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<ABSTRACT> A study on Expression of Digital Images in Kinetic Typography - Based on the Expressions of Poetry - Jang, soo-jin Contens design Lab, Department of digital Media design Graduate School of Techno Design, Kookmin University Directed by Prof. Jeon, Seung-Kyu We are living in the flood of new technologies and changing communications. These changes are more accelerated by digital technologies, whose effects are spreading out to the humankind at large, in politics, economy, society, culture, or arts. This rapid development of media opens up the channel of diverse expressions in the transmission of information. In other words, the advent of new media today lifted the planar expression of information up to the level of synaesthestic expressions in multi-media, which made it possible to deliver information more effectively. The time and space provided by the digital environment and the visual culture enable us to carry out formative works in the three-dimensional spaces by giving movements to the static information. This expression of information using movements can be a motive for satisfying a new visual desire, and further enables us to expect an augmented role of more effective communications. It must be establishing an independent domain of expression that can accomplish strong communications with only the movement itself, getting over the fixed expressional field of the past.

The moving characters used recently in various media, such as the Web or film titles, shouldn't be underestimated as a natural result of the media development, or the augmentation of visual effects. They seem to have a meaning greater than the simple expansion of the domain of visual expressions. Typography is not a static symbol attached on the planar surface any more, but it forms the 'dynamic, intelligent, and more sensitive' text images in the process the participant explores the space. These text images combine the sound and time and make a sensuous space moving at real-time. In the same context, studies on moving characters are searching for new channels in the visual culture, such as the motion graphics, or the non-linear narrative expressions by hyper-media. In this way, the rapid development of media opens up various channels of artistic expressions as well as the transmission of information. It further makes us to expect new expressions originated from the mixture of different artistic genres. The present study considers the synaesthetic expressions in the digital medium of 'poetry', which is a genre in literature. Based on the findings, an exemplar work is produced. The reason the author conducts a study on literature and kinetic typography is that the two genres have a common expressive element - that is, the letters -, and there has been exchanges of expression between them in history. Among many genres of literary art, poetry, especially, has the most dynamic images and the completeness in a short composition. So, kinetic typography and poetry are appropriate for the subjects, or media of expression. The paper consists of the theoretical background of kinetic typography and poetry, the expressions used in the production of typographical works, and the descriptions of the works. Before producing the works, the concepts of kinetic typography and poetry were reviewed and the structure of expression in each genre was analyzed. Kinetic typography has the expressions of: 1) time and space; 2)

forms and plasticity, and; 3) narratives. The expressions of poetry in terms of its literary characteristics were reviewed in the categories of metric expressions, perceptive, and symbolic images. The cases of experimental expressions of typography and poetry were examined in the printing or visual media. And, the codes of expressing the 'poetic images' using kinetic typography were analyzed into: 1) rhythmic expressions; 2) perceptive image expressions, and; 3) symbolic image expressions, based on the above contents, and they were applied into the example works. The purpose of producing the example works is to consider the visual principles of movements in terms of visual and plastic design, and to seek for the synaesthetic expressions of the poetry's expressive elements by actively introducing the elements of movements. It will be a process for expressing the 'poetic images', or 'poetic sensitivity' of poetry into the interactive visual images of digital media, based on the literary characteristics of poetry. The significance of this study on the visual image expressions of kinetic typography is that it is in the same vein with the new visual culture produced by the digital culture that has been started already. In this context, poems were made into the example works using kinetic typography. With the present study as a momentum, kinetic typography should be connected with other various disciplines, such as linguistics, or cognitive psychology, without being restricted to the visual domains including design. The matters of visual expressions aren't be limited only to the field of design. They should be studied in connection with other fields, and the researches and works should also be carried out on the new forms of visual culture. Keywords kinetic typography, poetic images