Rev. Kevin Oh( 오상윤 ) Chung C. Song( 송청자 ) Howard Blair Sung Woo Cho( 조성우 ) Senior Pastor( 담임목사 ) Elders( 장로 ) Partnering Missionaries( 협력선교사 ) 아이티 ( Haiti) 703.237.8003(O) 703.851.0520( C) Won Bae Kim( 김원배 ) Chung Ho Ko( 고충호 ) Chris Collver Rev. Brian Pak( 박병준선교사 ) 201.458.2411( C) Volume 38, Issue 13 12. 16. 2018 Washington Elim Church Time of Services & Church Schools Day of Week Services Time Description Sunday Worship Service( 주일예배 ) 9:30AM Korean/English 성경공부 (Bible Study) / 장년 (Adult) 12:00PM Korean Tue Tuesday Bible Study( 화요성경공부 ) 10:30AM Korean Wed Wednesday Service( 수요예배 ) 7:30PM Korean Tue~Sat Early Morning Service( 새벽예배 ) 5:30AM Korean Senior Pastor( 담임목사 ): Rev. Kevin Oh ( ) 6901 Haycock Road, Falls Church, VA 22043 6901 Haycock Road, Falls Church, VA 22043 703.237.8003 (Tel/Fax) / 703.851.0520 (Sr. Pastor)
사회 / 설교 : 오상윤목사 마 1:23 다 함 께 * 찬송가 91장 다 함 께 * 사도신경 다 함 께 오상윤목사 기 도 자 갈 6:1-18 다 함 께 찬송가 118장 찬 양 대 Announcements 1. We will have a Steering Committee(Deacon Sang Young Jung, Encourager Kwang Ja Kim, Encourager Youn Barnhill, Elder Chris Collver) meeting after fellowship. 2. December Schedule 12/23 Sunday Worship (as usual) Special Retreat (After Worship - Night) 12/24 Christmas Eve Service (7:30pm) Special Event (8:30pm - ) 12/31 Special Prayer Meeting (9:30pm-11:30pm) New Year Ever Service (11:30pm - ) 3. Please continue praying for our church members who are in the midst of spiritual and/or physical difficulties. 오상윤목사 설교자 찬송가 438 장다함께 사회자 사회자 * 찬송가 283 장다함께 * 오상윤목사 *. 오상윤 최영선 송영심 김상연 오경환 이정옥 - 1 - This Week Next Week 다음주설교제목 / Next Week Sermon Title 말씀으로오신예수님 ( 요 1:1-14) Jesus who came as the Word (Jn 1:1-14) Fellowship Order ( 친교순서 ) Alexandria 구역 Christmas - 6 -
` 1. 오늘친교후에운영위원회 ( 이천수집사, 정상용집사, 김광자권사, 김연봉권사, Chris Collver 장로 ) 모임이있겠습니다 2. 12 월행사일정을알립니다. 12/23 주일예배 ( 예정대로 ) 특별수련회 ( 주일오후부터저녁까지 ) 12/24 성탄축하예배 (7:30pm) 특별행사 (8:30pm - ) 12/31 특별기도회 (9:30pm - 11:30pm) 송구영신예배 (11:30pm - ) 3. 우리교회에영적으로, 육신적으로어려움가운데계신성도들을위하여기도해주시기바랍니다. LORD'S DAY SERVICE M editative Prayer Mt 1:23 T ogether * Hymn 91(Take the name of Jesus with you) T ogether * Confession of Faith Presider / Sermon: Rev. Kevin Oh Apostle's Creed T ogether Prayer Rev. Kevin Oh T ogether Scripture Reading Gal 6:1-18 T ogether Praise 118(Angels, from the realms of glory) Choir Sermon The Love of the Cross Rev. Oh Prayer Rev. Oh Offering Offering Prayer A nnouncements 438(Since Christ my soul from sin set free) T ogether Presider Presider * Hymn 283(I have a song I love to sing) T ogether * Benediction Rev. Oh - 5 - * Please rise. This Week Next Week Prayer Rev. Kevin Oh Deacon Sangyeon Kim - 2 -
