불법쟁의행위와민사책임 ( 문무기 ) 69 13 1, 2003. 6, pp.69 86 1),.,.,,.,.,,,.,,..,,.,. * ( ), 02-782-0141, mgmoon@kli.re.kr
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불법쟁의행위와민사책임 ( 문무기 ) 85 abstract Industrial actions are guaranteed by the Constitution as basic rights in Korea. However illegal strikes are subject to severe criminal liability or harsh punishment. But they seem to be not effective enough for workers to deter strikes. Employees are reluctant to share responsibility for the losses incurred due to labor strikes. In an effort to address this problem, claims for huge sums of damages and injunctions(temporary attachment) by employers are largely raised as controling methods of strikes after 2000. However trade unions harshly criticize it, branding it as a new repression of the labor movement." These methods have become another factor that exacerbate labor relations. There are several cases ruled by the Supreme Court concerning claims for damages and injunctions. But regarding the extent of the claim, individual or collective liabilities, cause-result relationship, and burden of proof, there are no firmly set legal principles, and there have not been many relevant cases. Examples from other countries reveal that the extent of civil liability for illegal strikes depended on the historical background, socio-economic, legal and political circumstances of each country. The fundamental direction of the issue of civil liability for illegal strikes must consider harmony of the right to industrial actions for workers and the right of property for employers. The enlargement of extent for legitimacy of industrial actions, mitigation of criminal and civil liability for illegal strikes, improvement of legal system and customary for injunctions(temporary attachment), improvement of personal reference system will be considered as alternative measures. In addition, enhancement of voluntary agreement between labor and management, holding accountable for industrial actions on their each part will be asked for. On the part of the government, it faces challenge of reconciling labor-management relations through fair and impartial administrative services.
제 13 권제 1 호 Keyword: industrial action, illegal strike, civil liability, claim for damage, injunction (temporary attachment)