EAST Restaurant 2004년, 우크라이나키예프에설립된 YOD 스튜디오는건축과디자인에재능이넘치는디자이너들이모인디자인팀이다. 모던한스타일부터각나라의문화적특징이담긴독특한스타일까지모두소화하는이들은호텔, 레스토랑, 카페, 바등의상업공간을주로진행하며, 미니멀리즘과색다른자재의활용, 상징적인이미지를가진인테리어디자인으로유명하다. 가구디자인부터장식품디자인, 그래픽디자인까지다양한분야를아우르는이들은곳곳에서인정받는다재다능한팀으로성공적인해외진출을이룩하며, 계속해서다양한프로젝트를진행하고있다. 성은주기자 Design Studio: YOD studio of commercial design E-mail: yodlab.pr@gmail.com Contact: +380975386205 Location: 72, Velyka Vasylkivska St., Kyiv, Ukaraine Category: Restaurant Designers: Volodymyr Nepyivoda, Dmytro Bonesko Graphic design: Ilya Nepravda Area: 400m² Sitting capacity: 170 Photographer: Andrey Avdeenko 92 International EAST Restaurant International EAST Restaurant 93
우크라이나의유서깊은도시키예프 (Kiev) 에위치하고있는 EAST는어둠속에서도선명히느껴지는독특하고고급스러운디자인을특징으로하는레스토랑이다. 미니멀리즘을반영한절제미와이색적인디자인의극명한대비가인상적인이곳은범아시아적인요리로사람들의입맛을사로잡는유명레스토랑이다. 과거, 세르비아출신전문스태프와높은퀄리티의음식으로이미호평을받은바있는생선요리전문레스토랑이었지만, 조금더광범위하고전문적인고급요리를제공하는레스토랑으로변신하고자퀴진부터디테일한요소를포함한인테리어까지큰변화를기획했다. 특별한목적을가져야만방문하는장소가아닌, 문화와다양성면에서범세계적인공간을컨셉으로진행된이프로젝트는간결하고차분한인테리어를입은공간으로완성되었다. 동양의미 ( 美 ) 를품은동양철학에여러나라의문화를믹스해범아시아적인이미지를완벽하게실현시킨이공간은흔히동양의요소로표현되는돌, 나무, 물, 불, 금속을메인테마로해신비로운분위기를풍긴다. 94 International EAST Restaurant International EAST Restaurant 95
레스토랑내부는 2개의홀로나눌수있는데, 이두공간은같은소재를사용했지만, 전혀다른패턴을특징으로해완전히다른느낌을가진다. 오픈키친으로개방적인느낌의첫번째공간은사람들과소통할수있는활기찬분위기를풍긴다. 오픈키친과함께유리로제작된와인셀러는실용적인기능을갖춘와인저장소이자레스토랑의아이덴티티를상징하는디자인요소로프리미엄와인을자연스럽게대중에게노출시켜브랜드이미지를상승시키는효과를가져왔다. 전형적인아시아스타일의낮은바 (Bar) 와라운지가있는두번째공간은첫번째공간과는상반되게한층차분하고평화로운분위기를띠며, 총 8톤에이르는화강암판을활용해완성한구조와용도에따라술, 관상용바틀나누어진열해놓은선반이매우인상적이다. 레스토랑내에는다양한타입의의자와테이블이배치되어있지만, 가장눈에띄는것은매장가운데위치한 5.6m 길이의원목테이블이다. 크고넓은사이즈를특징으로해단체모임에적합한이공간은마치지붕처럼주위를둘러싸고있는프레임과퀄리티높은가구로편안하고아늑한분위기를가진다. 96 International EAST Restaurant International EAST Restaurant 97
인테리어디자인의주요요소로기능하는테이블탑은자바섬에서특별히공수해온단단한오크나무소재를사용해매우견고하고, 쉽게구할수없는독특한소재라는특별함을가진다. 고유의아름다움을강조하기위해천장에는집중조명을설치했고, 공간을환하게비추는조명은자유자재로빛과그림자를만들고조절한다. 돌, 목재, 물, 녹슨금속이라는제한된소재만을활용해야했기때문에디자이너는촉감에있어독특하고재미있는대비를만들어냈다. 예를들면, 돌처럼단단해보이는조명은만졌을때부드럽고폭신한느낌이고, 소파등받이쪽에볼록하게튀어나온부분은음향패널로 DJ Place가있는두번째공간과완전히독립시키는요소로작용했다. 98 International EAST Restaurant International EAST Restaurant 99
100 International EAST Restaurant International EAST Restaurant 101
SPACE STORY EAST is located in the historical center of Kiev. Once there was a well-known Porto Maltese fish restaurant which was famous forthe quality of food and professional staff from Serbia. In due time, the institution was a leader among fish restaurants of the capital. Nevertheless, everything changes and people s favorite Porto was not an exception. Having chosen the pan-asian direction, the owner decided to change not only the cuisine, but also an interior. Starting to work on the next pan-asian cuisine restaurant, we wanted to create a truly cosmopolitan space that is not attached to any particular region. Therefore, in a laconic and restrained interior you will not find the usual expressly bright attributes of East Asian ethnics. We successfully reproduced an image of the pan-asian