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Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

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PowerPoint 프레젠테이션


< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>

Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you


6단계 08권 TG


Being friends with the face in the mirror

1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Dad, look at this. I made a birthday card for Grandma. M: Wow, you decorated it with dried flowers. W: Yes

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의

현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ 두 갑 두 갑 이상 5. Ho







3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

328 退溪學과 韓國文化 第43號 다음과 같은 3가지 측면을 주목하여 서술하였다. 우선 정도전은 ꡔ주례ꡕ에서 정치의 공공성 측면을 주목한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 국가, 정치, 권력과 같은 것이 사적인 소유물이 아니라 공적인 것임을 강조하는 것으로 조선에서 표방하는 유

71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370

Microsoft Word - Winners - Group III - Korean - Grades 5-8.doc



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FAQ. 리스트 구분 No. Questions Possible Responses* Greetings Daily life How are you? 어떻게 지내니? 11 I am great. Thank you. 좋아요. 감사합니다 No


바르게 읽는 성경


When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no

I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien




Unit1 Preview 1 She looked beautiful 2 I feel good today 3 Something smells delicious 4 It sounds exciting 5 This cheese cake tastes bad Point Your boyfriend looks young I feel sleepy This flower smells sweet A: Why don t we go to the movies? B: That sounds great This potato pizza tastes good > The man looks sad It looks like a real cat Speed Check 1 It good sounds speaks tastes smells looks 2 This seafood spaghetti tastes well great bad terrible delicious 008

Basic Test A 1 The song sounds (beautiful, beautifully) 2 Ice cream feels (cold, coldly) 3 He (looked, smelled) shocked at the news of the accident 4 I (feel, taste) sad when I m alone B 1 Does the man look smartly? 2 The milk smells badly 3 I felt sadly at the news C 1 (good, the fried chicken, smells) 2 (smells, the cake, sweet) 3 (looks, the musical, interesting) D 1 (heavy) The books 2 (strong) Your perfume 3 (soft) This sweater 4 (great) Your plan 5 (fresh) This salad D perfume[pá; fju;m] soft[s (;)ft] 009

Unit 2 Preview 1 My girlfriend gave me a yellow T-shirt 2 My father bought me an MP3 player 3 He asked me a difficult question Point I sent her beautiful flowers give, tell, teach, send, I gave Jun-gi some chocolate bring, show, write I gave some chocolate to Jun-gi make, buy, get I bought him a cooking book I bought a cooking book for him ask A woman asked me my phone number A woman asked my phone number of me Speed Check to for of 1 My friend asked my vacation plans me 2 I brought a cup of coffee her 3 She made a pizza me 0

Basic Test A 1 She gave a piece of cake for me 2 Who wrote the song for her? 3 The teacher asked nothing to me B 1 My friend sent me many MP3 music files My friend sent many MP3 music files (to, for, of) me 2 He didn t ask the teacher any questions He didn t ask any questions (to, for, of) the teacher 3 Who made you such a nice bag? Who made such a nice bag (to, for, of) you? C 1 They will tell him the story They will tell the story 2 Can I ask you a favor? Can I ask a favor? 3 My dad got me a concert ticket My dad got a concert ticket C favor[fèiv ] D 1 My mother bought this Playstation 3 My mother bought this Playstation 3 2 Subin sent a text message Subin sent a text message him 3 He taught history He taught history us me D text message 1

Unit 3 Preview 1 How can you call him a tough guy? 2 Your present made her happy 3 My parents don t want me to be a singer Point She called him her best friend The movie made him a superstar John found science interesting My father kept the door open He wants me to be honest She asked me to take pictures of her > He calls his dog Happy His dog is Happy His dog=happy cf He made me a mini-homepage Jack found the book easy Jack found the book easily Speed Check 1 You made him mad angry sad happily a movie star 2 I you to go there wanted made told expected asked 2

