Content 组成部分 내용물 5 Introduction 7 How does the work? 8 Frequently asked questions 5 简介 7 空气炸锅如何工作? 8 常见问题解答 5 소개 7 에어프라이어는어떻게작동합니까? 8 자주묻는질문 (FAQ) Hea

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Introduction 简介소개 We all face the same challenges when cooking 我们为家人烹饪食物时都面临着同样的难 for our families. How do we cook the great 题 如何烹制出我们熟悉又喜欢, 但又不 tasting fried food we know and love, without 包含多余脂肪, 还松脆可口的美味煎炸食 all the extra fat needed to get the crispy fried food taste? The Philips is designed to 物呢? 飞利浦 空气炸锅专为解决 do exactly that. 这一难题而设计 가족을위해요리를할때는누구나같은고민을하게됩니다. 어떻게하면모두가좋아하는맛있는튀김요리를만들수있을까? 어떻게하면기름을많이사용하지않고더욱바삭하고맛있는튀김요리를만들수있을까? 이러한고민을해결해주기위해개발된제품이바로필립스에어프라이어입니다. With our unique Rapid Air Technology, the cooks great tasting fried food and more with up to 80% less fat*: 凭借独特的专利高速空气循环技术, 空气炸锅可烹制出美味的煎炸食物, 脂肪含量至少可降低 80%*: 에어프라이어는필립스의독특한고속공기순환기술을사용하여최대 80% 까지지방을줄인맛있는튀김요리를만들어줍니다.* In addition to Rapid Air Technology, the unique design of the also allows for excess oil and fat from your food to be drained during cooking, so even foods like chicken contain less fat in the compared to even putting it in the oven. This recipe book shows you the variety of fried food that you can cook in the and also introduces you to recipes that showcase the versatility of the appliance so that you can also grill, bake and even roast food healthier, faster and more conveniently. 除了专利高速空气循环技术外, 空气炸锅的独特设计还可在烹饪过程中沥干食物中多余的油和油脂, 因此即使像鸡肉这样的食物在 空气炸锅烘烤后所含的脂肪量也比普通烤箱烘烤后的脂肪含量要少 此调配手册介绍了可在 空气炸锅中烹饪的各种煎炸食物, 而且介绍了展示产品多功能性的食谱, 以便您以更快速 更健康和更方便的方式烧烤 烘焙和烘烤食物 고속공기순환기술외에도에어프라이어는요리중에과도한기름기와지방이자동으로빠지도록독창적으로설계되어있어치킨과같이기름이많은조리에서도오븐에서조리하는것에비해지방함유량을훨씬더줄여줍니다. 이레시피북에는에어프라이어에서만들수있는다양한튀김요리가들어있으며그릴, 굽기, 로스트방식등에어프라이어의다양한조리방식을활용하여건강에좋은맛있는요리를보다편리하게만드는레시피가다양하게소개되어있습니다. 5 We hope that you will enjoy using the as many others already have, and the recipes contained inside provide you the inspiration to have a healthy well balanced meal for you and your family. Remember more recipes are always being added on 我们希望您像其他消费者一样喜欢使用 空气炸锅, 其中包含的食谱可能会激发您的灵感, 让您为自己和家人烹饪健康均衡的膳食 请记住, 我们会在 上添加更多 空气炸锅食谱 에어프라이어를구입하신모든고객이이레시피북에소개된다양한요리를에어프라이어로직접만들어봄으로써가족모두의건강한건강식을만드는데도움을드릴수있기를진심으로바랍니다. 에어프라이어를사용한레시피는 을통해지속적으로업데이트됩니다. * Compared to fries cooked in a normal Philips deep fat fryer * 与用飞利浦深炸锅制作出的薯条相比 * 필립스기존기름튀김기에서튀긴것과비교하여 Nutritional values for home made fries per 100 gr Deep fat fryer Oven Kcal 146 206 157 Fat 1.5 8.2 2.8 每 100 克自制炸薯条的营养价值 空气炸锅重油电炸锅 烤箱 千卡 146 206 157 脂肪 1.5 8.2 2.8 가정에서만드는튀김요리 100그램당영양정보 에어프라이어 튀김기 오븐 Kcal 146 206 157 지방 1.5 8.2 2.8

1 2 3 4 e n s c k o How does the work? 空气炸锅如何工作 에어프라이어는 어떻게 작동합니까? Unique Rapid Air technology for great tasting fried food with up to 80% less fat* 独特的专利高速空气循环技术可让您做出脂肪 독창적인 고속 공기순환 기술로 최대 80% 量降低 80% 的美味油炸食物* 지방을 줄인 맛있는 튀김 요리* Perfect frying: Crispy on the outside, soft and tender on the inside 完美油炸 外脆里嫩 완벽한 튀김: 겉은 바삭하고 속은 부드럽고 Patented technology for fast and precise circulating hot air 快速精确循环热空气的专利技术 This mimics what oil does to give the crispy taste on the outside of the food 模仿油炸原理 让您炸出外表松脆的美味食品 기름을 사용하지 않고도 기름으로 튀긴 Patented Starfish design 专利海星设计 특허받은 방사형 설계 No turning required, and food cooks faster and more evenly 无需翻动 即可快速均匀地烹饪食物 회전할 필요 없이 더 빠르고 더 고르게 Grill element 烤箱装置 그릴 요소 조합 For extra crispness and browning 食物更松脆 烘烤程度更均匀 Optimal heating profile 最佳加热模式 4 최적의 열전달 프로파일 For the nice fluffy inside, there needs to be an optimum balance between heating power and temperature 为了炸出美味松软的食物内层 需在加热功率 발열량과 온도가 최적의 균형을 유지해 속이 和温度之间实现最佳平衡 촉촉하고 부드럽게 조리됩니다. * Compared to fries cooked in a normal Philips deep fat fryer *与用飞利浦深炸锅制作出的薯条相比 * 필립스 기존 기름 튀김기에서 튀긴 것과 비교하여 촉촉 뜨거운 공기가 빠르고 정확하게 순환하여 음식을 튀겨주는 특허받은 기술 것처럼 겉이 바삭하고 맛있게 조리됩니다. 조리되는 이점 더욱 바삭하고 노릇하게 구워지는 효과 7

Frequently asked questions 常见问题解答자주묻는질문 My home-made fries do not turn out as I expected. What can I do? If you want to make good home-made fries in the, pay attention to the following: - Choose a potato variety suitable for making fries. - Best to bake the fries in portions of up to 750 grams for an even result. - Larger fries will get less crispy than smaller fries. - Shake the basket halfway through the hot air frying process. - Use fresh, slightly floury potatoes. - Choose potatoes whose package states that they are suitable for frying. The is able to fry and bake fresh potatoes very well. However, the potato variety you use determines the taste of the final dish. What if my food gets dark on the outside before it is done on the inside? When airfrying food at a high temperature, bigger foods like meat or cakes might not be cooked on the inside before they start browning on the outside. To bake these type of dishes, start airfrying at a lower temperature, for example 140 degrees for cakes, or even 100 degrees for meat. This will help you to safely heat the inside of the food, without any browning. To add a crunchy crust to the food, you can turn up the heat for the last couple of minutes. What types of frozen fries can I prepare in the? You can prepare two types of frozen fries in the : Frozen oven-ready fries Frozen fries suitable for deep-fat frying. Tip: Other frozen potato varieties other than fries are also worth trying. What types of other foods I can buy in the store are suitable for the? You can prepare crispy snacks such as croquettes and chicken nuggets in the. For the best results, we advise you to buy oven-ready varieties, as these have been prefried and contain some oil. The uses the oil contained in oven-ready snacks to fry the snacks golden brown and crispy. Prebaked bread can be easily and quickly baked in the. They need to be baked to become crusty. Prebaked breads are widely available in supermarkets and bakeries. Start by setting half the baking time suggested on the package. Keep checking the bread to make sure it does not brown too fast. Set the temperature control knob to 150 C. Other premade foods can be baked or heated quickly by the as well. Check the oven temperature on the packaging, lower it by 20 degrees and start with half of the cooking time. Keep checking the food to make sure it does not brown too fast. What kind of baking dish can I use in the? Any dishes or tins that are oven proof can be used in the. It can be made of glass, ceramic, metal or silicon. A baking tin should have some space around it when you place it in the basket, so the airflow in the basket can flow around the baking tin. Round shapes of 20 cm or less fit in the. Square shapes should be 19x19 cm on the outer edges. Make sure the shape is not higher than 8 cm. Silicon or paper cupcake shapes also work perfectly in the to make cupcakes, muffins or even small gratins! Can I use baking paper or aluminum foil in the? Yes, it is possible to use baking paper or aluminum foil in the. Putting the food on baking paper or aluminum foil ensures the food does not drip. To make sure the can heat properly, always leave an edge of 1 cm around the basket bottom edge open and use the minimal amount of baking paper or aluminum foil necessary. 我的自制炸薯条未达到预期效果, 该怎么办? 如果您想在 空气炸锅中制作美味的自制炸薯条, 请注意以下事项 : - 选择适合制作炸薯条的土豆品种 - 分几份烘烤薯条, 最多 750 克, 以便获得均匀的效果 - 大薯条的松脆度不如小薯条 - 在热空气煎炸中途翻动炸篮 - 使用新鲜 略带粉质的土豆 - 选择其包装上标明适合制作炸薯条的土豆 airfryer 空气炸锅可以煎炸和烘焙新鲜土豆, 效果非常好 但是, 您所用的土豆品种决定最终菜肴的口味 如果食物里面还没熟而外表已烤焦, 该怎么办? 在高温下使用空气煎炸食物时, 肉类或蛋糕等大块食物在外层开始变焦黄之前, 里面可能还没熟 要烘焙此类菜肴, 请先在低温下进行空气煎炸, 例如使用 140 度烘焙蛋糕, 或使用 100 度烘焙肉类 这有助于您安全加热食物内层, 而不会烤焦外层 最后几分钟内调高温度可炸出松脆的外层 我可以在 airfryer 空气炸锅中制作什么类型的冰冻薯条? 您可在 airfryer 空气炸锅中制作两种冰冻薯条 : 冰冻即烤型薯条 适合重油煎炸的冰冻薯条 提示 : 其它非油炸用冰冻土豆品种也值得尝试 可在商店买到哪些适合使用 airfryer 空气炸锅的食物? 您可在 airfryer 空气炸锅中制作松脆的点心, 如炸丸子和炸鸡块 为了获得最佳效果, 建议您购买即烤型品种, 因为这些食物已经过预先煎炸并且含有少许油 airfryer 空气炸锅使用即烤型点心中的油将点心煎炸为金黄色并且松脆 en sc ko 可在 airfryer 空气炸锅中轻松快速地烘焙预焙面包 它们需要烘焙到出现硬皮 超市和面包店均有预焙面包出售 首先按包装上的建议设置一半的烘焙时间 设置包装上所示烘焙时间的一半开始烘焙 保持查看面包, 以确保面包不要烘焙太快 将温度控制旋钮设为 150 C 其他预制食品也可用 airfryer 空气炸锅快速烘焙或加热 查看包装上的电烤箱温度, 将其调低 20 度并设为烹饪时间的一半开始烹饪 保持查看食物, 以确保食物没有烘焙太快 在 airfryer 空气炸锅中可使用哪种烤盘? 可在 airfryer 空气炸锅中使用任何烤盘或烘烤罐 可由玻璃 陶瓷 金属或硅胶制成 将烘烤罐放入炸篮后, 应在周围留有空间, 以便炸篮内的气流在烘烤罐周围自由流动 20 厘米或以下的圆形烘烤罐可放入 空气炸锅中 方形烘烤罐的外缘应为 19x19 厘米 确保形状高度不要超过 8 厘米 硅胶或纸质纸托蛋糕形状也可在 空气炸锅中完美烘烤纸托蛋糕 松饼甚至较小的烤乳酪! 是否可以在 airfryer 空气炸锅中使用烘焙纸或铝箔? 是的, 您可以在 airfryer 空气炸锅中使用烘焙纸或铝箔 将食物放在烘焙纸或铝箔上可确保食物不会滴漏 为确保 airfryer 空气炸锅正确加热, 请务必在炸篮底部边缘留 1 厘米空隙, 并使用尽可能少的烘焙纸或铝箔 집에서감자튀김이제대로만들어지지않는경우어떻게해야합니까? 에어프라이어로집에서도맛있는감자튀김을만들려면다음사항을참고해주세요. - 튀김요리에적합한감자종류를선택합니다. - 감자가고르게튀겨지도록최대 750그램의분량만넣고튀깁니다. - 재료의양이많을수록바삭하게튀겨지지않습니다. - 튀기는중간에바구니를흔들어줍니다. - 신선하고전분기가약간있는감자를사용합니다. - 포장에튀김용이라고기재되어있는감자를선택합니다. 에어프라이어를사용하면감자튀김을아주맛있게조리할수있습니다. 하지만사용하는감자의종류에따라조리된맛에차이가있을수있습니다. 속이익기전에겉이타는경우어떻게해야합니까? 에어프라이어로고온에서튀길경우육류나케이크같이부피가큰재료를조리하면속이익기전에겉이먼저타버리는현상이발생할수있습니다. 이러한종류의요리를할때는튀김온도를저온 ( 예 : 케이크 140도, 육류 100도 ) 에서시작해야겉을태우지않고속까지촉촉하게잘익힐수있습니다. 요리표면을바삭바삭하게튀기려면조리하는마지막몇분간만온도를높여서튀겨주면됩니다. 에어프라이어에서조리할수있는냉동튀김종류에는어떤것이있습니까? 다음과같은두가지종류의냉동튀김을에어프라이어에서조리할수있습니다. 오븐에넣어익히는냉동튀김튀김기에넣어튀기는냉동튀김도움말 : 튀김용이외의냉동감자도조리할수있습니다. 에어프라이어에서조리할수있는시판되는식품종류에는어떤것이있습니까? 크로켓이나치킨너겟과같이바삭한튀김스낵을에어프라이어에서조리할수있습니다. 튀김요리를가장맛있게즐기려면미리튀겨서약간의기름을함유하고있는오븐용즉석식품을구입하는것이좋습니다. 오븐용즉석스낵을에어프라이어에서튀겨주면스낵에포함된기름을이용해스낵이더욱바삭하고노릇하게구워집니다. 에어프라이어에서는이미구워진빵을빵겉이바삭해지도록간편하고빠르게구워낼수있습니다. 구워진빵은슈퍼마켓과제과점에서다양하게시판되고있습니다. 굽는시간은빵포장지에기재된굽는시간의절반으로설정하여시작합니다. 빵이순식간에타버리지않도록계속관찰하고온도조절기는 150 C에맞춥니다. 그밖에도다양한즉석식품을에어프라이어에서빠르게데우거나구울수있습니다. 제품포장에기재된오븐온도를확인한후이온도에서 20도를낮추고시간을원래조리시간의절반으로설정하여조리를시작합니다. 음식이빨리타버리지않도록계속관찰합니다. 에어프라이어에서는어떤종류의용기를사용할수있습니까? 에어프라이어에는오븐에사용할수있는모든식기나그릇을사용할수있으며, 유리, 세라믹, 금속또는실리콘재질로만들어진제품을사용할수있습니다. 제빵용기는바구니에넣었을때바구니와제빵용기사이에공기가순환될수있도록여유공간이확보되어야합니다. 에어프라이어에적합한용기크기는원형의경우 20cm 이하, 사각형의경우바깥쪽가장자리에서 19x19cm입니다. 높이는 8cm 미만이어야합니다. 컵케이크, 머핀또는소량의그라탕을만드는경우는에어프라이어에실리콘또는종이컵제빵용기를사용해도됩니다. 제빵시트나알루미늄호일을에어프라이어에서사용할수있습니까? 예, 시트나알루미늄호일도에어프라이어에서사용할수있습니다. 제빵시트나알루미늄호일에재료를담으면재료를흘릴위험이없습니다. 에어프라이어가재료를제대로가열할수있도록항상바구니맨아래가장자리주변에는 1cm의여유공간을남겨두어야하며제빵시트나알루미늄호일은최소한의필요한양만사용하세요. 9

