무역계약 1. 다음은인코텀즈 2010 에대한설명이다. 올바른것을모두기재한것은? 1 A, D, E 2 B, C, D 3 A, B, C, E 4 A, B, C, D, E - 1 -
2. 다음은인코텀즈 2010 의 C-terms 에대한설명이다. 잘못된것을모두기재한 것은? 1 A, B 2 A, D, E 3 A, C, D 4 B, C, D, E 3. 다음은비엔나협약 (Vienna Convention 1980) 에대한설명이다. 잘못된것을 모두기재한것은? 1 B, C 2 A, B, C, D 3 C, D, E 4 A, B, C, D, E - 2 -
4. 다음은무역계약의법률적특성에대한설명이다. 잘못된것을모두기재한것은? 1 A, B 2 A, D, E 3 B, C, D 4 A, C, D, E 5. 다음은무역계약의법적성격및관련된사례에대한설명이다. 올바른것은? 1 무역거래에서는선지급, 후지급혹은일부선지급및일부후지급으로약정하는경우도있으므로동시이행의항변권을행사할수있는경우가많다. 2 계약에서준거법으로 국제물품매매계약에관한유엔협약 (CISG) 을선택한경우에도수출자의영업소소재지가동협약의체약국이아닌경우에는전혀적용될수없으므로반드시특정국가의법률을선택해야만한다. 3 쌍방간에오고간이메일, 전화내용등은반드시서면화하여교환되어야만무역계약이성립된다. 4 동시이행항변권은쌍무계약에서발생되는권리로서, 일방이그의무를이행하지않으면서상대방에대해먼저이행을청구하는경우에상대방이갖는권리이다. - 3 -
6. 다음중무역계약과관련한규범들에대한설명중잘못된것은? 1 무역거래에서분쟁이발생했을경우당사자들간의약정보다국제규칙이우선적으로적용된다. 2 Vienna Convention(CISG) 은국제물품매매거래에서의계약문제를주로규정한다. 3 New York Convention(1958) 은중재판정의효력에관한국제협약이다. 4 Incoterms 2010은정형거래조건들의해석에관한규칙이다. 7. 청약과승낙에관한기술로서올바른것을모두기재한것은? 1 A, E 2 B, D 3 B, C, D 4 E - 4 -
8. 다음은무역계약의성립을위한청약과승낙에대한설명이다. 잘못된것은? 1 청약은계약의당사자가될특정인에대하여행해지는것으로불특정다수를대상으로한신문광고나상품목록을배부하는것은청약의유인에불과하며청약과는구별된다. 2 청약에대해승낙을하게되면계약이성립되므로청약은계약의내용을결정할수있을정도의사항이나매매조건을확정적으로표시하는것이필요하다. 3 승낙은청약이효력을가지는유효기간내에이루어져야한다는것을 경상의원칙 (mirror image rule) 이라고한다. 4 승낙은서면또는구두로명시하거나의사실현에의한방식으로행하는것이일반적이며, 침묵또는무위는그자체로는승낙이되지않는다. 9. 개별계약과포괄계약에관한기술로서잘못된것은? 1 개별계약이란특정품목을거래할때마다매번구체적인거래조건에대해합의하는방식으로체결되는계약을말한다. 이방법은최초의거래시나거래가 1회로종결되는경우에사용되는방법이다. 2 포괄계약은동일한상대방과거래가지속적으로이루어지는경우, 일반거래조건에관한협정을체결하여향후거래시적용될수있는기본원칙을규정한다. 3 포괄계약은중장기연불방식에의한수출입등거래내용이복잡할경우에주로사용되는방법이다. 4 일반거래약관혹은보통거래약관이란특정종류의거래에적용하기위하여미리작성된정형화된계약조건을가리키며통상계약서상표제로 General terms & conditions라쓰고있다. 한편영미에서는이와같은정형화된계약조항을광고업계의관행을고려하여 Boilerplate Terms 라부르기도한다. - 5 -
10. 무역계약의체결및이행과관련된다음설명중특수청약에관한설명이다. 올바른것으로짝지어진것은? 1 A, B, C 2 A, B, D 3 B, C, D 4 A, B, C, D 11. 다음중무역계약의성립으로볼수없는것은? 1 매도인의청약에대하여매수인이대금결제, 품질, 수량, 인도장소및시기등핵심내용이아닌사항에대해사소한변경을하여회신을하고, 매도인이별다른반대통지를하지않았다. 2 매도인이 T/T 선수금방식을조건으로판매청약을하고, 이에대해매수인이유효기일이내에대금을송금하였다. 3 매수인의외상거래 (Open Account) 를요구하는청약에대하여매도인이유효기일이내에물품을선적하였다. 4 매수인이매도인에게 Purchase Contract을송부하였다. - 6 -
12. 무역계약에관한주요협상조건으로올바른것은? 1 KS, JIS, ISO, BSS 등은국가 / 공인기관이설정한기준에따라평가, 판정된물품의품질수준으로약정하는방법으로 sales by specification 의품질결정기준이다. 2 DDP조건에서매도인은수입통관의의무를부담하고관세의납부의무도부담한다. 여기에서관세란통관절차의책임과비용, 관세, 조세및기타부과금의지급까지를포함한다. 따라서수입시에지급되는기타비용, 예컨대부가가치세를매도인의부담에서제외시키려면 DDP(VAT unpaid) 등을계약서에기재하여명확히해야한다. 3 신용장에서일정기간내에할부선적이행해지도록규정된경우, 이할부거래를위하여정해진기간내에할부선적이되지않더라도향후할부분과함께선적하면된다. 4 수량조건인중량과관련하여 American ton은 1,016kg이며 long ton이라고도하며 2,240lbs이다. 13. 무역계약에관한주요협상조건으로잘못된것은? 1 과부족용인조항이나개산수량조건은화물속성상감량이필연적인물품의거래시수입업자가과부족을이유로클레임을제기하는경우의그불합리함을해소하기위한것이며과부족수량에대한금전상의손해는어느일방이부담하는것이다. 2 SD는 Sea Damaged의약어로선적품질조건에양륙품질조건이혼합된조건이며원칙적으로선적품질조건이지만, 예외적으로수분에의한손상등은매도인이책임을지는조건이다. 3 살물이란곡물, 광물, 모래, 자갈등과같이비포장상태로거래되는불가산물품을의미하며화물속성상인도과정에서감량이필연적이므로정확한수량을인도하는것이불가능하다. 따라서과부족을허용하도록협상해야분쟁을예방할수있다. 4 선적기간과관련하여 on or about Jan 10 으로계약을체결한경우, 1월 5일부터 1월 15일까지총 11일사이에선적하는것으로해석한다. - 7 -
