, 신영섭 1, 원용재 1, 안억근 1, 서정필 1, 정국현 2, 이점호 1, 전용희 2, 윤영환 1, 윤광섭 1, 장재기 1, 양창인 1, 정종민 1, 윤미라 1, 김정곤 1 1 경기도수원시권선구서둔동국립식량과학원 2 경기도수원시권선구서둔동농촌진흥청 강원도는우리나라벼조생종재배지역으로벼조생지대에서는매년오대벼품종이약 2 만 ha 정도가재배되고있는실정이다. 강원도지역에서오대벼는 철원오대쌀 이라는단일미품종명브랜드가성공하고유지되고있는데오대벼가다른품종에비해쌀알이 25g 으로뚜렷이굵어다른품종과구별이된다. 그러나오대벼의쌀외관이다소떨어지는문제점이있어이단점을해결하기위하여쌀굵기가오대벼의중립종크기의쌀외관이맑은조생종품종개발이필요하다. 벼품종 새오대 는중북부중간지에적응하는오대벼품종을대체할목적으로 2001 년하계에조생종이면서단기성인품종그루벼와중립종인수원 472 호 ( 남일벼 ) 와인공교배하여계통육종법에의해선발하면서주요병해충및미질검정을병행하였다. 선발된우량계통에대해 2008~2009 년 2 년간생산력검정시험을실시한결과조생종이면서쌀외관이양호한중립종인 SR27376-2-2-1-3 계통을철원 81 호계통명을부여하였다. 201 0~2012 년 3 년간지역적응시험실시한결과그우수성이인정되어 2012 년 12 월품종으로선정되었다. 새오대 벼는출수기가보통기보비재배에서출수기는 7 월 27 일로오대벼보다 4 일정도빠르고쌀알의크기는현미천립중이오대벼와같이중립종인 26g 으로쌀의외관이깨끗한조생종품종이다. 벼의키는오대벼보다약간작아쓰러짐에강하고쌀수량은오대벼보다약간증수된 5.26 톤 /ha 으로적응지역은중북부중간지 중산간지에적합하다. 새오대 벼는기존오대벼의단점인쌀외관을개선오대벼재배 2 만 ha 를대체하여쌀품위등급을향상쌀품질고급화및재배안전성을통하여농가소득증대가기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 033-455-2031, E-mail: kimmk6690@korea.kr -33-

PA-19 월동형시설풋고추야간온도차이에따른품종별특성 김우일 1, 오주열 1, 김희대 1, 손길만 1, 도재왕 2, 윤재복 2* 1 경상남도진주시초전동경남농업기술원수출농식품연구과 2 경기도수원시서둔동 ( 주 ) 고추와육종기업부설연구소 에너지절감형시설풋고추전용품종개발을위한예비실험으로서, 저온신장성이좋고수량및품질이우수한풋고추품종을선발하기위하여야간온도조절을통한품종별특성의차이를조사하였다. 시험은경남농업기술원 3 연동비닐하우스에서지난 2 년간수행되었으며, 현재시판되고있거나최근고추와육종에서개발한품종들을대상으로열풍기야간온도를 13 도와 17 도로처리하였고시험구배치는처리별로난괴법 3 반복으로하였으며시기별생육및수량을비교분석하였다. 1 년차시험 (2011~2012) 결과, 초장은일반적인 녹광 품종의농가야간최저온도인 17 도처리에서일반적으로컸으며, 정경은반대로 13 도처리에서전체적으로굵었다. 수량에있어서는일반품종인 녹광 의경우 13 도와 17 도처리에서각각상품과가 1,500(kg/10a) 과 1,900 이었고대과종풋고추인 순한길상 은각각 2,400 과 2,600 이었고 롱그린맛고추 는각각 3,000 과 2,300 으로오히려저온인 13 도처리구에서수량이증가되었다. 고추와육종의 PNBG6 품종도저온처리구에서오히려수량이증가하는결과를얻었으며저온처리에따른난방비절감효과는 LNG 사용시 10a 당약 560 만원에달했다. 2 년차시험 (2012~2013) 에서는 1 년차와동일한조건에서저온처리에대한수량증대효과는없었으나난방비절감효과는 10a 당약 890 만원으로저온에서의수량손실분을제하더라도추가적인이익을얻을수있었다. 본연구를기초로선발된품종들과저온신장성이좋은유전자원유래의분리집단을사용한다면저온신장성에대한유전연구는물론에너지절감형풋고추전용품종개발이가능할것으로판단되며이는종자산업에서의저탄소녹색기술의표본이될것이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-296-5797, E-mail: jaebokyoon@hanmail.net PA-20 재배가안정적이고다수성인장류 두부용콩신품종 진풍 전명기 1, 김현태 1, 한원영 1, 이영훈 1, 고종민 1, 윤홍태 1, 백인열 1, 이병원 1, 신상욱 1, 심하식 2, 하태정 3, 정광호 4, 정찬식 4, 박금룡 4 1 경상남도밀양시내이동 1085 번지국립식량과학원두류유지작물과 2 경기도수원시권선구서둔동농촌진흥청사농업생물부잠사양봉소재과 3 경기도수원시권선구수인로 126 농촌진흥청연구정책국연구성과관리과 4 경기도수원시권선구수인로 151 국립식량과학원 우리나라의콩재배면적은꾸준히감소하여 8 만 ha 정도에서정체되어있고, 식용콩자급률도 30% 정도로낮은상황이다. 정부에서는최근이상기후로인한세계곡물가격의급등과식량안보대책으로식용콩의자급률을 50 % 까지올리기위해노력중이다. 2002 년에육성된 대풍 은 3.05MT/ha 의수량성을보였으나콩종자의배꼽색이갈색이라는단점이있어농가의확대보급에실패하였다. 대풍콩의단점을개선하기위하여단경이며다수성인대풍콩과배꼽색이황색이며대립인 SS01211 을 2002 년에교배후계통육종법을이용하여 2009 년에 밀양 216 호 의계통명을부여하였다. 10 12 년 3 개년간지역적응시험후종자품위가양호하고내병성등을갖춘것으로평가되어 2012 년 12 월직무육성신품종선정위원회에서 진풍 으로명명하였다. 진풍은대원콩에비하여성숙기가 10 월 17 일로 3 일늦다. 경장은 61cm 로작아도복에강하고, 탈립도잘안되는특성을지니고있다. 뿐만아니라불마름병과 SMV 에저항성이다. 10 12 년 3 개년간실시한지역적응시험에서충북이남남부이모작지대에서 3.37MT/ha 로대원콩대비 23% 증수하였다. 이러한특성을지닌진풍은안정적재배가가능하여농가소득향상및우리나라콩자급률향상에기여할것이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 053-663-1107, E-mail: jeonmg@korea.kr -34-

PA-21 저농도액비처리에의한포플러단벌기맹아림의바이오매스생산 김현철 1, 신한나 1, 강규석 1*, 여진기 2 1 경기도수원시권선구온정로 39, 국립산림과학원산림유전자원부임목육종과 2 서울특별시마포구월드컵북로 361, 한국임업진흥원산림탄소인증센터 본연구는가축분뇨해양배출금지에따른처리방안의일환으로써포플러류목재에너지림에 SCB 액비를처리하였을때바이오매스생산량이우수한클론을선발하고자실시하였다. 아울러단벌기집약재배를실시하는목재에너지림에서 SCB 액비의화학비료대체효과및바이오매스생산증진량을구명하고자수행하였다. 경기도수원시권선구호매실동소재의연구림에포플러류 5 개수종, 총 8 개클론을대상으로반복당 5 본씩 3 반복으로시험림을조성하였으며, 식재간격은 1m 1m 이었다. SCB 액비는 2008 년에본당 115L 를처리하였으며, 2009 년도및 2010 년도에는본당 130L 씩처리하였다. 처리후클론별가지발생량, 엽면적및지상부바이오매스생산량을조사하였다. 평균줄기발생수는처리구및무처리구에서각각 11.8 개와 11.5 개로나타나큰차이가없었다. 평균엽면적은처리구가 71.0cm 2 로무처리구 52.3cm 2 보다 35% 더우수하였다. 연평균지상부바이오매스생산량을조사한결과, SCB 액비처리구가 ha 당 8.5 톤으로나타나무처리구 5.6 톤대비 51% 우수한것으로조사되었다. SCB 액비처리에따른클론별평균지상부바이오매스생산량은현사시나무가 ha 당 13.6 톤으로가장우수하였으며, 그다음으로이태리포플러 9.8 톤, 양황철 5.6 톤, 미루나무교잡종 4.6 톤순이었다. 수원포플러는 ha 당 3.0 톤의저조한바이오매스생산량을나타내었다. 이상의연구결과를종합해볼때농지근처의산림지역에단벌기맹아림을조성하여목질계바이오매스를생산하기위해서는현사사나무및이태리포플러가적합할것으로사료된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-1102, E-mail: kangks@forest.go.kr PA-22 중산간지적응복합내병성고품질조생산호미 신운철 1*, 김우재 2, 박현수 2, 김보경 2, 박성태 1 1 경북상주시화서면중화로 2161, 국립식량과학원상주출장소 2 전북익산시평동로 457, 국립식량과학원벼맥류부벼육종재배과 산호미 는국립식량과학원상주출장소에서중산간지재배에알맞은복합내병성고품질벼를육성하고자 2002 년하계에모본으로상미벼와부본으로상주 24 호에화영벼를교배한계통을인공교배하였다. F3 이후계통육종법으로전개하여주요농업형질조사및병해충 미질검정을실시하였고 2009~2010 년생산력검정을실시한결과복합내병성을갖춘 YR24337-53-3-18-3-3 계통을선발하여 상주 44 호 로계통명을부여하였다. 2010~2012 년지역적응성시험을실시한결과대조품종에비해도열병, 흰잎마름병, 줄무늬잎마름병에강하며외관품위가매우우수하여 2012 년농작물직무육성신품종선정심의회에서신품종으로선정하여 산호미 라명명하였다. 산호미는출수기가 7 월 26 일로오대벼보다 2 일빠른조생종이며오대벼보다저온발아성은 14%, 수당수수는 1 개, 등숙비율은 5.2% 많고현미천립중은 3.5g 가벼우며심복백이없이맑고깨끗하다. 수량성은보통기보비재배 6 개소에서평균쌀수량이 499kg/10a 으로북부평야지및중산간지, 남부고냉지에재배에적합한품종이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 054-533-0465, E-mail: biocheman@korea.kr -35-

PA-23 지역특산화를위한장류 두부용극대립콩신품종 중모 3008 호 전명기 1, 김현태 1, 한원영 1, 이영훈 1, 고종민 1, 윤홍태 1, 백인열 1, 이병원 1, 신상욱 1, 심하식 2, 하태정 3, 문중경 4, 정찬식 4, 박금룡 4 1 경상남도밀양시내이동 1085 번지국립식량과학원두류유지작물과 2 경기도수원시권선구서둔동농촌진흥청사농업생물부잠사양봉소재과 3 경기도수원시권선구수인로 126 농촌진흥청연구정책국연구성과관리과 4 경기도수원시권선구수인로 151 국립식량과학원 중모 3008 호 는지역특산화를위한극대립콩품종육성을목표로곡립및초형이양호한황금콩과대립인 SS01408 을 2002 년에교배후계통육종법으로육성하여 밀양 217 호 의계통명을부여하였다. 10 12 년 3 개년간지역적응시험후콩모자이크바이러스병에저항성이고극대립으로품종육성을위한중간모본의특성을갖춘것으로평가되어 2012 년 12 월직무육성신품종선정위원회에서 중모 3008 호 로명명하였다. 개화기는 8 월 3 일로표준품종인 대원콩 보다 8 일, 성숙기는 10 월 18 일로 4 일늦은중만생종품종으로, 신육형은유한신육형이고, 탈립이잘되며, 도복에약하다. 경장은 70 cm로대원콩대비다소길고, 개체당협수는적고, 주경절수및분지수는비슷하였다. 100 립중은 36.5g 으로대원콩대비매우무거운극대립종이다. 콩모자이크바이러스는유묘접종결과저항성이었으나불마름병은포장에서는강하였으나인공접종시대원콩수준으로발병하였다. 메주수율은 77%, 청국장수율은 199% 로대원콩대비다소낮은경향을보였다. 수량성은 10 12 년 3 개년간실시한지역적응시험에서서부해안지방을제외한내륙지방에서 2.25MT/ha 로대원콩대비 84% 수준이었다. 수량성및내재해성에약한단점을지니고있지만고품질콩품종육성을위한중간모본으로활용이가능할것으로보인다. * 주저자 : Tel. 053-663-1107, E-mail: jeonmg@korea.kr PA-24 친환경재배적응복합내병충성고품질벼 친들 육성 김우재 *, 백소현, 신문식, 박현수, 하기용, 박종호, 조영찬, 김보경 전북익산시송학동농촌진흥청국립식량과학원벼육종재배과 최근안전식품에대한소비자의선호도변화에따른고품질친환경품종개발이요구되고있다. 이에병해충피해를최소화하여쌀수량을증대시키고품질및밥맛을높여농가소득을증대시킬수있는친환경재배적응복합내병충성고품질벼 친들 을육성하였다. 친들 은수량이높고도열병, 흰잎마름병, 줄무늬잎마름병뿐만아니라벼멸구에도강한중만생고품질벼품종이다. 출수기는보통기보비재배에서 8 월 15 일로남평벼보다 1 일늦다. 간장은 83 cm로남평벼보다 3 cm크며, 현미천립중은 21.7g 으로남평벼보다무겁다. 주당수수, 수당립수, 등숙비율은남평벼보다같거나높다. 위조현상은나타나지않았으며성숙기하엽노화가늦고내수발아성이다. 입형은현미장폭비가 1.71 로단원형이며아밀로스와단백질함량은남평벼와같거나낮다. 친들 은평야지를중심으로다양한환경에서 3 년동안지역적응성시험결과쌀수량 (561kg/10a) 이남평벼에비하여 8% 가증수되고안정성이높으며또한친환경재배농가보급시농약사용절감등시장성이높은품종이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 063-840-2169, E-mail: suwonman@korea.kr -36-

PA-25 캄보디아적응옥수수품종개발을위한자원유래별농업특성및수량평가 박기진 *, 류시환, 박종열, 장은하, 서영호, 용우식, 이상민, 유정훈, 김경희 강원도홍천군두촌면장남길 26 강원도농업기술원옥수수연구소 농림축산식품부의해외식량기지구축을위한기반구축과동남아시아지역에진출한국내기업이요구하는현지적응우량옥수수품종개발을위하여본연구를수행하였다. 서울대학교이석하교수와공동으로수행하는본과제는 2011 년 8 월부터캄보디아캄퐁수프및캄폿주에서현지옥수수재배기업인 ( 주 ) 에이퍼플의현지법인 JNJ Bora 의협조로년 3 회, 현재까지총 5 회를추진하면서안정적인육종시스템을정착시키고우량한후보품종을선발하였다. 1 차 (2011.8.~2011.12.04), 2 차 (2012.3.25~2012.7.31), 3 차 (2012.8.1~2012.12.4), 4 차 (2012.12.5~2013.4.7), 5 차 (2013.4.8~2013.8 월상순 ) 를걸친육종을통하여국내육성또는도입고정계통의특성평가, 현지평가용교잡종의구성및평가, 열대수집자원을중심으로한분리계통의육성등을추진하였다. 고정계통의평가는연구소육종자식계통과열대지역에서육성, 순화된고정계통의균일성, 내병충성, 알곡유형, 립색, 수확후저장성등을조사하였다. 그결과온대기반의국내육성계통은균일성과자체수량성은높고마치종 (dent) 이나반마치종 (semident) 의입질을가지지만조명나방 (corn borer) 및깨씨무늬병 (southen leaf blight) 에대한저항성이상당히떨어져현지품종개발의직접적인교배친으로활용하기부적절하였으며태국및열대지역에서육성된고정계통및품종으로부터분리육성중인계통은자체수량성은다소낮고알곡의작으며립형은경립종 (flint) 이나반경립종 (semiflint) 이대부분을이루었으며식물체및알곡의충해저항성이상대적으로우량한특성을보였다. 교잡종의수량성은연구소육종온대자원은큰이삭, 높은탈립률, 알곡우량으로현지보급품종보다높은수량성을보였으나병충해저항성, 안정성, 가뭄저항성, 알곡의저장성등에서열대육성교잡종보다현저하게불량하였다. 현지많은면적보급되고있는 CP, Pioneer 계열의교잡종은수량은다소낮았으나광지역적응성, 안정성, 내재해성에다소강하였다. 5 회의육종을추진하면서총 256 교잡종을평가한결과온대와열대자원의조합으로다수성과병충해및안정성을개선한현지보급품종과비슷하거나우량한 10 교잡종을선발하여품종등록에앞서현재기업체와함께실증평가를추진중에있다. * 주저자 : Tel. 033-248-6911, E-mail: kjp@korea.kr PA-26 통일형중생다수성 중모 1028 육성 이지윤 1*, 조준현 1, 이종희 1, 박노봉 2, 오성환 1, 한상익 1, 김상열 1, 여운상 2, 송유천 1, 박동수 1, 손영보 1, 황운하 1, 최대식 1, 류현수 1, 이춘우 1, 남민희 1, 전영춘 1 1 경남밀양시국립식량과학원기능성작물부신소재개발과 2 경북영덕군국립식량과학원영덕출장소 중모 1028 은쌀가루를이용하는가공식품의원료곡사용을목적으로개발된통일형다수성품종이다. 2002 년하계에재배안정성이우수하고수량성이높은한아름벼를모본으로, 천립중이크고단간다수성인다산벼와 YR22841(YR18241-B-B-47-1/YR18241-B-B-210-1) 의 F 1 을부본으로이용하여인공교배를실시하였다. 2003 년하계에 F 1 을양성하였고, 2005 년도 F 3 세대부터 2007 년도 F 5 세대까지계통육종법으로고정된계통을육성하여우량한 YR24232-16-1-1 계통을선발하였다. 이후 2008 년하계에예비선발시험, 2009 년부터 2010 년까지 2 년간생산력검정시험을수행한후 2010 년부터 2012 년까지 3 년간지역적응시험을마치고 2012 년신품종선정위원회에서우수성이인정되어 중모 1028 로명명되었다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-1164, E-mail: minitia@korea.kr -37-

PA-27 항산화활성이높은건강기능성메수수 동안메 육성 김정인 1*, 곽도연 1, 고지연 1, 정태욱 1, 이재생 1, 김기영 1, 우관식 1, 송석보 1, 오인석 1, 이명철 2 1 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원잡곡과 2 경기도수원시권선구서호로 34 국립농업과학원농업유전자원센터 수수는최근생활습관병개선을위한곡물로서각광받고있어그수요가증가하고있으나농가에서재배하고있는수수는대부분재래종을사용하고있어서유전적으로순도가높지못하고수량이낮아품종개선이필요하였다. 이에따라국립식량과학원에서는항산화활성과수량성이높은건강기능성메수수인 동안메 를육성하였다. 동안메 는 2009 년국립농업유전자원센터에서분양받은 CS-4 LOCAL COLLECTION 을기본집단으로하여분리육종법을통해 2012 년육성된품종이다. 동안메 는파종후출수까지평균 71 일, 수확까지는평균 115 일인중생종이다. 키가약 160cm 이고이삭의형태는밀수형이며밀도는조밀하며받침껍질 ( 영 ) 색과종실색은짙은갈색으로 황금찰 보다좀더붉은색을띈다. 한주당이삭수는 3 4 개로, 각분얼의이삭이동시에성숙하여일시에수확할수있다는장점이있으며수량성은약 310kg/10a 로다수성이다. 폴리페놀, 탄닌, 플라보노이드등다양한기능성성분을많이함유하고있으며항산화활성 (ABTS) 이 42.0mgTE/g 으로 황금찰 에비해 30% 가높다. 현곡천립중은 26.8g, 주당이삭중은 33.6g 으로무거우며, 도복은 황금찰 보다강한편이다. 동안메 는메수수이므로점질성이높은찰수수보다빵, 과자, 국수등가공식품원료곡으로이용하기에적합하여, 건강기능성이높지만단순혼반용으로만이용되던수수의섭취방법을가공제품등으로다양하고폭넓게활용이가능한품종이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-1273, E-mail: kji1204@korea.kr PA-28 황색 대립의불임내성찰기장 황실찰 육성이재생 1*, 고지연 1, 송석보 1, 김기영 1, 곽도연 1, 정태욱 1, 김정인 1, 우관식 1, 오인석 1, 오병근 2 1 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원잡곡과 2 사단법인씨알과사람 기장은주로밥에혼반용으로많이이용되는잡곡으로연간 14,000 천톤에이르는양이수입되고있다. 농가에서주로재배되고있는기장은수전기에강우가지속될때불임이심하여이를개선한기장의품종개발이필요하다. 황실찰 은경산지역에서수집한재래기장을기본집단으로하여분리육종법을통해 2012 년육성된신품종이다. 출수기는대비품종인 황금기장 보다보통기에서 18 일, 이모작재배시 14 일늦고, 생육일수는보통기 117 일, 이모작 101 일로 황금기장 보다 13 19 일늦은만생종이다. 간장, 수장모두 황금기장 에비하여큰편이며, 등숙비율은 황금기장 65.9%, 황실찰 76.7%, 조곡천립중은 황실찰 6.3g, 황금기장 5.5g 으로서 황실찰 이등숙비율과천립중이높았다. 특히, 수전기연속강우에의해나타나는기장의불임현상에대해비교적내성이강하여, 강우가잦았던 2011 년보통기생산력검정시험에서수량성은 202kg/10 로 황금기장 131kg/10a 에비하여 50% 이상높았다. 전국 3 개지역 2 년간실시한지역적응시험평균수량은보통기 207kg/10a, 이모작 165kg/10a 로 황금기장 에비해보통기재배는 38% 증수되었고이모작은비슷한수량성을나타내었다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-1268, E-mail: js0lee@korea.kr -38-

PA-29 후기녹체성및복합내병성총체사료용벼중간모본 중모 1029 호 개발 현웅조 1*, 이점호 1, 이상복 1, 양창인 1, 최용환 1, 장재기 1, 정종민 1, 이규성 2, 김명기 1, 김준환 1, 원용재 1, 안억근 1, 모영준 1, 윤영환 1, 정지웅 1, 오세관 1, 서문원 1, 김정곤 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원 논형태를그대로유지하면서쌀생산조절및조사료자급률향상을위한방안으로총체사료벼연구를추진하고있다. 최근의총체사료벼품종육성은기존의쌀수량증대를위한초다수성품종및계통집단을활용하여총체사일리지사료로서우수한특성인경엽다수성, 사료적성, 후기녹체성, 복합내병충성및직파적성등을가진품종이육성되고있다. 그러나기존의다수계육종재료를이용하지않고사료적성이우수한새로운유전자원을교배친으로하여총체수량성, 후기녹체성및복합내병성이개선된 중모 1029 호 를개발하였다. 중모 1029 호 는총체건물수량이높고후기녹체성및복합내병성이개선된품종을육성할목적으로바이오매스가큰 길림수집 1 호 를모본으로다수성이며흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병에강한 주남 을부본으로하여국립식량과학원답작과에서 2001 년에인공교배하였다. 계통육종법에의해세대를진전시킨후고정세대에서실시한지역적응시험에서총체건물수량이 1.70ton/ha 로 녹양 1.35ton/ha 보다통계적으로유의하게 26% 증수하였다. 중모 1029 호 는출수기가 8 월 29 일로 녹양 보다 15 일늦은만생종이며초장이 녹양 (109 cm ) 보다큰 131 cm로바이오매스가큰장간품종이다. 흰잎마름병 (K 1 K 3) 과줄무늬잎마름병에는강한반응을잎도열병에는중정도의반응을벼멸구에는약한반응을보였다. 사료가치는후기녹체성 (SPAD; 22.9) 이 녹양 에비해높았고조단백질 6.5%, 산성세제불용섬유소 28.2%, 중성세제불용섬유소 55.0%, 가소화양분총량은 66.6% 로 녹양 과비슷한경향을보였다. 금후본품종은건물수량성이높고후기녹체성및복합내병성이강화된총체사료벼중간모본으로활용가치가높은것으로판단된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6708, E-mail: onlybio@korea.kr PA-30 흰앙금제조가가능한팥신품종 흰구슬 송석보 *, 이재생, 고지연, 우관식, 김정인, 김기영, 곽도연, 정태욱, 오인석 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원잡곡과 소비자및가공업체가원하는다양한색깔의양갱및앙금제품개발에붉은색팥은제품다양화에한계가있으므로 흰구슬 은흰앙금제조가가능한황백색종피의품질이우수한팥품종육성을목적으로 2001 년하계에 IT144994 를모본으로하고 Suwon38 을부본으로인공교배하여 F 3 이후부터는계통육종법에의하여육성선발하였다. 2009~2010 년생산력검정시험에서내도복성과가공적성이우수하여 밀양 12 호 로계통명을부여하였다. 2010-2012 년 3 년간지역적응시험을실시한결과, 황백색종피를가진중만생종으로고품질내재해성품종으로우수성이인정되었다. 경장은 53 cm로단간이며개화기는빠르지만성숙기간이길어종자가알차고협당립수가많았다. 100 립중은 13.6g 으로중대립에속하고, 수량성은지역적응보통기보비재배에서평균수량이 2.00MT/ha 로표준품종대비 7% 증수되는품종이다. 흰구슬 의재배적응지역은강원도산간고랭지를제외한전국팥재배지역에서재배가가능하다. 흰앙금은물론다양한색상의앙금및양갱생산으로팥의신수요창출및소비확대가기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-1254, E-mail: songsb1254@korea.kr -39-

PA-31 A comparison in physiological responses and photoinhibition tolerance between superior and inferior families of Pinus densiflora under drought condition Chang-Young Oh *, Sang-Urk Han Department of Forest Genetic Resources, Korea Forest Research Institute, Suwon 441-847, Republic of Korea This study was conducted to figure out the differences in physiological responses, e.g. growth, photosynthetic activity and water potential, and photoinhibition tolerance in photosystem between superior and inferior families of Pinus densiflora under drought condition. Superior which is KW85 and inferior which is KW40 families were selected using progeny test results of height growth. In 2007, seeds were collected from seed orchard. In 2008, seedlings were produced and cultivated, and from April 2009 drought treatment was started with shading treatment and plants were harvested in Sept. 2009. There was no significant difference in height growth between families. In case of leaf water potential, KW85 showed higher water potential under drought condition. But there was no significant difference in drought with shading treatment. There was no difference in photosynthetic rate but stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of KW85 showed lower value than KW40. So water use efficiency of KW85 showed higher value in every treatment. Non-photochemical quenching of KW40 showed higher value in drought treatment, but there was no significant difference in control and drought with shading treatment. Xanthophyll cycle pool size of KW85 showed higher value in drought treatment, but in drought with shading treatment KW40 showed higher value. Selected superior family showed higher drought tolerance according to water use efficiency, and it also has effective non-photochemical quenching ability. In contrast inferior family respond more sensitively in photoinhibition under drought condition. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-290-1148, E-mail: chang05@forest.go.kr -40-

PA-32 A large-scale screening analysis for the evaluation of Bakanae disease in rice Myung-Hee Kim 1, Saet-Byeol Lee 1, Tackmin Kwon 2, Un-Ha Hwang 1, Soo-Kwon Park 1, Yeong-Nam Youn 1, Jong-Hee Lee 1, Jun-Hyun Cho 1, Dongjin Shin 1, Sang-Ik Han 1, Un-Sang Yeo 1, You-Chun Song 1, Min-Hee Nam 1, Dong-Soo Park * 1 National Institute of Crop Science, Neidong 1085, Milyang, Kyeongnam, Republic of Korea 2 Dong-A University, 37 Nakdong-Daero, Busan, Repubilc of Korea Bakanae disease of rice, caused by Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon, the imperfect stage of Gibberella fujikuroi, is one of the most important rice diseases worldwide, but no rice variety has been found to be completely resistant to this fungus. Cultivation of resistant cultivars is the most beneficial way of reducing quantitative or qualitative losses to for bakanae disease in rice. To facilitate the study of this disease, accurate and large scale screening methods were developed for the inoculation and evaluation of Bakanae disease. Even and large scale infection was achieved by using F. moniliforme spore in tissue embedding cassette and seedling tray. The efficiency of F. moniliforme infection with the concentration of 1 10 6 spore/ml caused better distribution (F-value=33.96) than 1 10 2 (F-value=10.69), and 1 10 4 spore/ml (F-value=2.63). We established new criteria of healthy and non-healthy plant, and introduced calculation of proportion of healthy plants to meet fast evaluation of resistance level of each variety. The effect of F. moniliforme strains containing different genetic background was also evaluated with rice varieties to figure out the stability of resistance level. GA3 response of rice variety was significantly correlated with bakanae disease, but it did not adequate for direct indicator of bakanae disease resistance. These results indicated that a large scale infection method developed in this study is fast and reproducible, as well as a disease evaluation system provides an accurate measurement of bakanae disease resistance of rice. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-350-1184, E-mail: parkds9709@korea.kr PA-33 A new early maturing and high yielding vegetable peanut Ami Suk-Bok Pae *, Chang-Hwan Park, Myung-Hee Lee, Sung-Up Kim, Chung-Dong Hwang, Choon-Ki Lee, and In-Youl Baek Department of Functional Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Miryang 627-803, Korea Recently, fresh peanut eaten after boil is popular to korean consumer owing to its sweet taste. A new vegetable peanut variety Ami (Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata.) was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2012. It was developed from the cross between the short stem cultivar Satonoka and the large grain cultivar Milyang 16. Ami which is Shipung plant type has 50cm main stem length and 10 branch number per plant. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and long-ellipse shape and dried 100-seed weight was 84g in the regional yield trials(ryt). The Sucrose and tannin content of fresh peanut are 24.9mg/g and 4.9mg/g, respectively. Functional compound content was 3944 μg /g of Luteolin in peanut shell, This variety also showed more resistant to stem rot and lodging, compared with check variety, Palkwang. In the regional yield trials Ami was outyielded than check variety by 9% with 10.10MT/ha for fresh pod and by 14% with 4.51MT/ha for dried kernel. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-350-1215, E-mail: paesb@korea.kr -41-

PA-34 A New forage barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) awnless spike type with lodging and disease resistance, Jungmo2502 Young-Jin Oh 1*, Tae-Il Park 1, Ouk-Kyu Han 2, Jae-Hwan Suh 3, Hyoung-Ho Park 1, Sang-Kyun Cho 1, Jong-Chul Park 1, Tae-Hwa Song 1, Kyeong-Hoon Kim 1, Yang-Kil Kim 1, Hyeon-Jung Kang 1, Jae-Seong Choi 1, Yun-Woo Jang 1, Kee-Jong Kim 1, Kwang-Geun Park 1, Ki-Hun Park 1, Jai-Hyun Jeung 4, Gi-Heung Hong 5, Hong-Jib Choi 6 and Dae-Ho Kim 7 1 Dept. Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA, Iksan, 570-080, Korea. 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon, 441-100, Korea.. 3 The Foundation of AG, Tech. Commercialization and Transfer, Suwon, 441-707, Korea. 4 Chungbuk Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Cheongwon 363-880, Korea. 5 hungnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Yesan 340-861, Korea. 6 Gyeongbuk Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Daegu 702-320, Korea. 7 Gyeongnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Jinju 660-985, Korea. Jungmo2502 (Hordeum vulgare L.), a new ruminant-palatability forage barley cultivar, was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2011. It was derived from the cross between Samheung/Suwon 300 and Milyang 100. Among the cross made in 2000, a promising line, SB00T2018-B-B-B-B-3, showed good characteristics in potential forage yield in the yield Trial tested at Iksan in 2007 to 2008 designated as Iksan 448. The line in the Regional Yield Trials(RYT) tested in eight locations around Korea for three years from 2009 to 2011, and was released as the name of Jungmo2502. It has the growth habit of group Ⅵ, erect plant type, green leaf and awnless spike. Its average heading and maturing dates were on May 4, and May 30, respectively, with are similar to check cultivar Youngyang. The cultivar had 98cm of culm length, 607 spikes per m 2 and it showed better rate of leaf, winter hardiness, and resistance to BaYMV than those of the check cultivar. The average forage yield of Jungmo2502 was about 11.0 ton ha -1 in dry matter in paddy field. Jungmo2502 also showed 8.7% of crude protein content, 21.9% of ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), 40.7% of NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), and 71.6% of TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher grade of silage quality for whole crop barley. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-840-2247, E-mail: ohyj5894@korea.kr -42-

PA-35 A new mid-late maturing japonica rice variety Hyeonpum with a good grain quality and eating quality Jeong-Ju Kim 1*, Woon-Chul Shin 2, Mun-Sik Shin 1, Ki-Yeong Kim 3, Bo-Kyeong Kim 1, Jeong-Kwon Nam 1, Jong-Cheol Ko 4, Hyeon-Su Park 1, Ki-Yong Ha 1, Man-Kee Baek 1, So-Hyeon Baek 1, Young-Jun Mo 5, Woo-Jae Kim 1, Hyeon-Jung Kang 1, Jae-Kwon Ko 1, Han-Su Yang 1, Jeong-Hwa Park 1, Ki-Hun Park 1 1 Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA, Iksan, 570-080, Republic of Korea 2 Sangju Sub-Station, NICS, RDA, Sangju, 742-682, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Functional Crop, NICS, RDA, Milyang, 627-803, Republic of Korea 4 Rural Development Administration, Suwon, 441-707, Republic of Korea 5 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon, 441-857, Republic of Korea Hyeonpum is a new japonica rice variety developed by a cross breeding between Iksan469 having a good canopy architecture and Sindongjin and Musashino 7 having a good eating-quality with a view to develop a new variety having high quality of grain and palatability by the rice breeding team of Rice Breeding and Cultivation Research Division, Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA in 2012. The heading date of this variety is August 18 and later than that of check variety, Nampyeongbyeo, by four days. Hyeonpum has 74cm of culm length and 101 spikelets per panicle. This variety showed resistance to bacterial leaf blight and rice stripe virus, but susceptible to leaf blast and planthoppers. The milled rice of this variety exhibits translucent and very clear non-glutinous endosperm. Hyeonpum has much better palatability of cooked rice than that of Nampyeongbyeo. The whole grain rate of milled rice and milled rice recovery of Hyeonpum are slightly higher than those of Nampyeongbyeo as 91.8% and 75.2% respectively. The yield of Hyeonpum is 5.6 MT/ha in milled rice. Hyeonpum could be adaptable to the southern part plain area of Pyeongtaek and southwestern costal areas in Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-840-2158, E-mail: jjkim74@korea.kr -43-

PA-36 A new mid-late maturing rice variety Subo with a good grain quality and for direct seeding Man-Kee Baek 1*, Woon-Chul Shin 2, Jong-Cheol Ko 4, Bo-Kyeong Kim 1, Jeong-Kwon Nam 1, Ki-Yeong Kim 3, Mun-Sik Shin 1, Ki-Yong Ha 1, Hyeon-Su Park 1, Hyeon-Jung Kang 1, So-Hyun Baek 1, Young-Jun Mo 5, Jae-Kwon Ko 1, Woo-Jae Kim 1, Young-Bok Lee 1, Jeong-Ju Kim 1, Jeong-Hwa Park 1, Young-chan Cho 1, Ki-Hun Park 1 1 Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA, Iksan, 570-080, Republic of Korea 2 Sangju Sub-Station, NICS, RDA, Sangju, 742-682, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Functional Crop, NICS, RDA, Milyang, 627-803, Republic of Korea 4 Rural Development Administration, Suwon, 441-707, Republic of Korea 5 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon, 441-857, Republic of Korea Subo is a new japonica rice variety developed by a cross breeding between HR21124-B-59 and HR19567-B-70-3 having a good Phenotype with a multi-resistance and high yield elite line. The new variety developed for direct seeding by the rice breeding team in Rice Breeding and Cultivation Research Division, Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA in 2012. The heading date of this variety is August 13 and earlier than that of check variety, Nampyeongbyeo, by two days. Subo has 72cm of culm length and 104 spikelets per panicle in direct seeding cultivation. This variety showed resistance to bacterial leaf blight and rice stripe virus and have germinating ability in sumerged soil conditions. The milled rice of this variety exhibits translucent and very clear non-glutinous endosperm. Subo has much better palatability of cooked rice than that of Nampyeongbyeo. The whole grain rate of milled rice are 86.9% and milled rice recovery of are 74.6%. The yield of Subo in direct seeding cultivation is 5.55MT/ha in milled rice. Subo could be adaptable to the southern part plain area of Pyeongtaek and southwestern in Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-840-2231, E-mail: baekmg@korea.kr PA-37 A new peanut variety Sinpalkwang with large grain and high yeild Suk-Bok Pae *, Chung-Dong Hwang, Sung-Up Kim, Myung-Hee Lee, Chang-Hwan Park, Keum-Yong Park, Choon-Ki Lee and In-Youl Baek Department of Functional Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Miryang 627-803, Korea Korean peanut yield by new varieties has marvelously increased since first variety with 1.09 MT/ha was developed in 1960. This means 77.58kg/ha yield increment every year from 1960 to 2012. A new peanut variety Sinpalkwang (Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) showed the highest grain yield, 5.40 MT/ha, of Korean varieties was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2012. This was developed from the cross between cultivar Palkwang and crossing line from cultivar Palkwang and PI156649. Sinpalkwang which is Virginia plant type has 41cm of main stem length and 25 branch number per plant. 45 pod number per plant, 79% of shelling ratio and 92g of 100-grain weight in the regional yield trials(ryt) greatly contributed to increase the yield potential of this variety. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and ellipse shape. Seed quality showed 45.4% of crude oil and 29.2% of protein content. This variety also showed more resistant to web blotch and stem rot, compared with check variety, Daekwang. In the regional yield trials Sinpalkwang outyielded check variety by 28% with 5.40 MT/ha for kernel. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-350-1215, E-mail: paesb@korea.kr -44-

PA-38 Biological function of Brassica rapa cysteine protease in transgenic rice and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae pathosystem Marjohn Nino 1, Sailila E. Abdula 1, Hye-Jung Lee 1, Dal-A Yu 1, Mi-Sun Kim 1, Sanguk Byeon 1, Franz Nogoy 1, Kwon-Kyoo Kang 2, Illsup Nou 3, and Yong-Gu Cho 1* 1 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-763, Korea 2 Dept. of Horticulture, Hankyong National University, Ansung 456-749, Korea 3 Dept. of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon 540-950, Korea Bacterial blight is a serious problem of rice in irrigated and rainfed lowlands. It is caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) which is represented by many pathotypes, making it difficult to control. Plant proteases are important players in immunity acting either in the execution of attack, in signaling cascade or in perception of invader. This study demonstrates the response of cysteine protease (CP) upon interaction with the pathogen. The cysteine protease encoding full-length cdna was identified and characterized using web-based tools. Conserved domain of the gene revealed its affinity to Peptidase_CIA family. The full-length cdna of CP in Brassica rapa was then cloned and overexpressed in rice. Insertion of gene was verified in the transformants through PCR assay. Spatiotemporal expression of the gene was performed in transgenic rice. To evaluate the resistance of CP-overexpression lines to Xoo, transgenic plants were inoculated with two races of Xoo. In planta analysis of enzymatic activity of CP was also performed before and after infection by the pathogen. This research was supported by ipet (111098-3), Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: ygcho@cbnu.ac.kr, These authors made equal contributions. PA-39 Development of molecular marker linked to white rust resistance in chrysanthemum using bulked segregant analysis (BSA) Sang-Kun Park 1*, Jin-Hee Lim 2, Jae-A Jung 1, Young Soon Kwon 1, Hak-ki Shin 1 1 Floricultural Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Suwon 441-440, Republic of Korea 2 Plant Engineering Research Institute, Sejong University, Seoul 143-747, Republic of Korea For developing molecular markers linked to white rust resistance in chrysanthemum, RAPD and AFLP were carried out in Puma White x Dancer mapping population through Bulked Segregant Analysis (BSA) methods. 10 resistant and 10 susceptible individuals were selected and bulked. And then, these bulks were screened using 280 RAPD primers (10 mer) with two parents. As a result of BSA-RAPD, 25 Dancer/R-bulk specific bands in 21 primers and 22 Puma White/S-bulk specific bands in 18 primers were selected. These resistant or susceptible specific bands were screened in 10 resistant and 10 susceptible individuals. Except OPI-13 520, all bands were confirmed as false positive. OPI-13 520 band presumed as closely linked marker to white rust disease resistance was tested in whole population. Among 187 progenies, just six off-springs did not correspond with phenotypic data. Based on expected phenotypic segregation ratios in the pseudo F1 progenies, it was assumed that a duplex type of white rust resistance in Dancer (RRrrrr) were in combination with a duplex type of OPI-13 520 marker. As a result of x 2 -test of independence between resistance gene and OPI-13 520 marker, x 2 score is 76.08 and probability is 2.13x10-16. And resistance gene and OPI-13 520 marker were assumed to be linked in coupling phase. The value of recombination fraction obtained by successive trials and second derivative of log likelihood was 0.03832±0.0271. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-290-6145, E-mail: theodds@korea.kr -45-

PA-40 Evaluation of Korean wheat cultivars for type I and II resistance to Fusarium head blight in 2013 Sanghyun Shin 1*, Kyeong-Hoon Kim 1, Chon-Sik Kang 1, Jae-Han Son 1, Hag-Sin Kim 1, In-Duck Choi 1, Young-Jin Kim 1, Jong-Chul Park 1, Kyong-Ho Kim 1, Jong-Nae Hyun 1, Chul Soo Park 2, Kwang-Geun Park 1 1 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Iksan 570-080, Republic of Korea 2 Dep. Crop Science & Life Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756, Republic of Korea Fusarium head blight (FHB), caused by Fusarium graminearum is a major disease problem on wheat and barley in Korea. The objectives of this study were to evaluation of korean wheat cultivars for Type I and Type II resistance to FHB. We screened for Type II resistance in the greenhouse using single floret inoculation and for Type I resistance in the field using spray inoculation. Sumai 3 was used the FHB resistant check. Thirty-two korean wheat cultivars were evaluated for resistance to spread of symptoms within spike. The 2013 field screening with wheat cultivar was located in Kimjae-si Joeonbuk Korea. All plots were inoculated twice. Mist-irrigation was applied to facilitate FHB development. FHB severity was assessed visually 21 days after inoculation on 20 arbitrarily selected spikes per plot. FHB severity was determined as the percentage of symptomatic spikelets from the total of all spikelets. For FHB resistance, the average of FHB severity of Type I exhibited ranging from 21.9% to 77.2% and FHB severity of Type II ranging from 20.8% to 100%. Namhae, Milseong, Geuru, Joen, Anbaek and Sukang were the moderately resistant cultivars while Gobun, Alchan, Dajoong, Eunpa, Shinmichal1, Eunpa and Uri were the most susceptible cultivars for Type II resistance. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-840-2144, E-mail: shinx101@korea.kr PA-41 Evaluation of late-sowing-adaptable soybean cultivar in paddy field Han Won Young, Park Hyeon Jin *, Oh Ki Won, Kim Hyun Tae, Shin Sang Ouk, Lee Byong Won, Ko Jong Min, Baek In Youl Div. of Legume and Oil Crop Research, Dept. of Functional Crop, NICS, RDA, 627-803. South Korea Soybean self-sufficiency in Korea was 22.5% in year 2011, and as free trade agreement between Korea and US comes into effect, the amount of soybean importation increases. In 2012, paddy field soybean cultivation was over 0.1 million ha and it is expected to increase continuously due to rise in market price of soybean. Moreover, double cropping system including paddy field soybean is widely adopted nationwide, but studies on appropriate cultivar for this environment are insufficient. In this research, the effect of planting date and different cultivars on soybean growth and yield was investigated for three planting dates (June 20, July 5, and July 20) with 15 cultivars. According to ANOVA test, soybean yield was significantly different depending on sowing date and cultivars and interaction between sowing date and cultivars was also detected, meaning each of cultivars resulted different yield depending on sowing date. When planted on July 20, stem length, nod number, branch number and grain weight was decreased because of short growing period, resulting in yield decrease. Percentage of yield obtained from July 20 in contrast to that of June 20 showed that Pungwon, Nampung and Daepung recorded the least yield decrease and the highest yield when planted late. Evaluation of late-sowing-adaptable soybean cultivar in paddy field is now being carried on following last year. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-350-1223, E-mail: tinatuna@korea.kr -46-