715 kj/170kcal 4 g protein 6 g fat of which 3 g saturated Homemade fries Side dish 4 to 5 portions 10 minutes preparation (+ 30 minutes soaking) + 30 minutes 自制炸薯条 配菜 供 4 到 5 人食用 10 分钟准备 ( 浸泡 30 分钟以上 ) + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 30 分钟 홈메이드감자튀김 간식 4-5인분 10분준비 (+ 30분물에담그기 ) + 에어프라이어 30분 25 g carbohydrates 4 g fibre 1.2 kg floury potatoes 1 tbsp (olive) oil salt to taste 1.2 千克粉质土豆 1 汤匙 ( 橄榄 ) 油调味盐 부드러운감자 1.2kg 올리브유 1큰술소금 ( 입맛에따라 ) 715 千焦 /170 千卡 4 克蛋白质 6 克脂肪 (3 克饱和脂肪 ) 25 克碳水化合物 4 克纤维 715kJ/170kcal 단백질 4g 지방 6g( 포화지방 3g) 탄수화물 25g 식이섬유 4g Peel the potatoes and cut them into long, 8 mm thick French fries. (You can use a French fries cutter for this.) Soak the fries in water for at least 30 minutes. Drain them thoroughly, then pat them dry with kitchen paper. Preheat the to 160 C. Put the fries in a large bowl, drizzle with the oil and toss to coat them. Transfer them to the basket. Slide the basket into the and set the timer for 18 minutes. When the timer rings, slide out the basket and shake the fries. Adjust the temperature to 180 C and set the timer for another 12 minutes. After 6 minutes, slide out the basket and shake the fries again. Fry until the timer rings and the fries are golden brown. Sprinkle with salt and serve on a platter. 将土豆削皮并切成 8 毫米厚的长条 ( 可使用炸薯条刀片 ) 将薯条在水中浸泡至少 30 分钟 彻底沥干后用厨房用纸将它们拍干 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 160 C 将薯条放入大碗中, 撒上油并使其涂在薯条表面上 将薯条装入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中 将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅中并将计时器设为 18 分钟 计时器响铃时, 滑出炸篮并翻动薯条 将温度调至 180 C, 然后将计时器再设置 12 分钟 6 分钟后, 滑出炸篮并再次翻动薯条 继续煎炸至计时器响铃且薯条变为金黄色 撒上盐, 然后放入大浅盘中 감자껍질을벗긴후 8mm 두께의감자튀김용으로자릅니다 ( 프렌치프라이용커터사용가능 ). 자른감자를 30분이상물에담급니다. 물기를뺀후키친타올로두드려물기를완전히제거합니다. 에어프라이어를 160 C로예열합니다. 튀김용감자를큰용기에담고올리브유를조금넣어감자에올리브유가묻도록흔들어줍니다. 에어프라이어바구니로옮겨담습니다. 바구니를에어프라이어안으로밀어넣은후타이머를 18 분으로맞춥니다. 타이머가울리면바구니를꺼내감자튀김을흔들어줍니다. 온도를 180 C로조정하고타이머를 12분으로맞춥니다. 6분후바구니를꺼내감자튀김을다시흔들어줍니다. 타이머가울리거나감자튀김이노릇노릇하게구워질때까지계속굽습니다. 소금을뿌린후감자튀김을접시에담습니다. 11

Potato wedges 土豆条웨지감자 Potato cubes 土豆块자른감자 en sc ko en sc ko Side dish 4 to 5 portions 18 minutes at 160 C + 12 minutes at 180 C 配菜 供 4 到 5 人食用 160 C 下烘焙 18 分钟 + 180 C 下烘焙 12 分钟 간식 4-5 인분 160 C 에서 18 분 + 180 C 에서 12 분 Side dish 4 to 5 portions 14 minutes at 160 C + 8 minutes at 180 C 配菜 供 4 到 5 人食用 160 C 下烘焙 14 分钟 + 180 C 下烘焙 8 分钟 간식 4-5 인분 160 C 에서 14 분 + 180 C 에서 8 분 1.2 kg large waxy potatoes 1 tbsp (olive) oil 1.2 千克蜡质大土豆 1 汤匙 ( 橄榄 ) 油 큰왁시감자 1.2kg 올리브유 1큰술 1.2 kg large waxy potatoes 1 tbsp (olive) oil 1.2 千克蜡质大土豆 1 汤匙 ( 橄榄 ) 油 큰왁시감자 1.2kg 올리브유 1큰술 Cut each potato in 6-8 wedges. Prepare and cook the wedges as described in the homemade fries recipe. 将每个土豆切成 6-8 条 按照自制炸薯条食谱中所述准备和烹饪薯条 감자를 6-8개조각으로자릅니다. 홈메이드감자튀김레시피에나온대로웨지감자를준비하여조리합니다. Cut the potato into 1.5 cm cubes. Prepare and cook the cubes as described in the homemade fries recipe. 将土豆切成 1.5 厘米见方的块 按照自制炸薯条食谱中所述准备和烹饪土豆块 감자를 1.5cm 크기로깍둑썰기합니다. 홈메이드감자튀김레시피에나온대로자른감자를준비하여조리합니다. 13 各式薯条 - 감자종류별튀김요리 Potato slices 土豆片슬라이스감자 Chunky fries 小块薯条크런치감자 en sc ko en sc ko Side dish 4 to 5 portions 16 minutes at 160 C + 10 minutes at 180 C 配菜 供 4 到 5 人食用 160 C 下烘焙 16 分钟 + 180 C 下烘焙 10 分钟 간식 4-5 인분 160 C 에서 16 분 + 180 C 에서 10 분 Side dish 4 to 5 portions 20 minutes at 160 C + 14 minutes at 180 C 配菜 供 4 到 5 人食用 160 C 下烘焙 20 分钟 + 180 C 下烘焙 14 分钟 간식 4-5 인분 160 C 에서 20 분 + 180 C 에서 14 분 1.2 kg large waxy potatoes 1 tbsp (olive) oil 1.2 千克蜡质大土豆 1 汤匙 ( 橄榄 ) 油 큰왁시감자 1.2kg 올리브유 1큰술 1.2 kg large waxy potatoes 1 tbsp (olive) oil 1.2 千克蜡质大土豆 1 汤匙 ( 橄榄 ) 油 큰왁시감자 1.2kg 올리브유 1큰술 Cut each potato in 0.5 cm slices. Prepare and cook the wedges as described in the homemade fries recipe. 将每个土豆切成 0.5 厘米厚的片 按照自制炸薯条食谱中所述准备和烹饪薯条 감자를 0.5cm 두께로얇게썹니다. 홈메이드감자튀김레시피에나온대로웨지감자를준비하여조리합니다. Cut the potatoes into 1.2 cm thick fries. Prepare and fry the chunky fries as described in the homemade fries recipe. 将土豆切成 1.2 厘米厚的薯条 按照自制薯条食谱中的所述准备和煎炸小块薯条 감자를 1.2cm 두께의튀김용으로자릅니다. 홈메이드감자튀김레시피에나온대로크런치감자를준비하여튀깁니다.