14. 승낙에관한기술로서올바른것을모두기재한것은? 1 A, B 2 B, C 3 D 4 정답없음 15. 다음은해외미지의수입업체가거래를제의하면서결제조건으로사후지급 송금결제방식을요구할때한국수출업체의실무적대응과현황등을설명한 것이다. 이중적절한것으로만묶인것은? 1 A, B 2 A, B, D 3 A, C, E 4 A, B, C, D - 8 -
16. 다음중무역계약조건에대한설명으로잘못된것은? 1 Sample을품질조건결정을위해사용하는경우에는마켓클레임발생에대비하여바이어가승인한 approved sample을보관하는것이적절하다. 2 컨테이터의크기는피트 (feet) 로나타내며 TEU는 20피트, FEU는 40피트크기의컨테이너를나타낸다. 3 20kg 단위의포장용기에담긴사료용옥수수를포장개수로거래하는경우에는신용장을결제수단으로선택하더라도 5% 과부족은허용되지않는다. 4 긴급한물품이최대한빠른시간안에운송되기를원할때는선적시점에대하여신용장에 immediately, as soon as possible 등의표현을사용하고사후에적절히이문구를활용한다. 17. 무역계약의주요협상조건에대한다음설명중올바른것을모두기재한것은? 1 A, B, D 2 B, C, D 3 B, C 4 B - 9 -
18. 무역계약의결제조건, 보험조건, 수량조건에대한다음설명중옳지않은것을 고르시오. 1 DAT 조건으로수출하고자하는경우, 수출업자는가격산출시물품출발지에서발생되는선적혹은탑재비용뿐아니라목적지또는목적터미널에서행해지는양하 (unloading) 비용을포함시키되, 수입국에서수입통관에소요되는관세등의경비는수입업자가부담하여야한다. 2 CIF 조건의무역계약이체결되었고운송중보험사고가발생하지않았음에도수입자는보험서류를제공하지않았음을이유로물품인수를거절할수있다. 3 Ton은중량을표시하는단위이며중량톤에는 M/T, L/T, S/T가있다. 4 추심방식중 Document against Acceptance(D/A) 는수입물품이수입항에도착하면서류가인도되고대금지급이이루어지는조건이다. 19. 다음은무역계약서의여러조항및조건의영문명칭과설명이다. 잘못된것은? 1 Limit of Liability : 계약위반의상대방은계약위반으로인해직접적으로입은손해에대해서만배상을청구할수있을뿐, 기업명성등에피해가발생되었다고주장하면서배상을요구할수없다는조항 2 Entire Agreement : 무역거래나기술도입의과정에서알게된비밀정보는철저히보호되어야하며, 상대방의비밀정보를누설하거나도용해서는안된다는조항 3 Privity Clause : 계약체결당사자의법적지위가본인대본인 (principal to principal) 인지, 대리인대대리인 (agent to agent) 인지를기재하는조항 4 Concurrent Condition : 계약당사자간에물품인도와대금지급이동시에이루어진다는조건 - 10 -
20. 매매계약서의조항명칭및조항별해석에관한기술로서올바른것으로모두 묶인것은? 1 A, B, C, D 2 B, C, D 3 A, B, C, D, E, F 4 A, B, C, D, F 21. 다음은무역계약서의 General Terms and Conditions 에약정된조항이다. 조항 명칭과해석이올바른내용으로묶인것은? 1 A, B, C 2 A, B, D 3 B, C, D 4 A, B, C, D - 11 -
22. 다음에기재된매매계약서조항에관한기술로서잘못된것은? 1 이조항은반드시서면으로합의해야효력이있으며구두합의는효력이없다. 2 중재는단심제이지만패소자가그판정에불복하여 중재판정취소의소 를법원에제기할수있다. 3 중재판정결과도패소자가 중재판정취소의소 를제기하는경우법원의직권으로취소될수도있다. 4 이조항으로미루어보아매매계약의 Governing Law는대한상사중재원의상사중재규칙임을알수있다. 23. 다음중 Incoterms 2010 의 CPT 조건에관한설명으로잘못된것은? 1 복합운송등모든운송방식에적용될수있는조건이다. 2 위험의이전시기는매수인이지정된운송인으로부터물품을인수할때이다. 3 매도인은지정목적지까지물품을운송하는계약을체결한다. 4 매도인은보험계약을체결할의무가없으나, 매수인의요청이있는경우매수인의위험과비용으로부보에필요한정보를제공해야한다. - 12 -
24. 다음은국제중재판정의승인및집행에관한설명이다. 잘못된것은? 1 중재판정이일단내려지면소송과같이불복절차인항소나상고제도가허용되지않는다. 2 승인및집행의거부사유에관계없이중재판정의효력은인정된다. 3 중재판정의효력은기판력과확정력및집행력을지닌다. 4 국제중재판정의집행이란중재에서이긴당사자가상대방당사자의임의적인이행이없을때, 상대방의재산소재지등에서중재판정의내용을법적으로실현시키는행위를말한다. 25. 국제무역계약조항중 < 보기 > 에서설명하는내용에적합한조항은? 1 severability clause 2 liquidated damages clause 3 product liability clause 4 infringement clause - 13 -
26. 다음은한국의특정수출자가중남미의바이어와첫거래시조치한주요내용 들이다. 이중마켓클레임 (Market Claim) 을예방하기위해사전에주의를기울 여야한다는관점에서적절하지않았던조치들로모두묶인것은? 1 A, B, C 3 B, C, D 2 B, C 4 B, C, D, F 27. 다음은무역계약의협상조건중선적조건, 결제조건, 가격조건에대한설명이다. 그내용이올바르게설명된것은? 1 DAP 조건은주로터미널이아닌최종목적지까지의비용 ( 수입통관비용제외 ) 과위험을매도인이부담하는경우에사용하는조건이다. 수입통관비용을제외하는경우반드시수입통관되기전에물건을인도해야한다. 2 대형설비, 선박등견본제공이불가능한경우에는 Sales by Specification/Description 을주로활용해거래한다. 3 EX WORK 조건으로수출하는경우, 수출자는수입자가지정하는운송인의운송차량에적재하여자신의영업장구내또는그밖의지정된장소에서매수인에게인도하게된다. 4 CAD조건은송금수단으로결제하는조건으로 B/L(Bill of Lading) 이포함된무역서류, 환어음등의서류인도와동시에대금결제가이루어지는조건이다. - 14 -
