재무상태표 (Statements of Financial Position) 주식회사우리은행 Ⅰ. 자산 (Assets) 1. 현금및현금성자산 (Cash and cash equivalents) 2. 당기손익인식금융자산 (Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss) 3. 매도가능금융자산 (Available for sale financial assets) 4. 만기보유금융자산 (Held to maturity financial assets) 5. 대여금및수취채권 (Loans and receivables) 6. 종속기업및관계기업투자자산 (Investments in subsidiaries and associates) 7. 투자부동산 (Investment properties) 8. 유형자산 (Premises and equipment) 9. 무형자산 (Intangible assets) 10. 매각예정자산 (Assets held for sale) 11. 당기법인세자산 (Current tax assets) 12. 이연법인세자산 (Defferd tax assets) 13. 파생상품자산 (Derivative assets) 14. 기타자산 (Other assets) 4,668,916 4,694,201 3,097,309 3,353,936 17,791,224 16,499,175 12,989,894 12,016,870 210,640,380 201,836,689 3,619,036 2,109,453 350,785 333,693 2,348,450 2,353,831 43,186 69,994 6,837 587 1,058 134,691 193,453-196,061 131,410 124,712 151,636 자산총계 (Total assets) 256,071,301 243,686,166 1 wooribank.com
재무상태표 (Statements of Financial Position) Ⅱ. 부채 (Liabilities) 1. 당기손익인식금융부채 (Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss) 2. 예수부채 (Deposits due to customers) 3. 차입부채 (Borrowings) 4. 발행사채 (Debentures) 5. 충당부채 (Provisions) 6. 순확정급여부채 (Net defined benefit liabilities) 7. 당기법인세부채 (Current tax liabilities) 8. 이연법인세부채 (Deferred tax liabilities) 9. 파생상품부채 (Derivative liabilities) 10. 기타금융부채 (Other financial liabilities) 11. 기타부채 (Other liabilities) 2,670,358 2,630,421 181,288,444 169,870,194 16,139,529 16,711,669 20,998,041 16,035,967 667,286 641,459 43,381 36,577 261,228 8,552-35,108-1,785 15,857,059 19,162,494 289,570 297,895 부채총계 (Total liabilities) 238,214,896 225,432,121 2 wooribank.com
재무상태표 (Statements of Financial Position) Ⅲ. 자본 (Equity) 1. 자본금 (Capital stock) 2. 신종자본증권 (Hybrid securities) 3. 자본잉여금 (Capital surplus) 4. 기타자본 (Other equity) 5. 이익잉여금 (Retained earnings) 3,381,392 2,983,452 2,538,823 2,380,797 269,533 732,538 (695,522) 143,825 12,362,179 12,013,433 대손준비금적립액 (1,193,393) (1,297,123) 대손준비금미적립액 (-) (-) 대손준비금전입 ( 환입 ) 필요액 (189,050) ((-)103,730) 대손준비금전입 ( 환입 ) 예정액 (189,050) ((-)103,730) 자본총계 (Total equity) 17,856,405 18,254,045 부채와자본총계 (Total liabilities and equity) 256,071,301 243,686,166 3 wooribank.com
연결재무상태표 (Consolidated statements of Financial Position) 주식회사우리은행과그종속기업 Ⅰ. 자산 (Assets) 1. 현금및현금성자산 (Cash and cash equivalents) 2. 당기손익인식금융자산 (Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss) 3. 매도가능금융자산 (Available-for-sale financial assets) 4. 만기보유금융자산 (Held-to-maturity financial assets) 5. 대여금및수취채권 (Loans and receivables) 6. 공동기업및관계기업투자자산 (Investments in joint ventures and associates) 7. 투자부동산 (Investment properties) 8. 유형자산 (Premises and equipment) 9. 무형자산 (Intangible assets and goodwill) 10. 매각예정자산 (Assets held for sale) 11. 당기법인세자산 (Current tax assets) 12. 이연법인세자산 (Deferred tax assets) 13. 파생상품자산 (Derivative assets) 14. 기타자산 (Other assets) 15. 매각예정처분자산집단 (Disposal group held for sale) 16. 소유주분배예정자산집단 (Disposal group held for distribution to owners) 5,962,861 5,477,649 4,554,180 4,806,197 18,810,845 17,085,448 13,044,448 12,038,820 223,370,135 211,912,373 648,436 617,570 357,550 340,620 2,501,102 2,536,441 295,728 268,926 8,013 587 4,845 143,101 257,858 155,256 196,061 131,410 145,157 178,886-34,684,805-50,312,293 자산총계 (Total assets) 270,157,219 340,690,382 4 wooribank.com
연결재무상태표 (Consolidated Statements of Financial Position) Ⅱ. 부채 (Liabilities) 1. 당기손익인식금융부채 (Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss) 2. 예수부채 (Deposits due to customers) 3. 차입부채 (Borrowings) 4. 발행사채 (Debentures) 5. 충당부채 (Provisions) 6. 순확정급여부채 (Net defined benefit liability) 7. 당기법인세부채 (Current tax liabilities) 8. 이연법인세부채 (Deferred tax liabilities) 9. 파생상품부채 (Derivative liabilities) 10. 기타금융부채 (Other financial liabilities) 11. 기타부채 (Other liabilities) 12. 매각예정처분자산집단에직접관련된부채 (Liabilities directly associated with disposal group held for sale) 13. 소유주분배예정자산집단에직접관련된부채 (Liabilities directly associated with disposal group held for distribution to owners) 2,675,354 2,507,248 188,516,465 175,323,644 17,707,595 18,231,511 24,795,904 21,677,674 692,009 684,799 75,591 71,602 298,762 9,980 21,757 49,105-1,785 16,889,687 19,914,947 390,670 411,278-32,047,626-46,882,414 부채총계 (Total liabilities) 252,063,794 317,813,613 5 wooribank.com
연결재무상태표 (Consolidated Statements of Financial Position) Ⅲ. 자본 (Equity) 1. 지배기업소유주지분 (Owners equity) (1) 자본금 (Capital stock) (2) 신종자본증권 (Hybrid securities) (3) 자본잉여금 (Capital surplus) (4) 기타자본 (Other equity) 제 181기 ( 당 ) 기말 제 180기 ( 전 ) 기말 17,983,501 17,847,633 3,381,392 4,030,077 2,538,823 498,407 291,066 176,502 (2,393,138) (35,367) (5) 이익잉여금 (Retained earnings) 14,165,358 13,112,690 ( 대손준비금기적립액 ) (1,800,387) (1,685,623) ( 대손준비금미적립액 ) (-) (-) ( 대손준비금전입 ( 환입 ) 필요액 ) ((-)44,245) (114,764) ( 대손준비금전입 ( 환입 ) 예정액 ) ((-)44,245) (114,764) (6) 매각예정처분자산집단과관련하여자본으로직접인식된금액 (Equity directly associated with disposal group held for sale) - 29,820 (7) 소유주분배예정자산집단과관련하여자본으로직접인식된금액 ( Equity directly associated with disposal group held for distribution to owners) - 35,504 2. 비지배지분 109,924 5,029,136 (Non-controlling entity) 자본총계 (Total equity) 18,093,425 22,876,769 부채와자본총계 (Total liabilities and equity) 270,157,219 340,690,382 6 wooribank.com