restaurant through Eastern philosophy which unites different countries and cultures. Thus, this establishment reflects the main natural elements of the East stone, wood, water, fire and metal. The inside of the restaurant was divided into two halls. By using the same materials, these rooms make the overall scope but have completely different patterns. The first one with an open kitchen and wok zone disposes to communication and active movement. The second one where the bar and lounge area are placed is far more calm and peaceful. To functionally separate the entrance lobby from the main room space, it was decided to place near the hostess area a table, circled by three U-shaped boxes made of strips. Length of the table (5.6m) allows large and noisy company to fit in perfectly. At the same time, the construction of the boxes and the high level of seating arrangements make it possible for the visitors to feel themselves comfortable and sheltered. In addition to the area of seating arrangements, there is an open kitchen and glass wine cellar on the first floor. By means of specially designed cellar construction, the problem of the premium bottles look was solved: the neck of a bottle is put into a sleeve thus hiding the excise. All the attention in the second room gets the bar with a low counter which is typical for Asian countries. This impressive construction is made of granite slabs with a total weight of about 8 tons. From a half-closed lounge area bar is separated by shelves with alcohol and aquariums of individual work. Tabletops became one of the central elements of the interior design. They are made of the palm oak solid mass, which is specially brought from the island of Java. A tree itself is so unique and original that actually it was the main reason to choose so strict and discreet format of design. To emphasize its beauty, we placed ceiling spot lights which illuminate the room with technical light, creating a play of light and shade. Working with a limited number of materials (stone, wood, water, and rusty metal) we played on contrasts and tactile sensations. Thus, there appeared unique felt lighting fittings of individual work on a ceiling which contrasted with a natural rusty covering. Made in the form of stones, they are at the same time soft and pleasant to the touch. Felt stones also protrude from the backs of sofas. Besides bright visual accent the sofas function as acoustic panels, isolating noisy second room with a DJ Place. 102 International EAST Restaurant International EAST Restaurant 103
GLEN 2961 남아프리카공화국케이프타운에서활동하고있는 SAOTA는강렬하고확고한비전을가진여러디자이너들의아이디어로다양한결과물을만들어내는디자인스튜디오다. 남아프리카공화국에기반을두고있지만, 미국과멕시코, 러시아, 호주등전세계를무대로활동하고있어세계곳곳에서그들의작품을만나볼수있다. 흠잡을데없는경력과실력으로주거부터상업, 산업분야까지다양한프로젝트를진행해온그들은인재교육과경제적지원등후진양성에힘쓰는등디자인분야발전에이바지하며사회적책임에 도최선을다하고있다. 성은주기자 Design Studio: SAOTA Homepage: www.saota.com E-mail: info@saota.com Project Name: GLEN 2961 Location: Oranjezicht, Cape Town, South Africa Architects: SAOTA Project Team: Philip Olmesdahl, Stefan Antoni, Kate Del Fante Project Type: Single Residential Photographer: Adam Letch, courtesy of SAOTA 104 International GLEN 2961 International GLEN 2961 105