840 kj/ 200 kcal 0 g protein 22 g fat of which 2 g saturated 1 g carbohydrates 0 g fibre Chilli and tarragon mayonnaise 辣椒和龙蒿蛋黄酱칠리소스와타라곤마요네즈 355 kj/85 kcal 1 g protein 8 g fat of which 1 g saturated 3 g carbohydrates 2 g fibre Spicy salsa 香辣莎莎酱스파이시살사 840 千焦 /200 千卡 0 克蛋白质 22 克脂肪 (2 克饱和脂肪 ) 1 克碳水化合物 0 克纤维 840kJ/200kcal 단백질 0g 지방 22g( 포화지방 2g) 탄수화물 1g 식이섬유 0g en sc ko Dip 6 to 8 portions 200 ml mayonnaise 1 tsp chilli powder 1 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon Mix the ingredients into a dip. 蘸料 供 6 到 8 人食用 200 毫升蛋黄酱 1 茶匙辣椒粉 1 汤匙切碎的新鲜龙蒿 将这些原料搅拌成蘸料 소스 6-8 인분 마요네즈 200ml 고춧가루 1작은술잘게자른신선한타라곤 1큰술 양념에재료를넣고섞어줍니다. 355 千焦 /85 千卡 1 克蛋白质 8 克脂肪 (1 克饱和脂肪 ) 3 克碳水化合物 2 克纤维 355kJ/85kcal 단백질 1g 지방 8g( 포화지방 1g) 탄수화물 3g 식이섬유 2g en sc ko Dip 4 portions 4 tomatoes 1 fresh jalapeño pepper 2 spring onions 1 garlic clove 1 handful chopped coriander 1½ tbsp lime juice 3 tbsp olive oil hot sauce (Tabasco) to taste salt to taste 蘸料 供 4 人食用 4 个番茄 1 个新鲜墨西哥辣椒 2 个春洋葱 1 枚蒜瓣 1 把切碎的芫荽 1½ 汤匙酸橙汁 3 汤匙橄榄油调味辣酱 ( 朝天椒 ) 调味盐 소스 4 인분 토마토 4개할라피뇨고추 1개파 2개마늘 1쪽자른고수한줌라임즙 1½큰술올리브유 3큰술핫소스 ( 타바스코 )( 입맛에따라 ) 소금 ( 입맛에따라 ) 蘸料 - 소스 Deseed the tomatoes and the jalapeño pepper. Roughly chop the tomatoes, jalapeño pepper and spring onions. Pulse all of the ingredients with a hand blender or small food processor into a salsa. 将番茄和墨西哥辣椒去籽 大致切碎番茄 墨西哥辣椒和春洋葱 使用手持式搅拌机的暂动功能或小型食品加工机将所有原料加工成莎莎酱 토마토와할라피뇨고추의씨를제거합니다. 토마토, 할라피뇨고추, 파를큼직하게자릅니다. 핸드블렌더나푸드프로세서에모든재료를넣고갈아주면살사가만들어집니다. 15 210 kj/ 50 kcal 2 g protein 4 g fat of which 2 g saturated 1 g carbohydrates 0 g fibre Yoghurt dip 酸乳酪요거트소스 590 kj/140 kcal 0 g protein 15 g fat of which 2 g saturated 1 g carbohydrates 0 g fibre Mojo picon (sauce for patatas bravas) Mojo picon 辣油 ( 用于烤马铃薯的酱 ) 마호삐꼰 ( 빠따따스브라바스소스 ) 210 千焦 /50 千卡 2 克蛋白质 4 克脂肪 (2 克饱和脂肪 ) 1 克碳水化合物 0 克纤维 210kJ/50kcal 단백질 2g 지방 4g( 포화지방 2g) 탄수화물 1g 식이섬유 0g en sc ko 590 千焦 /140 千卡 en sc ko 0 克蛋白质 Dip 4 portions 蘸料 供 4 人食用소스 4인분 15 克脂肪 (2 克饱和脂肪 ) Dip 4 portions 蘸料 供 4 人食用 소스 4인분 150 ml (Greek) yoghurt 150 毫升 ( 希腊 ) 酸奶 ( 그리스 ) 요거트 150ml 1 克碳水化合物 1 whole dried Spanish paprika 1 个干透的西班牙红辣椒 말린파프리카 ( 피멘토 ) 1개, 15분물에담그기 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 2 汤匙切碎的鲜欧芹叶잘게썬납작한파슬리잎 2큰술 (pimento), soak for 15 minutes 0 克纤维 ( 甘椒 ), 浸泡 15 分钟마늘 2쪽 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh chives 2 汤匙切碎的新鲜细香葱잘게썬신선한골파 2큰술 2 garlic cloves 2 个蒜瓣마일드파프리카파우더 1작은술 pepper & salt 胡椒粉和盐후추와소금 1 tsp mild paprika powder 1 茶匙淡味辣椒粉커민씨앗 2작은술 590kJ/140kcal 2 tsp cumin seeds 2 茶匙孜然籽 Mix the ingredients into a dip and season with 将原料搅拌成蘸料, 并用鲜辣黑胡椒粉和调味소스에재료를넣고섞은후소금과후추가루로간을포도식초 2큰술단백질 0g 2 tbsp wine vinegar freshly ground black pepper & salt to taste. 맞춥니다. 盐进行调味 6 tbsp olive oil 2 汤匙酒醋올리브유 6큰술지방 15g( 포화지방 2g) salt to taste 6 汤匙橄榄油소금 ( 입맛에따라 ) 탄수화물 1g 调味盐 식이섬유 0g 将干红辣椒在水中浸泡 15 分钟 将所有原料 말린파프리카를물에 15분간담급니다. 모든재료를 放入碗中 ( 如果使用手持式搅拌机 ) 或小型食 용기에담거나 ( 핸드블렌더사용시 ) 푸드프로세서에 담습니다. 물 2큰술을넣고갈아소스를만듭니다. Soak the dried chilli in water for 15 minutes. Place all the ingredients in a bowl (if using a hand blender) or a small food processor. Add 2 tbsp water and blend into a sauce. 品加工机 加入 2 汤匙水, 然后搅拌成酱汁

630 kj/150 kcal 5 g protein 5 g fat of which 2 g saturated Baked potato Side dish 6 portions 5 minutes preparation + 25 烤马铃薯 配菜 - 供 6 人食用 5 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 25 分钟 구운감자 간식 6인분 5분준비 + 에어프라이어 25분 21 g carbohydrates 4 g fibre 630 千焦 /150 千卡 5 克蛋白质 5 克脂肪 (2 克饱和脂肪 ) 21 克碳水化合物 4 克纤维 6 potatoes 1 red onion or 2 spring onions 6-8 slices salami or chorizo ½ red pepper 100 g peas (fresh or frozen) 1 tbsp sour cream 1 tbsp fresh herbs, like chives, tarragon or parsley (optional) pepper & salt to taste 6 个土豆 1 个红洋葱或 2 个春洋葱 6-8 片意大利香肠或西班牙辣香肠 ½ 个红辣椒 100 克豌豆 ( 新鲜或冷冻 ) 1 汤匙酸乳酪 1 汤匙鲜香草, 如细香葱龙蒿或欧芹 ( 可选 ) 胡椒粉和调味盐 감자 6개붉은양파 1개또는파 2개살라미또는초리조 6-8장빨간피망 ½개냉동또는신선한완두콩 100g 사워크림 1큰술신선한허브 1큰술 ( 골파, 타라곤또는파슬리도가능 ) 소금과후추 ( 입맛에따라 ) 630kJ/150kcal 단백질 5g 지방 5g( 포화지방 2g) 탄수화물 21g 식이섬유 4g Preheat the to 200 C. Scrub the potato skins thoroughly until clean, then dry them with kitchen paper. Place the potatoes in the basket of the. Slide the basket into the and set the timer for 25 minutes. In the meantime, finely chop the onion. Cut the salami and red pepper into bite-sized pieces. Boil the peas for a few minutes until done. Rinse them under cold water, then drain and set aside. When the timer rings and the potatoes are done, set them aside until they are cool enough to handle. Slice the top off each potato. Gently scoop the fluffy insides into a bowl. Mash the fluffy potato insides with the sour cream using a fork. Mix in the salami, pepper, peas and the fresh herbs, if using. Season with pepper & salt. Fill the baked potatoes with the mixture and serve immediately. 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 将土豆皮彻底刷洗干净, 然后将它们放在厨房用纸上沥干 将土豆放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中 将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅, 并将计时器设为 25 分钟 同时将洋葱切碎 将意大利香肠和红辣椒切成薄片 将豌豆煮几分钟直至熟透 在冷水下冲洗, 然后沥干放置在一旁 计时器响铃且土豆熟透时, 放置一旁冷却直至其不烫手 将土豆的顶部切掉 轻轻地将里面的松软部分挖到碗中 使用餐叉将松软的土豆加酸乳酪捣碎 如果需要, 可混合意大利香肠 胡椒粉 豌豆和鲜香草 用胡椒粉和食盐调味 将混合物填入烘焙好的土豆中, 即可食用 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 감자껍질을깨끗하게벗긴후키친타올로물기를완전히제거합니다. 에어프라이어바구니에감자를넣고바구니를에어프라이어안으로밀어넣은후타이머를 25분에맞춥니다. 굽는동안양파를곱게다집니다. 살라미와빨간피망을한입크기로자릅니다. 완두콩을삶아익혀줍니다. 삶아진완두콩을찬물에헹군후물기를빼따로준비해둡니다. 타이머가울리고감자가완전히익었으면옆으로꺼내손으로잡을수있을정도로감자를식혀줍니다. 감자의윗부분을잘라내고감자의속을조심스럽게파내어그릇에담습니다. 포크로감자속을사워크림과함께으깨줍니다. 살라미, 피망, 완두콩, 허브를섞어줍니다. 소금과후추로간을합니다. 구워진감자에감자의속을채우고완성후바로접시에담아냅니다. 17

210 kj/50kcal 2 g protein 3 g fat of which 1g saturated Fried feta triangles Appetizer 15 pieces 20 minutes preparation + 5 minutes 油炸羊乳酪三角饼 开胃品 15 片 20 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 5 分钟 페타치즈패스트리 전채요리 15조각 20분준비 + 에어프라이어 5분 4 g carbohydrates 0 g fibre 210 千焦 /50 千卡 2 克蛋白质 3 克脂肪 (1 克饱和脂肪 ) 5 sheets filo pastry (about 200 g; defrosted) 1 egg yolk 100 g feta 1 spring onion 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley pepper 2 tbsp olive oil 5 张薄面片 ( 大约 200 克 ; 已解冻 ) 1 个蛋黄 100 克羊乳酪 1 个春洋葱 2 汤匙切碎的鲜欧芹叶胡椒粉 2 汤匙橄榄油 필로패스트리 5장 ( 해동시약 200g) 달걀노른자 1개페타치즈 100g 파 1개잘게썬납작한파슬리잎 2큰술후추올리브유 2큰술 4 克碳水化合物 0 克纤维 210kJ/50kcal 단백질 2g 지방 3g( 포화지방 1g) 탄수화물 4g 식이섬유 0g In a bowl, whisk the egg yolk and crumble in the feta. Finely slice the spring onion. Add the parsley and spring onion to the bowl and mix. Season with pepper to taste. Cut each sheet of filo pastry lengthways into 3 strips. Scoop 1 tbsp of the feta mixture on one end of each pastry strip. Fold the end of the pastry over the filling to form a triangle at the end of the pastry strip. Keep folding the triangle over and over until you use up the whole strip. The filling is now wrapped up in a triangle of pastry. Repeat with the remaining filo sheets and filling. Preheat the to 200 C. Brush the triangles with a little oil and place them into the basket. Slide the basket into the and set the timer for 5 minutes. Bake the feta triangles until the timer rings and they are golden brown. Serve the triangles on a platter. 在碗中搅打蛋黄并在羊乳酪中搅碎 将春洋葱切成薄片 在碗中加入欧芹和春洋葱并搅拌 加入胡椒粉调味 将每张薄面片纵向切成 3 片 在每张面皮的一端舀上 1 汤匙羊乳酪混合物 折叠面皮末端将馅包住并形成三角形, 然后不断折叠三角形, 直至用完整张面皮 现在馅完全被三角形的面皮裹住 重复上述步骤将剩下的面皮和馅包完 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 为三角饼刷上少量食用油并将其放入 空气炸锅的炸篮中 将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅并将计时器设为 5 分钟 烘焙羊乳酪三角饼直到计时器响铃并且三角饼变成金黄色 将三角饼放在大浅盘上 용기에달걀노른자를넣고휘저으면서페타치즈를넣어함께으깨줍니다. 파를곱게다집니다. 파슬리와파를용기에넣고섞어줍니다. 후추로간을맞춥니다. 필로패스트리를각각 3조각으로길게자릅니다. 패스트리조각의한쪽끝에페타치즈반죽을 1큰술넣습니다. 패스트리끝을위로접어올려패스트리조각의끝부분을삼각형모양으로만듭니다. 패스트리조각을모두접어삼각형모양을만들어줍니다. 패스트리조각이이제모두삼각형모양으로접어졌습니다. 나머지패스트리도같은방법으로접어줍니다. 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 브러시로삼각형패스트리에올리브유를바른후에어프라이어바구니에담습니다. 바구니를에어프라이어안으로밀어넣은후타이머를 5분에맞춥니다. 타이머가울리거나페타치즈패스트리가노릇노릇해질때까지굽습니다. 완성된패스트리를접시에담아냅니다. 19

505 kj/120 kcal 10 g protein 2 g fat of which 1 g saturated Crispy fried spring rolls Appetizer 4 to 6 portions 20 minutes preparation + 5 minutes 酥炸春卷 开胃品 供 4 到 6 人食用 20 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 5 分钟 바삭한춘권 전채요리 4-6인분 20분준비 + 에어프라이어 5분 15 g carbohydrates 1 g fibre 505 千焦 /120 千卡 10 克蛋白质 2 克脂肪 (1 克饱和脂肪 ) 15 克碳水化合物 1 克纤维 120 g cooked chicken breast 1 celery stalk 30 g carrot 30 g mushrooms ½ tsp finely chopped ginger 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp chicken stock powder 1 egg 1 tsp corn starch 8 spring roll wrappers 120 克熟鸡脯 1 个芹菜茎 30 克胡萝卜 30 克蘑菇 ½ 茶匙切碎的生姜 1 茶匙糖 1 茶匙鸡汤料粉 1 个鸡蛋 1 茶匙玉米粉 8 张春卷皮 삶은닭가슴살 120g 셀러리 1줄기당근 30g 버섯 30g 곱게다진생강 ½작은술설탕 1작은술닭고기국물분말 1작은술달걀 1개옥수수녹말 1작은술춘권피 8장 505kJ/120kcal 단백질 10g 지방 2g( 포화지방 1g) 탄수화물 15g 식이섬유 1g Tear the cooked chicken breasts into shreds. Slice the celery, carrot and mushroom into long thin strips. Place the shredded chicken into a bowl and mix with the celery, carrot and mushroom. Add the ginger, sugar and chicken stock powder and stir evenly to make the spring roll filling. Whisk the egg, then add the corn starch and mix to create a thick paste. Set aside. Place some filling onto each spring roll wrapper and roll it up, then seal the ends with the egg mixture. For a crispy result, lightly brush the spring rolls with oil. Preheat the to 200 C. Place the rolls into the basket and slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 4 minutes. Serve with sweet chilli sauce. 将熟鸡脯撕碎 将芹菜 胡萝卜和蘑菇切成细长条 将切碎的鸡肉放入碗中, 并与芹菜 胡萝卜和蘑菇一起混合 加入生姜 糖和鸡汤料粉, 然后均匀搅拌来制作春卷馅 搅打鸡蛋, 然后加入玉米粉并搅拌成糊状物 放置一旁 在每张春卷皮上放入一些馅并卷起来 然后用鸡蛋混合物将两端封起来 在春卷上刷上少许油可让春卷更松脆 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 将春卷放入 空气炸锅的炸篮中, 然后将炸篮滑入 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 4 分钟 与甜红辣椒酱一起食用 삶은닭가슴살을잘게찢습니다. 셀러리, 당근, 버섯을길고가늘게채썹니다. 잘게찢은닭가슴살을용기에넣고셀러리, 당근, 버섯과함께섞어줍니다. 생강, 설탕, 닭고기국물분말을넣고고르게섞어춘권에넣을소를만들어줍니다. 달걀을풀어휘저은다음옥수수녹말을넣고섞어걸쭉하게만들어한쪽에준비해둡니다. 춘권피에소를조금넣고잘말아서끝부분을달걀반죽으로붙여줍니다. 바삭하게구워지도록춘권에올리브유를조금발라줍니다. 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 춘권을에어프라이어바구니에넣고바구니를에어프라이어에밀어넣은다음타이머를 4분으로맞춥니다. 달콤한칠리소스를곁들여접시에담아냅니다. 21

