Dear friends of Austria, Michael Tauschmann Director Korea Austrian National Tourist Office The Austrian National Tourist Office welcomes you to the Tourism Business Seminar 2017. 13 Austrian suppliers of a wide range of touristic services present the very best of Austria and are keen on giving you new ideas and inspiration for vacation in Austria. Korea ranks among the three most important markets in Asia for incoming tourism to Austria. In 2016 Austria welcomed 273.477 tourists from Korea who produced 416.900 overnights. With our combined efforts these numbers are likely to increase even more in the future. We are looking forward to many interesting meetings and successful business collaborations! Austrian National Tourist Office 친해하는오스트리아벗여러분 2017년오스트리아관광청비즈니스세미나를찾아주셔서대단히감사합니다. 이번세미나에는다양한관광서비스를제공하는오스트리아의 13개업체가참가하여오스트리아에서의멋진여행을위한아이디어와영감을제공합니다. 한국은오스트리아를찾는관광객수측면에서아시아에서세손가락안에꼽히는매우의미있는시장입니다. 지난 2016년에는 273,477 명의한국관광객이오스트리아를찾았으며총 416,900 숙박수를기록하였습니다. 오스트리아관광업계와여러분의땀방울이함께하여앞으로도더많은한국인이오스트리아를방문할수있기를바랍니다. 오스트리아의관광업체와흥미롭고성공적인미팅및제휴가이루어지기를기대합니다. 오스트리아관광청 본행사는주한오스트리아대사관무역대표부의협조로개최됩니다.
오스트리아비즈니스세미나 2017 관광청인스부르크관광청 Innsbruck Tourismus 6 오버외스터라이히관광청 Upper Austrian Tourist Board 8 잘츠부르크관광청 Salzburg Tourist Office 10 슐라드밍 -다흐슈타인관광청 Schladming-Dachstein Tourism 12 비엔나관광청 Vienna Tourist Board 14 호텔 오스트리아트렌드호텔 Austria Trend Hotels 16 문화클로스터노이부르크수도원 Stift Klosterneuburg 18 폴크스오퍼비엔나 Volksoper Wien 20 비엔나레지던스오케스트라 비엔나호프부르크오케스트라 22 Wiener Residenzorchester Wiener Hofburg Orchester 빈홀딩 Wien Holding 24 비엔나쇤브룬팰리스오케스트라 Schönbrunn Palace Concerts Vienna 26 현지여행사 유로스콥인커밍 & 이벤트여행사 Euroscope Incoming & Events Touristik GmbH 28 YMK Travel YMK Travel 30 오스트리아관광청 Austrian National Tourist Office 32 주한오스트리아대사관무역대표부 The Austrian Embassy Commercial Section 33
AUSTRIA 국명 : 오스트리아공화국 면적 인구 국가 : 83,858 km2 : 약 850 만명 Republik Österreich : 산의나라, 강의나라 (Land der Berge, Land am Strome) 통화 : 유로 ( ) 종교 언어 기후 : 천주교 80%, 개신교 5%, 이슬람교, 유대교등 : 인구의 99 퍼센트가독일어를사용하며그뒤를이어영어가압도적으로많이쓰이는제 2 언어다. : 위도 47 도에위치한오스트리아는전반적으로적정하고온화한기후를보인다. 여름에는한낮기온이종종섭씨 32 도를넘길정도로덥지만저녁에는선선한편이다. 일년내내비가고루내리지만, 5 월과 9 월그리고 10 월전반은가장건조한반면 4 월과 11 월은가장습하다. 오스트리아의골짜기는 12 월부터다음해 3 월까지보통눈으로뒤덮여있으며, 해발고도 1800 미터부근은 11 월부터다음해 5 월까지눈에덮여있다. 비엔나관광청 Vienna Tourist Board 폴크스오퍼비엔나 Volksoper Wien 비엔나레지던스오케스트라비엔나호프부르크오케스트라 Wiener Residenzorchester Wiener Hofburg Orchester 빈홀딩 Wien Holding 비엔나쇤브룬팰리스오케스트라 Schönbrunn Palace Concerts Vienna 유로스콥인커밍 & 이벤트여행사 Euroscope Incoming & Events Touristik GmbH 오스트리아트렌드호텔 Austria Trend Hotels 잘츠부르크관광청 Salzburg Tourist Office 클로스터노이부르크수도원 Stift Klosterneuburg 오버외스터라이히관광청 Upper Austrian Tourist Board Linz St. Pölten WIEN OBERÖSTERREICH NIEDERÖSTERREICH YMK Travel Eisenstadt Bregenz Fieberbrunn SALZBURGER LAND STEIERMARK VORARLBERG TIROL Kitzbühel 인스부르크관광청 Innsbruck Tourismus 슐라드밍 - 다흐슈타인관광청 Schladming-Dachstein Tourism BURGENLAND KÄRNTEN Klagenfurt Graz 4
HALL MAP 라비두스 2017 년 9 월 5 일 13:30 17:00 유로스콥인커밍 & 이벤트여행사 Euroscope Incoming & Events Touristik GmbH 빈홀딩 Wien Holding 오스트리아트렌드호텔 Austria Trend Hotels 비엔나관광청 Vienna Tourist Board 비엔나쇤브룬팰리스오케스트라 Schönbrunn Palace Concerts Vienna 오버외스터라이히관광청 Upper Austrian Tourist Board 폴크스오퍼비엔나 Volksoper Wien 클로스터노이부르크수도원 Stift Klosterneuburg 슐라드밍 - 다흐슈타인관광청 Schladming-Dachstein Tourism YMK Travel Entrance 오스트리아관광청 Austrian National Tourist Office 비엔나레지던스오케스트라비엔나호프부르크오케스트라 Wiener Residenzorchester Wiener Hofburg Orchester 잘츠부르크관광청 Salzburg Tourist Office 인스부르크관광청 Innsbruck Tourismus 5
