Picture View 항상다른물고기에게도움을주던 Rainbow Fish가이번에는곤경에빠졌습니다. 가지고있던조약돌까지떨어뜨릴정도로세찬폭풍이파란조약돌을줍던 Rainbow Fish를휘감아버린것입니다. Rainbow Fish는한치앞도보기힘든위태로운상황을거쳐낯선장소에떨어지게되

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step 1-1

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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장


CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

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2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628

뿔l 앓 醫 l활칸사 / 창간사 김 우 명 t 찰 즈i / 창간호 6 떠돌이 (시 ) 박 명 성 7 라 파스에서 생긴 일 이 달 호 14 아버지 만세 김 영 ;;<} 17 안타까운대면 박 명 성 21 석장의 졸엽장 임 숙 자 22 <;>!- 화 김 혜

- 2 -



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_KF_Bulletin webcopy

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< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>

April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습



How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활


1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck



새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의



희망풍차는 우리 주변의 소외된 어린이, 어르신, 다문화가족, 북한이주민과의 결연을 통해 생계, 의료, 주거, 교육 등 대상자에게 꼭 필요한 도움을 제공하는 국민참여형 통합적 맞춤형 휴먼 서비스입니다.


#1_초급 본문

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노래 리딩 챈트 MOTHER TIP Step 3 대상 : 9~10 세합리적으로생각해요. 나와가족중심의세계에서이웃과사회를보는시각이생겨나는시기입니다. 또한지적호기심이높아지고합리성이발달하며가치관의큰변화를겪게됩니다. 가족을포함한사회의다양한모습을담고있는책을접하게해주세요. Rainbow Fish Finds His Way 글 그림 _Marcus Pfister Rainbow Fish 가길을잃었습니다. 파란조약돌을줍다가폭풍에휘말려알수없는 장소로떠밀리게된것입니다. 막막한상황을용기와지혜로헤쳐나가는 Rainbow Fish 의새로운모습을만나보세요.

Picture View 항상다른물고기에게도움을주던 Rainbow Fish가이번에는곤경에빠졌습니다. 가지고있던조약돌까지떨어뜨릴정도로세찬폭풍이파란조약돌을줍던 Rainbow Fish를휘감아버린것입니다. Rainbow Fish는한치앞도보기힘든위태로운상황을거쳐낯선장소에떨어지게되고가시복어를만납니다. 낯선장소에서새로운누군가를만나당황할법도한데 Rainbow Fish는솔직한모습으로가시복어에게도움을청하는모습이인상적입니다. 이방인의이야기를눈을마주치며귀기울여들어주는가시복어의모습도인상적입니다. 가시복어는가리비를찾아 Rainbow Fish의친구가있는지대화를나누던중 Rainbow Fish의친구이기도한줄무늬물고기무리가있는곳을알게됩니다. 이때가리비가헤엄치기위해움직이는모습은한화면에순차적으로표현되어있어이색적인가리비의움직임을관찰하기에안성맞춤입니다. 비록가리비를따라가만난줄무늬물고기는 Rainbow Fish가알던물고기가아니었지만모두들같은마음으로 Rainbow Fish에게도움을주고자합니다. 드디어 Rainbow Fish는초록색줄무늬물고기무리를만났지만그들은 Rainbow Fish가집으로돌아갈수있는길을알지못했습니다. Rainbow Fish는실망이클법도한데무리에서떠났던줄무늬물고기를생각하라며그토록손에넣고싶어했던하나남은파란조약돌을줄무늬물고기에게선물로건넵니다. 집을찾지못할수도있는이힘든상황에서어떻게이런여유와배려하는마음이생길수있는지정말닮고싶은 Rainbow Fish의면모입니다. 이런따뜻한마음이기적을일으킨걸까요? 이것이단서가되어 Rainbow Fish는집으로돌아갈수있게되고무리에서떨어져나왔던줄무늬물고기도가족을찾게되는장면은아름다운바다속배경으로물고기들이조화롭게펼쳐져있어그감동이더해집니다. 언제든아이들도낯선장소, 낯선사람들을마주할수있습니다. 두려워하지말고열린마음으로세상과눈을맞춘다면이세상은동화속세상처럼눈부시게아름답지않을까상상해봅니다. Rainbow Fish 시리즈는배려, 용기, 나눔의기쁨등어쩌면도덕적이고이상적인주제를다루고있습니다. 작가는 Rainbow Fish의바다속세계처럼아이들이반짝이는마음을간직해아름답고행복한삶을가꾸길바라는마음으로이야기를만들지않았을까생각해봅니다.