집의내부와외부가조화롭게어우러지며긍정적인상호관계를이루고있는이집은안뜰을중심으로디자인된주거공간으로, 남아프리카케이프타운에위치하고있어라이언스헤드 (Lion s Head) 와테이블마운틴 (Table Mountain) 의아름다운전경을감상할수있다. 부유하고고급스러운주거지역으로분류되는히고발 (Higgovale) 지구에자리한 Glen 2961은이미거주하고있던클라이언트가족의편의와새로운필요를충족하기위해전혀새로운모습으로재건되었다. 천연마감재로둘러싸인오픈플랜공간이매우인상적인 Glen 2961은총 3층으로구성되어있으며, 자연이주는아름다움과가족이생활하면서필요한프라이버시를모두갖춘공간으로설계되었다. 106 International GLEN 2961 International GLEN 2961 107
클라이언트는다양한경력을가진건축회사 SAOTA에게모든디자인및구성에대한구상을전적으로위임했으며, 그결과로가족구성원의다양한요구가충족되는공간이자기능성과심미성에있어완벽한주거공간이탄생했다. 전체적으로정원과매우인접해있는구조의집내부에는가족들이각자프라이빗한시간을보낼수있는공간이별도로마련되어있으며, 테이블마운틴 (Table Mountain) 으로부터불어오는맹렬한바람을완벽히차단해아늑함과편안함을제공한다. 클라이언트는다소과감하고도전적인구조의집을요구했는데, 집의하단 2개층에서는언제든정원과테라스로갈수있도록연결된형식의반폐 (semi-closed) 정원을원했다. 상상했던모습그대로실현된정원은눈앞에펼쳐진자연경관을편히앉아즐길수있는곳이자바비큐파티를하며가족과즐거운시간을보낼수있는장소로완성되었다. 108 International GLEN 2961 International GLEN 2961 109
감각적인인테리어의내부는콘크리트로벽과처마밑면을견고하고깔끔하게마감했으며, 포인트로몇개의벽면은벽돌을사용해러프한느낌을주어내추럴한분위기에색다른느낌을더했다. 또한, 오크나무소재를활용한고급가구와천장포인트로내추럴한분위기를극대화시켜포근하면서도고급스러운분위기의공간으로완성했다. 디자이너는실내와정원이연결되어있다는점을더욱강조하기위해거실에알루미늄프레임의커다란슬라이딩도어를설치했고, 거기에투명한유리를사용해개방감을증폭시키며내부와외부의경계를무너뜨렸다. 1층에는가족들이함께시간을보내는주방과거실등의공동공간이있고, 메인야외공간인테라스는쉼터와다이닝공간이포함된넓은공간을자랑한다. 그리고개인적인공간으로구성된집의가장위층에는개인욕실과함께눈을뗄수없는전망을제공하는 4개의침실, 넓은서재가있어프라이빗하고여유로운시간을보내기에좋다. 110 International GLEN 2961 International GLEN 2961 111
SPACE STORY Designed around a courtyard, this home interplays indoor and outdoor spaces, affording views of both Lion s Head and Table Mountain. Raw, natural finishes encase open plan spaces designed with emphasis on family living. The clients who lived in an existing house on the property needed to rebuild the house in order to suit the demands of their family. The site on Glen Avenue in Higgovale faces in a Northerly direction, with its boundaries on the South East. Although the wind conditions are tough, the site s moderate slope allows the design to engage with different levels of the garden adjacent to the areas of the three level lounge. The client appointed SAOTA to complete the design of a new home. The clients bravely followed their architect s advice to see the bigger picture and restart on a clean slate. The new home was to respond to the site and garden closely, to allow enough space for the family s diverse requirements whilst create separate private spaces within the house, and respond to the fierce winds which seasonally hurtle down Table Mountain yet provide a relaxed, homely character in the spirit of Higgovale. The clients selected to proceed with the Design Development and project construction with Three14 Architects. The principal objectives in the design approach was to screen the heart of the home from the South Easterly and create large semi-enclosed gardens