매도인은물품이수입국의목적지에도착한때자신의인도의무를이행한것이다 매도인은수출및제 국을통과하는인도전의운송에필요한모든통관절차를이행해야한다 매도인은지정목적지까지물품을운송하는계약을체결하거나그러한계약을조달하여야한다 매도인은매수인에대하여보험계약을체결할의무가없다 그러나매수인의요청이있는

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로



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2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628

Hardware Manual TSP100


무역계약 조건이므로수출업자는피보험자로자신을기재한후 백지배서하여수입업자에게제공한다 살물 이므로과부족용인조항을활용한다 불가항력등예상치못한상황발생에대비하여 조항을삽입하였다 운송도중에쉽게변질될수있는물품이므로 수출업자는양륙품질조건으로물품을판매한다 - 1 -

매도인은물품이수입국의목적지에도착한때자신의인도의무를이행한것이다 매도인은수출및제 국을통과하는인도전의운송에필요한모든통관절차를이행해야한다 매도인은지정목적지까지물품을운송하는계약을체결하거나그러한계약을조달하여야한다 매도인은매수인에대하여보험계약을체결할의무가없다 그러나매수인의요청이있는경우매수인의위험과비용으로부보에필요한정보를제공해야한다 조건명 수입통관의무 운송계약체결 위험이전시기 매수인 매수인 운송인에게인도된때 매수인 매도인 최종목적지에도착한떄 매도인 매수인 최종목적지에도착한때 매수인 매도인 본선에적재되었을때 매수인 매도인 수입지터미널에도착했을때 - 2 -

혹은 조건으로거래시양조건모두보험계약체결의의무는매도인에게있으며운송계약역시매도인이체결해야한다 조건으로거래시수출통관의의무및수입통관의의무는매도인에게있으며매도인은물품을도착운송수단으로부터양하한상태로인도해야한다 조건으로거래시매도인은물품을인도하는데필요한품질 용적 중량 수량의점검에필요한비용및수출국에의해서강제되는선적전검사비용을부담해야한다 조건으로거래시수출통관의무는매도인에게 수입통관의무는매수인에게있으며운송계약은매도인이체결해야한다 매수인의대금지급의무에는현실적인지급및신용장개설 송금허가등대금의지급을가능케하는조치및절차를포함한다 동협약에서는물품에대한위험의이전과대금지급의무와는직접적인연관이없는것으로규정하고있다 중량을기준으로대금을정하는경우에는물품의총중량에의하도록규정하고있다 매수인이대금을특정기일에지급하여야할의무가없는경우에는계약및동협약의규정에따라매도인이물품또는물품을처분할수있도록하는서류를매수인의임의처분하에적치하였을때에대금을지급해야한다 - 3 -

선적기간은없고유효기간 월 일토요일 만정하고있는신용장하에서수출자는 월 일까지선적할수있다 선적선하증권에본선적재부기 가있는경우 별도의부기일이아닌발행일을선적일로취급한다 에따르면 과같은표현은 일내의선적을허용하는것으로해석된다 신용장상 선적항 부산항 도착항 뉴욕항 인경우 인천항에서출발하여부산항에서환적하는경우는문제가되지않는다 계약의해제 는계약의효력을계약의성립시로소급하여소멸시키는것이며아직이행되지않은부분에대하여는채무는소멸하나이미이행한부분에대하여는원상회복의무가없다 매수인은매도인의본질적계약위반 이있을경우계약을해제할수있다 매도인이설정한계약이행을위한추가기간내에매수인이대금지급또는물품의인수의무를이행하지않았을경우매도인은계약을해제할수있다 D. 분할인도의경우이미행한인도와장래의인도가상호의존관계에있음으로서 어느분할인도의불이행으로인해계약목적의달성이불가능할경우 매수인은이미행한인도분과앞으로이행해야할인도분모두에대해계약해제를할수있다 - 4 -

