I m So Sorry 중 2 영어 천재 ( 김 ) [ 의사소통기능 ] 사과하기 In This Unit A I m sorry. I lost your pen. B That s okay. Don t worry about it. 당부하기 A I m going to ride

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step 1-1







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FAQ. 리스트 구분 No. Questions Possible Responses* Greetings Daily life How are you? 어떻게 지내니? 11 I am great. Thank you. 좋아요. 감사합니다 No

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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

Unit 6 Let s Talk Doing Things 학생용교재레벨 6, Unit 6, 페이지 우리아이가배운내용은 대화문 : I m sorry I m late. That s OK. Have you already bought your ticket? Yes,




6단계 08권 TG

새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의

#1_초급 본문



7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

안부를묻고답하는표현과헤어질때하는인사말을듣고이해할수 있다. 안부를묻고답하는표현과헤어질때하는인사말을말할수있다. A : How are you doing? B : I m doing great. How about you? A : Have a nice day, everyone.

Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.



HappyListener 3_정답.indd


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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해


I m So Sorry 중 2 영어 천재 ( 김 ) [ 의사소통기능 ] 사과하기 In This Unit A I m sorry. I lost your pen. B That s okay. Don t worry about it. 당부하기 A I m going to ride my bike. B Be sure to wear a helmet. [ 언어형식 ] Dad told Yuri to write an apology letter to Mr. Yun. I didn t know that my iguana would cause trouble in the library. Words & Phrases accept 2[əksépt] 받아들이다, 수락하다, 인정하다 again 2[əgén] 다시, 원상태로 angry [ǽŋgri] 성난, 화난 anyone [éniwʌˋ n] 누구라도, 아무도 (~ 않다 ) apologize 2[əpálədʒáiz] 사과하다 apology 2[əpálədʒi] 사과 arrive 2[əràiv] 도착하다, 도달하다 [arrival 도착 ] arrive at ~ 에도착하다 (get to = reach) backpack [bǽkpæˋ k] 배낭 beautiful [bjú:fəfəl] 아름다운, 훌륭한 be full of ~ 로가득차다 (be filled with) break [breik] 부수다, 고장내다, 어기다 휴식 [break broke broken] bring [bríŋ] 가져오다, 데려오다 [bring brought brought] by ing ~ 함으로써 careful [kɛˊərfəl] 조심성있는, 꼼꼼한 cause [kɔˊ:z] ~ 의원인이되다 원인, 이유, 주장 change [tʃéindʒ] 바꾸다, 교환하다, 변하다 변화, 잔돈 check out ( 도서관에서 ) 대출하다, ( 호텔에서 ) 나오다, 확인하다 classmate [klǽsmèit] 반친구, 동급생 clearly [klíərli] 명백하게, 분명하게 corner [kɔˊ :rnər] 구석, 모퉁이, 코너 dear [díər] 친애하는, 경애하는, 소중한 decide 2[disàid] 결심하다, 결정하다 [= determine = make a decision = make up one's mind] draw [drɔˊ:] 그리다, 당기다 [draw drew - drawn] drop [drap] 떨어지다, 떨어뜨리다 물방울, 투하 else [els] 그밖에, 달리 everywhere [évrihwɛˋər] 어디에나 (at any place where) fault [fɔˊ :lt] 결점, 과실 forget 2[fərgèt] 잊다 [forget forgot - forgotten] forward [fɔˊ :rwərd] 앞으로 앞쪽으로의 전송하다 gate [géit] 대문 get mad at ~ 에게화가나다 glass [glæs] 유리, 유리잔 [grass 잔디 ] glove [glʌˊ v] 장갑, 글러브 hand [hǽnd] 건네주다 손, 일손, 솜씨, 소유 9 hand in 제출하다 (submit, turn in) happen [hǽpən] 일어나다, 발생하다 (take place, occur) heavy [hévi] 무거운, 대량의, 힘겨운, 격렬한, 기름진 helmet [hélmit] 헬멧 kind [kàind] 친절한 종류 leave [li:v] 떠나다, 남기다, 그만두다, 버리다 [leave left - left] letter [létər] 편지, 글자, 문학 library [làibrèri] 도서관, 장서 look forward to ~ 을기대하다 lose [lu:z] 잃다, 지다 [lose lost lost 잃다 loss 손실 ] loud [láud] 큰목소리의, 시끄러운 큰소리로 loudly [láudli] 소리크게 mean [mí:n] 의미하다, 의도하다 [mean meant - meant] 비열한, 인색한, 보통의, 천한 pack [pæk] 꾸러미, 떼, 한갑 꾸리다, 채워넣다, 가득채우다, 떼지어몰리다 part [pá:rt] 부분, 부품, 역할 나누다, 헤어지다 pet [pét] 애완동물, 귀여운사람 애완의 plan [plǽn] 계획 계획하다 popcorn [pápkɔˋ :rn] 팝콘 project [prádʒekt] 계획, 과제 계획하다, 투사하다 promise [prámis] 약속, 전망 약속하다, ~ 할듯하다 put up 게시하다, 설치하다, 발표하다, 상연하다 quiet [kwàiət] 조용한, 평온한, 한적한 고요 quite [kwàit] 아주, 꽤 scare [skɛˊər] 깜짝놀래주다, 겁내다 공황, 공포 scream [skrí:m] 비명을지르다, 소리질러말하다 절규 sign [sàin] 표지판, 기호, 신호, 기미 서명하다 sincere 2[sinsíər] 성실한, 참된 sister [sístər] 여자형제, 언니, 누이, 누이동생, 자매 snack [snæk] 간식 sorry [sɔˊ :ri] 슬픈, 유감스러운, 미안한 step on ~ 를밟다 sure [ʃúər] 확신하는, 꼭 ~ 하는 take A to B A를 B로데려가다, 가져가다 ticket [tíkit] 표, 정가표 tip [tip] 끝, 팁, 조언 (advice, suggestions) traffic [trǽfik] 교통 trash [trǽʃ] 폐물, 쓰레기 trouble [trʌˊ bl] 불편, 분쟁, 근심, 고생, 문제점 (problem) turn down 음량을줄이다, 거절하다 (reject) understand 3[ʌˋ ndərstǽnd] 이해하다, 알다 [understand understood understood] useful [jú:sfəl] 쓸모있는 vase [véis] 꽃병 volume [vɔˊ lju:m] 부피, 음량, 책, 대량 wait for ~ 를기다리다 (await) want [wɔˊ :nt] 원하다 wash [wáʃ] 씻다, 세수하다, 빨래하다 빨래, 세탁물 wash the dishes 설거지하다 (do the dishes) way [wéi] 길, 방법 welcome [wélkəm] 환영받는 환영하다 환영 without 2[wiðàut] ~ 없이, ~ 이없으면, ~ 하지않고 work [wə:rk] 일, 직업, 일터, 작품, 공사 일하다, 효과가있다, 움직이다, 일시키다 write [ràit] 글쓰다, 편지를쓰다 [write wrote - written] 1 과분석 1

