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A 001~A 036


Molded Case Circuit Breaker/Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker/Surge protective Device

Moving Forward into the World

02_03 World Class Brand

04_05 Molded Case Circuit Breakers Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers/ Surge protective Device C o n t e n t s

BREAKER Molded Case Circuit Breakers Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers


BREAKER Molded Case Circuit Breakers Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers A0_A0

08_09 Level UP

BREAKER Molded Case Circuit Breakers Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers MCCB (Molded Case Circuit Breaker)

10_11 ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker)

12_13 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

S 10 S z 3 100A AX ATT ATT T T C C DB S 10 S 3 100A 30mA AX DE

14_15 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

16_17 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

18_19 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

20_21 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

22_23 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

OH 100 H S D

24_25 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

26_27 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

28_29 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

30_31 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

32_33 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

34_35 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device 36_37

38_39 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

40_41 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

42_43 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

44_45 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

46_47 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

48_49 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

50_51 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

52_53 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

54_55 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

56_57 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

58_59 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

60_61 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

BREAKER Molded Case Circuit Breakers Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers MCCB (Molded Case Circuit Breaker)

62_63 ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker)

64_65 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device DB E 10 3 NS 100A D E G 10 3 NS 100A 30mA

66_67 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

68_69 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device 70_71

Molded Case Circuit Breakers Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers


D SB 3 2 S - 30A D SB 3 2 F - 100A EC D ME 3 2 S - 30A 30mA D ME 3 2 F - 100A 30mA EC

74_75 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

76_77 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

78_79 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

80_81 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

82_83 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

84_85 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

86_87 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

88_89 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

90_91 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device


92_93 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

Surge Protective Device

94_95 Safety & Reliability DSP T 040 K DSP D 20 K 1

96_97 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

98_99 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

R S T N Super Protective Device MCCB LOAD EARTH

100_101 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

102_103 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

104_105 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

106_107 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

108_109 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

110_111 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

112_113 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device

114_115 Smart Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Earth LeakageCircuit Breakers / Surge Protective Device