인스부르크관광청 Innsbruck Tourismus Burggraben 3 6020 Innsbruck - Austria www.innsbruck.info 페터운진 Peter Unsinn Marketing Manager Asia, USA and UK T +43 512 59850 148, F +43 512 59850 107 p.unsinn@innsbruck.info 고영두 Young D. Koh koh@prworld.kr Alpine Urban Lifestyle Innsbruck Tourismus is responsible for marketing Innsbruck the Capital of the Alps and its 25 holiday villages worldwide. The aim is to increase overnight stays and length of stay in our region. Therefore, we work together with tour operators, press and media portals and facilitate contact to all tourism suppliers (hotels, sights). Our in-house incoming agency Innsbruck Reservierung offers commissionable, tailor-made packages, hotels and activities. We would like to increase working together with tour operators and, thus, create a winwin situation for both and the tourists as well. 알프스의수도에서즐기는도시라이프스타일 인스부르크관광청은 알프스의수도 인스부르크와인스부르크의아름다운휴양지 25 곳을세계에널리알리고홍보하고있습니다. 인스부르크를방문하는관광객유치와숙박일수증대를목표로본관광청은투어오퍼레이터를비롯하여언론및미디어포털과협력하고있으며, 방문객들이각종관광관련업체 ( 호텔, 관광지 ) 와연락이원활하도록지원하고있습니다. 소속기관인인스부르크예약 (Innsbruck Reservierung) 에서는커미션이가능한, 맞춤형패키지, 호텔및각종엑티비티를제공합니다. 인스부르크관광청은투어오퍼레이터들과의협력증진으로상호간은물론, 관광객들과도상생관계를구축하고자합니다. 6
광Notes: 청페터운진 Peter Unsinn 고영두 Young D. Koh Innsbruck 7 관
오버외스터라이히관광청 Upper Austrian Tourist Board Freistaedter Strasse 119, 4041 Linz - Austria www.upperaustria.at 도리스프라허 Doris Praher International Markets China & South Korea T +43 732 7277-559, M +43 664 828 39 14 F +43 732 7277-9559 doris.praher@oberoesterreich.at 마르타빌리크 Marta Bielik Head of International Markets T +43 732 7277-590, M +43 664 8283935 F +43 732 7277-9590 Marta.bielik@oberoesterreich.at Upper Austria: Incredible surprises in the heart of Austria From the mountains and lakes of the Salzkammergut with the imperial town of Bad Ischl, to the romantic ""town of two rivers"", Steyr, all the way to the regional capital of Linz, inspiring city of culture, on the banks of the Danube. Plus, plenty of culture and tradition, as well as modern architecture and charming hosts at every turn. Upper Austria is situated in an accessible location between Salzburg and Vienna and still holds much to be discovered. For example there is a direct train connection to Linz from Vienna Airport. (The ÖBB Railjet service takes 1 hour 40 min, no changes.) Upper Austrian highlights at any time of year UNESCO pile-dwellings and the renowned Klimt Centre located at Attersee. The popularity of Upper Austria as a filming location for famous movies, for example at Traunsee. ""The Sound of Music"" featured Wolfgangsee and Mondsee, while the Ausseerland in the Styrian region of the Salzkammergut served as a location for James Bond. Our unique landscape of mountains and lakes is perfect for hiking, biking and watersports. And offers unique photo points. 오버외스터라이히주 (Oberösterreich, Upper Austria): 오스트리아중심부에서만나는경이로운장관 황제의도시 바트이슐 (Bad Ischl) 이자리한잘츠카머구트 (Salzkammergut) 지방의산과호수, 두줄기강이흐르는낭만적인슈타이어, 그리고도나우강이가로지르는주도이자문화의도시린츠에이르기까지, 오버외스터라이히주는풍요로운문화 전통과현대적인건축물이공존하는곳으로, 어디에서나친절한현지인들을만날수있습니다. 또한, 잘츠부르크와비엔나사이에위치하여접근성이훌륭합니다. 비엔나공항에서린츠까지직통열차도운행됩니다. ( 오스트리아레일젯, 환승없이 1 시간 40 분소요 ) 언제어느때찾아도아름다운오버외스터라이히오버외스터라이히주아터제 (Attersee) 에는유네스코문화유산으로등재된수상가옥과유명한구스타프클림트센터가위치해있습니다. 오버외스터라이히주는유명한영화촬영지로관광명소가되었습니다. 트라운제호수 (Traunsee) 도그중하나죠. 볼프강제호수 (Wolfgangsee) 와몬트제 (Mondsee) 마을은영화 < 사운드오브뮤직 > 의촬영지입니다. 한편, 잘츠카머쿠트지방아우스제어란트 (Ausseerland) 는제임스본드시리즈 <007 스펙터 > 에등장했습니다. 산과호수가어우러지는오버외스트라이히만의자연환경은하이킹이나자전거, 다양한수상스포츠를즐기기에도더할나위없습니다. 더불어세상어디에도없는멋진사진도남길수있습니다! 8
광Notes: 청도리스프라허 Doris Praher 마르타빌리크 Marta Bielik Linz 9 관