주일강단메시지 십자가의사랑 ( 갈 6:1-18) 갈라디아서는율법주의유대주의자들이갈라디아교회에들어와서은혜로구원받은성도들에게율법을지키고할례를받아야구원을받는다고복음을변질시키는잘못된교리를바로잡기위해서사도바울이쓴편지입니다. 그러면서바울은비록율법주의에빠졌던성도들도십자가의사랑으로용납하고도와주며보살펴서 (1, 9-10절 ) 함께그리스도를따라가기를권면하고있습니다. 십자가의사랑은모든사람을용납하고모든사람을용서하며살리는사랑입니다. 오직그리스도의사랑을깨닫고, 그리스도께사로잡힐때만가능한사랑입니다. 1. 십자가의사랑은하나님사랑의결정체입니다 (14 절, 요 3:16, 롬 8:32) 1) 우리를향한하나님의사랑은십자가를통한사랑입니다 2) 십자가에서우리의구원을이루셨습니다 ( 요 19:30, 히 10:14) 3) 십자가는우리를향안하나님의사랑의확증입니다 ( 롬 5:8) 4) 죄인된인간이하나님과화목할수있는유일한길은십자가를통하는길뿐입니다 ( 롬 5:10) 5) 십자가는우리에게죄, 세상, 육신, 사탄에대하여승리하게합니다 6) 십자가의사랑을바로깨달은자들은그리스도의십자가를자랑할수밖에없습니다 (14 절, 마 16:24) 2. 십자가의사랑은서로의짐을지는사랑입니다 (1-5 절 ) 1) 십자가의사랑은형제의허물을그리스도의마음 ( 온유한심령 ) 으로보게합니다 (1 절 ) 2) 복음이바로깨달아지면먼저자신을돌아보게됩니다 (1 절 ) 3) 특히형제의연약한부분을서로담당하여서부족한부분이없도록하라는것입니다 4) 그리스도의몸인교회안에서는이것이자신의짐을지는것입니다 (5 절 ) 3. 십자가의사랑은하나님앞에서악과싸우며악을용납하지않는사랑입니다 (7-10 절 ) 1) 하나님은사랑이지시만악은절대로용납하지않으십니다 2) 하나님이사실적으로믿어지지않으면사람앞에서적당히타협하며살기쉽습니다 (7 절 ) 3) 그러나하나님께서살아계시기때문에사람은누구나자신이심은것을거두게됩니다 (8 절 ) 4) 그러므로육신적인결과보다는마음의동기 ( 세계 ) 가중요합니다 (8 절, 요 6:63) 5) 하나님앞에서선을행하는자만이포기하지않고지속할수있습니다 (9 절 ) - 3 - The Love of the Cross (Gal 6:1-18) This Week's Message Galatians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to correct the false doctrine of the gospel that the legalistic Jews came into the Galatians and said they have to keep the law and circumcised to be saved. Paul, however, is exhorting the Jewish Christians who fell into legalism to accept, help and care with the love of the cross (1, 9-10) to follow Christ together. The love of the cross is love that tolerates everyone and forgives and saves everyone. It is only possible when we realize the love of Christ and be captivated by Christ. 1. The love of the cross is the highest peak of God's love (v14, Jn 3:16, Rom 8:32) 1) God's love for us is love through the cross 2) God has accomplished our salvation on the cross (Jn 19:30, Heb 10:14) 3) The cross is a confirmation of God's love for us (Rom 5:8) 4) The only way for sinful human beings to reconcile with God is through the cross (Rom 5:10) 5) The cross gives us victory over sin, the world, the flesh, and Satan 6) Those who correctly realize the love of the cross can boast of the cross of Christ only (v14, Mt 16:24) 2. The love of the cross is taking yoke for each other (v1-5) 1) The love of the cross makes us to see the brother's fault through the mind of Christ (the gentle spirit) (v1) 2) When the gospel is realized correctly, we will first look at ourselves (v1) 3) Especially by taking care of the fragile parts of the brother 4) In the church, which is the body of Christ, this is our own yoke (v5) 3. The love of the cross is love that fights evil before God and does not tolerate evil (v7-10) 1) Even God is Love, He never tolerate evil. 2) If God is not realistic, it is easy to compromise and live in front of people. (v7) 3) But because God is alive, everyone will reap what he has planted (v8) 4) Therefore, the motive (the world) of the heart is more important than the physical result (v8, Jn 6:63) 5) Only those who do good before God can continue without giving up (v9) - 4 -