PA-42 Genome-based fine mapping of the Tomato spotted wilt virus resistance gene, Tsw, in Capsicum Byoung-Cheorl Kang 1*, Ngoc Huy Hoang 1, Hee-Bum Yang 1, Won-Hee Kang 1, and Bong Nam Chung 2 1 Dept. of Plant Science and Vegetable Breeding Research Center of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea 2 Horticultural Environment Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Suwon 441-440, Korea Tsw, a single dominant resistant gene against Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), has been mapped on chromosome 10 in Capsicum chinense species. Previously reported molecular markers linked to the Tsw gene are not transferable for all pepper breeding materials. To develop additional markers and do genome-based fine mapping of the Tsw gene, approaches of mapping comparison, pooled transcriptome analysis, and genome walking were applied. Eleven additional SNP molecular markers tightly linked to the Tsw gene were developed using tomato and pepper whole genome sequencing databases. Among them, four SNP markers, SNP7715-1, SNP68-1, SNP17918-1, and SNP1072-1, showed no recombination in two segregating populations of F 2 Telmo (210 individuals) and SP (843 individuals). Three scaffold sequences from the C. annuum BAC database and two BAC clones from the BAC library of C. annuum CM334 covering the Tsw gene were identified by transcriptome analysis and genome walking. A pepper scaffold sequence covering three pepper scaffold sequences was identified from a final version of the C. annuum BAC database. The Tsw gene was delimited within 149 kb by alignment analysis of two BAC clone sequences and the pepper scaffold sequence. A total of 22 predicted genes were resided in the target region between SNP7715-1 and SNP1072-1 co-segregating markers. Among them, five predicted genes showing annotations of CC/TIR-NBS-LRR resistance proteins, mrna-6, mrna-7, mrna-11, mrna-12, and mrna-13, were identified. The transcriptome analysis and gene expression study showed that the mrna-13 was expressed in PI152225 but was absent in Special, demonstrating the mrna-13 could be a strong candidate gene for the Tsw gene. This result will be favorable for cloning the Tsw gene and developing cultivars which carry the TSWV-resistance gene. Keyword: Tomato spotted wilt virus, pepper, virus disease, map-based cloning, and Tsw This research was supported by a grant (Project No. 609002-5) from the Screening Center for Disease Resistance Vegetable Crops of the Technology Development Program and a grant (code: 0636-20120009) from the Vegetable Breeding Research Center through R&D Convergence Center Support Program, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4563, E-mail: bk54@snu.ac.kr -47-

PA-43 Genome-wide identification and analysis of Catharanthus roseus RLK1-like kinase family in rice Quynh-Nga Nguyen 1, Sun-Ok Moon 1, Sun Ah Park 1 and Ki-Hong Jung 1* 1 Department of Plant Molecular Systems Biotechnology & Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 446-701, Korea Drought and salinity are two major environmental factors determining plant productivity that due to their high magnitude of impact and wide distribution. The regulatory circuits include stress sensors, signaling pathways comprising a network of protein-protein reactions, transcription factors and promoters, and finally the output proteins or metabolites. Plant receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are transmembrane proteins family, are predicted to be major components of the signaling pathways that allow plants to respond to diverse environmental and development condition. Subfamily of Catharanthus roseus RLK1-like kinases (CrRLK1Ls) is a novel type of RLK, was identified in Arabidopsis with 17 members carrying a putative extracellular carbonhydrate-binding malectin-like domain. To study the function of CrRLK1Ls subfamily in rice which is a most widely consumed staple food, we produced the phylogenomic data with the integration of microarray-based anatomical and stress expression profiling data to the context of rice CrRLK1Ls family phylogenic tree. The expression profiling data are based on a large number of public microarray data such as 1150 Affymetrix arrays and 209 Agilent 44K arrays. Chromosomal localization of CrRLK1Ls reveals that three of 16 genes were tandem duplicated. Subsequently, we identified 7 genes that showed circadian regulation pattern and three genes of them simultaneously response to drought stress: two were downregulated and one was up-regulated. Functional gene network development mediated by these stress responsible genes might be an useful foundation to explain the molecular mechanism of stress response mediated by this gene family. *Corresponding Author: Tel: 82-31-201-3474, E-mail: khjung2010@khu.ac.kr PA-44 Introgression of brown planthopper resistance of O.rufipogon to japonica rice cultivars Kyung-Ho Kang 1*, Ji-Ung Jung 1, Jeong-Pil Seo 2, Hyang-Mi Park 1, Myeong-Gi Kim 2, Yeong-Seop Shin 2, Eok-Keun Ahn 1 1 Rice Research Division, NICS, RDA, 2 Cheolwon substation, NICS, RDA The Brown planthopper (Bph) is one of the most serious pests of rice affecting rice yield and quality throughout the country. Combining the Bph resistance in the existing quality japonica cultivars is an important breeding target in Korea. Wide crosses using several strains of AA-genome wild rices, O.rufipogon have been used to produce the primary germplasm which is highly resistant to Bph. By repeated backcrossing, the resistance gene was introgressed in the background of two japonica cultivars, Ilpum and Hwaseong. Among the advanced backcross progenies, the ten BC 2 F 3 lines were identified as the highest resistance in the comparative Bph bioassay with other resistant sources. The 24 polymorphic markers spanning the twelve chromosomes were tested for association with marker genotypes and resistance/susceptibility reaction in the 80 BC 2F 3 lines, RM3748 on the chromosome 7 showed the highest association. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-290-6796, E-mail: khkang@rda.go.kr -48-

PA-45 Ion accumulation of five rice cultivars in drought and salt stress environment Hye-Jin Yoon 1*, Zamin Shaheed Siddiqui 2, Seung-Bum Lee 1, An-Cheol Chang 1, Seok Cheol Suh 1, Eun-Jung Suh 1, and Yeon-Hee Lee 1 1 Molecular Breeding Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Suwon, 441-857, Korea 2 The National Center for GM Crops, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Suwon, 441-857, Korea Drought and salinity are the major abiotic stresses which are being continued to hamper the ecosystem and agriculture of the affected region. Plant species have adaptations to enhance their ability to tolerate stresses through physiological adjustment. Therefore, substantial amount of research are ongoing to provide insights about those mechanisms which enlighten the stress tolerance in plant. In this study, several rice cultivars were collected from the different parts of the world and ion accumulation experiments were conducted to select the best stress tolerant cultivar in drought and salt stress environment. For stress treatment, five rice cultivars were subjected to salt (200 mm NaCl) and drought (200 mm Mannitol) for 72h. Later Na +, Ca ++, K + concentrations in shoot and root samples were examined at different time interval. In both drought and salt stress, rice cultivar C201 (collected for uzbekistan) showed the lowest levels of Na + ion and Na + : K + ratio compared to other cultivars. It was significant parallel observation with pokkali (known salt tolerant cultivar). In this preliminary study, it was observed the C201 had more stress tolerant in terms of ion accumulation; however detail physiological studies are required to strengthen the idea regarding the best stress tolerant physiotype. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-299-1755, E-mail: hyejinyoon@korea.kr -49-

PA-46 Jungmo2503, A new forage barley(hordeum vulgare L.) cultivar with hood spike type and non-scatteredness Young-Jin Oh 1*, Tae-Il Park 1, Ouk-Kyu Han 2, Jae-Hwan Suh 3, Hyoung-Ho Park 1, Sang-Kyun Cho 1, Jong-Chul Park 1, Tae-Hwa Song 1, Kyeong-Hoon Kim 1, Yang-Kil Kim 1, Hyeon-Jung Kang 1, Jae-Seong Choi 1, Yun-Woo Jang 1, Kee-Jong Kim 1, Kwang-Geun Park 1, Ki-Hun Park 1, Jai-Hyun Jeung 4, Gi-Heung Hong 5, Hong-Jib Choi 6 and Dae-Ho Kim 7 1 Dept. Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA, Iksan, 570-080, Korea. 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon, 441-100, Korea. 3 The Foundation of AG, Tech. Commercialization and Transfer, Suwon, 441-707, Korea. 4 Chungbuk Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Cheongwon 363-880, Korea. 5 hungnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Yesan 340-861, Korea. 6 Gyeongbuk Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Daegu 702-320, Korea. 7 Gyeongnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Jinju 660-985, Korea. Jungmo2503 (Hordeum vulgare L.), a new ruminant-palatability forage barley cultivar, was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2011. It was derived from the cross between Dongsanpi81 and Kangbori. Among the cross made in 1999, a promising line, SB992028-B-B-B-B-B-2, showed good characteristics in potential forage yield in the yield Trial tested at Iksan in 2007 to 2008 designated as Iksan 449. The line in the Regional Yield Trials (RYT) tested in eight locations around Korea for three years from 2009 to 2011, and was released as the name of Jungmo2503. It has the growth habit of group Ⅰ, erect plant type, green leaf and hood spike. Its average heading and maturing dates were on May 2, and May 29, respectively, with are similar to check cultivar Yuyeon. The cultivar had 102cm of culm length, 691 spikes per m 2 and it showed better rate of leaf, winter hardiness, and resistance to BaYMV than those of the check cultivar. The average forage yield of Jungmo2503 was about 10.9 ton ha -1 in dry matter in paddy field. Jungmo2503 also showed 9.4% of crude protein content, 27.3% of ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), 49.0% of NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), and 67.3% of TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher grade of silage quality for whole crop barley. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-840-2247, E-mail: ohyj5894@korea.kr -50-

PA-47 Leaf temperature response of soybean (Glycine max) to saline stress Jin Won Kim 1, Tae-Young Lee 1, En-Su Park 2, Byoung Kwan Cho 2, Do-Soon Kim 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-741, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Biosystems Machinery Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Republic of Korea This study was conducted to investigate plant body temperature response of soybean (Glycine max) to saline stress. Two-weeks-old seedlings of soybean in V1 growth stage were treated with 0, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 mm of NaCl for salt stress. Thermal images acquired using Flir T-420 (US) were obtained at 4 days after treatment. Soybean leaf temperature increased with increasing NaCl concentration, resulting in significant positive correlation between soybean leaf temperature and stress intensity (P < 0.01). Leaf temperature of soybean was significantly different at 160 mm of NaCl, where no visual symptom was observed. Therefore, soybean leaf temperature can be used for evaluating the response of soybean to salt stress as a non-destructive and phenomic parameter. Non-destructive diagnosis of soybean leaf temperature may be a key parameter in a high throughput screening (HTS) system in breeding program for salt stress tolerance soybean cultivars. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4542, E-mail: dosoonkim@snu.ac.kr PA-48 Mapping and validation of quantitative trait loci for spikelets per panicl and grain weight in rice. Dong-Min Kim 1, Ju-Won Kang 1, Hyun-Sook Lee 1, Sang-Nag Ahn 1* 1 Department of Agronomy, Chungnam National University, Deajeon 305-764, Republic of Korea High grain yield is one of the most important traits for improvement in rice breeding program. Much attention has been given to the genetic bases of spikelets per panicle (SPP) and grain weight (GW) because of their imporftance in rice yield. In this study, IL28, near isogenic line (NIL) developed by introgressing chromosomal segments from Moroberekan into Ilpumbyeo, showed significant increase in number of spikelets per panicle and 1,000 grain weight compare to the recurrent parent Ilpumbyeo. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis in 1150 F2 plants derived from a cross between IL28 and Ilpumbyeo, indicated that both qspp6 and qgw6 were located in the interval RM3430 RM20580. To map the QTL more precisely, substitution mapping of qspp6 and qgw6 using F4 lines was conducted. As a result of substitution mapping with fifty F4 lines, qspp6 was mapped to an 429kb interval between RM20521 and RM20562 while qgw6 was mapped to a 267kb interval between RM20562 and RM20572 based on the japonica genome sequence. This result seems to indicate that qspp6 and qgw6 are two different genes. It is notable that these QTL, qspp6 and qgw6 are independence from undesirable height and flowering time. Moreover, there was no negative correlation between qspp6 and qgw6 when two genes are pyramided in the genetic background of Ilpumbyeo. SSR markers tightly linked to the qspp6 and qgw6 will facilitate cloning of the gene underlying these QTLs as well as marker assisted selection for variation in SPP and TGW in an applied breeding program. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 042-821-5781, E-mail: ahnsn@cnu.ac.kr -51-

PA-49 Mapping of SSR markers closely linked to a bean rust resistant gene in common bean following bulked segregant analysis with whole genome SNP genotyping Seonghyu Shin 1*, Marcial Pastor-Corrales 2, Qijiang Song 2, Gaofeng Jia 2, Miok Woo 2, Perry Cregan 2 1 Division of Upland Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon 441-857, Republic of Korea 2 Soybean Genomics & Improvement Laboratory, BARC, ARS, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA Recently whole genome SNP genotyping has been used to do association analysis and to map a gene of interest. Here we report application of bulked segregant analysis(bsa) using Infinium HD assay with BARC Bean6K_3, a SNP genotyping beadchip containing 5,399 SNPs for common bean to locate a target gene. We used BSA using Infinium HD assay was performed to find the candidate region of a single dominant rust resistant gene in PI310762, a common bean cultivar. And SSR markers were identified and mapped on the candidate region using F 2 population derived from the cross of susceptible Pinto114 x resistant PI310762. BSA revealed the candidate region of the resistant gene is on chromosome 4 where we developed nine SSR markers. Three SSR markers (beanssr1170, beanssr1168, and beanssr1167) of them appeared closely linked to the resistant gene which is located between beanssr1167 at 0.1cM and beanssr1170 at 0.5cM on chromosome 4. This study showed BSA using high-throughput whole genome SNP genotyping is a very fast and efficient method to locate a gene of interest on chromosome. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-290-6769, E-mail: shin2004@korea.kr PA-50 Molecular characterization of BrUGE1 encoding UDP-glucose 4-epimerase from Brassica rapa in transgenic rice Hye-Jung Lee 1, Sailila E Abdula 1, Dae-Won Jang 1, Marjohn Nino 1, Franz Nogoy 1, Mi-Sun Kim 1, Kwon-Kyoo Kang 2, Illsup Nou 3, and Yong-Gu Cho 1* 1 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-763, Korea, 2 Department of Horticulture, Hankyong National University, Ansung 456-749, Korea, 3 Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon 540-742, Korea UDP-glucose 4-epimerase catalyzes the reversible conversion of UDP-glucose to UDP-galactose. The gene, named BrUGE1, isolated from a Chinese cabbage composes of a total length of 1,328 bp that contains a single open reading frame (ORF) of 1,056 bp which encodes a polypeptide of 351 amino acid residues with a calculated mass of 39.0 kda. Expression analysis showed that BrUGE1 is tissue specific and highly expressed in stem of rice plant. Interestingly, BrUGE1 mrna was highly accumulated by drought stress with significantly higher amount of soluble sugar. Morphological evaluation showed an increase in yield and yield components compared to the wild type. Moreover, a better growth performance on galactose as well as higher UGE1 expression was observed in transgenic rice lines than in wild type. In the Ubi-1::BrUGE1 lines, the increase of UGE1 expression was apparently sufficient to overcome the toxic effects of galactose. Taken together, the Ubi-1::BrGUE1 rice lines increased yield probably by increasing the rate of filled grains. The enhanced drought tolerance may be due to the induction of soluble sugar which may act as osmolyte to compensate dehydration during drought stress. This research was supported by ipet (PJ008529), Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: ygcho@cbnu.ac.kr, These authors made equal contributions. -52-

PA-51 Photochemical response analysis for selection of wet tolerant sorghum(sorghum bicolor L. Moench) mutants Sung Yung Yoo 1, Jin Woo Byun 1, Tae Seok Ko 1, Sun Hee Woo 2, Tae Wan Kim 1,3* 1 Institute of Ecological Phytochemistry, Hankyong National University, Ansung 456-749, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Agronomy, Choongbuk National University, Chungju 361-763, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Plant Life and Environmental Science, Hankyong National University, Ansung 456-749, Republic of Korea The aim of this study was to select the abiotic tolerant sorghum mutants using chlorophyll a transient OJIP analysis of PSⅠ and PSⅡ so called Kautsky s effect within 1 second. It was clearly identified that wwt-and drought tolerant sorghum mutants could be classified by wet factor index(wfi). On the basis of WFI, wet tolerant sorghum matants were classified as follows; Ⅰ group, MUT534 bmr/new, MUT525 bmr; Ⅱ group, M2P1207 bmr, 25M2-0404 bmr, MUT371 bmr24, unknown bmr22, 10M2-0775 bmr, MUT135 bmr23; Ⅲ group, M2P0411 bmr, MUT641 bmr, M2P1064 bmr36, MUT855 bmr, 25M2-0137 bmr/new, MUT436 bmr, M2P0929 bmr, 25M2-0026 bmr, 10M2-0387 bmr, 25M2-0173 bmr/new; Ⅳ group, 25M2-0698 bmr. In conclusion, for the selection of wet tolerance, four photochemical parameters such as Electron transport flux until PSI acceptors per PSII(RE1o/RC), Performance index for energy conservation from photons absorbed by PSII antenna, until the reduction of PSI acceptors(pi_total ABS), Driving force on absorption basis(df_total ABS) and Electron transport flux from Q A to Q B per PSII(ETo/RC) were important photochemical parameters deduced from maximum quantum yield and electron transport efficiency. This study was supported by IPET project (No. 312061-05-1-HD030), Republic of Korea *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-670-5081, E-mail: taewkim@hknu.ac.kr -53-

PA-52 QTL identification for yield components under low P and water condition from indica x japonica RILs Ian Paul Navea 1*, Hee-Jong Koh 2, Sung-Han Kim 2, and Joong Hyoun Chin 1 1 Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnoloy Division, The International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Manila, The Philippines 2 Division of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea This study aims to identify major quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yield components under low-input systems in tropical regions in rice. A total of 156 highly advanced recombinant inbred lines (RILs) have been developed from a cross between two temperate rice varieties, Dasanbyeo (Tongil-type indica) and TR22183 (japonica). Both parental lines and RILs were tested under two different regimes of irrigation and phosphorus (P) application levels. During the wet season of 2012, under mild drought conditions, TR22183 showed more vigorous root growth at 15 days after sowing than Dasanbyeo. The early root establishment of TR22183 may have contributed to the enhanced P uptake from the top soil in the early growth stage. The linkage map for DT-RILs was constructed with 312 single nucleotide polymorphism markers aided by 384-plex platform of BeadXpress high-throughput genotyping system. For the vegetative growth, major QTLs on chromsome 6 for plant height and tiller numbers were identified. For the grain yield related traits, major QTLs on chromsome 2 were closely linked to each other. On the other hand, panicle length QTLs were identified on chromsomes 2 and 9. We are currently analyzing phenotypic data and the experiment is being repeated in dry season and temperate region. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No. PJ009076), RDA. *Corresponding Author: Tel. +63-49-536-2701 (2709), E-mail: j.chin@irri.org PA-53 QTL mapping for grain width using near-isogenic lines from a cross between Hwaseongbyeo and Oryza rufipogon Sang-Min Yeo 1, Yeo-Tae Yun 2, Hae-Hwang Kim 1, Sang-Nag Ahn 1* 1 Department of Agronomy, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 2 Chungcheongnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Yesan, Republic of Korea Grain size is a major determinant of grain yield in rice. In a previous study, a QTL for grain width(gw), qgw1 was detected on chromosome 1 using 96 BC 3F 8 lines derived from a cross between Hwaseongbyeo as a recurrent parent and O. rufipogon as a donor parent. At this locus, the O. rufipogon allele increased GW. Among the 96 introgression lines, three ILs with the O. rufipogon qgw1 locus showed significantly increase in grain width compare to the recurrent parent. One of the three lines, CR572 was selected and crossed to Hwaseongbyeo. A total of 494 F 2:3 were evaluated for grain width and agronomic traits in the field. QTL analysis in 494 F 2:3 lines indicated that QTL for grain width was located in the interval RM495 RM5443. To narrow down the position of qgw1, substitution mapping using F 4 lines with different cross-over breakpoints in the region is underway. The result will be discussed. *Corresponding Author: Tel. +82-42-821-5728, E-mail: ahnsn@cnu.ac.kr -54-

PA-54 Study on phenotyping of rice for drought tolerance using hyper-spectral reflectance imagery En-Su Park 1, Byoung Kwan Cho 1*, Jin Won Kim 2, Do-Soon Kim 2* 1 Department of Biosystems Machinery Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-741, Republic of Korea This study was conducted to provide basic data for high-throughput screening (HTS) system construction based on phenomics. Rice (Oryza sativa cv. Chucheongbyeo) seedlings in vegetative growth stage were grown in the glass house and treated with 0, 3.75, 7.5, 15, and 30% (w/v) of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to give osmotic stress. Three days after PEG treatment, hyper-spectral reflectance images were obtained and analyzed after removing background image in several steps. The reflectance of rice seedlings treated with 15 and 30% of PEG solutions were significantly different at 680 nm, where differences in the chlorophyll reflectance spectrum and visual symptoms were not observed. These results thus indicate that hyper-spectral reflectance observed at 680 nm can be used to screen drought tolerant rice lines. A HTS system equipped with this hyper-spectral reflectance system may play an important role of future rice breeding program. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 042-821-6715, E-mail: chobk@cnu.ac.kr Tel. 02-880-4542, E-mail: dosoonkim@snu.ac.kr PA-55 Selection of salt-tolerant rice mutant lines from Ac/Ds insertional mutant population Hyeonso Ji 1*, Hakbum Kim 1, Gang-Seob Lee 1, Doh-Won Yun 2, Ung-Han Yoon 1, Tae-Ho Kim 1 1 Department of Agricultural Bioresources, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Suwon 441-707, Republic of Korea 2 Planning & Coordination Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Suwon 441-707, Republic of Korea In order to find new genetic sources of rice salt tolerance, we did screening with about 10,000 rice mutant lines created by Ac/Ds insertional mutagenesis. First, we raised rice seedlings with media soil on 0.7% NaCl solution and selected 71 putative salt tolerant lines and analyzed their Ds insertion sites. We tested their salt tolerance by growing seedlings on MS medium containing, 0 mm, 150 mm, and 250 mm NaCl. Also, their seedling salt tolerance were evaluated by growing on Yoshida nutritional solution containing 0.6% NaCl. Finally, we selected eight mutant lines showing increased seedling salt tolerance compared with wild type variety, Dongjin, repeatedly. We grow them in rice field and investigated their agronomic traits such as heading time, culm length, panicle length, and panicles per hill. Among them two lines which were named Salt10 and Salt23 and showed favorable agronomic characteristics were crossed with Dongjin for further genetic analysis and mapping the causative gene variation. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-299-1697, E-mail: jhs77@korea.kr -55-

PB-01 구기자나무유전자원의구기순관련형질특성검정주정일 1*, 윤덕상, 박영춘, 서정석, 이보희, 이봉춘, 김현호 1 충남농업기술원청양구기자시험장 구기자나무는열매, 잎, 뿌리등이용부위가다양한데지표성분인베타인이구기순과잎에도존재한다. 중국에서는열매가달리지않고줄기만자라는 Ningqi vegetable No. 1 을육성하였고, 각종요리에상용하고있다. 따라서구기순을대량생산하기위해서는맹아력이왕성하고순이굵으면서잎이넓은계통을선발할필요가있다. 이를위해청양구기자시험장에서보존하고있는구기자나무유전자원 143 계통에대하여특성검정을실시하였다. 구기순은맹아되는새순을 10cm 길이로채취하여분석하였다. 구기순의엽형지수는 0.37 ± 0.068 로피침형이었고, 베타인함량은평균 2.8 ± 0.89% 이었으며, 대한약전에서규정한 0.5%( 열매 ) 보다높았다. 잎폭은길이나두께에비하여변이계수가높았고, 구기순의건조무게는줄기굵기와정의상관관계를나타내었다. 5 월 2 일에채취한구기순의베타인함량과 8 월 24 일에채취한잎의베타인함량을분석한결과두시기모두베타인함량이높은계통으로 IT232687, 232711, 232648 등 3 계통을선발하였다. 또한두시기의베타인함량에대한단순상관을분석한결과정의상관관계를나타내었고, 생육초기에베타인함량을분석하여그함량이낮은계통을조기에도태하는것으로육종효율을높일수있을것으로판단되었다. 구기순의건물중이높고베타인함량이높은계통으로 IT232589, 232648, 232676, 232679, 232705 등 5 계통을선발하였고, 앞으로구기순생산전용품종을육성하기위한육종소재로이용할수있을것으로사료되었다. * 주저자 : Tel. 041-635-6384, E-mail: cnswhtbar@korea.kr PB-02 국내육성단옥수수자식계통특성평가이진석 1*, 김정태 1, 손범영 1, 백성범 1, 정건호 1, 김율호 1, 김선림 1, 권영업 1 1 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원전작과 옥수수는타식성작물로잡종강세육종을하기위한자식계통이요구되며육종효율을높이기위해서는반드시자식계통들의특성평가가선행되어야한다. 본시험은농촌진흥청국립식량과학원에서육성한단옥수수자식계통들의특성을평가하여육종효율을높이고유전체연구의자원으로활용코자수행하였다. 시험에사용된계통들은국립식량과학원에서육성한 KSE1 등 sugary enhancer(se) 유전자를가진단옥수수자식계통 45 점이며 4 월중순에국립식량과학원밭작물시험포장 ( 수원 ) 에서재식거리 60 25 cm (6,600 본 /10a) 로파종하여발아율, 식물체특성, 생육특성, 화분및종자생산관련특성등을조사하였다. 발아율은 KSE2 가 31% 로가장취약하였고수광태세와관련된엽신과줄기사이의각도는 21~65 로다양하게분포하였으며숙기와관련된출사일수는 47~67 일로다양하게나타났다. 화분의생산량과관련된웅성소수의밀도는 3~7, 1 차지경수는 5~25 개, 웅수의길이는 19.1~40.7cm 범위였다. 종자생산량과관련된이삭의길이는 7.8~16.2cm, 폭은 3.0~4.5cm, 이삭당열수는 10~18 열범위였다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6759, E-mail: z9813139@korea.kr -56-

PB-03 국내적응 quality protein maize (QPM) 옥수수종실의일반성분, 지방산및아미노산함량비교 손범영, 백성범, 김정태, 이진석, 김선림, 정건호 *, 권영업 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원전작과 국내적응 Quality Protein Maize (QPM) 옥수수교잡종을육성하려면효율적인선발체계를확립하는것이필요하다. 본연구는최근국립식량과학원에서육성중인 QPM1 등 4 교잡계종실의일반성분, 지방산조성및아미노산함량을대비품종인일반옥수수장다옥과비교검토하여 QPM 옥수수신품종육성을위한기초연구자료로활용하고자실시하였다. QPM 교잡계들의단백질함량은 10.0 11.40% 로장다옥의 8.1% 보다모두많았다. QPM 교잡계들의지방함량은 3.8 4.0% 이었으며 QPM1 을제외한 QPM 교잡계들은장다옥과차이가없었다. QPM2 교잡계를제외한 QPM 교잡계들의회분함량은장다옥보다많았다. QPM 교잡계들과장다옥모두 linoleic acid 의조성비가가장높고 oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linolenic acid 의순으로지방산조성비가높은것으로나타났다. QPM 교잡계들의포화지방산함량은 17.2 18.4% 로장다옥과비슷하였다. QPM 교잡계들의불포화지방산함량은 81.6 82.8% 로장다옥과비슷하였다. QPM 교잡계들과장다옥간필수아미노산중 isoleucine, valine, threonine, 황을함유한 methionine, cystine 등의함량차이는없었으나, lysine 함량은 QPM 교잡계들이장다옥 (3.84g/100g) 보다 4.05 4.69g/100g 로많았으며그중 QPM1 교잡계가 4.69g/100g 으로가장많았다. QPM 교잡계들과장다옥간산성아미노산인 MMA(monoamino monocarboxylic acid), DMA(diamino monocarboxylic acid), 방향족아미노산인 AAA(aromatic amino acid) 등의함량차이는없었다. 본연구에서육성된국내적응 QPM1 교잡계는옥수수의경우필수아미노산중가장문제시되고있는 lysine 함량이보통옥수수보다개선되어식용및사료용옥수수로활용가치가높을것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6768, E-mail: ideaway@korea.kr PB-04 난지형마늘조숙다수성신품종 장새미 김성배 1*, 고순보 1, 고태신 1, 강성근 1, 박미영 1 제주특별자치도서귀포시중산간서로제주특별자치도농업기술원원예연구과 장새미 품종은제주특별자치도농업기술원에서수집한유전자원중조숙다수성계통을육성하기위하여자체선발하고있는유전자원중중국산동지역에서수집한모집단제주 - 도입 -501 호모집단에서계통분리에의해 1998 년선발하였고, 그중 2 차생장등환경변이를일으키는개체를제외하고인편분화가빠르거나화경및주아가이상적으로비대한개체를중심으로 2003 년계통분리육성하였다. 2003 년부터 2005 년까지생산력검정, 2006 년부터 2009 년까지지역적응을거쳐 장새미 로명명하였다. 2010 년품종보호출원하여 2012 년품종보호등록되었다. 장새미 품종의숙기는조생종이며생육적온은중온이다. 생리적특성은잎색은연녹색이며인편분화기 1 월중 하순, 화경추대는완전추대형이고구색은진한자색을띤다. 재배적특성은제주지역에서겨울철지상부생육이왕성하게진행되고화경을제거하면구비대가급속히진행되고잎노화도빠르게진행된다. 자식체특성은화경이직립형태에서돼지꼬리모양과성숙이진행되면직립으로진행되며총포내주아수가많고 1 개주아무게가 0.2g 이하이다. 구모양은넓은편원형이며저반의위치는편편형이고알리인 13.070mg/kg, 알리신함량이 189mg/kg 이다. 평균구중은 52.5g 이고, 초장은 85 cm, 평균엽수는 9.1 개, 초형은반개장형이다. 마늘의수확시기는제주지역에서 4 월하순부터 5 월중순까지수확이가능하다. 재배상의주의점은질소비료를과용했을때병발생이많고특히무름병이증가할수있으므로균형시비를해야한다. 또한조숙성이기때문에다른난지형품종보다빠른비배관리가필요하다. * 주저자 : Tel 064-760-7221, E-mail: papkim@korea.kr -57-

PB-05 대륜계통의분홍색반겹꽃절화용거베라 Pinkholic 품종육성 박상근 *, 최성열, 정재아, 권영순, 신학기 경기도수원시권선구탑동국립원예특작과학원화훼과 거베라 Pinkholic 은 2007 년수원국립원예특작과학원에서자주색반겹꽃 A Cappella 와분홍색반겹꽃 Peter 를교배하여획득한종자로부터, 2007 년실생계통을양성하여, 화색이선명하고화형이안정된대륜계통의분홍색반겹꽃거베라 07B3-2 를개체선발하였다. 선발된계통에대하여 2008 년부터 2011 년까지개체증식및 1 2 차생육특성검정을수행하고, 2012 년에 원교 B3-49 호 로계통명을부여하여 3 차특성검정, 안정성 균일성에대한연차별재현성및기호도평가를수행한결과, 화색및화형에대한기호도가우수하고, 절화수명이우수한품종으로그우수성이인정되어, 원교 B3-49 호 는 2012 년농촌진흥청직무육성품종심의회를거쳐 Pinkholic 으로명명되고직무육성품종으로등록되었다. Pinkholic 의생육및개화특성은화색과화형이유사하며교배모본으로사용된 Eta 를대조품종으로하여조사하였다. Pinkholic 은녹색화심의 RHS color chart RP58C 의분홍색반겹꽃으로, 대조품종 (RHS R52C) 보다밝은분홍색품종이다. 평균화경은 12.0cm 로대조품종보다 0.8cm 큰대륜계품종이며, 설상화의길이와폭도각각 5.7cm 와 1.2cm 로비교적길고넓다. 대조품종의꽃대굵기가꽃목부위 4.0mm, 중간부위 5.5mm 인데반해, Pinkholic 은각각 4.9mm, 6.8mm 로비교적굵고둥글어경할현상이나꽃목굽음등의생리장해발생이적고, 절화수명도평균 10.4 일로길다. 절화장이평균 55.7cm 정도로길어절화품질이우수하며, 연간채화량도 53.9( 본 / 주 ) 정도로많은다수성품종이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6145, E-mail: theodds@korea.kr PB-06 백도의생육환경에따른엽색도반응과엽색에관한유전분석 박노봉 1*, 여운상 1, 권오덕 1, 이지윤 2, 남민희 2 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원기능성작물부 우리나라의벼품종은대부분벼의엽색이녹색인데반해최근벼의새로운용도개발을위해다양한엽색의품종이개발되고있으나이러한품종들의재배적특성이기존품종보다열악하여새로운색깔의벼품종개발에대한유전적검토가필요하며우량한형질이집적된벼품종을육성하기위해서는꾸준한노력이필요하다. 벼품종의다양화와기능성벼품종을육성하기위해벼엽색형질을품종의특성으로고정하고계통육성을통하여중간보본등을양성하고육성중이다. 본연구는 2011 년이후우리나라에서육성된품종들과백색엽품종의교배를통하여엽색의유전분석을실시한결과이다. 유전분석결과백색엽인 F 1 126 유전자원을우리나라에서육성된자포니카형녹색엽품종인호품, 화영, 진백, 드래찬의 4 품종과 2009 년인공교배후 2010 년 F1 을양성하고 2011 년에국립식량과학원영덕출장소에 F 1, F 2 집단 4 조합을재식거리 30 15cm 로 1 본식 5 월 23 일본답이앙후조사하였다. 기타재배법은농촌진흥청국립식량과학원표준재배법에준하였다. F 1 에서는 4 조합모두녹색으로나타났으며 F 2 집단의유전분리비는 3:1 로 ( 녹색 : 백색 ) 분리비에적합하여유전자원 F 1 126 의백색은국내품종과교배되었을때단순열성의유전양상으로나타났다. * 주저자 : Tel. 054-732-0385, E-mail: parknb@korea.kr -58-

PB-07 벼중생가공용향미우량계통육성 조유현 1,2, 라원희 1, 박용진 1,2, 김용철 3, 권순욱 3* 1 충청남도예산군예산읍국립공주대학교식물자원학과 2 충청남도예산군예산읍국립공주대학교두과녹비작물연구센터 3 경남밀양시삼랑진읍국립부산대학교식물생명과학과 최근국내쌀소비량은지속적으로감소하고있으며수입량이꾸준히증가하여국내쌀의과잉공급의문제가발생하고있다. 특히밥쌀용은해마다감소하고있으나, 가공용쌀의소비량은 2005 년이후꾸준히증가하고있어다양한기능성품종개발및새로운수요창출이요구되고있다. 본연구는가공용향미벼품종육성을위해수행되었으며, 다수성통일계품종인다산벼와향특성을갖는 IR841 을교배하여 F 1 을얻었고, F 2 를전개한후, F 3 이후다수계이며향을갖는계통을선발하여초형과수량성이우수한계통 (JS14-12-36-8-5-3- 1-1-1) 을육성하였다. 육성계통은수원지역에서 8 월 14 일경에출수하는중생종으로간장이평균 81.5 cm으로다산벼보다다소크고, 이삭길이는 26.2 cm, 이삭당벼알수는평균 128 개로다산벼와비슷한수준이다. 현미의길이는평균 6.67 mm, 폭은 2.29 mm, 두께는 1.70 수준으로장폭비 2.9 의장원형이다. 현미의단백질함량과아밀로스함량은각각 8.4%. 19.4% 수준이었다. 현미의천립중은 20.8g 이며 10a 당수량은 627kg 수준이다. 도복에강하고, 도열병에어느정도견디는편이나멸구등해충에는약하다. 육성다수성향미계통은떡복이용떡, 볶음밥등조리가공용으로활용이가능할것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-5506, E-mail: swkwon73@gmail.com PB-08 보라색홑꽃중형프리지아 모브토파즈 육성 최윤정 *, 정향영, 구대회, 강윤임, 조해룡 국립원예특작과학원화훼과 프리지아 Mauve Topaz 는 2005 년수원국립원예특작과학원에서초세가강보라색홑꽃중생종인 Avila 품종과초세가강한보라색겹꽃중생종인 Blue Bayou 품종을교배하여획득한종자로부터 2007 년직립성이좋고초세가강한연보라색다화성겹꽃프리지아 07-223 계통을개체선발하였다. 2008 년부터 2011 년까지구근증식및 1 2 차생육특성검정을수행하고, 2012 년에 원교 C3-51 호로계통명을부여하여 3 차특성검정및기호도평가를수행한결과, 절화장이길고직립성이강한홑꽃품종으로화색및화형에대한기호도가좋고, 초세가강한계통으로그우수성이인정되어 2012 년에직무육성품종심의회를거쳐 Mauve Topaz 로명명하고품종을출원중에있다. Mauve Topaz 의생육및개화특성은국내에서재배되고있는보라색홑꽃품종 Striped Jewel 을대비품종으로하여조사하였다. Mauve Topaz 는 RHS color chart V85A 의연보라색홑꽃프리지아품종으로초장이 109.7cm, 소화수가 13.0 개로대비품종보다많다. 분지수가 4.3 개이며, 개화도대비품종보다 8 일정도빠르다. 자구번식력은 4.1 배이며바이러스와구근부패병의자연발생이적다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6147, E-mail: lillium@korea.kr -59-

PB-09 보리호위축병에강한고품질다수성겉보리신품종 혜다 김양길 1*, 이미자 1, 박종철 1, 최재성 1, 김태수 1, 백성범 2, 김대욱 2, 김기종 1, 김시주 2, 박기훈 1 1 전라북도익산시평동로 457 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원벼맥류부 2 경기도수원시서둔동농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 겉보리는대부분가공용으로이용되는데특히보리차및엿기름등으로많이이용되고있다. 따라서이에적합한품종을육성하기위해 2001 년에조숙, 다수성특성을가진계통인 진미찹쌀보리 / 부농 모본으로, 내재해성특성을가진 동보리 1 호 를돌연변이처리한것을부본으로하여인공교배하여계통육종법에따라우량계통을선발 (SB01T1008-B-B-35-2). 보리호위축병저항성이면서다수성으로품질이우수한 혜다 를개발하였다. 혜다 는 6 조이며파성이 Ⅱ( 춘파형 ) 인병성겉보리로이삭의형태는밀수형이며, 까락이길고탈망성이좋다. 출수기는올보리에비해전작에서 5 월 6 일로 1 일늦었으나, 답리작에서는 4 월 29 일로 1 일빨랐다. 간장은 78 cm로올보리보다 3 cm짧고, 수장은 4.4 cm로 0.4 cm길었으며, m2당수수는 617 개로올보리보다 12 개, 1 수립수는 54 개로 7 개많았다. 천립중 (31.9g) 은올보리보다 2.5g 가볍다. 병해저항성중보리호위축병저항성을나타냈으며, 내한성은올보리보다약하고도복정도는같았다. 혜다 의원맥품질 ( 조곡 정곡 ) 중단백질함량 (11.6%) 과효소력가는올보리보다다소높았으며, 수량성은전작 412 kg /10a, 답리작 440 kg /10a 으로올보리보다각각 3%, 25% 증수하였다. 엿기름품질특성중효소력가, 발아세, 발아율이올보리보다좋아엿기름용으로 1 월평균기온이 6 이상인지역에보급될것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 063-840-2242, E-mail: kim5yk@korea.kr PB-10 복색폼폰화형의절화용스프레이국화 러빙유 육성 황주천 1*, 진영돈 1, 정용모 1, 이병정 1, 노치웅 2, 정병룡 3, 1 경남창원시대산면경남농업기술원화훼연구소 2 경남진주시경남농업기술원연구개발국 3 경남진주시가좌동경상대학교농업생명과학대학원예학과 스프레이국화 러빙유 는 2008 년 10 월에경남농업기술원화훼연구소에서황색폼폰형에중심부가녹색인 Furore 를모본, 흰녹병에강한녹색스파이더화형의 Green Joy(234213) 를부본으로인공교배하여획득한 506 개의종자로부터실생계통을양성하여초세가강하고화형이안정되며, 화색이우수한폼폰화형의복색 ( 녹색 / 황색 ) 스프레이국화 FG09-257 을개체선발하였다. 삽목에의해개체증식후화훼연구소비닐온실내에정식하였으며, 2010 년부터 2011 년까지 2 년간에걸쳐 1 2 차생육특성검정을통해안정성, 균일성과흰녹병저항성등을조사하였고, 2012 년에는계통번호 경남 CS-31 호 를부여하여 3 차특성검정을수행해안정성과균일성에대한연차별재현성그리고주년생산성 ( 자연, 촉성, 억제재배 ) 및품평회와시장출하등을통해생산자와소비자의기호성평가를받았다. 그결과기호성이좋고, 화색및화형등품질이우수하다고판단되어 2012 년농작물직무육성신품종심의회심의를거쳐 러빙유 로명명하고국립종자원에품종보호출원하였다. 국화 러빙유 품종의자연개화기는 11 월상순이며, 선명한황색 (Y8B) 꽃잎끝부분에녹색 (YGN144C) 테두리를두른복색폼폰화형인스프레이국화로서착화성이좋고생육이균일하다. 초장이 96.1cm, 줄기직경 5.9mm 로대조품종 95.9cm, 5.6mm 과비슷한편이나꽃크기가 5.6cm 로약간큰편이다. 꽃자루길이는 14.6cm 로약간긴편이고설상화의주된형태는선단모양이둥근모양이며, 꽃잎수가 305.2 개로밀도가조밀하다. 평균착화수는 13.4 개로대조품종보다 2 3 개많으며, 절화수명은 26.2 일로매우긴편이고휴면에는약하다. 러빙유 품종은디스버드와스프레이형태로의재배가가능하고비닐하우스내에서연중재배할수있다. 재배상유의사항은하계고온기에는화색발현을위해한낮엔차광율 30% 정도의한랭사로차광하여온도상승을막아주고환기도충분히해주는것이좋다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-254-1622, E-mail: gypso@korea.kr -60-

PB-11 복합내병성및밥맛이우수한고품질중생벼신품종 청운 개발 양창인 1*, 최임수 1, 조영찬 1, 김명기 1, 이점호 1, 원용재 1, 이정희 1, 김연규 2, 김정주 1, 신영섭 1, 백만기 1, 이상복 1, 홍하철 3, 안억근 1, 손지영 1, 한성숙 1, 모영준 1, 김정곤 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원국립농업유전자원센터 3 농촌진흥청 청운 은중부지역적응중생종벼품종의재배안정성과다양성을확대하고내병성및내재해성을강화하여이지역에서재배되고있는외래품종을대체할목적으로 수원 462 호 를모본으로하고 밀양 192 호 를부본으로하여 2002 년에국립식량과학원에서인공교배한후계통육종법으로육성하였다. 선발계통에대해 2008 2009 년에생산력검정시험을실시하여중생종으로밥맛이우수하고복합내병성을가진 SR27931-25-3-2-1 계통을선발하여 수원 537 호 로계통명을부여하였다. 2010 2012 년 3 개년간지역적응시험을거쳐중부평야지및중서부해안지에적응하는 청운 을육성하였다. 출수기는중부평야지보통기재배에서 8 월 13 일로중생종으로반직립성의양호한초형이며이삭추출도양호하고탈립은잘되지않는다. 수발아에강한 청운 은주당수수는 화성 과비슷하나수당립수가많다. 또한쌀이맑고투명한 청운 은백미완전립율과완전미도정수율이 화성 에비해우수하고단백질함량이 6.7%, 아밀로스함량이 19.5% 이며밥맛관능검정에서 추청 보다우수하였다. 벼멸구에는약하나잎도열병, 이삭도열병, 흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병에모두강한복합내병성을가지고있다. 수량성은 3 개년간실시한지역적응시험보통기보비재배 (5 개소 ) 에서 498 kg /10a 로 화성 (486 kg /10a) 과비슷하였다. 청운 은중부지역에많이재배되고있는외래품종보다도정특성, 쌀품위및밥맛이월등히우수하였다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6707, E-mail: haeria212@gmail.com -61-

