1-2016 년제 1 회무역영어 3 급시험문제 제 1 과목명 : 영문해석제 2 과목명 : 영작문제 3 과목명 : 무역실무 < 응시자유의사항 >
[1~3] 다음문장의해석으로가장옳은것을고르시오. 1. We have some difficulty in meeting the anticipated demand since there is a limit to our output capacity at present. 1 현재서로만나는것에어려움이있어서물건생산이쉽지않습니다. 2 현재당사의생산능력에한계가있으므로기대수요에부응하기가다소곤란합니다. 3 귀사의어려움때문에선물용제품을만들어내는것에제한이있습니다. 4 선물용제품을생산하는데제한이있어서당사는어려움을겪고있습니다. 2. Negotiations under this credit are restricted to the advising bank only. 1 이신용장에의한협상은통지은행으로만제한된다. 2 이신용장에의한매입은매입은행으로만제한된다. 3 이신용장에의한매입은통지은행으로만제한된다. 4 이신용장에의한통지는매입은행으로만제한된다. 3. Any information as to the credit standing of the firm recommended by you will be much appreciated. 1 귀사가추천해주신회사의재정상태에관한정보에대단히감사합니다. 2 당사에게신용상태가양호한회사를추천해주시면감사드릴것입니다. 3 귀사가추천한회사의신용상태에관한정보를제공해주시면감사하겠습니다. 4 귀사의신용상태에관해정보를추천해주시면감사하겠습니다. 4. 다음문장의해석으로옳은것은? 1 Transhipments are not prohibited. 환적은금지된다. 2 Please reserve space of 200 CBM on your ship. 귀사의선박에 200 평방미터의선복을예약하겠습니다. 3 The balance now standing to your credit amounts to US$5,000.00. 귀사의현재대변잔액은미화 5,000 달러입니다. 4 We would appreciate your introducing us to your traders. 귀사가무역업자에게소개를부탁해주셔서감사합니다. 5. 다음두문장이같은의미가되도록 ( ) 안에적합한단어는무엇인가? We would like you to neglect nothing in carrying out our order. = We hope you will give your ( ) in fulfilling our order. 1 immediate confirmation 3 best attention 2 best quotation 4 prompt reply [6~7] 다음 ( ) 안에들어갈가장적절한단어를고 르시오. 6. We have received your letter of October 3 enclosed with your ( ) No.100. We are sorry not to have paid your account earlier by an oversight. 1 Debit Note 2 Credit Note 3 Bill of Exchange 4 Receipt 7. ( ) means either the delivery of documents under a credit to the issuing bank or nominated bank or the documents so delivered. 1 Negotiation 2 Honour 3 Presentation 4 Confirmation [8~9] 밑줄친부분과다른의미를갖는것을고르시오. 8. We are bound to file a claim on you to make up for US$ 5,000. 1 are pleased to 2 shall 3 are obliged to 4 have no choice but to 9. Our fax of this morning asking you for an amendment of the credit amount 1 revision 2 modification 3 renown 4 correction 10. 다음서신에서 ( ) 안에가장적합한용어는? World Trade Co., Ltd. 11 Market St. New York, N.Y. 13221 U.S.A. e-mail: world@wt.com June 2, 2016 Seoul Exchange Bank 123 Solbit-ro, Gangdong-gu Seoul, 123-53, Korea ( ) : Credit Department 1 Regarding 3 From 2 Attention 4 About 2 -
[11~12] 다음중영문해석이가장옳지않은것을고르 시오. 11. 12. 1 We would like you to submit your shipping schedule. 선적지시서를보내주시기바랍니다. 2 We hope to book freight space for our shipments. 선적품에대한선복을예약하고자합니다. 3 We trust this purchase will bring you a good profit. 당사는이번구매가귀사에게상당한이익을가져다주리라고믿습니다. 4 We await your quantity order. 귀사의대량주문을기다립니다. 1 All documents must be forwarded to issuing bank in two lots by registered airmail. 모든서류는항공속달우편으로발행은행에게 2 달이내에발송되어야한다. 2 Shipments must be effected by Korean Flag Vessel only. 