which allow the two lower levels of the house to seamlessly connect to garden and terraces at all times. SAOTA relied on robust uncluttered finishes of off-shutter concrete for soffits and various walls, painted bagged brickwork, specialized polished concrete topping and oak cabinetry and ceilings. To amplify the sense of openness of the rooms and the gardens, the living rooms have large openings of sliding aluminium doors this openness is further enhanced by glass handrails to successfully blur the boundaries of interior and exterior. The kitchen remains the focus of the first floor area, and the main outdoor braai terrace is a generous layout with outdoor sitting and dining areas. The upper level of the house to which one approaches on arrival at the property accommodates four en-suite bedrooms with good views and a large study / library area. The garage screens the courtyards from the street. 112 International GLEN 2961 International GLEN 2961 113
TOSTADO CAFE CLUB 설계컨설팅과건축프로젝트를전문으로하는건축디자인오피스 HMA는스페인마드리드에서 3년간의경험을토대로 2006년, 부에노아이레스에사무실을오픈했다. Fernando Hitzig와 Leonardo G. Militello가힘을합쳐설립한 HMA는다양한건축관련대회에참가해명성을쌓아갔고, 그에따라국제적으로인정받는어워드에서다수의수상을하며세계유명디자인팀으로거듭났다. 또한, 이들은대학에서건축, 디자인, 도시화와관련된강의를이어가며학술분야에서의광범위한활동과함께전 문적인경험을넓히고있다. 성은주기자 Design Studio: Hitzig Militello Arquitectos Homepage: www.estudiohma.com E-mail: hma@estudiohma.com Location: Av. Córdoba 1501 CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina Architectural Program: Cafe & Bar Construction Manager: Hitzig Militello Arquitectos Team members: Arq. Magdalena Molinari Arq. Juan Carpinello Promotion: Private Branding: The Brand Bean / www.thebrandbean.com Size: 180m² Photography: Federico Kulekdjian 114 International TOSTADO CAFE CLUB International TOSTADO CAFE CLUB 115
부에노스아이레스 ( 아르헨티나의수도 ) 의전통식료품점을모티브로친근한매력의공간을재현해낸 Tostado Cafe Club 은향긋한커피한잔을즐길수있는공간이자편하게앉아이야기를나눌수있는카페겸 Bar다. 굽다, 볶다 라는의미의스페인어 Tostado 를매장명에활용하며커피와샌드위치를판매하는카페의아이덴티티를고스란히녹여낸이곳은전통식료품점이라는컨셉에맞게식료품점에서가장흔하게볼수있는나무상자를인테리어베이스로선택했다. 다채로운인테리어가주는화려함과달리단일요소를활용해강조한심플함은넓은공간감을만들어냈으며, 차분하고안락한분위기를자아낸다. 116 International TOSTADO CAFE CLUB International TOSTADO CAFE CLUB 117
카페의 1층과지하는위아래로길게뻗은수직정원 (Vertical Garden) 이인상적인계단으로연결되어있다. 카페내의두공간은목재와그레이톤의타일로기본베이스를통일했으나, 조명과가구등인테리어디테일에차이를주어다른느낌을풍기는공간으로완성되었다. 유리파사드로때론분주하고, 때론고즈넉한부에노스아이레스의거리풍경을감상할수있는 1층에는음료와음식주문을할수있는카운터, 소규모로앉아이야기를나눌수있는테이블이배치되어있다. 메뉴판과재료로사용되는빵을잘보이도록드러내며카페의성격을잘담고있는카운터는안전하고청결하게커피와샌드위치등의메뉴를제조할수있도록넓고쾌적한공간으로완성되었다. 수직정원은지하로내려가는통로이자전체공간을아우르는그레이와화이트사이, 여러단색조의시작을상징한다. 몇가지요소와자재의사용만으로도특색있고우아한분위기를풍기는이곳은훌륭한커피와빵을제공하는아늑한카페의분위기를살리기위해가구와조명을적절히활용해어두운회색조의차가운느낌을보완하며, 공간에따뜻함과편안함을더했다. 118 International TOSTADO CAFE CLUB International TOSTADO CAFE CLUB 119