중 2 천재 ( 김 ) 지이다영어 Warm Up 1 All three students need to say one common statement. What is it? 각그림의인물들이공통적으로해야할말이무엇인지이야기해봅시다. 1) 8 They saw me (sing / to sing / singing) a song. Dad allowed me (play / to play / playing) PC games. want, would like (~ 하고싶다 ), ( 요구하다 ), ( 충고하다 ),,, ( 시키다 ), ( 허락하다 ), hope beg ( 간청하다 ), cause ( 야기시키다 ), compel ( 강요하다 ), discourage ( 낙담시키다 ), enable ( 가능케하다 ), encourage ( 격려하다 ), expect ( 기대하다 ), forbid ( 금지하다 ), force ( 강요하다 ), permit ( 허락하다 ), persuade ( 설득하다 ), require ( 요구하다 ), teach ( 가르치다 ), urge ( 강권하다 ), warn ( 경고하다 ), wish ( 바라다 ) + 목적어 + to부정사 절을이끄는접속사 that 2 Think about why each expression is important. 다음말들이왜중요한지생각해봅시다. I didn t know that my iguana would cause trouble in the library. 저는제이구아나가도서관에서문제를일으킬줄몰랐어요. Study Points 사과하기 A: I m sorry. I lost your pen. 미안해. 네펜을잃어버렸어. B: That s okay. Don t worry about it. 괜찮아. 걱정하지마. A:. 2) It's all my fault. 미안해. 다내잘못이야. I apologize to you. 나는당신에게사과합니다. Please accept my apology. 제사과를받아주세요. B: 3) 괜찮아. = 4) = It's O.K. = It's fine = No problem. 문제없어. (Thank you의대답 ) = Never mind. 신경쓰지마. (Thank you의대답 ) Don't worry. No worries. 걱정하지마. No, you don't have to (be sorry). 괜찮아, 그럴 ( 미안해할 ) 필요없어. Don't be (sorry for that). 그러지 ( 미안해하지 ) 마. It doesn't matter at all. 전혀문제가안돼. That's right. 은 맞아 라는뜻. 당부하기 A: I m going to ride my bike. 나는자전거를탈작정이야. B: Be sure to wear a helmet. 반드시안전모를써야한다. A: to turn off the light when you go out. = 5) that you turn off the light. 네가나갈때반드시불을끄렴. B: OK, I will. 알았어요, 그럴게요. 목적격보어로 to부정사를취하는동사 6)7) Dad told Yuri to write an apology letter to Mr. Yun. 아빠는 Yuri에게윤선생님께사과편지를쓰도록시키셨다. I want him (study / to study / studying) hard. She had me (wash / to wash / washing) the dishes. Mom told me (clean / to clean / cleaning) the room. Tom helped me (do / to do / doing) my homework. He asked me (close / to close / closing) the door. I think. + He is honest. I think 8) he is honest. 나는그가정직하다고생각한다. I believe. + Jane will come to my birthday party. I believe 9) Jane will come to my birthday party. 나는 Jane 이내생일파티에올것이라고믿는다. I don't know. + She broke her leg. I don't know 10) she broke her leg. 나는그녀가다리가부러졌다는것을몰랐다. I heard. + They will leave for Seoul tomorrow. I heard 11) they will leave for Seoul tomorrow. 나는그들이내일서울로떠날것이라는것을들었다. I promise. + I won t do that again. I promise 12) I won t do that again. 나는내가다시는그러지않을거라고약속한다. 여러가지 That 지시대명사 That is my bag. ( 저것 ) 저것은나의가방이다. 지시형용사 That bag is mine. ( 저 ) 저가방은나의것이다. 부사 접속사 ( 목적어 ) 접속사 ( 주어 ) 접속사 ( 동격 ) 관계 대명사 관계 부사 관계사 ( 강조 ) It doesn't take that long. ( 그렇게 ) ( 시간이 ) 그렇게오래걸리지는않는다. I know (that) you love me. (~ 라는것을 ) 저는당신이날사랑하신다는것을알아요. 가주어 진주어 It is true that he is honest. (~ 라는것은 ) 주로형용사, fact, rumor 등의명사그가정직하다는것은사실이다. 동격 I heard the rumor that he is a liar. 그가거짓말쟁이라는소문을들었다. =which I lost the book that you had bought for me. 나는네가날위해사준그책을잃어버렸다. =in which I wonder the way that he solve the problem. 나는그가문제를푼방식이궁금하다. It was Tom that broke the window. who It is ~ that 을빼면완벽한문장! 창문을깬것은바로탐이었다. 2 4 과분석