Basic Test A 1 Your smile makes your parents (happy, happily) 2 The coat will keep you (warm, warmly) 3 I told him (open, to open) the door B 1 Keep your room cleanly 2 I want him pass the test 3 My bad grades made my parents angrily B grade[greid] C 1 (us, made, the long trip, tired) 2 (you, keep, exercising regularly, will, healthy) 3 (wanted, a goal, to score, Dongguk, I) C score a goal D 1 (call, a coward) People 2 (make, sleepy) The book 3 (open) Keep 4 (buy) I expected me a present D coward[káu d] 3

Unit 4 Preview 1 Her smile always makes me smile 1 Please let me go 2 I saw you go to the singing room 1 I heard someone call my name > Point My mother didn t let me read comic books Hiddink made our dreams come true cf Hiddink got our dreams to come true They felt the building shake I heard him play the guitar cf I heard him playing the guitar She helped him (to) do it Please let me go this time Let me double-check The doctor made him stop smoking The doctor had him stop smoking My mother doesn t let me come home late Speed Check 1 I heard the alarm loudly ring rang rung to ring to ringing 2 My mom me to have a taekwondo lesson made let watched got had 4

Basic Test A 1 My parents let us (keep, to keep) a puppy 2 Do you feel my hand (shaking, to shake)? 3 She watched the children (play, to play) games 4 I will have him (repair, to repair) your car A puppy[p=pi] shake[ eik] repair[rip ] B 1 Please let me helping you 2 Did you really hear me to sing? 3 I saw her swam in the pool 4 She had her son to write the teacher a letter C 1 (slim, her, makes, look) The dress C slim[slim] 2 (computer games, let, doesn t, me, play) My father 3 (drums, the, heard, her, play) I D 1 (make, laugh) The talk show 2 (see) I 3 (let, enter) She 5

Review Test 1-4 1 I saw a cat with my dog play plays to play played be played 2 She made me the dishes wash washing washed to wash being washed 3 You always me happy ask buy make have look 4 I ll emails to them buy get ask make send 6-8 6 Did you tell your mom the story? Did you tell the story your mom? of to by at with 7 I ll buy my brother some music CDs I ll buy some music CDs my brother on in to by for 8 May I ask the teacher some questions? May I ask some questions the teacher? to of for with by 5 His song great and the rose beautiful smells sounds looks feels tastes smells sounds looks feels tastes 9 The train left Did you see it? Did you see the train leave? Tom is making hamburgers Jane is watching Tom Jane is watching Tom 6

10-11 10 She them keep quiet had let helped got made 14 Let me explain it to you I didn t ask her come back soon People call him Tommy His mother made him brave My mother often makes me clean my desk 11 You look today good nice tired happily young 12 She saw the baby for the first time walk to walk walking walked was walking 15 Yesterday was Tom s birthday His parents wanted to make him happy So they planned to give him a big birthday party His mom and dad bought a lot of things for the party And they invited many of Tom s friends Tom s mom also made a birthday cake to Tom It tasted really good Amy sang a song for Tom and Jack gave him game CDs Tom and his friends had a wonderful time! 13 You look happy today Sushi tastes good That sounds greatly This pizza smells delicious I am sure that the baby feels happy now Review Test 7

Grammar in 1 (A), (B), (C) When I was a teenager, my parents were very strict with me They never let me (A) play / to play until I had finished all my homework They even made me (B) help / helping my brothers and sisters with their homework I believe their thoughts were good for me Thanks to my parents, I always got good grades in school But I think parents should help their children (C) learn / learning to enjoy life, too teenager[tí;néid, ] strict[strikt] thought[^ ;t] thanks to grade[greid] (A) (B) (C) 2-3 Dear Toby, How are you in heaven? I m OK here, but I was very sad when you died I think about you all the time I can imagine you barking at strangers in heaven We buried you in the backyard I also made you a little *gravestone Every day, I go to your grave and put flowers there Have a nice time in heaven Love, Jason *gravestone heaven[hèv n] all the time imagine[im d,in] bark at stranger[strèind, ] bury[bèri] backyard[b kj ; d] grave[greiv] 2 I also made a little gravestone you 3 8