안락사와존엄사, 그리고웰다잉법 맹주만 * :,..,. *
철학탐구 1. 존엄사법또는웰다잉법 2016 1 8,. 1) 7., 2017 8.. 2),, 1), 2), 3). 1). (POLST) (AD). 2), 1) 2016. 2. 3. 14013. 2017. 8. 4. 2) 2016 2..
, 2, 2. 3),, 2.. 3) (hospice) ( ),,.,?. 4),, 3) ( 1, 2 ( ), 3 ) ( ), ), ), ), ), ). 4),,,.
철학탐구..,,.,,.,..,. 5).,..,. 5),,, 36, 2015.
2. 미학적안락사와존엄사.,.... 6). 6).,,,,,.. ( ),.,...,, 126-127.
철학탐구..,.,..... / /,,...,,.,,,,.
,.,.,.???? euthanasia 17 Euthanatos, eu ( ) thanatos ( ).,,,. (Oxford English Dictionary)..,..
철학탐구.. ( 平安 ). 7),,,.....,.. 7), ;, ; Beauchamp, Tom L. (ed.), Intending Death: The Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia; Dworkin, Gerald Frey, R. G. Bok, Sissela, Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.
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철학탐구,.. 9).,. 2., 3 3.... 3.. 3. 웰다잉법과죽음의결정권 9),, 116.
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(passive).,.,. 11)......,.,,.,?, 11), ;,,, A. B. Downing, ed., The Case for Voluntary Euthanasia.
철학탐구,??,.... (POLST),, (AD) ( ).!,,.
.,. 2..,. 12),.. 2) 죽음의의사 ( 擬似 ) 결정권과연고 ( 緣故 ) 결정권,.,, 2, 2., 3., 12)?.,.
철학탐구. 3... 2,...,,.,,. 13),...,, 13)..
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철학탐구.,,...... 3). 4. 의사조력자살과미성년자안락사.,. 14), /. 3 14) 1), 2).
... 3.. 3,.?,..,. 15) 15) Ronald Dworkin et al., <Assisted Suicide : The Philosophers Brief>, New York Review of Books, March 27, 1997, 41-47.
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Euthanasia, Law of Death with Dignity, and Well-dying Law Maeng, Jooman (Chung-Ang Univ.) In this paper My argument is as follows: the current law of death with dignity, alias dictus well-dying law limits target scopes of euthanasia to terminally ill patients very strictly, also does not realize properly the humane death in every true meaning of the word which is called realization of death with dignity. But not only that, it have a problem with not excluding arbitrariness and voluntariness of enforcement of euthanasia because of controling loosely ways of consent of the parties that want to pass peacefully away. Therefore target scopes of Euthanasia which limit to terminally ill patients have to enlarge up to legalization of aesthetic euthanasia which I argue for, and ways of consent of the parties have to have a more strict simultaneously Key w ords: Euthanasia, Law of Death with Dignity, Well-dying Law, Death with Dignity, aesthetic Euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide E-mail: maengjm@cau.ac.kr 2016 10 21 2016 10 30 2016 11 22