Rainbow Fish Finds His Way 1. Background Knowledge - 아이들에게길을잃어버린적이있는지, 누구의도움을받았는지, 기분은어땠는지에대해이야기해봅니다. 만약그런경험이없는친구들은책이나영화등에서본것을바탕으로이야기해봅니다. Teacher: Have you ever gotten lost? How? Child: When I went to the mart, I wanted look at the robot. So I ran to look at them without my mom. Teacher: Where did you go to get some help? Child: I was crying. A man took me to an office. The man made an announcement over the speakers, and my mom came to get me. Teacher: How did you feel? Child: I panicked. I thought I wouldn t see my mom ever again. Teacher: How will you make sure you never get lost gain? Child: I will hold my mom's hand when there are many people around. And I have memorized my parents' phone numbers. 1. Picture Walking Cover Page Mom: What can you see on the cover page? Child: I can see Rainbow Fish and a puffer fish. Mom: Great. What do they see? Child: They see some spiky plants. Mom: Brilliant. Can you guess what will happen to Rainbow Fish? Child: He might lose his way. Mom: Oh, why do you think so? Child: Because I can read the title. Mom: All right. The title is Rainbow Fish Finds His way. Written by Marcus Pfister. Let's see what happens to Rainbow Fish.

Page 3~4 Mom: What can you see on this page? Child: I can see Rainbow Fish and a little striped fish. Mom: What does Rainbow Fish do? Child: He gathers blue pebbles. Mom: Can you see any other fish around? Child: No, and the little striped fish goes into a cave. Mom: Yes, right. A storm is coming. So all of Rainbow Fish's friends are inside the cave. Page 5~6 Mom: Look at Rainbow Fish. What happens to him? Child: The current is very strong. Rainbow Fish is swept away. Mom: Yes, the storm hits and he can't open his eyes. Is he all right? Child: I think it carries him away. Mom: Maybe. Page 7~8 Mom: The water is so cloudy and not clear. Child: Mom, I can't see Rainbow Fish very well. Mom: Yes, he can't see well either. Look at the small picture. He looks surprised. Can you guess why? Child: He doesn't know where he is. Mom: Why do you think he gets lost? Child: The current swept him away. and he sees something yellow. Mom: Super. He hears a voice when he backs into something prickly. Do you think he will find the way back home? Let s see. Page 9~10 Mom: What does Rainbow Fish see among some water cactuses? What is it?

Child: I guess it is a puffer fish. Mom: Do they know each other? Child: No, they have never seen each other. Mom: How can you tell? Child: Rainbow Fish is swept far away so he is a stranger here. Mom: Terrific. Now Rainbow Fish tells how the storm carried him away from his friends. Page 11~12 Mom: Do you know the word "school"? Child: A place where we study? Mom: Here "school" means a group of fish. When you look for something, what do you do first? Child: I have to describe it first. Mom: Yes. Now Rainbow Fish describes what Rainbow Fish's friends look like. They all have something special. Do you remember what it is? Child: They all have a shining scale. Mom: Brilliant. But the spiky puffer fish hasn't seen a scale like that. So whom does he take Rainbow fish to? Child: A clam? A shell? Mom: Very close. It is a scallop. He says the only school of fish around striped. Child: Striped fish? Rainbow Fish's friend! Page 13~ 14 Mom: The scallops will take Rainbow Fish to the striped fish. How do scallops move? Child: They don't have fins, so they use their shells like wings and shoot through the water. Mom: Yes, they are really fast.