잘츠부르크관광청 Salzburg Tourist Office Auerspergstr. 6, 5020 Salzburg-Austria www.salzburg.info 헤르베르트브룩거 Herbert Brugger Managing Director / Marketing representative T +43 662 88987-0, F +43 662 88987-32 marketing@salzburg.info 낸시최 Nancy Choi F +82 2 773 6421 nancychoi@cjsw.co.kr Salzburg Stage of the World This city is music. As the birthplace of W. A. Mozart, as the stage for the famous and glamourous Salzburg Festival and as the film location for The Sound of Music, Salzburg is known all over the world. On a closer look, you can find the perfect harmony of nature and architecture, art and culture, tradition and modernity. The soft green city mountains surrounding the baroque center invite to a picturesque and romantic stroll ending in one of the many cozy beergardens. In 2018, Salzburg celebrates the 200th anniversary of the famous Christmas Carol Silent Night with special performances and experiences. Salzburg is a Mecca for classical music and in 2018, the Salzburg Easter Festival commemorates the 110th birthday of famous conductor Herbert von Karajan. 2020 is a year to mark red in your calendar, with the Centennial of the Salzburg Festival. The Salzburg Card is your key to the city of Salzburg. It provides free admission to all sights and museums in Salzburg and serves as your ticket for all public transportation in the city. 잘츠부르크 세계의무대 음악의도시잘츠부르크는모차르트의고향이자화려한잘츠부르크페스티벌의무대이며영화 < 사운드오브뮤직 > 의촬영지로세계적으로널리알려져있습니다. 하지만이것만이전부가아닙니다. 자연과건축, 예술과문화, 전통과현대가완벽하게어우러진도시라는사실도조금만둘러보면금세알수있습니다. 바로크풍도심을에워싼연초록빛산들은그림같은경치로발길을인도하고, 그낭만적인산책길끝에는아늑한노천술집이기다리고있습니다. 2018 년에는유명한크리스마스캐럴 ' 고요한밤거룩한밤 (Silent Night)' 의작곡 200 주년을기념하여특별공연과다양한행사가펼쳐집니다. 더불어클래식음악의메카라는명성에걸맞게 2018 년부활절축제에서세계적거장헤르베르트폰카라얀의탄생 110 주년기념행사를진행할예정입니다. 2020 년은잘츠부르크페스티벌이 100 주년을맞는해이니달력에미리빨간동그라미를쳐두어도좋겠습니다. 잘츠부르크카드는잘츠부르크시로들어가는열쇠입니다. 이카드만있으면잘츠부르크내의모든관광지와박물관에무료로입장할수있으며, 시내모든대중교통수단을이용할수있습니다. 10
광Notes: 청헤르베르트브룩거 Herbert Brugger 낸시최 Nancy Choi Salzburg 11 관
슐라드밍 - 다흐슈타인관광청 Schladming-Dachstein Tourism Ramsauerstraße 756 8970 Schladming - Austria www.schladming-dachstein.at 마티아스샤트라이트너 Mathias Schattleitner Managing Director, CEO T +43 3687 23310 F +43 3687 23232 sales@schladming-dachstein.at Pristine landscapes, lush green alpine valleys, the imposing limestone walls of the glaciated Dachstein Massif, 300 mountain lakes and 100 waterfalls - that is mountain summer in Schladming-Dachstein in the heart of Austria. Proof of the variety of athletic activities can be found in 1000 km of hiking trails, 930 km of cycling and mountain biking tracks, 20 via ferrata, 45 running and Nordic walking tracks and 5 golf courses. Not to mention the other exciting opportunities: climbing, rafting, canyoning, archery, paragliding, Zipline and summer alpine coaster. The Dachstein glacier is our region s No.1 excursion destination on 2.700 m with attractions such as the Sky Walk, Ice Palace and Austria s highest suspension footbridge with its Stairway to Nothingness, glacier restaurant and much more, which can be reached by our visitors via the Dachstein»Panorama Cable-Car«. A total of 230 km of slopes with guaranteed snow, 88 lifts and 98 ski lodges will provide for unlimited skiing fun. Schladming-Dachstein is a member of Ski amadé - Austria's largest skiing area. Off-piste options include winter hiking and snow-shoe hiking, ski touring, horsedrawn sleigh rides and tobogganing. 태초적자연을간직한풍광, 초록빛알프스계곡, 빙하로뒤덮인다흐슈타인단층지괴의웅대한석회암암벽, 300 여개의산중호수와 100 여개의폭포를만날수있는기회. 바로오스트리아중심부에자리한슐라드밍 - 다흐슈타인의웅장한산림에서경험할수있는여름입니다. 1000km 의하이킹코스, 930km 의사이클및산악자전거트랙, 20 여곳의비아페라타 (via ferrata: 고정케이블, 발판, 사다리와다리등으로구성된산악루트 ), 5 개의골프코스등이있어다양한스포츠활동을즐길수있습니다. 등산, 래프팅, 캐녀닝 (canyoning, 계류타기 ), 양궁, 패러글라이딩, 짚라인, 여름썰매등또다른즐거움을누릴기회도놓칠수없지요. 다흐슈타인빙하 (Dachstein Gletscher) 는해발 2700m 높이에자리한이지역의으뜸여행지로스카이워크, 얼음궁전, ' 천국의계단 (Stairway to Nothingness)' 으로이어지는오스트리아최고 ( 最高 ) 의보행자용현수교, 빙하레스토랑등의명소들이있으며, 다흐슈타인파노라마케이블카를타고올라갈수있습니다. 뛰어난설질을자랑하는총 230km 길이의슬로프, 88 기의리프트와 98 곳의스키산장에서는스키의즐거움을무한히누릴수있습니다. 슐라드밍 - 다흐슈타인은오스트리아최대의스키지역인스키아마데 (Ski amadé) 에속해있습니다. 스키뿐만아니라겨울하이킹과스노슈하이킹, 스키투어링, 말썰매, 터보건등을즐길수있습니다. 12
