KISEP Original Articles 7 1 2002 J Korean Assoc Soc Psychiatry Vol 7, No 1 산업재해환자의정신과적문제 옥금희 * 최경숙 * 서민영 * 최재욱 ** 김재영 ** 강성규 *** 최용성 * Psychiatric Problems in Industrial Injury Patients Keum-Hee Ok, M.D., * Kyeong-Sook Choi, M.D., * Min-Young Seo, M.D., * Jae-Wook Choi, M.D., ** Jae-Young Kim, M.D., ** Seong-Kyu Kang, M.D., *** Yong-Seoung Choi, M.D. * 국문초록 연구목적 방법 결과 결론 중심단어 서 St. Andrew s Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Icheon Department of Preventive Medicine, Korea University, College of Medicine, Seoul Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency, Incheon Corresponding author 론 27
28 1. 연구대상 연구대상및방법 2. 연구절차 - - 3. 연구도구 1) BDI 2002;71:27-33
2) STAI-I, STAI-II 3) SCL-90-R 4) IES 4. 자료분석 연구결과 1. 일반적인특성비교 Table 1. Differentiation of general characteristics between industrial injury patients and comparison group Industrial injury patients n, %n=134 Comparison group n, %n=62 p-value Ageyears 0.217 2029 2720.15 2032.26 3039 5138.06 2032.26 4049 4533.58 1727.42 5059 1118.21 1518.06 Educationyears 0.152 1016 1219.31 1315.56 1719 2519.38 1417.41 1012 7255.81 3361.11 1316 2015.50 1425.93 Marital status 0.618 Married 7759.69 3564.81 Unmarried 4434.11 1833.33 Widowed 1211.55 1010.00 Divorced 1614.65 1111.85 p-value for Chi-square test Table 2. Comparisons of BDI, STAI-I, STAI-II, and IES between industrial injury patients and comparison group Patientsn=134 Comparison groupn=62 p-value BDI 19.7510.84 11.697.36 0.0001 STAI-I 43.1717.64 41.497.14 0.1501 STAI-II 44.6217.31 41.036.25 0.0010 IES 32.0211.88 19.817.46 0.0001 MeanSD, p-value for t-test Table 3. Comparisons of SCL-90-R between industrial injury patients and comparison group Symptom dimension Patients Comparison group p-value SOM 12.5518.86 5.124.45 0.0001 O-C 10.9416.94 7.085.27 0.0001 I-S 17.9615.98 5.835.01 0.0179 DEP 13.5910.03 7.528.04 0.0001 ANX 18.7517.70 4.314.66 0.0001 HOS 14.5614.19 2.953.31 0.0046 PHOB 14.5014.67 1.392.16 0.0001 PAR 14.1213.73 3.112.73 0.0365 PSY 17.3316.91 3.613.89 0.0001 MeanSD, p-value for t-test SOMSomatization, O-CObsessive-compulsive, I-SInterpersonal sensitivity, DEPDepression, ANX, Anxiety, HOSHostility, PHOBPhobic anxiety, PARParanoid ideation, PSY Psychoticism 2. BDI, STAI-I, STAI-II, IES, SCL-90-R의비교 29
3. SCL-90-R의우울, 불안항목과 BDI, STAI-I, STAI-II 와의상관관계 4. 치료기간과척도들사이의관계 30 Table 4. Pearson correlation of the SCL-90-RDEP, ANX to BDI, STAI-I, and STAI-II SCL-90-RDEP SCL-90-RANX BDI 0.76* 0.70* STAI-I 0.20* 0.24* STAI-II 0.53* 0.53* p-value0.05 고찰 2002;71:27-33
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J Korean Assoc Soc Psychiatry Vol 7, No 2, November, 2002 ABSTRACT J Korean Assoc Soc Psychiatry Vol 7, No 1, May, 2002 Psychiatric Problems in Industrial Injury Patients Keum-Hee Ok, M.D., Kyeong-Sook Choi, M.D., Min-Young Seo, M.D., Jae-Wook Choi, M.D., Jae-Young Kim, M.D., Seong-Kyu Kang, M.D., Yong-Seoung Choi, M.D. St. Andrew s Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Icheon Objectives:We performed this study to assess psychiatric symptoms of industrial injury patients and to promote the plan of treatment and rehabilitation of industrial injury patients not only in their physical problems but also in their psychiatric problems. Methods:Psychiatric problems were assessed using BDI, STAI-I, STAI-II, IES, and SCL-90-R in 134 industrial injury patients and 62 healthy workers. Those were compared between the two groups. Results:The scores of BDI, STAI-II, IES, and 9 subscales of SCL-90-R were significantly higher in the industrial injury patients than comparison group(p<0.05). The scores of BDI in 63 industrial injury patients(47.01%) were higher than 20. The scores of STAI-II, OC, DEP, ANX, HOS were significantly higher in the industrial injury patients treated for more than 6 months than comparison group(p<0.05). Conclusion:Industrial injury patients had more depression, anxiety, somatization, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism and experienced greater posttraumatic distress than comparison group. As a result, early psychiatric assessment and intervention are needed for psychiatric problems due to industrial injury that can be persistent. KEY WORDS:Industrial injury Psychiatric problems Depression Anxiety. 33