를받은매도인인한국의 기업이승낙을발송하지않고바로수출물품을선적한경우계약은성립되지않는다 매도인인한국의 기업이청약을받고 를보냈을경우 그반대청약을없었던것으로하고원청약대로승낙하여도계약은성립되지않는다 를받은매수인인미국의 기업이승낙을발송하지않고바로대금을지급한경우계약은성립된다 를발행한매도인인한국의 기업이 에게취소통보를함으로서동 를취소하는것은 에유효기일 승낙기간 을삽입하였는지의여부와상관없이항상가능하다 매도인인한국의 기업이발행한 는발송과동시에효력이발생된다 품질조건을약정하는방법중 조건은잠재적하자가있을가능성이높은목재 광석류 냉동어류등의거래시흔히채택된다 곡물의경우쉽사리부패될수도있으므로품질검사의기준시기를결정시 를사용할수있는바이는양륙품질조건 에해당한다 봉제완구및조화등비규격공산품거래시는품질의수준을약정할때 이라는표현보다는 혹은 라는표현이후일의 을예방하는데도움이된다 곡물류거래시사용되는검품시기에관한조건중 는선적품질조건이다 - 5 -

Item No HS code KD1732P F 851087 KD1920P F COMMIDITY & DESCRIPTION 17" Sony Trinitron CDT Monitor 19" Sony Trinitron CDT Monitor 21" Sony Trinitron CDT Monitor (A) 9,200pc s 1,700pc s 350pcs UNIT PRICE (FOB) USD135.00 USD215.00 USD480.00 AMOUNT USD1,242,000.00 USD365,500.00 USD168,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT 11,250pcs USD1,775,500.00-6 -

살물 거래시과부족용인조항 을사용하였을경우제품인도후과부족분에대한금액은정산할필요가없다 는 이며 이다 신용장으로살물거래시 신용장에과부족을인정하지않는다는금지표시가없는한 의과부족을허용한다 중량표시에서 란제품중량및내포장 외포장무게를더한개념이며 란제품중량에내포장무게까지만포함한개념이다 용적의단위중 이란가로 세로및높이가각각 씩인부피를의미하며 란 피트컨테이너 개분량을의미한다 주화인 은다른화물과의식별을용이하게하기위한기호로써송화인의표시에해당한다 착항표시 는화물의오송 을방지하기위한것이다 착항표시 가누락된화물이다른항구에양륙한때에 등국제운송법규상으로도운송인이그로인한손해배상등일체의책임을지지않게되어있다 주의표시예를들어 등의표현은문자및상징적그림으로표시하여도무방하다 - 7 -

매도인인한국의 기업은분할선적에관해금지한다는명시적내용이없는신용장을수취한후수출물품을분할하여선적하였다 매도인인한국의 기업은선적과관련하여 라고명시된신용장을수취한후환적을하였다 매도인인한국의 기업은선적기일을매수인과 라고약정한후 년 월 일선적하였다 매도인인한국의 기업은할부선적이약정된신용장을수취한후미이행선적분을포함한그이후모든할부선적을포기하였다 매도인인한국의기업과매수인인미국의기업간의거래시 을무역계약에사용한경우보험계약체결자를누구로할지는별도로약정할필요가없다 한국의매도인인 기업은매수인과 조건으로무역계약을체결하고 조건으로부보하였다 한국의매도인인 기업은매수인과 조건으로무역계약을체결하고선적항에서물품이선적된때로부터목적항에서매수인에게인도할때까지 하도록보험계약을체결하였다 한국의매도인인 기업은 조건으로무역계약을체결하고 대금결제조건은 보험금액은 금액의 그리고보험증권상의표시통화를무역계약서와동일하게보험계약을체결하였다 - 8 -

매수인인중국의 기업이경영악화를이유로수입물품의인수를거절하였다 매도인인한국의 기업이분할선적이금지되었음에도불구하고수출물품을인천에서출발하여부산을경유하여일본에도착하는동일한선박에인천에서일부를 부산에서나머지를분할하여선적하였다 매수인인미국의 기업이 결제대금을매도인인한국의 기업으로직접송금하였다 조건으로거래시매도인이매수인이아닌자신을피보험자로한보험증권을발급받은후배서하여매수인에게발송하였다 무역계약서에중재조항 이존재하는데도불구하고매수인이매도인을상대로소송을제기할경우 직소금지원칙 에따라그소는각하될가능성이매우높다 - 9 -