190kJ/45kcal 2 g protein 3 g fat of which 1g saturated 2 g carbohydrates Mini Frankfurters wrapped in pastry Appetizer approx. 20 portions 10 minutes preparation + 10 minutes 酥皮迷你法兰克福香肠 开胃菜 约供 20 人食用 10 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 10 分钟 미니소시지패스트리 전채요리 약 20인분 10분준비 + 에어프라이어 10분 0 g fibre 190 千焦 /45 千卡 2 克蛋白质 1 tin mini Frankfurters (about 20; drained weight 220 g) 100 g puff pastry 1 tbsp smooth mustard + extra to serve 1 罐迷你法兰克福香肠 ( 大约 20 根 ; 沥干重量 220 克 ) 100 克酥皮 1 汤匙幼滑芥末 + 多准备一些食用 미니소시지통조림 1개 ( 소시지약 20개, 물기뺀무게 220g) 퍼프패스트리 100g 머스터드 1큰술 + 곁들임용머스터드조금 3 克脂肪 (1 克饱和脂肪 ) 2 克碳水化合物 0 克纤维 190kJ/45kcal 단백질 2g 지방 3g( 포화지방 1g) 탄수화물 2g 식이섬유 0g Thoroughly drain the sausages and dry them on a layer of kitchen paper. Cut the puff pastry into strips measuring 5 x 1.5 cm. Spread the strips with a thin layer of mustard. Preheat the to 200 C. Wrap each sausage in a spiral of pastry. Put them into the basket and slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 10 minutes. Bake the sausages in pastry until the timer rings and they are golden brown. Serve the sausages on a platter accompanied by a small dish of mustard. 将腊肠彻底沥干并用厨房用纸再次吸干 将酥皮切成 5 x 1.5 厘米的条, 并在酥皮上撒上薄薄的一层芥末粉 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 将每条腊肠呈螺旋状包入酥皮中 将它们放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中, 然后将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 10 分钟 烘焙酥皮腊肠直到计时器响铃并且腊肠变成金黄色 将腊肠装入大浅盘并附带一小碟芥末 키친타올위에소시지를놓고살짝두드려물기를완전히제거합니다. 퍼프패스트리를 5 x 1.5cm 너비로잘라머스터드를얇게바릅니다. 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 패스트리에소시지를나선모양으로말고에어프라이어바구니에넣습니다. 바구니를에어프라이어에넣고타이머를 10분으로맞춘후타이머가울리거나소시지패스트리가노릇노릇해질때까지구워줍니다. 완성된소시지를머스터드소스와함께접시에담아냅니다. 23

Potato croquettes: 985kJ/235kcal 9 g protein 10 g fat of which 4g saturated 27 g carbohydrates Potato croquettes or salmon croquettes Snack 8 portions 15 minutes preparation + 8 minutes 法式炸土豆球或炸鲑鱼丸子 点心 供 8 人食用 15 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 8 分钟 감자크로켓또는연어크로켓 스낵 8인분 15분준비 + 에어프라이어 8분 3 g fibre 985 千焦 /235 千卡 9 克蛋白质 10 克脂肪 (4 克饱和脂肪 ) 27 克碳水化合物 3 克纤维 Potato filling: 50 g grated parmesan cheese 300 g mashed potato 1 egg yolk 2 tbsp flour 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh chives nutmeg to taste pepper & salt to taste 土豆馅 : 50 克碎帕尔马干酪 300 克捣碎的土豆 1 个蛋黄 2 汤匙面粉 2 汤匙切碎的新鲜细香葱调味用肉豆蔻胡椒粉和调味盐 감자크로켓반죽 : 분말파마산치즈 50g 으깬감자 300g 달걀노른자 1개밀가루 2큰술잘게썬신선한골파 2큰술넛맥약간소금과후추 ( 입맛에따라 ) 985kJ/235kcal 단백질 9g 지방 10g( 포화지방 4g) 탄수화물 27g 식이섬유 3g Salmon filling: red salmon, tin, 200 g, drained 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 tbsp fresh dill, finely chopped 2 tbsp chives, finely chopped freshly ground pepper 鲑鱼馅 : 1 灌红鲑鱼,200 克, 沥干 1 枚鸡蛋, 轻轻敲碎 1 汤匙鲜莳萝, 切碎 2 汤匙细香葱, 切碎鲜胡椒粉 연어크로켓반죽 : 홍연어 200g( 물기뺀무게 ) 가볍게풀어둔달걀 1개다진신선한딜 1큰술잘게썬골파 2큰술신선하게갈린후추 Salmon croquettes: 380kJ/90kcal 7 g protein 51 g fat of which 1g saturated Breadcrumb coating: 2 tbsp vegetable oil 50 g breadcrumbs 面包屑涂层 : 2 汤匙植物油 50 克面包屑 빵가루튀김옷 : 식물성식용유 2큰술빵가루 50g 25 4 g carbohydrates 0 g fibre 每份炸鲑鱼子含 : 380 千焦 /90 千卡 7 克蛋白质 51 克脂肪 (1 克饱和脂肪 ) 4 克碳水化合物 0 克纤维연어크로켓 380kJ/90kcal 단백질 7g 지방 51g( 포화지방 1g) Mix all of the ingredients for the potato filling together. For the breadcrumb coating, mix the oil and the breadcrumbs together. Keep stirring until the mixture becomes loose and crumbly again. Roll 1 tbsp of potato filling in the breadcrumbs until it is completely coated and place it in the basket. Repeat until all the filling is used up. Preheat the to 200 C. Slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 4 minutes and fry the potato croquettes until the timer rings and they are crispy and brown. 将所有原料混合制成土豆馅 将植物油和面包屑一起混合制成面包屑涂层 不断搅拌, 直至混合物重新成为松散状态 将 1 汤匙土豆馅放入面包屑中滚动, 直到土豆馅沾满面包屑, 然后将其放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中 重复上述步骤直到所有馅用完为止 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 4 分钟, 然后煎炸法式炸土豆球, 直至计时器响铃且土豆球炸至松脆金黄 재료를모두섞어감자크로켓반죽을만듭니다. 빵가루에식물성식용유를섞어바삭한튀김옷을만들어줍니다. 반죽이느슨해졌다가다시되어질때까지계속저어줍니다. 감자크로켓반죽 1큰술을빵가루위에놓고굴려튀김옷을완전히입힌다음에어프라이어바구니에담습니다. 같은방법으로반죽에튀김옷을모두입힙니다. 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 바구니를에어프라이어에넣습니다. 타이머를 4분에맞춘후타이머가울리거나감자크로켓이바삭하고노릇노릇해질때까지튀겨줍니다. 탄수화물 4g 식이섬유 0g

440 kj/105 kcal 3 g protein 6 g fat of which 2 g saturated 10 g carbohydrates Mushroom croquettes or meat croquettes Snack 8 portions 15 minutes preparation (+ cooling time) + 8 minutes 炸蘑菇丸子或炸肉丸子 点心 供 8 人食用 15 分钟准备 (+ 冷却时间 ) + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 8 分钟 버섯크로켓또는고기크로켓 스낵 8인분 15분준비 (+ 냉장시간 ) + 에어프라이어 8분 1 g fibre 440 千焦 /105 千卡 3 克蛋白质 6 克脂肪 (2 克饱和脂肪 ) 10 克碳水化合物 1 克纤维 Filling*: 1/4 onion 100 g mushrooms 20 g butter 1½ heaped tbsp flour 500 ml milk salt ground nutmeg 馅 *: 1/4 个洋葱 100 克蘑菇 20 克黄油 1½ 满汤匙面粉 500 毫升牛奶盐肉豆蔻粉 반죽 *: 양파 1/4개버섯 100g 버터 20g 밀가루 1½큰술 ( 가득 ) 우유 500ml 소금넛맥가루 440kJ/105kcal 단백질 3g 지방 6g( 포화지방 2g) Breadcrumb coating: 2 tbsp vegetable oil 50 g breadcrumbs 面包屑涂层 : 2 汤匙植物油 50 克面包屑 빵가루튀김옷 : 식물성식용유 2큰술빵가루 50g 탄수화물 10g 식이섬유 1g Finely chop the onion and the mushrooms. Melt the butter in a saucepan and fry the onion and mushrooms. Add the flour and stir well. Warm up the milk and add it, little by little, to the mushroom mixture in the saucepan. Keep stirring until the mixture thickens. Season with salt and nutmeg to taste. Leave to cool and set for 2 hours in the refrigerator. For the breadcrumb coating, mix the oil and the breadcrumbs together. Keep stirring until the mixture becomes loose and crumbly again. Roll 1 tbsp of potato filling in the breadcrumbs until it is completely coated and place it in the basket. Repeat until all the filling is used up. Preheat the to 200 C. Slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 8 minutes and fry the croquettes until the timer rings and they are crispy and brown. 将洋葱和蘑菇切碎 将黄油融化在炖锅中, 然后煎炸洋葱和蘑菇 加入面粉并搅拌均匀 将牛奶加热并逐渐加入炖锅内的蘑菇混合物中 继续搅拌直到混合物变稠 用调味盐和肉豆蔻调味 待其冷却后放入冰箱冷却 2 小时 将植物油和面包屑一起混合制成面包屑涂层 不断搅拌, 直至混合物重新成为松散状态 将 1 汤匙土豆馅放入面包屑中滚动, 直到土豆馅沾满面包屑, 然后将其放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中 重复上述步骤直到所有馅用完为止 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 8 分钟, 然后煎炸丸子, 直到计时器响铃且丸子炸至松脆金黄 양파와버섯을곱게다집니다. 소스팬에버터를녹인후양파와버섯을볶습니다. 밀가루를넣고잘저어줍니다. 따뜻하게데운우유를버섯반죽에조금씩부어가며잘섞어줍니다. 반죽이걸쭉해질때까지계속저어줍니다. 소금과넛맥가루로간을맞춥니다. 반죽을식힌후냉장고에 2시간동안넣어둡니다. 빵가루에식물성식용유를섞어바삭한튀김옷을만들어줍니다. 반죽이느슨해졌다가다시되어질때까지계속저어줍니다. 감자크로켓반죽 1큰술을빵가루위에놓고굴려튀김옷을완전히입힌다음에어프라이어바구니에담습니다. 같은방법으로반죽에튀김옷을모두입힙니다. 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 바구니를에어프라이어에넣습니다. 타이머를 8분에맞춘후타이머가울리거나크로켓이바삭하고노릇노릇해질때까지튀겨줍니다. 27 * Tip: To make meat croquettes instead, replace the mushrooms with 100 g finely chopped veal or beef (rib, knuckle). * 提示 : 要制作炸肉丸, 请将蘑菇替换为 100 克切碎的小牛肉或牛肉 ( 牛排 牛蹄 ) * 도움말 : 고기크로켓을만드는경우버섯대신곱게다진소고기 ( 갈비살, 도가니살 ) 100g을사용하면됩니다.