PB-12 선명한핑크색반겹꽃대륜화절화용거베라 써니팜 육성 정용모 1*, 황주천 1, 진영돈 1, 이병정 1, 노치웅 2, 이영병 3, 권오창 3 1 경남창원시대산면경남농업기술원화훼연구소 2 경남진주시경남농업기술원연구개발국 3 부산시사하구하단동동아대학교생명자원과학대학분자생명공학과 경상남도농업기술원화훼연구소에서 2012 년화색이선명한핑크색절화용거베라 써니팜 을육성하였다. 교배조합육성을위하여 2005 년부터국내재배농가에서유전자원수집후특성을검정하였다. 2007 년 3 월교배후우수계통을선발하여 2008 년부터 2012 년까지 3 회의특성검정을거친다음, 화색과화형이우수한경남교 G-45 호를선발하였다. 이계통은절화특성이우수하고화색등소비자의기호도가높아 2012 년 10 월농촌진흥청농작물직무육성신품종선정심의회의심의를거쳐 써니팜 (Sunny Farm) 으로명명하였다. 써니팜 품종의생육및개화특성조사를위하여대조품종으로교배모본인 핑크라이트 (234254) 을사용하였다. 써니팜 품종은핑크색계의 핑크라이트 (234254) 와자주색계의 메피스토 (234275) 와의교잡에서육성된품종으로, 화색이선명한핑크색 (RHS, 39-B) 반겹꽃으로, 화폭이 11.3cm 정도인절화용대륜화이다. 또한포기당연간평균절화수량은 48.3 송이정도이며, 절화수명은약 12.7 일정도이다. 개화소요일수는 95.5 일로대비품종 핑크라이트 의 99.2 일에비하여약 4 일정도빠르며이때개화엽수는약 8.8 매정도이다. 써니팜 품종의설상화의길이는 5.1cm 정도로대조품종 핑크라이트 의 4.9cm 에비하여길며, 설상화은 1.3cm 정도로대조품종 핑크라이트 의 1.2cm 와비슷한편이다. 화경직경은상부는 0.6 cm 정도이고, 하부는 0.8cm 정도로대조품종핑크라이트의상부 0.6cm 와하부 0.7cm 와비슷한편이다. 재배상의유의사항은지온의관리및양 수분의흡수가쉽도록가능한이랑을높게만들고, 여름철고온기의생리장해및고온에의한꽃봉오리의유실방지를위하여차광재배하여온도상승을막아주고환기에주의하는것이좋다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-254-1614, E-mail: ymchung@korea.kr -62-

PB-13 설향찰 에서발견된웅성불임계통의특성 원용재 1*, 양창인 1, 안억근 1, 현웅조 1, 정응기 1, 김준환 1, 이점호 1, 최임수 1, 김정곤 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 벼에서웅성불임을이용한잡종강세육종은수량성한계를극복하고자시도된이후중국과인도를비롯하여세계적으로 21.7 백만 ha 에서재배, 생산되고있다. 그러나 japonica 에서는잡종강세가크지않아상용화되지않고, 일대잡종품종의대부분은 30% 정도의잡종강세를보이는 indica 형이다. 육종체계는 3 계통이필요한 CGMS 를주로이용하는데, 잡종종자생산효율을높이기위하여 2 계통체계인 TGMS 가부분적으로활용되고있다. 우리나라에서 TGMS 는지역간온도차가크지않아어렵지만, 우리환경에맞는불임친을찾으면활용도를높일수있을것이다. 본시험은 2012 년 설향찰 포장에서발견된정상이삭은불임이지만지발분얼은정상적으로임실된계통의특성을확인하고자국립식량과학원인공기상실에서수행하였다. 웅성불임계통은 24 (20 28 ) 에서 9 18%, 27 (23 31 ) 에서 1 3% 의임실율을보여 TGMS 가능성을보였지만완전불임이아니어서향후다른온도처리를더실시할계획이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6710, E-mail: yjwon@korea.kr PB-14 소화성단백질함량이낮은반찰벼 건양 2 호 육성과유전분석 이종희 1*, 이지윤 1, 길랑키스와라 1,2, 허연재 1, 조준현 1, 송유천 1, 손영보 1, 여운상 1, 남민희 1, 김경민 2 1 경남밀양시내이동 1085. 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원기능성작물부 2 대구광역시북구산격동 1318 경북대학교농업생명과학대학 건강기능성식품은농업분야에서도실버세대를위한블루오션으로부각되고있다. 고령화될수록발병율이높으며, 단백질습취가제한되는만성신부전증같은생활습관병환자의식이요법용벼신품종 건양 2 호 가개발되었다. 건양 2 호는출수기가 8 월 10 일의중생종품종이며, 간장이 75cm 로단간이며내도복성이우수한품종이다. 또한수당립수는 90 개, 등숙율은 82% 로양호한편이다. 건양 2 호 쌀의단백질조성중에서소화성단백질인글루테린함량의조성비가낮고, 난소화성단백질인플로라민의함량이높은특성을가지고있다. 먹어도소화흡수되는단백질이낮아서단백질습취가제한된생활습관병환자의식이요법용을적합하다. 건양 2 호는아밀로스함량이 11.5% 로일반멥쌀과찰벼의중간정도이며, 중간찰품종으로서찰기가높고밥이부드러운특성을가지고있다. 건양 2 호의반찰특성에관한유전분석을수행한결과 1 개의단순열성유전하는것으로밝혀졌으며, 찰벼인백옥찰벼와교배한후대집단에서찰, 메, 반찰로분리되었으며벼의찰성을조절하는 GBSS 와는비대립관계에있다. 또한국내육성된반찰벼품종인백진주와대립성검정을수행한결과메와반찰로분리되었다. 따라서백진주와도서로다른유전자를가지고있음을확인하였다. 건양 2 호의후대집단을이용하여유전자지도작성및 SSR 마커를이용하여연관분석을수행한결과건양 2 호의저아밀로스유전자는 6 번염색체말단에존재하는것을확인하였다. * 주저자 : E-mail: ccriljh@korea.kr -63-

PB-15 쌀도정도에따른식미및이화학특성변이 이정희 1*, 윤미라 1, 모영준 1, 천아름 1, 곽지은 1, 오세관 1, 이점식 1, 김정곤 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원답작과 쌀의도정정도는분도나현백율로표기하는데현미에서쌀겨층과배를제거한이론적인현백율은 92%(10 분도 ) 이다. 도정도는쌀이부족했던시기에는쌀의수율을높이기위해중요시되었으나최근쌀의품질이중요시되면서이론적인현백율인 92% 보다과도정된쌀이유통되고있는실정이다. 본연구는농촌진흥청국립식량과학원시험포장에서표준재배된일반형 3 개품종, 통일형 1 품종을대상으로현백율 80, 85, 90 및 95% 로각각도정하여식미관능성적, 이화학적특성및기계적식미치의차이를비교하고자수행되었다. 이화학적특성은도정도가높을수록백도와아밀로스함량은증가하는경향을보였고, 단백질함량은유의하게감소하였다. 호화점도특성은도정도가높을수록최고점도, 최저점도, 최종점도는증가하는경향을, 치반점도는낮아지는경향을보였다. 식미관능검정에서는현백율 85, 90% 에서다른 80, 95% 보다높은식미총평을보였다. 이에반해 3 가지기계적식미계의식미치는도정이많이될수록높은값을나타내었다. 이와같은결과에서육종과정에서시간과노력이많이소요되는식미관능검정을대체하여사용하고있는기계적식미계는시료가현백율 85% 보다과도정되었을때에는활용이어려울것으로판단되었다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6719, E-mail: lejehe@korea.kr PB-16 양파극조생계웅성불임중간모본 제주 O-MS-1 호 김성배 1, *, 고순보 1, 고태신 1, 강성근 1, 박미영 1, 이을태 2 1 제주특별자치도서귀포시중산간서로제주특별자치도농업기술원원예연구과 2 전라남도무안군청계면국립식량과학원바이오에너지작물센터 극조생종양파중간모본웅성불임계통 제주 O-MS-1 호 는 2004 년극조생볼중간모본에자식계통 JC11-2S 를교배하여채종하고 2005 년모구를선발하였다. 2006 년 F1 채종모구로부터웅성불임을확인하였으며 2006 년부터 2012 년에걸처 3 세대를여교배하였으며 2012 년농작물직무육성신품종선정심의위원회를거쳐 제주 O-MS-1 호 로명명하였다. 제주 O-MS-1 호 는웅성불임 (CMS-S) 계통으로초형은직립에서반직립형태이며도복기는 4 월 15 일이다. 초장은 70.2 cm, 엽수 8 매, 엽초경은 19.1mm 로지상부생육이왕성하며, 구중은 305g, 구형지수는 95 인원형양파이다. 모구의채종특성으로개화기는 4 월 26 일이며구당화경수는 4.5 개, 화경장은 106 cm은 10.6 cm이다. 내한성은중간정도이며노균병에강하고흑색썩음균핵병은중간정도이다. 재배상의유의점은모구정식적기보다빠르거나늦으면꽃대출현이안되고도복이이루어질가능성이있음 * 주저자 : Tel. 064-760-7221, E-mail: papkim@korea.kr -64-

PB-17 일품 내병성강화고식미벼중간모본 중모 1025 호 개발 안억근 1*, 조영찬 1, 원용재 1, 최임수 1, 이정희 1, 이상복 1, 오명규 2, 김정주 1, 김연규 3, 양창인 1, 정종민 1, 이점식 1, 서정필 1, 노재환 1, 이충근 1, 황기호 1, 정희채 1, 김정곤 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 농촌진흥청 3 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원국립농업유전자원센터 중모 1025 호 는중부지역적응품종의내병성강화및식미고급화를위해 일품 의품위및도열병등을보완할목적으로 일품 과도열병저항성원을갖고있는잡초성벼인 금릉앵미 33 을 1 회친으로이용하여 2003 년부터여교배육종을시작하여도열병저항성유전자가도입된후대를계통육종법으로육성하였다. 2009 2010 년에생산력검정시험을실시하여도열병이강화되고밥맛이좋은 SR30058BC 3 F 2 (52)-1-1 계통을선발하여 수원 545 호 로계통명을부여하였다. 2010 2012 년 3 개년간지역적응시험을거쳐 2012 년에직무육성신품종선정위원회에서 중모 1025 호 로명명되었다. 중모 1025 호 의출수기는중부평야지및중서부해안지보통기보비재배에서 8 월 15 일로 일품 과비슷한중만생종이며초형은반직립으로양호하고 화성 대비주당수수는같고수당립수는많으며등숙비율은낮았다. 잎도열병및이삭도열병은 일품 과 화성 에대비했을때강한편이고흰잎마름병 K 1 에는강하나 K 2, K 3, K 3a 에는약하고줄무늬잎마름병등기타바이러스병과멸구류에도약하였다. 단원형인쌀은심복백이약간있으며 화성 과비교하여단백질함량 (6.6%) 은비슷하고아밀로스함량 (19.4%) 은낮은경향으로식미관능검정치가매우우수하였다. 또한도정율은 화성 보다약간낮으나백미완전립율이월등히높았다. 수량성은 3 개년간실시한지역적응시험보통기보비재배 (5 개소 ) 에서 492 kg /10a 로 화성 과비슷한수준이나중부평야지 4 개소에서는 4% 정도증수되었다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6712, E-mail: okahn@korea.kr PB-18 잎생산전용품종육성을위한구기자유전자원의잎특성검정 주정일 1*, 윤덕상, 박영춘, 서정석, 이보희, 이봉춘, 김현호 1 충남농업기술원청양구기자시험장 구기자잎은열매에비하여베타인함량이많고, nicotianamine, glutamic acid, 7 종의무기성분등이함유되어있다. 또한잎추출물은고지방식이 (high-fat diet) 로인한체지방및혈장내 leptin 수준증가현상을억제하는것으로밝혀졌을뿐만아니라미백활성이우수하여식품과화장품의기능성소재로개발될가능성있다. 이에잎생산전용품종을육성하기위하여청양구기자시험장에보유하고있는유전자원 143 계통에대하여특성검정을실시하였다. 보유한유전자원의잎길이는평균 7.0±0.84cm, 잎폭 2.5±0.44cm, 잎두께 0.25±0.057mm 이었고, 길이와폭으로산출한엽형지수는 0.22 0.50 범위로서유전적변이가다양하였다. 변이계수는잎두께가잎길이와폭에비하여높았고, 잎이두터운계통을선발할필요가있었다. 엽면적은길이및폭과고도의정의상관관계를나타내었는데이중잎폭이넓은계통을선발하는것이효율적일것으로사료되었다. 구기자엽면적을간이로측정하기위하여다중회귀를구한결과엽면적은 (0.28 잎길이 ) + (3.88 잎너비 ) - 4.13(R 2 = 0.88**) 로산출될수있었다. 구기자엽면적이큰계통으로 IT232288, IT232589, IT232620, IT232709 등 4 계통을선발하였다. 지표성분인베타인함량은평균 2.36±0.642% 로열매에비하여높은것으로분석되었고, 4.0% 이상인계통으로 IT232593, IT232609, IT232615, IT232648, IT232687 등 5 계통을선발하였다. 앞으로엽면적이큰계통과베타인함량이높은계통을육종소재로이용하여잎이크고두터울뿐만아니라지표성분이높은잎생산전용품종을육성할수있을것으로사료되었다. * 주저자 : Tel. 041-635-6384, E-mail: cnswhtbar@korea.kr -65-

PB-19 자주색홑꽃프리지아 샤이스마일 육성 최윤정 *, 정향영, 구대회, 강윤임, 조해룡 국립원예특작과학원화훼과 프리지아 Shiny Smile 은 2006 년수원국립원예특작과학원에서초세가강한자주색반겹꽃중생종인 Troubadour 품종을자가교배하여획득한종자로부터 2008 년직립성이좋고초장및분지수가분화용으로적절한자주색다화성겹꽃프리지아 08-219 계통을개체선발하였다. 2009 년부터 2011 년까지구근증식및 1 2 차생육특성검정을수행하고, 2011 년에 원교 C3-52 호로계통명을부여하여 3 차특성검정및기호도평가를수행한결과, 분화용품종으로화색및화형에대한기호도가좋고, 초세가강한계통으로그우수성이인정되어 2012 년에직무육성품종심의회를거쳐 Shy Smile 으로명명하고품종을출원중에있다. Shy Smile 의생육및개화특성은국내에서재배되고있는자주색홑꽃품종 Opala 를대비품종으로하여조사하였다. Shy Smile 은 RHS color chart RP64A 의자주색홑꽃프리지아품종으로초장이 69.7cm, 소화수가 14 개, 분지수가 4.7 개로대조품종보다우수하며개화도대비품종보다 9 일정도빠르다. 자구번식력은약 5 배이며바이러스와구근부패병의자연발생이적다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6147, E-mail: lillium@korea.kr PB-20 재래종찰벼를활용한고기능성찰벼우량계통육성 조유현 1,2, 박용진 1,2, 권순욱 3* 1 충청남도예산군예산읍국립공주대학교식물자원학과 2 충청남도예산군예산읍국립공주대학교두과녹비작물연구센터 3 경남밀양시삼랑진읍국립부산대학교식물생명과학과 최근지속적인쌀소비량감소로쌀가공식품에대한관심이높아지고있다. 차별화되는양질의가공용쌀의개발과안정적인원료공급을통해쌀소비기반을확대할필요가있다. 또한전통지식을바탕으로하는전통식품에대한관심이고조되고있는바, 국내토종유전자원에대한육종소재로서의활용을확대할필요가있다. 본연구는민요, 문헌등에서떡으로가공했을때오랫동안굳지않는특성이있는것으로알려진재래종찰벼인 돼지찰벼 ( 돈나 ) 의우수한가공특성을규명하고, 재배안정성및수량성이개선된양질의찰벼신품종육성을위해수행되었다. 단간내도복찰벼계통육성을위해주남벼에돼지찰벼를교배하였고, 복합저항성찰벼계통육성을위해보석찰벼와돼지찰벼를교배하여 F 1 을얻었고, 각각의 F 2 를전개하여계통육종방법에의해우량계통을선발하였다. 단간내도복특성의찰벼우량계통 (JS22-3-24-1-6-2-1-1-1) 은수원지역에서 8 월 22 일경에출수하는중만생종으로간장이평균 66.2 cm이고, 이삭길이는 22.5 cm이다. 현미의길이와폭은각각 4.5 mm, 2.8 mm로장폭비가 1.9 정도였고, 현미천립중이 18.5g 정도로다소소립이며, 10a 당수량은 480kg 정도이다. 육성된복합저항성찰벼우량계통 (JS23-4-39-14-4-5-1-1-1) 은수원지역에서 8 월 15 일경에출수하였고, 간장이 82.3 cm이고현미천립중은 21.0g 정도이며, 10a 당수량은 500kg 내외로동진찰벼와비슷한수준이었다. 포장에서목도열병, 흰잎마름병, 줄무늬마름병에대해저항성을보였다. 토종찰벼의우수가공특성을활용한양질의찰벼계통으로친환경재배용품종및쌀가루가공용등으로활용이가능할것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 055-350-5506, E-mail: swkwon73@gmail.com -66-

PB-21 조생복합내병성벼중간모본 중모 1023 호 개발 원용재 1*, 조영찬 1, 최임수 1, 이점호 1, 이상복 1, 이정희 1, 오명규 2, 김정주 1, 양창인 1, 안억근 1, 장재기 1, 이점식 1, 홍하철 2, 윤미라 1, 서정필 1, 오세관 1, 황기호 1, 김정곤 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 농촌진흥청 조생품종의용도를다양화하고기후변화에대응한고온등숙및복합내병성이강화된품종을육성하고자 영덕 34 호 와 익산 456 호 를 2003 년에교배하여계통육종법으로육성하였다. 2009 2010 년에생산력검정시험을실시하여 SR29156-11-2-B-2 계통을선발하여 수원 534 호 로계통명을부여한후 2010 2012 년 3 개년간지역적응시험을거쳐 2012 년에직무육성신품종선정심의회에서조생복합내병성중간모본으로사용하도록 중모 1023 호 로명명되었다. 중모 1023 호 의출수기는중부평야지및중서부해안지보통기재배에서는 8 월 3 일, 중북부중산간지나동북부해안지보통기보비재배에서는 8 월 8 일이고중부평야지조기재배에서는 8 월 3 일로조생종이다. 초형은반직립으로양호하고주당수수는 화성 과비슷하나수당립수는 화성 보다많고등숙비율은높다. 도열병, 흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병에는강하나벼멸구에는약한복합내병성을가지고있다. 쌀은매우맑고투명하여심복백이적어외관품위가우수하고 화성 과단백질함량 (6.9%) 은비슷하고아밀로스함량 (18.4%) 은낮은편이고식미가양호하다. 또한제현율은 화성 보다약간낮으나백미완전립율은매우높다. 수량성은 3 개년간실시한지역적응시험보통기보비재배 (7 개소 ) 에서 456 kg /10a 로 화성 대비 92% 수준이었다. 중부평야지조기재배 (1 개소 ) 에서는 499 kg /10a 로 화성 과비슷한수준이었다. 금후조생종품종육성시복합내병성교배모본으로활용될것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6710, E-mail: yjwon@korea.kr PB-22 중부지역의맥후작재배에적합한청예사료용피의재배적특성 김정곤 1*, 성병열 1, 박태선 2 1 경기도수원시서둔동 ( 사 ) 한국맥류산업발전연구원 2 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원작물환경과 중부지역의맥후작재배에적응하는청예사료용피유전자원을선발하기위하여농촌진흥청농업유전자원센터로부터유전자원 58 종, USDA GRIN 으로부터 26 종, 외국재배품종 3 종, 국내자생종 8 종을수집하였다. 전체 95 종의피유전자원을경기도수원의시험포장에 20112 년 6 월 5 일침종한후육묘하여 7 월 3 일에열간 40cm, 주간 10cm 간격으로이식하여사료용으로의재배적특성을평가하였다. 피유전자원의출수기는 8 월 1 일에서 9 월 17 일까지, 초장은 52cm 에서 202cm 까지, 주당분얼수는 2 개에서 45 개까지, 주당건물중은 8g 에서 231g 까지로다양한변이를보였다. 그리고엽폭, 탈립성에서도많은변이를보였다. 주요재배형질간의상관관계는출수기가늦은만생종일수록초형이직립형에가깝고, 초장이길며, 주당분얼수가많은경향을보였다. 그리고엽폭이넓은광엽형이초장이길고, 주당분얼수가적고, 종실의탈립이잘되지않았다. 주당건물중은만생, 장간, 다분얼성과높은상관을보였다. 맥후작으로재배시청예사료용으로적합한피는어느정도생육기간을확보할수있는 9 월에출수하는만생종과엽폭이넓은광엽종, 분얼수가 10 개내외인중소얼형이수량성이높아적당할것으로사료된다. 그리고채종을위해서는탈립이잘되지않는내탈립성이어야할것이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-892-6644, E-mail: kimjgon22@naver.com -67-

PB-23 한국재래밀유전자원의작물학적특성 강정훈 1*, 강만정 1, 마경호 1, 이수경 1, 이호선 1, 박태일 2, 이효정 3, 윤성중 3 1 경기도수원시권선구서둔동 88-20 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업유전자원센터 2 전라북도익산시평동로 457 농촌진흥청국릭식량과학원벼맥류부 3 전라북도전주시덕진동 1 가 664-14 전북대학교맥류유전자원관리센터 농촌진흥청농업유전자원센터에서보유하고있는재래밀유전자원 303 점을대상으로 2011 년 10 월 16 일국립식량과학원벼맥류부익산전작포장에서파종재배하여이삭형태, 수밀도, 망의형태및장단등의작물학적특성을조사하였고, 출수기에식물체, 성숙기에이삭, 수확기에종실특성의영상자료를제작하여재래밀유전자원특성을조사하였다. 한국재래종밀 303 점은이삭의형태에따라추형 (52%), 봉형 (31%), 방추형 (12%), 곤봉형 (5%) 의 4 개그룹, 이삭의소밀에따라소수형 (26%), 중간형 (44%), 밀수형 (33%) 의 3 그룹, 망의유무장단에따라장망종 (64%), 단망종 (26%), 무망종 (10%) 의 3 그룹으로나눌수있었다. 지역별로는영남지방의자원이기호, 중원및호남지방의것보다수집빈도가높았다. 유망한재래밀유전자원으로는간장이 60cm 미만으로단간인자원은 김제 4(IT112968), 김제 6(IT018723), 임실 1(IT159750), 장수 10(IT159763), 영일 4(IT159778) 등이었다. 한편성숙기가 5 월하순으로조숙인자원은 고창 1(IT1010531), 고성 1(IT104873), 경산 1(IT118995), 경산 2(IT118996), 상주 1(IT119904) 등이었고, 특히내한성이강하면서단간이고도복에강한자원은 군포 1(IT166455), 밀양 1(IT166468), 거제 27(IT166469), 무망이며단간인자원은 KLW8631(IT140792), 무망이며장간인자원은 거제 17(IT15048) 이였다. 본연구에활용된다양한한국재래종밀유전자원은자원주권확보및육종소재로서의활용도가높을것으로생각된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-299-1833, E-mail: kjh3718@korea.kr PB-24 한국재래옥수수유전자원의작물학적특성 강정훈 1*, 강만정 1, 마경호 1, 이호선 1, 이기안 1, 장은하 2, 박기진 3 1 경기도수원시권선구서둔동 88-20 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업유전자원센터 2 강원도홍천군두촌면장남길 26 강원도농업기술원홍천옥수수시험장 농촌진흥청농업유전자원센터에서보유하고있는재래옥수수유전자원 940 점을대상으로 2008 년에서 2012 년의 5 개년에걸쳐강원도원홍천옥수수시험포장에서재배하여출사기, 간장, 착수고, 엽형, 주간엽수, 자수열수, 종피색, 1 수립중, 백립중등의작물학적특성을조사하였고, 동시에이들자원의이미지특성을확보하기위하여웅수출현기에전식물체, 성숙기에이삭, 수확후에종실의영상자료를제작하였으며, 메찰성분석은홍천옥수수시험장에서증식된종실자원으로요드반응을조사하였다. 재래옥수수유전자원 940 점은용도별로메옥수수 48%(453 점 ), 찰옥수수 43%(407 점 ), 사료용옥수수 5%(47 점 ) 로나눌수있었으며, 재래옥수수지역별분포는강원도 21%, 충남도 15%, 경남도 9% 순으로분포가높았다. 용도별지역별분포는메옥수수에서는지역간차이가없었으나, 찰옥수수에서는강원도가전체의 17% 로높은분포를보이고있어용도별지역특이성이큰경향이었다. 또한간장은메옥수수에서장간이나단간이많았으며, 숙기는메옥수수에서는조생종이, 찰옥수수에서는만생종의분포비율이다소높아용도별특이성도인정되었다. 수당립중과백립중은메옥수수가찰옥수수보다대체로무거운경향이었다. 재래옥수수중대표적인유망한자원은흰찰옥수수에서는 서천찰 IT208593 이극조생, 고성찰, IT195284 이조생, 홍천찰 17, K 139943 이중생, 평창찰 11, IT026524 이만생으로유망하였으며, 검정찰옥수수에서는 금산찰 15 K140119 이중생, 성주찰 IT208576 이만생, 미상찰 8 IT178746 이극만생종으로유망하였다. 본연구에활용된다양한한국재래옥수수유전자원은자원주권확보및육종소재로서의활용도가높을것으로생각된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-299-1833, E-mail: kjh3718@korea.kr -68-

PB-25 한국재래조유전자원의작물학적특성 강정훈 1*, 마경호 1, 강만정 1, 이기안 1, 허온숙 1, 이호선 1, 윤성탁 2 1 경기도수원시권선구서둔동 88-20 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업유전자원센터 2 충청남도천안시안서동산 29 단국대학교천안캠퍼스생명자원과학대 농촌진흥청농업유전자원센터에서보유하고있는재래조유전자원 325 점을대상으로 2007 년에서 2008 년, 2 년에걸쳐단국대학교전작과포장에서재배하여출수기, 간장, 수형, 성숙기, 종피색, 1 수립수, 천립중등의작물학적특성을조사하였고, 동시에이들자원의이미지특성을확보하기위하여출수기에전식물체, 성숙기에이삭, 수확후에종실의영상자료를제작하였으며, 메찰성분석은농업유전자원센터에서증식된종실자원으로요드반응을조사하였다. 재래조유전자원 325 점은용도별로메조 49%(159 점 ), 차조 51%(166 점 ) 로나눌수있었으며, 메조, 차조를합쳐서강원도 29%, 경북도 25%, 경기도 12% 순으로수집도수분포가높았다. 용도별남한지역별분포는메조에서는경북도가전체의 22%, 차조에서는강원도가전체의 17% 로가장높은분포를보이고있어용도별지역특이성이뚜렷하였다. 이삭모양분포는메조, 차조공히원통형 42%, 원추형 31% 순으로가장높았고, 또한간장은메조에서장간이나단간이많았으며, 숙기는메조에서는조생종이, 차조에서는만생종이수집분포비율이높아용도별특이성도뚜렷한경향이었다. 재래조중대표적인자원은극조생이며곤봉형인자원은삼척메조 -2(IT103288), 극조생이며원통형인자원은강화차조 -10(IT209312), 극조생이며방추형인자원은강화차조 -11(IT209313), 중생이며선단분지형은정선차조 (IT104454), 중생이며분지형인자원은화성차조 -1(IT103755), 극만생이며원추형인자원은밀양차조 (IT185955) 등이었다. 본연구에활용된다양한한국재래조유전자원은자원주권확보및육종소재로서의활용도가높을것으로생각된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-299-1833, E-mail: kjh3718@korea.kr PB-26 한국재래종콩의 isoflavone 과 saponin 함량변이 이지석 1, 이효재 1, 곽병삼 1, 박병덕 1, 정재현 2, 신현만 2, 정헌상 3, 김홍식 1* 1 충청북도청주시흥덕구내수동로 52 충북대학교농업생명환경대학식물자원학과 2 충청북도청원군오창읍가곡길 46 충청북도농업기술원작물연구과 3 충청북도청주시흥덕구내수동로 52 충북대학교농업생명환경대학식품공학과 고품질콩품종육성을위한기초자료로활용하기위하여한국재래콩 292 점의 isoflvone 과 saponin 함량의변이를구명한결과, 총 isoflavone 함량은평균 1390.2 μg /g 이었고 420.6 2907.3 μg /g 의범위였다. isoflavone 함량의분포는 1000 1500 μg /g 범위에서가장많이분포하였고, 1500 2000 μg /g 의범위가그다음으로높았고, 2500 μg /g 이상은 5 점이었다. isoflavone 함량은 genistein, daidzein 및 glycitein 순으로높았다. 총 isoflavone 의함량은 daidzein 및 genistein 과높은정의상관관계이었고, daidzein 과 genistein 간에도정의상관관계이었다. 총 saponin 함량은평균 4347 μg /g 이었고 1932 8400 μg /g 의범위였다. Group A saponin 함량은평균 529 μg /g 이었고 243 1231 μg /g 의범위였다. Group B saponin 함량은평균 3817 μg /g 이었고 1584 7598 μg /g 의범위였다. Group B saponin 이높은자원은 IT226841, IT228304, IT228251 이었으며, 총 saponin 함량이높은자원은 IT226841 (8,400 μg /g) 이었다. 총 saponin 함량과 Group B saponin 의함량간에는정의상관이었다. * 주저자 : Tel. 043-261-2513, E-mail: hongsigk@chungbuk.ac.kr -69-

PB-27 한국콩육성품종의 saponin 함량변이 이효재 1, 이지석 1, 곽병삼 1, 정재현 2, 신현만 2, 정헌상 3, 김홍식 1* 1 충청북도청주시흥덕구내수동로 52 충북대학교농업생명환경대학식물자원학과 2 충청북도청원군오창읍가곡길 46 충청북도농업기술원작물연구과 3 충청북도청주시흥덕구내수동로 52 충북대학교농업생명환경대학식품공학과 국내에서 2009 년까지육성된콩 120 품종들의 saponin 함량변이를구명하여콩기능성품종개발의기초자료로활용코자본연구를수행하였다. Saponin 함량은 Group A saponin 이 225.6 1,193.3 μg /g 의범위였고평균은 592.5 μg /g 이었으며, Group B saponin 은 2168.6 7270.0 μg /g 범위였고평균은 4318.0 μg /g 이었다. Group A 와 B saponin 을합한총 saponin 함량은 2431.1 8231.3 μg /g 의범위였고평균은 4910.5 μg /g 이었다. 콩 saponin 함량은품종, 육성연대, 용도, 종실크기및육성모지간에따라서유의한차이를보였다. 각종생리활성을나타내는물질로인식되는 group B saponin 이높은 5 개품종들은원황콩, 녹채콩, 부광콩, 장기콩및흑미콩이었다. 육성연대는 2000 년도이후가, 용도는나물콩이, 종실크기는소립종이, 육성모지는익산이총 saponin 함량이가장높았다. 총 saponin 함량과 Group B saponin 의함량간에는정의상관이었다. * 주저자 : Tel 043-261-2513, E-mail: hongsigk@chungbuk.ac.kr PB-28 헤어리베치 (Vicia villosa Roth) 백색과분홍꽃의유전분석 구자환 1*, 한옥규 1, 김대욱 1, 이유영 1, 김충국 1, 황종진 1, 문중경 1, 권영업 1 1 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원전작과 헤어리베치의분홍색과백색화색유전검정을위하여헤어리베치유전자원집단에서파생된백색화색계통을모본으로하고분홍화색을지닌품종 ( 마메초 ) 을부본으로하여 2011 년에교배하여 2013 년 F 2 후대를조사하였다. 분홍색과백색의잡종 (F 1) 은보라색으로나타났고후대 (F 2) 화색은백색 1 보라 2, 분홍색 1 의비율로분리되었다. 따라서헤어리베치의분홍색화색은보라색에대한열성상위관계에있는것으로추정된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6744, E-mail: kooch@rda.go.kr -70-

PB-29 황색홑꽃화형스프레이국화 예스미키 육성최현구 1*, 박하승 1, 이철휘 2, 김동찬 1, 전낙범 1, 이영혜 3, 원미경 2, 최병준 1, 최종진 1 1 충남농업기술원예산국화시험장, 2 충남농업기술원미래농업연구과, 3 충남농업기술원농업환경연구과 스프레이국화 예스미키 (Yes Mickey) 는 2008 년예산국화시험장육종온실내에서네덜란드에서육성된홑꽃화형의 포워드 (Forward) 를방임수분하여얻어진 280 개의종자를 2009 년에파종하였고, 이중에서다화성으로화색이선명하고녹색의짙은화심을갖고있는 SP09-182-03 계통을선발하였다. 이품종의주년재배특성검정을위하여 2009 년부터 2011 년까지 1 2 차생육특성검정을수행하였고, 2012 년 3 차특성검정및기호도평가를수행한결과기호도가 4.08/5.0 로높아 예산 SP-40 호 로명명하였으며 2012 년직무육성신품종선정위원회를통과하여 예스미키 (Yes Mickey) 로명명하고품종등록출원하였다. 예스미키 (Yes Mickey) 의생육및개화특성은모본으로사용된황색의 포워드 (Forward) 를대조품종으로하여조사하였다. 예스미키 는황색 (7A) 의화심이진한녹색인조기개화성절화용스프레이국품종이다. 본당착화수는 23.7 개로대조품종 17.2 개보다월등히많았으며꽃직경이 3.6cm 이고꽃잎수는 31.0 매로대조품종의 2.7cm 에 43.0 매와비교하여볼륨이크고녹심이뚜렷한산티니계열의수출용꽃다발로적합하였다. 개화소요일수는자연재배에서 45 일로대조품종보다 5 일빠른경향을보였다. 재배상유의사항은개화반응기간이짧아영양생장기에비배관리를철저히하고다화성으로적정재식거리를준수하여야한다. ( 본연구는국화연구사업단 화훼품종육성및상품성향상기술개발사업 으로지원받은과제임 ) * 주저자 : Tel. 041-635-6406, E-mail: popcorn30@korea.kr PB-30 A new waxy white grain wheat variety, BaekChal with pre-harvest sprouting and cold hardiness resistance and good cooking quality Chon-Sik Kang 1*, Kyeong-Hoon Kim 1, Young-Keun Cheong 1, Hag-Sin Kim 1, Young-Jin Kim 1, InDuck Choi 1, Jong-Chul Park 1, Sang-Hyun Shin 1, Jae-Han Son 1, Kyong-Ho Kim 1, Jong-Nae Hyun 1, Kee-Jong Kim 1, Chu Soo Park 2 1 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Iksan 570-080, Republic of Korea 2 Dep. Crop Science & Life Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756, Republic of korea Baechal, a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar was developed by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Iksan, Korea, during the period from 2006 to 2012. The heading and maturing dates of this variety were May 1 and June 5 in upland, and May 2 and June 8 in paddy field, respectively. It is an It is an awned, semi-dwarf and hard white wheat. Culm and spike length of Baekchal were 75cm and 8.7cm. It had lower test weight (794 g/l) and 1,000 grain weight (35.7g) than Keumkang. It showed moderate to pre-harvest sprouting, which lower rate of pre-harvest sprouting (13.7%) than Keumkang. Baekchal had similar ash content (0.47%) and protein content (13.1%) to Keumkang. It showed lower gluten content (9.6%), SDS-sedimentation volume (38.2 ml ) and amylose content (6.5%) than Keumkang. It showed higher high viscosity (643BU), water absorption (213%), expansibility of cooking (357%). It showed different composition in HMW-GS compositios (2*), PPO18 (876bp), GBSS (waxy type) and Puroindolines composition compared th Keumkang. Average yield of Baekchal in the regional adaptation yield trial test was 4.89 ton/ha in upland and 4.83 ton/ha in paddy field. Baekchal would be suitable for the area above 10 of daily minimun temperature in January in Korean peninsula *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-840-2156, E-mail: kcs1209@korea.kr -71-

PB-31 A new wheat variety, Hojoong with pre-harvest sprouting resistance, low amylose content and good noodles quality Chon-Sik Kang 1*, Kyeong-Hoon Kim 1, Young-Keun Cheong 1, Hag-Sin Kim 1, Young-Jin Kim 1, InDuck Choi 1, Jong-Chul Park 1, Sang-Hyun Shin 1, Jae-Han Son 1, Kyong-Ho Kim 1, Jong-Nae Hyun 1, Kee-Jong Kim 1, Chu Soo Park 2 1 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Iksan 570-080, Republic of Korea 2 Dep. Crop Science & Life Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756, Republic of korea Hojoong, a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar was developed by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Iksan, Korea, during the period from 2006 to 2012. The heading and maturing dates of this variety were May 2 and June 10 in upland, and May 3 and June 7 in paddy field, respectively. It is an It is an awned, semi-dwarf and soft red winter wheat. Culm and spike length of Hojoong were 79cm and 9.1cm. It had lower test weight (803 g/l) and 1,000 grain weight (39.5g) than Keumkang. It showed resistance to pre-harvest sprouting, which lower rate of pre-harvest sprouting (5.5%) than Keumkang. Hojoong had lower flour yield (66.7%) and ash content (0.38%) than Keumkang. It showed lower protein content (11.3%) and lower SDS-sedimentation volume (34.0 ml ) and amylose content (20.5%) than Keumkang. It showed higher high viscosity (204BU) and lightness of noodle dough sheet (80.63). It showed different composition in HMW-GS compositios (2.2+12), PPO18 (876bp), GBSS B (null type) and Puroindolines composition compared th Keumkang. Average yield of Hojoong in the regional adaptation yield trial test was 5.51 ton/ha in upland and 5.10 ton/ha in paddy field. Hojoong would be suitable for the area above 10 of daily minimun temperature in January in Korean peninsula *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-840-2156, E-mail: kcs1209@korea.kr -72-

PB-32 Analysis of seed proteome from wild and mutant lines of sorghum Swapan Kumar Roy 1, Abu Hena Mostofa Kamal 2, Hye-Rim Kim 1, Soo-Jeong Kwon 1, Jung-In Kim 3, Tae-Seok Ko 4, Zhanguo Xin 5 and Sun-Hee Woo 1* 1 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-763, KOREA5 2 Research Center for Integrative Cellulomics, KRIBB, Daejeon 305-806, Korea 3 Functional Cereal Crop Research Div. National Institute of Crop Science, Miryang 627-803, KOREA 4 School of Plant Life & Environmental Science, Hankyong National University, Anseong 456-749, KOREA 5 Plant Stress and Germplasm Development Unit, USDA-ARS, 3810 4th Street, Lubbock, TX 79415, USA Grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is a major staple for a large portion of the world. The crop ranks fifth among the cereals world-wide with respect to its importance for food and feed applications. To this end, the grain harvested from sorghum, and the millets provides an important source for dietary calories and protein for approximately one billion people in the semi-arid regions of the world. However, grain sorghum products are known to have relatively poor digestibility, only approximately 50% 70%, in comparison with other grains, such as wheat and maize, which tend to have digestibility percentages over 80% and 70%, respectively. Protein with high digestibility is by definition nutritionally superior owing to the increased availability of amino acids. Digestibility can be impacted by both protein protein and or protein nonprotein interactions. However, with respect to grain sorghum, it is thought that the major factor influencing digestibility is the former because of high protein cross-linking around the protein body. To understand the mechanism of seed storage proteins in the sorghum, the proteomic analysis was carried out between the wild(btx623) and mutant(m271207) genotypes of sorghum. Proteins were separated from the mature seed using IEF in the first-dimension and SDS-PAGE in the second dimension along with hybrid LTQ-FTICR mass spectrometry. After image analysis using Progenesis SameSpot software, we identified the 62 differential expressed protein spots out of 293 protein spots. Out of total differential expressed spots, 35 differential expressed protein spots (more than2-fold) were analyzed by mass spectrometry. Out of 35 protein spots, we were identified 20 protein spots as up-regulated and 15 protein spots as downregulated, significantly. In our proteomic investigation, the candidate proteins may provide novel clues for better understanding the characteristics of seed proteins in Sorghum. Keywords: Seed Storage Protein, Sorghum, Wild and Mutant Genotypes, Proteomics Acknowledgement: This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No. PJ009101012013), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel: 043-261-2515, E-mail: shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr -73-

PB-33 Characterization of an ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) mutant lines in C.annuum. Doyeon Hwang 1, Hee-Jin Jeong 1, Jin-Kyung Kwon 1, Si-Yong Kang 2 Byoung-Cheorl Kang 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea 2 Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 1266 Sinjeong, Jeongeup, Jeonbuk, 580-185, Republic of Korea Mutant lines induced by ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) have been used for crop improvement and functional genomics. Since pepper is very recalcitrant to be transformed, EMS mutagenesis could be an alternative method to generate useful mutant lines and to characterize the function of genes. We have developed mutant lines consisting of about 3,938 M 2 mutant lines using Korea local landrace, C. annuum Yuwolcho. Yuwolcho has suitable traits for mutagenesis such as early flowering and maturation, large number of seeds per fruit, and susceptibility to various diseases. Up to now, 917 M 2 mutant lines were evaluated to confirm the effect of EMS. M 2 mutant lines have shown variations in plant stature (small size, dwarfism, and early death), leaf development (light color, variegation and morphological change) and flower (inflorescence, morphological change) and fruit (size and color). We observed the largest morphological variation in leaf development. Most of these mutant phenotypes were inherited recessively. In addition, we are applying cel1-based TILLING to identify useful mutant lines. We will apply cel1-based TILLING to identify useful mutant lines. We are expecting that these mutant lines will be very useful to study the function of genes in C. annuum. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4563, E-mail: bk54@snu.ac.kr PB-34 Differentiation of isoflavones of breeding populations between yellow and black soybean Byong Won Lee *, Myeong Gi Jong, Min Ko, Hyun Tae Kim, Won-Young Han, Ki Won Oh, Hyeon-Jin Park, Sang Ouk Shin, Tae Yoon, and In Youl Baek Department of Functional Crop Science, Nat l Institute of Crop Science, RDA, 1085 Naidong, Miryang, 627-803, Korea Soybean isoflavones include daidzein, genistein and glycitein with their glycosides, and their malonated derivatives are the main polyphenolic compounds that are helpful for human health. Our research objective was to investigate the differentitation of soybean isoflavones contents of breeding populations between yellow and black soybean. Isoflavones contents in soybean are a wide range from 500 to 7000 μg /g. In this study, we used Ilmi (Isoflavones content, 3.612 μg /g) as male parent and 04GAYT-4 (Isoflavones content, 1,648 μg /g) as female parent. From these varieties, we obtained 94 breeding lines (yellow, 48 lines; black, 25 lines; brown, 21 lines) which have isoflavones content range from 1000 to 6000 μg /g. Highest isflavone contents of three different breeding lines was yellow seed coated lines (average isoflavone content, yellow 3,046 μg /g, brown 2,935 μg /g, black 2,813 μg /g). *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-350-1225, E-mail: bwlee@korea.kr -74-