Page 15~16 Mom: Where are they? Child: They are in the middle of a strange place. It is like a cave. Mom: Can you see a school of fish that blend into their surroundings? Child: Yes, yes. I can see them. Mom: Why do you think they hide in their surroundings? Child: There are many scary creatures that which try to eat them. They protect themselves from bigger animals. Mom: Wonderful. Do you think they are the striped fish Rainbow Fish is looking for? Child: Maybe not. Their colors are different. Page 17~18 Mom: You are right. What color are they? Child: They are not green. Rainbow Fish is looking for green striped fish. Mom: How does Rainbow Fish feel? Child: He is very disappointed. He thought he would find his friends. Mom: Oh, he shouldn t be disappointed yet. They say green striped fish are their cousins. Child: Mom, can Rainbow Fish find his friends and go back to his home? Mom: I hope so. Lots of friends help him so he will find his way back home. Page 19~20 Mom: Who does Rainbow Fish meet? Child: He meets the school of green and gold striped fish. Mom: Can he find his friend, the little striped fish, among them? Child: No. They look just like Rainbow Fish's friend. But the little striped fish is not there. Mom: The little striped fish is their lost brother. He was separated from his school. When they are told about his brother, how do they feel? Child: They are delighted. Because their brother is safe. Mom: But the green-striped fish don't know where Rainbow should go.

Page 21~22 Mom: What does Rainbow Fish give to the fish? Child: It is a blue pebble. Mom: Why do you think he gives it to the fish? Child: It is a kind of souvenir. Mom: Excellent. What were Rainbow Fish and the little striped fish doing when the storm was coming? Child: The little striped fish and Rainbow Fish were collecting blue pebbles. Mom: Yes. Rainbow Fish gives a blue pebble so the fish remember their brother. Child: Wow, that is cool! Page 23~24 Mom: How do Rainbow Fish and other fish look? Child: They look excited. Maybe they find out something. One fish has the blue pebble. Mom: Good guess! One striped fish knows where the blue pebbles can be found. Child: Then Rainbow Fish also can find his way home. Mom: Beautiful! The green-striped fish are happy to help Rainbow Fish. Page 25~26 Mom: What happens here? Child: Rainbow Fish comes back. All the fish are together. Mom: Can you see the little striped fish among Rainbow Fish's friends? Child: Yes, yes. He meets his friends too. Mom: At last, the two schools of fish are reunited with their lost friends. Child: I like this story. It has a really happy ending.

3. Comprehension Check Up Which creatures would you like to meet? -I would like to meet the striped fish. Because I couldn't recognize them at first. They blended into their surroundings. It was interesting. Rainbow Fish met many kinds of sea animals. What were they? -Rainbow Fish met the spiky puffer fish, the scallop, the green and gold striped fish, and the green striped fish. Why do you think the title is "Rainbow Fish Finds his Way"? -The current swept Rainbow Fish away and he didn't know where he was. So Rainbow Fish had to find out the way back home. What would happen to Rainbow Fish with his new friends? Draw your new conclusion. -Rainbow Fish and his friends would talk about the places where they were. They lived different places so they would come and go their home each other. 4. Activities 1) Map 만들기 책속에등장한 Rainbow Fish가만난물고기들을순서대로그려봅니다. Rainbow Fish가어디로갔는지지도를그려서 Rainbow Fish의이동경로를표시해봅니다. He met... He went...

2) Letter 쓰기 -책속에서 Rainbow Fish는운좋은하루를보냈습니다. 비록길을잃어버렸지만곧친구들의도움으로집으로무사히돌아올수있었습니다. Rainbow Fish라면친구에게어떤편지를쓸까요? Dear, How have you been? I am doing good. It was an exciting day today. I was swept away so I didn't know where I was. I felt so scared. Soon I met. And the little striped fish met his friends too! Next time when you visit me, you can meet my friends. I will write again. Love, Rainbow Fish