광Notes: 청마티아스샤트라이트너 Mathias Schattleitner Schladming-Dachstein 13 관
비엔나관광청 Vienna Tourist Board Invalidenstrasse 6 1030 Vienna - Austria www.vienna.info 구드룬엔글 Gudrun Engl Director Market & Media Management T +43 1 211 14-300 F +43 1 211 14-700 gudrun.engl@vienna.info Vienna Tourist Board Your Partner in Vienna The Vienna Tourist Board is the city s official destination marketing agency for the tourism industry. The Vienna Tourist Board s market management is the primary point of contact for tour organizers and travel agencies. We facilitate contact with Vienna s hotels, incoming agencies, museums, restaurants and many other service providers, and deliver detailed and objective reporting on Vienna s tourism offerings. We are your contact party for joint advertizing campaigns and study groups, and a resource for promotional materials about Vienna. Find all the information that you need about Vienna comprehensive, up-to-date and available in 13 languages at www.vienna.info. On our B2B website www.b2b.vienna.info, the following documents are available for downloading: Advertising Media Catalogue Event-Highlights Destination Guide Vienna City Card Affiliate Partner Vienna Photo Database: www.viennaphoto.com Vienna Experts Club Int: www.viennaexpertsclub.at 비엔나관광청 여러분의파트너 비엔나관광청은관광산업진흥을위한비엔나의공식관광마케팅기관입니다. 비엔나관광청은투어오거나이저와여행사들과연락을취할수있는 1 차적통로를제공해드립니다. 비엔나관광청은비엔나의호텔, 인바운드여행사, 박물관, 식당등관련업체들과의연락을지원하며, 비엔나관광상품에대한상세하고객관적인정보를제공합니다. 합동광고와연구단체, 비엔나관련홍보물제작을위한자료를원하시면비엔나관광청으로연락주시기바랍니다. 비엔나에대한필요한모든정보는 www.vienna.info 를이용해주세요. 최신자료를 13 개언어로이용할수있습니다. B2B 웹사이트 www.b2b.vienna.info 에서는아래와같은자료를내려받을수있습니다. 미디어광고카탈로그 행사 - 하이라이트 관광가이드 비엔나시티카드제휴업체 비엔나사진데이터베이스 : www.viennaphoto.com 비엔나국제엑스퍼트클럽 : www.viennaexpertsclub.at 14
구드룬엔글 Gudrun Engl WienTourismus / Christian Stemper WienTourismus / Christian Stemper Notes: Wien 15
오스트리아트렌드호텔 Austria Trend Hotels Lassallestrasse 3 1020 Vienna - Austria www.austria-trend.at 야쿱 J. 카니아 Jakub J. Kania Sales Manager Leisure T +43 1 58800 846, F +43 1 58800 888 jakub.kania@austria-trend.at AUSTRIA TREND HOTELS With 26 Austria Trend Hotels, Verkehrsbüro Group is the largest Austrian hotel group. Our hotels are the ideal starting point for city and business trips with 15 hotels in Vienna alone. The four star hotels are the core. Seven hotels operate in the Austrian state capitals of Salzburg, Graz, Linz and Innsbruck. In the neighboring countries, we are represented with the Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana and Austria Trend Hotel Bratislava. The portfolio also includes two resort hotels in Kitzbühel and Fieberbrunn. Schönbrunn Palace Grand Suite Austria Trend Hotels now offer you a unique opportunity not only to visit Schönbrunn Palace, but also to reside there surrounded by an opulent splendour once known only to members of the imperial family. The Schönbrunn Palace Grand Suite gives guests a completely new insight into the history, luxury and imperial flair of this fabulous abode. The hotel suite in Schönbrunn Palace represents another valuable addition to the list of unusual places to stay in Europe. http://thesuite.at/ 오스트리아트렌드호텔 오스트리아트렌드호텔 26 개를보유한페어케어스뷰로그룹 (Verkehrsbüro Group) 은오스트리아최대의호텔그룹입니다. 오스트리아트렌드호텔은관광과비즈니스여행에이상적인출발점을제공하며, 비엔나에만 15 개의호텔을보유하고있습니다. 4 성호텔이중심을이루며, 오스트리아의각주도잘츠부르크, 그라츠, 린츠, 인스부르크에서 7 개호텔을운영중입니다. 인근국가에서호텔들로는오스트리아트렌드호텔루블라냐 (Ljubljana) 와오스트리아트렌드호텔브라티슬라바 (Bratislava) 가대표적입니다. 키츠뷔엘 (Kitzbühel) 과피버브룬 (Fieberbrunn) 에도 2 개의리조트호텔이있습니다. 쇤브룬궁전그랜드스위트 오스트리아트렌드호텔은현재쇤브룬궁전관광은물론궁전에서묵을수있는특별한기회를제공하고있습니다. 황실가족들만이쓰던호화로운실내공간에둘러싸인채말이죠. 쇤브룬궁전그랜드스위트는역사와화려함, 황실의체취가배어있는이근사한거처를새로운시각으로들여다볼수있게해줍니다. 유럽에서묵을이색적인숙소를찾고계신다면, 쇤브룬궁전의그랜드스위트호텔을놓치지마세요. http://thesuite.at/ 16