지이다영어중 2 천재 ( 김 ) Listen and Speak 1 A Listen In Before You Listen 1. What would you say in this situation? 다음상황에서뭐라고말해야할까요? 13) 10,11 2. Listen again and complete Hobin's diary. 다시듣고, 빈칸에알맞은말을넣어호빈이의일기를완성해봅시다. I (go) 25) to the movies today. 나는오늘영화보러갔다. The movie started[id] 26) 5, 27) I arrived[d] 28) the theater at 4:50. 영화는 5시에시작했다, 하지만나는 4:50에영화관에도착했다. Minji was waiting 29) me. 민지는나를기다리고있었다. 30) = = 31) I (feel) 32) bad, 33) I (buy) 34) the popcorn and. 35) 나는미안했다, 그래서나는팝콘과음료수를샀다. 2. Listen and match. Why does each boy say sorry? 잘듣고각남학생이사과하는이유를연결해봅시다. 14) ⑴ M: I'm sorry. My little sister drew pictures on your book. 미안해. 내여동생이네책에그림을그렸어. W: That's okay. I don't need the book. 괜찮아. 나그책필요없어. ⑵ M: I'm sorry. I dropped a glass and broke it. 미안해요. 유리잔을떨어뜨려서깨뜨렸어요. W: That's okay. 괜찮아. ⑶ M: Did you wash the dishes? 너설거지했니? W: Oh, I'm sorry, Mom. I forgot. I'll do it now. 아, 죄송해요, 엄마. 저잊어버렸어요. 지금할게요. C Speak Out Practice the dialog with your partner. 짝과대화를연습해봅시다. A: I m sorry. I lost your pen. 미안해. 네펜을잃어버렸어. B: That s okay. Don't worry about it. 괜찮아. 걱정하지마. D Talk in Pairs What would you say in these situations? Talk with your partner. 다음상황에서뭐라말할지짝과대화해봅시다. A: I m sorry. I forgot to bring your camera. 미안해. 네카메라를가져오는것을잊었어. B: That s okay, but bring it tomorrow. 괜찮아, 하지만내일가져와. B Listen to the Dialog 1. Listen and choose. Why was Hobin late? 잘듣고, 호빈이가늦은이유를골라봅시다. 15) M: 16) 17) (be) 18) late, Minji. 늦은것에대해미안해, 민지야. = What s wrong with you? = What s the matter? = What s the problem? W: What happened, Hobin? Didn't you say ( ) 19) you left home 30 minutes ago? 무슨일있었니, 호빈아? 너는 30분전에집을떠났다고네가말하지않았니? M: I did. 20) the traffic was heavy. I'm really sorry. 그랬어. 하지만교통량이많았어. 정말미안해. W:. 21) 괜찮아. =. 22) M: When does the movie start? 영화가언제시작하니? W: It starts 23) 5, 24) we have ten minutes. 5시에시작해, 그러니까우리 10분남았어. M: Then, I'll buy the popcorn and drinks. 그러면, 내가팝콘하고음료수살게. W: Okay. 좋았어. Tip bring it tomorrow try harder next time try to be more careful finish it soon Sound dropped stopped I dropped a glass. happened worried What happened? ed의발음 1 [d] : d 제외한유성음 played, studied, loved 2 [t] : t 제외한무성음 washed, watched, passed, helped, worked, laughed [f] 3 [id] : d, t needed, wanted 1 과분석 3