- 10 -

1 무역계약은매도인의물품인도를포함한계약내용의이행에대하여상대방인매수인은그반대급부로서의대가의지급을수반하는약인 (consideration) 에의한계약으로유상계약의특성을갖고있다. 2 무역계약은계약당사자쌍방이각각상대방에대하여교환적내지대가적의미를지니는채무를부담하게되는계약으로쌍무계약의특성을갖고있다. 3 무역계약은그성립을위하여국제연합 (UN), 국제상업회의소 (ICC) 등국제기구및기관에서제정한국제법및국제규칙을근거로한정형화된서류를사용하는요식계약의특성을갖고있다. 4 무역계약은계약당사자쌍방의계약체결을향한의사표시의합치만으로계약이성립되는낙성계약의특성을갖고있다. - 11 -

1 A, B, D 2 B, C, E 3 A, C, E 4 A, B, D, E - 12 -

1 Escalation Clause 2 Privity Clause 3 Entire Agreement Clause 4 Frustration Clause 1 Hardship Clause : 계약체결당시에는전혀예상치못했던경제적또는정치적사태가계약체결후발생함으로써계약내용의이행이곤란해져계약의본질적변경이불가피할경우당사자는계약내용의변경을요구할수있고, 그때에는상대방은반드시이에응해야한다는조항 2 Infringement Clause : 매수인이제공한규격에따라매도인이물품을생산하여매수인에게인도한경우에는그생산으로인하여제3자의산업재산권침해하게된경우에는그로인한모든책임은매수인이부담하며매도인에게는아무런피해를주어서는안된다는조항 3 Non-waiver Clause : 계약내용의일부가어떠한사유로실효또는무효화되더라도그계약전체가실효또는무효가되는것은아니라는조항 4 Liquidated damages Clause : 계약체결시에청구할수있는손해배상액을미리약정해두는조항 - 13 -

1 A, B, C 2 A, D, E 3 A, B, C, E 4 A, B, C, D, E 1 당사자간의분쟁해결외에제3자에의한해결방법에는알선, 조정, 중재, 재판등의방식이있다. 2 제3자에의한해결방법중중재는자발적인분쟁해결방법, 신속한해결, 적은비용, 외국에서의강제집행등의장점을갖고있다. 3 중재합의에는분쟁이발생한후에그분쟁을중재에의하여해결하기로하는사후중재합의와장래에분쟁이발생하면그것을중재에의하여해결하도록하는사전중재합의가있다. 4 중재합의는서면에의하도록규정되어있지만예외적으로당사자간합의에의해구두합의를하는것도가능하며, 중재합의문에는중재지, 중재기관, 준거법 3가지요소외에중재절차의진행요건도기재될수있다. - 14 -

무역계약에대한다음설명중올바른것은 거래시 계약서에 을사용하여과부족에대비해야한다 비엔나협약에따르면 라는표기가있는청약은확정청약이므로 월 일까지승낙을발송하면계약은성립된다 곡물류거래에활용되는 조건은선적품질조건이므로운송중변질에대해수출업자는책임이없다 의경우그것이상대방에게도달하기전에는철회될수있으나도달과동시에는철회될수없다 - 15 -

OFFER SHEET Inline Business Consulting Date : Jan. 25, 2015 25 th Ave, Cherrybrook, NewYork No. : K&P-1126 NewYork, USA We as Seller confirm having sold you as Buyer the following goods on the terms and conditions as stated below and on the back hereof. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT LED Monitor 1,000pcs CIF NY @USD100.00 100,000 (Cat No.: KP-0113) SHIPMENT : Until Feb 22, 2015. PAYMENT : By a Documentary Letter of Credit at 90days after sight in favour of the Seller INSURANCE : Validity : This offer shall remain for 15 days. PACKING : 1 set to be packed in a carton SHIPPING MARK and each piece has to be packed "IBS" in triangle with air cap NewYork Box No. 1/Up Made in Korea DESTINATION : NewYork REMARKS : PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THE DUPLICATE (BUYER) (SELLER) - 16 -