Notes: 텔야쿱 J. 카니아 Jakub J. Kania Innsbruck Salzburg Linz Fieberbrunn Kitzbühel Graz Wien 17 호
클로스터노이부르크수도원 Stift Klosterneuburg Stiftsplatz 1 3400 Klosterneuburg - Austria www.stift-klosterneuburg.at 고트프리드프라그너 Gottfried Fragner Director of Culture T +43 2243 411 254, +43 676 4479062 F +43 2243 411 299 g.fragner@stift-klosterneuburg.at On Vienna's doorstep Klosterneuburg Monastery was founded over 900 years ago by the Babenberg Margrave Leopold III who later became the patron saint of Austria. It was the residence of the Babenbergs as well as the Habsburgs, and an important place in the story of Austria s birth, as recorded in numerous written documents still preserved in the monastery archive and in the monastery library as contemporary witnesses to history. But above all, the crown of the Archduchy of Austria, the Austrian Archducal Hat, is also kept in the Treasure Chamber. Incidentally, the chronicle records that the Monastery was also endowed with vineyards by Leopold III, and can thus look back on a nine-hundred- year tradition of wine making. This makes Klosterneuburg Monastery Austria s oldest existing winery. All this lends Klosterneuburg Monastery ist unique charm, which is amply expressed in various attractive themed tours. 비엔나의관문클로스터노이부르크수도원 (Klosterneuburg Monastery) 은바벤베르크왕가의마르그라베레오폴트 3 세 ( 훗날오스트리아의수호성인이됨 ) 가 900 여년전건립했습니다. 이곳은바벤베르크왕조에이어합스부르크황실이거주하였던곳으로, 수도원내서고와도서관에보존되어있는많은문서를통해오스트리아건국역사의의미있는장소라는사실을찾아볼수있습니다. 특히수도원의보물실은역사적유물인오스트리아대공의왕관을소장하고있습니다. 연대기를보면레오폴트 3 세가수도원에포도원도하사했다는기록이있는데, 이에따르면와인제조의전통이 900 년이나이어져온셈입니다. 덕분에클로스터노이부르크수도원은오스트리아에현존하는가장오래된와이너리로인정받고있습니다. 이렇게클로스터노이부르크수도원은독특한매력을지닌곳입니다. 다양한테마관광을통해크로스터노이부르크수도원만의매력을즐겨보세요. 18
문화고트프리드프라그너 Gottfried Fragner Notes: Klosterneuburg 19
폴크스오퍼비엔나 Volksoper Wien Währinger Straße 78 1090 Vienna - Austria www.volksoper.at 프리스카올브리흐 Prisca Olbrich Head of Marketing T +43 1 514 44-3416 F +43 1 514 44-3459 prisca.olbrich@volksoper.at Volksoper Vienna The Volksoper is Vienna s main stage for operetta, opera, musicals and ballet, offering sophisticated musical entertainment. Colourful, eclectic and full of vitality, it is the only theatre dedicated to the genre of operetta. Also performed are operas from the 18th to the 21st century, as well as classic musicals and ballet. The repertoire of the Vienna Volksoper ranges from the operetta ""The Merry Widow"" to Mozart's ""The Magic Flute"", from the beloved musical ""The Sound of Music"" to the ballet ""Cendrillon"". First class singers, actors and dancers together with a versatile orchestra cunjure up a musical firework display every evening. In the repertory theatre, which seats 1,337 people some 300 performances of around 30 different productions are staged every year between September and June. 폴크스오퍼비엔나 폴크스오퍼비엔나 (Volksoper Vienna) 는오페레타, 오페라, 뮤지컬, 발레공연을상연하는비엔나의주요공연장으로고급스러운음악적즐거움을선사합니다. 다양한분야의공연이펼쳐지는다채롭고활기찬폴크스오퍼비엔나는오페레타를중시하는유일한극장으로, 18 세기부터 21 세기까지의오페라뿐아니라클래식뮤지컬과발레도상연하며, 오페레타 < 유쾌한미망인 >, 모차르트의오페라 < 마술피리 >, 큰사랑을받은뮤지컬 < 사운드오브뮤직 >, 발레 < 신데렐라 > 에이르는다양한레퍼토리를자랑합니다. 최고수준의가수, 배우, 무용수들이뛰어난실력의오케스트라와함께매일저녁음악의향연을펼칩니다. 1,337 석규모의레퍼토리극장에서는매년 9 월부터이듬해 6 월까지약 30 개프로덕션의 300 여회공연이무대에올려집니다. 20
문화프리스카올브리흐 Prisca Olbrich Notes: Wien 21