925kJ/220kcal 26 g protein 8 g fat of which 5g saturated 11 g carbohydrates Fried Thai fish cakes with mango salsa Snack 4 to 6 portions 20 minutes preparation + 14 minutes 泰式炸鱼饼配芒果莎莎 点心 供 4 到 6 人食用 20 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 14 分钟 태국식망고살사양념어묵 스낵 4-6인분 20분준비 + 에어프라이어 14분 3 g fibre 925 千焦 /220 千卡 26 克蛋白质 8 克脂肪 (5 克饱和脂肪 ) 11 克碳水化合物 3 克纤维 925kJ/220kcal 750 g white fish fillet 1 egg 1 tsp salt zest and juice of 1 lime 4 tbsp finely chopped fresh coriander or flat-leaf parsley 2 tsp red chilli paste 1 finely chopped spring onion 50 g desiccated coconut 1 large ripe mango 750 克白鱼排 1 个鸡蛋 1 茶匙盐 1 个酸橙皮和酸橙汁 4 汤匙切碎的鲜芫荽或鲜欧芹叶 2 茶匙红辣椒酱 1 个切碎的春洋葱 50 克干椰丝 1 个大熟芒果 흰살생선살 750g 달걀 1개소금 1작은술라임 1개의즙및껍질곱게다진신선한허브또는납작한파슬리잎 4큰술매운칠리페이스트 2작은술잘게자른파 1개말린코코넛 50g 잘익은망고 ( 대 ) 1개 단백질 26g 지방 8g( 포화지방 5g) Extra: Food processor 其他 : 食品加工机 기타 : 푸드프로세서 탄수화물 11g 식이섬유 3g Puree the fish in the food processor. Add the egg, salt, half of the lime zest and juice, and 1½ tsp of the red chilli paste and pulse. Now add 3 tbsp of the fresh herbs, the spring onion and 2 tbsp of the coconut and mix again. Scatter the remaining coconut onto a soup plate. Divide the fish mixture into 18 portions, shape them into rounds and flatten them a little. Coat with the coconut. Preheat the to 180 C. Place 9 fish cakes into the basket and slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 7 minutes and fry the fish cakes until the timer rings and they are golden brown and cooked. Fry the remaining fish cakes in the same way. Peel and finely dice the mango. Mix with the remaining red chilli paste, coriander and lime juice and zest to make a salsa. Serve the fish cakes with the salsa on the side. 将鱼放入食品加工机中碾碎 加入鸡蛋 盐 半个酸橙皮和酸橙汁以及 1½ 茶匙红辣椒酱, 然后用暂动功能进行加工 现在加入 3 汤匙鲜香草 春洋葱和 2 汤匙椰丝再次混合 将剩余的椰丝撒在汤盘上 将鱼肉混合物分为 18 份, 然后将它们制成圆饼状并适当擀平 裹上椰丝 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 180 C 将 9 个鱼饼放入炸篮并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 7 分钟, 然后煎炸鱼饼, 直至计时器响铃且鱼饼炸至金黄色并且炸熟 按照同样的方法煎炸剩余的鱼饼 将芒果去皮切成小块 与剩下的红辣椒酱 芫荽 酸橙汁和酸橙皮混合制成莎莎酱 将鱼饼和莎莎酱一起食用 푸드프로세서에생선살을넣고다집니다. 달걀, 소금, 라임반쪽의즙과껍질, 매운칠리페이스트 1½ 작은술을넣은후갈아줍니다. 허브 3큰술, 파, 코코넛 2큰술을넣고다시섞어줍니다. 남아있는코코넛을우묵한접시에담습니다. 생선살반죽을 18개분량으로나눈후각각을동글동글하게만들어살짝납작하게눌러줍니다. 납작한반죽에코코넛을입힙니다. 에어프라이어를 180 C로예열합니다. 어묵 9개를바구니에담은후바구니를에어프라이어에넣습니다. 타이머를 7분으로맞추고타이머가울리거나어묵이노릇노릇하게익을때까지튀겨줍니다. 남아있는어묵도같은방법으로튀겨줍니다. 망고껍질을벗긴후잘게깍둑썰기합니다. 남아있는칠리페이스트, 고수, 라임즙과껍질을망고와섞어살사소스를만듭니다. 완성된어묵을살사소스와함께접시에담아냅니다. 29 Tip: Lovely served with pandan rice and stir-fried bok choy. 提示 : 将香兰饭和炒白菜一起食用风味更佳 도움말 : 빤단쌀과볶은청경채를곁들이면더욱좋습니다.

715 kj/170 kcal 12 g protein 13 g fat of which 1 g saturated 1 g carbohydrates Fried hot prawns with cocktail sauce Appetizer 4 portions 10 minutes preparation + 6 to 8 minutes 炸香辣虾配鸡尾酒酱 开胃菜 供 4 人食用 10 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 6 到 8 分钟 칵테일소스와대하구이 전채요리 4인분 10분준비 + 에어프라이어 6-8분 0 g fibre 715 千焦 /170 千卡 12 克蛋白质 13 克脂肪 (1 克饱和脂肪 ) 1 tsp chilli flakes 1 tsp chilli powder ½ tsp sea salt ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper 8-12 fresh king prawns 1 茶匙辣椒片 1 茶匙辣椒粉 ½ 茶匙海盐 ½ 茶匙鲜黑胡椒粉 8-12 只新鲜对虾 고춧가루 1작은술고춧가루 1작은술천일염 ½작은술갓간검은후추 ½큰술신선한대하 8-12마리 1 克碳水化合物 0 克纤维 715kJ/170kcal Cocktail sauce: 3 tbsp mayonnaise 1 tbsp ketchup 1 tbsp cider or wine vinegar 鸡尾酒酱 : 3 汤匙蛋黄酱 1 汤匙番茄酱 1 汤匙苹果醋或白酒醋 칵테일소스 : 마요네즈 3큰술케첩 1큰술사과식초또는포도식초 1큰술 단백질 12g 지방 13g( 포화지방 1g) 탄수화물 1g 식이섬유 0g Preheat the to 180 C. Mix the spices in a bowl. Add the prawns and toss to coat them in the spices. Place the spicy prawns into the basket. Slide the basket into the and set the timer for 6 to 8 minutes, depending on size of the prawns. Mix the sauce ingredients in a bowl. Serve the hot prawns with the cocktail sauce. 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 180 C 在碗中混合香料 将虾加入碗中并为其蘸上香料 将香辣虾放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中 将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅, 并将计时器设为 6 到 8 分钟, 具体取决于虾的大小 在碗中混合酱汁原料 将香辣虾与鸡尾酒酱一起食用 에어프라이어를 180 C로예열합니다. 양념을용기에섞습니다. 대하를넣은후이리저리굴려대하에양념을입혀줍니다. 양념을입힌대하를에어프라이어바구니에담은후바구니를에어프라이어에넣습니다. 대하크기에따라타이머를 6-8분으로맞춥니다. 칵테일소스재료를용기에담아섞어줍니다. 완성된대하를칵테일소스와함께접시에담아냅니다. 31

3295 kj/785 kcal 41 g protein 68 g fat of which 8 g saturated 2 g carbohydrates 0 g fibre 3295 千焦 /785 千卡 Grilled fish fillet with pesto sauce Part of main course 3 portions 10 minutes preparation + 8 minutes 3 white fish fillets (200 g each) 1 tbsp olive oil pepper & salt 香蒜沙司烤鱼排 主菜的一部分 供 3 人食用 10 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 8 分钟 3 块白鱼排 ( 每块 200 克 ) 1 汤匙橄榄油胡椒粉和盐 페스토소스와구운생선 메인요리 3인분 10분준비 + 에어프라이어 8분 흰살생선살 3장 ( 장당 200g) 올리브유 1큰술후추와소금 41 克蛋白质 68 克脂肪 (8 克饱和脂肪 ) 2 克碳水化合物 0 克纤维 3295kJ/785kcal Pesto sauce: 1 bunch fresh basil (15 g) 2 garlic cloves 2 tbsp pinenuts 1 tbsp grated parmesan cheese 250 ml extra virgin olive oil 香蒜沙司 : 1 束新鲜罗勒 (15 克 ) 2 个蒜瓣 2 汤匙松子 1 汤匙碎帕尔马干酪 250 毫升特级初榨橄榄油 페스토소스 : 신선한바질 1줌 (15g) 마늘 2쪽잣 2큰술파마산치즈가루 1큰술엑스트라버진올리브유 250ml 단백질 41g 지방 68g( 포화지방 8g) 탄수화물 2g 식이섬유 0g Preheat the to 180 C. Brush the fish fillets with the oil and season with pepper & salt. Place in the cooking basket of the and slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 8 minutes. Pick the basil leaves and place them with the garlic, pinenuts, parmesan cheese and olive oil in a food processor or pestle and mortar. Pulse or grind the mixture until it turns into a sauce. Add some salt to taste. Place the fish fillets on a serving plate and serve them drizzled with the pesto sauce. 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 180 C 将鱼排刷上油并用胡椒粉和盐调味 将其放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的烹饪炸篮中并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 8 分钟 将罗勒叶子摘下, 并将其与大蒜 松子 帕尔马干酪和橄榄油一起放入食品加工机或杵和研钵中 用暂动功能加工或研磨混合物直至混合成为酱汁 加入少许盐调味 将鱼排放在食盘上, 撒上香蒜沙司即可食用 에어프라이어를 180 C로예열합니다. 생선살에브러시로올리브유를바른후소금과후추로간을합니다. 에어프라이어바구니에생선살을담은후바구니를에어프라이어에넣습니다. 타이머를 8 분으로맞춥니다. 바질잎을골라마늘, 잣, 파마산치즈가루, 올리브유와함께푸드프로세서또는절구에담습니다. 혼합된재료를갈아소스를만들어줍니다. 소금을조금넣어간을맞춥니다. 생선살을접시에담은후생선살위에페스토소스를뿌려냅니다. 33 Tip: To vary, you can cover the fish in pesto sauce and cover with breadcrumbs before cooking it in the. 提示 : 如果要改变口味, 可在鱼上涂上香蒜沙司, 再撒上面包屑, 然后放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅中 도움말 : 생선살에페스토소스를바르고그위에빵가루를뿌린후에어프라이어에서조리하면다양한식감을얻을수있습니다.

610kJ/145kcal 9 g protein 11 g fat of which 3g saturated Spicy fried drumsticks Snack or part of main dish 6 portions 5 minutes preparation (+ 20 minutes marinating) + 20 minutes 香辣炸鸡腿 点心或主菜的一部分 供 6 人食用 5 分钟准备 ( 腌泡 20 分钟以上 ) + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 20 分钟 매운닭다리구이 스낵또는메인요리 6인분 5분준비 (+ 20분물에담그기 ) + 에어프라이어 20분 2 g carbohydrates 0 g fibre 610 千焦 /145 千卡 9 克蛋白质 11 克脂肪 (3 克饱和脂肪 ) 1 garlic clove ½ tbsp mustard 2 tsp brown sugar 1 tsp chilli powder 1 tbsp olive oil pepper & salt 6 chicken drumsticks 1 枚蒜瓣 ½ 汤匙芥末 2 茶匙红糖 1 茶匙辣椒粉 1 汤匙橄榄油胡椒粉和盐 6 个鸡腿 마늘 1쪽머스터드 ½큰술황설탕 2작은술고춧가루 1작은술올리브유 1큰술후추와소금닭다리 6개 2 克碳水化合物 0 克纤维 610kJ/145kcal 단백질 9g 지방 11g( 포화지방 3g) 탄수화물 2g 식이섬유 0g Crush the garlic and mix it in a bowl, large enough to hold all the chicken, with the mustard, sugar, chilli powder and olive oil. Season with pepper & salt. Rub the drumsticks all over with the marinade and leave to marinate for 20 minutes. Preheat the to 200 C. Put the drumsticks into the basket and slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 10 minutes. Roast the drumsticks until the timer rings and they are brown. Adjust the temperature to 150 C and set the timer for another 10 minutes until the drumsticks are cooked through. 将大蒜碾碎, 然后将其放在大碗中与芥末 红糖 辣椒粉和橄榄油一起搅拌 用胡椒粉和盐调味 将腌料涂在鸡腿上, 静置腌泡 20 分钟 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 将鸡腿放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 10 分钟 烘焙鸡腿直至计时器响铃且鸡腿变成金黄色 将温度调至 150 C 并将计时器再设置 10 分钟, 直到鸡腿熟透 마늘을빻아큰용기에담은후닭다리 6개와머스터드, 황설탕, 고춧가루, 올리브유를모두넣고섞어줍니다. 소금과후추로간을합니다. 닭다리전체에양념을바르고 20분동안재웁니다. 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 닭다리를에어프라이어바구니에담은후바구니를에어프라이어에넣습니다. 타이머를 10분으로맞춥니다. 타이머가울리거나닭다리가노릇노릇해질때까지구워줍니다. 에어프라이어온도를 150 C로조정하고타이머를 10분더설정하여닭다리를완전하게익혀줍니다. 35 Tip: Why not try one of the marinade variations on the next page? 提示 : 何不试试下一页上的其他腌料? 도움말 : 다음페이지에소개된다양한양념장을활용하여조리해보세요.