PB-35 Evaluation of fruit quality in pepper germplasms(capsicum annuum) introduced from china for high-red pigments breeding. Ji-Eun Hwang 1*, Su-Gyeong Jeon 1, Kil-Su Jang 1, Oh-Hun Kwon 1, Tae-Young Kwon 1, Hongjin Long 2, Min Gui 2, Qiuyue Zhong 2, Lei Du 2 1 Youngyang Pepper Experiment Station, Gyeongbuk ARES, Youngyang, 764-803, Republic of Korea. 2 Horticultural Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Science, Kunming, The People s Republic of China. Fruit quality traits like heat, color and flavor are unique and important for pepper cuisines and industrial use. Pepper pigments include chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanin and red pigments like capsanthin are unique carotenoids to capsicum spp. So developing carotenoids-rich peppers and use of red pigments extraction along with capsaicinoids are one of interest pepper breeding goals in the world. Horticultural traits of 113 germplasms introduced by international cooperative research with YASS of China were evaluated to select promissing materials for high quality peppers during the past 3 years. All of germplasms including 60 local peppers were belong to C. annuum and fruit characteristics were diverse. Especially fruit chemical compositions like ASTA color, capsaicinoids and sugars were evaluated compared with korean commercial peppers. Average contents of ASTA color was 98±37, 55±63mg in capsaicinoids and 12±6% in total sugars. ASTA color which generally means red pigments content was over 120 in 25 germplasms including over 200 in 2 germplasms. Higher ASTA colors were observed in different fruit types. Capsaicinoids content was over 90mg/100g in 24 germplasms including 5 germpalsms over 200mg. Especially higher capsaicinoids were higher in local peppers with round and wrinkled fruit shape. And total sugar content was over 20% in 10 germplasms. Germplasms of different fruit shapes and characteristics will be useful materials for diverse fruit quality breeding. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 054-683-1691, E-mail: snail0315@korea.kr PB-36 Evaluation of soluble sugar content in soybean mutant lines derived from gamma-irradiation Kyung Jun Lee 1, Viayanand Velusamy 1, Jin-Baek Kim 1, Bo-Keun Ha 1, Sang Hoon Kim 1, Joon-Woo Ahn 1, Si-Yong Kang 1, Byung-Moo Lee 2 and Dong Sub Kim 1* 1 Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup, Korea 2 Department of Plant Biotechnology, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea Soluble sugar content in soybean seed is an important quality attribute for soyfood and feed. Usually, soluble sugars comprise 6 to 17% of total dry wt. in mature soybean seeds. In this study, 414 soybean mutant lines induced by gamma-ray were screened by colormetric assay, FACE (Fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis), and GC-MS to identify the change of soluble sugar contents. Among 414 soybean mutant lines, 12 mutant lines derived from three different soybean cultivars (Hwanggum, Paldal, and Bangsa) showed higher level of soluble sugar content compared to their original cultivars. However, 5 mutant lines derived from soybean landrace KAS 636-15 showed lower level in the colormetric assay. In FACE, 17 soybean mutant lines selected by colormetric assay also showed different band intensity compared with their original cultivars. However, there were no different soluble sugar patterns between soybean original cultivars and mutant lines. Finally, the variations of soluble sugar content in 17 soybean mutant lines were confirmed by using GC-MS. These mutant lines will be used for genetic study to find mutations of genes related soluble sugar biosynthesis. *Corresponding Author: Tel: 063-570-3311, E-mail: bioplant@kaeri.re.kr -75-

PB-37 Global genome expression analysis of rice mutant line in response to salt stress Kyung Jun Lee 1, Jin-Baek Kim 1, Bo-Keun Ha 1, Sang Hoon Kim 1, Joon-Woo Ahn 1, Si-Yong Kang 1, Byung-Moo Lee 2 and Dong Sub Kim 1* 1 Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup, Korea 2 Department of Plant Biotechnology, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea To determine the expression levels of genes related to the salt stress response in rice, gene expression profiles were investigated through microarray analysis using the rice mutant line Till-II-877. There were no significant changes in physiological response under salt stress of the mutant increased less than that in the WT. The intensity of gene expression was analyzed and compared between the wild type and mutant lines using a microarray. Among the most significantly affected pathways, α-linolenic acid metabolism and linoleic acid metabolism (in lipid metabolism), fructose and mannose metabolism and glycolysis-gluconeogenesis (in carbohydrate metabolism), cysteine and methionine metabolism (in amino acid metabolism), and carbon fixation (in the energy metabolism of photosynthetic organisms) showed changes in gene expression levels under salt stress. These results further our understanding of the effects of salt stress in rice and may aid in the development of salt-tolerant rice cultivars. *Corresponding Author: Tel: 063-570-3311, E-mail: bioplant@kaeri.re.kr PB-38 Identification of genetic diversity and DNA polymorphisms in Korean rice accessions through resequencing In-Seon Jeong 1, Ung-Han Yoon 1, Gang-Seob Lee 1, Hyeon-So Ji 1, Hyun-Ju Lee 1, and Tae-Ho Kim 1* 1 Genomics division, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Suwon 441-707, Republic of Korea With the rapid development of sequencing technologies, next-generation sequencing is widely utilized for molecular breeding in several crops including rice. We performed whole genome resequencing of ten Korean rice accessions including six cultivars and four mutant lines. In total, 2,448 million raw reads were generated with over 58x coverage of Nipponbare genome. We mapped the reads from each of the ten accessions onto genomic sequence of japonica rice cultivar, Nipponbare. We detected 3,144,016 SNPs, which estimated to be one per 2.2kb on average. We found SNPs in genes that have been reported to be involved in rice flowering time regulation and bacterial blight resistance among ten rice accessions. Unmapped region against Nipponbare genome occupied about 1 ~ 2% in each accession. Over 50% of the unmapped region were found in the repeat region. The minimum length of gap in all accessions were 1bp and the maximum length of gap was 45,967bp in Ilpum. We also identified 3,497 possible gene loss events within these unmapped regions. The frequency of gene loss in each chromosome ranged from 33 on chromosome 5 to 913 on chromosome 11. The genetic variations we detected among ten rice accessions will provide invaluable resources for identification of genes associated with diverse traits of agronomical importance for molecular breeding. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-299-1641, E-mail: thkim@rda.go.kr -76-

PB-39 In vitro anther culture of Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema ssp.) Khandakar Md. Rayhanul Kabir 1, Woo Ju Hong 1 and Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-702, Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan, 340-702, Republic of Korea This study was set up to get plants from anther culture of Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum) gardenmum cultivar Yes Morning and potmum cultivar Peace Pink for breeding program. The induction of callus was quick and high on MS basal medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/l of 2,4-D + 2.0 mg/l of 6-BA + 4% W/V sucrose. Induction potential was slightly increased by addition of 250 mg/l Casein hydrolysate to the induction medium. Calluses were allowed to differentiate on MS basal medium + 2.0 mg/l of BA + 0.1 mg/l of NAA + 3%W/V sucrose. The rate of callus formation differed little between the cultivars. A pretreatment of anthers at 4 for 48h enhanced both the induction and differentiation ratio. Multiple shoots were initiated from most of the calluses and were shifted to MS basal medium + 0.1 mg/l of NAA + 3%W/V sucrose for rooting. Regenerated plantlets were acclimatized and transferred to the soil. Some of the regenerated plants showed slow growth with little morphological difference. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 041-330-1213, E-mail: yjpark@kongju.ac.kr -77-

PB-40 Influence of high temperature during grain filling and seed maturation on the accumulation of storage proteins in rice Jung-Hee Ko 1, Hee-Young Jang 1, Kun Cho 2, Seong-Woo Cho 3, Jong-Soon Choi 4, Toshiaki Mitsui 5, Chul-Won Lee 1, Yong-Gu Cho 1 and Sun-Hee Woo 1* 1 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju 361-763, Korea 2 Mass Spectrometry Research Center, Korea Basic Science Institute, Chungbuk 863-883, Korea 3 Lab. of Molecular Breeding, Arid land Research Center, Tottori University, Japan 4 Division of Life Science, Korea Basic Science Institute, Daejeon 305-333, Korea 5 Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan High temperature impediment in developing stages of crops has been occurred due to the impact of global warming. Rice production is notable to be sensitive to increasing environmental temperature and grain filling temperatures are already approaching threatening levels in many countries with rice cultivation. Recent proteomic analyses exposed impulsive changes of metabolisms during rice grain development. Interestingly, proteins involved in glycolysis, citric acid cycle, lipid metabolism, and proteolysis were accumulated at higher levels in mature grain than those of developing stages. High temperature (HT) stress in rice ripening period enhances damaged (chalky) grains which have loosely compacted shape starch granules. We carried out two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to analyze protein profiles during grain filling and different developmental stages of rice seed maturation. Proteins were separated from the fertilized seeds (seeds from 7 days and 21 days after fertilization) and seed maturation stage using IEF in the first-dimension and SDS-PAGE in the second dimension along with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. More than 1,000 protein spots were detected on a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A total of 120 different protein spots out of 140 protein spots were identified by MALDI-TOF and nano LCQ-TOF mass spectrometer. The identified proteins were categorized into six (6) different groups according to their expression patterns during grain filling and seed maturation. Some proteins were confirmed during seed development stages such as cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase, whereas others were appeared at a specific stage like putative subtilisin-like protease, germin-like, seed allergenic proteins. Furthermore, the chalking mechanism of rice grain under the HT stress could be discussed in terms of grain starch glycome, transcriptome, and proteome. Keywords: Oryza sativa, High Temperature Stress, Grain filling, Proteomics *Corresponding Author: Tel: 043-261-2515, E-mail: shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr -78-

PB-41 Mitochondrial proteome analysis of the seedlings of wheat in roots using LTQ-FTICR-MS/MS Da-Eun Kim 1, Swapan Kumar Roy 1, Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal 2, Kun Cho 3, Seong-Woo Cho 4, Chul-Soo Park 5, Jong-Soon Choi 6, and Sun-Hee Woo 1* 1 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju 361-763, Korea 2 Research Center for Integrative Cellulomics, KRIBB, Daejeon 305-806, Korea 3 Mass Spectrometry Research Center, Korea Basic Science Institute, Chungbuk 863-883, Korea 4 Lab. of Molecular Breeding, Arid land Research Center, Tottori University, Japan 5 Dept. of Crop, Agriculture and Life Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756, Korea 6 Division of Life Science, Korea Basic Science Institute, Daejeon 305-333, Korea Sub-cellular proteomics provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of plant cell modulation of protein accumulation in intracellular compartments regarding various perturbations, and thus provides rectified knowledge about signal transduction in organelles. Mitochondria are important organelles for cellular respiration within the eukaryotic cell and serve many important functions including vitamin synthesis, amino acid metabolism and photorespiration for the cell as well. To define the mitochondrial proteome of the roots of wheat seedling, a systematical and targeting analysis were carried out on the mitochondrial proteome from 15 days-old wheat seedling roots material. Mitochondria were isolated by Percoll gradient centrifugation; and extracted proteins were separated and analyzed using Tricine SDS-PAGE along with LTQ-FTICR mass spectrometry. From the isolated mitochondrial proteins, a total of 140 proteins were identified. The identified proteins were functionally classified into 12 classes using ProtFun 2.2 server based on cellular roles, Proteins were shown to be involved in including amino acid biosynthesis (17.1%), biosynthesis of cofactors (6.4%), cell envelope (11.4%), central intermediary metabolism (10%), energy metabolism (20%), fatty acid metabolism (0.7%), purines and pyrimidines (5.7%), regulatory functions (0.7%), replication and transcription (1.4%), translation (22.1%), transport and binding (1.4%), and unknown (2.8%). These results indicated that many of the protein components present and functions of identified proteins are common to other profiles of mitochondrial proteomes performed to date. The data presented here will begin to reveal a better understanding the characteristics of proteins and metabolic activity in mitochondria in wheat roots. Key words: Mitochondrial proteins, Wheat Roots, SDS-PAGE, LTQ-FTICR, Proteomics Acknowledgments: Financial support for this study was obtained from the AGENDA (9069532012), RDA, Korea to S. H. Woo, College of Agriculture, Life and Environments, Chungbuk National University, Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel: 043-261-2515, E-mail: shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr -79-

PB-42 Modification of starch composition using antisense and RNAi vectors by targeting SSS1 and GBSS1 genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Moo-Geun Jee 1, Hye-Jung Lee 1, Mingmao Sun 1, Sailila E. Abdula 1, Sanguk Byeon 1, Dal-A Yu 1, Yu-Jin Jung 2, Kwon-Kyoo Kang 2, Illsup Nou 3, and Yong-Gu Cho 1* 1 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-763, Korea, 2 Department of Horticulture, Hankyong National University, Ansung 456-749, Korea, 3 Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon 540-742, Korea Amylopectin composition is determined by the relative activity of soluble starch synthase (SSS) and granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS). Soluble starch synthase and starch branching enzymes are major determinants for the synthesis of amylopectin while GBSS1 is responsible for amylose synthesis in vivo. The formers are made of linear and branched molecules and the latter is composed of highly branched molecules. To increase the palatability of rice, down-regulation of amylose synthesis by antisense and RNA interference (RNAi) could be excellent and powerful tools for controlling the starch composition which is responsible for grain eating quality. The goal of this study is to generate breeding lines with lower amylose content relative to its wild type. This study also reports the results of the two down-regulating technology in lowering the amylose content of rice grain. Furthermore, this study elucidates the effect of using antisense and RNAi for SSS1 and GBSS1. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008129), RDA, Korea. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: ygcho@cbnu.ac.kr PB-43 Palatability and physicochemical properties of rice varieties in the year when yield increased by 10% than usual Jeom-Sig Lee *, Jeong-Heui Lee, Mi-Ra Yoon, Jieun Kwak, Young Jun Mo, Areum-Chun, Sea-Kwan Oh, Jae-Ki Jang, Chung-Kon Kim Rice Research Division, NICS, RDA, Suwon 441-857, Korea In this study, we examined the palatability and physicochemical properties of rice varieties in the year when there was 10% increase in yield compared to normal year due to daily temperature range and sunshine hours. The results of the analysis of rice yield over the last 20 years (1993-2012) showed 10% difference between the yield in 2000, which was normal, and that in 2001. With regard to the crop weather condition during the ripening period in 2001 compared to 2000, the daily range and sunshine hours were higher, but the mean temperature was similar. The rice yield in 2001 was 9.8% higher than that in 2000 due to the increased number of spikelets per panicles and ratio of ripened grain. In terms of chemical traits, protein, Mg, and K contents decreased in 2001 compared to 2000, but amylose content increased. Trough and final viscosity assessed with a Rapid Visco Analyser were significantly higher in 2001 than 2000. The results suggested that the palatability of cooked rice was good in that year with about 10% increase in rice yield compared to normal year due to daily temperature range and sunshine hours. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-299-6671, E-mail: leejsyr@korea.com -80-

PB-44 Phenotypic variation of Brachypodium M 2 population that is chronically irradiated by gamma-ray Oonha Shin, Sang Heon Kim, Man Bo Lee, Jae Yoon Kim, Dae Yeon Kim, Yong Jin Lee, Yong Weon Seo * Department of Biosystem Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Republic of Korea Mutant analysis is one of most optimized genome-wide approach towards acquiring utile phenotypes and defining related genes. Gamma-irradiation, an acknowledged way of mutant-generating method, was applied to gain sets of mutant line in Brachypodium distachyon. B. distachyon is a model plant, commonly used in genus of Gramineae for the research of structure genomics and functional genomics. B. distachyon contribute to rapid and easy analysis because of its small size and quick growth. Mutant population was generated by different doses of gamma-irradiation (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 Gy) in the gamma field phytotron. Distance from the source gives same irradiation duration for each plant. Plant growth parameters such as plant height, tiller number, leaf length & width, internode number & diameter, maturity and yield components (ear number biomass) were scored on M 0 plants. Plant responses to different doses of radiation are evaluated and the effective radiation dosages to generate mutant using gamma-phytotron are suggested. Chronic irradiation using gamma-phytotron is useful tool to generate mutants for genomic variations such as SNP or INDEL as well as suitable for functional study of genes in Gramineae. Acknowledgement: This research was supported by National Nuclear R&D Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. 2012M2A2A60-3566) *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-3290-3005, E-mail: seoag@korea.ac.kr PB-45 Selection of genotype with high methionine content in soybean Min-Whan Kim, Mi-Kyung Sung, Hyung-Jin Seo, Jong-Il Chung * Department of Agronomy, Gyeongsang National University, JinJu 660-701, Republic of Korea Soybean is an excellent source of protein for human and animal feed. But, nutritional quality is compromised by a low content of the sulfur amino acid, methionine. The purpose of this research is to screen the genotype with high methionine content. Forty genotypes including current cultivars, breeding lines, and germplasms were evaluated in the for two years. After harvest, random seeds of each genotypes were used to check methionine content by HPLC method. Methionine contents ranged from 1.9-5.0 (mg/g) for first year to 2.4-4.3 (mg/g) for second year. At first year, three genotypes [76F7-4(1), 86F8-2(1), and 70F7-1] had high content of methionine. At second year, three genotypes [Jinnon#1, daalkong, 86F8-2(1)] had high content of methionine. Genotype, 86F8-2(1) had high content of methionine at both years. Also, effect of environment on methionine content was observed. However, methionine content is a very different from genotypes. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-772-1872, E-mail: jongil@gnu.ac.kr -81-

PB-46 Selection of strains with high sucrose content in soybean Mi-Kyung Sung, Min-Whan Kim, Hyung-Jin Seo, Jong-Il Chung * Department of Agronomy, Gyeongsang National University, JinJu 660-701, Republic of Korea Sucrose, raffinose, and stachyose are major soluble sugars in soybean seeds. Sucrose is the major source of energy for fermentation and contributes to the sweetness of soybean foods. The soyfood and animal feed markets prefer soybean cultivars with high sucrose because they provide high levels of energy and better tasting food and feed. The objective of this study is to select soybean lines with high sucrose content. A total of 295 soybean genotypes including 13 current cultivars, 34 germplasms, and 248 breeding lines were planted at the field. After harvesting, sucrose contents for 295 genotypes were measured through HPLC method. Wide variation was detected among the 295 genotypes in sucrose content. The sucrose content ranged from 15.1 to 39.0 g. kg -1 in 13 current cultivars. The highest sucrose content was identified in Dayangkong (39.0 g. kg -1 ), whereas was lowest in Seomoktae (15.1 g. kg -1 ). The sucrose content ranged from 9.6 to 47.6 g. kg -1 in 34 germplasms. The sucrose content ranged from 0.9 to 46.4 g. kg -1 in 248 breeding lines. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-772-1872, E-mail: jongil@gnu.ac.kr PB-47 se/wx Double mutant 육종소재개발 이진석 1*, 김정태 1, 손범영 1, 백성범 1, 정건호 1, 김율호 1, 김선림 1, 권영업 1 1 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원전작과 찰옥수수, 단옥수수, 초당옥수수등은종실에전분이저장되는과정에서돌연변이가발생하여전분의구성에차이를일으키며이들의유전자들상호간에는상위성이존재한다. 배유의저장전분에관여하는유전자중에서 brittle1(bt1), brittle2(bt2), shrunken1(sh1), shrunken2(sh2), sugary1(su1), sugary2(su2), sugary enhancer(se) 들은전분합성을억제하고 amylose extender(ae), dull(du), floury(fl), opaque2(o2), waxy(wx) 들은배유내에전분의구성및구조등을변경한다. 전분합성을억제하는유전자들은전분의구성을변경하는유전자에상위성을가지며그들의작용을피복한다. 이들의사실을기초로본시험은단옥수수 (se) 유전자와찰옥수수 (wx) 유전자를함께가지는자식계통을만들어육종소재로활용하고자수행하였다. 2011 년에 se 유전자를가진자식계통과 wx 유전자를가진자식계통을상호교배하여 F 1 종자를만들고 2012 년이들을자식 (selfing) 시켰다. 멘델에유전법칙에따라유전자형은 Se_Wx_:Sesewxwx:seseWx_:sesewxwx 가 9:3:3:1 로분리되고표현형분리비는이들유전자간의상위성에따라일반옥수수, 단옥수수, 찰옥수수가 9:4:3 으로표현된다. 이들분리 1 세대 (S 1 ) 종자를 White light transilluminator (LCF-900-470V, Ultra Violet Products) 를이용하여찰옥수수의표현형을나타내는종자를골라 2013 년 4 월중순에파종하였다. 앞으로이들을자식 (selfing) 시켜분리 2 세대종자를수확하고단옥수수의형질을나타내는것을분리하면이들은찰옥수수 (wx) 와단옥수수 (se) 의유전자를동시에가지는 double mutant 일것으로사료되며분자마커및검정교배를통해유전자들을확인할수있을것으로생각된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-290-6759, E-mail: z9813139@korea.kr -82-

PB-48 The genetic architecture of heterostyly and homostyly in buckwheat: the influence of modifiers genes on the stability of self-incompatibility in buckwheat Soo-Jeong Kwon 1, Tea-Ho Kim 1, Hye-Rim Kim 1, Y. Yasui 3, K. Matsui 4, Kyung-Ho Ma 5, Keun-Yook Chung 2, Hong-Sig Kim 1, Young-Ho Yun 6, Chul-Ho Park 7 and Sun-Hee Woo 1* 1 Dept. of Crop Science and 2 Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju 361-763, Korea 3 Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Sakyou-ku, Kyoto, Japan 4 National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu Okinawa Region (NARO), Japan 5 National Agrobiodiversity Center, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, 88-20, Suwon, Korea 6 National Institute of Highland Agriculture, RDA, Pyeongchang 232-955, Korea 7 Dept. of Plant Biotechnology, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Korea Common buckwheat has the sporophytic self-incompatibility mechanism and that s why it has the ability to cross pollinate between two plants with different styles (thepin type and thrum type). The S supergene is thought to govern self-incompatibility, flower morphology and pollen size in buckwheat. Already, we have produced self-compatible buckwheat lines by an interspecific hybridization between Fagopyrum esculentum and F. homotropicum by embryo culture. The pollen size of F 1 plants produced by a cross between a pin type plant and the self-compatible plant was similar to that of the self-compatible lines and segregated together with flower morphology without exception. The pollen tubes of the self-compatible plants were compatible with styles of the pin plants but incompatible with the styles of thrum plants. But, the pollen tubes of thrum flowers were compatible with the styles of self-compatible plants. Also, the pollen tubes of pin flowers were incompatible with the styles of self-compatible plants. Already, from these results, we have reported a tentative genotype for heterostyle and homostyle flower types. Homomorphism was controlled by a single allele S h, while the pin/thrum-complex gene was governed by a single genetic locus S, with two alleles, S and s, which control Ss (thrum-type) as well as the ss (pin-type), respectively. Corresponding represents the case of a single locus S with three alleles, S h, S and s, and the phenotypes, homomorphic, pin and thrum. It can be characterized by relationship of dominance, S>S h >s. Using the two self-fertile lines, one is considered as the long-homostyle flowers and the other is considered as the short homostyle flowers. If the short-homostyle trait had arisen by recombination in the S supergene, its genotype would be considered to be GI s i p a/gi s i p a. The pollen tubes of the short-homostylous plant should be compatible with the styles of thrum plants. Also, the pollen tubes of short-homostylous plants should be incompatible with the style of long-homostylous plants, and the reciprocal cross also should be incompatible, because the genotype of long homostyle is gi s I p PA/gi s I p PA. Furthermore, the flower morphology of F1plants produced by the cross between cross and short homostyle flowers should be thrum or short homostyle and only short-homostylous plants should be produced by the cross between pin and short homostyle flowers. However, the compatibility or incompatibility of short homostyle flower was not clarified. So, we need to clarify the compatibility or incompatibility of the style of short homostyle flowers for the next step. Key words: Common buckwheat, homo style and heteromorphic flowers, self-incompatibility, modifiers gene Acknowledgements: This research work was supported by a grant (code: PJ0096912013) from the National Agrobiodiversity Center through Rural Development Administration (RDA), Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel, 042-261-2515, E-mail: shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr -83-

PB-49 The strategy and potential utilization of temperate germplasm for the improvement of tropical germplasm: genetic diversification program is a GEM (germplasm enhancement of maize) of a resource for(zea mays L.) growers in USA Sun-Hee Woo 1*, Tea-Young Oh 1, Hee-Young Jang 1, Jung-Hee Ko 1, Seong-Bum Baek 2, Young-Up Kwon 2, Matthew Krakowsky 5, Major Goodman 3, Peter J. Balint-Kurti 4, James B. Holland 5, Yoon-Sup So 1 1 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju, 361-763, Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon, 441-707, Korea 3 Department of Crop Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 27695-7620 USA 4 USDA-ARS Plant Science Research Unit/Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 27695-7616 USA 5 USDA-ARS Plant Science Research Unit/Department of Crop Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 27695-7620 USA In U.S.A. maize breeding, exotic germplasm is considered as high-risk and usually introduced by backcrossing specific traits into elite lines. The U.S.A. maize germplasm base is narrow. Only a few open-pollinated varieties are well represented in current programs. Currently, the barrier in using of exotic germplasm in the U.S.A is less formidable than in the 1980s. The major reason is that U.S.A materials are now used in tropical breeding to accelerate earlier maturity and lodging resistance. These exotic materials, developed with U.S.A germplasm, are being introduced back into the U.S.A.Since1994, the ARS-led Germplasm Enhancement of Maize (GEM) project has sought to help broaden the genetic base of America s corn crop by promising exotic germplasm and crossing it with domestic lines. New hybrids derived from such crosses have provided corn researchers and the producers. These may include improved or alternative native source of resistance to insect pests such as corn rootworms and diseases like northern leaf blight. GEM s aim is to provide source of useful genetic maize diversity to help the producers to reduce risks from new or evolving insect and disease threats or changes in the environment or respond to new marketing opportunities and demand. During the 2009 growing season, the Ames (Iowa) and Raleigh (North Carolina) locations managed or coordinated evaluations on 17,200 nursery plots as well as 14,000 yield trial plots in Ames and 12,000 in Raleigh. A new allelicdiversity study is devoted to exploring and capturing the genetic variation represented by over 300 exotic corn races. Since 2001, GEM has released 221 new corn lines to cooperators for further development into elite commercial new hybrids. GEM has already identified about 50%-tropical, 50%-temperate families tracing primarily to tropical hybrids that are competitive with commercial checks. In North Carolina State University program, they have examined the potential of tropical inbredand hybrids for U.S.A. breeding by crossing temperate-adapted, 100%-tropical lines to U.S.A hybrids. There should be favorably unique alleles or genomic regions in temperate germplasm that can be helpful in tropical maize improvement as well as utilization of tropical lines in temperate areas. Key words: Maize breeding, Tropical inbred, Germplasm, Incorporation. *Corresponding Author: Tel: 042-261-2515, E-mail: shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr -84-

PB-50 TILLING analysis using Brachypodium mutant induced by gamma irradiation Man Bo Lee, Dae Yeon Kim, Oon Ha Shin, Jin Seok Yoon, Sang Heon Kim, Woo Joo Jung, and Yong Weon Seo * Department of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Republic of Korea Brachypodium has been focused as new model plant for grass species. Like small size, small room requirement, and fast growth, Brachypodium shows numerous advantages as a model plant. Brachypodium is a typical grass at the genome level, which also exhibits an overall similarity of gene content and gene families when compared with rice (Oryza sativa) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genomes. Brachypodium is an excellent material for structural and functional genomic studies in grass species. Targeting-Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes (TILLING) is a high-throughput technique and an approach for reverse genetics study. Moreover, it has been wildly utilized to find induced mutation. Bradi3g45515 is orthologue of the cellulose synthase-like HvCslF8 in barley. For TILLING library construction, 384 M 2 Brachypodium mutants induced by chronic-gamma irradiation were used. Single nucleotide polymorphysm (SNP) and small deletion in Bradi3g45515 were searched through TILLING analysis. Template DNA for PCR reaction were prepared according to two dimensional pooling (eightfold) strategy. Heteroduplex DNA was digested by SURVEYOR nuclease (TRANSGENOMIC) and the DNA fragment was detected using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Positive signal appeared at polyacrylamide gel from more than 4 lines and their Bradi3g45515 region were sequenced. SNP(s) were identified in 509-2 and 677-3 mutant line. Cellulose content and/or cell wall materials content will be measured using these mutants. Acknowledgement: This research was supported by National Nuclear R&D Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. 2012M2A2A60-35566). *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-3290-3005, E-mail: seoag@korea.ac.kr PB-51 Variation of phosphatidylcholine component in soybean seed Mi-Kyung Sung, Min-Whan Kim, Hyung-Jin Seo, Jong-Il Chung * Department of Agronomy, Gyeongsang National University, JinJu 660-701, Republic of Korea Soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr] are an important source of nutrients including protein, oils and various useful secondary metabolites. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) component serves as a nerve cell membrane material and a choline supplier, so it may improve memory function in subjects suffering from memory impairment and dementia. Content of PC component in soybean seed may depend on genotype and environment. Genotype with high PC content is valuable in breeding project. Fifty-seven soybean genotypes were cultivated at first year. After harvesting, PC contents were analyzed. Content (mg/kg) of PC component was from 7.02 to 19.55. At second year, 111 genotypes including 57 genotype used at first year were cultivated. After harvesting, PC contents were analyzed. Content (mg/g) of PC component was from 0.061 to 12.324. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-772-1872, E-mail: jongil@gnu.ac.kr -85-

PB-52 Youhan, A new whole crop barley cultivar of hooded spike and spring early regenerative type Tae-Il Park 1*, Young-Jin Oh 1, Ouk-Kyu Han 2, Hyoung-Ho Park 1, Jong-Chul Park 1, Sang-Kyun Cho 1, Jae-Hwan Noh 1, Dae-Wook Kim 2, Tae-Hwa Song 1, Hyun Seok Chae 3, Jae-Hyun Jeung 4, Ki-Heung Hong 5, Jeong-Suk Bae 6, Jae-Young Huh 7, Jin Song 8, Yun-Woo Jang 1, Kee-Jong Kim 1 and Ki-Hun Park 1 1 Dept. Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA, Iksan 570-080, Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon 441-100, Korea 5 Subtropical Animal Experiment Station, NIAS, RDA, Jeju 690-159, Korea 4 Chungcheongbuk-do, Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheongwon 363-883, Korea 5 Chungcheongnam-do, Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Yesan 340-861, Korea 6 Gyeongsangbuk-do, Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Daegu 702-708, Korea 7 Gyeongsangnam-do, Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Jinju 660-985, Korea 8 Research Policy Bureau, RDA, Suwon 441-707, Korea Youhan (Hordeum vulgare L.), a new whole crop barley cultivar, was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2012. Youhan has the growth habit of III, light green and middle size leaf, hooded and lax-type spikes. The cultivar showed 107 cm of culm length, 641 spikes per m 2. Heading date of Youhan was May 1, one day later than that of check cultivar Yuyeon in upland, and 2 days earlier than that of check in paddy field. Maturing time was similar to check cultivar Yuyeon as June 4 in upland and May 31 in paddy field. Youhan also showed better winter hardiness, the resistance to lodging and disease than those of check cultivar. The average forage dry matter yield in the regional yield trial was about 12.6 and 12.0 ton ha -1 in upland and paddy field, respectively, which were 6%, 5% higher than that of the check. It also showed 7.3% of crude protein, 26.8% of ADF(Acid Detergent Fiber), 47.8% of NDF(Neutral Detergent Fiber), and 67.7% of TDN(Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher grade of silage quality for whole crop barley. Fall sowing cropping of Youhan is recommended only in areas where average daily minimum mean temperatures in January are higher than -8 C, and it should not be cultivated in mountain areas of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel: 063-840-2239, E-mail: parktl@korea.kr -86-

PC-01 고추탄저병저항성 QTL mapping을위한양친의 NGS re-sequencing을통한대량 SNP 탐색이준대 1, 도재왕 1, 윤재복 1* 1 경기도수원시권선구서둔동 ( 주 ) 고추와육종 고추탄저병은국내에서아주피해가심한병중의하나로본연구팀은십수년동안탄저병저항성에대해유전분석을수행하는동시에저항성품종육성에노력을기울여왔다. 이전에사용하였던탄저병저항성소재는 Capsicum baccatum 종의 PBC81 accession 이었는데, 이와가장교잡화합성이높았던 C. annuum 종의 SP21 계통을모친으로사용하여종간교잡을수행하였고, 이에대한 BC 1F 1 과 BC 1F 2 분리집단에서 QTL mapping 을수행하여두가지의탄저병 (Colletotrichum acutatum 과 C. capsici) 에대한각각의저항성주동 QTL 을탐색함과동시에연관된분자표지를개발하였다. 본연구에서는탄저병저항성소재로 PBC81 이아닌 PI594137 과 AR 을사용하여 NGS re-sequencing 을수행한후대량의 SNP 를탐색하고자하였다. PI594137 은 C. baccatum 종에속하며, PBC81 보다좀더 broad spectrum resistance 를보인다. AR 은 AVRDC 에서분양받은재료인데, C. chinense Jacq. PBC932 의열성저항성을 C. annuum 에도입한계통이다. 탄저병저항성 QTL mapping 은 Golden aji(c. baccatum, 탄저병이병성 ) 와 PI594137 의 F 2 분리집단과 SP211(C. annuum, 탄저병이병성 ) 과 AR 의 F 2 분리집단에서수행할계획이어서각각의양친사이 (Golden aji vs. PI594137 과 SP211 vs. AR) 에서 SNP 를탐색하였다. NGS re-sequencing 을통해읽혀진염기서열총길이는 PI594137 이 40.5Gbp, Golden aji 가 12.1Gbp, AR 이 12.8Gbp, SP211 이 11.5Gbp 였다. 이염기서열을사용하여생물정보학적분석 (( 주 ) 씨더스에의뢰 ) 을수행하였는데, PI594137 과 Golden aji 사이에서 333,816 개, AR 과 SP211 사이에서 1,218,595 개의 SNP 를최종적으로탐색할수있었다. 탐색된 SNP 는탄저병저항성 QTL mapping 분석에유용하게사용될수있을것이다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-296-5797, E-mail: yoonjb2@snu.ac.kr PC-02 기개발된식미관련분자표지의육종적활용가능성 서정필 1*, 조영찬 1, 이정희 1, 원용재 1, 김명기 1, 이점식 1, 안억근 1, 최임수 1, 김정곤 1 1 경기도수원시권선구수인로 151, 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 고품질벼품종육성과정에서고식미계통을저세대에서선발하는데는많은어려움이있다. 최근에는식미연관분자표지들이개발되고있는데, 본시험에서는이러한분자표지를자포니카간교잡계통에적용하여육종적활용가능성을검토고자, 자포니카 4 개조합에서육성된 F3 계통을관행선발과분자표지에의한선발 (MAS) 로나누어선발하였다. 분자표지는 G4 등 SNP 마커 13 개를분석하였고, 이들분자표지에의한식미회귀식값을구하여고식미계통을추정하여선발하였다. 관행선발에의한선발비율은 38%, MAS 에의한선발비율은 34% 였다. MAS 와관행선발을병행하여선발하였을때는 16% 의계통이선발되었다. 분자표지 13 개로교배모본들을군집분석한결과, 2 개군으로나누어지며, 1 군의교배모본들이식미회귀식값과밥의윤기치가 2 군보다높게나타났다. 분자표지분석에의한식미회귀식값은교배조합별모본들간에는상관관계가일정한경향을보이지는않았지만, 전체모본들에대해서는유의한상관관계가인정되었다. 본시험에사용된분자표지들은식미관련밥의윤기치가높은계통을선발할수있는확률이높을것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel. 033-455-2031, E-mail: suhjp@korea.kr -87-

PC-03 배추에서이원적전사유도시스템의확립 김수윤 1, 안율균 1, 우종규 1, 유희주 2, 김도선 1* 1 국립원예특작과학원채소과 2 가톨릭대생명과학과 전세계적으로채소종자시장의규모가커짐에따라종자시장보호를위한다양한전략이요구되고있다. 최근육종편의성을높이고우수한유전자원을보호하기위한분자생물학적인방법들이활발하게개발되고있다. 이원적전사유도시스템 (Binary trans-acitvation system) 은목적유전자의발현을유도하는프로모터가전사촉진인자를가지고있는배우체와의교배를통해서만활성화되는형질전환시스템이다. F 1 식물체에서선택적으로유전자의발현시킬수있는이시스템은모본과부본의교배를통해생산되는작물에서 F 1 선택적으로불임을유도는방법으로활용되어유전자원보호및육종편의성증대를위한재료로이용될수있다. 본실험에서는배추작물에서이시스템의이용가능성을신속하게검정하기위하여이원적전사촉진시스템카세트가각각도입된 T 0 형질전환체를교배하는방법을사용하였다. 이를위하여토양미생물 (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) 을이용하여전사유도카세트와활성화카세트를각각형질전환하여 T 0 형질전환체를생산한후유전자도입이확인된 T 0 형질전환체를모부본으로 F 1 을생산하였다. 또한모본과부본의교배조합능력을검정하기위하여두카세트가모본과부본, 또는부본과모본이되도록조합하여유전자발현및유전적안정성을 F 1 세대에서검정하였다. * 주저자 : Tel: 031-290-6192, E-mail: kimds@rda.go.kr PC-04 A genetic linkage map of rice using F 1 DH plants with SSR markers Gyu Ho Lee 1, Hyun Suk Lee 1, Min Gyu Kim 1, Seul Gi Park 1, Ye Jin Son 1, Jin Hee Kim 1, Jae Keun Sohn 1, Gihwan Yi 2, Kyung-Min Kim 1* 1 Division of plant Biosciences, School of Applied Biosciences, College of Agriculture & Life Science, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, 702-701, Korea. 2 Department of Farm Management, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Gunwi-gun, Gyeongbuk, 716-821, Korea. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping is a highly effective approach for studying genetically complex forms of plant shattering. With QTLs mapping, the shattering loci can be described. SSR marker is based on the imformation of Simple Sequence Repeat and easy to analyze using PCR and has high reproducibility. For analyzing QTLs associated with shattering, we selected 219 SSR markers from 254 SSR markers and used them for implementing Mapmaker(Ver. 3.0) and Mapchart(Ver. 2.2). Mapmaker help to calculate distances between each markers and Mapchart is a program for drawing Genetic map. This Genetic map of rice (Oryza sativa L.) covering 2082.4 cm with 9.5 cm between makers in the Kosambi function has been constructed using 120 F 1 DH plants from a single cross between the indica variety Chungchung and the japonica variety Nagdong. *Corresponding Author: 053-950-5710, E-mail: kkm@knu.ac.kr -88-

PC-05 A new carrot germplasm constructed by protoplast fusion Min Jung 1, Da-Hae Son 1, Ji-Young Hyun 1, Young-Woo Liu 2, Sih-Woo Lee 2, Chee-Hark Harn 1* 1 Biotechnology Institute, Nongwoo Bio Co. Yeoju, Gyeonggi, Korea 2 Breeding Institute, Nongwoo Bio Co. Yeoju, Gyeonggi, Korea The most important factor in breeding program is to obtain the value-added genetic line. Generally, breeders develop genetic sources using several methods such as segregation-breeding, cross-breeding, backcross-breeding, mutation induction, tissue culture and so on. Here, we present one classical way but very valuable method called cell fusion or protoplast fusion to create genetic sources for the breeding practice. The method we developed was the asymmetric somatic-hybridization of protoplast isolated from carrots. This is rather to transfer the nucleus from the high quality F1 hybrid to other mediocre line to produce a new carrot line. Since the breeding a carrot line for higher quality and purity takes a long time, therefore this nuclear transfer technology is very beneficial to generate a new line that could be useful to breed elite varieties. We had obtained around 200 fused carrots (cybrids), 12 cybrids were self pollinated and produced seeds. Selected progenies have been evaluated for horticultural characteristics and we have found new genetic lines that show better phenotypes. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-887-6540, E-mail: chharn@nongwoobio.co.kr PC-06 A potential link between mirna expression and fruit development June Hyun Park 1, Dong-Gyu Hwang 1, Jae Yun Lim 1, Donghyun Kim 1, Yourim Choi 1, Soyoung Kim 1, Gregory Reeves 2, Chanseok Shin 1,3* 1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-921, Republic of Korea, 2 Department of Plant and Environmental Science, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, 88003, USA, 3 Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-921, Republic of Korea MicroRNAs (mirnas) are a class of non-coding RNAs of approximately 21-nt which play important roles in regulating gene expression in plants. Although many mirna studies have focused on a few model plants, the mirnas and their target genes remain largely unknown in pepper, one of the most important crops cultivated worldwide. Here we employed high-throughput small RNA sequencing to extensively identify mirnas in pepper from 10 different libraries, including leaf, stem, root, flower, and six developmental stage fruits. Based on bioinformatics pipeline, we successfully identified 29 and 35 families of conserved and novel mirnas, respectively. We noticed that some mirnas, whose targets were validated experimentally in this study, exhibited prominent changes in expression levels during fruit development stages. From the qrt-pcr analysis of the target mrnas, including the SBP-transcription factor and F-box protein, we found that expression of these two target mrnas gradually decreased in general during fruit development and was negatively correlated with the expression of their corresponding mirnas. The validation of mirna-directed cleavage of these target mrnas, combined with the results of qrt-pcr analysis, likely suggests that some mirnas in pepper may play a role in fruit development. Conclusively, our study first utilizes high-throughput sequencing to identify and characterize conserved and novel mirnas and their targets in pepper, providing a basis for understanding the functional roles of mirnas in pepper. This work is supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No. PJ008206), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: cshin@snu.ac.kr -89-

PC-07 A simple, rapid, and high-throughput DNA extraction method for PCR analysis from rice plants Sung-Ryul Kim 1, Gynheung An 2, and Kshirod K Jena 1* 1 Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology Division, International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines. 2 Crop Biotech Institute & Department of Genetic Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 446-701, Republic of Korea Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is highly utilized for QTL analysis, positional cloning of valuable genes, and molecular breeding in crop science. Usually those experiments handle DNA samples of many genotypes (up to several thousands). However, many DNA extraction protocols require longer time using harmful chemicals such as chloroform, phenol, and liquid nitrogen. Here, we introduce a new DNA extraction method for PCR with agarose/page analysis from a diversity panel of rice genotypes identified with yield enhancing traits. This protocol consists of four steps including injection of extraction buffer (20 mm Tris-HCl ph9.5, 200 mm KCl, 2 mm EDTA) into the tubes containing leaf tissues and steel balls, and crushing tissues using Geno-Grinder without liquid nitrogen, sample incubation at 65 C, and then centrifugation for removing cell debris. After centrifugation the crude extracts directly used as template DNA for PCR. Through this protocol we could complete F 1 hybridity test from approximately 2,100 plants that come from 96 cross combinations with 13 SSR markers. In addition, we tested the DNA quality by PCR amplification of high GC-rich region and large target size (-2kb). From these results our DNA extraction method produces enough DNA quality for PCR and is suitable for large scale molecular analysis from rice plants. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: k.jena@irri.org -90-