비엔나레지던스오케스트라비엔나호프부르크오케스트라 Wiener Residenzorchester Wiener Hofburg Orchester Auerspergstrasse 1 1080 Vienna - Austria www.wro.at www.hofburgorchester.at 라미쿠나쿠 Lami Cunaku Managing Partner T +43 1 817 2178, F +43 1 813 2865 lami@wro.at Experience the unique musical tradition of original Viennese Classical Music as in the days of Mozart and the Strauss Dynasty at beautiful baroque palace Palais Auersperg, the Vienna Imperial Palace ( Wiener Hofburg ) or other important historical locations in Vienna. Wiener Residenzorchester and Wiener Hofburg Orchester, two of the best known classical orchestras in Vienna, present in small and larger ensembles the musical highlights of W.A. Mozart and the world famous music of the Johann Strauss Dynasty such as The Blue Danube Waltz and The Radetzky March. These events continue this classical tradition enabling the audience to feel the unique spirit of this era. Particular emphasis is placed on authentic interpretation of the works. The musicians are accompanied by opera singers and classical ballet dancers, some of them performing in historical costumes. There are also special concerts at other famous historical halls in Vienna. 세계유일무이의오리지널클래식음악을체험하세요. 비엔나에서는아름다운바로크양식궁전 팔레아우어슈페르크 (Palais Auersperg) 와호프부르크왕궁을비롯해여러역사적장소들에서모차르트시대와요한슈트라우스시대의비엔나클래식음악이연주됩니다. 비엔나에서최고의명성을떨치는비엔나레지던스오케스트라 (Wiener Residenzorchester) 와비엔나호프부르크오케스트라 (Wiener Hofburg Orchester) 가모차르트최고의명곡들과요한슈트라우스부자의 < 아름답고푸른도나우강 >, < 라데츠키행진곡 > 등세계적으로유명한곡들을선사합니다. 이런공연은클래식의전통을이어가며관객들이이시대특유의정서를느낄수있도록해줍니다. 비엔나클래식공연에서무엇보다눈에띄는부분은작품에대한정통적인해석입니다. 연주자들은오페라가수및클래식발레무용수들과협연하며, 때로는전통의상을입고연주하기도합니다. 비엔나의다른역사적건물에서도특별연주회가열립니다. 22
문화23 라미쿠나쿠 Lami Cunaku Notes: Wien
빈홀딩 Wien Holding Universitätsstraße 11 1010 Vienna - Austria www.wienholding.at 니나뇌리그 Nina Nöhrig Tourism & Sales T +43 1 5121791 30 F +43 1 5121791 91 n.noehrig@mozarthausvienna.at Wien Holding Experience culture with Wien Holding, one of Europe s largest entertainment groups and an important factor in Vienna s cultural and event life. The four Wien Holding museums are major Viennese institutions with a strong cultural footprint: Mozarthaus Vienna a center for Mozarts life and work in Vienna with the only still existing Viennese apartment Mozart used to live in Haus der Musik a modern, interactive sound museum talking about Vienna s great composers Jewish Museum Vienna devoted to Jewish history, culture and tradition on two sites Kunst Haus Wien with Hunderwasser collection houses not only his artwork but also top international exhibitions of contemporary art with a focus on photography Besides the museums Wien Holding offers grand operas at the Theater an der Wien, world-class musicals at the Raimund Theater and the Ronacher, top stars and events at the Wiener Stadthalle, the popular fast catamaran Twin City Liner and ships of DDSG Blue Danube as well as Wien-Ticket, one of Austria s largest ticketing service company. 빈홀딩유럽최대의엔터테인먼트그룹중하나이자비엔나문화행사에서중요한역할을하는빈홀딩 (Wien Holding) 과함께비엔나의문화를체험하세요. 빈홀딩이관리하는네곳의박물관은지대한문화적족적을남긴비엔나의주요기관입니다. 비엔나모차르트하우스 (Mozarthaus Vienna) 비엔나에서모차르트가거처했던집들중모차르트생애와작품을볼수있는현존유일의건물 하우스오브뮤직 (Haus der Musik) 비엔나의대표적인작곡가들에대한이야기를들려주는현대적인체험형음악박물관 비엔나유대인박물관 (Jewish Museum Vienna) 유대인의역사와문화, 전통을소개 쿤스트하우스비엔나 (Kunst Haus Wien) 비엔나가배출한세계적건축가훈데르트바써의다양한작품을소장하고있으며, 사진에중점을둔세계최고수준의현대미술작품들을전시. 박물관외에도빈홀딩은테아터안데어빈 (Theater an der Wien) 에서그랜드오페라를, 라이문트극장 (Raimund Theater) 과로나허극장 (Ronacher Theater) 에서는세계적수준의뮤지컬을, 비엔나슈타트할레 (Wiener Stadthalle) 와인기많은쾌속쌍동선트윈시티라이너와 DDSG 블루다뉴브호에서는톱스타행사를제공하며, 그밖에도오스트리아에서손꼽히는티켓팅서비스업체비엔나티켓 (Wien-Ticket) 도운영하고있습니다. 24
문화니나뇌리그 Nina Nöhrig Notes: Wien 25