중 2 천재 ( 김 ) 지이다영어 Listen and Speak 2 12,13 2. Listen again and choose the correct ones. 다시듣고알맞은말을골라봅시다. 48) A Listen In Before You Listen 1. Who will say these to you? 다음은누가할수있는말일까요? 36) 2. Listen and number. What does each girl need to take? 잘듣고각여학생이가져가야할것에대화의번호를써봅시다. 37) ⑴ M: It's going to rain this afternoon. Be sure to take your umbrella. 오늘오후에비가올거야. 반드시우산을가져가라. W: Okay, I will. Thanks, Dad. 좋아요, 그럴게요. 고마워요, 아빠. ⑵ W: I think (that) I'll go bike riding this afternoon. 제생각에는제가오늘오후에자전거를타러갈거예요. M: Well, make sure you wear a helmet. 음, 반드시안전모를써라. ⑶ W: Dad, I'm going to visit Grandma today. 아빠, 저는오늘할머니를방문할거예요. M: I made some cookies for her. Make sure you take them. 나는그녀를위해약간의쿠키를만들었구나. 네가반드시가지고가렴. C Speak Out Match and practice the dialog with your partner. 연결하고짝과함께대화를연습해봅시다. A: I m going to ride my bike. 저는제자전거를타러갈거예요. B: Be sure to wear a helmet. 반드시안전모를써라. A: Okay, I will. 알았어요, 그럴게요. B Listen to the Dialog 1. Listen and complete the sentence. 대화를듣고문장을완성해봅시다. 38) W: I'm home. 집에왔어요. M: It's almost 10. Where were you? 거의 10시다. 너어디에있었냐? W: I was 39) Jenny's house. We were working 40) our science project. 저는 Jenny의집에있었어요. 우리는과학과제를했어요. M: Mom and I were really [ worried / worrying ] 41). 엄마랑내가정말로걱정을했단다. 1그것 ( 대명사 ) 2비인칭주어 42) W: Uh, sorry. I didn't know ( ) 43) it was getting so late. 어, 미안해요. 이렇게늦을지는저도몰랐어요. M: Cathy, 44) you call us when you're going to be late. 1언제 2~ 할때 45) Cathy야, 네가늦게될때반드시우리에게전화해야한다. W: Okay, Dad. I promise ( ) 46) I will next time. 47) 생략 알았어요, 아빠. 다음번엔그러리라고약속할게요. D Talk in Groups Play a game with your classmates. 모둠의친구들과게임을해봅시다. A: I m going to go ice-skating for the first time. 나는처음으로아이스스케이팅을타러갈거야. B: Make sure you put on your gloves. 반드시장갑을끼어라. How To Play 1. 네명이모둠을이룬뒤, 두명씩한팀이됩니다. 2. 가위바위보를해서이긴팀이주사위를던집니다. 그리고주사위를던져나온숫자에해당하는표현을활용하여대화합니다. 3. 여섯면의표현을모두먼저사용하여대화를한팀이이깁니다. 4 4 과분석