PC-08 A variant block-based comparative genomics method for the detection of functional loci in soybeans Yul Ho Kim 1*, Tae-Young Hwang 1, Hyang Mi Park 1, Seuk Ki Lee 1, Man Soo Choi 1, Seung woo Hwang 2, Kwang Ho Jeong 1, Min Jung Seo 1, Hong Tai Yun 1, Sun Lim Kim 1, Young-Up Kwon 1, Ho-Sung Yoon 3, Suk-Ha Lee 4, JongBhak 5,6 and Sunghoon Lee 5,6 1 National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 441-857, Republic of Korea 2 Korean Bioinformation Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Biology, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Republic of Korea 4 Department of Plant Science and Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Republic of Korea 5 Theragen Bio Institute, TheragenEtex, Suwon 443-270, Republic of Korea 6 Personal Genomics Institute, Genome Research Foundation, 443-270, Suwon, Rep. of Korea Although much effort has been made to find agronomically important loci in the soybean plant, extensive linkage disequilibrium and genome duplication have limited efficient genome-wide linkage analyses that can identify important regulatory genes. In this respect, recombination block-based analysis of cultivated plant genomes is a potential critical step for molecular breeding and target locus screening. We propose a new three-step method of detecting recombination blocks and comparative genomics of bred cultivars. It utilizes typical reshuffling features of their genomes, which have been generated by the recombination processes of breeding ancestral genomes. To begin with, mutations were detected by comparing genomes to a reference genome. Next, sequence blocks were examined for likenesses and difference with respect to the reference genome. The boundaries between the blocks were taken as recombination sites. All recombination sites found in the cultivar set were used to split the genomes, and the resulting sequence fragments were named as core recombination blocks (CRBs). Finally, the genomes were compared at the CRB level, instead of at the sequence level. In the genomes of the five Korean soybean cultivars used, the CRB-based comparative genomics method produced long and distinct CRBs that are as large as 22.9 Mb. We also demonstrated efficiency in detecting functionally useful target loci by using indel markers, each of which represents a CRB. We further showed that the CRB method is generally applicable to both monocot and dicot crops, by analyzing publicly available genomes of 31 soybeans and 23 rice accessions. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-290-6751, E-mail: kimyuh77@korea.kr -91-

PC-09 An event of GM cabbage resistant to diamondback moth Bo-Min Kim 1, Jong-Sup Shin 2, Beom-Seok Park 3 and Soon-Chun Jeong 4, Chee-Hark Harn 1* 1 Biotechnology Institute, Nongwoo Bio Co., Yeoju, Gyeonggi, Korea 2 Breeding Institute, Nongwoo Bio Co., Yeoju, Gyeonggi, Korea 3 Brassica Genomics Team, NIAB of RDA, Suwon, Gyeonggi, Korea 4 Bio-Evaluation Center, KRIBB, Chungbuk, Korea Bt gene derived from the B. thuringiensis has been used for developing GM crops, and corn, cotton and soybean producing B. thuringiensis toxins have been on the market for last 16 years or so creating a huge GMO industry. One of the notorious pests in brassica crops is diamond backmoth (DBM). In order to protect the insect plague of crops from DBM, 4-5 billion dollars have been wasted annually for applying integrated measures in worldwide. Major prevention is use of pesticides that may build the contamination level of chemicals in the ground and this practice threats the environment and ecosystem. An alternative is to develop GM brassica crops and therefore we have developed GM cabbages resistant DBM using bt gene. Lots of T 0 cabbages were tested for resistance and independent GM cabbages resistant to DBM were selected. Molecular analysis was conducted to find GM cabbage to hold one copy transgene and intergenic insertion. We found two independent GM cabbages as an event and those have been self-crossed for two generation. Also we are working the development of GM cabbage with different vector that contains bar gene as a selection marker. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-883-7055, E-mail: chharn@nongwoobio.co.kr PC-10 Analysis of chemical changes after WBPH inoculation in the rice leaf Seul Gi Park, Sopheap Yun, Hyun-Suk Lee, Kyung-Min Kim * Division of Plant Biosciences, School of Applied BioSciences, College of Agriculture & Life Science, Kyungpook National University, >80 Daehak-ro, Buk-Gu, Daegu, 702-701, Korea This experiment conducted to identify the changes of the response when white-back planthopper (WBPH, Sogatella furcifera), were inoculated in 10 days rice leaves after germination. We confirmed the difference between inoculated and uninfected plants by in the different time period (1day, 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks after inoculation). Breeding rice and WBPH maintained at 26 28 with 60 % humidity. 3 leaves plants (TN1, Cheongcheong, and Nagdong) were inoculated with 2 3 instars WBPH. Harvested rice plant samples were completely dried in dark condition and then samples were completely immersed in a solution of methanol for 3 days under darkness. Dissolving in water and then de-fatted three times with hexane. 100 ppm samples were applied to HPLC, eluting with acetonitrile and 0.1 % acetic acid by C18 (5ph column Agilant) and detected at 254 nm. We confirmed the difference of peak using LC/MS/MS (API-2000). The results showed that three weeks from the day of inoculation was increased at the molecular weight 118.1, 264.2 and 364.2. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 053-950-5710, E-mail: kkm@knu.ac.kr -92-

PC-11 Analysis of transcriptome change in high level of VitE accumulating rice mutant induced by in vitro mutagenesis Jung Eun Hwang 1, Sun-Hee Kim 1, Kang-ie Lee 1, Sun-Goo Hwang 2, Jin-Baek Kim 1, Sang Hoon Kim 1, Bo-Keun Ha 1, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim 1* 1 Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup 580-185, Republic of Korea 2 Plant Genomics Lab, Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon Natl. University, Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea VitE (tocotrienols and tocopherols) are micronutrients with antioxidant properties synthesized by photosynthetic bacteria and plants that play important roles in animal and human nutrition. A new mutant line, T1001-1, was isolated from in vitro mutagenized population by ionizing radiation and shown to have increased VitE contents. The total VitE content was 26% increased in the T1001-1 mutant seeds compare with cv. Dongan (wild-type). In addition, we showed that the mutant confers retarded seedling growth during the early seedling growth stage in rice. To study the molecular mechanism of VitE biosynthesis, we used the rice microarray to identify genes that are upor down-regulated in T1001-1 mutant. In addition, we identified differentially regulated pathway using MapMan analysis, which provides deep insight into changes in transcript and metabolites. Our results enhanced the transcription of genes involved in starch and lipid metabolism in T1001-1 mutant. To identify the molecular mechanisms of the events involving transcription factors in tocopherol accumulation, we compared the expression patterns of transcription factors. The AP2-EREBP, WRKY, C2H2 transcription factor were up-regulated, whereas the MYB family was down-regulated in T1001-1 mutant. Our results demonstrate change of important transcript in high level of VitE accumulating rice mutant. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-570-3311, E-mail: bioplant@kaeri.re.kr -93-

PC-12 Arabidopsis fused kinase TWO-IN-ONE dominently inhibits male meiotic cytokinesis Sung Aeong Oh 1, David Twell 2, Soon Ki Park 1* 1 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Biology, University of Leicester, UK Arabidopsis Fused kinase TWO-IN-ONE (TIO) controls phragmoplast expansion and interacts with the Kinesin-12 subfamily proteins that anchor the plus ends of interdigitating microtubules (MTs) in the phragmoplast midzone. Previous analyses of loss-of-function mutants and RNA interference lines revealed that TIO positively controls both somatic and gametophytic cell cytokinesis, however, knowledge of the full spectrum of TIO functions during plant development remains incomplete. In order to further characterize TIO functions, we expressed TIO and a range of TIO variants under control of its own promoter in wild type Arabidopsis plants. We discovered that TIO-overexpressing transgenic lines produce enlarged pollen grains, arising from incomplete cytokinesis during male meiosis, and showed sporophytic abnormalities indicating polyploidy. These phenotypes arose independently in TIO variants that abolished either gametophytic function or the ability of TIO to interact with Kinesin-12 subfamily proteins. Interaction assays in yeast showed TIO to bind to AtNACK2/TETRASPORE and plants doubly homozygous for kinesin-12a and kinesin-12b knockout mutations to produce enlarged pollen grains. Our results show that TIO dominantly inhibits male meiotic cytokinesis in a dosage dependent manner that may involve direct binding to acomponent of the canonical NACK-PQR cytokinesis signaling pathway. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 053-950-7751, E-mail: psk@knu.ac.kr -94-

PC-13 Assessment of genetic diversity among Korean sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) resources using SSR markers JY Park 1, AR Kim 1, SY Yoo 1, JI Kim 2, TW Jung 2, SH Woo 3, HY Heo 4, TW Kim 1, and TS Ko 1* 1 Institute of Ecological Phytochemistry, School of Plant and Envrionmental Science, Hankyong National Univ., 167 Jungang-ro, Kyonggi-do, Korea 456-749 2 Rural Development Administration, National Institute of Crop Science, Dept. of Functional Crop, Miryang, Gyengnam, Korea 627-803 3 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National Univ., Cheong-ju, Korea 361-763 4 Dept. of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, Montana State Univ., Bozeman, MT 59717, USA Grain sorghum is the fifth most important crop grown in the world for either a major food crop or animal feed. It is important to identify the genetic diversity of sorghum genetic resources for cultivar development and evaluation of sorghum accessions in Korea. Two hundred thirty six SSR primer sets, which are evely distributed across the sorghum genome, were used to assess the genetic variation of 23 sorghum accessions with a US cultivar, BTx623. Results showed that SSR markers were highly polymorphic among the sorghum collections and the average alleles per locus were 3.15 with the average of 0.436 PIC (polymorphism information content) values. The sorghum accessions in this study were unequally separated and were clustered into 4 groups. The results showed that there was a sufficient SSR polymorphism with SSR primers used among Korean sorghum accessions, and the development of genetic map and marker-assisted selection for cultivated sorghum would be feasible with further studies. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 program (No. PJ009101), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea *Corresponding Author: E-mail: tsko@hknu.ac.kr -95-

PC-14 Association analysis of vitamin E and phytosterols content in dehulled rice Xiao-Qiang Wang 1, Sun-Kyung Min 1, Soon-Wook Kwon 2, Young-Sang Lee 3, Yong-Jin Park 1,4 * 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Yesan 340-702, Kongju National University, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Plant Bioscience, College of Natural Resources & Life Science, Milyang 627-706, Pusan National University, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Medical Biotechnology, Soonchunhyang University, Asan 336-745, Republic of Korea 4 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-702, Republic of Korea Vitamin E and phytosterols are both valuable nutrients that act as antioxidants in human bodies. Understanding the genetic basis of these traits is necessary for the improvement of nutritional quality by breeding. In this study, 119 rice accessions of diverse origin were genotyped using 232 SSR markers to identify marker trait associations with Vitamin E and phytosterols in rice. Analysis of population structure revealed four subgroups in the population. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns and distributions are of fundamental importance for genome-wide mapping associations. The mean r2 value for all intra-chromosomal loci pairs was 0.3361. LD between linked markers decreased with distance. Marker trait associations were investigated using the unified mixed-model approach, considering both population structure (Q) and kinship (K). In total, 81 marker trait associations were identified using 232 different SSR markers covering 12 chromosomes. The results suggest that association mapping in rice is a viable alternative to quantitative trait loci mapping. The results from this association mapping study will be the basis for improving rice nutritional quality. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 041-330-1213, E-mail: yjpark@kongju.ac.kr -96-

PC-15 At least nine independent natural mutations of the DFR-A gene are responsible for appearance of yellow onions (Allium cepa L.) from red progenitors Sook Yi Song 1, Sunggil Kim 1*, Haejeen Bang 2, Cheol-Woo Kim 3, Jin Seong Moon 4, Bhimanagouda S. Patil 2 1 Department of Plant Biotechnology, Biotechnology Research Institute, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 500-757, Korea 2 Department of Horticultural Sciences, Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77845 3 Bioenergy Crop Research Center, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Muan, 534-833, Korea 4 Onion Research Institute, Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Changnyeong 635-821, Korea Inactivation of the gene (DFR-A) coding for dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) involved in the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway results in a yellow bulb color in onion (Allium cepa L.) and three inactive alleles have previously been identified in onion. Additionally, three active and six inactive DFR-A alleles were newly identified from extensive analyses of diverse onion germplasm. Presently, a yellow mutant containing a 171-bp deletion in the promoter region was identified and designated DFR-A PD. Critically reduced transcription of this mutant allele and perfect co-segregation with color phenotypes in segregating populations were observed. Another yellow mutant (DFR-A 5 DEL ) containing a 518-bp deletion covering exons 1 and 2, which played important roles in DFR function, was identified. Meanwhile, both 2-bp and 4-bp insertions in the coding region leading to creation of pre-mature stop codons were also identified and designated DFR-A GT and DFR-A 2AT, respectively. A 1-bp substitution mutation (DFR-A K48N ) changing a positively charged lysine residue into a neutral asparagine was identified. This lysine residue, a NADPH binding site, was strictly conserved in other species. In addition, insertion of a leucine residue around substrate binding sites and catalytic triad was identified in several yellow accessions and was designated DFR-A TTA. Phylogenetic analysis of DFR-A alleles showed that all inactive alleles were independently derived from four different active alleles. In addition, the close relatedness and diversity of DFR-A mutants implied that all these mutations might have occurred after domestication of onions and had probably been maintained by artificial selection. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 062-530-2061, E-mail: dronion@jnu.ac.kr -97-

PC-16 Caffeine synthesis by exogenous methyltransferase genes in rice confers a broad-spectrum resistance against biotic stresses Youngchul Yoo 1, Jong Chan Park 1, Joo-Mi Yoon 1, Hyemin Lim 2, Gang-Seob Lee 2, Sang-Won Lee 1* 1 Department of Plant Molecular Systems Biotechnology & Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 446-701, Korea 2 Genomics Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon, Korea Plants have evolved a set of protecting mechanisms against pathogens, which include secondary metabolites and induced defense responses to pathogen attack. The biological role of purine alkaloids including caffeine is largely unknown. It has been proposed that caffeine confers a resistance against pathogenic bacteria and herbivores. We, in this study, tested direct effects on the growth of rice pathogenic microbes, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) causing a bacterial leaf blight and Magnaporthe grisea (M. grisea) causing a rice blast. Cell growth of Xoo and M. grisea were significantly retarded in presence of high concentration (2mM) of caffeine. Exogenous caffeine (5mM) induced resistance of wild type rice (cv. Dongjin, susceptible to Xoo and M. grisea) against those pathogens. These results indicated that caffeine enhanced the basal resistance to infection with Xoo. In addition, expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes was tested in the caffeine treated rice to elucidate the acquired resistance by caffeine, resulted in induction of PR genes including OsPR1a and OsPrb1. We have generated a transgenic rice producing caffeine by introduction of three N- methyltransferase genes (CaXMT1, CaMXMT1, CaDXMT1) identified from coffee plant. The transgenic rice successfully expressed the three genes, synthesized caffeine up to 5ug/g and showed enhanced resistance to Xoo. We also observed that transcripts of PR genes such as the OsPR1a and OsPrb1 encoding PR-1 type pathogenesis-related protein increased in the caffeine-producing rice. These result showed that caffeine is likely to act a powerful factor to increase level of rice defense as a natural and non-harmful metabolite. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-201-3473, E-mail: swlee6803@khu.ac.kr -98-

PC-17 Characterization and genetic mapping of the early senescence mutant in rice Dongryung Lee 1, Backki Kim 1, Hee-Jong Koh * 1 Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-741, Republic of Korea The early senescence mutant was isolated from the japonica rice Koshihikari through Ethyl-methane-sulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis. The early senescence phenotype was controlled by a single recessive gene, tentatively symbolized as es-k. Using an F 2 population derived from a cross between the mutant and Milyang23 and molecular markers, we mapped the es-k locus to the long arm of chromosome 7 between STS markers 147-1 and 147-2 with a physical distance of 66-kb. The symptom of early senescence appeared even before heading, while appeared during ripening in wild-type. Physiological characteristics of the es-k mutant before initiation of senescence was similar to the wild-type. However, after heading, es-k mutants started to exhibit a significant decrease in chlorophyll and soluble protein content compared to the wild-type. The wild-type leaf color appeared normal irrespective of temperature treatment, while the leaf of es-k mutant appeared pale-green at the low temperature and dark-green at the high temperature. During dark-induced senescence, mutant did not show significant differences compared to normal type. The results show that es-k is sensitive to temperature but not to light. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4541, E-mail: heejkoh@snu.ac.kr PC-18 Comparison of isoflavones in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) germplasms by different origins Ill-Min Chung *, Eun-Hye Kim, Ju-Jin Lim, Bo-Ra Yu, Ye-Seul Yang, Jae Yeon Yoon, Joo-Hyun Lee, Seung-Hyun Kim Department of Applied Bio Science, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Republic of Korea Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] is one of the world s most major crops as not only an important source of oil and protein, but also secondary metabolites. Intake of soybean is associated with decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, as well as cancer, including breast and colon cancers. Seventy soybeans germplasms collected from 4 different countries, America (6 varieties), China (15 varieties), Japan (16 varieties), and Korea (33 varieties), were distributed by Chungbuk National University (Cheongju, Chungbuk, Korea) and cultivated in Konkuk University farm. This study investigated the isoflavones in seventy soybeans according to 4 different origins (America, China, Japan and Korea). Between 4 different origins, Korea showed highest concentrations of total isoflavones (1292.6 ± 438.6 μg g -1 ) and China showed the lowest concentrations of total isoflavones (843.8 ± 365.7 μg g -1 ). The total isoflavone contents in soybean of America and China ranged from 572.3 μg g -1 to 2001.9 μg g -1 and from 275.8 μg g -1 to 1521.8 μg g -1, respectively. And the isoflavone contents of Japan and Korea ranged from 473.3 μg g -1 to 2314.6 μg g -1 and from 419.0 μg g -1 to 3010.7 μg g -1, respectively. Malonylgenistin (356.9 ± 158.8 μg g -1 ) was the major isoflavones among 12 isoflavones. Specially, glycoside and malonylglycosides constituted 49.2 % and 45.3 % of total isoflavones in soybeans, respectively. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-450-3730, E-mail: imcim@konkuk.ac.kr -99-

PC-19 Construction of a microsatellite database for fingerprinting analysis of soybean (Glycine max) Varieties in Korea Yong-Sham Kwon 1*, Jee-Hwa Hong 1, and Keun-Jin Choi 1 1 Variety Testing Division, Korea Seed & Variety Service, MIFRA, Suwon 443-400, Korea Microsatellites are one of the most suitable markers for variety identification as it has great discrimination power for varieties with narrow genetic variation. The polymorphism level between forty microsatellite primer pairs and 148 soybean varieties was investigated through fluorescence based automatic detection system. A set of 16 primer pairs showed highly reproducible and polymorphic in these varieties. A total of 204 alleles were detected by using 16 microsatellite markers. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 6 to 28 with an average of 12.75 alleles per locus. The average polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.86 ranging from 0.75 to 0.95. Two hundred four microsatellite loci were used to calculate Jaccard s distance coefficients for unweighted pair group method using the arithmetic averages cluster analysis. These varieties were separated into several distinctive groups corresponding to varietal types. All of the varieties were perfectively discriminated by markers genotypes. This information may be useful to compare through genetic relationship analysis between existing and candidate varieties in distinctive tests and protection of plant breeders intellectual properties rights through variety identification. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-8008-0220, E-mail: yskwon3@korea.kr PC-20 Construction of composite comparative genetic maps for ten legume species Dongwoon Yu 3, Chaeyoung Lee 1, Daejin Hyung 2, Jinhyun Kim 1, Yejin Jo 3, Jusuk Park 3, Eunji Kwon 3, and Hongkyu Choi 3* 1 Department of Medical Bioscience, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Computer Science, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea The legume family is the third largest group, including approximately 650 genera and 18,000 species, in the flowering plants and the second important crops to the Poaceae in the agricultural economy. Comparative analysis is a useful tool to understand cross-species genomic structure and alterations during organism s evolutionary history. In this study, we constructed a composite comparative map of ten legume species, including Medicago truncatula, Medicago sativa, Lens culinaris, Pisum sativum, Lotus japonicus, Cicer arietinum, Vicia faba L, Vigna radiata, Phaseolus vulgaris and Glycine max. Of these species, M. truncatula, which is a representative model system, played a central role to develop the cross-genome amplifiable PCR gene markers for the purpose of transferring them to other related legume species. A total of 108 cross-species core markers were employed to analyze genomic colinearity across this broad array of legume species. The comparative map demonstrates a diverse array of evolutionary events, such as duplications, inversions and reciprocal translocations. It is anticipated that resulting maps would provide a broader insights into the lineage-specific genomic organization of these glalegoid/phaseoloid legumes, which are two clades containing almost all crop legumes of economic importance, and can further used for the molecular breeding through translating genomic information into other orphan legumes. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7508, E-mail: hkchoi@dau.ac.kr - 100 -

PC-21 Cross-species translation of abiotic stress-responsive genes between Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula. Chaeyoung Lee 1, Daejin Hyung 2, Jinhyun Kim 1, Dongwoon Yu 3, Yejin Jo 3, Jusuk Park 3, Eunji Kwon 3, and Hongkyu Choi 3* 1 Department of Medical Bioscience, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Computer Science, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea Cross-species translation of genomic information may play a crucial role in applying biological knowledge gained from one species to other genomes. To screen and identify a broad range of abiotic stress-responsive genes, we employed a diverse array of resources, including Arabidopsis databases (http://www.arabidopsis.org), expression profiling data and previously reported literatures. As a result, a total of 1,377 genes were identified and classified into 18 different functional criteria based on biological processes of gene ontology. The gene set was translated into M. truncatula, which is a representative model system in the Fabaceae, by identifying orthologous genes between these two genomes with a combination of tblastx and BlastP analyses. It is shown that approximately 82% of genes were estimated to be translated between the two genomes below the E-value of 10-30. These orthologous loci were used to construct comparative maps by developing a user-friendly analysis platform, resulting in a total of 52 synteny blocks. Furthermore, to discover central genes by which control responses to the abiotic stresses, a combination of AraNet (http://www.functionanet.org) and the Cytoscape program was used for the gene network analysis. The analysis resulted in the identification of 240 potential key genes. We anticipate that these genes may impact molecular breeding programs by discovering trait-associated SNPs followed by marker development. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7508, E-mail: hkchoi@dau.ac.kr - 101 -

PC-22 Detection of copy number variations using array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis in rice responding to different types of ionizing radiations Sun-Hee Kim, Jung Eun Hwang, Kang-Ie Lee, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Bo-Keun Ha, Joon-Woo Ahn, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim * Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 1266 Sinjeong, Jeongeup, Jeonbuk 580-185, Korea Copy number variations (CNVs) are considered major sources of genetic variation, and CNVs may influence phenotypic variation and gene expression. To detect CNVs, rice seeds were exposed with 100~400 Gy of gamma-ray (GA, 60 Co), cosmic-ray (CR) by Russia ISS, and 30 and 40 Gy of ion beam (IB, 220 Mev carbon ion). After the exposed rice seeds were cultured in 1/2 MS medium for 14 days, they were used for array-based Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis using Agilent s RICE CGH array. As a results, the highest number of CNVs (Gain 808 and Loss 24,080) were detected in the CR treatment, whereas GA100 (100 Gy of GA) was identified the least CNVs. Compared individual chromosome, the chromosome 8 and 11 were identified the highest CNVs, the chromosome 3 had the least CNVs. Most of identified CNVs existed in the range of 10~500kb. In particular, the same CNV locations among different types of ionizing radiation were observed in chromosome 12, and these CNVs contained the commonly 5 amplified genes, containing retrotransposon protein, NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3, heavy metal transport/detoxification protein domain containing protein, and 2 unknown proteins. Other studies were reported that Ty1 (Long Terminal Repeat-retrotransposon family 1) transcription and retrotransposition were induced by different environmental stresses such as ionizing radiation, UV-light exposure, DNA damage and nutrient starvation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our results also show that retrotransposon protein (LOC_Os12g34016) was specifically amplified by different types of ionizing radiation. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-570-3311, E-mail: bioplant@kaeri.re.kr PC-23 Development of antifungal transgenic plant by using host induced gene silencing Byung-Jun Jin, Hyun-Jin Chun, Min-Chul Kim * Division of Applied Life Science, Research Institute of Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Korea Small RNAs including micrornas (mirnas) and small interfering RNAs (sirnas) play crucial roles in post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) in eukaryotes. Small RNAs function cell-autonomously as well as non-cell-autonomously. It has been well characterized that pathogenic fungi secrete some effector molecules, which facilitate their infection into plants. However, it is not clear whether molecules in plant cells are able to move into fungal cells during infection. To test if small RNAs generated from plant cells can also move to fungal cells during infection, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis and rice plants ectopically expressing either double-stranded RNA interference (dsrnai) or artificial mirna (amirna) constructs targeting GFP gene. And then these transgenic plants were inoculated with transgenic rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, expressing GFP transgene. Here, we showed that ectopic expression of both dsrnai and amirna targeting GFP gene in transgenic plants significantly suppressed GFP expression in rice blast fungi inoculated, indicating that small RNA molecules generated in plant cells can move into infected fungal cells and efficiently degrade fungal GFP transcripts. Our results would provide a new small RNA-based strategy for the development of resistant crops against fungal pathogens. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-772-1874, E-mail: mckim@gnu.ac.kr - 102 -

PC-24 Development of interactive comparative analysis platform for translation of genomic information across different plant species Daejin Hyung 2, Chaeyoung Lee 1, Jinhyun Kim 1, Dongwoon Yu 3, Yejin Jo 3, Jusuk Park 3, Eunji Kwon 3, and Hongkyu Choi 3* 1 Department of Medical Bioscience, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Computer Science, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea Comparative analysis is a typically useful tool for translating genomic information from one species to another. However, currently available softwares are relatively difficult to directly use for researchers that are not familiar with use of bioinformatic tools. Therefore, we intended to develop a new platforms and/or interface through which one can use in more comfortable way, based on the concept of interactive comparative analysis. Towards this direction, we, firstly, constructed relational database to store the information on abiotic stress genes identified from multiple plant species using various resources, such as the TAIR (http://www.arabidopsis.org), gene expression profiles and relevant literatures, and linked with comparative analysis interface. For purposes of comparative analysis and identification of synteny blocks, cross-species orthologous genes were determined using a combination of tblastx and BlastP homology searches. We adapted and developed a Circos-like format to present resulting comparative maps. Users can readily choose analysis parameters, for example individual genes and specific chromosomes for chosen species, in the pane of analysis DB, which is useful feature to avoid complexity of comparative genomic analysis. This DB-associated comparative analysis tool, developed in this study, will be able to provide customer-friendly interface for comparative analysis and extend its utility across a broader range of plant genomes. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7508, E-mail: hkchoi@dau.ac.kr - 103 -

PC-25 Development of marker-free transgenic rice expressing wheat storage protein, Glu-Dx5 Soo-Kwon Park, Woon-Ha Hwang, DongJin Shin, Ji-Yoon Lee, Jun-Hyeun Cho, Myung-Hee Kim, Min-Hee Nam and Dong-Soo Park * Department of Functional Crop, NICS, Miryang, 627-803, Korea Development of transgenic plant increasing crop yield or disease resistance is good way to solve the world food shortage. However, the persistence of marker genes in crops leads to serious public concerns about the safety of transgenic crops. In the present study, we developed marker-free transgenic rice inserted high molecular-weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) gene (Dx5) from the Korean wheat cultivar Jokyeong using Agrobacterium-mediated co-transformation method. The Dx5 s own promoter was used for protein expression. Two expression cassettes comprised of separate DNA fragments containing only the Dx5 and hygromycin resistance (HPTII) genes were introduced separately into Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 strain for co-infection. Each EHA105 strain harboring Dx5 or HPTII was infected into rice calli at a 3: 1 ratio of EHA105 with Dx5 gene and EHA105 with HPTII gene expressing cassette. Then, among 270 hygromycin-resistant transformants, we obtained 27 transgenic lines inserted with both the Dx5 and HPTII genes into the rice genome. We reconfirmed integration of the Dx5 gene into the rice genome by Southern blot analysis. Wheat Dx5 transcripts in T 1 rice seeds were examined with semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Protein expression of the Dx5 was analyzed with Western blot using polyclonal antibody recognising x-type of glutenin subunits in T 1 seeds. It was suggested that the protein-processing system was conserved between rice and wheat. Finally, the marker-free plants containing only the Dx5 gene were successfully screened at the T 1 generation. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-350-1184, E-mail: parkds9709@korea.kr PC-26 Development of new markers to genotype the functional insertion of badh2, a gene responsible for fragrance in aromatic rice Qiang He 1, Jae-Wan Park 1, Yoo-Hyun Cho 1, Soon-Wook Kwon 2, Young-Sang Lee 3, Yong-Jin Park 1,4* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Yesan 340-702, Kongju National University, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Plant Bioscience, College of Natural Resources & Life Science, Milyang 627-706, Pusan National University, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Medical Biotechnology, Soonchunhyang University, Asan 336-745, Republic of Korea 4 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-702, Republic of Korea Aroma development in rice has been reported due to the lack of function of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (badh2) on rice chromosome 8. A lot of functional markers have been designed based on the InDels, such as 7bp deletion in exon 2, 803bp deletion in exon 4 and 5, 8bp deletion in exon 7, and 3bp insertion in exon 13. Although there were a lot of functional SNPs, other InDels have not been detected by a PCR-based marker. Here we developed a simple, co-dominant, functional cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker for fragrance trait based on 1bp insertion in exon 14. The developed marker showed a high efficiency in discriminating that special aromatic rice variety, and displayed perfect co-segregation with the trait of fragrance in the F2 population. This new marker developed in the present study would be useful in molecular breeding of fragrant rice varieties. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 041-330-1213, E-mail: yjpark@kongju.ac.kr - 104 -

PC-27 Development of rice molecular breeding platform based on DMB(Dense Mutation Block) and construction of rice NAM(Nested Association Mapping) populations Hyang Mi Park 1*, Yul Ho Kim 1, Yong Jae Won 1, Eok Keun Ahn 1, Young Jun Mo 1, Kyoung Ho Kang 1, Ji Ung Jeung 1 1 National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 441-857, Republic of Korea NGS costs are decreasing rapidly, and beneficial application of the technology to plant genomics seems inevitable. Trying to interpret the agriculturally important traits like yield is actively in progress all across the globe. However, the current stage of bio-informatic technology as applied to the interpretation of agricultural trait appears not yet at a level of maturity to justify widespread plant genome sequencing for user-friendly molecular breeding. It is necessary to construct dense mutation block (DMB) based molecular breeding system for selecting plants with optimal agricultural performance; as well as for identifying useful quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Firstly, we screened and selected DMBs-specific INDEL markers obtained from SNV density profiles using 42 genome sequences of Korean cultivar and public sequences of 24 japonica rice cultivars. Secondly, we analyzed the genetic similarity between 288 Korean cultivars using 113 DMB-specific INDEL markers, which could differentiate on agarose gel by PCR. And we are going to integrate 360 INDEL markers up to 30 per each chromosome. Finally, we selected 40 founder lines considering the importance of the breeding, the purpose of use, and plant ecotype. To construct rice nested association mapping population we crossed each founder lines with the pollen of Hwayoungbyeo which was most commonly used in korean rice breeding program. F 2 seed multiplication and generation iteration are ongoing. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-290-6725, E-mail: parkhm2002@korea.kr - 105 -

PC-28 Development of sequence characterized amplified region markers for cultivar identification in persimmon Kang Hee Cho 1*, Kwang-Sik Cho 2, Jeom Hwa Han 1, Hyun Ran Kim 1, Il Sheob Shin 1, Se Hee Kim 1, Jae An Chun 1, and Hae-Sung Hwang 1 1 Fruit Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, Suwon 440-706, Republic of Korea 2 Pear Experiment Station, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, Naju 523-820, Republic of Korea The precise, fast, and cost-effective identification of important fruit crop cultivars is essential for practical breeding and plant breeder s rights. Traditional methods for identification of persimmon cultivars are based on the evaluation of sets of morphological characteristics. However, the identification using only morphological traits is difficult to distinguish among genetically closely related cultivars. This study was conducted to develop more reliable DNA markers for identification of the 32 persimmon cultivars in Korea and Japan. In total, 309 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were identified using 40 different random primers. The 4 (OPP-08) to 14 (UBD159) polymorphic bands were detected with an average of 7.7. The resulting 57 RAPD fragments were selected, and their sequences were determined for developing sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. As a result, 15 of 57 RAPD fragments were successfully converted to SCAR markers. A single polymorphic band of the same size as the RAPD fragments or smaller DNA fragments were amplified depending on primer combinations in the 15 SCAR markers. Among these markers, a combination of eight SCAR markers (PS225_200, PSN05_420, PSF13_523, PSN11_540, PS372_567, PS485_569, PSP08_635, and PS631_735) provided sufficient polymorphisms to identify 32 persimmon cultivars depending on number and size of amplicons. These newly developed markers will be useful as a fast and reliable tool to identify persimmon cultivars. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-240-3676, E-mail: khc7027@korea.kr - 106 -

PC-29 Differential gene expression in Korean soybean under heat stress condition. Kitae Song 1, Gun-Ho Jung 2, Sun Lim Kim 2, Young-Up Kwon 2, Byung-Moo Lee 1* 1 Department of Life Science, Dongguk University, Seoul, 100-715, South Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon 441-857, South Korea. Soybean is an important crop with useful traits such as the high seed protein and oil contents. Soybean reproduction is sensitive to temperature over 35. To obtain database of gene expression profiles, we used soybean cultivars, sensitive and tolerant. RNA sequencing was performed to find differentially expressed genes in two Korean soybean cultivars under heat stress condition. The transcriptomic changes in each cultivar under heat stress. We found 2727 common transcripts in two soybean cultivars under heat stress, and selected 20 transcripts to heat stress response genes. The 20 selected genes were analysed using BLAST2GO and PLANEX. The genes were major factor in co-expression networks. It appears that these 20 genes were mainly attributable to heat stress. Acknowledgment: This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ907047032013) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-2260-3307, E-mail: bmlee@dongguk.edu PC-30 Ectopic expression of mungbean ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 enhances resistance to osmotic stress in Arabidopsis Eunsook Chung, Chang-Woo Cho, Hyun-A So, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Selvam Ayarpadikannan, Kenneth Ryan Schraufnagle, Ji Hae Park, Se Hyun Park, Jai-Heon Lee * BK21 Center for Silver-Bio Industrialization, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-A University, Busan 604-714, Republic of Korea The ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 (UBC E2) mediates selective ubiquitination, acting with E1 and E3 enzymes to designate specific proteins for subsequent degradation. In the present study, we characterized the function of the mung bean VrUBC1 gene (Vigna radiata UBC 1). RNA gel-blot analysis showed that VrUBC1 mrna expression was induced by either dehydration, high salinity or by the exogenous abscisic acid (ABA), but not by low temperature or wounding. Biochemical studies of VrUBC1 recombinant protein and complementation of yeast ubc4/5 by VrUBC1 revealed that VrUBC1 encodes a functional UBC E2. To understand the function of this gene in development and plant responses to osmotic stresses, we overexpressed VrUBC1 in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). The VrUBC1-overexpressing plants displayed highly sensitive responses to ABA and osmotic stress during germination, enhanced ABA- or salt-induced stomatal closing, and increased drought stress tolerance. The expression levels of a number of key ABA signaling genes were increased in VrUBC1-overexpressing plants compared to the wild-type plants. Yeast two-hybrid and bimolecular fluorescence complementation demonstrated that VrUBC1 interacts with AtVBP1 (A. thaliana VrUBC1 Binding Partner 1), a C3HC4-type RING E3 ligase. Overall, these results demonstrate that VrUBC1 plays a positive role in osmotic stress tolerance through transcriptional regulation of ABA-related genes and possibly through interaction with a novel RING E3 ligase. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7592, E-mail: jhnlee@dau.ac.kr - 107 -

PC-31 Effects of plant growth regulator combination on embryo formation for haploid production in wheat Young-jin Kim *, Kyeong-hoon Kim, Hag-sin Kim, Jong-nae Hyun, Jae-hwan Roh, Kee-jong Kim, Kwang-geun Park and Ki-hun Park Winter Cereal and Forage Crop Research Div., National Institute of Crop Science, RDA Doubled haploid system is a very effective tool which has been widely applied in wheat breeding programmes. Wide-hybridization, wheat X maize cross, is used for the production of wheat doubled haploids (DH). The introduction of doubled haploid (DH) approach into breeding programs has reduced the times and population sizes required for the production of pure lines. We carried out the experiment for development on effective method of producing haploid in wheat. Emasculated spikelets of wheat were pollinated with maize pollen and cultured in the solution containing 40 g/l sucrose and 2,4-D, ABA and GA 3 24 h after pollination, and then incubated until embryo rescue. twelve to fourteen days after pollination, the embryos are excised and cultured in half-strength MS basal medium supplemented with 20 g/l sucrose and 1 mg /l NAA. The type of plant growth regulators was found to be most significant in production of haploid plants. The application of synthetic auxins to pollinated florets, stimulates haploid embryo development to a stage where the embryos can be rescued onto nutrient media. The percentage of embryos formed was significantly affected by 100 mg /l 2,4-D plus 50 mg /l BAP and 100 mg /l 2,4-D plus 50 mg /l GA 3. There was varied efficiency in embryo formation from 5.7 to 53%. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-840-2237, E-mail: yjikim@rda.go.kr PC-32 Evidence of genome duplication through analysis of EST-SSR in Panax ginseg C.A. Meyer Nam-Hoon Kim, Hong-Il Choi, Kyung Hee Kim, Woojong Jang, and Tae-Jin Yang * Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, 151-921, Korea Genome duplication is an abundance phenomenon and in plant kingdom and consequently formed paralogous region. Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) has a possibility of tetraploid by comparing chromosome numbers of relative species. During development of EST-SSR markers in Korean ginseng, most of primer sets have produced multiple bands in gel electrophoresis. In this study, for identifying origin of multiple bands, five EST-SSR markers showing multi-band were selected and two bands around expected size were sequenced. Sequence comparison classified the multiple bands into individual loci. Two bands can be identified by SNP or InDel variation with number of SSR units. Sequencing result represented that paralogous loci with high similarity were existence caused by recent duplication. One clear band were amplified with newly designed locus specific primer picked from SNP variation. SNP and InDel polymorphism between paralgous loci were useful for identifying each locus. This study will provide better understanding of ginseng genome and will be helpful for development of DNA markers. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4557, E-mail: tjyang@snu.ac.kr - 108 -

PC-33 Expression analysis for selected transcripts during reproductive stage in several rice varieties subjected to heat stress Sunghan Kim 1, Youn Young Lee 1, Chan Mi Lee 1 and Hee-Jong Koh 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Recent global warming and climate change has presented greater challenge to the global agriculture of having to cope with more severe adversaries from various abiotic stress conditions including drought, cold, and heat. As a preliminary step towards developing a heat-tolerant japonica rice variety through molecular breeding, we examined and compared expression of several genes that have been reported being expressed specifically during rice panicle development in different rice varieties after subjecting them heat stress. Although the induction of these transcripts upon heat treatment was invariably observed in all rice varieties tested, the magnitude and kinetics of the induction were found to be different among these varieties, suggesting possible functional implication of these genes in conferring heat tolerant phenotype during reproductive organ development of these plants. General protein synthesis activity as well as pollen viability incurred by the heat stress treatment were also monitored in these plants and the result showed a close correlation overall with the induction dynamic of these transcripts under heat stress. Therefore, these genes, together with the ones involved in the regulatory network for the expression of them, could serve as candidates for useful markers with which molecular breeding of heat tolerant japonica rice can be facilitated. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No.PJ009076), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4541, E-mail: heejkoh@snu.ac.kr - 109 -

PC-34 Expression and characterization of the major ampullate slik protein gene from the spider Araneus ventricosus in transgenic rice. Won-Tae Yang 1, Doh-Hoon Kim 1* 1 Department of Genetic engineering, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-a University, Busan 604-714, Republic of Korea In this study, we generated and characterized the transgenic rice plant expressing a spider silk protein. A cdna coding for the C-terminus of spider silk protein (AvMaSp) was cloned from the spider Araneus ventricosus. Analysis of the cdna sequence shows that the C-terminus of AvMaSp consists of 165 amino acids of are petitive region and 99 amino acids of a C-terminalnon-repetitive region. The peptide motifs found in spider silk proteins, GGX and A n, were conserved in the repetitive region of AvDrag. The AvMaSp cdna was expressed as a 28kDa polypeptide in baculovirus-infected insect cells. To produce transgenic rice plant with high contents of glycine and alanine, the prolamin promoter-driven AvMaSp was introduced into rice plant via Agrobacteriumtumefaciens-mediated gene transformation. Because of seeds pecific prolamin promoter, expression of AvMaSp protein has been achieved inriceseed. The introduction and copy number of the AvMaSp gene in transgenic rice plants were determined by PCR and Southern blot analysis. AvMaSp expression in transgenic rice seeds was examined by Northern blot and Western blot analysis. Immuno fluorescence staining with the AvMaSpantiserum revealed that the recombinant AvMaSp proteins were localized in transgenic rice seeds. Furthermore, the amino acid content analysis showed that transgenic rice seeds were greatly increased in glycine and alanine as compared to controls. The present study is the first to show the expression of spider silk protein in rice seed. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (GM Crops Center No. PJ008101), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7507, E-mail: dhkim@dau.ac.kr - 110 -

PC-35 Fine-mapping new gene conferring resistance to bacterial blight isolates (K1, K2, K3, and K3a) in Korea Suk-Man Kim 1*, Jung-Pil Suh 2, Tea-Hwan Noh 2, Yang Qin 3, Myung-Ho Lim 3, Chung-Kon Kim 2, Russell Reinke 1, Kshirod Jena 4 1 IRRI-Korea Office, National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 441-857, Republic of Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 441-857, Republic of Korea 3 Biosafety Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 441-707, Korea 4 Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology Division, International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines Bacterial blight (BB) of rice, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), is a significant disease in most rice cultivation areas. The present study was performed to identify new BB R-gene conferring resistance to Korea Xoo isolates, derived from IR65482-7-216-1-2 and to construct a physical map of the candidate gene. An F 2 population derived from a cross between 11325 and Anda was used to determine the exact position of the nearest recombination event to the target region. The position of the R-gene was delimited by flanking markers, RM1233 and RM5766, on chromosome 11. Of the 56 markers designed in the flanking region, 20 were selected as anchor markers and the R-gene was mapped to a 295kb region on chromosome 11. To narrow down the interval spanning the R-gene, an additionally SSR marker, 20 STS markers, and CAPS marker between RM27320 and ID55.05-79 were developed using rice reference genome information. From the result the gene was defined by RM27320 and ID55.WA18-5 located in the BAC clone OSJNBa0036K13. The physical distance between these two markers is approximately 80kb. In a further study, gene expression analysis against listed candidate genes was investigated using semi-quantitative transcription PCR. These results will useful for future disease breeding as well as gene function studies regarding resistance genes. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-290-6872, E-mail: qsmkim@korea.kr PC-36 Food Security and the role of plant biotechnology Minsang Lee * Monsanto Korea, Seoul, Korea Current agriculture encounters several challenges including increase in human population, increased meat consumption from income growth, climate change, and demand for healthier foods. Together this puts a tremendous strain on limited natural resources and on an increasingly fragile ecosystem. Today, 55% percent of habitable land is used for agriculture. Two-thirds (66%) of all annual fresh water withdrawals are used for irrigation. Energy is another vital input for agriculture productivity and experts are predicting increasing global competition for supply sources. Monsanto Company uses biotechnology, plant breeding, and agronomic solution to meet the increased food demand. In June 2008, we issued a three-fold commitment (produce more, conserve more and improve farmer s lives for agriculture to be sustainable) that we call our Commitment to Sustainable Yield. Here, we present Monsanto pipeline to fulfill our commitment for sustainable agriculture. *Corresponding Author: Tel 02-3393-3762, e-mail: min.sang.lee@monsanto.com - 111 -