SPACE STORY Starting off from the idea of recreating the spirit of the traditional Buenos Aires groceries without resorting to cliches, we worked with the materiality of what to us best reflects this kind of store: the wooden box for groceries. The sheer simplicity of this single element can generate spatiality both by addition and subtraction. The result attempts to describe this spirit, which was built by the abstraction of these elements. In short: constructing the decoration without decorating the construction. As a part of the project since the creation of the general concept of the brand, the architectonic search ubiquitously attempts a comprehensive reflection of the essence of the product. A clear concept taken as a starting point allows for a narrowing of the gap between image and branding and between architecture and interiorism. Spatiality and materiality go in the same direction when attempting to vehemently express the general idea for the project: a single-material container (floors and walls in graphite gray calcarean tiles) counters with a single-material volumetric piece that crowns the space and circumscribes situations (the old wooden grocery box). Both these elements are in time also intervened on. Hollows are made on the upper volume built entirely with grocery boxes. Such cavities contain objects related to the developed concept: antique toasters, coffee makers/pots and some utensils. The vertical garden located at the stairs not only calls for a descent into the basement but also signifies a departure from the monochromatic game between grays and whites that predominates in the overall space. Furniture and lighting equipment not only add warmth and comfort to the space but are also a part of the brand graphics on its tapestries. The space thus manages to show off with the aid of very few elements, allowing for a more prominent role of the retail products: a good coffee and a delicious toasty. 120 International TOSTADO CAFE CLUB International TOSTADO CAFE CLUB 121
HUBBA-TO 슈퍼머신스튜디오는다양한분야를다루는디자인스튜디오다. 작은병따개부터대규모쇼핑몰, 전시와야외페스티발까지가지각색의프로젝트를통해개성을발휘하고있다. 슈퍼머신스튜디오는 디자이너에게가장중요한것은어떤생각을하는지그리고어떻게그생각을만들어낼것인지자신의언어로표현하는것 이라생각하며항상실험적이면서도창의적인디자인을선보이고있다. 노일영기자 Design Studio: Supermachine Studio Homepage: supermachine.co Email: pitupong@gmail.com Contact: +66-(0)-22766279 Location: Habbito mall, Ornnuch, Bangkok Size: 989 SQ.M. Client: Hubba and Sansiri Completion: 2016 Design team: Yupadee Suvisith with Pitupong Chaowakul Photograph: Wison Tungthunya 122 International HUBBA-TO International HUBBA-TO 123
네트워크가없이는허브도없다. 협업사무공간을운영하는 Hubba는슈퍼머신스튜디오 (Supermachine Studio) 와함께그들의첫번째공간과는다른새로운버전의공간을만들며네트워크와허브가조화로운공간을목표로했다. Hubba는태국의가장큰개발업체중하나인 Sansiri와의협업으로 Sansiri가개발중인주거지역에있는새로운쇼핑몰에공간을만들기로했다. 새로운쇼핑몰에들어설공간을기획하며 Hubba는새로협업사무공간을나눌이웃들에게어울리도록 업무 라는생태계안에 창작 이라는요소를강조하기로했다. 도공예와목공예, 오픈키친과사진작업을위한암실등수작업을하는스튜디오가있는이공간을 Artisan Space 라부르기로했다. Artisan Space 에는다양한강연과워크샵, 세미나를위한영상상영공간도포함됐다. 이미충분히넓은 Hubba의네트워크를확장하고네트워크의허브가되는공간을만드는것이 HUBBA-TO를만들기위한 Hubba와슈퍼머신스튜디오의목표였다. 124 International HUBBA-TO International HUBBA-TO 125