28. 다음의상업송장내용과관련한설명중그내용이올바른것으로만짝지어진것은? 1 A, B, C 2 A, C, D 3 B, C, D 4 C, D - 15 -
29. 해상운송에관한설명으로잘못된것은? 1 운송계약에있어정기선운송은통상개품운송계약으로서선하증권이운송계약체결의증거서류로인정되며, 부정기선운송은용선운송계약으로체결한다. 2 해상운송의특성은대량수송, 저렴한운송비, 자유로운운송료, 국제성, 느린속력등이다. 3 복합운송은복합운송인이자기책임하에두종류이상운송수단을사용하여운송하는것을말하며, DOOR TO DOOR 운송형태로발전하고있다. 4 정기선운송분야는유조선과건화물선으로특화되어있다. 30. Surrendered B/L 에대한다음의설명중잘못된것은? 1 신용장방식에서수입업자는신용장개설은행의승인없이운송인으로부터신속하게화물을인도받을수있으므로실무상 L/G보다널리이용되고있다. 2 Surrender는 Original B/L의유통성을소멸시키는행위이므로, 수입업자가 Original B/L의제시없이화물을인도받을수있다. 3 근거리해상운송에서송하인이수하인에게 Original B/L를보내주어야하는데, 서류의송부기일보다화물이목적지에먼저도착하는경우에사용된다. 4 수출업자는수입업자가화물을빨리인도받는편의를제공하기위해서수출업자와수입업자가합의하에수출국운송인에게 Surrender를신청하는것이관례이다. - 16 -
31. 다음중컨테이너 (Container) 운송에대한설명으로가장옳은것은? 1 현재해상운송에서사용되고있는컨테이너는 20feet, 40feet, 40feet High Cube 등이있고, 우리나라를비롯한전세계가 20feet 컨테이너에대한수요가 40feet 컨테이너보다많으며지속적으로 20feet 컨테이너의사용비율이증가되고있다. 2 컨테이너규격을넘어선화물을선적하기위해서는일반적으로 Open Top 컨테이너나 Flat Rack 컨테이너등을사용하고있으며규격초과에따른추가운임은일반적으로발생하지않는다. 3 Empty Dry 컨테이너의경우내부공간이일반적으로 20feet 컨테이너는약 33CBM, 40feet 컨테이너는약 67CBM이나오지만화물적입시사용하는 Pallet, 고정자재, 틈새공간 (Dead Space) 등을감안할때컨테이너내부전체를화물로가득채우기는어렵다. 4 Break Bulk Cargo란화물의크기가컨테이너사이즈내에적재할수있는화물을말한다. 32. 다음중 LCL 수출화물운송절차를가장올바르게연결한것은? 1 H-B-D-A-E-C-F-G 3 H-A-E-B-F-C-D-G 2 H-A-B-D-E-C-F-G 4 H-B-F-D-A-E-C-G - 17 -
33. 부정기선운임에대한다음의설명중옳지않은것은? 1 Lump Sum Freight란화물의개수, 중량혹은용적과관계없이 1회항해 (trip or voyage) 또는선복 (space) 을기준으로하여일괄계산하는운임을말한다. 2 Dead Freight란선적하기로서면계약한물량보다실제선적량이적은경우화주가그부족분에대해서도지불하는운임을말한다. 3 부정기선의운임에는연속항해운임, 장기계약운임, 우대운송계약운임, Spot운임등이있다. 4 부정기선운임은해운시황에따라등락하기때문에정기선운임처럼 Tariff가없고선적되는화물의운임톤 (R/T) 당얼마의형식으로표시된다. 34. 운송클레임 (Claim) 에대한우리나라상법및 IATA AWB 운송약관규정과관련 하여올바른것을모두기재한것은? 1 A, D 3 A, C, D 2 A, B, C 4 A, B, D, E - 18 -
35. 해상적하보험에서위험부담의원칙과입증책임에대한다음의설명중올바른 것을모두기재한것은? 1 A, B, C 2 A, B, D 3 A, B, E 4 C, D, E 36. 한국무역 ( 주 ) 는남미에서사료용보리 1,000 M/Ton을수입하던중, 선박에화재가발생하였고화재를진압하고나서목적항인부산항에예정스케줄대로도착하여화물을검정한결과 50 M/Ton 의보리가화재로인하여완전멸실되었다. 다음보험조건중에서이손해에대한보상이가능한조건을모두기재한것은? 1 A, B, C, D, E 3 A, B, D, E 2 A, B, C, E 4 A, B, C, D, E, F, G - 19 -
37. ABC호는해상운송중선박이좌초되는사고가발생하였다. 화물일부를다른선박으로이동하여선박을가볍게하고, 이후구조선의도움을받아이초하여피난항에입항하였다. 선주는공동해손을선언한바다음의손해중공동해손손해로인정될수없는것은? 1 좌초로인해발생한선저파공부위로유입된해수에의한화물수침손 2 다른선박으로이적하는과정에서발생된화물의멸실 3 구조선의구조비용 4 피난항입항비 38. 세탁기 100 대를 ICC(B) 조건, 보험금액 USD 30,000 으로부보하였다. 운송중에선창내해수유입으로인해 40대가손상되어목적지에서손상된세탁기 40대를대당 USD 200에매각하였다. 손상이없었을경우판매되었을금액이대당 USD 400인경우보험자가지급해야할보험금산출이올바른것은? 1 USD 6,000 2 USD 4,000 3 USD 16,000 4 USD 12,000-20 -
39. 다음은상업송장의일부이다. 이송장의정보만을기초로하여운송중위험을 대비하기위해무역의양당사자가취한조치로적절하지않은것은? 1 Seoul Corp. 는해당화물의전운송구간에대한적하보험계약을체결하였다. 2 S Inc. 는동화물의운송위험은부담하지않으므로해당화물을위한어떠한운송보험이나적하보험계약의체결을고려하지않았다. 3 Seoul Corp. 은해당하물의송장이발행된 5월 30일에비록화물의운송이개시되지않았으나미리동화물에대한적하보험계약을청약하였다. 4 S Inc. 는공장에서부터캐나다공항까지운송구간을위해자신의이름으로운송보험을가입하였다. - 21 -