1 보험조건이특별히기재되지않았으므로매도인은 A/R이나 ICC(A) 조건으로보험에가입하여야한다. 2 선적기간은 2월 22일까지이지만, 해당일이일요일이므로수출자는휴무일다음날인 23일자선적선하증권을제공하는것으로충분하다. 3 가격조건은일람출급신용장방식이다. 4 거래대상이특정되었으므로피청약자는당해 Offer Sheet에서명한후즉시유효기간이내승낙의의사를청약자에게전달하면완전한계약이완성된다. - 17 -

1 Guarantees : When the Seller does not deliver the goods stipulated in the shipping schedule Seller shall pay as liquidated damages to Buyer an amount equivalent to three tenths of one percent(0.3%) of the amount of the Contract. 2 Claim : Any claim by Buyer must be made in writing within fourteen(14) days from the date of final discharge at destination. 3 Bond : Bonds as described issued by an internationally recognized bank acceptable to Buyer shall be provided by Seller to Buyer 4 Trade Terms : The trade terms used in this contract shall be governed and interpreted by the provisions of Incoterms 2010 unless otherwise specially stated. 1 Payment : Cash On Delivery 2 Payment : Cash Against Document 3 Payment : Open Account 30days 4 Payment : L/C at sight with Stale B/L allowed - 18 -

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the obligations hereunder, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1 Privity 2 Recitals 3 Entire agreement 4 Governing law 1 수출하주는선사의 Shipping Schedule 을확인하고수출화물출고계획을세워야한다. 2 Booking List를기초로수출하주의지시에따라 CY 오퍼레이터는수출하주가필요로하는빈컨테이너를수출하주에게대출하고기기수도증을접수한다. 3 FCL 화물을수출하는하주는해당빈컨테이너에수출화물을적입한후컨테이너의문을닫고 Sealing을한컨테이너를관련선적항 CY에입고시킨다. 4 선적절차가끝나면수출하주는수입자에게지체없이선적통지를하고관련선적서류를은행또는수입자에게제출하거나송부한다. - 19 -

1 항공수출입운송포워더는항공사의대리점의역할을하면서항공사의 Master AWB을 ( 를 ) 발행할수도있고, 항공화물의콘솔업무를하면서 House AWB을 ( 를 ) 발행하기도한다. 2 작성된 AWB의내용을수정하거나추가할경우에는사본을제외한원본전체에대해서수정또는추가가되어야한다. 3 Master AWB 상에있는 Flight/Date 에표기되는사항은항공사임의로사용되며본난에기입된날짜에이륙하였다는것을의미한다. 4 AWB은 ( 는 ) 원본 3장과부본 6장으로구성되는것이원칙이지만운송인의필요에따라매수조절이가능하다. 제1원본은송하인용이고제2원본은수하인용이며제3원본은운송인용이다. 1 복합운송증권은법적으로선하증권과같이유통증권으로서의기능을가지고있으며수하인기재방식이지시식인경우에는배서에의해양도가가능하다. 2 복합운송에관한국제규칙인 UN 국제물품복합운송협약의소송제기기한은 2년으로되어있으며기한연기는서면에의한운송인의선언및당사자간의합의에의한다고되어있다. 3 ICC 복합운송서류통일규칙에의하면소송제기기한은물품의인도후 9개월, 물품의전부멸실은 12개월이내로되어있다. 4 UNCTAD/ICC 복합운송서류규칙에는소송제기기한이물품의인도일로부터 1 년으로되어있다. 따라서우리나라상법에도운송사고와관련하여소송기한이동규칙과동일하게 1년으로되어있다. - 20 -