HUBBA-TO의공간디자인은 Hubba의오리지널로고에있는네트워킹라인을확장한다는아이디어에서시작했다. 이복합적인라인을통해 1층과 2층을통합하고연계성을강화하는것이었다. 슈퍼머신스튜디오는당연히기능적인이유로공간에설치될많은 M&E(Mechanical & Electrical) 라인을적극활용하기로했다. 평소일반적인인테리어디자인에서 M&E라인은거추장스럽고디자인에방해가되는요소이지만이번프로젝트에서는특별히공간을통합하는디자인요소로써활용됐다. 디자이너의주요기획은시스템에새로운것을더할수있도록도관의조직을새로구성하는것이었다. 도관에터키옥컬러를입혀공간전체에서보이는도관이시각적으로강조되고잘보일수있도록했다. 협업공간이라는공간의정체성에맞게공간을유기적으로연결하는도관이공간을전체적으로관장하고있다. 노출콘크리트와침착한컬러로마감된전체공간에생동감을주기도한다. 126 International HUBBA-TO International HUBBA-TO 127
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SPACE STORY No network, No hub. With their ambition, Hubba, a co-working space operator, wants to create their new edition of their space differently than their first one. They collaborate with Sansiri, one of the biggest developers in Thailand, to curate their space in Habito, Sansiri's brand new mall locating in the center of the residential territory they created. Hubba came up with the idea of enlarging the portion of making within the ecosystem of working to suit the new neighborhood. They call it Artisan space, which consists of several handmade facilities such as pottery and wood studio, open kitchen and pho-tography dark room. Screening room for different lectures, workshops and seminars is also added. The intention is to expand their already wide networks, strengthen the concept of being a hub and reinforce their co-working philoso-phy. The design of Hubbato space takes shape from the a funny idea of extending networking lines of Hubba's original logo and multiply them to occupy/unify space on ground and second floor. We realized that the scheme could be made pos-sible thinking that there are supposed to be quite a number of M&E lines to be installed in the project for functional reason already. Our main operation is to add more into the system and design the organization of these conduits. We color them turquoise to make them visually present (or even emphasize them) throughout the space. We, as designers, usually struggle with M&E elements in our project but, in case of this project, we decide to make it excessive to the degree that it has become an incorporated ornament in architectural space. 130 International HUBBA-TO International HUBBA-TO 131
CHALET GSTAAD 아르데시아스튜디오는런던에기반을둔인테리어디자인스튜디오다. 레지던스리노베이션컨설팅을주로하고있다. 프로젝트의사전공사단계부터인테리어디자인및세부적인실내장식까지모든업무를지원한다. 영국의인테리어디자이너를위한영국실내디자인연구소 (International Institute of Interior Design) 의회원이며영국, 런던뿐아닌이탈리아, 프랑스, 스위스, 룩셈부르크, 인도를비롯한여러해외 프로젝트도완성한바있다. 노일영기자 Design Studio: Ardesia Design Homepage: www.ardesiadesign.co.uk Email: info@ardesiadesign.co.uk Contact: +44 (0)20 7792 4274 132 International CHALET GSTAAD International CHALET GSTAAD 133
아르데시아디자인 (Ardesia Design) 이현대적이며편안한스위스의오두막주택을만들었다. 스위스그슈타드 (Gstaad) 지역의교외에만들어진아늑한주말주택은키치 (Kitsch) 한스위스식치장을벗고세련된공간으로다시태어났다. 디자인과정에서디자이너가추구한것은순수하고깨끗한선 (Line) 을구현하는것이었다. 디자이너는밝은빛과뉴트럴한컬러를사용해추구했던선을표현했다. 먼저과도하고알록달록한장식으로자칫유치해보일수있는스위스식장식을제거했다. 깔끔한목재패널의자연스러운느낌을강조할수있도록장식이사라진자리에신중히고른컬러를사용했다. 오스트리아, 덴마크등에서공수한천연목재를사용해친환경적인분위기를강조하고목재가가진자연스러운매력으로공간을채웠다. 134 International CHALET GSTAAD International CHALET GSTAAD 135