Ginger and soy marinade 生姜酱腌料생강 / 간장양념장 Sweet and sour marinade 酸甜腌料새콤달콤한양념장 en sc ko en sc ko For 6 to 8 portions 20 g fresh ginger 2 tsp soy sauce 2 garlic cloves 2 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp (rice) vinegar 1 tsp corn starch 供 6 到 8 人食用 20 克新鲜生姜 2 茶匙酱油 2 个蒜瓣 2 汤匙香油 1 汤匙 ( 米 ) 醋 1 茶匙玉米粉 6-8 인분 생강 20g 간장 2작은술마늘 2쪽참기름 2큰술 ( 쌀 ) 식초 1큰술옥수수녹말 1작은술 For 6 to 8 portions 2 tbsp sugar 2 tbsp ketchup 2 tbsp (rice or white) vinegar 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp garlic powder 2 tsp cornstarch 供 6 到 8 人食用 2 汤匙白糖 2 汤匙番茄酱 2 汤匙 ( 米醋或白醋 ) 醋 1 汤匙酱油 1 茶匙大蒜粉 2 茶匙玉米粉 6-8 인분 설탕 2큰술케첩 2큰술 ( 쌀또는화이트 ) 식초 2큰술간장 1큰술마늘분말 1작은술옥수수녹말 2작은술 Peel and grate the ginger, then mix it with all the other ingredients. Use to marinate. 将生姜去皮并研碎, 然后与其他所有原料混合制成腌料 생강껍질을벗긴후곱게다져다른양념재료와섞은후재웁니다. Mix all the ingredients together. Use to marinate. 将所有原料一起混合制成腌料 재료를모두섞은후재웁니다. 37 其他腌料 - 다양한양념장 Tandoori marinade 唐杜里腌料탄두리양념 Cajun rub Cajun rub 케이준럽 en sc ko en sc ko For 6 to 8 portions 供 6 到 8 人食用 6-8 인분 For 6 to 8 portions 供 6 到 8 人食用 6-8 인분 2 garlic cloves 2 tbsp garam masala 2 tbsp tandoori spices juice of 1 lime 200 ml yoghurt 3 tbsp vegetable oil ½ tsp salt Crush the garlic and mix it with all the other ingredients. Use to marinate. 2 个蒜瓣 2 汤匙印度印度呛味香料 2 汤匙唐杜里香料 1 个酸橙的果汁 200 毫升酸奶 3 汤匙植物油 ½ 汤匙盐 将大蒜碾碎并与所有其他原料混合制成腌料 마늘 2쪽가람마살라 2큰술탄두리양념 2큰술라임 1개분주스요거트 200ml 식물성식용유 3큰술소금 ½작은술마늘을빻아다른재료들과함께섞은후재웁니다. ½ tbsp sea salt ½ tsp chilli powder ½ tsp paprika 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tbsp cayenne pepper 1 tbsp dried thyme 1 tbsp dried oregano 1 tbsp ground coriander ½ tsp ground white pepper 1 tbsp freshly ground black pepper crushed garlic to taste (optional) Mix all the ingredients together. Use to marinate. ½ 汤匙海盐 ½ 茶匙红辣椒粉 ½ 茶匙红辣椒 1 茶匙孜然粉 1 汤匙辣椒 1 汤匙干百里香 1 汤匙干牛至 1 汤匙芫荽籽粉 ½ 茶匙白胡椒粉 1 汤匙鲜黑胡椒粉碾碎的调味大蒜 ( 可选 ) 将所有原料一起混合制成腌料 천일염 ½큰술고춧가루 ½작은술파프리카 ½작은술커민가루 1작은술카옌후추 1큰술말린타임 1큰술말린오레가노 1큰술허브가루 1큰술백후춧가루 ½작은술갓간검은후추 1큰술다진마늘 ( 선택사항 ) 재료를모두섞은후재웁니다.

1155 kj/275 kcal 20 g protein 16 g fat of which 7 g saturated 13 g carbohydrates Fried meatballs in tomato sauce Snack or part of main course 3 to 4 portions 10 minutes preparation + 8 minutes 番茄酱炸肉丸 点心或主菜的一部分 供 3 到 4 人食用 10 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 8 分钟 토마토소스미트볼 스낵또는메인요리 3-4인분 10분준비 + 에어프라이어 8분 2 g fibre 1155 千焦 /275 千卡 20 克蛋白质 16 克脂肪 (7 克饱和脂肪 ) 13 克碳水化合物 2 克纤维 1 small onion 300 g minced beef 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley ½ tbsp chopped fresh thyme leaves 1 egg 3 tbsp breadcrumbs pepper & salt to taste Extra: 200 ml of your favourite tomato sauce 1 个小洋葱 300 克碎牛肉 1 汤匙切碎的新鲜欧芹 ½ 汤匙切碎的鲜百里香叶 1 个鸡蛋 3 汤匙面包屑胡椒粉和调味盐 其他 : 200 毫升您喜欢的番茄酱 양파 ( 소 ) 1개다진쇠고기 300g 다진신선한파슬리 1큰술다진타임잎 ½큰술달걀 1개빵가루 3큰술소금과후추 ( 입맛에따라 ) 기타 : 토마토소스 200ml 1155kJ/275kcal 단백질 20g 지방 16g( 포화지방 7g) 탄수화물 13g 식이섬유 2g Finely chop the onion. Place all the ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Shape the mixture into 10 to 12 balls. Preheat the to 200 C. Place the meatballs in the basket and slide the basket in the. Set the timer for 7 minutes. Transfer the meatballs to an oven dish, add the tomato sauce and place the dish into the basket of the. Slide the basket into the. Turn the temperature to 160 C and set the timer for 5 minutes to warm everything through. 将洋葱切碎 将所有原料放入碗中并搅拌均匀 将混合物做成 10 到 12 个丸子 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 将肉丸放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 7 分钟 将肉球装入烤盘, 加上番茄酱, 然后将烤盘放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将温度调至 160 C, 并将计时器设为 5 分钟, 以使所有原料加热至熟透 양파를잘게다집니다. 모든재료를용기에넣고잘섞어줍니다. 반죽을 10-12개의동그란모양의볼로만듭니다. 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 미트볼을에어프라이어바구니에담은후바구니를에어프라이어에넣습니다. 타이머를 7분으로맞춥니다. 미트볼을오븐용기에옮겨담고토마토소스를넣은후에어프라이어바구니에오븐용기를넣습니다. 바구니를에어프라이어에넣은후온도를 160 C 로조정하고타이머를 5분으로맞춘후골고루익혀줍니다. 39 Tip: For a great snack, you can serve the meatballs without the tomato sauce. 提示 : 不加番茄酱的肉丸也是美味点心 도움말 : 토마토소스없이미트볼만먹어도훌륭한간식이됩니다.

1825 kj/435 kcal 26 g protein 36 g fat of which 13 g saturated 2 g carbohydrates Roasted rack of lamb with a macadamia crust Part of main course 4 to 6 portions 10 minutes preparation + 30 minutes 澳洲坚果烤羊排 主菜的一部分 供 4 到 6 人食用 10 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 30 分钟 마카다미아크러스트와양갈비구이 메인요리 4-6인분 10분준비 + 에어프라이어 30분 1 g fibre 1825 千焦 /435 千卡 26 克蛋白质 1 garlic clove 1 tbsp olive oil 800 g rack of lamb pepper & salt 1 枚蒜瓣 1 汤匙橄榄油 800 克羊排胡椒粉和盐 마늘 1쪽올리브유 1큰술양갈비 800g 후추와소금 36 克脂肪 (13 克饱和脂肪 ) 2 克碳水化合物 1 克纤维 1825kJ/435kcal Macadamia crust: 75 g unsalted macadamia nuts 1 tbsp breadcrumbs (preferably homemade) 1 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary 1 egg 澳洲坚果 : 75 克原味澳洲坚果 1 汤匙面包屑 ( 最好自制 ) 1 汤匙切碎的鲜迷迭香 1 个鸡蛋 마카다미아크러스트 : 무염마카다미아너트 75g 빵가루 1큰술 ( 수제빵가루권장 ) 다진신선한로즈마리 1큰술달걀 1개 단백질 26g 지방 36g( 포화지방 13g) 탄수화물 2g 식이섬유 1g Finely chop the garlic. Mix the olive oil and garlic to make garlic oil. Brush the rack of lamb with the oil and season with pepper & salt. Preheat the to 100 C. Finely chop the nuts and place them into a bowl. Stir in the breadcrumbs and rosemary. Whisk the egg in another bowl. To coat the lamb, dip the meat into the egg mixture, draining off any excess. Coat the lamb with the macadamia crust. Put the coated lamb rack in the basket and slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 25 minutes. After 25 minutes, increase the temperature to 200 C and set the timer for another 5 minutes. Remove the meat and leave to rest, covered with aluminium foil, for 10 minutes before serving. 将大蒜切碎, 与橄榄油混合制成大蒜油 给羊排刷上油并用胡椒粉和盐调味 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 100 C 将坚果切碎放入碗中 加入面包屑和迷迭香搅拌 在另一个碗中搅打鸡蛋 将羊排浸入鸡蛋混合物中使其表面沾上混合物, 沥掉多余的混合物 在羊排上涂上澳洲坚果 将表面沾有原料的羊排放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中, 并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅中 将计时器设为 25 分钟 25 分钟后, 将温度增加到 200 C, 将计时器再设置 5 分钟 将羊排取出静置, 用铝箔包 10 分钟后即可食用 마늘을곱게다집니다. 다진마늘에올리브유를섞어마늘기름을만듭니다. 양갈비에마늘기름을바른후소금과후추로간을합니다. 에어프라이어를 100 C로예열합니다. 너트를잘게빻아용기에담습니다. 빵가루와로즈마리를넣고저어줍니다. 다른용기에달걀을풀고잘휘저어줍니다. 풀어둔달걀에양고기를적신후너무많이묻었으면털어낸다음마카다미아너트를양고기에입혀줍니다. 준비된양고기를에어프라이어바구니에담은후바구니를에어프라이어에넣습니다. 타이머를 25 분으로맞춥니다. 25분후온도를 200 C로올리고타이머를 5분더설정합니다. 양고기를꺼낸후 10분동안호일로덮어둔다음접시에담아냅니다. 41 Tip: You can replace the macadamia nuts with pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews or almonds if desired. 提示 : 如果需要, 可用开心果 榛实 腰果或杏仁替代澳洲坚果 도움말 : 마카다미아너트대신피스타치오, 헤이즐넛, 캐슈넛등다른좋아하는견과류를사용할수도있습니다.

440 kj/105 kcal 6 g protein 5 g fat of which 3 g saturated Courgette gratin Side dish 4 portions 10 minutes preparation + 15 minutes 焗烤小胡瓜 配菜 - 供 4 人食用 10 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 15 分钟 애호박그라탕 사이드디쉬 4인분 10분준비 + 에어프라이어 15분 9 g carbohydrates 1 g fibre 440 千焦 /105 千卡 6 克蛋白质 5 克脂肪 (3 克饱和脂肪 ) 9 克碳水化合物 1 克纤维 440kJ/105kcal 단백질 6g 지방 5g( 포화지방 3g) 탄수화물 9g 식이섬유 1g 2 courgettes 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley 2 tbsp breadcrumbs 4 tbsp grated cheese 1 tbsp oil pepper Preheat the to 180 C. Slice the courgettes in half lengthways and cut each piece in half again through the middle. You ll end up with 8 pieces of courgette. Place into the basket. Mix together the parsley, breadcrumbs, cheese, oil and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Top the courgette with the mixture. Slide the basket into the and set the timer for 15 minutes. Fry the courgette gratin until the timer rings and the gratin is golden brown. 2 个小胡瓜 1 汤匙切碎的新鲜欧芹 2 汤匙面包屑 4 汤匙搓碎干酪 1 汤匙油胡椒粉 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 180 C 将小胡瓜纵向切成两半, 再从中间切成两半 最终有 8 块小胡瓜 将它们放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中 将欧芹 面包屑 干酪 油和鲜黑胡椒粉混合进行调味 在小胡瓜上面加上混合物, 将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅, 并将计时器设为 15 分钟 煎炸焗烤小胡瓜, 直至计时器响铃且小胡瓜变成金黄色 애호박 2개다진신선한파슬리 1큰술빵가루 2큰술치즈가루 4큰술식용유 1큰술후추 에어프라이어를 180 C로예열합니다. 애호박을길게절반으로자릅니다. 다시각각을반으로자른후가운데를잘라모두 8조각으로자릅니다. 자른애호박을에어프라이어바구니에담습니다. 파슬리, 빵가루, 치즈가루, 식용유와후추를한데섞습니다. 혼합한반죽을애호박위에덮어줍니다. 바구니를에어프라이어에넣은후타이머를 15분으로맞춥니다. 타이머가울리거나그라탕이노릇노릇해질때까지익혀줍니다. 43