1 신용장방식에서수입업자는개설은행의승인없이운송인으로부터신속하게화물을인도받을수있으므로 L/G보다널리이용되고있다. 2 수입업자는수입국의선사에 Original B/L의제시없이화물을먼저인도받고추후 Original B/L을송부받아서수입국선사에제시하여야한다. 3 근거리해상운송에서수입업자가 Original B/L을입수하는것보다화물이목적지에먼저도착하는경우에주로이용된다. 4 수출업자는수입업자가화물을빨리인도받는편의를제공하기위해서수출업자임의로수출국선사에 Surrender 를신청하는것이관례이다. 1 수출입화물의통관 2 선적선하증권발행 3 화물집하및보관 4 관세환급 1 해상운송보다는주로항공운송구간에서많이발생하고있다. 2 클레임제기의주체는원칙으로그화물의소유자이어야하므로다른관련당사자가클레임제기의주체가되는것은불가능하다. 3 항공운송에서화물의파손에대한클레임은수입업자의화물인수일로부터 14일이내에제기하여야한다. 4 운송클레임해결을위한필수제출서류는매매계약서, 운송서류원본, 송장등이있다. - 21 -

This insurance covers all risks of loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured except as provided in Clauses 4, 5, 6 and 7 below. A. 보험자가보상하는위험을포괄적으로기록하고있으므로, 약관 4, 5, 6 및 7조그리고영국해상보험법제55조에규정되어있는면책위험을제외한모든위험이보상될수있다. B. 이계약하에서피보험자는보험목적의손상을발생시킨구체적인원인까지는입증할필요가없다. C. 보험금을수령하기위해서피보험자는보험목적물에발생한손상이증권상면책위험을규정하고있는약관 4, 5, 6 및 7조와아무런인과관계가없음을입증하고보험금을청구하여야한다. D. 본약관은보상하는위험에관한규정으로보험기간에대한피보험자의입증책임에는영향을주지않아, 피보험자는보험개시시에는화물이정상적인상태였으나보험이종료되는시점에이미손상이있었음을여전히입증해야만한다. 1 A, C 2 B, C 3 A, D 4 B, D - 22 -

1 화물의일부가손상되어목적지에도착한경우기평가보험의보험자는보험금액에서손상품의매득금을차감한금액을보험금으로지급해야한다. 2 전손사고의경우보험자는증권상에정해진보험금액중사고로인해피보험자가지출을면한비용을차감하고보상한다. 3 화물의감가율을산정할때보험자는보험에가입할당시제출된화물의송장가격을도착지의화물의가치로보고그금액과목적지에서의도매가격과의차액이송장가격에서차지하는비율을감가율로산정한다. 4 화물의손상시그손상을수선하는비용과화물을목적지까지운송하는비용을합산한비용이목적지도착시화물의가액을초과할경우추정전손으로인정하고보험금액을보상한다. A. 피보험자가보험의목적을보험자에게위부할것을결정한경우에는피보험자는위부의통지를해야한다. B. 위부의통지는서면이나구두로할수있으나, 일부는서면으로하고일부는구두로하는것은허용되지않는다. C. 위부의통지는손해에관한신뢰할만한정보를수취한후에부당한지체없이이를행하여야한다. 단, 그정보가의심스러운경우에는피보험자는이를조사하기위하여합리적인시간적여유를가질권리가있다. D. 위부의통지가수락되었을경우에는손해에대한정보가미흡하거나사정의변경이있어도피보험자는위부를철회할수없다. 1 A, B, C 2 A, C, D 3 B, C, D 4 A, B, D - 23 -

A. ICC (All Risks) B. ICC (WAIOP) C. ICC (WA 3%) D. ICC (B) E. ICC (FPA) F. ICC (C) 1 B, E 2 C, E 3 D, F 4 E, F 1 침몰, 좌초, 행방불명등에의한현실전손, 추정전손은보험자가보상을해준다. 2 화물운송중대화재를입은선박에사고당시선적되어있던화물이또다시폭풍을만나서악천후로인한단독해손이발생하였다면보험자는보상을해준다. 3 선박의지연으로인해발생한비용손해에대해서보험자는보상을해준다. 4 피난항에서양하를하다가발생된분손은보험자가보상을해준다. - 24 -