지이다영어중 2 천재 ( 김 ) Communication Task 14 Before You Read 15 A Imagine that you are the librarian in the picture and tell each student not to do something. 도서관사서가되어그 림속인물들에게당부하는말을해봅시다. 49) A Look at the picture. In this situation, how do you say sorry? 여러분은사진과같은상황에서어떻게사과하나요? 51) B Read the short passage and guess the meaning of the highlighted words. 짧은글을읽고, 색칠된단어가문장속에 서어떤의미로사용되었는지추측해봅시다. How To Play 1. 부록 ~ 쪽에있는문장카드를오려색깔별로분류합니다. 2. 그림속인물들에게해줄밑의문장카드에서색깔별로하나씩찾아보기와같이대화를합니다. B A 의그림을보면서빙고놀이를해봅시다. A: Excuse me. You re playing your music too loudly. 실례합니다. 당신들은음악을너무크게틀고있어요. B: Oh, I didn t know. I m sorry. 아, 몰랐어요. 죄송합니다. A:. 50) 반드시음량을줄여주세요. B: Okay, I will. / Okay, I won t. 좋아요, 그럴게요. / 좋아요, 그러지않을게요. Ron wanted to scare his friends. Ron은그의친구들을겁주기를원했습니다. So, he dressed up as Dracula. 그래서, 그는드라큘라처럼차려입었습니다. When the kids saw him, they screamed and ran away. 아이들이그를보았을때, 그들은비명을질렀습니다그리고도망쳤습니다. Later, he apologized to his friends. 나중에, 그는그의친구들에게사과했습니다. How To Play 1. 네명이모둠을이룬뒤, 두명씩한팀이됩니다. 2. 피라미드모양의빙고판에 A의그림속인물들의번호를 (1) 부터 (8) 까지씁니다. 3. 대화를하며해당하는칸에 0표를합니다. 4. 위에서아래까지 0표를먼저연결한팀이이깁니다. 추측한뜻사전에서찾은뜻 scare scream apologize Tip 본문을빠르게훑어읽고, 중심내용을말해봅시다. 1 과분석 5