40. 다음은 ICC(A) 제 16 조 Duty of Assured Clause 이다. 이에관한설명으로 적절하지않은것은? 1 보험사고로인한손해의방지의무자로피보험자뿐만아니라사용인과대리인도포함됐다. 2 피보험자가보험사고로인한손해를방지할뿐만아니라절감할적절한조치를사전에취해야할것을의무로규정했다. 3 보험자는보험계약상보상되는손해에추가하여손해방지비용이보상될수있음을인정했다. 4 피보험자가보험금청구에앞서보험사고에귀책이있는제3자를상대로손해배상청구를먼저실시하도록규정했다. - 22 -
무역영어 41. 다음은 ICC Rules for Multimodal Transport Document 에정의된당사자들이다. 괄호안에들어갈순서대로바르게나열된것은? 1 Carrier - Consignor - Multimodal Transport Operator - Consignee 2 Multimodal Transport Operator - Carrier - Consignee - Consignor 3 Consignee - Carrier - Consignor - Multimodal Transport Operator 4 Multimodal Transport Operator - Carrier - Consignor - Consignee 42. 다음빈칸에알맞은내용으로연결된것을고르시오. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) 1 valued SRCC excess certificates claims payable 2 covered SRCC excess policies claims payable 3 valued TPND surplus certificates premiums payed 4 covered TPND surplus policies premiums payed - 23 -
43. 다음빈칸에알맞은전치사로연결된것은? (A) (B) (C) (D) 1 with with at on 2 in on by to 3 with on on on 4 in with to by 44. 다음대리점의임무를올바르게설명하지않은것을고르시오. 1 make proper efforts to negotiate and, where appropriate, conclude the transactions he is instructed to take care of; 2 communicate to his principal all the necessary information available to him; 3 carry out the duties which he has undertaken with customary and reasonable care, skill and diligence, and is not responsible to the principal for any loss caused by a failure to observe these standards; 4 comply with reasonable instructions given by his principal. - 24 -
45. 다음은 Incoterms 2010 의 FOB New York 에대한설명이다. 아래빈칸에 New York 이들어갈수없는곳은? 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 46. 다음중 UCP 600 의규정에따라수리될수있는선하증권은? 1 A B/L which includes clauses or notations expressly declaring a defective condition of the goods. 2 A B/L which has a statement that the packing is not sufficient for the sea journey. 3 A B/L which is silent about a defective condition of the goods or packaging. 4 A B/L which is presented by the shipper later than 21 calendar days after the date of shipment. - 25 -
47. 다음은어떤청약에대한설명인가? 1 an offer subject to a final confirmation 2 an offer subject to prior sale 3 an offer without engagement 4 an offer on sale or return 48. 다음은신용장내용의일부이다. 서류의불일치가될수있는것은? 1 수출업자가수취선하증권을제시한경우 2 수출업자가선적선하증권을제시한경우 3 수출업자가지시식선하증권을제시한경우 4 수출업자가운임을선불로지불하였음을표시하는선하증권을제시한경우 - 26 -
49. 다음중주어진서신에대한답신으로그내용이적절하지않은것은? 1 It is our pleasure to receive your order of March 20, 2016 and to welcome you as one of our customers. 2 We confirm all the terms you specified in your purchase order and assure you that your order will be given our careful attention. 3 We are certain that you will be completely satisfied with our products and that you will find them of exceptional value for the money. 4 We already instructed our banker, Bank of America, to open an irrevocable L/C in your favor. - 27 -