1 매도인은화물의출발지부터도착항의터미널까지매수인을피보험자로하여적하보험계약을체결하였다. 2 매도인은선적항부터도착항의터미널까지위험을대비하기위하여자신을위한적하보험계약을체결하였다. 3 매수인은운송중화물의멸실혹은훼손에대한위험을회피하고자전운송구간에대해자신을위한적하보험계약을체결하였다. 4 매수인은지정된터미널에화물이인도된시점부터최종창고로이동되는과정중의위험을대비하기위해운송보험계약을체결하였다. - 25 -

무역영어 1 Cost and Freight means that the seller delivers the goods on board the vessel or procures the goods already so delivered. The seller must contract for and pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination. 2 CFR may not be appropriate where goods are handed over to the carrier before they are on board the vessel, for example goods in containers, which are typically delivered at a terminal. In such circumstances, the FCA rule should be used. 3 If the seller incurs costs under its contract of carriage related to unloading at the specified point at the port of destination, the seller is not entitled to recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties. 4 CFR requires the seller to clear the goods for export, where applicable. However, the seller has no obligation to clear the goods for import, pay any import duty or carry out any import customs formalities. - 26 -

1 The seller delivers the goods when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer, cleared for import on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination. 2 The seller has an obligation to clear the goods not only for export but also for import, to pay any duty for both export and import and to carry out all customs formalities. 3 The seller bears all the costs and risks involved in bringing the goods to the place of destination and any VAT or other taxes payable upon import are for the buyer s account. 4 If the seller is unable directly or indirectly to obtain import clearance, the parties are well advised not to use DDP. If the parties wish the buyer to bear all risks and costs of import clearance, the DAP rule should be used. 1 A credit must state the bank with which it is available or whether it is available with any bank. 2 A credit available with a nominated bank is not available with the issuing bank. 3 A credit must not be issued available by a draft drawn on the applicant. 4 A credit must state an expiry date for presentation. An expiry date stated for honor or negotiation will be deemed to be an expiry date for presentation. - 27 -

1 A & C 2 B & D 3 C & E 4 D & E 1 make proper efforts to negotiate and conclude the transactions if he is instructed to take care of 2 communicate to his principal all the necessary information available to him 3 carry out the duties which he has undertaken with customary and reasonable care, skill and diligence, and is not responsible to the principal for any loss caused by a failure to observe these standards 4 comply with reasonable instructions given by his principal - 28 -

1 Draft must be presented for negotiation not later than 22 February 2015. 2 Draft must be presented for negotiation on or before 22 February 2015. 3 This credit is valid until 22 February 2015. 4 This credit expires by 22 February 2015. 1 A contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incident to marine adventure. 2 Notwithstanding anything contained herein or attached hereto to the contrary, marine insurances are generally understood and agreed to be subject to English law and practice in all respects of the contract of marine insurance. 3 A contract of marine insurance is essentially the contract of indemnity. 4 A contract of marine insurance may, by its express terms, or by usage of trade, be extended so as to protect the assured against losses on inland waters or on any land risk which may be incidental to any sea voyage. - 29 -

1 Air Waybill is a contract. To become a valid contract, it has to be signed by the shipper or his agent and by the carrier or its authorized agent. 2 Like an Ocean Bill of Lading, "Air Waybill is a negotiable document representing the value of the goods and can be endorsed by the party ultimately accepting the goods. If a letter of credit calls for an air waybill made out "to order or "to order of a named party, a nominated bank may accept a document presented showing "to order or "to order of a named party. 4 When a letter of credit requires a full set of original air waybill, this is satisfied by the presentation of an air transport document indicating that it is the original for shipper, consignee or carrier. A B C 1 the beneficiary the applicant amount 2 the applicant the beneficiary amount 3 the beneficiary the applicant currency 4 the applicant the beneficiary currency - 30 -

