How to Quit Smoking Smoking is dangerous to your health. Quitting will reduce your risk of dying from heart disease, blood vessel disease, lung problems, cancer and stroke. Talk to your doctor about quitting. Ask about classes and support groups in your area. Get support and encouragement and learn how to deal with stress. Talk with your doctor about medicines and other aids to help you quit. Call the National Network of Tobacco Cessation Quitlines at 1-800-784-8669 or go to the Ohio website at for more information. Before you try to stop smoking, commit to stopping. Smoking is a learned behavior that you must unlearn. It is not easy to stop, but it can be done if you are serious about quitting. Stopping will help you live a healthier and longer life. Getting Ready to Quit Follow these tips to get ready to quit: Cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. Smoke only half a cigarette each time. Smoke only during the even hours of the day. Clean out ashtrays and start putting them away one by one. Clean the drapes, the car, your office, or anything else that smells of tobacco smoke. Get a friend or spouse to quit with you. Start exercising before you quit. Switch to a brand of cigarettes you do not like as much. Throw away spare lighters. Smoke alone if you like to smoke with people. Become aware of why you smoke each cigarette. Avoid the things that cause you to smoke. Write down a list of the top 5 reasons you want to quit. Read this list daily. 1
1 담배끊는방법 흡연은건강에위험합니다. 담배를끊으면심장질환, 혈관질환, 폐질환, 암이나뇌졸중으로사망할위험이줄어듭니다. 담배를어떻게하면끊을수있는지의사와상담하십시오. 거주지역에금연교실이나지원그룹이있나알아보십시오. 지원이나격려를받고스트레스관리방법을배우십시오. 담배를끊는데도움이되는약이나보조제에관하여의사와상담하십시오. National Network of Tobacco Cessation Quitlines 에전화를걸거나 (1-800-784-8669) 오하이오주정부웹사이트 ( ) 를방문하여더자세한정보를얻으십시오. 담배를끊으려고시도를하기전에우선담배를끊겠다는각오를해야합니다. 흡연은배워서얻은행동이기때문에배운것을잊도록해야합니다. 담배끊기가쉬운일은아니지만각오를한다면끊을수있습니다. 담배를끊으면더욱건강하게그리고더오래살수있습니다. 담배를끊는준비작업아래방법을이용하여담배를끊는준비작업을하십시오 : 매일피우는담배의양을줄인다. 매번담배를반만피우고버린다. 하루중짝수시간에만담배를피운다. 재떨이를깨끗이닦고하나씩치워버린다. 담배냄새가배어있는커튼, 자동차, 사무실또는옷가지등을세탁하거나말끔히치운다. 다른흡연친구또는배우자와함께끊는다. 담배를끊기전에운동을시작한다. 별로안좋아하는브랜드의담배를사서피운다. 여분의라이터들을버린다. 다른사람들과함께흡연을즐겼다면혼자피운다. 담배를한가치씩뽑을때마다내가왜담배를피우는가생각해본다. 담배를피우고싶은충동을유발하는행동을피한다. 내가왜담배를끊어야하는지 5 개의가장중요한이유들을적어본다. 매일이이유들을읽어본다. How to Quit Smoking. Korean.
Pick a date to quit and slowly reduce your smoking until your quit date. On your quit date, stop completely. If you smoke a lot at work, quit during a vacation. The Day You Quit Throw away your cigarettes, lighters and hide remaining ashtrays. Ask for help from family and friends. Make plans for the day and keep busy. Spend time in places where smoking is not allowed such as a library or the movies. Change your routine. Drink 8 glasses of water each day. This helps flush out the nicotine in your body. Keep celery, sugarless gum, hard candy, straws or toothpicks handy to help meet the urge of something in your mouth. Try deep breathing exercises and listen to relaxation tapes. Exercise. Eat regular meals. Start a money jar with the money you save by not buying cigarettes. Reward yourself at the end of the day for not smoking. Over the next days and weeks you may be coping with withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Exercise and relaxation can help with withdrawal symptoms of anger, edginess or irritability. There will be times when you really want to smoke. Wait. The urge will pass in a few minutes. Take slow, deep breaths until you relax and forget about the urge to smoke. Drink water slowly and hold it in your mouth for a little while. Take your mind off smoking by thinking about something else or focus on the things you are doing. Get up and move around. Mark your success every day on a calendar. Reward yourself each day and week. 2
공식적으로담배를끊는날을정해놓고흡연량을천천히줄여간다. 드디어끊는날이오면단호하게끊는다. 직장에서담배를많이피우는사람은휴가중에끊는다. 담배를끊는날 담배와라이터를버리고나머지재떨이들을감춰버린다. 가족이나친구들에게협조를부탁한다. 그날활동계획을세우고바쁘게시간을보낸다. 금연지역, 즉, 도서관이나영화관같은장소에서시간을보낸다. 일과를바꾼다. 매일물 8 잔을마신다. 물을많이마시면몸에쌓인니코틴을씻어낸다. 셀러리, 무설탕검, 딱딱한캔디, 빨대또는이쑤시개등을준비해놓고뭔가입에넣고싶은욕구를대리충족시킨다. 심호흡운동을하고마음을평온하게해주는음악을듣는다. 운동을한다. 규칙적인식사를한다. 저금통을만들어담배값으로절약하는돈을집어넣기시작한다. 담배를하루온종일피우지않은날은자신에게상을준다. 담배를끊고며칠또는몇주동안은금단현상을경험하게됩니다. 운동을하고마음을편하게가지면분노나초조감또는과민성과같은금단현상을줄일수있습니다. 담배를피우고싶은강한욕구를느낄때가있을것입니다. 참으세요. 몇분지나면이러한욕구가사라질것입니다. 마음이편해지고담배욕구가없어질때까지숨을천천히그리고깊게들이쉬십시오. 물을천천히마시고물을입안에넣고잠시있다가삼키십시오. 다른것을생각하거나지금하고있는일에집중하여생각을담배에서멀리하십시오. 일어나서왔다갔다하십시오. 금연에성공한날을달력에하나씩표시하십시오. 매일그리고매주자신에게상을주십시오. How to Quit Smoking. Korean. 2
Setbacks It is hard to quit smoking. Most people try several times before they succeed. If you do smoke, do not give up on yourself. Remind yourself of how many hours, days or weeks you have already gotten through. Identify what caused you to smoke. Add it to your list of things to avoid or practice how you will deal with it next time. Remind yourself why you quit smoking. Practice what to do when you feel the urge to smoke. Reward yourself for your willpower and courage. Take one day at a time. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 10/2005. Developed through a partnership of The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health and OhioHealth, Columbus, Ohio. Available for use as a public service without copyright restrictions at 3
금연실패담배를끊기가어렵습니다. 대부분의사람들은성공하기전에서너번실패합니다. 담배를다시피운다고해서완전히포기하지마십시오. 담배없이몇시간이나, 며칠또는몇주나자신이참고견디었는가를상기하십시오. 담배를다시피우게된원인을생각해보십시오. 금연을다시시도할때는어떤행동들을피해야하는지적어놓으십시오. 왜담배를끊어야하는지이유를계속상기하세요. 담배욕구가생길때어떻게조치해야하는지연습을하십시오. 자신의의지나용기에대하여상을주십시오. 한번에다이루려고하지마십시오. 질문이나문제가있으시면의사나간호사와상담하십시오. How to Quit Smoking. Korean. 10/2005. Developed through a partnership of The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health and OhioHealth, Columbus, Ohio. Available for use as a public service without copyright restrictions at 3