중 2 천재 ( 김 ) 지이다영어 No Iguana in the Library? 16~18 Yesterday I (take) 52) my [ nine-year-old / nin -years-old ] 53) sister Yuri 54) the library. 어제저는 9살난여동생유리를도서관에데리고갔습니다. Yuri (bring) 55) her iguana 56) her, 57) I didn t know 58) it. 유리는그녀의이구아나를함께데려갔습니다, 하지만저는그것에대하여알지못했습니다. The iguana caused[d] 59) trouble 60) the library. = 61) [ many / much ] 62) = = 63) 이구아나는도서관에서많은문제를일으켰습니다. This morning, Dad told Yuri [ write / to write / writing ] 64) an 65) letter 66) Mr. Yun. 오늘아침에, 아빠는유리에게윤선생님께사과편지를쓰도록하셨습니다. He told me, 67) ( ) 68) her apology is 69). 그는제게말씀하셨습니다, 반드시그녀의사과가진실되게하렴. * Mr. Yun이누구인지추측해봅시다. Check Up What did Dad tell Yuri to do? 70) Dear Mr. Yun, 친애하는윤선생님, My dad wanted me [ apologize / to apologize / apologizing ] 71) 72) you. 우리아빠는제가당신께사과하길원하셨어요. I am sorry ( ) 73) I (bring) 74) my pet iguana, Tito, 75) the library 76) my backpack. 제가애완이구아나 Tito를제배낭에넣어서도서관으로가져갔던것에대해서죄송해요. [ A few / A little ] 77) days ago, I (find) 78) a big green book there. 며칠전에저는그곳에서큰녹색책을발견했어요. It 79) colorful pictures of iguanas. = 80) ~ 로가득차다그것은이구아나의화려한사진들로가득했어요. I wanted[id] [ show / to show / showing ] 81) the book 82) Tito. 용법 ( ) 83) 저는그책을 Tito에게보여주기를원했어요. 84) you [ sayed / said ] 85) 86) I [ can / could ] 87) not 88) that big green book 89) the library. = 90) 그러나선생님께선제가도서관에서그큰녹색책을대출할수없다고말씀하셨어요. 91), I planned[d] [ show / to show / showing ] 92) it 93) Tito 94) the corner. 용법 ( ) 95) 그래서, 저는모퉁이에서그것을 Tito에게보여줄계획을세웠어요. I didn t know 96) my iguana [ will / would ] 97) 98) trouble 99) the library. 저는제이구아나가도서관에서문제를일으킬것을알지못했어요. My dad said ( ) 100) it was my 101) 102) I (bring) 103) the iguana 104) the library. 우리아빠는제가이구아나를도서관으로가져갔기때문에그것은제잘못이라고말씀하셨어요. 105) I think ( ) 106) you scared[d] my iguana first 107) you screamed[d] and people (run) 108) everywhere. 그러나저는선생님이비명을지르고사람들이여기저기로뛰어다녔기때문에선생님이먼저제이구아나를겁주었다고생각해요. Tito didn t scare [ anyone / someone ] 109) first. Tito는아무에게먼저겁을주지않아요. Check Up Why did Yuri want to show to Tito? 110) Flicker.com c Carib Derek 111), I didn t [ quiet / quite / quit ] 112) understand the No Animals sign 113) the gate. 또한, 저는문위의 동물출입금지 표지판을잘이해하지못했어요. To me, it [ meaned / meant ] 114) ( ) 115) I shouldn t bring big animals 116) dogs. 117) = 저에게는, 그것은개처럼큰동물을데려와서는안된다는의미였어요. There [ was / were ] 118) a picture of a dog 119) the sign. 표지판에는개의사진이있었어요. 1기호 2신호 3간판 4낌새 5서명하다 120) I didn t know ( ) 121) iguanas [ was / were ] 122) not welcome 123) the library. 저는도서관에서이구아나가환영받지못한다는것을알지못했어요. Please 124) a better sign 125) kids 126) me. = 127) = 128) 부디저와같은아이들을위해더좋은표지판을세워주세요. 129),? 130) 어쨌든, 제사과를받아주실래요? I promise 131) bring Tito to the library again. I promise ( ) 132) I [ willn t / won t ] 133) bring Tito to the library again. 저는다시는 Tito를도서관으로데려가지않을거라고약속해요. I 134) [ see / seeing ] 135) you 136) and [ tell / telling ] 137) you, = 138) 저는선생님을만나이야기드리는것을기대하고있어요. I m sorry. 죄송해요. Best, Yuri 안부를전하며유리올림 (PostScript) 139). Tito is sorry, [ too / either ] 140). 추신. Tito도미안하대요. * 유리의편지를읽고, 어떤점에서사과편지로부족한지말해봅시다. Check Up What did the No Animals sign mean to Yuri? 141) 6 4 과분석