50. 다음괄호 ( ) 안에들어갈단어가알맞게이루어진것은? 1 2 3 4 (A) Applicable law Choice of law Jurisdiction Proper law (B) jurisdiction jurisdiction applicable law governing law 51. 다음은선하증권 (Bill of Lading; B/L) 의특성을설명한것이다. 올바르지않은 것은? 1 It represents the right to physical delivery of the goods. 2 For the buyer, the clean on board B/L provides a valuable bundle of rights. 3 It allows the buyer to speculate on the market, selling the goods in transit by transferring the B/L via endorsement. 4 It serves as an evidence of contract of carriage and as a receipt for the goods, but is not a document of title. - 28 -
52. 다음은적하보험 (Cargo Insurance) 과협회적하약관 (Institute Cargo Clause; ICC) 을 설명한것이다. 잘못된것은? 1 The minimum amount of coverage is usually set at 110% of the value of the goods. 2 ICC(A) provides the broadest coverage, including the insolvency of the carrier. 3 ICC(A) does not cover the risks of SRCC (Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion). 4 Only two Incoterms, CIF and CIP, specifically require insurance. Under these terms, the seller must take out an insurance policy for the buyer. 53. 다음결제조건중수출상의입장에서볼때수입상으로부터의대금회수위험이 가장큰것은? 1 CAD 2 D/P 3 D/A 4 Usance L/C - 29 -
54. 다음주어진문장들을문맥상가장자연스럽게연결한것은? 1 (C) - (E) - (A) - (D) - (B) 2 (C) - (E) - (D) - (A) - (B) 3 (E) - (A) - (C) - (D) - (B) 4 (E) - (C) - (A) - (D) - (B) - 30 -
55. 다음내용에해당되는운송서류는? 1 Commercial Invoice 2 Letter of Guarantee 3 Bill of Lading 4 Mate's Receipt 56. 다음중 Incoterms 2010 규칙에서규정하고있는적재 (Loading) 를올바르게 설명하지않은것은? 1 Delivery at seller s premise Under EXW, the seller is not required to load the goods upon vehicles provided by the buyer. 2 Delivery on board vessel - Under FOB, CFR and CIF, the seller must load the goods on board the named vessel. 3 Delivery alongside ship Under FAS, the seller is not required to load the goods on board the vessel although he must do unloading of the goods necessary to place them alongside the named vessel in the port of shipment. 4 Delivery in custody of the carrier Under FCA, CPT and CIP, the seller has to deliver to a place, to a terminal or some similar spot; he now has to arrive with the goods on his vehicle and unload them. - 31 -
57. 다음은 UCP 600 에서규정한신용장서류심사기준이다. 괄호에알맞은서류는? 1 transport document 2 insurance document 3 commercial invoice 4 bill of lading 58. 다음신용장과관련된서류를잘못설명하고있는것은? 1 In a L/C, the draft is drawn by the seller, usually on the issuing or confirming bank for the amount of money due under the terms of the letter of credit. In a collection, this demand for payment is drawn on the buyer. 2 Insurance documents, normally an insurance policy, cover the merchandise being shipped against damage or loss. 3 Through commercial documents, principally the invoice, seller presents to the buyer a statement describing what has been sold, the price, and other pertinent details. 4 An order bill of lading is not usually desirable in a letter of credit transaction, since the shipper can consign the goods to the bank which retains title until the importer acknowledges liability to pay. - 32 -