선적은한국국적의선박에의해서만이행되어야한다. 3 Insurance policy in duplicate, endorsed in blank for 110% of the invoice value. 송장금액의 110% 금액으로백지배서된보험증권 2 통 4 All banking commissions outside issuing country are for account of beneficiary. 발행국이외에서발생하는모든은행수수료는수익자의부담으로한다. 13. 밑줄친부분의해석으로옳은것은? We have to charge you an interest at the rate 1 2 of 10% per annum for the amount in arrear. 3 4 1 부담하다 3 매월 14. 다음용어의뜻으로옳지않은것은? 1 Debit Note - 대금청구서 2 value - 대금 3 protested check - 부도수표 4 Overdue Debt - 지불된금액 2 원금 4 지체되어 [15~17] 다음대화를읽고물음에답하시오. Kim : Mr. Baker, would you do me a favor please? Baker : Yes, what is it? Is there anything I can help you out? Kim : Sunny Inc. in Canada wants to enter into a business relationship with us and can you give us some information on that company? Baker : I am very sorry that I have to give you unfavorable news. This is because the company has a poor reputation among the local wholesales in our district. Kim : Well, you mean that their credibility is not good? Baker : They have some problems to settle their payments. I have heard from the bank that they usually postponed payment. 15. 위의대화는무엇에대한내용인가? 1 신용조회결과신용경고 2 주문과선적 3 보험체결과내용 4 대금결제 16. 위대화의내용과일치하는것은? 1 김씨는결국 Sunny Inc 사와거래를할것으로예상된다. 2 Sunny Inc 사는도매상들사이에서평판이좋지않다. 3 Sunny Inc 사는김씨의회사에대금을지불할것이있다. 4 김씨는보험가입을위해서베이커씨에게질문을한다. 17. 밑줄친부분의뜻으로옳은것은? 1 저희와계약을맺겠습니까? 2 저희에게보험을들어주시겠습니까? 3 질문하나해도되겠습니까? 4 저희에게특별한할인을주실수있나요? [18~19] 밑줄친부분의의미로가장알맞은것을고르시오. 18. They have advised us of opening an L/C in your favor. 1 귀사를위하여 2 귀사에게최선을다해 3 귀사를채무자로하여 4 귀사를수익자로하여 19. The ETA will be around April 25, 2016. 1 도착예정일 2 수취예정일 3 항해예정일 4 발송예정일 3 -
20. 결제에대한용어로의미가옳지않은것은? 1 D/A - 인수도조건 2 CAD - 지급도조건 3 COD - 현금상환도 4 T/T - 전신환 21. order B/L 의해석으로옳은것은? 1 지시식선화증권 2 기명식선화증권 3 무고장선화증권 4 수취선화증권 22. 밑줄친부분과의미가같은것을고르시오. Please let us know by e-mail when you can deliver the balance of our order for bed covering. 1 the remainder 3 the total 2 the average 4 the repute [23~25] 다음서한을읽고물음에답하시오. On August 15, we received your order for our laptop computer model No. 30. The goods will soon be ready for shipment and we are thinking of sending them by the m/s Arirang scheduled to sail from Busan towards the end of September. However, (1)your L/C to cover this order has not reached us yet. Please arrange with your bank to open an irrevocable letter of credit for your order so that we may ship your goods. We always do our best to (2)execute all orders in due course. 23. 위서한은무엇에관한내용인가? 1 물품의선적통지 2 신용장의개설요청 3 신용장의발행확인 4 신용장의수정요청 24. 밑줄친 (1) 을다음과같이바꾸어쓸때빈칸에들어갈알맞은단어는? we have not ( against your order. 1 advised 3 arrived at ) your letter of credit 2 opened 4 received 25. 밑줄친 (2) 의뜻으로옳은것은? 1 제때에모든주문을이행하다. 2 제날짜에모든주문을선적하다. 3 제시간에모든선적을이행하다. 