PC-37 Functional analyses of the novel salt-inducible genes from Korean halophytes Selvam Ayarpadikannan, Eunsook Chung, Hyun-A So, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Kenneth Ryan Schraufnagle, Ji Hae Park, Se Hyun Park, Jai-Heon Lee * BK21 Center for Silver-Bio Industrialization, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-A University, Busan 604-714, Republic of Korea Salinity stress severely affects plant growth and development causing crop loss worldwide. Suaeda asparagoides is a salt-marsh euhalophyte widely distributed in southwestern foreshore of Korea. To isolate salt tolerance genes from S. asparagoides, we constructed a cdna library from leaf tissues of S. asparagoides that was treated with 200 mm NaCl. A total of 1,056 clones were randomly selected for EST sequencing, and 932 of them produced readable sequence. By sequence analysis, we identified 538 unigenes and registered each in National Center for Biotechnology Information. The 80 salt stress related genes were selected to study their differential expression. Reverse Transcriptase-PCR and Northern blot analysis revealed that 23 genes were differentially expressed under the high salinity stress conditions in S. asparagoides. They are functionally diverse including transport, signal transduction, transcription factor, metabolism and stress associated protein, and unknown function. Among them dehydrin (SaDhn) and RNA binding protein (SaRBP1) were examined for their abiotic stress tolerance in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Yeast overexpressing SaDhn and SaRBP1 showed enhanced tolerance to osmotic, freezing and heat shock stresses. This study provides the evidence that SaRBP1 and SaDhn from S.asparagoides exert abiotic stress tolerance in yeast. Information of salt stress related genes from S. asparagoides will contribute for the accumulating genetic resources to improve osmotic tolerance in plants. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7592, E-mail: jhnlee@dau.ac.kr PC-38 Functional diversification of soybean FLOWERING LOCUS T homologs Kyung-Hee Lee, Kyung-Mi Park, Chul-Woo Choi, Wook-Hun Jung, Hyun-Min Cho, Min-Chul Kim * Division of Applied Life Science, The Research Institute of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Korea FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) is major determinant of the length of the vegetative phase in plants. To understand the role of FT homologs in flowering time control of soybean, we identified ten soybean FT genes and named GmFTs. Expression analysis of GmFT homologs showed that the transcripts of most FT clade genes are mainly expressed in leaves. The expression of GmFT2a, GmFT2b, GmFT5a, and GmFT6 strongly induced in response to floral inductive short-day condition, but GmFT4 and GmFT6 exhibited opposite expression pattern. To understand the biological function of each GmFT/TFL1 genes in flowering time control, we ectopically expressed GmFT cdnas in Arabidopsis under the control of CaMV 35S promoter. Interestingly, while 35S:GmFT2a and 35S:GmFT5a transgenic plant showed extremely early flowering phenotype, overexpression of GmFT4 delayed flowering. Furthermore we analyzed expression patterns GmFT genes in the leaves of Korean soybean landraces showing various flowering time. The results showed that the transcript level of two FT homologs, GmFT2a and GmFT5a, was high in early flowering landraces, but low in late flowering landraces. In contrast, GmFT4 exhibited opposite expression pattern to those of GmFT2a and GmFT5a, suggesting that GmFT4 may function antagonistically to GmFT2a and GmFT5a in flowering time control of soybean. These results demonstrated that soybean FT homologs have both unique and conserved functions in the photoperiodic control of flowering compared with those in Arabidopsis. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-772-1874, E-mail: mckim@gnu.ac.kr - 112 -

PC-39 Functional implication of β-carotene hydroxylases in soybean nodulation Sunghan Kim 1, Youn-Kyung Kim 2, Hee-Jong Koh 1* and Choong-Ill Cheon 2* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2 Department of Biological Science, Sookmyung Women s University, Seoul, Korea β-carotene hydroxylase (BCH) has been implicated as a key enzyme conferring a stress tolerant mechanism in plants by production of carotenoids, which serve as protectants against photoinhibition and precursor of ABA biosynthesis. We previously cloned a gene encoding a novel cytosolic form of BCH (GmBCH1) from soybean (Glycine max) whose expression increased during nodulation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum. In the present work we extended our study to three GmBCHs as soybean is an allotetraploid, and examined their possible role(s) in nodule development. In situ hybridization revealed the expression of three GmBCHs (GmBCH1, GmBCH2, and GmBCH3) in the infected cells of root nodules, and their enzymatic activities were confirmed by functional assays in E. coli. Localization of GmBCHs by transfecting Arabidopsis protoplasts with GFP fusions and by EM immunogold detection in soybean nodules indicated that GmBCH2 and GmBCH3 were present in plastids while GmBCH1 appeared to be cytosolic. RNAi of the GmBCHs severely impaired nitrogen fixation as well as nodule development. Surprisingly, we failed to detect zeaxanthin, a product of GmBCH, or any other carotenoids, in nodules. We therefore examined the possibility that most of the carotenoids in nodules are converted or cleaved to other compounds. We detected the expression of some carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases (GmCCDs) in wild-type nodules, and also a reduced amount of zeaxanthin in GmCCD8-expressing E. coli, suggesting cleavage of the carotenoid. In view of these findings we propose that carotenoids such as zeaxanthin synthesized in root nodules are cleaved by GmCCDs, and we discuss the possible roles of the carotenoid cleavage products in nodulation. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No.PJ009076), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4541, E-mail: heejkoh@snu.ac.kr - 113 -

PC-40 Functional screening of plant genes suppressed salt sensitive phenotype of calcineurin deficient mutant through yeast complementation analysis Dongjin Shin *, Soo-Kwon Park, Un-Ha Hwang, Jong-Hee Lee, Sang-Ik Han, Min-Hee Nam and Dong-Soo Park Department of Functional Crops, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Miryang, 627-803, Republic of Korea. Understanding salt tolerance mechanisms is important for the increase of crop yields, and so, several screening approaches were developed to identify plant genes which are involved in salt tolerance of plants. Here, we transformed the Arabidopsis cdna library into a salt-sensitive calcineurin (CaN)-deficient (cnbd) yeast mutant and isolated the colonies which can suppress salt-sensitive phenotype of cnbd mutant. Through this functional complementation screen, a total of 34 colonies functionally suppressed the salt-sensitive phenotype of cnbd yeast cells, and sequencing analysis revealed that these are 9 genes, including CaS, AtSUMO1 and AtHB-12. Among these genes, the ectopic expression of CaS gene increased salt tolerance in yeast, and CaS transcript was up-regulated under high salinity conditions. CaS-antisense transgenic plants showed reduced root elongation under 100 mm NaCl treatment compared to the wild type plant, which survived under 150 mm NaCl treatment, whereas CaS-antisense transgenic plant leaves turned yellow under 150 mm NaCl treatment. These results indicate that the expression of CaS gene is important for stress tolerance in yeast and plants. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-350-1185, E-mail: jacob1223@korea.kr PC-41 Generation of bacterial blight resistance rice with OsNAC58-overexpressing Eun-Shil Kwak, Ga-Hee Park, Duk-Ju Hwang, Il-Pyung Ahn, Shin-Chul Bae, Beom-Ki Kim, and Sangryeol Park * Bio-crop Development Div., National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon, 441-707, Korea. Plant specific gene family, NAC (NAM, ATAF, and CUC) transcription factors have been characterized for their roles in plant growth, development, and stress tolerance. In this study, we isolated OsNAC58 gene from rice and analysed expression level by inoculation of bacterial leaf blight pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). NAC transcription factor family can be divided into five groups (I V). On the basis of phylogenetic analysis, OsNAC58 was fall into group III. 35S::OsNAC58-GFP fusion protein was localized on the nuclei. To investigate its biological function in the rice, we constructed vector for overexpression in rice, and then generated transgenic rices. Gene expression of OsNAC58-overexpressed transgenic rice lines were analyzed by northern blot. Analysis of disease resistance to pathogen Xoo, twelve OsNAC58-overexpressed transgenic rice lines showing high expression level of OsNAC58 were shown more resistant than wild type. These results suggest that OsNAC58 gene may play regulatory role during pathogen infection. - 114 -

PC-42 Genetic diversity and construction of core collection in Capsicum Hea-Young Lee 1, Jin-Kyung Kwon 1, Hee-Jin Jeong 1, Na Young Ro 2, and Byoung-Cheorl Kang 1* 1 Department of Plant Science and Vegetable Breeding Research Center, Seoul National Univ., Seoul 151-921, Korea 2 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon 441-100, Korea Capsicum diversity is getting lower in modern crops because of the genetic erosion. In Capsicum, breeders have been mainly focused on agriculturally important traits such as disease resistances, high yield and pungency. However, this narrow breeding pool hampered to develop improved cultivars. It has become a hot issue to conservation of genetic diversity and exploitation of wild germplasm in Capsicum. Analysis of genetic diversity and construction of core collection is the first step to make efficient use of germplasm. Although there have been several attempts to construct core collections in Capsicum, most of these works were limited due to handling small number of samples, relying mainly on the characterization of morphological traits or focusing only C. annuum species. To expand understanding of the structure and genetic diversity of germplasm in Capsicum, we need to have a highly efficient genotyping tool to handle large number of samples. Toward this end, we are analyzing 3,599 germplasm accessions including other cultivated species and wild species in Capsicum with 48 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4573, E-mail: sweettin@snu.ac.kr PC-43 Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of Amaranth collected from the Asian region using 14 SSR markers Cheol-Soon Park 1, Feng-Peng Li 1, Woo Ju Hong 1, Sun-Kyung Min 1, Jong Wook Chung 2, Yong-Jin Park 1,3* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-702, Republic of Korea 2 National agrobiodiversity Center, NAAS, RDA, Suwon, 441-853, Republic of Korea 3 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan, 340-702, Republic of Korea Amaranths (Amaranthus sp.) are cosmopolitan and include grain, vegetable, ornamental and weed types. Forteen simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of 59 accessions of cultivated amaranth from Asian countries. A total of 63 alleles were detected with an average of 4.5 per locus. The averaged values of gene diversity and polymorphism information content (PIC) were 0.35 and 0.33, respectively. Alleles per locus in accessions from South Asia was 4.35, whereas 2.93 and 3.79 alleles per locus were found in Nepal and India, respectively. The mean gene diversity in Central Asia and East Asia was 0.36 and 0.28, respectively, whereas the mean PIC values were 0.27 and 0.22, respectively. The genetic diversity and PIC of the India amaranths were higher than that of other Asian countries. The model-based structure analysis revealed the presence of three subpopulations, which was basically consistent with clustering based on genetic distance. An AMOVA analysis showed that the between-population component of genetic variance was less than 56.16% in contrast to 43.84% for the within-population component. The overall F ST value was 0.56, reflecting genetic differentiation within Asian amaranths. These findings could be used for designing effective breeding programs aimed at broadening the genetic bases of commercially grown varieties. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 041-330-1213, E-mail: yjpark@kongju.ac.kr - 115 -

PC-44 Genetic diversity and structure analysis of wild soybean (Glycine soja) in Korea Kil Hyun Kim 1, Seukki Lee 2, Min-Jung Seo 1, Mi-Jung Kim 1, Kwang-Ho Jeong 1, Jong-Ho Seo 1, Si-Ju Kim 1, Young-Up Kwon 1, and Jung-Kyung Moon 1* 1 Upland Crop Research Division, National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon, 441-857, Korea 2 Technology Cooperation Bureau, National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon, 441-707, Korea Undomesticated soybeans (Glycine soja) are an important source of genetic variation for introducing useful traits to domesticated soybeans (Glycine max). Although Korea is known as the origin of the soybean, a little is known about genetic diversity and structure analysis of G.soja. The objectives of this study were to investigate the genetic diversity and the structure analysis of wild soybeans, and to construct a core collection of G. soja accessions in Korea. To evaluate the genetic diversity and structure analysis of G.soja, we analyzed allelic profiles at 21 SSR loci of 1028 accessions using POWERMARKER V3.25. These markers generated a total of 581 alleles over all loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 21 to 40, with a mean of 28 alleles per locus and a mean gene diversity of 0.886 in this accessions tested. Polymorphic information content value ranged from 0.737 to 0.946, with an average of 0.877. Using STRUCTURE V2.34, wild soybean originated from Korea was divided into two distinct populations, largely corresponding to two geographic regions. Population 1 consisted of eight sub-groups corresponds to mountains; population 2 to entire regions in Korea. Based on theses 21 SSR markers, a core collection development was performed by POWERCORE V1.0. A G. soja core collection consisted of 148 accessions which were established from 1028 accessions in Korea. Most accessions of the core collection were belonged to population 2 and only four were belonged to population 1. These results of this study would provide valuable information for future breeding programs using the G. soja core collection. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-290-6746, E-mail: moonjk2@korea.kr - 116 -

PC-45 Genetic diversity, population structure and association mapping for agronomic traits in waxy/flint maize inbred lines Kyu Jin Sa 1, Byong Wan Kim 1, Seung Hun Choi 1, Jong Yeol Park 2, Ki Jin Park 2, Ju Kyong Lee 1* 1 Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, 200-701, Korea 2 Maize Experiment Station, Gangweon Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hongcheon 250-823, Korea Our study is performed to confirm the level of genetic diversity and population structure with 80 maize inbred lines (40 waxy inbred lines and 40 flint inbred lines) and to explain the genetic basis of agronomic traits using an association mapping. The 200 SSR loci are confirmed a total of 1,610 alleles in total 80 maize inbred lines. The average number of alleles per locus was 8.05. The average GD was 0.72. The average PIC value was 0.68. The average MAF was 0.40. Population structure was revealed for K=2. Total 80 maize inbred lines were divided by groups I, II and admixed group. The 14 waxy inbred lines were assigned to group I. The 45 inbred lines include 5 waxy inbred lines and 40 flint inbred lines were contained to group II. The 21 waxy inbred lines were contained in the admixed group with lower than membership threshold 0.8. Association mapping between 200 SSR markers and 10 phenotypic traits of waxy/flint maize inbred lines were performed by Q GLM and Q+K MLM. In significant level at 0.01, 72 SSR markers were associated with 10 phenotypic traits using Q GLM. The 4 marker-trait association were detected in Q+K MLM. The results derived from this study will be used for designing efficient new maize breeding programs. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-250-6415, E-mail: jukyonglee@kangwon.ac.kr PC-46 Genetic transformation experiments applying MdIAA14 transcription factor related to self thinning gene for apple Se Hee Kim *, Il Sheob Shin, Kang-Hee Cho, Hyun Ran Kim, Ki Ok Kim, Kyung Ran Do, Jae An Chun, Hae Seong Hwang Fruit Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA, Suwon 440-706, Korea Abscission is an important developmental process used to shed organs such as leaves, flowers and fruits. Despite the detailed characterization of growth dynamics and hormonal balance during the early steps of fruit development, the molecular aspects remain unclear. Abscission of young fruit occurs by separation of cells in anatomically distinct regions between the pedicel and junction. Differences of gene expression between central pedicel and lateral pedicel were investigated by NGS. Partial cdnas from 15 clones from both the central pedicel and lateral pedicel were selected for nucleotide sequence determination and homology searches, and 12 clones were subsequently selected for further analysis. In preliminary series of Real Time PCR analysis, 9 genes were confirmed as showing a higher expression level in lateral pedicel than in central pedicel. Many of these genes are expressed in a central or lateral pedicel in specific manner, and the expression profiles of the representative genes were confirmed. To clarify the mechanism of MdIAA14 transcription factor gene underlying abscission zone development, we are investigating the expression patterns between central and lateral pedicels in different apple cultivar using real-time PCR and constructing the vector for transformation into apple. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-240-3674, E-mail: ezsehee@korea.kr - 117 -

PC-47 Genome wide survey and molecular characterization of heat shock transcription factor gene family in Glycine max Kyoung-Mee Kim, Eunsook Chung, Selvam Ayarpadikannan, Hyun-A So, Kenneth Ryan Schraufnagle, Ji Hae Park, Se Hyun Park, Jai-Heon Lee * BK21 Center for Silver-Bio Industrialization, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-A University, Busan 604-714, Republic of Korea Heat shock transcription factors (HSFs) are the major heat shock factors regulating the heat stress response. They participate in regulating the expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs), which are critical in the protection against stress damage and many other important biological processes. In this study, a genome-wide analysis was carried out to identify all HSFs soybean genes. Twenty six nonredundant HSF genes (GmHsf) were identified in the latest soybean genome sequence. Chromosomal location, protein domain and motif organization of GmHsfs were analyzed in soybean genome. The phylogenetic relationships, gene duplications and expression profiles of GmHsf genes were also presented in this study. According to their structural features, the predicted members were divided into the previously defined classes A C, as described in Arabidopsis. Using RT-PCR, the expression patterns of 26 GmHsf genes were investigated under heat stress. The data revealed that these genes presented different expression levels in response to heat stress conditions. Real-time (q)rt-pcr was performed to investigate transcript levels of five GmHsfs in response to multiple abiotic stresses. Differential expression of five GmHsfs implies their role during abiotic stresses. Subcellular localization using GFP-fusion protein demonstrated that GmHsf12 and GmHsf34 were restricted to the nucleus and GmHsf28 was localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm in plant. The results provide a fundamental clue for understanding of the complexity of the soybean HSF gene family and cloning specific function genes in further studies and applications. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7592, E-mail: jhnlee@dau.ac.kr - 118 -

PC-48 Genome-wide association studies approach and post-gwas study in rice Gang Li 1, Min-Young Yoon 1, Won-Hee Ra 1, Jae-Wan Park 1, Qiang He 1, Aye Aye Khaing 1, Xiao-Qiang Wang 1, Win Htet Oo 1, Feng-Peng Li 1, Byoung Kook Yun 2, Chang-Yong Lee 2, and Yong-Jin Park 1,3* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-802, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Kongju National University, Kongju 314-701, Republic of Korea 3 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan, 340-802, Republic of Korea AGenome-wide association studies (GWAS) have proven a useful technique for identifying genetic loci responsible for natural variation in rice. With the fast developed next-generation sequencing technology, it is possible for people to carry out GWAS by phenotyping different traits. However, how to make full use of huge data, abandon unnecessary data, and solve the problem of data application effectively seems still an obstacle for many researchers. Taking the case of whole-genome resequencing of Korean authentic rice core set, here we present a general technological path of GWAS including: 1) a schematic view of sequencing-based GWAS in rice; 2) a user-friendly and interactive web application for GWAS in rice by the aid of experience from Arabidopsis; 3) Haplotype and association analysis of candidate genes in a certain mechanism pathway, giving 10 starch synthesis genes as example; and 4) functional validation by Trans- and Mata-Omics analysis. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 041-330-1213, E-mail: yjpark@kongju.ac.kr - 119 -

PC-49 Genome-wide identification and analysis of Catharanthus roseus RLK1-like kinase family in rice Quynh-Nga Nguyen 1, Sun-Ok Moon 1, Sun Ah Park 1 and Ki-Hong Jung 1* 1 Department of Plant Molecular Systems Biotechnology & Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 446-701, Korea Drought and salinity are two major environmental factors determining plant productivity that due to their high magnitude of impact and wide distribution. The regulatory circuits include stress sensors, signaling pathways comprising a network of protein-protein reactions, transcription factors and promoters, and finally the output proteins or metabolites. Plant receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are transmembrane proteins family, are predicted to be major components of the signaling pathways that allow plants to respond to diverse environmental and development condition. Subfamily of Catharanthus roseus RLK1-like kinases (CrRLK1Ls) is a novel type of RLK, was identified in Arabidopsis with 17 members carrying a putative extracellular carbonhydrate-binding malectin-like domain. To study the function of CrRLK1Ls subfamily in rice which is a most widely consumed staple food, we produced the phylogenomic data with the integration of microarray-based anatomical and stress expression profiling data to the context of rice CrRLK1Ls family phylogenic tree. The expression profiling data are based on a large number of public microarray data such as 1150 Affymetrix arrays and 209 Agilent 44K arrays. Chromosomal localization of CrRLK1Ls reveals that three of 16 genes were tandem duplicated. Subsequently, we identified 7 genes that showed circadian regulation pattern and three genes of them simultaneously response to drought stress: two were down-regulated and one was up-regulated. Functional gene network development mediated by these stress responsible genes might be an useful foundation to explain the molecular mechanism of stress response mediated by this gene family. *Corresponding Author: Tel: 82-31-201-3474, E-mail: khjung2010@khu.ac.kr - 120 -

PC-50 Genome-wide SNP database for marker-assisted background selection in tomato Ji-Eun Kim, Bong-Woo Lee, Sang-Mi Kim, Bo-Mi Lee, Jeong-Hee Lee, Sung-Hwan Jo * SEEDERS Inc., Daejeon, 305-509, Korea Backcrossing is a plant breeding method most commonly used to incorporate one or a few genes into an adapted or elite variety. To facilitate MAB (marker-assisted backcrossing) in a practice breeding program, we developed a SNP database and a program for providing selected markers for background selection from genome-wide SNPs of seven tomato accessions downloaded from NCBI-SRA. We identified 425,935 SNPs among 21 parental combinations with data from seven transcriptomes and developed a SNP database. To select the optimized number of markers for background selection, we divided 12 chromosomes according to physical length and genetic length. Initially, each chromosome was equally divided into five blocks according to physical length, and three SNPs were positioned per block. Additionally, we applied the genetic distance calculated from the recombination rate because the frequency of recombination can vary greatly among chromosomal regions. When considering genetic distance, each chromosome was divided into fifteen blocks unequally and one marker composed of EXPEN-2000 was positioned per block. The program for background selection was designed to be simple and easy to use, and it is available at http://tgsol.seeders.co.kr/ index.php/tg/mab. When the user selects the parental combination, the program provides selected markers with primer information. The value of this program for tomato breeding will further increase if more accession numbers are added to the database. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 042-710-4035, E-mail: shjo@seeders.co.kr PC-51 Genotypic variation of embryo dent of rice grains Yunjoo Lee 1, Gileung Lee 1, Rihua Piao 1, Sunmi Jang 1 and Hee-Jong Koh 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea As the market demand on functionality rice has been increasing, embryo rice in which embryo residue remains even after milling has come to comsumers attention because rice embryo contains several functionality components. Consequently, development of rice varieties for higher rate of embryo adhesion to grains after milling has become one of the breeding objectives for quality improvement. In this study, we observed embryo dent of 49 commercial varieties and analyzed the relationship between embryo dent and grain size and shape. Embryo dent of rice grains varied 0.27 (Keunnun)~0.59 (Daerip 1) mm. Varieties Jinbu, Jinbo, Heugseol, Obong, Unkwang, and Cheongnam showed relatively deeper embryo dent, suggesting that they will be applicable in breeding for embryo rice. Embryo dent was correlated positively with grain width (r=0.53**) and grain size(r=0.34*), and negatively with grain width/length ratio (r= -0.38**). Strategies for breeding embryo rice were discussed in relation to embryo dent, grain size and shape. Keywords: Embryo rice, Embryo dent, Grain shape, Rice *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4541, E-mail: heejkoh@snu.ac.kr - 121 -

PC-52 Haplotype analysis of major blast resistance (R) genes in rice; Pi9, Pia, and Pib Won-Hee Ra 1, Gang Li 1 and Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-702, Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan, 340-702, Republic of Korea Rice blast disease caused by the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae is one of the most destructive rice diseases worldwide. Resistance to rice blast pathogen mostly shows a quantitative trait controlled by several genes. A total of 13 major blast resistance (R) genes were reported in a number of Korean rice varieties using molecular markers. The Pi-ta gene, which locates near to the centromere of chromosome 12, was haplotyping using 1790 accessions including cultivated and wild varieties in previous research. However, the genetic variations of other R genes in rice still not clear. Three R genes, Pi9, Pia, and Pib on chromosome 6, 11 and 2 respectively, were resequenced among 84 accessions of rice core set. Different types of halotype among the 84 accessions were detected. Some new SNPs and InDels found in exon part of R genes were expected to result into amino acid changes following analysis of the genetic code variations, and the germplam in this rice core set which are resistance to blast were explored. We are expecting to develop the new functional markers and incorporate of resistance genes into existing rice cultivars and finally these apply outcomes in breeding rice resistance to blast diseases. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 041-330-1213, E-mail: yjpark@kongju.ac.kr PC-53 Haplotype analysis of preharvest sprouting related genes in rice; OsVP1, Osaba1, Alpha-amylase3DandOsGA20ox1 Aye Aye Khaing 1 and Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-702, Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan, 340-702, Republic of Korea Preharvest sprouting (PHS) not only causes reduction of grain yield, but also affects the quality of grains, resulting into significant economic losses. PHS is governed by multiple genes. Little is known about the large genetic variation of preharvest sprouting in rice. In the present study, genetic variations of four PHS genes, OsVP1, Osaba1, Alpha-amylase3D and OsGA20ox1 were studied by using whole-genome resequencing data of 84 accessions of rice core set. A total of haplotype groups; 27, 29, 6 and 14, for OsVP1, Osaba1, Alpha-amylase3D and OsGA20ox1, respectively, were detected among the 84 accessions. Some new SNPs and InDels were found in exon part of PHS related genes were expected to result in amino acid changes following analysis of the genetic code variations, and the germplasm or varieties which are resistant to preharvest sprouting were explored. Based on this step, phenotyping for PHS is ongoing, and the association mapping of PHS will be conducted by using SNPs resulted from the haplotyping data. The present results will be ultimately useful to the molecular breeding for the development of PHS resistant rice cultivars. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 041-330-1213, E-mail: yjpark@kongju.ac.kr - 122 -

PC-54 Haplotype variation in Sub1, Sub2 and Ramy3D contributing to the anaerobic germination (AG) in rice Win Htet Oo 1, Aye Aye Khaing 1 and Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-702, Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan, 340-702, Republic of Korea Direct seeding of rice is increasingly being practiced in both rainfed and irrigated areas because of labor shortage for transplanting and opportunities for crop intensification. However, slow seed germination and delayed seedling establishment will become a major problem for rice production in flood-prone lowland areas as sowing method shifts from transplanting to direct seeding. Identification of anoxia-induced ethylene response factors is suggestive because genes belonging to this gene family play a crucial role in rice tolerance to submergence. In this study, genetic structure variability of three AG related genes, Sub1 (Sub1A, Sub1B, Sub1C), Sub2 (OsGAPPH) and Ramy3D were examined by using whole-genome resequencing data of 84 accessions of rice core set. Some new SNPs and InDels found in exon part of anaerobic germination related genes in the present study would be useful in developing markers to identify the submergence resistant varieties in the future molecular breeding. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 041-330-1213, E-mail: yjpark@kongju.ac.kr PC-55 Identification and interacting partners of OsGRP in rice during gamma-ray irradiation Yong chan Park 2, Sung Don Lim 1, Sun-Goo Hwang 2, Cheol Seong Jang 2* 1 Agriculture and Life Sciences Research Institute, Kangwon Nat l Univ., Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea 2 Plant Genomics Lab., Dept. of Applied Plant Sci., Kangwon Nat l Univ., Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world, and has been used as model monocots for genetic studies, because of its relatively small genome size. We have previously reported the different functions of several RING (Really Interesting New Gene) proteins to respond the various abiotic stresses. In order to study a regulation of RING proteins in rice under ionizing irradiation such as gamma ray (GA), we have identified the expression patterns of these genes by RT-PCR. We found Gamma-ray induced RING finger protein (OsGRP) gene, which were associated with cytosol by subcellular localization analysis. in vitro ubiquitination assay revealed that OsGRP possess E3 ligase activity. Also, we demonstrate that C196A point mutation in the RING finger domain of OsGRP can have a critical effect to the breakdown of structural integrity in RING constructs. To identify the interaction partners for OsGRP in protein-protein interactions, we found the seven genes interacted with OsGRP by Yeast Two Hybrid method. To examine the GA-influence of interaction partners by RT-PCR, two genes were specifically down-regulated in rice during GA treatment. These interaction partners were identified the reliable interactions and subcellular localizations via BiFC method. Interestingly, five genes associated with plastid, while two down-regulated genes associated with cytosol and plastid. These results of OsGRP based on genetic approach might provide a clue to understanding the GA responsive mechanism in rice. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-250-6416, E-mail: csjang@kangwon.ac.kr - 123 -

PC-56 Identification of promoters conferring anther specific expression in rice Moe Moe Oo 1, Hyun-Kyung Bae 1, Dung Nguyen Tien 1, Sung-Aeong Oh 1, Ki-Hong Jung 2, Soon Ki Park 1* 1 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Plant Molecular Systems Biotechnology & Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea. A male gametophyte, or pollen develops in the anther, and its development plays an important male reproductive process in flowering plants. A properly designed transgene construct can help to tailor transgene expression in plants by altering the expression strength, timing, and location. In this process, the promoter plays a pivotal role in controlling transgene expression. In this research, the promoter regions of rice anther/pollen-specific genes, named as OsMSP1 to OsMSP11,were selected from the microarray data sets covering 4 developmental stage of male gametophyte and then used for the construction of vector by Gateway cloning method and transformed into rice and Arabidopsis. All 11 promoters in rice and 9 in Arabidopsis were displayed as anther/pollen-specific/preferential genes by GUS assay and RT-PCR analysis. Three out of 11 promoters showed consistent results with published data. In this study, we demonstrated on eight new anther/pollen-specific or -preferential promoters (OsMSP1, OsMSP2, OsMSP3, OsMSP4, OsMSP5, OsMSP6, OsMSP8, and OsMSP9, which have not been reported before. Although the expression pattern of different genes active in pollen grains is diverse and complex, these experimental results would be helpful to understand the molecular mechanism of regulatory elements in rice microspore/pollen-specific genes. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 053-950-7751, E-mail: psk@knu.ac.kr - 124 -

PC-57 Identification of rice genes associated with cosmic-ray response via co-expression gene network analysis Sun-Goo Hwang 1, Dong sub Kim 2, A-Reum Han 1, Cheol Seong Jang 1* 1 Plant Genomics Lab., Dept. of Applied Plant Sci., Kangwon Nat l Univ., Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea 2 Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup, Jeonbuk 580-185, Republic of Korea In order to better understand the biological systems that are affected in response to cosmic ray, we conducted the weighted gene co-expression network analysis with module detection method. By using the Pearson s correlation coefficient value, we were evaluated the complex gene-gene functional interactions between 680 CR-response probes from integrated microarray datasets, which included large-scale transcriptional profiling of 918 microarray samples. These probes were divided into 6 distinct modules that contained 20 enriched function such as oxidoreductase activity, response to stimulus and stress, and hydrolase activity. Especially, module 1 and 2 commonly showed the enriched annotation categories such as oxidoreductase activity, including the enriched cis-regulatory elements known as ROS specific regulator. These results suggest in module1 and 2 that ROS-mediated irradiation response pathway are affected by CR. We found the 243 irradiation-dependent probes, which were exhibited the similarities of differentially expressed patterns in various irradiation microarray datasets, and RT-PCR for confirmations of several irradiation-dependent genes were exhibited the similar expressed patterns in rice by CR, gamma ray and Ion beam treatments. Interestingly, these genes were differentially expressed by non-gravity. Moreover, we were identified the co-regulations between several irradiation-dependent genes and functional interacted genes in the CR-responsive network by various GA treatments such as different conditions of dose and treatment time. These results of network-based analysis might provide a clue to understanding the complex biological system of CR. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-250-6416, E-mail: csjang@kangwon.ac.kr - 125 -

PC-58 Increased accumulation of anthocyanins in transgenic alfalfa by overexpressing the sweetpotato R2R3-Type IbMYB1a Gene Sang-Hoon Lee 1, Ki-Won Lee 1, Chul Han An 2, Cha Young Kim 2,* 1 Grassland and Forages Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration, Cheonan, 330-801, Korea 2 Infection Control Material Research Center, Bio-materials Research Institute, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Jeongeup 580-185, Korea Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is one of the most important forage crops in the world and it s has been known as the best feed materials for dairy cows and other high valued animals. The new uses of alfalfa are being explored as bio-energy, food, medical and biochemical uses. R2R3-type MYB transcription factors play important roles in transcriptional regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis. The R2R3-type IbMYB1 is known to be a key regulator of anthocyanin biosynthesis in the storage roots of sweetpotato. We previously showed that the expression of IbMYB1a led to anthocyanin pigmentation in tobacco and Arabidopsis. In this study, we generated transgenic alfalfa plants expressing the IbMYB1a gene under the control of CaMV 35S promoter. Overexpression of IbMYBa in transgenic alfalfa produced strong anthocyanin pigmentation in seedlings and generated a deep purple color in leaves, stems, roots, and even in seeds. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis revealed that IbMYB1a expression led to the production of cyanidin as a major core molecule of anthocyanidins in alfalfa, as occurs in the purple leaves of sweetpotato (cv.sinzami). We also examined expression of several structural genes in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway in alfalfa by RT-PCR analysis. In this presentation, we will further present molecular and biochemical characterization in IbMYB1a-overexpression lines. This result shows that the IbMYB1a transcription factor is sufficient to induce anthocyanin accumulation in the forage legume alfalfa plants. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 063-570-5218, E-mail: kimcy@kribb.re.kr - 126 -

PC-59 Investigation of genetic factors related to quantitative control of capsiate biosynthesis Siyoung Jang 1, Koeun Han 1, Yeong Deuk Jo 1, Hee-Jin Jeong 1, Byoung-Cheorl Kang 1* Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea Capsinoids which were found recently in non-pungent pepper show the same biological effects as capsaicinoid including anticancer and anti-obesity. A precursor of capsaicinoids, vanillyl alcohol, is known to be produced by mutations in the p-aminotransferase (pamt) gene. In the previous study, we showed that capsinoid production is also controlled by the capsaicin synthase (CS) gene. However correlation between the CS gene expression and capsinoids contents has not been fully understood. This study was conducted to elucidate correlation between the expression level of CS gene and capsinoids contents. Through germplasm screening, we identified one C. chinese pepper cultivar, SNU11-001, which contained capsinoids as much as C. annuum CH-19 Sweet. SNU11-001 was crossed with five Capsicum cultivars (ECW, Takanotsume, Yuwolcho, Habanero and Jolokia) containing different levels of capsaicin, ECW is non-pungent pepper line, and Takanotsume and Yuwolcho have mild pungency, and Habanero and Jolokia is known to be included in the most pungent pepper lines. When we analyzed the expression of CS and pamt genes using the six Capsicum cultivars, the expression levels of CS were higher in pungent Capsicum cultivars. To test whether the expression levels of CS also control capsinoids contents, we will analyze several F2 populations derived from crosses between SNU11-001 and Capsicum cultivars containing different levels of capsaicin. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4563, E-mail: bk54@snu.ac.kr - 127 -

PC-60 Isolation and characterization of novel gene and microsocopic analysis of a rice mutant with narrow leaves. Ki-Deuk Bae 1, Doh-hoon Kim 1* 1 Department of Genetic engineering, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-a University, Busan 604-714, Republic of Korea Rice is not only a model plant of monocots but also one of the most important crops all over the world. Despite the importance of leaf shape for achieving effective plant architecture for photosynthesis, little is known about the genetic mechanisms that determine leaf morphological characteristics. Explanation of the genetic basis of the control of leaf shape could be of use in the manipulation of crop traits, leading to increased crop production. Many mutants related to leaf morphology have been identified and classified according to their function in determining leaf morphology. search on the genetics of leaf development has used mutagensis to create loss-of-function mutations that change leaf shape. To understand the molecular mechanism of leaf morphogenesis, we identified a rice mutant gene, which was characterized by a phenotype of narrow leaves. While the mutation resulted in reduced leaf width, no significant morphological changes at the cellular level in leaves were observed, except in bulliform cells. The gene locus guess that it encodes a adenosine kinase, which displays sequence homology with ribokinase pfkb like superfamily. To test function of gene, we cloned gene which have 1140 nucleotides and 379 amino acids. This gene was transcribed in various tissues and was mainly expressed in panicles and leaves. NAL7, NAL1 and SLL1 were found to be downregulated, whereas OsAGO7 and NRL1 were upregulated in the mutant. These findings suggested that there might be a functional association between these genes in regulating leaf development. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008035), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7507, E-mail: dhkim@dau.ac.kr - 128 -

PC-61 Light induced expression of key genes for glycoalkaloid accumulation in potato Manjulatha M, Hwang-Bae Sohn, Kwang-Soo Cho, Oh-Keun Kwon, Jin-Cheol Jeong Highland Agricultural Research Center, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Pyeongchang, 232-955, Korea Glycoalkaloids are a family of toxic secondary metabolites present in the plants of solanaceae family, which serve for plant defense. Two major glycoalkaloids present in plants are a-solanine and a-chaconine. The upper safe limit of glycoalkaloids for human consumption is 20mg/KG FW and its excess may cause severe health disorders. Light is the major factor known to increase the glycoalkaloid content in post harvest potato tuber. Glycoalkaloid pathway is not completely understood. Hence, identification and characterization of SGA biosynthetic genes and the genetic factors that control their expression levels assumes significance. Present investigation was focused on the study of expression pattern of key genes in steroidal glycoalkaloidal pathway under various light qualities in potato (Solanum tuberosum L). Two potato cultivars Atlantic and Haryeong which accumulates low and high glycoalkaloids respectively were used to check the levels of gene expression under various light qualities viz., red, blue, white, green, yellow, purple, UV light and in dark at different time intervals. Expression of three genes viz., SGT1, SGT2 and SGT3 which are directly involved and four other genes, HMG1, SQS1, SMT1 and SMT2 in the pathway envisaged to be indirectly involved in the glycoalkaloid formation was quantified by RT PCR. Varietal variation in the expression among the genes was observed in different light qualities. White, red and green light compared to other light qualities majorly contributed for the increased expression of genes for glycoalkaloid accumulation at different time intervals. Importantly, there is no significant transcript accumulation of these genes in dark condition. However, more efforts would be extended for further understanding of glycoalkaloid accumulation under light. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-330-1811, E-mail: manjubio@gmail.com - 129 -

PC-62 Localization and expression analysis of U-box-containing E3 ligase OsUPS result from phosphate deficiency in rice Ki-Deuk Bae 1, Doh-hoon Kim 1* 1 Department of Genetic engineering, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-a University, Busan 604-714, Republic of Korea Rice is a staple food crop in the world. A number of agronomically important traits including enhancement of stress tolerance, quality improvement, and nutrition value increases have been introduced to rice. In this study, an Oryza sativa cdna containing a U-box motif was cloned; its deduced amino acid sequence was compared to that of other U-box genes and indicated that encodes a U-box-containing E3 ligase. E3 ligases are structurally divided into three groups. We isolated the OsUPS gene from rice (Oryza sativa). The OsUPS protein has domain which is a single ~70-amino acid region of the protein and GKL domain containing conserved Glycine, Lysine/ Araginine residues and leucine-rich feature. A full-length expression of OsUPS was up-regulated in the rice plant and in cell culture in the absence of phosphate. To express the OsUPS cdna, it was inserted into the pgex-2t vector. And the gene was expressed in E.coli strain BL21 (DE3). Induced after 3h of IPTG treatment and was isolated by affinity chromatography. Using the GUS reporter genes regulated by the OsUPS promoter, we have carried out the analysis of transcriptional and spatial regulation of gene expression. To investigate the function of these genes, the CaMV 35S promoter-driven these genes were introduced into Arabidopsis and rice via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transformation. We found that full-length expression of OsUPS was up-regulated in both rice plants and cell culture in the absence of inorganic phosphate (Pi). A self-ubiquitination assay indicated that the bacterially expressed OsUPS protein had E3 ligase activity, and subcellular localization results showed that OsUPS was located in the chloroplast. These results support the notion that OsUPS plays an important role in the Pi signaling pathway through the ubiquitin-26s proteasome system. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008035), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7507, E-mail: dhkim@dau.ac.kr - 130 -

PC-63 Mass propagation in cassava(manihot esculenta Crantz) by somatic embryogenesis Jae-Wan Park 1,2*, Prapit wongtiem 3, Yong-Jin Park 1, Suk-Woo Jang 2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-702, Republic of Korea 2 KOrea Project on International Agriculture(KOPIA) Thailand Center, Phaholyothin Rd. Chatuchak Bangkok 10900 Thailand 3 Rayong Field Crops Research Center(RYFCRC), 320 Huaipong, Muang, Rayong, 21150, Thailand Somatic embryogenesis is a process where a plant or embryo is derived from a single somatic cell or group of somatic cells. Application of this process include: clonal propagation of genetically uniform plant material; elimination of viruses; provision if source tissue for genetic transformation; generation of whole plants from single cells called protoplasts; development of synthetic seed technology. In this study tissue culture was carried out for mass propagation of cassava using somatic embryogenesis. For tissue culture set up, we used cassava variety ( Rayong5, Rayong7, Rayong9, Rayong11 ) developed in Rayong Field Crop Research Center(RYFCRC). In induction of callus step, the callus formed from each cassava variety. Rayong 7 showed the highest induction rate of 95%, while induction rate of other varies were ranged from 50% to 85%. In the case of weight of callus Rayong5 has the highest weight. Results in the present study would be useful in mass propagation of cassava by somatic embryogenesis. *Corresponding Author: Tel. +66-2-579-2963, E-mail: swjang02@korea.kr - 131 -

PC-64 Molecular characterization of a gibberllin-sensitive dawaf mutant gene in rice. Won-Tae Yang 1, Doh-Hoon Kim 1* 1 Department of Genetic engineering, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-a University, Busan 604-714, Republic of Korea The utilization of several genetic resources is the most important for developing rice, such as high yield seeds or various stresses. We used an efficient system to create rice mutant by Ac/Ds transposon insertion mutagenesis, such as selected homozygous mutant in dwarf phenotypes. We reported here the identification of function of dwarf OsGASD gene (Oryzasativa Gibberellin Acid Sensitive Dwarf). OsGASD gene encodes a 344 amino acid polypeptide and nohomology proteins in GeneBank. The osgasd mutnat was sensitive to exogenous gibberellic acid (GA) level. We performed experiment to controlled expression the OsGASD gene, its role in plant development, a quantitative analysis of endogenous GA content and sensitivity to GA. The osgasd mutant includes smaller amount of active GAs than wild-type. osgasd mutant plant of GA biosynthesis pathway causes GA deficiency and dwarf plants,and endogenous GA suppliance can restore the wildtype phenotype in this mutant. The result indicated that OsGASD gene regulated the elongation of shoot, stem and plant height. The increased expression of OsGASD gene dramatically induces expression of the factors associated with GA biosynthesis such as CPS, KO, KAO, GA20ox and GA2ox, whereas osgasd mutant suppression of the factors associated with GA biosynthesis, loading to dwarf phenotypes. That applied GA 3 at the plant development stage to survey the response of OsGASD gene to GA 3. We suggest that OsGASD gene is related to factors of GA biosynthesis pathway regulating rice internodes development. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008035), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7507, E-mail: dhkim@dau.ac.kr PC-65 Molecular characterization of stress memory using Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cell lines adapted to high salt Hyun-Jin Chun, Wook-Hun Jung, Byung-Jun Jin, Dae-Jin Yun, Min-Chul Kim * Division of Applied Life Science, PMBBRC, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Korea In order to adapt to various environmental stresses, plants have employed diverse regulatory mechanisms of gene expression. Epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications play an important role in gene expression regulation under stress condition. It has been known that some of epigenetic modifications are stably inherited after mitotic and meiotic cell divisions, which is known as stress memory. To understand molecular mechanisms underlying stress memory mediated by epigenetic modifications, we developed Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cell lines adapted to high salt by stepwise increases in the NaCl concentration up to 120 mm. Adapted cell line to 120 mm NaCl, named A120, exhibited enhanced salt tolerance compared to unadapted control cells (A0). Moreover, the salt tolerance of A120 cell line was stably maintained even in the absence of added NaCl, indicating that the salt tolerance of A120 cell line was memorized even after the stress is relieved. By using salt adapted and stress memorized cell lines, we intend to analyze the changes of DNA methylation, histone modification, transcriptome, and proteome to understand molecular mechanisms underlying stress adaptation as well as stress memory in plants. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-772-1874, E-mail: mckim@gnu.ac.kr - 132 -