59. 다음중수출보험 (Export Insurance) 에대하여잘못설명하고있는것은? 1 It covers the imposition of foreign exchange controls. 2 It covers the enactment of new regulations which prevents performance of the contract. 3 It covers the importer's second order with an O/A term even though he hasn't paid for the previous shipment. 4 It covers the importer's performance in the event it is blocked by "force majeure such as natural disaster. 60. 다음중국제무역에관련된국제기구의역할을잘못설명하고있는것은? 1 ICC, the biggest non-governmental world organization based in Paris, is of fundamental importance in international trade. Its primary interest to the exporter and importer is the role as a developer of international commercial, legal and banking standards. 2 UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) is the international private law body in the UN and has approved an international convention for independent bank guarantees and a model laws for electronic data interchange and international commercial arbitration. 3 GATT, as the successor to the WTO, functioned effectively as a coordinator of the multilateral trade system and had tariffs dropped to about 5% by the early 1990s. 4 While the GATT was primarily a set of rules, administered by an interim body, the WTO, a permanent institution with its own secretariat, covers trade in services and trade-related aspects of intellectual property right. - 33 -
61. 선하증권의법적성격을잘못설명하고있는것은? 1 A formal receipt by the carrier acknowledging that goods alleged to be of the stated species, quantity and condition are shipped to a destination in a certain ship, or at least received in the custody of the carrier for the purpose of transport. 2 Evidence of the contract of transport, repeating in detail the terms of the contract which was in fact concluded prior to the signing of the bill of lading. 3 A document entitling the consignee to dispose of the goods by endorsement and delivery of the bill of lading. 4 A shipping document that must be presented for payment by the holder or by some person authorized to receive payment on his behalf at a reasonable hour on a business day at a proper place. 62. 다음화인 (Shipping Mark) 에서올바른설명이아닌것은? 1 (A) - Quality Mark 2 (B) - Destination Port 3 (C) - Departure Port 4 (D) - Origin Mark - 34 -
63. 다음중국제무역의위험요소에대한설명으로올바르지않은것은? 1 Credit Risk It is often difficult for exporters to verify the credit - worthiness and reputation of foreign buyers as the risks on non-payment, late payment or fraud are increasing continuously. 2 Transport Risk Exporters and importers must know who will bear the risks during transportation; when the risk transfers from sellers to buyers in each trade term. 3 Exchange Rate Risk Unexpected events such as a strike or war may render delivery impossible and also dramatically alter the cost of transport by raising the oil price or by closing off the most economical route. 