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The enormous crocodile (by Roald dahl) 1. paddle [pæd ə l] 2. gulp [gʌlp] 3. gollop North-West English slang meaning to eat something and swallow with a gulp, possibly quickly. 4. nasty [ nӕ sti] [ADJ] Something that is nasty is very unpleasant to see, experience, or feel. <nasty food> The news gave me a nasty shock. 그소식은내게끔찍한충격을주었다. This coffee has a nasty taste. 이커피는맛이형편없다. Don't be so nasty to your brother. 네동생한테그렇게못되게굴지마. a nasty injury 심각한부상 / to have a nasty mind 생각이추잡하다 5. tommy rot an absurd story, tommyrot, nonsense 6. yummy [ jʌmi] [ADJ] Yummy food tastes very good. <yummy cupcake>
7. helping [NOUN][usu with supp, oft N of n, adj N] A helping of food is the amount of it that you get in a single serving. ~ (of sth) ( 식사때한사람몫으로덜어주는음식의 ) 양 [ 그릇 ] We all had a second helping of pie. 우리는모두파이를두그릇 [ 번 ] 씩먹었다. 8. snort [snɔ:rt] [VERB] When people or animals snort, they breathe air noisily out through their noses. People sometimes snort in order to express disapproval or amusement. to snort with laughter 코웃음을웃다 / The horse snorted and tossed its head. 말이코를힝힝거리며머리를흔들었다. 9. feast [fi:st] 10. crawl [krɔ:l] [VERB] When you crawl, you move forward on your hands and knees. [NOUN] The crawl is a kind of swimming stroke which you do lying on your front, swinging one arm over your head, and then the other arm. [NOUN] A feast is a large and special meal. [VERB] If you feast on a particular food, you eat a large amount of it with eat enjoyment. 11. gigantic [dʒaɪ gӕntɪk]
12. slimy [ slaɪmi] 13. oozy [úːzi] <slimy monster> thick slimy mud 걸쭉하고끈적끈적한진창 slushy, oozy 14. humpy [hʌḿpi] 15. hippopotamus [ hɪpə pɑ:təməs] = hippo 16. horrid [ hɔ:rɪd] [ADJ] If you describe something as horrid, you mean that it is very unpleasant indeed. a horrid child 진저리나는아이 / a horrid smell 지독한냄새 Don't be so horrid to your brother. 네동생한테그렇게못되게굴지마. 17. tummy [ tʌmi] < 어린이말, 구어 > Mum, my tummy hurts. 엄마, 나배아파요. <mouse on my tummy> 18. grumptious - Another word for grumpy "Daddy, I'm a little grumptious this morning." 19. grumpy [ grʌmpi] [ADJ] If you say that someone is grumpy, you mean that they are bad-tempered and miserable.
<grumpy> She's very grumpy when her tooth aches 이가아프면그녀는몹시짜증을부린다. 20. waddle [ wɑ:dl] [VERB] To waddle somewhere means to walk there with short, quick steps, swinging slightly from side to side. 21. nibble [ nɪbl] 22. crunch [krʌntʃ] [VERB] If you crunch something hard, such as a sweet, you crush it noisily between your teeth. [NOUN] You can refer to an important time or event, for example when an important decision has tobe made, as the crunch. 23. foul [faʊl] [ADJ] If you describe something as foul, you mean it is dirty and smells or tastes unpleasant. [VERB] If an animal fouls a place, it drops faeces onto the ground. [NOUN] A foul is an act in a game or sport that is not allowed according to the rules. [PHRASE] If you fall foul of someone or run foul of them, you do something which gets you into trouble with them. foul air/breath 더러운공기 / 입냄새 / His boss has a foul temper. 그의사장은성질이더럽다.
foul language 상스러운말 / a foul night 날씨가사나운밤 24. filthy [ fɪlθi] - extremely dirty filthy rags / streets 아주지저분한옷 / 거리 He was in a filthy mood. 그는심술이나있었다. a filthy weather 불쾌한날씨 <filthy boys> 25. fiend [fi:nd] 1. a very cruel or unpleasant person 2. an evil spirit You fiend! 이악마같은놈아! 26. squash [skwɑ:ʃ] The tomatoes at the bottom of the bag had been squashed. 봉지아래쪽에있던토마토는으깨져 있었다. 27. squish [skwɪʃ] 28. sniff [snɪf] <sniffing the goods> 29. gobble [ gɑ:bl] Don't gobble your food like that! 음식을그렇게게걸스럽게먹지마!