210 kj/50kcal 2 g protein 2 g fat of which 0g saturated Ratatouille Side dish 4 to 5 portions 8 minutes preparation + 15 minutes 普罗旺斯杂烩 配菜 供 4 到 5 人食用 8 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 15 分钟 라따뚜이 간식 4-5인분 8분준비 + 에어프라이어 15분 6 g carbohydrates 2 g fibre 210 千焦 /50 千卡 2 克蛋白质 2 克脂肪 (0 克饱和脂肪 ) 6 克碳水化合物 2 克纤维 1 courgette and/or aubergine 2 yellow peppers 3 tomatoes 2 small onions 1 garlic clove 2 tbsp herbes de Provence pepper & salt 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp vinegar 1 个小胡瓜和 / 或茄子 2 个黄辣椒 3 个番茄 2 个小洋葱 1 枚蒜瓣 2 汤匙普罗旺斯香草胡椒粉和盐 1 汤匙橄榄油 1 汤匙醋 애호박또는가지 1개노란피망 2개토마토 3개양파 ( 소 ) 2개마늘 1쪽프로방스허브 2큰술후추와소금올리브유 1큰술식초 1큰술 1 회당영양성분 : Extra: 20 cm round oven dish 其他 : 20 厘米宽的圆烤盘 기타 : 20cm 원형오븐용기 210kJ/50kcal 단백질 2g 지방 2g( 포화지방 0g) 탄수화물 6g 식이섬유 2g Preheat the to 200 C. Cut the courgette, aubergine, peppers, tomatoes and onions into 2 cm cubes. Crush the garlic. Place the vegetables into a bowl and mix with the garlic, herbes de Provence, ½ tsp salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Stir in the olive oil and vinegar. Place the baking dish in the basket and slide the basket into the. Set the timer to 15 minutes to cook the ratatouille. Stir the vegetables once while cooking. When the timer rings and the ratatouille is done, leave it to cool in the for 3 to 4 minutes before sliding out the basket and serving the dish. 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 将小胡瓜 茄子 辣椒 番茄和洋葱切成 2 厘米见方的块 将大蒜碾碎 将蔬菜放入碗中, 与大蒜 普罗旺斯香草 ½ 茶匙盐和鲜黑胡椒粉混合进行调味 加入橄榄油和醋进行搅拌 将烤盘放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅中并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 15 分钟以烹饪普罗旺斯杂烩 烹饪时搅拌蔬菜一次 计时器响铃且普罗旺斯杂烩做好时, 将其在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中静置冷却 3 到 4 分钟, 然后滑出炸篮即可食用 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 애호박, 가지, 피망, 토마토, 양파를 2cm 크기로깍둑썰기합니다. 마늘을다집니다. 준비된야채들을용기에담은후마늘, 프로방스허브, 소금 ½작은술, 후춧가루와섞어줍니다. 올리브유와식초를넣고잘저어줍니다. 오븐용기를에어프라이어바구니에담은후바구니를에어프라이어에넣습니다. 타이머를 15분에맞춘후라따뚜이를조리합니다. 조리하는동안야채를한번저어줍니다. 타이머가울리고라따뚜이가완성되면에어프라이어에 3-4분간그대로두고라따뚜이를식힌다음바구니를꺼내접시에담습니다. 45

357kJ/85kcal 2 g protein 3 g fat of which 1g saturated Roasted winter vegetables Side dish 6 portions 5 minutes preparation + 20 minutes 烤冬季蔬菜 配菜 - 供 6 人食用 5 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 20 分钟 겨울철채소구이 간식 6인분 5분준비 + 에어프라이어 20분 13 g carbohydrates 5 g fibre 357 千焦 /85 千卡 2 克蛋白质 3 克脂肪 (1 克饱和脂肪 ) 300 g parsnips 300 g celeriac 2 red onions 300 g butternut squash 1 tbsp fresh thyme needles 1 tbsp olive oil pepper & salt 300 克欧洲萝卜 300 克芹菜 2 个红洋葱 300 克 冬南瓜 1 汤匙新鲜百里香叶 1 汤匙橄榄油胡椒粉和盐 파스닙 300g 셀러리 300g 붉은양파 2개버터넛호박 300g 신선한타임 1큰술 ( 기호에따라 ) 올리브유 1큰술후추와소금 13 克碳水化合物 5 克纤维 357kJ/85kcal 단백질 2g 지방 3g( 포화지방 1g) 탄수화물 13g 식이섬유 5g Preheat the to 200 C. Peel the parsnips, celeriac and onions. Cut the parsnips and celeriac into 2 cm cubes and the onions into wedges. Halve the butternut squash, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. (There s no need to peel it.) Mix the cut vegetables with the thyme and olive oil. Season to taste. Place the vegetables into the basket and slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 20 minutes and roast the vegetables until the timer rings and the vegetables are nicely brown and done. Stir the vegetables once while roasting. 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 将欧洲萝卜 芹菜和洋葱去皮 将欧洲萝卜和芹菜切成 2 厘米见方的块, 洋葱切条 冬南瓜 切成两半, 去籽后切块 ( 无需去皮 ) 将切好的蔬菜与百里香和橄榄油混合进行调味 将蔬菜放入炸篮并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 20 分钟, 烘焙蔬菜直至计时器响铃且蔬菜烤至微焦即可 烘焙时搅拌蔬菜一次 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 파스닙, 셀러리, 양파껍질을벗깁니다. 파스닙과셀러리를 2cm 크기로깍둑썰기하고양파를절편썰기합니다. 버터넛호박을반으로잘라씨를제거한후깍둑썰기합니다 ( 껍질은벗기지않아도됨 ). 잘라서준비해둔채소와타임, 올리브유를함께섞어줍니다. 후추와소금으로간을합니다. 채소를바구니에담은다음에어프라이어에바구니를넣습니다. 타이머를 20분으로맞추고타이머가울리거나채소가갈색으로잘익을때까지구워줍니다. 굽는중에채소를한번저어줍니다. 47

1050 kj/250 kcal 8 g protein 13 g fat of which 8 g saturated Baked mini spinach quiches Side dish or main course 4 portions 20 minutes preparation + 15 minutes 烤迷你菠菜乳蛋饼 配菜或主菜 供 4 人食用 20 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 15 分钟 미니시금치파이 간식또는메인요리 4인분 20분준비 + 에어프라이어 15분 25 g carbohydrates 2 g fibre 1050 千焦 /250 千卡 8 克蛋白质 Dough (or use 250 g readymade pastry): 200 g flour 75 g butter 1 egg 2 tbsp milk pepper & salt 面团 ( 或用 250 克现成点心 ): 200 克面粉 75 克黄油 1 个鸡蛋 2 汤匙牛奶胡椒粉和盐 반죽 ( 또는시판패스트리 250g 사용 ): 밀가루 200g 버터 75g 달걀 1개우유 2큰술후추와소금 13 克脂肪 (8 克饱和脂肪 ) 25 克碳水化合物 2 克纤维 1050kJ/250kcal 단백질 8g Filling: 1 small onion 1 tbsp oil 200 g spinach 1 egg 100 g cottage cheese (unsalted) 饼馅 : 1 个小洋葱 1 汤匙油 200 克菠菜 1 个鸡蛋 100 克松软干酪 ( 原味 ) 필링 : 양파 ( 소 ) 1개식용유 1큰술시금치 200g 달걀 1개 ( 무염 ) 코티지치즈 100g 지방 13g( 포화지방 8g) 탄수화물 25g 식이섬유 2g Extra: 4 cupcake moulds or small ramekins that fit inside the 其他 : 4 个纸托蛋糕模具或 4 个可放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的小干酪蛋糕 기타 : 컵케이크용기 4개또는에어프라이어에맞는소형램킨 ( 오븐용작은그릇 ) Put all of the ingredients for the dough into a food processor with a pinch of salt and blend until you have a ball of dough. Turn out onto a worktop and knead with your hands until you have a smooth dough. Leave to rest in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Finely chop the onion. Heat the oil in a pan and add the onion. Sweat until translucent, then add the spinach and fry for 1 to 2 minutes more until the spinach is wilted. In a bowl, whisk the egg and stir in the cottage cheese. Squeeze the excess water out of the spinach, chop and add to the cheese mixture. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts. Roll each part into a round, large enough to cover the bottom of the moulds. Line the moulds with the dough. Fill each mould with the spinach filling. Preheat the to 180 C. Place the quiche(s) into the basket and slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 15 minutes. Serve the quiches lukewarm or cold. 将用于面团的所有原料放入食品加工机, 再加入一小撮盐, 将面团搅拌成球状 将面团倒在工作台上, 用手揉成光滑的面团 在冰箱中静置 15 分钟 将洋葱切碎 在煎锅中将油加热, 然后加入洋葱 翻炒至半透明, 然后加入菠菜煎炸 1 到 2 分钟, 直到菠菜变软 在碗中搅打鸡蛋并加入松软干酪搅拌 挤掉菠菜多余的水分, 切碎后加入干酪混合物中 将面团平均分成 4 份 将每份面团擀成大又圆的片, 使其能盖住模具底部 在模具底部铺上面团, 然后将菠菜馅放入各模具中 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 180 C 将乳蛋饼放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中, 并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 15 分钟 食用微温或冷的乳蛋饼 반죽용재료를푸드프로세서에모두넣고소금으로간을한후돌려공모양의반죽을만들어줍니다. 조리대위에반죽을놓고반죽이부드러워질때까지손으로치댑니다. 완성된반죽을 15분간냉장고에넣어둡니다. 양파를잘게다집니다. 달구어진팬에기름을두르고양파를넣습니다. 양파가반투명해질때까지볶은다음시금치를넣고 1-2분간더볶아시금치를살짝익혀줍니다. 용기에달걀을풀어잘휘저은후코티지치즈를넣고섞어줍니다. 시금치의물기를꽉짠후잘게잘라치즈반죽에넣어줍니다. 반죽을 4등분합니다. 등분된각반죽을컵케이크용기바닥을덮을수있을정도로둥글게말아줍니다. 컵케이크용기안에반죽을깝니다. 컵케이크용기에시금치반죽을채웁니다. 에어프라이어를 180 C로예열합니다. 파이를에어프라이어바구니에담은후바구니를에어프라이어에넣습니다. 타이머를 15분으로맞춥니다. 따뜻하거나차게해서파이를접시에담아냅니다. 49 Tip: You can also make a large spinach quiche. In that case, use double the dough to line a 20 cm spring form, and fill with double the filling. Bake for 20-25 minutes. 提示 : 您还可以制作大份菠菜乳蛋饼 为此, 将两倍大的面团铺到 20 厘米大小的烤盘中, 并加入双倍分量的馅 烘焙 20-25 分钟 도움말 : 시금치파이를크게만들수도있습니다. 이경우에는 20cm 케이크용기를덮을수있을정도로두배크기로반죽하여채운후 20-25분간굽습니다.