4 Quality of Goods Risk Importers may find it difficult to physically check the quality of the goods before shipment, and thus they may not receive the goods of the quality when they had expected upon contracting. 64. 다음내용을영작할때가장올바른것은? 1 Bill of Exchange shall be drawn under Irrevocable Confirmed Letters of Credit at thirty days after presentation for the full invoice value with shipping documents. 2 Drafts shall be drawn under Irrevocable Confirmed Letters of Credit at thirty days after sight, transport documents attached, for the full invoice value. 3 Drafts shall be drawn under Irrevocable Confirmed Letters of Credit at thirty days after sight for the full invoice value with shipping documents. 4 Bills of Exchange shall be drawn under Irrevocable Confirmed Letters of Credit at thirty days after sight, transport documents attached, for the full invoice value. - 35 -
65. 다음 Incoterms 2010 의 DAP 규칙에서매도인의부담으로만묶여진것은? 1 A, B, C, E 2 A, B, D, F 3 B, C, F, G 4 C, E, F, G 66. 다음중적하보험으로보상받을수없는사항으로만묶인것은? 1 A 2 A, B 3 A, B, C 4 A, B, C, D - 36 -
67. 다음 CISG (1980) 의적용범위를잘못설명한것은? 1 The Convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different States. 2 The Convention applies to contracts in which the preponderant part of the obligations of the party who furnishes the goods consists in the supply of labour or other services. 3 The nationality of the parties or the civil or commercial character of the contract is not to be taken into consideration in determining the application of the Convention. 4 The contracts of sale of goods or any dealings between the parties should show that they have their places of business in different states at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract. 68. 다음주어진서신의빈칸에들어갈표현으로문맥상또는문법상가장적합한 것은? 1 (A) - so tight 3 (C) - at your expense 2 (B) - passing the duty 4 (D) - would appreciate - 37 -
69. 다음은무역계약의일반조항에관한내용이다. 그설명이올바르게연결된것을 고르시오. (A) (B) 1 Waiver Infringement 2 Non-waiver Infringement 3 Non-waiver Indemnification 4 Waiver Indemnification 70. 다음 CISG 상계약위반에대한구제설명중잘못된것은? 1 (A) 3 (C) 2 (B) 4 (D) - 38 -
71. 다음 Incoterms 2010 의 FCA 규칙에대한설명중잘못된것은? 1 Seller arranges pre-carriage from seller s depot to the named place, which can be a terminal, transport hub, forwarder s warehouse, etc. 2 Delivery and transfer of risk takes place when the truck or other vehicle arrives at this place, ready for unloading. 3 If there is more than one carrier, then risk transfers on delivery to the first carrier. 4 Where the named place is the seller s premises, then the seller is not responsible for loading the goods onto the truck. 72. 다음중 UCP600 에비추어볼때올바른것은? 1 A, B 2 A, D 3 B, C 4 B, D - 39 -
73. 매수인에게주어지는가장알맞은손해배상금액은? 1 USD10,000 2 USD20,000 3 USD1,000 4 USD2,000 74. 다음은포페이팅에대한설명이다. 잘못된것은? 1 (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) - 40 -
