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한수지 46(6), 689-695, 2013 Original Article Kor J Fish Aquat Sci 46(6),689-695,2013 가자미 (Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu) 식해의최적발효조건 ( 온도및염도 ) 한대원 1 한호준 김덕기 임미진 1 조순영 2* 강릉원주대학교식품과학과, 1 강릉원주대학교동해안해양생물자원연구센터, 2 강릉원주대학교식품가공유통학과 Optimal Fermentation Conditions (Temperature and Salt Concentration) for Preparing Flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu Sikhae Dae-Won Han 1, Ho-Jun Han, Deok-Gi Kim, Mi-Jin Im 1 and Soon-Yeong Cho 2* Department of Food Science, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung 210-702, Korea 1 East Coastal Marine Bioresources Research Center, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung 210-702, Korea 2 Department of Food Processing and Distribution, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung 210-702, Korea Flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu sikhae is a traditional salt-fermented food in Korea. We investigated the optimal processing conditions for desirable quality-controlled flounder sikhae by analyzing the physiochemical properties, microbiological species, and organoleptic properties. The optimal fermentation temperature, salt concentration, and fermentation period for preparing flounder sikhae of acceptable quality were 10 C, 4%, and 14 days, respectively. The amino-n and volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) contents of rhe acceptable quality flounder sikhae were 243.65 mg/100 g and 44.25 mg/100 g, respectively. Key words: Flounder sikhae, Sikhae, Dried sea salt, Fermentation condition, Fermentation temperature 서론 (Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu). DHA, EPA (Hwang et al., 2008),,. 7-10%, (Cha and Kim., 2004). (, ),.,.,.,,,.,,,.., Article history; Received 24 September 2013; Revised 11 October 2013; Accepted 21 October 2013 *Corresponding author: Tel: +82. 33. 640. 2730 Fax: +82. 33. 647. 2732 E-mail address: csykang@gwnu.ac.kr Kor J Fish Aquat Sci 46(6) 689-695, December 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.5657/kfas.2013.0689 pissn:0374-8111, eissn:2287-8815 c The Korean Society of Fishereis and Aquatic Science. All rights reserved 689

690 한대원ㆍ한호준ㆍ김덕기ㆍ임미진ㆍ조순영 (Cho et al., 2001).,. 재료 재료및방법 (Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu), (, ), (, ) (, )., (, ), (, ), (, ), monosodium glutamate (, ), (, ), (, ). 가자미식해의제조 (round) 24 ( 20%, w/w)., 2 6% (w/w), 4% (w/w), 1% (w/w), monosodium glutamate 2% (w/w), 8% (w/w), 50% (w/w). 5, 10 15, 24 ( 20%, w/w) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6% (ph, VBN, ), ( ). 총균수및 ph 10 g 90 ml 10. 1 ml 3 M film, Di Plate count agar BCP 37 48 colony g colony forming units (CFU/g). ph 5 g 45 ml ph meter (Mettler Toledo, SevenEasy ph, Switzerland). 휘발성염기질소 (VBN) 함량 (VBN) Conway unit micro diffusion method (Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, 1980)., 2 g 20 % trichloroacetic acid 2 ml 16 ml homogenizer (T25digital, IKA, Korea) Conway unit 37 80 0.01 M HCl. 아미노질소함량 Formol (Choi et al., 2007)., 10 g 20 ml, 0.1 N NaOH ph 8.4 (ml). 관능검사 20-30 15 panel,,, 9 (, 1 ;, 9 ). 통계분석 Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) Duncan s multiple range test 5 % (P<0.05).. 발효기간중 ph 의변화 결과및고찰 ph 5, ph (Park and Kim., 2002). ph Table 1. 4%, ph ( 7 ) 5.99-6.14. ph 14. ph 14 15 5.99 4.55, 5, 10 5.99-5.61, 5.99-4.68. ph 14

