Domino, Portal & Workplace WPLC FTSS
Domino Designer Portal Development tools Rational Application Developer WebSphere Portlet Factory Workplace Designer Workplace Forms Designer
? Lotus Notes Clients - Domino Designer Lotus Domino.nsf
? Lotus Domino - Rational Application Developer.nsf
? Lotus Domino - WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer.nsf
? Lotus Domino - Workplace Designer.nsf
? Forms - Workplace Forms Designer Lotus Domino.nsf
Domino Designer 7 - Profiling Agents In Design
Domino Designer 7 - AutoSave In Design
Domino Designer 7 - Shared Columns In Design
Domino Designer 7
Domino Designer 7 Java Requires 3rd party debugger that supports the JPDA (Java Platform Debugger Architecture). For instance, Eclipse or RAD/WSAD
Domino Designer 7 Adding Actions to the Right Click Menu
Domino Designer 7 DB2 Access View DB2 Table Table
Domino Designer 7 Query View
Domino Designer 7 Web Services LotusScript, Domino JavaAPI Web Services, WSDL.
Domino Designer 7 @Command
Domino Designer 7 @function -. @AdminECLIsLocked : Checks the current status of the Administration ECL in the name and address book and returns 1 (True) if the Administration ECL is locked and editing is prevented; otherwise returns 0 (False). -.@DB2Schema : Given the name of a database as a text string, returns a text string containing the DB2 schema of that database if it is a db2nsf database or the empty string if it is not a db2nsf database. -.@IsDB2 : Given a server and filename or server and replica ID, indicates if the specified database is backed by DB2 or not. -. @IsEbeddedInsideWCT : Indicates whether any part of the current Notes session is embedded inside of Workplace client -. @PolicyIsFieldLocked : Indicates whether a field is locked by an administration policy and cannot be modified -.@IfError : Returns a null string ("") or the value of an alternative statement if a statement returns an error
Rational Application Developer 6
Rational Application Developer 6 Create WebSphere Portal projects Create/customize skins and themes Customize layout Wire portlets Create JSR168 & IBM legacy portlets JSF, Struts or simple Enterprise Application Integration Test on integrated local WebSphere Portal Test Environment Business Process Portlet Development Personalization Can use IBM Workplace Collaboration Services 2.x API Toolkit
Rational Application Developer 6
WebSphere Portlet Factory IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory SAP, Domino, PeopleSoft, Siebel,,,, WebSphere Portal. WebSphere Portlet Factory RAD, & IT.; IBM Workplace & WebSphere Portal J2EE.
WebSphere Portlet Factory Tight Integration with WebSphere Portal (auto deploy portlets, Click-2-Action, People Awareness, SSO) Rational Application Developer plug-in Multi-page, complex portlets without coding Robust integration capabilities Unlimited customization without the maintenance overhead Business user configuration Rapid iteration and change Automation of your code Flexible deployment options Robust solution foundation
WebSphere Portlet Factory,
WebSphere Portlet Factory, J2EEcompliant
WebSphere Portlet Factory,,
WebSphere Portlet Factory,
WebSphere Portlet Factory SOA Data Services Layer
WebSphere Portlet Factory
WebSphere Portlet Factory
Workplace Designer 6
Workplace Designer 6 - Design and Runtime Components Client Design Time Server Runtime Visual Editor Schema Editor images Script libraries Script Editor Extensions and APIs Template Component added to template Components are instantiated when a new application is created from a template. Application Component Instance Design resources stored together in file system Portlet Catalog Deployed to server XML Component Data
Workplace Designer 6 - Workplace Application Integration Workplace software APIs Component Parameters Component Scripts Roles Each component provides the following roles: -- No Access, Reader, Author and Editor To be mapped to the roles of the specific Workplace application.
Workplace Designer 6 - Additional Programmability Notes @function library Document APIs Workplace software APIs JavaScript Server-side and Client-side events Call Java from JavaScript
Workplace Designer 6 - JavaScript Editor Color coding syntax Code assist Event browser Syntax Checking Code Outline Reference tab
Workplace Designer 6 what s new
Workplace Designer 6
Workplace Forms Designer 6 UI Controls Reusable Components Design Once Render Many Web Services Support Precision Layout WYSIWYG Interface Run-Time Preview
Lotus Notes Clients - components are loosely coupled built with a variety of tools and skills existing applications continue to provide value - components may be built independently role-based views into the business Lotus Domino.nsf
.. Composite application built with composite editor HTML Notes Eclipse Notes app built with Domino Designer Collaborative app built with Workplace Designer Eclipse app built with Rational Application Developer