30.hoggish [hɔ :ɡiʃ,hɑ ɡ-] hog 1. < 다자란 > 돼지 2. 이기적인, 탐욕스러운사람 <hoggish greedly> 31.creepy [ kri:pi] 32. buckle [ bʌkl] <creepy tree> <belt buckle> 1. 기는, 느릿느릿한 2. < 구어 > 오싹한, 기분이나쁜 33. choke [tʃoʊk] 34. jaw [dʒɔ:] <the lower jaw> [VERB] When you choke or when something chokes you, you cannot breathe properly or get enough air into your lungs. [NOUN] The choke in a car, truck, or vehicle is a device that reduces the amount of air going into the engine and makes it easier to start.
35. swing ( swung swung) [VERB] If something swings or if you swing it, it moves repeatedly backwards and forwards or from side to side from a fixed point. [NOUN] A swing is a seat hanging by two ropes or chains from a metal fr ame or from the branch of a tree. You can sit on the seat and move forwards and backwards through the air. 36. roly-poly [ roʊli poʊli] <roly poly glass> 통통하게살찐, 땅딸막한 37. luscious [ lʌʃəs] luscious fruit 감미로운과일 / luscious silks and velvets 아주부드러운실크와벨벳 38. mash [mӕʃ] [VERB] If you mash food that is solid but soft, you crush it so that it forms a soft mass. [NOUN] Mash is mashed potato. 39. munch [mʌntʃ] [VERB] If you munch food, you eat it by chewing it slowly, thoroughly, and rather noisily. She munched on an apple. 그녀는사과를아삭아삭베어먹었다. 40. rattle [ rӕ tl]
[VERB] When something rattles or when you rattle it, it makes short sharp knocking sounds because it is being shaken or it keeps hitting against something hard. [NOUN] A rattle is a baby's toy with loose bits inside which make a noise when the the baby shakes it. <baby rattle> 41. shriek [ʃri:k] [VERB] When someone shrieks, they make a short, very loud cry, for example because they are suddenly surprised, are in pain, or are laughing. 42. lick [lɪk] 43. tremendous [tri mendəs] [VERB] To move your tongue across something. The dog licked my face. <tremendous fall> 44. whoosh [wʊʃ ; wu:ʃ] 45. gallop [ gӕləp] <cars whoosh> 45. charge [tʃɑ:rdʒ]
We charged at the enemy. 우리는적을공격했다. 46. tuck [tʌk] log [lɔ:g] The enormous crocodile tucked in his feet so that he looked almost exactly like a seesaw. 47. knobbly [ nɑ:bli] = knobby 48. hop [hɑ:p] 49.dodgem [ dɑ:dʒəm] = bumper car 50. cotton candy = candyfloss 51. marvelous [mɑ :rvələs]
<marvelous show> <marvelous light> 52. swish [swɪʃ] 53. bunch [bʌntʃ] [VERB] If something swishes or if you swish it, a bunch of bananas 바나나한다발 it moves quickly through the air, making a soft sound. 53. bellow [ beloʊ] 54. trot [trɑ:t] <trot race> [VERB] If someone bellows, they shout angrily in a loud, deep voice. [VERB] If you trot somewhere, you move fairly fast at a speed between walking and running, taking small quick steps.
55. hoist [hɔɪst] 56. dangle [ dӕŋgl] [VERB] If you hoist something heavy somewhere, you lift it or pull it up there. [VERB] If something dangles from somewhere or if you dangle it somewhere, it hangs or swings loosely. 57. blurry [ bl3:ri] <blurry light> 58. whiz [hwíz] 59. sizzle [ sɪzl] 1. to move very quickly, making a high continous <bacon sizzle> sound 2.to do sth(something) very quickly to make the sound of food cooking in to oil A bullet whizzed past my ear. 총알하나가내귓전을쌩하고스쳐지나갔다.
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