가자미식해의최적발효조건 691 Table 1. Changes of ph of the flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu sikhae during fermentation at 5, 10 and 15 for 28 days (Unit, ph) Temperature 5 5.99±0.01 a 6.14±0.01 c 5.61±0.10 b 5.70±0.00 c 5.06±0.01 c 10 5.99±0.01 a 6.07±0.01 b 4.68±0.00 a 4.47±0.00 b 4.40±0.00 b 15 5.99±0.01 a 6.00±0.01 a 4.55±0.01 a 4.39±0.00 a 4.33±0.01 a Table 2. ph of flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu sikhae during fermentation at 10 for 28 days as affected by salt concentration (Unit, ph) 2% 6.10±0.02 a 5.25±0.04 b 4.73±0.04 a 4.78±0.01 a 4.79±0.00 a 3% 6.10±0.02 a 5.13±0.01 a 4.88±0.00 b 4.65±0.14 a 4.72±0.00 b 4% 6.10±0.02 a 5.53±0.02 d 4.97±0.01 c 4.97±0.00 b 4.92±0.00 c 5% 6.10±0.02 a 5.51±0.01 c 4.93±0.02 bc 4.79±0.01 a 4.70±0.00 a 6% 6.10±0.02 a 5.90±0.02 e 5.78±0.02 d 5.14±0.02 c 5.20±0.03 d Table 3. Changes of volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) content of the flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu sikhae during fermentation at 5, 10 and 15 for 28 days Temperature 5 8.02±0.55 a 19.77±0.70 a 19.26±0.69 a 24.86±0.73 a 28.44±1.25 a 10 8.02±0.55 a 20.69±0.64 a 20.29±5.14 b 33.61±0.70 b 44.80±6.61 b 15 8.02±0.55 a 30.77±0.36 b 35.91±1.23 c 41.69±0.93 c 97.51±4.07 c 10, 15 5, (Kim and Cho., 1994).., 5 ph 28,. 10. (10 ) ph Table 2. 0 24 ( 20%, w/w), ph. ph 7 (2, 3%) 5. ph, 4, 5, 6% 28 4.92, 4.70 5.20, 4% (Table 9) 4%

692 한대원ㆍ한호준ㆍ김덕기ㆍ임미진ㆍ조순영 Table 4. Volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) content of the flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu sikhae during fermentation at 10 for 28 days as affected by salt concentration 2% 9.41±0.01 a 54.25±2.55 e 52.10±0.69 d 62.18±0.68 d 78.99±0.25 d 3% 9.41±0.01 a 46.70±0.58 d 48.46±0.17 c 51.31±0.22 c 71.89±1.20 c 4% 9.41±0.01 a 37.10±0.51 c 44.25±0.90 b 55.33±0.21 c 64.46±0.93 b 5% 9.41±0.01 a 33.39±0.65 a 43.40±1.73 b 55.27±0.42 b 63.56±0.75 b 6% 9.41±0.01 a 34.33±1.33 b 40.90±0.63 a 45.16±0.70 a 57.99±2.81 a Values with different superscripts in the same row are significantly at P<0.05 by Duncan s multiple range test Table 5. Changes of amino nitrogen (NH 2 -N) content of the flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu sikhae during fermentation at 5, 10 and 15 for 28 days Temperapture 5 163.05±3.40 a 174.13±5.36 a 184.85±8.02 a 192.59±2.81 b 192.60±3.60 a 10 163.05±3.40 a 187.21±3.09 b 195.72±1.37 a 183.99±1.99 a 206.88±3.06 b 15 163.05±3.40 a 195.62±4.40 b 201.50±0.78 b 260.49±1.27 c 304.06±2.94 c Table 6. Amino nitrogen (NH 2 -N) content of the flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu sikhae during fermentation at 10 for 28 days as affected by salt concentration 2% 176.66±0.85 a 214.48±4.23 b 217.03±1.07 b 251.81±5.36 c 289.28±0.64 e 3% 4% 5% 176.66±0.85 a 195.68±3.77 a 237.92±10.03 a 241.03±0.51 b 266.60±0.39 c 176.66±0.85 a 216.30±1.49 b 234.65±3.74 236.07±6.89 ab 268.33±0.20 d 176.66±0.85 a 204.21±10.78 ab 218.21±6.23 a 232.03±1.78 ab 241.26±0.54 b 6% 176.66±0.85 a 209.74±0.58 b 220.74±2.46 b 228.47±0.13 a 239.03±0.30 a., Kim et al. (1994), ph,. 발효기간중휘발성염기질소 (VBN) 함량의변화 (5, 10 15 ) VBN Table 3. (5, 10 15 ) VBN 7 15. VBN 21 5, 10 24.86 mg/100 g 33.61 mg/100 g VBN 43.47 mg/100 g (Cho et al.,