1 XYZ Importing Co. can endorse this "Sea Waybill" and transfer it to another person to take delivery of the cargo. 2 Full set of clean on board B/L will be issued after the issuance of this "Sea Waybill. 3 This "Sea Waybill evidences the terms of the contract of carriage between ABC Electronics Co. and WTA Shipping Co. 4 XYZ Importing Co. has to present this "Sea Waybill to WTA Shipping Co. to get a D/O. - 31 -

We placed an order with you last November, but it has not arrived as of January this year in spite of repeated telephone calls to your customer services department. This kind of service is completely unsatisfactory. ( A ) 1 Please credit our account. 2 I would appreciate your sending us a replacement. 3 Would you please send the right one as soon as possible? 4 We urge you to pay our money by the end of this weekend unless you ship our order right away. - 32 -

1 (A) - (B) - (C) - (D) 2 (B) - (A) - (C) - (D) 3 (B) - (D) - (A) - (C) 4 (D) - (A) - (C) - (B) - 33 -

S 1 With regards to the packing list, if you could not find one with the goods, we must accept responsibility for that. Therefore, I have attached a copy for your convenience. 2 We have already checked each box and compared the delivery note with your original order for you. 3 Please check the contents of the boxes against the packing list that we have just sent separately. 4 We are very sorry to hear about the problems you had with the boxes and in particular with the packing list. In the future, we will split your order into a number of smaller boxes to make our goods easier to handle. - 34 -

1 Letter thanking for the discounted price 2 Letter accepting the increased volume of order 3 Letter asking for a discounted price for the next order 4 Letter informing of expanding business services and volume 1 Issuing bank 3 Negotiating bank 2 Reimbursing bank 4 Advising bank - 35 -

1 Credit terms extended to the customer, including limits. 2 Your best quote at your earliest convenience. 3 Your reservations, if any, about the customer's financial condition and general reliability. 4 A brief statement concerning the customer's promptness in meeting obligations. 1 We offer a discount of 5%. 2 Our company has been in business for over 40 years. 3 We are prepared to compromise at the question of transport costs. 4 There are a few things to clarify before going forward with an order. - 36 -

The buyer loses the right to declare the contract avoided or to require the seller to deliver substitute goods if ( A ). 1 the impossibility of making restitution of the goods or of making restitution of the goods substantially in the condition in which the buyer received them is not due to his act or omission 2 the goods or part of the goods have perished or deteriorated as a result of the examination provided for in article 38 3 it is impossible for the buyer to make restitution of the goods substantially in the condition in which he received them 4 the goods or part of the goods have been sold in the normal course of business or have been consumed or transformed by the buyer in the course of normal use before he discovered or ought to have discovered the lack of conformity A. where all terms and conditions of the credit are complied with B. when the goods as stipulated in the credit have been delivered to the Applicant C. provided all document as stipulated in the credit have been presented. D. when the issuing bank has paid the proceeds to the negotiating bank against the presentation of the documents not in compliance with the terms and conditions. 1 A & C 2 B & D 3 A & B 4 C & D - 37 -

1 A buyer on EXW terms knows that the buyer must handle the entire transport operation themselves. 2 A buyer on DDP terms knows that the quoted price includes all transport cost, risks, duties and formalities up to the final destination. 3 A seller on FOB terms uses non-maritime shipment such as those involving containerized road or air shipment. 4 A seller on CFR terms is required to furnish a transport document which will enable the buyer to sell the goods in transit, if this is the case, by the transfer of the document to a subsequent buyer. 1 When the insurance document indicates that it has been issued in more than one original, all originals must be presented. 2 Cover notes will be acceptable in lieu of an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover. 3 The date of the insurance document must be no later than the date of shipment, unless it appears from the insurance document that the cover is effective from a date not later than the date of shipment. 4 An insurance document, such as an insurance policy, an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover, must appear to be issued and signed by an insurance company, an underwriter or their agents or their proxies. - 38 -

