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Rational Application Developer 6 Create WebSphere Portal projects Create/customize skins and themes Customize layout Wire portlets Create JSR168 & IBM legacy portlets JSF, Struts or simple Enterprise Application Integration Test on integrated local WebSphere Portal Test Environment Business Process Portlet Development Personalization Can use IBM Workplace Collaboration Services 2.x API Toolkit

Rational Application Developer 6

WebSphere Portlet Factory IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory SAP, Domino, PeopleSoft, Siebel,,,, WebSphere Portal. WebSphere Portlet Factory RAD, & IT.; IBM Workplace & WebSphere Portal J2EE.

WebSphere Portlet Factory Tight Integration with WebSphere Portal (auto deploy portlets, Click-2-Action, People Awareness, SSO) Rational Application Developer plug-in Multi-page, complex portlets without coding Robust integration capabilities Unlimited customization without the maintenance overhead Business user configuration Rapid iteration and change Automation of your code Flexible deployment options Robust solution foundation

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