4 기한보다먼저모든주문을이행하다. [26~27] 다음통신문을읽고물음에답하시오. As stated in our letter of August 21, we are very interested in distributing your laptop in our country. We would like to cooperate on purchasing the article as soon as possible. Regarding this purchase, (1) 관련정보를알려주십시오. Thank you (2) 미리 for your prompt action. 26. 밑줄친 (1) 을가장올바르게영작한것은? 1 kindly give us the pertinent information. 2 we will appreciate you for giving detailed information. 3 you shall be obliged for giving related information. 4 we request you to receive corresponding information. 27. 밑줄친 (2) 를가장올바르게영작한것은? 1 at the latest 2 in advance 3 in due course 4 without delay 28. 밑줄친내용과바꾸어쓸수없는것은? To put the matter right, we have shipped replacements for all the damaged items. 1 To correct the matter amicably 2 In order to adjust the matter 3 As far as it concerns 4 For settlement of the matter 29. 밑줄친부분과바꾸어쓸수없는것은? Your goods meet our requirement in quality. But we had an impression that your prices are rather 1high. As the market becomes 2dull, we feel that 3it is impossible for us to compete with other suppliers without 4reduction of prices. 1 stiff 3 we are in a position to 2 slack 4 discount 30. 다음우리말을영어로옮길때 ( ) 안에적합한것은? Queen 호에선적예정인위제품에대하여협회적화약관 (A) 조건으로부보하여주십시오. Please ( ) the above goods to be shipped by the "Queen" on ICC(A). 1 apply for 3 make out 2 insure 4 effect 4 -
[31~34] 다음문장을가장올바르게영작한것을고르시오. 31. 그제품에대한시장수요가증가하고있으며, 귀사의청약은당사의기대에매우근접하고있습니다. 1 The market supply on the goods is increasing, and your offer is very distant to our expectation. 2 The market demand on the goods is declining, so your offer is quite similar to our expectation. 3 The market supply on the goods is bullish, and your offer is very far to our expectation. 4 The market demand on the item is swelling, and your offer is quite close to our expectation. 32. 당사는당사의계약서제 10 호를동봉합니다. 1 We are dispatching our credit note No. 10. 2 We are enclosing our debit note No. 10. 3 We are enclosing our contract No. 10. 4 We are enclosing our offer confirmation No. 10. 33. 당사는손상된물품에대한귀사의클레임을받아들일수없습니다. 1 We are willing to accept your claim against the damaged goods. 2 Respecting the damaged goods, we would comply with your claim. 3 We cannot comply with your claim with regard to the damaged goods. 4 We cannot but agree with your claim for the damaged goods. 34. 동상사는이상품에대한주문서를당사에게보내왔습니다. 1 They sent an order to you for this merchandise. 2 You sent an order to us for this merchandise. 3 They sent an order to our for this merchandise. 4 They sent us an order for this merchandise. [35~37] 다음문장을영작한것으로가장옳지않은것을고르시오. 35. 이금액을귀사계정대변에정리하였습니다. 1 We have duly credited this amount to your account. 2 We have duly entered this amount to your account. 3 We have duly placed this amount to your credit. 4 We have duly carried this amount to your credit. 36. 귀사가격을정정하시려고최선을다하시리라확신합니다. 