1 An issuing bank undertakes to reimburse a nominated bank that has honored or negotiated a complying presentation and forwarded the documents to the issuing bank. 2 An issuing bank is irrevocably bound to honor as of the time it issues the credit. 3 An issuing bank may encourage any attempt by the applicant to include, as an integral part of the credit, copies of the underlying contract, pro-forma invoice and the like. 4 An issuing bank must honor if the credit is available by sight payment, deferred payment or acceptance with the issuing bank, provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the nominated bank or to the issuing bank and that they constitute a complying presentation. 1 Bill of Exchange 2 Bill of Lading 3 Delivery Order 4 Insurance Certificate - 39 -

1 The price(usd105.00/pc) includes the cost of carriage and insurance up to the Auckland port. 2 This is a firm offer for the buyer to accept if the terms and conditions are satisfactory. 3 The seller may issue a certificate of origin when the goods are shipped. 4 The seller will deliver the goods within one month after the seller receives the L/C. - 40 -

1 Legacy 2 Entirety 3 Severability 4 Infringement 1 Factoring 2 Forfaiting 3 Collection 4 Open Account - 41 -

1 Actual total loss 2 Constructive total loss 3 General average 4 Particular average 1 Document against Payment 2 Document against Acceptance 3 Cash Against Document 4 Documentary Credit - 42 -

1 The agenda gives information about the date, time and venue as well as the participants for the meeting. 2 This will be a problem-solving meeting requiring every participant s input and ideas. 3 Immediately after the opening, participants will discuss grievances. 4 Participants will take some time to review the issues arising from the minutes they discussed before. - 43 -

1 Detention 2 Diversion Charge 3 CFS Charge 4 Demurrage Dear Sir/Madam: We wrote you on Dec 15 and again Jan 15 concerning the amount owing on the invoice number KITA 1555. ( 중략 ) 1 Unless we receive your cheque in full settlement by Feb 15, we shall have no option but to instruct our solicitors to recover the amount due. 2 Unless we receive your cheque in full settlement by the end of this month, we shall be compelled to take further steps to enforce payment. 3 According to our records, we trust that our service was to your satisfaction and we would appreciate your cooperation in resolving this matter by the end of next month. 4 We hope that you will settle this account without any further delay, which will save yourself from the inconvenience and considerable costs of legal action. - 44 -

TO : Vessel Name/Voyage No. : Port of Loading : Port of Discharge (or Place of Delivery) : Bill of Lading No. : Date of Issue : Shipper : Consignee : Description of Cargo : No. of Package : Whereas you have issued a Bill of Lading covering the above shipment and the above cargo has been arrived at the above port of discharge (or the above place of delivery), we hereby request you to give delivery of the said cargo to the above mentioned party without production of the original Bill of Lading. ( 중략 ) 1 Shipping Request 2 Delivery Order 3 Letter of Guarantee 4 Arrival Notice - 45 -

1 Delivery of substitute goods 2 Forgiveness of a particular breach 3 Price reduction and compensatory damages 4 Specific performance for liquidated damages 1 Document against Payment 2 Payment Letter of Credit 3 Banker's Acceptance Credit 4 Document against Acceptance 1 The importer is regarded to accept the offer. 2 Their contract has been cancelled. 3 The exporter can get paid. 4 The importer is not obliged to pay for the goods delivered. - 46 -

1 Refusing offer 2 Accepting offer 3 Cancelling the contract 4 Conditional order 1 It can also be used to provide financing to the applicant. 2 Deferred and acceptance credits (i.e. term credits) are considered to be financing instruments for the applicant. 3 It provides a security to the importer when making a sales contract. 4 It enables the importer to pay the amount due with future proceeds. - 47 -

1 Export credit insurance, or credit insurance is an insurance policy and a risk management product offered by private insurance companies or governmental export credit agencies. 2 This insurance product is a type of property & casualty insurance, and should not be confused with such products as credit life or credit disability insurance. 3 This includes a protection against the damage or loss of goods. 4 This insures the risk of non-payment by foreign buyers due to currency issues, political unrest, expropriation, etc. 1 international dispute law 2 private contract law 3 international business law 4 private international law - 48 -

A B 1 banker debits 2 credit agency drafts 3 reference credits 4 banker credits - 49 -