다양한목재가가진자연스러운매력과함께공간의부드러운분위기를만드는것은욕실의흰색터키석회암과회색타델락트 (Tadelakt) 표면이다. 석고로마감된자연스러운공간이목재의거친느낌과더불어공간을자연스럽고따듯하게만든다. 반면주방에는스테인리스와 Pietra Del Cardosa 석재가함께사용됐다. 주택을둘러싼자연환경과대비되는현대적이고산업적인느낌을준다. 침실을비롯한전체공간과도다소다른느낌을주는데주말주택이라는공간의특성상도심과분리되어있지만, 연계성도가져야한다는생각에서만들어진연출이다. 편안한휴식을위한공간이지만, 요리하는일을거를수는없기때문이다. 136 International CHALET GSTAAD International CHALET GSTAAD 137
거실에는오래된목재와이탈리아산석재로만들어진벽난로가있고마주보고있는좌석이있다. 따듯하고편안한공간을만들기위해불필요한장식을배제하고자연스러운재료와컬러를사용했다. 벽면과천장, 바닥에서소파와커튼의패브릭에이르기까지모두자연스러운컬러를사용해편안한환경을강조한다. 벽에걸린그림조차바랜듯한색감으로통일감을가진다. 오래된테이블과같은가구부터작은소품하나까지집안환경에대한통합적인이해와철학을가진디자이너의세심한큐레이션을통과한것들로공간을채웠다. 138 International CHALET GSTAAD International CHALET GSTAAD 139
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SPACE STORY Dropping the kitsch décor of a Swiss chalet, Laurence Rouveure, head of the London-based interiors firm Ardesia De-sign has created a contemporary yet cosy weekend hideaway in the outskirts of Gstaad, Switzerland. The drive of the design was towards pure and clean lines with a sense of lightness and neutral colours. The designer concentrated on the design of pure and clean lines of the 380 square meters lodge and carefully selected a palette of natural materials. Avoiding a conventional layout, Laurence divided the 5 bedroom-bathrooms suites between the basement and the ground floor and dedicated the top floor with its huge rooftop apex to socialising and entertaining. The walls throughout the house are covered by panels of rough sawn Austrian timber that was slightly burnt, brushed, and braised. Flooring is made up of wide Danish planks from Dinesen of lye and white soap finish fir that measure up to 16 meters long. A palette of neutral and natural colours is to be found throughout the all house, including grey tadelakt and white Turk-ish limestone in the bathrooms. The natural material of tadelakt, usually used in warm places, was brought to this mountain interior and mixed with the roughness of the wood. The brushed stainless steel kitchen with its island countertop and sink in stone Pietra del Cardosa gives a cool and industrial feel, which contrasts with the timber surroundings of the chalet. The sitting area of the main living room faces an open fireplace made of old wood and Italian dark grey slate. The de-signer s neutral colour palette continues to the lighting fixtures, with weathered bronze wall mounted mast lamps and toggle switches in gunmetal grey finish. The same concept is applied in the bedrooms. Wool and cashmere Italian and British fabrics were mounted in place of headboard in every bedroom to break up the feeling of the wooden box. Fittings such as vintage yachting flag, converted sewing machine table and reclaimed wooden coffee table have been sourced by the designer all around Europe and create an eclectic mix of antiques and new furniture. 142 International CHALET GSTAAD International CHALET GSTAAD 143