지이다영어중 2 천재 ( 김 ) After You Read A Number the event in the correct order. 다음일들이일어난시간순서대로번호를써봅시다. 142) 19 see, look at, watch, behold, observe 보다 hear, listen to 듣다 feel 느끼다 notice 알아차리다 지각동사 + 목적어 + 동사원형 /~ing + 목적어 + I heard someone call my name. 나는누군가내이름을부르는것을들었다. I heard my name called (by someone). + 동사원형 ( 주체 ) + -ing( 주체 ) + 과거분사 ( 대상 ) 나는 ( 누군가에의해 ) 내이름이불리는것을들었다. I saw a girl singing songs. 나는한소녀가노래부르고있는것을보았다. Yuri's iguana scared people in the library. Yuri's dad told her to write an apology letter. Yuri brought her iguana, Tito, to the library. Yuri found a book about iguanas in the library. Yuri wrote a letter to Mr. Yun. let 허락하다,have 시키다 make 시키다, help 돕다, bid 명령하다 사역동사 + 목적어 + 동사원형 /~ing + 목적어 + He made his brother clean the room. 그는그의동생이그방을치우도록시켰다. He made the room cleaned (by his brother). + 동사원형 ( 주체 ) + 과거분사 ( 대상 ) + (to) do (help) 그는 ( 그의동생에의해 ) 그방이치워지도록했다. He helped his brother (to) clean the room. 그는그의동생이그방을치우는것을도왔다. B Complete Yuri s revised apology letter by filling in the blanks. 빈칸에알맞은말을넣어유리가고쳐쓴사과편지를완성해봅시다. 143) Dear Mr. Yun, 친애하는윤선생님, I am sorry I brought my pet, Tito, to the library. 제가애완이구아나 Tito를도서관으로데려와서죄송해요. I found a book about iguanas there. 저는그곳에서이구아나에대한책을찾았어요. I wanted to show it to Tito at home, but I couldn t the book. 저는그것을집에서 Tito에게보여주길원했어요, 하지만그책을대출할수없었어요. So, I brought Tito to the library. 그래서, 저는 Tito를도서관으로데려갔어요. I am sorry that my iguana you and caused trouble. 저는제이구아나가선생님을겁주었고문제를일으켜서죄송해요. I promise I won t bring Tito to the library again. 저는다시는 Tito를도서관으로데려가지않을것을약속드려요. Please accept my. 부디제사과를받아주세요. Best, 안부를전하여 Yuri 유리올림 Share Your Ideas C Talk with your partner about how you tell someone that you are sorry. 자신의잘못에대해어떤방식으로사과하는지짝과말해봅시다. 시간묻기 What time is it? 지금몇시입니까? = What time do you have? = What s the time? = Do you have the time? Do you have time? 너시간있니? 시간답하기 1 It s 6:00. = It s six o clock. 2 It s 6:15. = It s six fifteen. = It s fifteen past six. = It s a quarter after six. 3 It s 6:30. = It s six thirty. = It s thirty past six. = It s half after six. 4 It s 6:45. = It s six forty-five. = It s fifteen to seven. = It s a quarter before seven. cf. It s forty-five past six. It s three quarters after six. 는어색한표현입니다. 글의목적 1 to advise 충고하기 2 to advertise 광고하기 3 to ask for advice 충고구하기 4 to alarm 경고하기 5 to apologize 사과하기 6 to appreciate 감사하기 7 to congratulate 축하하기 8 to criticize 비판하기 9 to inform 정보제공하기 10 to invite 초대하기 11 to introduce 소개하기 12 to order 주문하기 13 to recommend 추천하기 14 to reject 거절하기 15 to warn 경고하기 1 과분석 7