75. 다음 This 에해당하는최적의운송계약종류는? 1 Contract of Affreightment 2 Lump Sum Charter 3 Time Charter 4 Voyage Charter - 41 -
다음서식을보고물음에답하시오. [ 문제 76] O F F E R S H E E T 76. 위의서식작성요령및해설로써올바른것은? 1 David USA Inc. is an offeror. 2 KITA Co., Ltd. is an applicant. 3 This is free Offer. 4 The delivery of goods is conditional. - 42 -
다음에있는서식을보고물음에답하시오. [ 문제 77] COMMERCIAL INVOICE 1) Shipper/Exporter DAE HAN CO.,LTD. ROOM202 HONGIL B/D,1551-9,SOCHO-DONG SOCHO-KU, SEOUL, KOREA 2) For Account & Risk of Messrs 3) Notify Party 8) No. & Date of Invoice IE10-3009 MAR.30,2015 9) No. & Date of L/C MGK248186 MAR.20,2015 10) L/C issuing Bank HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED, THE HONG KONG 11) Remarks 4) Port of Loading BUSAN, KOREA 5) Final Destination HONG KONG 6) Carrier 7) Sailing on/or about 12) Marks and Numbers 13) Description of Goods 14) Quantity/Unit 15) Unit price 16) Amount of PKGS HK GARMENTS ITEM : IE-1003 COL : QTY : C/NO. : 1-24 CIF HONG KONG in USD/YARD 40 PERCENT NYLON 60PERCENT COTTON WOVEN FABRIC WIDTH : 56 INCHES ITEM NO : IE-1003 FINISH : PD.WR.W/S COLOUR ASSORTMENT: COLOUR QTY(YDS) BLACK 6,376 YDS STONE 2,215 YDS NAVY 1,184 YDS 9,755 YDS @$2.95 US$28,836.25 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Signed by - 43 -
77. 이서식과관련하여 ISBP 745 의규정으로잘못된것은? 1 When a credit requires presentation of an invoice without further description, this will be satisfied by the presentation of any type of invoice (commercial invoice, customs invoice, tax invoice, provisional, pro-forma ). 2 When a credit requires presentation of a commercial invoice, this will also be satisfied by the presentation of a document titled invoice, even when such document contains a statement that it has been issued for tax purposes. 3 An invoice is to appear to have been issued by the beneficiary or, in the case of a transferred credit, the second beneficiary. 4 The description of the goods, services or performance shown on the invoice is to correspond with the description shown in the credit. There is no requirement for a mirror image. For example, details of the goods may be stated in a number of areas within the invoice which, when read together, represent a description of the goods corresponding to that in the credit. - 44 -
다음서식을보고물음에답하시오. [ 문제 78] APPLICATION OF SHIPPING GUARANTEE - 45 -
78. 위서식과관련된내용중잘못된것은? 1 A 2 B, C 3 C, D 4 D - 46 -
다음의서식을보고물음에답하시오. [ 문제 79-80] Application for irrevocable Documentary Credit 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NY BOLT MODEL NO.1190 FOR STEEL PLANT - 47 -
79. 위의서식과관련한설명중올바른것은? 1 우리나라기업이수출업자이며 1차발행을위한신용장개설신청서이다. 2 지급조건은일람출급신용장조건이다. 3 분할선적은허용되지않으므로수출자는한번에계약물품모두를선적하여야한다. 4 적하보험조건은신약관에서가장보상의범위가넓은조건이다. 80. 위의서식의내용중그해설이올바른것으로만기재된것은? 1 A, C 2 A, B, C 3 B, C, D 4 B, D - 48 -