PC-66 Molecular characterization of two OsSHSP (Oryza sativa Small Heat Shock Protein) genes in rice Jun-Cheol Moon 1, Deok-Jae Ham 2, Sun-Goo Hwang 2, Sung Don Lim 1, Cheol Seong Jang 2* 1 Agriculture and Life Sciences Research Institute, Kangwon Nat l Univ., Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea 2 Plant Genomics Lab., Dept. of Applied Plant Sci., Kangwon Nat l Univ., Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea We used a microarray dataset that is deposited in the public database to evaluate plant responses to heat stress and selected two genes, OsSHSP1 (Os03g16030) and OsSHSP2 (Os01g04380), that are highly expressed under heat stress in rice. OsSHSP1 and OsSHSP2 gene transcripts were highly induced in response to salt and drought. In addition, OsSHSP1 and OsSHSP2 gene transcripts were induced under ABA and SA. Subcellular localization of proteins of 35S::OsSHSP1 were associated with the cytosol, whereas those of and 35S::OsSHSP2 were associated with the cytosol and nucleus. Heterogeneous overexpression of both genes exhibited higher germination rates than those of wild-type plants under the salt treatment, but not under heat or drought stress. The network of both genes harboring 9 shsps as well as at least 13 other chaperone genes might support the idea of a role for shsps in the chaperone network. Our findings might provide clues to shed light on the molecular functions of OsSHSP1 and OsSHSP2 in response to abiotic stresses, especially heat stress. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-250-6416, E-mail: csjang@kangwon.ac.kr PC-67 Molecular characterization of type III DnaJ-like proteins from Arabidopsis Hyun-A So, Eunsook Chung, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Ji Hae Park, Se Hyun Park, Selvam Ayarpadikannan, Kenneth Ryan Schraufnagle, Jai-Heon Lee * BK21 Center for Silver-Bio Industrialization, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-A University, Busan 604-714, Republic of Korea Arabidopsis atdjc53 and atdjc32 gene DnaJ-like protein homologous to DnaJ-like protein was characterized for the functional analysis of DnaJ-like protein. It was shown that atdjc53 and atdjc32 RNA expression is induced by heat shock stress and atdjc53- and atdjc32-gfp was targeted to the nucleus of protoplasts. The atdjc53 and atdjc32 promoter (1 kb) was isolated and fused to the GUS reporter gene to investigate gene regulation of atdjc53 and atdjc32 specific to heat shock stress or to developmental organ in the transgenic lines. RNAi and overexpression construct was employed to generate atdjc53 and atdjc32 knock-out plants for the study of their function. Molecular function of atdjc53 and atdjc32 is discussed in relation to heat shock and also developmental stages in Arabidopsis. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7592, E-mail: jhnlee@dau.ac.kr - 133 -

PC-68 Morphological and genetic characterization of Off-type rice plants collected from farm fields in Korea Joohyun Lee 1, Jung-Hyun Park 2 and Hee-Jong Koh 2* 1 Department of Applied Bioscience Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Korea 2 Department of Plant Science, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea Off-type rice plants occurring in farm fields cause yield loss due to competition with cultivated rice, in addition to hindering field management and harvest work. This study aimed to observe the agronomic characteristics and trace the origins of off-type rice plants using molecular markers. A total of 116 rice accessions, comprising 35 off-type plants collected from Korean farm fields, 19 Korean commercial cultivars, 12 Korean land races, and 50 weedy rice collections, were phenotyped and genotyped using selected SSR and Subspecies Specific (SS)-STS markers. The results showed that the plant height, culm length, and leaf length of off-type rice plants were larger than those of cultivated rice, which is the typical phenotype of weedy rice. However, off-type plants were highly sterile, as opposed to weedy rice, which were highly fertile. Genotype analysis with SSR and SS-STS markers revealed that off-type rice plants were heterozygous at most of the tested marker loci, suggesting that the off-type rice plants may have originated from natural outcrossing. The genotypes of off-type rice plants were closely related to both weedy and cultivated rice, and the phylogenetic analysis revealed that the relationship of the clustered group of offtype rice plants is intermediate between Indica type weedy rice and Japonica type commercial varieties. These results suggested that off-type rice plants collected in Korean farm fields might have originated from natural outcrossing between Indica type weedy rice and the cultivated Japonica type commercial varieties. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008125), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. Keywords: Marker, Off-type rice, Weed rice *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4541, E-mail: heejkoh@snu.ac.kr - 134 -

PC-69 Multiplex marker 를활용한고추병저항성마커스크리닝 한상은 1*, 조아영 1, 김일회 1, 양희범 2, 강병철 2, 이흥렬 3 1 대전광역시유성구테크노 6 로 32, 3 층솔젠트 ( 주 ) 2 서울특별시관악구관악로 1, 서울대학교농업생명과학대학식물생산과학부 3 경기도여주군가남면정단리 537-50 ( 주 ) 농우바이오생명공학연구소 60 년대와 70 년대의녹색혁명은전통적인육종의성과이지만, 최근의육종기술은유용유전자의유전자형을활용한분자표지마커를활용하고있다. 목적형질을갖고있는계통을선발하는 MAS(Marker assisted selection) 마커는많은육종가들에의해활용되고있지만, 유전자의 SNP(Single nucleotide polymorphism) 을활용한 MAB(Marker assisted backcross) 마커는거의활용되고있지않다. SNP 마커는단하나의염기서열의차이를구별할수있어, 유전적으로매우가까운계통들도구분할수있으며, 자동화분석이가능하다는점에서활용도가높다. 솔젠트 ( 주 ) 에서는내수및종자수출에서차지하는산업적비중이가장큰채소작물중고추병저항성관련유전자를활용한 multiplex 고추병진단제품을개발했다. 이제품에는오이모자이크바이러스 (CMV), 담배 etch 바이러스 (TEV), 토마토반점위조바이러스 (TSWV), 토바모바이러스 (TMV), 세균성점무늬병 (BS), Chilli venial mottle virus(chivmv), 고추역병에관련된저항성유전자의 SNP 을활용해개발했으며, 본제품을활용해고추육종가들이쉽고간편하게육종소재에적용해신품종육종에도움을줄것으로기대한다. * 주저자 : Tel. 042-863-5695, E-mail: sangeun@solgent.com PC-70 Overexpression of OsCHI genes increases tolerance to drought, and salt stress in transgenic arabidopsis Hyun Yong Cho, Hye Lee Lim, Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol Seong Jang * 1 Plant Genomics Lab., Dept. of Applied Plant Sci., Kangwon Nat l Univ., Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea Low temperature is a major factor restrict to growth and limiting productivity of rice crops. We used a cdna microarray approach to monitor the expression profile of rice (Oryza sativa) under chilling stress and identified 20 chilling inducible genes in previously study. Ten such genes encoding bhlh, metal transporter and, zinc finger protein with unknown functions showed a significant change in expression under various abiotic stresses. Among them, OsCHI1 (Os07g15460), OsCHI2 (Os02g43660), and OsCHI3 (Os01g61160), were selected for further study. They have structural features such as metal-binding signature sequences in their protein sequences, and OsCHI genes were expressed in root of rice seedling and induced in chilling and salt or drought. Expression of OsCHI1, OsCHI3 and OsCHI2 were targeted to membrane and ER when transiently expressed in tobacco cell, respectively. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) transgenic plants overexpressing showed increased tolerance to salt and drought stress in the seed germination and root elongation than that of wild type. This comprehensive study provides insight into the biological function of OsCHIs, which may be useful in understanding how rice plants adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-250-6416, E-mail: csjang@kangwon.ac.kr - 135 -

PC-71 Phenotypic characterization and genetic mapping of an open-hull sterile mutant in rice. Gileung Lee 1, Yoye Yu 1, Rihua Piao 1, Aeri Han 1, Sunghan Kim 1, and Hee-Jong Koh 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea Rice hulls remain closed throughout the ripening period to maintain internal humidity of the grains. An Open-hull sterile mutant was induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea(MNU) treatment on Sinsunchalbyeo rice, a japonica type. This mutant showed open hulls even in the ripening stages and fully mature grains. In addition, several altered characteristics were observed, including of narrowed palea, decreased grain size, partial pollen sterility and erect panicle. Microscopic analysis showed that the palea was positioned slightly inside the lemma, and the size of palea decreased in the mutant. Genetic analysis of F2 and F3 segregation populations derived from the cross between the Open-hull sterile mutant (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) and Milyang23 (O. sativa ssp. indica) indicated that the Open-hull trait was controlled by a single recessive allele. The fine-mapping with STS (sequence tagged site) markers revealed that the mutant gene was located on the short arm of chromosome 3. We were able to narrow it down until 30.6Kb where three candidate genes were found. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008125), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. Keywords: Rice, Open-hull sterile, Mutant, Mapping *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4541, E-mail: heejkoh@snu.ac.kr - 136 -

PC-72 Proteolytic processing and chloroplast trafficking inhibition of the chloroplast targeting RING E3 ligase, OsCTR1, involved in ABA-mediated drought tolerance mechanism Sung Don Lim 1 and Cheol Seong Jang 2* 1 Agriculture and Life Sciences Research Institute, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea 2 Plant Genomics Lab. Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea Plant growth under water-deficit conditions adversely affects many key processes. Efforts to understand drought stress-related defense mechanisms have revealed a host of plant genes using molecular approaches in rice. Here, we report the novel finding that OsCTR1 E3 ligase regulates both chloroplast-localized chloroplast protein 12 (OsCP12) and ribosomal protein 1 (OsRP1) in protein levels and subcellular localization. The results of a yeast-two hybrid assay, bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay, ubiquitination assay, subcellular localization, and a protein degradation assay support the hypothesis that OsCTR1 functions in trafficking inhibition and proteolysis of OsCP12 and OsRP1 via the ubiquitin 26S proteasome pathway. Heterogeneous overexpression of OsCTR1 in Arabidopsis showed ABA-hypersensitive phenotype in seed germination, seedling growth, and stomatal closure. The transgenic plants also exhibited improvement of water-deficit tolerance with an accumulation of hydrogen peroxide production. These results demonstrate that the OsCTR1 E3 ligase might positively regulate the cellular functions of OsCP12 and RP1 related to photosynthesis under drought stress conditions in rice. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-250-6416, E-mail: csjang@kangwon.ac.kr - 137 -

PC-73 QTL analyses for 8 agronomic characters in two populations of rice derived from wide compatibility line Jeonghwan Seo 1, Huang Xing 1, Su Jang 1, Sunghan Kim 1, Hee-Jong Koh 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea Hybrid sterility is a critical barrier of inter-subspecific crosses in rice. However, hybrid sterility can be overcome by wide compatibility variety. The HWC-line of rice had slender grain shape, tall culm length, wide compatibility with both indica and japonica cultivars. For QTL analysis of HWC-line, two F2 populations were derived from the crosses between the HWC-line and each of two Korean variety, Dasan (Korean Tongil-type cultivar) and Hwacheong (temperate japonica cultivar). In the cross between HWC-line/Dasan (HD), 93 STS markers and 13 SSR markers were mapped on 12 chromosomes. In the population from HWC-line/Hwacheong (HH) cross, 28 STS markers, 29 SSR markers and 1 FNP marker were mapped on 11 chromosomes. Eight agronomic characters were evaluated for QTL analysis in two F2 populations and parents. The F2 population from HD cross revealed 21 M-QTLs and 3 E-QTL for culm length, spikelet per panicle, spikelet fertility, grain length, grain width, grain shape and 100 grains weight. 8 QTLs of culm length, grain length, grain width and grain shape were newly detected in this study. In the F2 population from HH cross, 17 M-QTLs were detected for culm length, panicle length, spikelet fertility, grain length, grain width, grain shape and 100 grains weight. 6 QTLs of culm length, grain length, grain width and grain shape were newly found in this study. These QTLs will be able to provide basic information on putative functional genes related with agronomic characters and promote breeding new rice cultivar. HWC-line could be used as bridge for inter-subspecies crosses and in hybrid breeding. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008125), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. Keywords: rice, QTL analysis, wide compatibility *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-880-4541, E-mail: heejkoh@snu.ac.kr - 138 -

PC-74 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of high-molecular-weight subunits in Korean wheat cultivars by two-dimensional electrophoresis Min-Suk Kim, Joo-Hyung Kim, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim, Jong-Yeol Lee * National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Suwon, 441-707, Korea To evaluate expression level of HMW-GS protein qualitatively and quantitatively, we separated glutenin fractions and conducted two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) in 32 cultivars of Korean wheat for the use of as the basis of wheat breeding. The average spot number of HMW-GS in all Korean wheat cultivars was 11.78 which included 1.31, 5.53 and 4.94 to Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 loci, respectively. Cultivars harboring 1, 2* subunits had many spots more than ones harboring null allele in Glu-A1 loci because there is no difference of spots between Glu-B1 and Glu-D1 loci. In total spot number of HMW-GS, the highest one was Jokyung as 18 and Dahong the lowest as 7. When the Korean wheat cultivars were compared with the Chinese spring in the average relative expression level, Korean one s were lower as 0.44. Especially, Gobun was the highest as 1.11 and Eunpa was the lowest as 0.24. Also we investigated phylogenetic relationship based on both frequency of HMW-GS spots and quantification value of each spot to all HMW-GS spots. As a result, Korean the varieties of Korean wheat could be classified into six groups. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: jy0820@korea.kr PC-75 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of low-molecular-weight subunits in Korean wheat cultivars by two-dimensional electrophoresis Joo-Hyung Kim, Min-Suk Kim, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim, Jong-Yeol Lee * National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Suwon, 441-707, Korea LMW-GSs represent approximately 1/3 of the total wheat gluten fraction, which have not been widely studied, even though they are important in the context of wheat end-use quality. In this study, we report on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of LMW-GS in korean wheat cultivars by 2DE in 32 cultivars of Korean wheat for the use of the basis of wheat breeding. We firstly identified spots corresponding each of Glu-3 alleles. The 2DE results for each cultivar will be used as reference map or protein marker discriminating wheat cultivars, wheat and rice, imported and Korean flour. Unexpectedly, five LMW-GS spots were found to be expressed at a common position in hexaploid wheat cultivars, and these spots might play something in glutenin biosynthesis. Total spot numbers were expressed variously between 20 and 10, and average spot number was shown 17.12. The average number of spots in Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-D3 were 3.0, 4.56 and 2.96 respectively. When the Korean wheat cultivars were compared with the Chinese spring (1.0) in the average relative expression level, Korean one s were lower as 0.67. Especially, Gobun was the highest as 1.32 and Baekjoong was the lowest as 0.24. Also we investigated phylogenetic relationship based on frequency of HMW-GS spots and quantification value of each spot to all LMW-GS spots. As a result, the varieties of Korean wheat could be classified into five groups. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: jy0820@korea.kr - 139 -

PC-76 Requirement of THO2 for mirna biogenesis and alternative splicing in Arabidopsis Anchilie G. Francisco 1, Pablo A. Manavella 2, Hyeon Ju Eo 1, Ji Eun Jeon 1, Patricia Lang 2, Sung Aeong Oh 1, Jong-Tae Song 1, Soon Ki Park 1* 1 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, 72076 Tübingen, Germany The THO/TREX complex mediates the transport of nascent mrnas from the nucleus towards the cytoplasm in animals, and it has a role in small RNA-dependent processes in plants. Here we describe five mutant alleles of Arabidopsis thaliana THO2, whichencodes a core subunit of the plant THO/TREX complex. tho2 mutants present strong developmental defects resembling those in plants compromised in microrna (mirna) activity. In agreement, not only the levels of sirnas, but also of mature mirnas were reduced in tho2 mutants. As a consequence mirna target mrnas accumulated to higher levels than in wild type. Yeast two hybrid experiments showed that THO2 does not seem to interact with any of the known mirna biogenesis components, implying a more indirect role of THOs in small RNA biogenesis. We also detected alterations in the splicing pattern of genes encoding Serine/Arginine-rich proteins in tho2 mutants, suggesting a previously unappreciated role of the THO/TREX complex in alternative splicing. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 053-950-7751, E-mail: psk@knu.ac.kr - 140 -

PC-77 RNA-seq profiling of transcriptomic changes in gibberellic acid-treated seeded grapevine during inflorescence development Chan Jin Jung 1*, Su-Jung Lee 1*, Youn Young Hur 1, Sung-Min Jung 1, Jung-Ho Noh 1, Jong-Chul Nam 1, Kyo-Sun Park 1, Sung-Hwan Jo 2, Hee Jae Lee 3 1 National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA, Suwon, Korea 2 Seeders Inc., Daejeon, Korea 3 Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Gibberellic acid (GA) is a well-characterized plant hormone, which plays a critical role in various plant growth and development. including stem elongation, floral indcution and seed development. GA is known to cause enlargement of ripening fruits and, especially in grapevines, GA shows a unique function: the induction of seedlessness in seeded grape varieties. However, despite extensive previous studies about GA, there has been no clear verification of the mechanism that induces seedlessness in grapes. To understand how GA treatment results in artificial parthenocarpy of seeded grapes at molecular levels, we analyzed transcriptional changes in seeded grapes with and without GA application in various inflorescence developmental stages using RNA-seq. At 14 days before flowering (DBF), seeded grapes were treated with 100 ppm GA and clusters were collected at three developmental stages: 7 DBF, full bloom, and 5 days after flowering (DAF). Of a total of 28,974 genes that were mapped to grape genome reference sequences, 7,013 and 9,064 genes were up- and down-regulated, respectively, in the GA-treated grape as compared to the non-ga-treated control at 7 DBF, full bloom, and 5 DAF. Clustering analysis revealed that these genes could be grouped into 9 clusters with different expression patterns. We also carried out functional annotation based on gene ontology categories. There were significant differences in the expression of the GA and auxin-related gene families. These findings expand our understanding of the complex molecular and cellular mechanisms of GA-induced parthenocarpy of grapes and provide a foundation for future studies on seed development in grapevines. *C. J. Jung and S.-J Lee contributed equally to this work. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-240-3434, E-mail: miroowood@korea.kr - 141 -

PC-78 Role of mrna 3 -end processing in phosphate starvation responsive root architecture changes Hyun-Jin Chun, Dong-Won Baek, Chul-Woo Choi, Kyung-Hee Lee, Mi-Suk Park, Dae-Jin Yun, Min-Chul Kim * Division of Applied Life Science, PMBBRC, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Korea Phosphorus is one of the macronutrients essential for plant growth and development, as well as crop productivity. Many soils around the world are deficient in phosphate (Pi) that plants can utilize. To cope with the stress of Pi starvation, plants have evolved many adaptive strategies, such as changes of root architecture and enhanced Pi acquisition form soil. To understand molecular mechanism underlying Pi starvation stress signaling, we characterized the activation-tagged mutant showing altered responses to Pi deficiency compared to wild type Arabidopsis and named hsp3 (hypersensitive to Pi starvation3). hsp3 mutant exhibits enhanced phosphate transporter activity, resulting in higher Pi content than wild type. However, in root architectural change under Pi starvation, hsp3 shows hyposensitive responses than wild type, such as longer primary root elongation, lower lateral root density. Histochemical analysis using hsp3 mutant expressing auxin-responsive DR5::GUS reporter gene, indicated that auxin allocation from primary to lateral roots under Pi starvation is aborted in hsp3 mutant. Molecular genetic analysis of hsp3 mutant revealed that the mutant phenotype is caused by the lesion in ENHANCED SILENCING PHENOTYPE4 (ESP4) gene whose function is proposed in mrna 3 end processing. Here, we propose that mrna processing plays a crucial role in Pi homeostasis in Arabidopsis. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 055-772-1874, E-mail: mckim@gnu.ac.kr PC-79 Selection of CGMMV resistant watermelon by crossing CGMMV resistant GM rootstock So-Youn Lee 1, Jang-Ha Lee 1, Yuon-Sub Shin 2, Ki-Hyun Ryu 3, Soon-Chun Jeong 4, Chee-Hark Harn 1* 1 Biotechnology Institute, Nongwoo Bio Co., Yeoju, Gyeonggi, Korea 2 Breeding Institute, Nongwoo Bio Co., Miryang 627-833, Korea 3 Dept. of Environmental and Life Science, Seoul Women s Univ., Seoul, Korea 4 Bio-Evaluation Center, KRIBB, Ohchang, Chungbuk, Korea Many viruses infect cucurbits. One of the well-known symptoms is mosaic disease. Those that cause mosaic are cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), squash mosaic virus (SqMV), watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) and cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV). WMV resistant GM squash was developed many years ago in the United States and it was on the market, but no further information was available by now pertinent to commercial aspect. Usually these viruses are not easily controlled by frequent applications of chemicals that target the insect as carriers of viruses. Therefore, it is necessary to develop commercial varieties possessing resistance against viral diseases. We have developed GM watermelon rootstocks called gongdae, using a coat protein gene of CGMMV as transgene. Those GM watermelon rootstocks showed highly resistant to CGMMV, and have been crossed to get the several BC and T generation. In order to obtain the virus resistant watermelon, watermelon lines were crossed to the selected GM watermelon rootstock. Here, we present the successful watermelon cultivars that show resistance to CGMMV. The resistance must have obtained by transferring the transgene from the GM watermelon rootstock to watermelon line. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-887-6540, E-mail: chharn@nongwoobio.co.kr - 142 -

PC-80 Selection of drought-tolerant durum (Triticum turgidum L.) and common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Korea and Tunisia Sang Heon Kim 1, Dae Yeon Kim 2, Yacoubi Inès 3, Yong Jin Lee 2, Oonha Shin 1, Jin-Seok Yoon 1, Woo-Joo Jung 1, Yong Weon Seo 1* 1 Department of Biosystems Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-713. Republic of Korea 2 Division of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul 136-713. Republic of Korea 3 Centre de biotechnologie de Sfax (CBS), Sfax, Tunisia Drought tolerance is the ability of a plant to live, grow, and reproduce properly with limited water supply or under periodic conditions of water deficit. However, the climate changes and worldwide water shortages would result in the loss of applied water to irrigated land, increasing soil water deficit. To control the situation, we have carried out the international joint research project for the aim of developing that drought tolerance common wheat and durum wheat in Korea and Tunisia. Total 79 (41 common wheat, 39 durum wheat) Tunisian lines and 33 Korean wheat cultivars were incorporated in this study. Drought stress was applied for 25 days of stopping irrigation from the 3-leaf stage followed by re-watering for restoration in greenhouse. We selected top 13 (5 Korean line, 8 Tunisian line) tolerant lines and 11 (5 Korean, 6 Tunisian) susceptible lines based on growth parameter analysis. Primers (Operon primers and wheat Dreb1 gene) that have been known to be related drought resistance were applied to explain selected population. The correlation between PCR-based length polymorphism of selected lines and their resistance were evaluated. The obtained primer information will aid selection for drought tolerance durum as well as hexaploid common wheat. Acknowledgement: This research was supported by National Nuclear R&D Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. 2012K1A3A1A09028123). *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-3290-3005, E-mail: seoag@korea.ac.kr - 143 -

PC-81 Selection of microsatellite marker set for the analysis of genetic integrity and relationship in rice genetic resources Gi-An Lee, Do-Yoon Hyun, Myung-Chul Lee, Jung Yoon Lee, Jong-Wook Chung, Sok-Young Lee, Yeon-Gyu Kim National Agrobiodiveristy Center, NAAS, RDA, Suwon, 441-853, Republic of Korea Rice genetic resources are composed of various species and ecotypes, and each accession reveals different genetic and phenotypic characters. For the managenment of diverse rice genetic resources, seed integrity is important factor in that the individuals of one accession in self-pollinating crop might be homogeneous. To elevate the management efficiency of rice germplasm contrary to the phenotypic distinction, we focused on applicable microsatellite markers because this markers are widly used for genetic evaluation in diverse genetic resources with a character of high reproducibility and polymorphism. In this regard, we selected microsatellite markers based on genotypes; diversity set including 150 accessions using 249 SSR markers. As SSR loci with high PIC(polymorphism information content) values usually revealed multi bands in one accession, proper genotyping were difficult in these loci. Therefor, we checked the band clarity in addition to PIC values and chose 12 and 6 SSR markers finally. All accessions of rice diversity set were distinguished with the first marker set comprising 12 SSR markers, and only 3 combinations of tested accessions(0.03%, 3/11,175) showed same genotype with second marker set comprising 6 SSR markers. The tested 142 Korean bred varieties revealed 0.19%(19/10,011 combinations) and 0.69%(69/10,011 combinations) genotypic identity using first and second marker set, respectively. These newly selected markers might be useful for the analysis of genetic homogeneity and relationship in rice genetic resources. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-299-1887, E-mail: gkntl1@korea.kr PC-82 Shotgun proteomics approach to identify candidate proteins related with drought stress in Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis (inbred line Chiifu ) Hijin Kim 1, Jaebok Cho 1, Wondo Lee 1, Joohyun Lee 1* 1 Department of Applied Bioscience, Konkuk University,Seoul 143-701, Korea As the drought is getting worse, Lot of studies related to drought stress in plant have been conducted. Recently whole genome sequencing of Brassica rapa ssp which is important vegetable crop to East Asians has been completed to enable Omic research. It is known that the drought damages occur in the early stage of plant development. Here, we performed shotgun proteomics analysis of B. rapa to observe the morphological characters, monitor the expression patterns of the identified proteins during drought stress, and detect the proteins related to drought stress. The three week old B. rapa grown in density of single plant in a single pot were used. Drought stress were treated as that a single plant in soil was removed from the pot and the plant with soil was exposed to air and light without watering. Leaves were immediately harvested before drought treatment, 24hr after drought treatment, and 48hr after drought treatment. The protein expression patterns were monitored by a quantitative shotgun proteomics analysis. Extracted proteins were separated in 1D-SDS-PAGE then the gel sliced into seven pieces. Chopped gels were ingel-digested. Peptides were assigned to mass spectrometry (Q-Exactive). The ms/ms spectra were analyzed through Proteome Discoverer. By combining all of the identified proteins in the seven sliced gel samples, total B. rapa proteome reference map was completed. Protein expression patterns were investigated by comparing the quantity of protein. With shotgun proteomic approach, we evaluated the changes in the quantity and finally discovered the candidate proteins related with drought stress. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: joohyun00@gmail.com - 144 -

PC-83 Sound wave stimulates plant gene response and improve salt stress tolerance of rice seedlings M. J. Jeong 1*, D. W. Bae 2, H. H. Bae 3, S. C. Shin 2, S. I. Lee 1, J. A Kim 1, S. H. Park 1, D. H. Kim 1 and S. C. Park 1 1 National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Rural Development Administration(RDA), Suwon 441-707, 2 Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, 3 Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 712-749 We investigated whether sound could alter gene expression in plants. Using a sound-treated subtractive library, a set of sound-responsive genes in plants was demonstrated through mrna expression analyses. Of them, the rbcs and ald genes, which are light responsive, up-regulated their expression with sound treatment in both light and in dark conditions. This suggested that sound could be used as a gene regulator instead of light. When we analyzed ald gene expression using various single wavelengths, a significant increase in mrna levels was found at 125 or 250 Hz but decreased at 50 Hz, indicating that the gene responded to sound in a wavelength-specific manner. To determine whether the ald promoter respond to sound, we generated transgenic rice plants harboring the chimeric gene consisting of a 1,506-bp promoter fragment of the ald gene fused to Escherichia coli GUS reporter gene. Analyses of mrna expressison level of three independent transgenic lines sound-treated with 50 or 250 Hz for 4 h showed that the Gus gene expression in all three transgenic lines was up regulated by 250 Hz, but down regulated by 50 Hz. These results correlated with sound responsive mrna expression pattern observed for the ald gene in rice plants, indicating that the 1,506-bp ald promoter confers sound-responsiveness on a reporter gene in transgenic rice plants. We also investigated whether sound waves could improve salt tolerance in rice seedling. The rice seedlings were sound treated with 800 Hz for 1hr, and then treated with 0, 75, 150, and 225mM NaCl for 3 days to observe changes in physiological and morphological aspects. Sound treatment seedlings resulted in enhanced salt stress tolerance, mainly demonstrated by the sound treated seedlings exhibiting of increased root relative water contents (RWC), root length and weight, photochemical efficiency (ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm), and germination rate under salt stress condition. This demonstrates that a specific sound wave might be used, not only to alter gene expression in plant, but also to improve salt stress tolerance. - 145 -

PC-84 SSR 분자마커를이용한튀김옥수수자식계통들에대한집단구조및 association 분석 장진선 1, 장은하 1, 사규진 2, 김병완 2, 김종화 3, 이주경 2* 1 강원도농업기술원 2 강원대학교농업생명과학대학식물자원응용공학과 3 강원대학교농업생명과학대학원예학과 본연구는강원도농업기술원옥수수연구소에서튀김옥수수품종개발을위하여육성한 79 개의자식계통들에대하여 SSR 분자마커를이용하여집단구조및 association mapping 분석을실시하였다. 집단구조분석결과, 79 개의튀김옥수수자식계통들은 groups I, II, III, IV, admixed group 으로구분되었다. 4 개의옥수수자식계통은 group I 에포함되었고, Group II 는총 17 개의자식계통들이포함되었다. 그리고 6 개의자식계통들은 Group III 에포함되었으며, 22 개의자식계통들은 Group IV 에포함되었다. 그리고 admixed group 에는 30 개옥수수자식계통들로구성되었다. 더욱이본연구에서는튀김옥수수자식계통들에서분석에이용된 50 개 SSR 마커와 13 개의질적, 양적형질과의연관성을분석하기위해서 association mapping 분석을실시하였으며, false positive associations 을최소화하기위해서 population structure(q), kinship(k) 값을이용하여 Q GLM 과 Q+K MLM 분석을실시하였다. 0.05 의유의수준에서, Q GLM 분석을이용하여총 44 개의 SSR 마커가 12 개의형질과 association 을보였고, Q+K MLM 을이용하여분석하였을때, 총 25 개의 SSR 마커가 12 개의형질과 association 을보였다. 그리고 0.01 의유의수준에서, Q GLM 분석에서는 34 개의 SSR 마커와 12 개형질의 association 을확인하였다. 더욱이 Q+K MLM 을이용하여 8 개의 SSR 마커는 5 개의형질과 association 을확인하였다. 본연구에서 79 개의튀김옥수수자식계통들에대한집단구조및 association mapping 분석의결과는앞으로강원도농업기술원옥수수연구소에서튀김옥수수품종개발을위한계통육성및교배조합구성등에유용한정보를제공할것으로기대한다. * 주저자 : Tel. 033-250-6415, E-mail: jukyonglee@kangwon.ac.kr - 146 -

PC-85 Studies of R2R3-OsMYB4P transcription factor in phosphate starvation signaling Won-Tae Yang 1, Doh-Hoon Kim 1* 1 Department of Genetic engineering, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-a University, Busan 604-714, Republic of Korea The molecular processing of upstream regulation of Pi response genes during Pi starvation remains inadequately understood. Several transcription factor have been studied that appear to regulate subsets of the responses to Pi stress either positively or negatively. MYB genes are responsive to one or multiple type of hormone and stress treatments. In this study, cdna of the MYB have been cloned, and we generated Rice overexpressing plants for characterization of these genes. OsMYB gene function focused on phosphate conditions with rice and Arabidopsis transgenic plants. We selected 30 - T1 transgenic lines from T0 transgenic rices. those are shown high Pi content. The Pi contents of shoots part of transgenic plants were shown 10~20% increased Pi contents than WT, whereas roots have 30% increased Pi contents. As a result, OsMYB genes affect Pi uptake in plants. To investigate interactions between MYB proteins and phosphate signaling related genes. We demonstrate that Myb-binding sites (MBSs) exist in putative promoter of OsPT transporter by analysis of bioinformatics, and its bind specific MYB transcription factor. OsMYB expression is induced by low Pi and Pi deficiency, and its overexpression plants are shown morphological phenotype in Pi stress. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008035), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea *Corresponding Author: Tel. 051-200-7507, E-mail: dhkim@dau.ac.kr - 147 -

PC-86 Study on the polymorphism between brown midrib mutants and Hwangkeumchal using SSR markers toward sorghum QTL mapping on excessive water stress JY Park 1, AR Kim 1, SY Yoo 1, JI Kim 2, TW Jung 2, SH Woo 3, HY Heo 4, TW Kim 1, and TS Ko 1* 1 Institute of Ecological Phytochemistry, School of Plant and Envrionmental Science, Hankyong National Univ., 167 Jungang-ro, Kyonggi-do, Korea 456-749 2 Rural Development Administration, National Institute of Crop Science, Dept. of Functional Crop, Miryang, Gyengnam, Korea 627-803 3 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National Univ., Cheong-ju, Korea 361-763 4 Dept. of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, Montana State Univ., Bozeman, MT 59717, USA Excessive water stress can cause severe damage to sorghum and results in significant yield reduction. The aim of this study is to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for excessive water stress in sorghum. As a first step, two out of 21 bmr mutants were selected for their superior agronomic performance and Chlorophyll a fluorescence OJIP transient, and were crossed with an elite Korean cultivar, Hwangkeumchal, to construct mapping populations. One hundred ten out of 236 SSR primers showed polymorphism between two parens, which cover ten chromosomes of sorghum from different published SSR linkage maps of sorghum. Development of recombinant inbred lines from the crosses 25M2-0698 x Hwangkeumchal and 25M2-0404 x Hwangkeumchal are in progress using the single seed descendent method for generation acceleration. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 program (No. PJ009101), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea *Corresponding Author: tsko@hknu.ac.kr - 148 -

PC-87 TaGAST genes accelerates spike development by repressing negative growth regulator in wheat Yun Jeong Kim 1, Dae Yeon Kim 1, Min Jeong Hong 2, Jae Yoon Kim 1, Yong Weon Seo 1 1 College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Republic of Korea 2 Depart of Food and Plant Breeding Research, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongup, Jeonbuk 580-185, Republic of Korea Over the last decades, increasing natural disasters and climate change are considered as the major environmental problems facing the globe. Numerous studies have been indicated it would cause huge losses on agriculture, especially in the grain productivity. Therefore, several alternatives are suggested for boosting up productivity of wheat as one of the main human food crop. One of important strategy is proper management of inflorescence development and DELLA proteins have been elucidated to play pivotal roles in growth of many plant organs. In this study, putative negative regulator of DELLA protein, GAST (Gibberellic acids stimulated transcript) have been isolated to identify their role in the developing spike of wheat. Four genes were isolated from its gene family and designated as TaGAST1, 2, 3, 4. Genomic structure was analyzed to demonstrate chromosomal localization of TaGAST genes and evolutionary relationships were also verified with GAST genes in other plant species. RT-PCR was conducted to detect transcriptional changes of TaGAST genes on external phytohormone. Each of TaGAST genes showed considerable changes in transcription level after GA, ABA, PAC treatment, respectively. Through Yeast two-hybrid assay, one protein for TaGAST1, and four proteins for TaGAST2 was isolated as putative interactive proteins in wheat spikes just before and after emergence. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No.{J008031012013}, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-3290-3005, E-mail: seoag@korea.ac.kr - 149 -

PC-88 The effect of chronical irradiation on Brachypodium distachyon as a model plant for lignocellulosic bioethanol production Jae Yoon Kim 1, Dae Yeon Kim 1, Man Bo Lee 1, Yong Weon Seo 1* 1 College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Korea University, Anam-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea 136-713 Brachypodium distachyon is a temperate annual grass that has a short life cycle, a small genome size, self fertility, and a small physical stature. The relationship with major cereal crop including wheat, Brachypodium is considered as a monocot model plant. Recently, the cell wall composition of Brachypodium is reported closely related with maize and Miscanthus giganteus. Therefore, Brachypodium is emrging as a powerful model plant for bioethanol production. Here, Brachypodium was chronically irradiated with the doses of 50 Gy, 100 Gy, 150 Gy, 200Gy, 250 Gy, and 300 Gy. Plant height and fresh weight were observed dosage-dependent negative effect. However, tiller number and internode diameter were found to be increased their value as compared to control. The cell wall yield showed a decreased tendency with dosage-dependent negative, but cell wall yield of 50 Gy and 200 Gy were detected higher than control. The lignin content of irradiated Brachypodium stem was reduced with dosage incease The ratios of lignin content to control were 97.6% (50 Gy), 91.9 (100 Gy), 87.3% (150 Gy), 89.4% (200 Gy), 81.6% (250 Gy), 85.2% (300 Gy). SEM image analysis demonstrated that cell size of 300 Gy plant was decreased by 45% of control. RT-PCR was performed to analyze transcript accumulation of lignin pathway related genes with irradiated Brachypodium stem. CCR, PAL, C4H, and 4CL were detected at least 2 times higher expression than control at 150 Gy, 200 Gy, 250 Gy. The preteatment and enzyme hydrolysis will be discussed for bioethanol production. Aknowledgement: This research was supported by National Nuclear R&D Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. 2012M2A2A60-3566 ) *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-3290-3005, E-mail: seoag@korea.ac.kr - 150 -

PC-89 The rice RING E3 ligase OsHIR1 participates in positive regulation of arsenic and cadmium uptake Sung Don Lim 1, Jin Gyu Hwang 2, and Cheol Seong Jang 2* 1 Agriculture and Life Sciences Research Institute, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea 2 Plant Genomics Lab. Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-713, Republic of Korea The metalloid arsenic (As) and the hevy metal cadmium (Cd) are ubiquitously found at low concentrations in the earth, while high concentrations of the both elements in soil and crop are severe dangerous to human health. We have tried to retrieve RING E3 ligase gene, which is believed to regulate substrate proteins in As or Cd uptake via ubiquitin 26S proteasome pathway, related to inhibit metal ion transport system. A total of 48 rice RING E3 ligases were randomly selected and then conducted semi-quantitative RT-PCR for their expression patterns as exposed to As and Cd treatments. We discovered one gene, Oryza sativa heavy metal induced RING E3 ligase 1 (OsHIR1) that was significantly up-regulated against both treatments. A total of 31 positive interaction clones with OsHIR1 were screened depending on their strong α-galactosidase activity via yeast-two hybrid screen. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis evidenced that the OsHIR1 protein was clearly interacted with each of six partner protein including aquaporin tonoplast intrinsic protein 4;1 (OsTIP4;1) in the plasma membrane. Protein degradation assay showed that OsHIR1 strongly degraded the protein level of OsTIP4;1 via ubiquitin 26S proteasome system. Heterogeneous overexpression of OsHIR1 in Arabidopsis showed As- and Cd-insensitive phenotype. In addition, the transgenic plant showed low levels of As and Cd accumulation than the control plant in leaf and root. Here, we report the novel finding that OsHIR1 E3 ligase positively regulates OsTIP4;1 related to As and Cd uptake. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 033-250-6416, E-mail: csjang@kangwon.ac.kr - 151 -

PC-90 Towards high-throughput marker-assisted backcrossing system Chenie Zamora 1*, Katreena Titong 1, Michael J. Thomson 1, Joong Hyoun Chin 1 1 Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnoloy Division, The International Rice Research Institute, DAPO Box 7777, Manila, The Philippines The main objectives of IRRI s variety development should meet the needs of customers/farmers from diverse rice sectors in each target region. The dynamic market change asks rapid variety development with highly valued QTLs/genes. Molecular breeding implemented through the efficient crossing, high throughput genotyping and rapid generation advancement will provide packages to breeders to develop new varieties quickly and more economically. The more efficient and cost-effective marker-assisted backcrossing service will provide the more opportunity for the success in molecular breeding platform. To make MABC system more successful, the development of molecular marker system for the high-throughput SNP genotyping is must. Currently Genotyping Service Lab (GSL) of IRRI provides high-throughput SNP genotyping service using BeadXpress and Fluidigm system. Meanwhile, the linked SNP markers for the specific traits are being developed. For abiotic stress tolerances, the markers for submergence, drought, heat, anaerobic germination, salinity, and phosphorus deficiency for Fluidigm system are being developed and tested in variety diversity panel and segregating populations. In MABC, due to the high number of crossings, the labor- and space-saving crossing system is being developed. As a result of an integrated MABC platform will speed up the development of pre-breeding line which are containing single or multiple QTLs/genes. *Corresponding Author: Tel. +63-49-536-2701 (2709), E-mail: j.chin@irri.org - 152 -

PC-91 Transcriptome profiling of Shindongjin and Sugary mutant at grain-filling stages using RNA-Seq Feng-Peng Li 1, Min-Young Yoon 1, Gang Li 1 and Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 340-802, Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan, 340-802, Republic of Korea Rice (Oryza sativa) is an excellent model monocot with a known genome sequence for studying developmental seeds. In the study, the seeds of 10th day after flowering (DAF) were conducted RNA-Seq of the variety Shindongjin and Sugary mutant using RNA-seq technique. Approximately 202 and 214 million high-quality paired-end reads (101-bp in size) were generated in Shindongjin and Sugary mutant, respectively. Comprehensive analysis on the transcript levels of genes which encode starch-synthesis enzymes is fundamental for the assessment of the function of each enzyme and the regulatory mechanism of starch biosynthesis in seeds. Quantitative real-time PCR was also used to validate the expression profiles of 28 rice genes encoding six classes of enzymes, viz., ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), starch synthase, starch branching enzyme, starch debranching enzyme, starch phosphorylase, and disproportionating enzyme at different developmental grain- filling stages (DAF 1-14) between Shindongjin and Sugary mutant. The results showed that the expression of most of starch synthesis genes were up-regulated except the cytosolic AGPase small subunit2b (AGPS2b), which sharply decreased at grain-filling stages in Sugary mutant. These results will expand our understanding of the complex molecular and cellular events in rice grain-filling stages and provide a fundamental understanding of future studies on developmental endosperm in rice and other cereal crops. *Corresponding Author: Tel.041-330-1213, E-mail: yjpark@kongju.ac.kr - 153 -

PC-92 Transgenic expression of MsHSP23 confers enhanced tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in forage crops Ki-Won Lee, Jin-Yong Mun, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Hyung Soo Park, Gi Jun Choi, Sang-Hoon Lee * Grassland and Forages Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration, Cheonan 330-801, Korea Abiotic stress is the major limiting factor of forage crops growth and yields. The objective of this work was to study the stress tolerance and regeneration capability of transgenic forage crops carrying a MsHSP23 gene, encoding a alfalfa mitochondrial shsp protein. The expression of the MsHSP23 gene was confirmed in bacteria, recombinant mhsp23 conferred tolerance to salinity and arsenic stress. Furthermore, mhsp23 was cloned in a plant expressing vector and transformed into forage crops such as alfalfa, tall fescue and bent grass. The transgenic plants exhibited enhanced tolerance to salinity and arsenic stress conditions. In comparison to wild type plants, transgenic plants were exhibited significantly lower electrolyte leakage. Moreover, the transgenic plants had superior germination rates when placed on medium containing arsenic. Taken together, these overexpression results imply that mhsp23 plays an important role in salinity and arsenic stress tolerance in transgenic forage crops. This approach could be useful to develop stress-tolerant plants including forage crops. (This study was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No.PJ0081392013), Rural Development Administration) *Corresponding Author: Tel. 041-580-6754, E-mail: sanghoon@korea.kr - 154 -