1 We assure that you will correct your prices at your end. 2 We are sure that you will make every effort to renew your prices. 3 We are confident that you will try your utmost to change your prices. 4 We are certain that you will do your best so as to revise your prices. 37. 당사의주문을이행함에있어실수가있었음에틀림없습니다. 1 There must have been a mistake in executing our orders. 2 There must have been an error in placing our orders. 3 There must have been an oversight in filling our orders. 4 There must have been a fault in carrying out our orders. [38~39] 다음우리말을영어로옮길때 ( ) 안에 들어갈내용이올바르게배열된것을고르시오. 38. 당사는귀사가요구하는충분한생산능력을보유하고있습니다. We have ( ). 1. sufficient 2. production capacity 3. required 4. by you 1 1-2-3-4 2 2-1-3-4 3 3-2-1-4 4 4-1-2-3 39. 당사는귀사가주문하신상품을제시간에인도하도록하겠습니다. We will ( ). 1. on time 2. deliver 3. the goods 4. ordered 5. by you 1 1-3-2-4-5 2 2-1-5-3-4 3 3-2-1-4-5 4 2-3-1-4-5 [40~42] 다음용어를영어로옮길때옳지않은것을고 르시오. 40. 1 원산지증명서 : Certificate of Origin 2 항공화물운송장 : Airway Invoice 3 견적송장 : Proforma Invoice 4 수입승인서 : Import License 5 -
41. 42. 1 기한부신용장 : usance L/C 2 취소불능신용장 : irrevocable L/C 3 양도가능신용장 : negotiable L/C 4 회전신용장 : revolving L/C 1 운송인인도가격 : Free Carrier 2 본선인도가격 : Free On Board 3 관세지급인도가격 : Delivered Duty Paid 4 운임 보험료포함가격 : Carriage, Insurance and Freight 43. 우리말을영어로옮길때 ( ) 안에들어갈단어로적합하지않은것은? 이계정을결제하기위하여당사는미화천불의수표를발송했습니다. ( ) this account, we have sent you a check for US $1,000. 1 To cover 3 In accordance with 2 In settlement of 4 To balance 44. 다음우리말을영작할때옳지않은것은? 1 보험증명서두통을보내주십시오. Please send us the insurance premium in triplicate. 2 보험증권을작성해주시길바랍니다. We hope that you will be good enough to make out the Insurance Policy. 3 500 달러의금액이오래미결제상태입니다. Your account for $500.00 is long overdue. 4 즉시송금해주시면감사하겠습니다. Immediate remittance would be highly appreciated. 45. 다음문장의 ( ) 안의우리말과가장일치하는것은? Unless expressly agreed upon, the port of shipment shall be at ( 매도인이선택 ) 1 the Seller's confirmation 2 the Buyer's approval 3 the Seller's option 4 the Buyer's choice 46. 다음문장의 ( ) 안을영어로바꿀때적합하지않은표현은? ( 결제조건에따라서 ), we have drawn a draft on your bank at 30 d/s for US$ 2,000,000. 1 In accordance with the terms of payment 2 In spite of the terms of balance 3 Complying with the terms of settlement 4 In compliance with the terms of payment [47~50] 아래는통신문일부분을영문으로옮긴것이다. 물음에답하시오. 당사는 4 월 15 일자귀사의조회에감사드립니다. 당사는중고승용차 50 대를호치민항도착운임 보험료포함가격으로하여 1 대당미화 5 천달러로청약을하는바당사의청약은귀사의회답이당사에 5 월 15 일까지도착하는조건입니다. < 영작 > Thank you for your ( A ) of April 15. We are pleased to offer you sales of ( B ) 50 passenger cars on ( C ) at USD5,000 ( D ) unit, ( E ) that your reply will reach us ( F ) May 15. 47. ( A ), ( B ) 에들어갈올바른단어는? 1 call - old 2 inquiry - second handed 3 trade - old 4 call - second handed 48. ( C ) 에들어갈적합한정형거래조건표시는? 1 CIF Hochimin 2 CFR Hochimin 3 FOB Hochimin 4 CPT Hochimin 49. ( D ) 에들어갈올바른단어는? 1 at 3 per 2 from 4 of 50. ( E ), ( F ) 에들어갈올바른단어는? 1 provided - by 2 if - by 3 provided - from 4 if - no later than 51. 선화증권에대한설명으로옳지않은것은? 1 권리증권 2 유가증권이아님 3 계약의증빙서류 4 물품수령증 6 -