882 kj/210 kcal 2 g protein 8 g fat of which 6 g saturated 32 g carbohydrates Fried pineapple with honey and coconut Dessert 8 portions 10 minutes preparation + 12 minutes 蜂蜜椰丝炸菠萝 甜品 供 8 人食用 10 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 12 分钟 꿀과코코넛파인애플구이 디저트 8인분 10분준비 + 에어프라이어 12분 2 g fibre 882 千焦 /210 千卡 2 克蛋白质 8 克脂肪 (6 克饱和脂肪 ) 1 small pineapple 2 tbsp honey 1 tbsp lime juice 25 g desiccated coconut 1 l ice cream or (mango) sorbet 1 个小菠萝 2 汤匙蜂蜜 1 汤匙酸橙汁 25 克干椰丝 1 升冰激凌或 ( 芒果 ) 冰糕 파인애플 ( 소 ) 1개꿀 2큰술라임즙 1큰술말린코코넛 25g 아이스크림또는 ( 망고 ) 샤베트 1L 32 克碳水化合物 2 克纤维 882kJ/210kcal 단백질 2g 지방 8g( 포화지방 6g) 탄수화물 32g 식이섬유 2g Extra: baking parchment Preheat the to 200 C. Line the bottom of the basket with baking parchment, leave 1 cm around the edge uncovered. Cut the pineapple lengthways in half and cut away the skin and deep crowns. Remove the tough core. Cut each half lengthways into 4 wedges. Mix the honey and lime juice in a bowl. Brush the pineapple sections with the mixture and put them in the basket. Sprinkle the coconut on top. Slide the basket into the and set the timer for 12 minutes. Once the timer rings, the pineapple will be hot and golden brown. Serve the pineapple sections on plates with a generous scoop of ice cream or sorbet. 其他 : 烘焙纸 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 在炸篮底部铺上烘焙纸, 并在边缘周围留 1 厘米大小的间隙 将菠萝纵向切成两半, 去皮并切掉冠部 去除硬果心 将两块菠萝从中间纵向切成 4 条 将蜂蜜和酸橙汁在碗中混合 将混合物刷在菠萝上, 然后放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中 在上面洒上椰丝 将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅, 并将计时器设为 12 分钟 计时器响铃后, 菠萝将变为金黄色并且很烫 将菠萝装盘, 加一大勺冰淇淋或冰糕 기타 : 유산지 에어프라이어를 200 C 로예열합니다. 에어프라이어 바구니가장자리둘레를 1cm 남기고바구니바닥을유산지로덮습니다. 파인애플을길게반으로자른후껍질과머리부분을잘라냅니다. 딱딱한심을제거합니다. 각각을길게반으로잘라 4조각을만듭니다. 용기에꿀과라임즙을넣고섞어줍니다. 파인애플조각에꿀과라임즙혼합액을바른후에어프라이어바구니에담습니다. 준비된파인애플위에코코넛을뿌려줍니다. 에어프라이어에바구니를넣은후타이머를 12분으로맞춥니다. 타이머가울리면파인애플은따뜻하고맛있게구워져있습니다. 완성된파인애플조각을아이스크림또는샤베트와함께접시에담아냅니다. 51

840 kj/ 200 kcal 7 g protein 10 g fat of which 3 g saturated 20 g carbohydrates 0 g fibre 840 千焦 /200 千卡 7 克蛋白质 10 克脂肪 (3 克饱和脂肪 ) 20 克碳水化合物 Ricotta and lemon cheesecake Dessert 8 to 10 portions 10 minutes preparation + 25 minutes 1 (organic) lemon 500 g ricotta 150 g sugar 2 tsp vanilla essence 3 eggs 3 tbsp corn starch 意大利乳清奶酪和柠檬芝士蛋糕 甜品 供 8 到 10 人食用 10 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 25 分钟 1 个 ( 有机 ) 柠檬 500 克意大利乳清奶酪 150 克糖 2 茶匙香草精 3 个鸡蛋 3 汤匙玉米粉 리코타치즈와레몬치즈케이크 디저트 8-10인분 10분준비 + 에어프라이어 25분 ( 유기농 ) 레몬 1개리코타치즈 500g 설탕 150g 바닐라에센스 2작은술달걀 3개옥수수녹말 3큰술 0 克纤维 Extra: 20 cm round oven dish 其他 : 20 厘米宽的圆烤盘 기타 : 20cm 원형오븐용기 840kJ/200kcal 단백질 7g 지방 10g( 포화지방 3g) 탄수화물 20g 식이섬유 0g Preheat the to 160 C. Zest and juice the lemon. In a bowl, combine the ricotta, sugar, vanilla essence, 1 tbsp lemon juice and the lemon zest. Stir the ingredients until they are well combined and form a homogenous consistency. Add the eggs one at a time and stir well. Add the corn starch and mix well. Pour the mixture into the oven dish. Place the dish into the basket and slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 25 minutes. The cheesecake is ready when the timer rings and the centre is set. Place the dish on a wire rack and leave to cool completely. 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 160 C 剥下柠檬皮并榨汁 在碗中将意大利乳清奶酪 糖 香草精 1 汤匙柠檬汁和柠檬皮混合 搅拌原料直到混合均匀 一次加入一个鸡蛋并搅拌均匀 加入玉米粉混合均匀 再将混合物倒入烤盘中 将烤盘放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅炸篮中, 并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 25 分钟 计时器响铃且确定中心时, 芝士蛋糕就做好了 将烤盘放到金属烤架上, 待其完全冷却 에어프라이어를 160 C로예열합니다. 레몬껍질과레몬즙을준비합니다. 용기에리코타치즈, 설탕, 바닐라에센스, 레몬즙과레몬껍질 1 큰술을함께넣은후잘섞이도록재료를섞어줍니다. 계란을한번에하나씩넣은후잘저어섞어줍니다. 옥수수녹말을넣은후잘섞어줍니다. 반죽을오븐용기에붓습니다. 오븐용기를에어프라이어바구니에담은후에어프라이어에바구니를넣습니다. 타이머를 25분에맞춥니다. 타이머가울리면치즈케이크가완성된것입니다. 오븐용기를석쇠에놓은후케이크가완전히식을때까지그대로둡니다. 53 Tip: Serve the pudding with a digestive biscuit crumbled over the top for an upside down cheesecake. 提示 : 将芝士蛋糕反过来, 并把消化饼干弄碎洒在蛋糕上后即可食用 도움말 : 치즈케이크를거꾸로하여케이크위에으깬다이제스티브비스킷과함께푸딩을담아내십시오.

2120 kj/ 505 kcal 6 g protein 27 g fat of which 16 g saturated Chocolate cake Dessert 8 to 10 portions 15 minutes preparation + 25 to 30 minutes 巧克力蛋糕 甜品 供 8 到 10 人食用 15 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 25 到 30 分钟 초콜릿케이크 디저트 8-10인분 15분준비 + 에어프라이어 25-30분 60 g carbohydrates 2 g fibre 2120 千焦 /505 千卡 6 克蛋白质 27 克脂肪 (16 克饱和脂肪 ) 60 克碳水化合物 2 克纤维 Cake: 3 eggs 125 ml sour cream 150 g flour 150 g caster sugar 125 g unsalted butter 40 g cocoa powder 1 tsp baking powder ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 tsp vanilla essence 蛋糕 : 3 个鸡蛋 125 毫升酸乳酪 150 克面粉 150 克白砂糖 125 克原味黄油 40 克可可粉 1 茶匙发酵粉 ½ 茶匙小苏打 2 茶匙香草精 케이크 : 달걀 3개사워크림 125ml 밀가루 150g 정제설탕 150g 무염버터 125g 코코아가루 40g 베이킹파우더 1작은술베이킹소다 ½작은술바닐라에센스 2작은술 2120kJ/505kcal 단백질 6g 지방 27g( 포화지방 16g) 탄수화물 60g 식이섬유 2g Chocolate icing: 150 g chocolate 50 g unsalted softened butter 200 g icing sugar 1 tsp vanilla essence 巧克力糖衣 : 150 克巧克力 50 克原味软黄油 200 克冰糖 1 茶匙香草精 초콜릿아이싱 : 초콜릿 150g 무염유화버터 50g 슈가파우더 200g 바닐라에센스 1작은술 Extra: 20 cm round oven dish; food processor 其他 : 20 厘米大小的圆形烤盘 ; 食品加工机 기타 : 20cm 원형오븐용기, 푸드프로세서 Preheat the to 160 C. Place all the cake ingredients into a food processor and mix well. Transfer to the oven dish. Place the oven dish into the basket of the. Slide the basket into the and set the timer for 25 minutes. Once the time is up and the timer rings, prick the cake with a wooden skewer or fork. If it comes out clean, the cake is cooked through. If it s still sticky, place the cake back into the and set the timer for another 5 minutes. Remove the dish from the basket and leave the cake to cool on a wire rack. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate au bain marie or in the microwave. Leave to cool a little, then mix all of the icing ingredients together. Remove the cooled cake from the oven dish and place it onto a plate. Cover with the chocolate icing and serve. 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 160 C 将所有蛋糕原料放入食品加工机, 混合均匀后装入烤盘 将烤盘放入 AirFryer 空气炸锅的炸篮中 将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅并将计时器设为 25 分钟 到时间时, 计时器会响铃, 此时用木扦或餐叉扎一下蛋糕 如果拔出时不沾蛋糕, 则表示蛋糕已熟透 如果还很粘, 则将蛋糕放回 AirFryer 空气炸锅, 将计时器再设置 5 分钟 将烤盘从炸篮中取出, 并将蛋糕放在金属烤架上静置冷却 同时, 在双层蒸锅或微波炉中融化巧克力 静置冷却片刻, 然后将所有糖衣原料混合在一起 从烤盘中取出冷却的蛋糕并放在盘子上 加上巧克力糖衣后即可食用 에어프라이어를 160 C로예열합니다. 케이크재료를푸드프로세서에모두넣은후잘섞어줍니다. 섞어진재료를오븐용기에옮겨담습니다. 오븐용기를에어프라이어바구니에놓습니다. 에어프라이어에바구니를넣은후타이머를 25 분으로맞춥니다. 시간이완료되어타이머가울리면나무꼬치나포크로케이크를찔러봅니다. 꼬치나포크에반죽이묻어나오지않으면케이크가다익은것입니다. 반죽이계속묻어나오면케이크를에어프라이어에다시넣은후타이머를 5분더설정합니다. 바구니에서오븐용기를꺼내석쇠에놓은후케이크가완전히식을때까지그대로둡니다. 케이크를굽는동안초콜릿을중탕으로또는전자레인지를사용해녹입니다. 녹인초콜릿을잠시식힌후모든아이싱재료와함께섞어줍니다. 식힌케이크를오븐용기에서꺼내접시에담고케이크에초콜릿아이싱을덮어줍니다. 55 Tip: 1. You can replace the bicarbonate of soda with baking powder if necessary. 2. Y ou can also mix the cake batter by hand; the preparation time will be slightly longer. 提示 : 1. 如有必要, 可用发酵粉替换小苏打 2. 提示 : 还可用手混合蛋糕糊 ; 但制作时间会稍长一些 도움말 : 1. 베이킹소다대신베이킹파우더를사용할수있습니다. 2. 케이크반죽을손으로섞을수도있지만그럴경우준비시간이조금길어질수있습니다.

1197 kj/285 kcal 4 g protein 11 g fat of which 7 g saturated Apricot blackberry crumble Dessert 6 to 8 portions 10 minutes preparation + 20 minutes 杏子黑莓酥皮水果甜点 甜品 供 6 到 8 人食用 10 分钟准备 + 在 AirFryer 空气炸锅中煎炸 20 分钟 살구블랙베리크럼블 디저트 6-8인분 10분준비 + 에어프라이어 20분 43 g carbohydrates 4 g fibre 1197 千焦 /285 千卡 4 克蛋白质 11 克脂肪 (7 克饱和脂肪 ) 375 g fresh apricots 150 g fresh blackberries 100 g sugar 1 tbsp lemon juice 150 g flour salt 75 g cold butter 375 克新鲜杏子 150 克新鲜黑莓 100 克糖 1 汤匙柠檬汁 150 克面粉盐 75 克冷黄油 신선한살구 375g 신선한블랙베리 150g 설탕 100g 레몬즙 1큰술밀가루 150g 소금차가운버터 75g 43 克碳水化合物 4 克纤维 Extra: 20 cm round oven dish, greased 其他 : 20 厘米大小的圆烤盘, 已涂油 기타 : 기름을바른 20cm 원형오븐용기 1197kJ/285kcal 단백질 4g 지방 11g( 포화지방 7g) 탄수화물 43g 식이섬유 4g Halve the apricots and remove the stones. Cut them into cubes and place into a bowl. Add the blackberries, 25 g of the sugar and the lemon juice and mix. Scoop the fruit mixture into the oven dish and spread it out. In a bowl, mix the flour with a pinch of salt and the remaining sugar. Add the butter and 1 tbsp cold water and rub together with your fingertips until you have a crumbly mixture. Preheat the to 200 C. Distribute the crumbly mixture evenly over the fruit and lightly press down. Put the oven dish into the basket and slide the basket into the. Set the timer for 20 minutes and bake until the timer rings and the crumble is golden brown and cooked through. 将杏子切半去核 将杏肉切成方块并放入碗中 加入黑莓 25 克糖和柠檬汁进行混合 将水果混合物舀入烤盘中并将其铺开 在碗中将面粉与一小撮盐和剩下的糖混合 加入黄油和 1 汤匙冷水, 并用指尖揉搓直至混合物变松散 将 AirFryer 空气炸锅预热到 200 C 将松散的混合物均匀分布在水果上, 并轻轻按压 将烤盘放入炸篮中, 并将炸篮滑入 AirFryer 空气炸锅 将计时器设为 20 分钟, 烘焙至计时器响铃且酥皮水果甜点烤至金黄色且熟透 살구를반으로잘라씨를제거합니다. 씨를제거한살구를깍둑썰기하여용기에담습니다. 블랙베리, 설탕 25g, 레몬즙을넣고섞어줍니다. 스푼으로과일반죽을오븐용기에퍼담고잘펴줍니다. 용기에밀가루, 소금한줌, 남아있는설탕을넣고함께섞어줍니다. 버터와찬물 1큰술을첨가한후크럼블반죽이될때까지손끝으로살살반죽합니다. 에어프라이어를 200 C로예열합니다. 크럼블반죽을과일반죽위에골고루담은후아래로가볍게눌러줍니다. 오븐용기를에어프라이어바구니에놓은후에어프라이어에바구니를넣습니다. 타이머를 20분으로맞춘후타이머가울리거나크럼블이노릇노릇하게조리될때까지구워줍니다. 57

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