PC-93 Whole transcriptome analysis during early symbiotic signaling in Medicago truncatula Hyun-Ju Hwang 1, Sang Cheol Kim 2, Mijin Oh 1, Sin-Gi Park 1, Hee-Ju Yu 3, Brendan Riely 4, Douglas Cook 4, Jeong-Hwan Mun 5, Gang-Seob Lee 1* 1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, 126 Suin-ro, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, 441-707, Korea 2 Korean Bioinfoformation Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology, 125 Gwahak-ro, Daejeon, 305-806, Korea 3 Department of Life Sciences, The Catholic University of Korea, 43-1 Yeokgok 2-dong, Wonmi-gu, Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do, 420-743, Korea 4 Department of Plant Pathology, University of California-Davis, One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616, USA 5 Division of Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Myongji University, 116 Myongji-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, 449-728, Korea Legume and rhizobia symbiosis plays an important role in conversion of atmospheric dinitrogen to ammonia. On a global scale, thin interaction represent a key entry point for reduced nitrogen into the biosphere, and as a consequence this symbiosis in important in both natural and agricultural systems. Symbiotic development of nodule organ in triggered by chito-oligosaccharide signals(nod factors) from the bacterium which are perceived by the legume root. Understanding the molecular and cellular processes that underlie Nod factor perception is one focus of legume biology. Although forward genetics has proved to be an important tool to elucidate key players in Nod factor perception, we still know relatively little regarding the functional networks of genes and proteins that connect the earliest steps of Nod factor perception to immediate downstream outcomes. To identify genes and proteins that link Nod factor perception to cellular and physiological responses we are taking a discovery-based strategy on large-scale transcriptome profiling using RNA sequencing in the roots of Medicago truncatula in response to Sinorhizobium meliloti. Functional characterization of a number of candidate genes is currently in progress to further examine their role in nodulation. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-299-0656, E-mail: kangslee@korea.kr - 155 -

PD-01 웅성불임제초제저항성들잔디 (JG21-MS) 의임성특성평가 권용익 1*, 최정근 1, 배태웅 1, 강홍규 1, 박기웅 2, 이효연 1 1 제주시제주대학교아열대원예산업연구소 2 대전광역시유성구충남대학교식물자원학과 현재작물에서분자육종학의기술은 1994 년미국칼젠사 (Calgene) 가개발한숙성과정중물러지지않는토마토, Flavr Savr 라는상품을개발하여일반인들에게도많이알려지며관심을갖는분야가되었다. 그이후미국몬산토 (Monsanto) 에서개발한 Round up ready 라는제초제저항성콩을상품으로발표하면서외래형질을도입한작물에대한위해성의논란이야기되어, 이를잠재울만한기술및방법들이연구되어지고있다. 형질전환작물, 다시말하여유전자변형생물 (GMO, genetically modified organism) 의위해성의논란의하나인외래유전자가도입된형질전환체의유전자가야생으로이동하여의도치않은유전자의이동에관한것이다. 본연구는선행연구에서제초제저항성을보이는잔디, JG21(Jeju Green 21) 에방사선 ( 감마선 ) 을처리하여얻은여러형질중화분에이상을보이는 ( 웅성불임 ) 라인을선발하여 JG21-MS (Male Sterility) 라고명명된웅성불임들잔디화분을조사하였다. 그결과외형적으로 Wild-type, JG21 의정상적인둥근공모양의형태를보이는것에비해 JG21-MS 의화분은찌그러진형태가관찰되었고, 화분의활성을확인할수있는 Alexander 염색법을이용하여관찰한결과 JG21-MS 의화분은대부분염색되지않았다. 또한실제적으로 JG21-MS 의화분이발아하여화분관신장의가능성을확인하기위해화분관발아배지를이용하여화분관을유도하였으나 Wild-type, JG21 에서비슷한수준으로화분관이신장된것에비해 JG21-MS 는 0% 의화분관신장를보였다. JG21-MS 의화분은 Wild-type 의화분에비해양이상당히적고모양또한찌그러진형태로유전자이동의가능성이있는화분관신장을보이지않아 GM 작물의안정성의문제를해소할수있을것이다. 하지만들잔디의생육환경에따라화분의활성에영향을미칠수있어이를명확히할필요가있으며, 한해의결과로속단하기이르므로본연구의결과를바탕으로다음세대및다양한조건에서의추가연구가필요하다. * 주저자 : Tel. 064-725-3987, E-mail, yongikk@jejunu.ac.kr PD-02 유전자변형벼안전성평가의분자생물학적평가가이드라인개발 이범규 *, 이기종, 권순종, 조현석, 류태훈 경기도수원시서둔동국립농업과학원생물안전성과 국제적으로유전자변형작물 (Genetically Modified, GM) 의개발및재배는지속적으로증가하고있으며, 국내에도 GM 작물개발에대한많은연구가진행되고있다. 국내에서 GM 작물은상업적재배및이용에앞서이들이인체및환경에미칠수있는잠재적인위해성을과학적으로검토하고안전성을입증하도록법으로규정하고있으며, 특히안전성평가항목에대해서는 LMO 법통합고시별표 10-1 에규정되어있다. GM 작물의안전성평가는사안별 (case-by-case) 평가원칙에따라도입형질및작물별로평가방법을달리하여야하지만통합고시에서는모든유전자변형생물체를대상으로기술되어있어개발자가특정작물의안전성평가를수행하여심사서를작성하는데여러가지어려움을제기하고있는실정이다. 따라서본연구에서는국내주요식량작물이자가장많은유전자변형연구가진행되고있는벼에대한안전성평가연구가이드를제시하여국내외개발자및안전성평가연구자를지원하고자하였다. 본발표에서는안전성평가에대한통합고시별표 10-1 의항목중분자생물학적평가를대상으로하였다. * 주저자 : Tel. 031-299-1162, E-mail: leebk3@korea.kr - 156 -

PD-03 제초제저항성웅성불임 GM 들잔디 (JG21-MS) 의분자생물학적특성평가 강홍규 1*, 김보화 1, 선현진 1, 권용익 1, 이효연 1,2 1 제주특별자치도제주시아라 2 동제주대학교아열대원예산업연구소 2 제주특별자치도제주시아라 2 동제주대학교생명공학부 잔디는비식용, 비사료용작물이지만스포츠공간용, 조경용, 지피용등으로전세계적으로가장보편적으로활용되는작물이며, 경제성이매우높은작물이다. 본연구의목적은상업적재배를위해개발된제초제저항성웅성불임 GM 들잔디의분자생물학적특성을평가하는것이다. JG21-MS 웅성불임계통은최초선발된해로부터현재까지 6 여년동안제초제저항성뿐만아니라웅성불임성을잘유지하고있다. BAR 유전자카세트와 T-DNA 삽입점에서좌, 우 1kb 정도의주변염기서열의동등성및 BAR 유전자발현의동등성에서모본과차이를보이지않았다. T-DNA 삽입특성을조사한실험에서, T-DNA 오른쪽경계 (RB) 의삽입은특이한 DNA 단편의첨가또는소실없이들잔디 DNA 와연결되어있지만, hygromycin 저항성유전자 (HPH) 가위치한왼쪽경계 (LB) 의삽입은삽입과정에서 HPH 유전자의 4/5 정도가소실되어유전자의기능을상실하였다. 또한왼쪽끝부분과연결된들잔디 DNA 쪽도 620bp 가소실되었다. T-DNA 는 Ty1-copia retrotransposon-like 유전자영역에삽입된것으로확인되었다. Ty1-copia retrotransposon 은식물종에조금차이가있지만전체게놈의 10~50% 정도를차지하는것으로알려져있다. 또한 retrotransposon-like 유전자는식물고유기능의유전자가아니므로본이벤트에서 T-DNA 는비유전자영역에삽입된것으로간주할수있을것으로사료된다. 결국, JG21 과 JG21-MS 는 HPH 유전자가소실되어기능을상실하였으므로목표유전자인 BAR 만 single copy 로존재하는것으로확인되었다. 차세대바이오그린 21 GM 작물실용화사업단에서지원하는 GM 작물이벤트의분자생물학적특성의최소기준은단일복제수 (single copy), 항생제마커없이목표유전자도입 (target gene only), 비유전자내삽입을장려하고있고, JG21 와 JG21-MS 계통의제초제저항성들잔디는이러한기본조건을만족시키고있는것으로평가되었다. 사사 : 본연구는농촌진흥청차세대바이오그린 21 프로그램 ( 과제번호 PJ00949902) 및교육부중점연구소 ( 과제번호 2012-048080) 지원에의해수행되었음. * 주저자 : Tel. 064-754-3985, E-mail: honggyu@jejunu.ac.kr. - 157 -

PD-04 An event of gm peppers tolerant to pepper mottle virus (PepMoV) Eun-Mi Jeon 1, Sun-Hee Shin 1, Jung-Mi Park 1, Soon-Ho Choi 2, Dong-Bo Shim 2, Nam-Han Her 1, Jang-Ha Lee 1, Min Jung 1, Ki-Hyun Ryu 3, Soon-Chun Jeong 4, Chee-Hark Harn 1* 1 Biotechnology Institute, Nongwoo Bio Co., Yeoju, Gyeonggi, Korea 2 Breeding Institute, Nongwoo Bio Co., Yeoju, Gyeonggi, Korea 3 Dept. of Environmental and Life Science, Seoul Women s Univ., Seoul, Korea 4 Bio-Evaluation Center, KRIBB, Ohchang, Chungbuk, Korea In Korea, CMV (cucumber mosaic virus) is the most frequently occurring virus with a single infection rate of 45%. However, a total occurrence of CMV by co-infection, either couple or multiple, with BBWV (broad bean wilt virus), PepMoV (pepper mottle virus) and PMMoV (pepper mild mottle virus) covers over 90% in the field cultivation of pepper. The PepMoV is transmitted by several aphid species, and it has been considered the most frequently detected potyvirus when it co-infects with CMV or PMMoV. Since F 1 hybrid that resistant to PepMoV has not been developed, we have developed transgenic peppers using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with a Hc-Pro gene of the PepMoV. A large number of T 1 peppers were tested for resistance to the PepMoV, and T 1 peppers tolerant of PepMoV were selected. After consequent self-crossing up to T 4 generation, highly tolerant peppers to PepMoV were selected. So far, BC 3F 1 lines have been selected by back-crossing with 4 elite lines through a breeding program. The horticultural differences of the GM line comparing to inbred lines were investigated and no statistical significance between GM and non-gm lines was found. Based on molecular analysis, One of GM lines, 10-2, contained the transgene in the non-coding region indicating that this line would be a GM event. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-887-6540, E-mail: chharn@nongwoobio.co.kr - 158 -

PD-05 Assessment of microbial community in paddy soils cultivated with Bt and Nakdong rice Soo-In Sohn 1*, Byung-Kwan Cho 2, Bong-Kyun Jeon 3, Jeung-Won Lee 3, Tae-Hoon Ryu 1, Hyun-Suk Cho 1, Ki-Jong Lee 1, Sung-Dug Oh 1, Hong-Il Ahn 1, Kong-Sik Shin 1 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Suwon, 441-707, Korea 2 Chungnam National University, Daejeon, 305-764, Korea 3 Smateome Co., Ltd., Suwon, 441-100, Korea The cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops has increased due to their economic and agronomic advantages. Before commercialization of GM crops, however, we must assess the potential risks of GM crops on human health and environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible impact of Bt rice on the soil microbial community. Microbial communities were isolated from the rhizosphere soil cultivated with Bt rice and Nakdong, parental cultivar and were subjected to be analyzed using both culture-dependent and molecular methods. The total counts of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes in the rhizosphere of transgenic and conventional rice were not significantly different. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rrna genes revealed that the bacterial community structures during cultural periods were very similar each other. Analysis of dominant isolates in the rhizosphere cultivated with Bt and Nakdong rice showed that the dominant isolates from the soil of Bt rice and Nakdong belonged to the Proteobacteria, Cloroflexi, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Acidobacteria. These results indicate that the Bt rice has no significant impact on the soil microbial communities during cultivation period. Further study remains to be investigated whether the residue of Bt rice effect on the soil environment. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-299-1144, E-mail: sisohn@korea.kr PD-06 Characterization of tissue-specific gene promoters in various organs and stage of reproductive development in rice Songhwa Chae 2, Joung Sug Kim 2, Kyong-Mi Jun 1, Yeon-Ki Kim 1, Baek-hie Nahm 1,2 1 GreenGene Biotech Inc. and Division of BioScience and Bioinformatics, Yongin, 449-728, Korea. 2 Division of BioScience and Bioinformatics, Myongji University, Yongin, Korea. Rice is an important model species and one of the most staple crops of the world. The use of rice appropriate promoters suitable for a specific target transgene is important for the control of spatial and temporal transgene expression. To isolate rice tissue-specific promoters, we exploited the potential of whole genome microarrays in 17 stages: callus, germinating seed, leaf, root, the size of the panicles before heading (1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, and 22 cm), and the number of days after pollination (1, 3, 5, 11, 21 DAP) using a 300 K Rice Genome Microarray, covering 31,439 genes of the rice. Eight candidate genes for tissue-specific expression were selected in various organs and stage of reproductive development in rice: Histone H4 for constitutive expression, Dehydrin DHN1 for callus-specific expression, germinating seed-specific hypothetical protein, root-specific hypothetical protein, DNA topoisomerase and Retinoblastoma for expression at panicles before heading, heading-specific profiling, and invertase for expression at seed after pollination. Promoter regions of the selected genes were isolated and fused to the β -glucoronidase (GUS) reporter gene, and the constructs were introduced into rice plants. These promoters are highly active in the tissue-specific manner of rice and can be useful for the spatial and temporal enhancement of target gene(s). - 159 -

PD-07 CMV-CP 바이러스저항성 GM 고추의농업적특성 안주희, 김창기, 박정호, 문예슬, 김도영, 장경민 363-883 충북청원군오창읍연구단지로 30 한국생명공학연구원바이오평가센터 고추 (Capsicum annuum L.) 는가지과 (Solanaceae) 로분류되는일년초로서온대에서열대까지널리재배되고있다. 또한세계 50 억인구가식생활에활용하고있고재배면적이 7 위인세계적인채소로서식생외에도먹거리의식품첨가제, 색소, 의약품재료, 화장품등산업적으로많이사용되고있으며, 그산업규모가계속증가하고있다. 고추관련산업매출은 300 억불로서상업적가치가매우높은채소작물이다. 따라서고추는채소류중동남아등해외로수출가능성이가장높은작물로써수출전용품종개발이시급하고, 국내재배용으로는바이러스내병성이강하고고품질의고추품종개발이요구된다. 현대생물공학은고추의병해충에대한유전적개량을통해이익을줄수있으며, 첫번째유전자형질전환은 Agrobacterium tumefaciens 로 neomycin phosphotransferase 와 β-glucuronidase 유전자를삽입한것으로 (Liu et al., 1990) 그후로 C. annuum 에대한기술의발달이꾸준히보고되었다. 최근고추에서개량하고자하는형질에는 CMV, TEV, TMV 에대한바이러스저항성 (Cai et al., 2003), 담배나방 (Heliothis assulta) 에대한해충저항성 (Kim et al., 2003), 과실성숙도조절, 저장기간연장등으로요약되고있다 (OECD 고추표준기술서, 2006). 본연구에서는국내에존재하는고추품종과계통을모두이병시키는새로운바이러스인 CMVP1 에대한내성이있는 GM 고추 H15 event 의농업적특성포장시험을실시하였다. 농업환경위해성평가를위한농업적특성포장시험을 2012 년 5 월부터 9 월까지 H15 event 와모본 P2377 에대하여수행하였다. 조사내용은식물체, 과실및꽃의특성을조사하였다. 식물체의특성은 6 월부터 9 월까지 6 항목을조사하였으며, 8 월최성기는 18 항목을조사하였다. 조사결과는 6 월부터 8 월까지식물체특성은통계적으로유의한차이가없었으며, 9 월에는 P2377 고추의초폭이 H15 고추에비해유의하게컸지만초장, 주경장, 경경, 엽장및엽폭은통계적으로유의한차이가없었다. 과실의특성은미숙과 20 항목과숙과 19 항목을조사하였으며, 착과상태, 과장, 과경등조사대상항목의특성은모두통계적으로유의한차이가없었다. 꽃의특성은화색등 10 가지항목을조사하였으며, 화색, 웅예수등통계적으로유의한차이가없었다. 종자의특성은종자색등 4 가지항목을조사하였으며, 종자색, 종자크기등통계적으로유의한차이가없었다. 이와같은연구결과는포장시험을통한농업적특성의위해성평가기초자료로제시할수있을것이며, GMO 식품안정성평가에대한가이드라인으로제시할수있을것으로기대된다. - 160 -

PD-08 Comparison agronomic characteristic and chemical properties between GM (Genetically modified) drought-tolerant rice and donor rice Jin Hee Kim, Mohammmad Ubaidillah, Seul Gi Park, Ye Jin Son, Gyu Ho Lee, Hyun-Suk Lee, Kyung-Min Kim * Division of plant Biosciences, School of Applied Biosciences, College of Agriculture & Life Science, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, 702-701, Korea. Genetically modified (GM) plant claims to be the solution to global poverty, and potentially solving environmental change and food requirement by increased human population. In this study, we were evaluating agronomic characteristics and chemical properties of two GM drought-tolerant rice (CaMsrB2-8 and CaMsrB2-23) compared with donor cultivars (Ilmi). Statistical analysis agronomic characteristics GM and donor rice showed no significant difference between both of them. Yield and appearance of rice grain, GM rice was a similar to the donor rice. Chemical composition analysis showed that GM drought-tolerant rice has no different with donor rice. This result indicated that GM drought tolerant rice has no big significant difference agronomic character and chemical properties; it can be solve food shortages in spite of drought condition. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 053-950-5710, E-mail: kkm@knu.ac.kr PD-09 Determination of nutrients and anti-nutrients in resveratrol GM rice (Oryza sativa L.) Eun-Hye Kim *, Ill-Min Chung, Ju-Jin Lim, Seung-Hyun Kim Department of Applied Bio Science, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Republic of Korea This study investigated the nutrients and anti-nutrients of produced resveratrol GM rice (Iksan-515, Iksan-526, Dongjin) that were cultivated Iksan and Suwon regions. Among the rice samples, Iksan-515 and Iksan-526 are produced resveratrol GM rice. Reveratrol is health-beneficial compound with strong antioxidant and antitumor activities. Red wine is believed to the main source of resveratrol in the human diet. Recent studies have associated resveratrol with the cardio-protective effect observed among people with moderate resveratrol consumption. Moreover, resveratrol has been possess chemoprotective activity. In present study, we determined the substantial equivalence between GM rice and seedling sort. We investigated the nutrients and anti-nutrients of produced resveratrol GM rice and analyzed nutrients including moisture, crude fat, ash, crude protein, fatty acids, amino acids and minerals. The results of this analysis showed equivalence between GM rice and non-gm rice. We determined phenolic compounds including naringenin, vallin and investigated 4 tocopherols (α-, β-, γ-, δ-tocopherol) and 4 tocotrienols (α-, β-, γ-, δ-tocotrienol). Among the all rice cultivars, they showed substancial equivalence between resveratrol GM rices and non-gm rice. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 02-450-3730, E-mail: mandu17@konkuk.ac.kr - 161 -

PD-10 Differential requirement of Oryza sativa RAR1 in immune receptor-mediated resistance of rice to Magnaporthe oryzae Sang-Kyu Lee, Min-Young Song, Chi-Yeol Kim, Muho Han, and Jong-Seong Jeon * Graduate School of Biotechnology and Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 446-701, Korea The required for Mla12 resistance (RAR1) protein is essential for the plant immune response. In rice, a model monocot species, the function of Oryza sativa RAR1 (OsRAR1) has been little explored. In our current study, we characterized the response of a rice osrar1 T-DNA insertion mutant to infection by Magnaporthe oryzae, the causal agent of rice blast disease. osrar1 mutants displayed reduced resistance compared with wild type rice when inoculated with the normally virulent M. oryzae isolate PO6-6, indicating that OsRAR1 is required for an immune response to this pathogen. We also investigated the function of OsRAR1 in the resistance mechanism mediated by the immune receptor genes Pib and Pi5 that encode nucleotide binding-leucine rich repeat (NB-LRR) proteins. We inoculated progeny from Pib/osrar1 and Pi5/osrar1 heterozygous plants with the avirulent M. oryzae isolates, race 007 and PO6-6, respectively. We found that only Pib-mediated resistance was compromised by the osrar1 mutation and that the introduction of the OsRAR1 cdna into Pib/osrar1 rescued Pib-mediated resistance. These results indicate that OsRAR1 is required for Pib-mediated resistance but not Pi5-mediated resistance to M. oryzae. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-201-3671, E-mail: jjeon@khu.ac.kr PD-11 Effects of herbicide tolerance rice cultivation on microbial community in paddy soil Sung-Dug Oh 1, Tae-Hun Ryu 1, Soo-In Sohn 1, Chang-Gi Kim 2, Kyoungwhan Back 3, Kijong Lee 1* 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Suwon 441-707, Korea 2 Bio-Evaluation Center, KRIBB, Cheongwon 363-883, Korea 3 Division of Applied Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 500-757, Korea Rice (Oryza sativa) is the most important staple food of over half the world s population. This study was conducted to evaluate the possible impact of transgenic rice cultivation on the soil microbial community. Microorganisms were isolated from the rhizosphere of GM and non-gm rice cultivation soils. Microbial community was identified based on the culture-dependent and molecular biology methods. The total numbers of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycete in the rhizosphere soils cultivated with GM and non-gm rice were similar to each other, and there was no significant difference between GM and non-gm rice. Dominant bacterial phyla in the rhizosphere soils cultivated with GM and non-gm rice were Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria. The microbial communities in GM and non-gm rice cultivated soils were characterized using the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The DGGE profiles showed similar patterns, but didn t show significant difference to each other. DNAs were isolated from soils cultivating GM and non-gm rice and analyzed for persistence of inserted gene in the soil by using PCR. The PCR analysis revealed that there were no amplified protox gene in soil DNA. These data suggest that transgenic rice does not have a significant impact on soil microbial communities, although continued research may be necessary. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-299-1142, E-mail: leekjong@korea.kr - 162 -

PD-12 Flanking sequence analysis of soybean transgenic plants with three recombinant cry1ac genes Jung Hun Pak 1, Mi Jin Kim 1, Hye Jeong Kim 1, Su Yeong Yun 1, Young Soo Chung 1* 1 Dept. of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea Bacillus thuringiensis(bt) crystal protein (Cry1Ac) genes encode insecticidal δ-endotoxins that are widely used for the development of insect-resistant crops. Common soybean is a crop of economic and nutritious importance in many parts of the world. Korea soybean variety Kwangan was transformed with Bacillus thuringiensis(bt) crystal protein genes. We transformed three difference Cry1Ac (Cry1Ac and two modified Cry1Ac) genes into Kwangan using highly efficient soybean transformation system. Transgenic plants with Bt crystal protein genes were confirmed for gene introduction and their expression using PCR, real-time PCR, and RT-PCR. We generated 30 independent lines of transgenic soybean plants. Analysis of the flanking sequences isolated by Inverse PCR revealed complex T-DNA insertion patterns and preferential integration of T-DNA into the intergenic spacer region of the soybean genome. We found 5 different intergenic transgenic soybean lines of soybean genome. Currently, the confirmation of stable gene introduction with Bt genes is also performing by southern blot analysis, physiology test, and agronomic characters are investigating. *Corresponding Author: Tel (82-51): 200-5683, E-mail: chungys@dau.ac.kr PD-13 Gene flow of GM pepper Sun-Hee Shin 1, Min Jung 1, Jung-Mi Park 1, Eun-Mi Jeon 1, Chang-Gi Kim 2, Chee-Hark Harn 1* 1 Biotechnology Institute, Nongwoo Bio Co., Yeoju, Gyeonggi, Korea 2 KRIBB, Ohchang, Chungbuk, Korea CMVP1 (cucumber mosaic virus pathotype 1) has been frequently occurring virus causing damage in pepper farms, and it is hard to control the outbreak due to lack of the genetic source resistant to this specific pathotype. Therefore, we have developed transgenic peppers tolerant of CMVP1 using a CP gene of CMVP0 pathogen. In order to fulfill the requirement of the biosafety assessment criteria, we have studied the horizontal gene flow from GM pepper to non-gm pepper by monitoring the transgene movement. If the pepper farms are located closely each other and the pollen moves from GM pepper to non-gm pepper, it would cause unintended fertilization. Therefore, a buffer zone to separate the cultivation regions is required to avoid the contamination of transgene. Previously, several data regarding the movement distance of pepper pollen were reported by judging the phenotypic change. However, no tool as a trace marker was available. The objective of this study was to assess the frequencies of gene flow from GM peppers to non-gm peppers in neighboring farms using the transgene of CP as a trace marker. The GM and non-gm peppers were cultivated in the isolated farm of Nongwoo Bio Co. (NW GM pepper field) and pepper fruits were collected from the NW GM pepper field as well as the neighboring pepper farms. The pepper seeds collected from the farms were planted and the massive PCR analysis was performed to answer the question how far the pollen of GM pepper migrates. The conclusive data based on the consecutive experiments for 6 years is that the gene flow by pollen movement did not occur in peppers that were separated each other over 30 m. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-887-6540, E-mail: chharn@nongwoobio.co.kr - 163 -

PD-14 Genome-scale mutagenesis and phenotypic characterization of response regulators in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Minh-Phuong Nguyen, Joo-Mi Yoon and Sang-Won Lee * Department of Plant Molecular Systems Biotechnology & Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 446-701, Korea Two-component regulatory system (TCS) is the dominant mechanism that controls almost physiological processes of bacteria, such as nutrition assimilation, cell motility, chemotaxis, biofilm formation, quorum sensing and virulence. The intracellular informing process by a typical TCS accompany transfer of a phosphoryl group from His of a histidine kinase (HK) to Asp of a response regulator (RR). In Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) genome, the TCS genes comprise approximately 3% of the nucleotide sequences with 58 response regulators (RRs), 32 orthodox histidine kinase (HKs) and 13 hybrid histidine kinase (HyHKs). However, there is not much understanding of RRs in Xoo except the reported RRs in Xanthomonas spp. including RpfC-RpfG, RavS-RavR, HrpG, VgrS-VgrR (also named ColS-ColR), VemR, RaxH-RaxR, and PhoQ-PhoP. Although a genome-scale mutagenesis and phenotypic characterization of TCSs were studied in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris ATCC 33913, there is not any genome-scale research of TCSs in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. We have mutagenized 52 predicted RR genes in Xoo PXO99A by marker-exchange mutagenesis method and characterized the phenotype of mutants to identify RR genes involving in pathogenicity of Xoo and understand how Xoo TCSs work in given conditions. Ours investigation with the RR knock-out mutant strains have identified four novel RR genesthat are likely involved in virulence of Xoo. We have studied with these genes in molecular level to elucidate the mechanism for Xoo pathogenicity. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 031-201-3473, E-mail: swlee6803@khu.ac.kr - 164 -

PD-15 Heterologous expression of dehydrin gene from Arctic Cerastium arcticum increases abiotic stress tolerance and enhances the fermentation capacity of a genetically modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain Il-Sup Kim 1, Hyun-Young Kim 2, Young-Saeng Kim 1, Han-Gu Choi 3, Sung-Ho Kang 3, Ho-Sung Yoon 1* 1 Advanced Bio-resource R&D Center, Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Republic of Korea 2 Biotechnology Team, R&D Center, Daesang Corporation, Gyeonggi-do 467-813, Republic of Korea 3 Division of Polar Biology & Ocean Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), Incheon 406-840, Republic of Korea We investigated Arctic plants to determine if they have a specific mechanism enabling them to adapt to extreme environments because they are subject to such conditions throughout their life cycles. Among the cell defense systems of the Arctic mouse-ear chickweed Cerastium arcticum, we identified a stress-responsive dehydrin gene CaDHN that belongs to the SK 5 subclass and contains conserved regions with 1 S-segment at the N-terminus and 5 K-segments from the N-terminus to the C-terminus. To investigate the molecular properties of CaDHN, yeast were transformed with CaDHN. CaDHN-expressing transgenic yeast (TG) cells recovered more rapidly from challenge with exogenous stimuli, including oxidants (hydrogen peroxide, menadione, and tert-butyl hydroperoxide), high salinity, freezing and thawing, and metal (Zn 2+ ), than wild-type (WT) cells. TG cells were sensitive to copper, cobalt, and sodium dodecyl sulfate. In addition, the cell survival of TG cells was higher than that of WT cells when cells at the mid-log and stationary stages were exposed to increased ethanol concentrations. There was a significant difference in cultures that have an ethanol content >16%. During glucose-based batch fermentation at generally used (30 ) and low (18 ) temperatures, TG cells produced a higher alcohol concentration through improved cell survival. Specifically, the final alcohol concentrations were 13.3% and 13.2% in TG cells during fermentation at 30 and 18, respectively, whereas they were 10.2% and 9.4%, respectively, in WT cells under the same fermentation conditions. An in vitro assay revealed that purified CaDHN acted as a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-scavenger by neutralizing H 2O 2 and a chaperone by preventing high temperature-mediated catalase inactivation. Taken together, our results show that CaDHN expression in transgenic yeast confers tolerance to various abiotic stresses by improving redox homeostasis and enhances fermentation capacity, especially at low temperatures (18 ). This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No. PJ008115012013), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel. 053-950-5348, E-amil: hyoon@knu.ac.kr - 165 -

PD-16 Improved resistance of soybean mosaic virus with Coat protein and HC-Pro genes using RNAi method Hye Jeong Kim 1, Jung Hun Pak 1, Mi Jin Kim 1, Su Yeong Yun 1, Yeong Hoon Lee 2, Ki Hyun Ryu 3, Kook-Hyung Kim 4, Young Soo Chung 1* 1 Dept. of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Milyang, Korea 3 Division of Environmental and Life Sciences, Seoul Women s University, Seoul, Korea 4 Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Soybean mosaic virus (SMV), a member of Potyviridae family, is one of the most typical viral diseases and results in yield and quality loss of cultivated soybean. Due to the depletion of genetic resources for resistance breeding, a trial of genetic transformation to improve disease resistance has been performed by introducing SMV-CP and HC-Pro gene by RNA interference (RNAi) method via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic plants were infected with SMV strain G5 and investigated the viral response. As a result, two lines (3 and 4) of SMV-CP(RNAi) transgenic plants and three lines (2, 5 and 6) of HC-Pro(RNAi) transgenic plants showed viral resistance. In genomic Southern blot analysis, most of lines contained at least one T-DNA insertion in both SMV-CP(RNAi) and HC-Pro(RNAi) transgenic plants. Subsequent investigation confirmed that no viral CP and HC-Pro gene expression was detected in two SMV-resistant lines of SMV-CP(RNAi) and three lines of HC-Pro(RNAi) transgenic plants, respectively. On the other hand, non-transgenic plants and other lines showed viral RNA expression. Viral symptoms affected seed morphology, and clean seeds were harvested from SMV-resistant line of SMV-CP(RNAi) and HC-Pro(RNAi) transgenic plants. In addition, strong viral gene expression was detected from seeds of SMV-susceptible non-transgenic plants and SMV-susceptible transgenic lines. When compared the viral resistance between SMV-CP(RNAi) and HC-Pro(RNAi) transgenic plants, soybean transgenic plants with the HC-Pro gene using RNAi strategy showed much stronger and higher frequency of viral resistance. *Corresponding Author: Tel. +82-51-200-5683, E-mail: chungys@dau.ac.kr PD-17 Introduction of UGT72E3/2 gene into soybean increases higher content of phenylpropanoids Su Yeong Yun 1, Jung Hun Pak 1, Mi Jin Kim 1, Hye Jeong Kim 1, Jae Sung Nam 1, Young Soo Chung 1* 1 Dept. of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea UGT72E3/2 gene encodes UDP-glycosyltransferase shown to glucosylate several phenylpropanoids such as syringin and coniferin. Syringin has effect of anti-stress and anti-fatigue. Korean soybean variety Kwangan was transformed with UGT72E3/2 gene. This gene was transformed into Kwangan using highly efficient soybean transformation system. This study used two promoters, beta-conglycinin promoter for seed-specific expression and 35s promoter for total expression. Transgenic plants were confirmed for gene introduction and their expression using PCR and RT-PCR. The analysis of syringin in transgenic plants was performed using HPLC. Currently, the confirmation of stable gene introduction with UGT72E3/2 gene is also performing by Southern blot analysis. *Corresponding Author: Tel. +82-51-200-5683, E-mail: chungys@dau.ac.kr - 166 -

PD-18 Isolation and functional analysis of glutamine synthetase (OsGS) gene in transgenic rice under cadmium stress Hye Jung Lee 1, Sailila E. Abdula 1, Dae-Won Jang 1, Moo-Geun Jee 1, Sung-Han Park 2, Ung-Han Yoon 2, Kwon-Kyoo Kang 3, IllSup Nou 4, and Yong-Gu Cho 1* 1 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-763, Korea 2 National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Suwon 441-707, Korea 3 Department of Horticulture, Hankyong National University, Ansung 456-749, Korea 4 Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon 540-742, Korea Glutamine synthetase (GS) is an enzyme that plays an essential role in the metabolism of nitrogen by catalyzing the condensation of glutamate and ammonia to form glutamine. Exposure of plants to cadmium (Cd) has been reported to decrease GS activity in maize, pea, bean, and rice. To better understand the function of the GS gene under Cd stress in rice, we constructed a recombinant part vector carrying the GS gene under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter and OCS terminator and transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. We then investigated GS overexpressing rice lines at the physiological and molecular levels under Cd toxicity. The GS activity along with mrna expression were found higher in transgenic than in wild type plants. And this is validated by the low malondialdehyde contents observed 10 days after treatment. GS overexpression in rice resulted in the modulation of expression of enzymes responsible for membrane peroxidation, which may result in the sudden death of plants. Our results thus describe the features of a transgenic rice plants with enhanced tolerance to Cd toxicity. This study was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Project No. PJ009008), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: ygcho@cbnu.ac.kr - 167 -

PD-19 Molecular biological characteristics and biosafety assessment for drought-tolerant transgenic rice (CaMsrB2) Sung-Dug Oh, Ki-Jong Lee, Soo-In Sohn, Myung Ja Kang, Jong-Sug Park, Hyun Suk Cho, Tae-Hun Ryu * National Academy of Agricultural Science, Suwon, 441-707 Genetically modified (GM) crops have been developed worldwide through the recombinant DNA technology and commercialized by various agricultural biotechnological companies. Commercialization of GM crops will be required the assessment of risk associated with the release of GM crops. In this study, we carried out to provide the molecular characterization of introduced T-DNA in transgenic rice T4 ~ T6 generation lines harboring a pepper MsrB2 gene under the control of stress inducible Rab21 promoter, as a part of biosafety evaluation for drought-tolerant transgenic rice (CaMsrB2). We identified the structure and sequence of transformation vector of T-DNA and analyzed insertion sites, flanking sequences, and generational stability of inserted T-DNA in transgenic rice lines. The transformation vector was consisted of right border, a drought-tolerant CaMsrB2 gene unit, a selectable marker herbicide resistance unit, and left border in a sequential order. Based on the adaptor-ligation PCR and whole genome sequence database, we confirmed that T-DNA was introduced at the position of 41,737,284 bp of chromosome No. 1. From the generational stability study, T-DNAs were stably inherited through the T4 to T6 generations, and also stable expression of bar gene from T-DNA was confirmed. These results will be filed to biosafety assessment document of CaMsrB2 rice. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: thryu@korea.kr - 168 -

2013 한국육종학회-차세대BG21사업단 공동 심포지엄 차세대바이오그린21 사업단 발표 Plant Epigenomics for Breeding 차세대유전체연구사업단 (TAGC)

OD-01 Arabidopsis RNA metabolism by the pre-mrna processing factor 6 homolog Byeong-ha Lee Dept. of Life Science, Sogang Unviersity, Seoul, 121-742, Korea Arabidopsis STABILIZED1 (STA1) encodes a protein that is homologous to human U5 snrnp-associated 102-kDa protein (PRPF6), and the yeast pre-mrna splicing factors, PRP1p (fission yeast) and Prp6p (budding yeast), and is important in pre-mrna splicing and mrna stability. The pleiotropic defects of development, chilling sensitivity and hypersensitivity to ABA are observed in sta1-1, a weak allele of sta1. sta1-1, showing enhanced luminescence under cold stress, was originally isolated from a mutant pool generated with the bioluminescent plant harboring the stress-inducible RD29A promoter-driven luciferase gene (RD29A-LUC). Some developmental defects found in sta1-1 resembled those found in mirna biogenesis mutants such as hyponastic leaves1-1 (hyl1-1) and serrate-1 (se-1). Similar to these mirna biogenesis mutants, sta1-1 accumulated significantly lower levels of mature mirnas and concurrently higher levels of pri-mirnas than wild type. The dramatic reductions of mature mirnas were associated with the accumulation of their target gene transcripts and the corresponding developmental defects. The reduction of mirna accumulation in sta1-1 appeared to be because of the sta1-1 decfects in splicing of intron containing pri-mirnas. In addition, sta1-1 decreased transcript levels of DICER-LIKE1 (DCL1) gene. These results suggest that STA1 is involved in mirna biogenesis directly by functioning in pri-mirna splicing and indirectly by modulating the DCL1 transcript level. Our efforts and recent findings to establish STA1-mediated RNA metabolism will be presented and discussed. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: byeongha@sogang.ac.kr - 171 -

OD-02 Development of stress-tolerant transgenic plants via RNA metabolism control Hunseung Kang, Tao Xu, Lili Gu, Min Kyung Kim, and Su Jung Park Department of Plant Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, 500-757 Korea Environmental stresses including drought, extreme temperatures, and high salinity are major factors that severely limit crop productivity worldwide. To overcome yield loss due to these environmental stresses, a large number of researches have been conducted to understand how plants respond to and adapt these environmental stresses. Posttranscriptional regulation as well as transcriptional regulation of gene expression is recognized as a key regulatory process in plant stress responses, and these cellular processes are regulated by diverse RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). Over the last years, we have extensively investigated the functional roles of RBPs that harbor an RNA-recognition motif at the N-terminal half and a glycine-rich region at the C-terminal half (glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins, GRPs), zinc finger-containing GRP, and cold shock domain proteins (CSDPs) in Arabidopsis thaliana, rice (Oryza sativa), wheat (Triticum aestivum), and rapeseed (Brasicca napus) under stress conditions. Our comparative analysis demonstrated that certain family members display RNA chaperone function during stress adaptation process in monocotyledonous plants as well as in dicotyledonous plants. These findings point to the importance of the regulation of mrna metabolism in plant response to environmental stresses and shed new light on the practical application of these RBPs to develop stress-tolerant transgenic crops. [Supported by grants from Next-Generation BioGreen21 and NRF of Korea] *Corresponding Author: E-mail: hskang@jnu.ac.kr - 172 -

OD-03 Epigenetic repression of flowering pathway genes by long non-coding RNA in Arabidopsis Jae Bok Heo Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Dong-A University, Busan, 604-714, Korea In some plant species, prolonged exposure to low temperature during the winter season is necessary to acquire the competence to flower in the following spring. This process, known as vernalization, is an epigenetic change in which a mitotically stable change of the developmental potential of the meristem (competence to flower) is maintained even in the absence of the inducing signal (prolonged cold exposure). In Arabidopsis, vernalization results in stable epigenetic repression of a potent floral repressor, FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). Increased enrichment of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) and trimethylated Histone H3 Lys 27 (H3K27me3) at FLC chromatin is necessary for the stable maintenance of FLC repression by vernalization. A long intronic noncoding RNA (termed as COLDAIR) is required for the vernalization-mediated epigenetic repression of FLC. COLDAIR physically associates with a component of PRC2 and targets PRC2 to FLC. COLDAIR is required for establishing stable repressive chromatin at FLC through its interaction with PRC2. In addition, floral integrator genes are targets of PRC2 complex, resulting in delayed flowering time through repression mechanism of PRC2 complex. Recently another long non-coding RNA was isolated from floral integrator gene and characterized the function of this long non coding RNA. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: jbheo72@dau.ac.kr - 173 -

OD-04 Role of a histone-modifying enzyme in plant immunity and tomato small RNAome Ho Won Jung 1,2 1 Department of Medical Bioscience 2 Department of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, 37 Nakdong-Daero 550beon-gil, Saha-gu, Busan 604-714, Korea In the era of systems biology, plant biologists approach any given phenomena, that they have great interests, from different perspectives. Among them, both epigenomic and epigenetic studies give us new insights into plant immune response as well as development. In plants, recognition of invading pathogenic microorganisms by pattern recognition receptor and race-specific resistance protein activates diverse cellular responses to defend plants against pathogen infection. One of well-known immune responses is the transcriptional reprogramming occurring when pathogen infects plant. Chromatin remodeling caused by change of histone marks and replacement of histone variants affects gene expression that is important for immunity. We are focused on unveiling epigenomic and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of plant immunity. To address these questions, we have collected knockout mutant plants whose genes might be related to histone modifications, and identified several enhanced-immune (eni) mutants and immune-defective (imd) mutants. Here, we will introduce one of mutants showing enhanced disease resistance (EDR) in response to the infection of Pseudomonas. Thus we named it eni2. Both the growth of virulent bacteria, not avirulent derivatives of Pseudomonas syringae, and symptom development were effectively inhibited in the eni2 mutants, compared with those seen in wild type. Unlike to well-known EDR-type mutants, the levels of salicylic acid in the eni2 mutant plants were not different from those in wild type. Thus we suggests a few plausible scenarios about role of ENI2 in plant immune response. To examine these possibilities, we are monitoring transcriptional reprogramming occurring in eni2 mutants through RNA-seq analysis. On the other hand, we have recently initiated the study of tomato small RNAome in order to discover immune-related small RNAs from leaves infected with Pseudomonas syringae via next-generation sequencing technology. Here we present the recent progress in this study. *Corresponding Author: E-mail: hwjung@dau.ac.kr; howonj@gmail.com - 174 -

2013 한국육종학회-차세대BG21사업단 공동 심포지엄 차세대바이오그린21 사업단 발표 GM작물실용화사업단 (NCGC/KBIC)

- GM 작물실용화사업단 (NCGC/KBIC) - 좌장 : 이강섭 ( 국립농업과학원 ) 시간구분내용 08:30~09:00 주제발표 1 글로벌시장진출을위한 GM 작물개발전략 김주곤 ( 서울대학교 ) 09:00~09:30 주제발표 2 쌀육종기술의현황과전망 원용재 ( 국립식량과학원 ) 09:30~10:00 주제발표 3 중국의 GM 벼개발과 Hybrid 육종 Piao Zhong Ze ( 상해시농업과학원 ) 10:00~10:30 종합토의

2013 한국육종학회-차세대BG21사업단 공동 심포지엄 2013년 한국육종학회상

2013 년한국육종학회상시상내역 일시 : 2013 년 7 월 4 일 18:50~ 장소 : 라마다플라자청주호텔 1. 경산육종학회상 - 유일웅 ( 삼성종묘주직회사 ) - 선정사유 : 청양고추육종등민간육종산업발전에기여한공로 2. 연구상 ( 연구부문 ) (1) 한국육종학회지 44권, 3호 :273-281 (2013년) 발표논문 - 논문제목 : 벼의밀양23호 / 기호벼재조합자식유전집단을이용한 PCR 기반 DNA 마커들로구성된분자유전자지도작성 - 논문저자 : 지현소 ( 국립농업과학원농업생명자원부유전자분석개발과 ) (2) 한국육종학회지 44권, 4호 :476-482 (2013년) 발표논문 - 논문제목 : Genetic Analysis of Carotenoids Content in Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Fruit using Complete Diallel Cross - 논문저자 : 이우문 ( 국립원예특작과학원원예작물부채소과 ) 3. 연구상 ( 품종부문 ) - 품종명 : 품종보호제1750호 (2007.3.20 2027.3.19) - 고품질내도복성찰옥수수품종 미백2호 개발 - 논문저자 : 박기진 ( 강원도농업기술원옥수수연구소 ) - 육성기관 : 강원도농업기술원옥수수연구소 ( 박기진, 류시환, 박종열, 용우식, 고병대, 장진선, 허남기, 민황기, 서정식 ) - 179 -

2013 한국육종학회-차세대BG21사업단 공동 심포지엄 색 인