비엔나쇤브룬팰리스오케스트라 Schönbrunn Palace Concerts Vienna Schönbrunn Schlossstrasse 47 1130 Vienna - Austria www.imagevienna.com 페터호젝 Peter Hosek Managing Director T +43 1 812 5004 peter.hosek@imagevienna.com The Schoenbrunn Palace Orchestra invites you to a fantastic evening of music, dancing and singing in the historical Orangery at Schoenbrunn Palace! Enjoy classical music in a place where Mozart has conducted himself! The Viennese Orangery was used as a location for magnificent festivities as far back as the days of the emperor Joseph II. We are continuing this tradition! The musical performance of the well known Schoenbrunn Palace Orchestra will be the highlight of your trip to Vienna! In the longest Orangery building in the world, you will be transported to the Viennese Classical era with music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Strauss. Two opera singers will accompany through the evening, as well as a charming pair of ballet dancers. Daily at 8:30 p.m. Exclusive Group Packages e.g. Dinner & Concert or Evening Palace Tours & Concert are available. In combination with the concert you can enjoy an exclusive guided Palace tour after the official closing hour in combination with a dinner and our marvellous concert. 비엔나쇤브룬팰리스오케스트라 (Schönbrunn Palace Orchestra) 가여러분을쇤브룬궁전의유서깊은오랑제리 (Orangery) 에서펼쳐지는환상적인음악과춤, 노래의밤으로초대합니다! 모차르트가직접연주했던장소에서클래식음악을만끽하세요! 비엔나오랑제리는요제프 2 세황제시대에성대한축제가열리던곳입니다. 지금도이런전통은계속이어지고있습니다! 저명한비엔나쇤브룬팰리스오케스트라의연주는비엔나여행의하이라이트가될것입니다! 세계에서가장긴오랑제리건물에서여러분은볼프강아마데우스모차르트와요한슈트라우스의음악에실려비엔나의고전시대로시간여행을하게될것입니다. 2 명의오페라가수와매력적인발레무용수한쌍이기나긴밤여러분과동행합니다. 연주회 : 매일오후 8 시 30 분 단체전용패키지예 : "" 디너 & 콘서트 "" 또는 "" 야간궁전투어 & 콘서트 "" 이용가능. 연주회와더불어세상어디에도없는야간가이드궁전투어를할수있습니다. 투어는디너와함께한환상적인콘서트가끝난후공식마감시간이후에진행됩니다. 26
Notes: 화페터호젝 Peter Hosek Wien 27 문
유로스콥인커밍 & 이벤트여행사 Euroscope Incoming & Events Touristik GmbH Annagasse 5/1/5, 1010 Vienna - Austria www.euroscope.at 임창로 Changro Im President T +43 1513 4979 20 F +43 1513 4979 33 im@euroscope.at 양교순 Kyosoon YANG miso@euroscope.at 1. Specialist in central and eastern European area Euroscope has a lot of experiences in Central and Eastern Europe including Austria and is specialized in roundtrips through several countries offering best prices and the highest quality. 2. Theme Tours: Classical music In the woods of Vienna, you can enjoy by walking on exactly the same path where Beethoven was composing his 9th Symphony. Buildings in the center of Vienna tell stories about famous musicians and their music. You can also enjoy every night to visit a concert such as Staatsoper, Volksoper, Musikverein etc. Drink coffee at the Cafe Haus, where Schönberg also enjoyed his Melange and Wine and Dinner at historical Heurigen, where such as Mozart or Schubert visited often in Vienna! 3. Business Visits Many tourists come to Europe in order to broaden their horizons and to make important business contacts. 1. 중유럽및동유럽전문가유로스콥은다년간의경험을바탕으로다채로운유럽여행상품으로다양한투어그룹의니즈를충족시켜오고있습니다. 유로스콥은오스트리아를포함한중유럽및동유럽여행패키지상품을주력상품으로내놓고있습니다. 좋은가격으로최고퀄리티의서비스를제공하고있습니다. 2. 테마투어 : 클래식음악비엔나숲을거닐며슈베르트의가곡을또는마차를타고요한슈트라우스의왈츠를감상하는일, 또는베토벤이제 9 교향곡의악상을떠올리며산책하던산책로를거니는일이가능한곳. 이처럼비엔나도시곳곳에는전세계클래식음악계거장들의이야기와그들의음악이야기가담겨있습니다. 수많은음악가들이거쳐간도시에걸맞게비엔나에는국립오페라하우스, 콘서트하우스, 뮤지크페어라인등과같은전통있는콘서트홀들도여럿있습니다. 뿐만아니라, 슈베르트, 베토벤, 브람스, 모차르트의생가도방문해볼수있습니다. 아놀드쇤베르크가멜랑쥐커피를즐겼던비엔나커피하우스에들러비엔나본고장커피를마셔보기를, 그리고베토벤하우스에서와인한잔을곁들인다이닝을즐겨보기를적극추천해봅니다. 3. 비즈니스여행유럽을찾는여행객들중에는비즈니스를목적으로, 예컨대새로운판로를개척하기위하여또는기존비즈니스파트너와의네트워킹을위하여또는새로운파트너십을구축하기위하여여행을계획하는이들도많습니다. 28
현지여행사29 임창로 Changro Im 양교순 Kyosoon YANG Notes: Wien