가자미식해의최적발효조건 693 Table 7. Changes of total viable cells of the flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu sikhae during fermentation at 5, 10 and 15 for 28 days (Unit, CFU/g) Temperature 5 3.91 10 5 1.52 10 6 3.60 10 6 5.21 10 6 4.18 10 7 10 3.91 10 5 4.40 10 7 1.33 10 7 6.40 10 7 1.06 10 8 15 3.91 10 5 7.24 10 7 2.24 10 8 4.63 10 8 8.60 10 9 Table 8. Total viable cells of the flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu sikhae during fermentation at 10 for 28 days as affected by salt concentration (Unit, CFU/g) 2% 4.12 10 3 1.41 10 6 2.12 10 7 3.43 10 8 1.02 10 9 3% 4.12 10 3 7.20 10 5 8.14 10 6 4.21 10 8 7.40 10 8 4% 4.12 10 3 1.21 10 5 2.11 10 6 3.91 10 7 5.21 10 8 5% 4.12 10 3 9.01 10 4 1.04 10 5 4.23 10 6 1.11 10 8 6% 4.12 10 3 1.26 10 4 2.12 10 4 3.43 10 5 4.60 10 7 2012) 15 28 97.51 mg/100 g,. (2, 3, 4, 5 6 %) 10 VBN Table 4. VBN 7. VBN 3% 7 46.70 mg/100 g, 4% 7-14 37.10-44.25 mg/100 g. VBN 2, 3 4% 7 6% 28 57.99 mg/100 g. 발효기간중아미노질소함량의변화. (5, 10 15 ) Table 5. 7 10, 15 4 174.13 mg/100 g. 14 15 201.50 mg/100 g, 5, 10 21. Kim et al. (1993),. VBN 21-28 (Cho et al., 2012, 213.04 mg/100 g). 2, 3, 4, 5 6% 10 Table 6.. 14-21 217.03-251.81 mg/100 g. 6% 28 239.03 mg/100 g, VBN. 14 4 %, 234.65 mg/100 g. Kim et al. (1993)

694 한대원ㆍ한호준ㆍ김덕기ㆍ임미진ㆍ조순영 Table 9. Results on the sensory evaluation of flounder Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu sikhae fermented at 10 for 14 days as affected by salt concentration Flavor Taste Color Texture Overall acceptance 2% 2.0 ± 0.1 a 2.7 ± 0.8 a 3.6 ± 1.2 a 3.3 ± 1.3 a 1.7 ± 0.9 a 3% 2.3 ± 1.3 ab 3.5 ± 1.1 a 3.4 ± 1.2 a 4.3 ± 1.5 a 3.3 ± 0.5 b 4% 3.6 ± 2.2 b 5.2 ± 1.9 b 3.7 ± 1.3 a 4.6 ± 1.4 a 5.3 ± 1.0 c 5% 3.4 ± 1.4 b 4.7 ± 1.5 b 3.3 ± 1.4 a 4.3 ± 1.2 a 4.9 ± 0.5 c 6% 3.2 ± 1.2 b 4.3 ± 1.6 b 3.7 ± 1.2 a 4.5 ± 1.3 a 4.8 ± 0.3 bc,,. 발효기간중총균수의변화 Table 7. 0 3.91 10 5 CFU/g. 7 15 7.24 10 7 CFU/ g 10 5-10 6 CFU/g (Cho et al, 2012), 5, 10 1.52 10 6 4.40 10 7 CFU/ g 15., 14 15 2.24 10 8 CFU/g. 28 5 10 8 CFU/g. (2, 3, 4, 5 6%) Table 8. 7. 0. 2 3% 1.41 10 6 CFU/g 7.20 10 5 CFU/g 4, 5 6%. 14 5 6% 10 5 CFU/g 4% 2, 3%. ph ph. Kim et al. (2012),. 제품의관능검사, (Cho et al, 2012) 10 14, Table 9. 4% 5.2, 3.6. 5, 6%., 5, 6% 4% 5.3. 가자미 (Verasper moseri Jordan et Gilberu) 식해의제조표준화설정,, ph VBN 15,.., 5, 10, 14. 10 2, 3% VBN ph,

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