52. 무역관련국제기구 ( 조직 ) 가아닌것은? 1 WTO(World Trade Organization) 2 GSP(Generalized System of Preferences) 3 UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) 4 ICC(International Chamber of Commerce) 53. DAP 에관한설명으로옳은것은? 1 매수인이수출통관을하여야한다. 2 하나의운송수단을쓸경우에만사용할수있다. 3 지정목적지까지운임과위험을매도인이부담한다. 4 매도인이수입관세를지불하여야한다. 54. 화인에통상적으로있는요소로옳지않은것은? 1 양륙항 2 주화인 3 화물번호 4 출발지 55. 관세청의기능에대한설명으로옳지않은것은? 1 관세및내국세를부과하고징수한다. 2 밀수와부정수출입의단속을한다. 3 효율적인통관업무를위하여각지역에세관을운영한다. 4 수입허가서를발급해준다. 56. 상품대금의결제용이아니라융자제공은행의지급보증용으로주로발행되는특수한신용장을무엇이라하는가? 1 back to back credit 2 Thomas credit 3 escrow credit 4 stand-by credit 57. 계약의체결이특별한형식에구애받지않고구두, 서면또는언어에의한명시계약이나행동에의해서도계약이성립하는성격은? 1 쌍무계약 2 불요식계약 3 유상계약 4 요식계약 58. 무역에서항공기등을이용하여견품, 서류등을최단시간내에배송해주는속달업체를무엇이라하는가? 1 항공운송업체 2 철도운송업체 3 특사 4 포워딩업체 59. 신용장통일규칙이나일반국제상관행상선화증권에선적일이기재되어있지않은경우선적일로추정가능한날짜로옳은것은? 1 M/R 발행일자 2 B/L 발행일자 3 L/C 발행일자 4 S/O 발행일자 60. 통신문을작성할때반드시포함되어야할주요요소에해당되지않는것은? 1 Letterhead 2 Signature 3 Inside Address 4 Attachment File 61. 추심결제방식과신용장결제방식에대한설명으로옳지않은것은? 1 추심결제방식에서 D/A 조건의경우 usance draft 가발행된다. 2 추심결제방식의경우신용장결제방식보다안전도가낮다. 3 신용장결제방식의경우환어음은개설은행앞으로발행된다. 4 추심결제방식과신용장결제방식모두은행이동등한역할로개입된다. 62. 매수인에게가장유리한대금지급조건은? 1 30 days D/A 2 30 days L/C 3 30 days open account 4 Sight L/C 63. 무역상이제 3 국으로수출할것을목적으로물품을수입한이후다시수출을하여수출액과수입액과의차액을얻고자하는목적의무역을무엇이라하는가? 1 연계무역 (counter trade) 2 구상무역 (compensation trade) 3 중계무역 (intermediary trade) 4 가공무역 (processing trade) 64. 신용조사를할때신뢰도를측정할수있는 3C s 의요소로옳지않은것은? 1 Character 2 Capital 3 Capacity 4 Clearness 65. Incoterms( 인코텀즈 ) 에서매도인과매수인의의무는비용과위험의부담면에서각각책임의한계를정하고있다. 한국에서경자동차 1 대를다음과같은조건의 US $10,000 의가격으로미국에수출하기로한다면수출상에게유리한순서대로나열된것은? 1 FAS - FOB - CIF - CFR - DAP - DDP 2 FAS - FOB - CFR - CIF - DAP - DDP 3 FAS - FOB - CFR - CIF - DDP - DAP 4 FOB - FAS - CIF - CFR - DDP - DAP 66. 보험금액이보험가액과동일한경우의보험은무엇이라하는가? 1 전부보험 2 중복보험 3 공동보험 4 일부보험 7 -
67. 분쟁해결방법으로뉴욕협약이적용되는것은? 1 중재 2 화해 3 알선 4 조정 68. 대금지급시기에따른결제유형으로다른하나는? 1 D/P 2 O/A 3 CAD 4 At sight L/C 69. 매도인이계약상품을수입국내지정장소에서수입통관을필한상태로인도하는정형거래조건은? 1 CFR 2 DDP 3 DAT 4 FOB 70. 대금을회수하는데필요한선적서류중부수서류에해당하는것은? 1 상업송장 2 선화증권 3 보험증권 4 원산지증명서 71. 컨테이너화물운송중컨테이너를개폐하지않고문전에서문전까지의서비스가가능한형태는? 1 CY/CFS 2 CY/CY 3 CFS/CFS 4 CFS/CY 72. 개별선적화물에대한보험을가입하였다는증거서류로서보험자가기명날인하여보험계약자에게교부하는증서를무엇이라하는가? 1 Cover Note 2 Claim Note 3 Insurance Policy 4 Insurance Certificate 73. 무역분쟁의원인중클레임을제기하기어려운것은? 1 선적항의악천후 2 신용장요구서류의하자 3 물품품질의상위 4 선적의지연 74. 선적절차를순서대로올바르게나열한것은? 1 S/R M/R B/L S/O 2 B/L M/R S/O S/R 3 S/R B/L S/O M/R 4 S/R S/O M/R B/L 75. 항공운송에서항공화물대리점이화물을인수한후발행하는서류로서해상운송에서 B/L과같은성격을가지고있는것은? 1 Ocean B/L 2 House B/L 3 AWB 4 Consignment Note 8 -