YMK Travel Franz-Josef-Kai 5 5020 Salzburg - Austria www.ymktravel.com 윤성원 Yun Sungwon President T +43 676 780 7180 hello@ymktravel.com Based in Salzburg, Austria, YMK Travel organizes round trips and theme tours of Austria, offers services for FIT tourists including concert ticketing as well as for European outbound travellers to Korea. Next to the office in Salzburg s historic old town, YMK Travel also operates a tax-free shop for group and individual tourists. Not only is YMK s manager a Korean national with years of experience as a state-licenced tour guide in Austria, but as Korean speaking staff is also always available at the office and shop, FIT travellers can expect the best service in their mother tongue, from information about sights and tours to restaurant recommendations. Several discount options for shops and concerts are on offer as well. For music lovers, YMK provides ticketing services for classical concerts and operas, e.g. at the Salzburg Festival, the Vienna State Opera or the Bregenz Festival, as well as for special events like the New Year s Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic. YMK Travel 은오스트리아짤츠부르크에위치하고있는정식현지여행사입니다. 오스트리아일주여행, FIT 여행, 테마여행, 공연티켓팅, 한국행아웃바운드여행을주업무로하고있으며사무실과같은건물에여행그룹및개별여행객들을위한면세점도같이운영하고있습니다. 또한 YMK Travel 의대표한국직원이오스트리아정식가이드라이센스를가지고있기때문에오스트리아투어에있어서다양한강점을가지고있습니다. 한국인직원이항상상주하고있어서 FIT 여행객들을위한한국어여행정보상담및맛집추천등오스트리아여행객분들에게가장적합한서비스를제공하고있습니다. 조금더특별한오스트리아및독일남부지역투어, 다양한할인옵션들을가지고있는 FIT 투어그리고비엔나국립오페라극장과세계최고클래식음악축제짤츠부르크음악페스티벌, 특별한분들만의최고급신년음악회등오스트리아, 독일지역최고급공연티켓구입또한 YMK Travel 에문의하실수있습니다. 30
지여행Notes: 사윤성원 Yun Sungwon Salzburg 31 현
오스트리아관광청 Austrian National Tourist Office Ohe Bldg. 2F, 3-12-3 Moto-azabu Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0046 Japan www.austria.info 오니시하루카 Haruka Onishi Marketing Manager T +81 3 6804 2115 haruka.onishi@austria.info The Austrian National Tourist Office is Austria s national tourism organization. Since 1955 the main objective of the association has been the promotion of Austria as a vacation destination. ANTO s central goal is to secure and expand tourism in Austria and increase competitiveness in cooperation with all Austrian tourism partners. By doing so, ANTO contributes essentially to increasing Austria s market share in international tourism. 오스트리아관광의모든것, 관광청에게물어보세요! 오스트리아관광청은오스트리아정부산하관광기구로서 1955 년설립이래오스트리아의관광진흥에주력해왔습니다. 오스트리아관광산업의유지및발전과관광산업업체와협력하여경쟁력을제고하는것을목표로삼아궁극적으로오스트리아관광산업의국제경쟁력강화에이바지하고있습니다. 오스트리아에대해서궁금하시거나요청사항이있으시면언제든지연락해주시기바랍니다. 공식 B2B 사이트 : https://b2b.austria.info/kr (2017 년말오프예정 ) 이미지아카이브 : https://views.austria.info/en/media 공식페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/korea.anto 32
주한오스트리아대사관무역대표부 The Austrian Embassy Commercial Section 21/F. Kyobo Bldg. 1-1, Jongno 1-ga, Jongno-gu Seoul 110-714 Republic of Korea T +82 2 732 7330, 732 6649, F +82 2 732 4337 www.advantageaustria.org/kr www.facebook.com/austriainkorea 프란츠슈뢰더 Franz Schröder Commercial Counsellor 최지우 Jiwoo Choi Marketing Officer seoul@advantageaustria.org Advantage Austria Seoul is actively promoting business between Austria and Korea. Tourism is of high importance for the Austrian economy with a share of 8% of our GDP. Austria is renowned worldwide for its outstanding quality of hospitality and a major tourism destination. It is also becoming a more and more popular travel hotspot for Korean visitors who like to enjoy our culture and nature paired with top class of services and warm hearted hospitality. Advantage Austria Seoul is closely working together with the Austrian National Tourist Office to promote our tourism industry in Korea. If you need any information and support regarding Austrian tourism and its companies, please do not hesitate to contact us in Seoul! 주한오스트리아대사관무역대표부는오스트리아와한국간의경제무역증진을위해힘쓰고있습니다. 관광산업은오스트리아 GDP 의 8% 를차지할정도로오스트리아전체산업에서매우중요한위치를차지하고있습니다. 오스트리아는관광산업의오랜역사와더불어많은유명관광지를자랑할뿐만아니라우수한관광인프라를갖추고있습니다. 최근들어오스트리아의따뜻한환대와더불어유서깊은문화와아름다운자연을즐기려는한국관광객들이크게증가하고있어한국은오스트리아의보다중요한파트너로자리매김하고있습니다. 주한오스트리아대사관무역대표부는오스트리아관광산업증진을위해오스트리아관광청과긴밀하게협업을하고있습니다. 오스트리아기업및관광산업에관해궁금한사항이있으시면주한오스트리아대사관무역대표부를찾아주시기바랍니다! 33
Notes: 34