중 2 천재 ( 김 ) 지이다영어 Focus on Language 20,21 C Grammar A Word Forms Fill in the blanks with the correct words from above. 빈칸에알맞은말을위에서골라써봅시다. 144) 1. Be when you cross the street. 2. This book is for my homework. 3. My mom has a voice. She sings very well. 4. She doesn t like dresses. She always wears a black dress. 1. Read the dialog between Cinderella and Ms. Fairy and complete the sentences. Cinderella와 Ms. Fairy의대화를읽고, 문장을완성해봅시다. 146) Cinderella: Make a dress for me. Please clean the house. Take me to the party. 저를위해드레스를만들어주세요. 부디집을치워주세요. 저를파티에데려가주세요. Ms. Fairy: Come back home by 12. Wear your glass shoes. 12시까지집으로오렴. 유리구두를신어라. B Useful Expressions The book was full of colorful pictures of iguanas. 그책은이구아나의화려한사진들로가득차있었다. I could not check out that big green book from the library. 나는도서관에서그큰녹색책을대출할수없었다. Please put up a better sign for kids. 부디아이들을위한더나은표지판을세워주세요. I look forward to seeing you soon. 나는너를곧만나는것을기대한다. Fill in the blanks using the expressions from above. 빈칸에알맞은말을위에서골라이야기를완성해봅시다. 145) ⑴ Cinderella wanted Ms. Fairy to make a dress for her. ⑵ Cinderella wanted Ms. Fairy. ⑶ Cinderella wanted Ms. Fairy. ⑷ Ms. Fairy told Cinderella. ⑸ Ms. Fairy told Cinderella. Mr. Seo s house books. 서선생님의집은책으로가득찼습니다. One day, he decided to change his house into a library. 어느날, 그는그의집을도서관으로바꾸기로결정했습니다. He a sign: 그는표지판을세웠습니다. You can ANY book. 당신은어떠한책이든대출할수있습니다. The library is now famous, and people going there. 그도서관은이제유명합니다, 그리고사람들은그곳에가는것을기대합니다. A: I believe that I can fly. 나는내가날수있다고믿어. B: I don't think (that) you can fly. 나는네가날수있다고생각하지않아. B: Are you okay? 너괜찮니? Your Own Use the sentence cards and talk about your ideas. 다음문장카드를이용하여자신의생각을말해봅시다. Tip I think (that) I'm smart. I don't think (that)... I believe (that)... I don't believe (that)... 8 4 과분석

지이다영어중 2 천재 ( 김 ) Writing Workshop 22,23 A Complete Junho's Diary Look at the pictures and complete Junho s diary. 그림을보고, 준호의일기를완성하여써봅시다. 147) March 18 A week ago, the science teacher gave us a group project. 1주전에과학선생님께서우리에게조별과제를주셨다. He told us to. = turn in = submit 그는우리에게 3월 18일까지과제를제출하라고말씀하셨다. I thought (that) I could do it in one day. 나는내가그것을하루만에할수있으리라생각했다. So, I started it. 그래서, 나는그것을어제시작했다. But my computer. 하지만내컴퓨터가작동하지를않았다. = operate I couldn t do my part. 나는내가맡은부분을할수없었다. My group hand in the project today. 우리조는오늘과제물을제출할수없었다. Minji got mad at me. 민지는내게화가났다. I think that I should. 나는그녀에게사과편지를써야할것이라고생각한다. B Give the Right Tips Fill in the blanks using the word from the box and complete tips for writing a sincere apology letter. 빈칸에알맞은말을골라좋은사과편지를쓰기위한조언을완성해봅시다. Tips for Sincere Apology Letters 진정한사과편지를위한조언들 When you write an apology letter, remember these tips: 여러분이사과편지를쓸때, 이조언들을기억하세요. 1. Start the letter by saying you are sorry. 편지를당신이미안하다는말을함으로써시작하세요. 2. What are you for? Write it clearly. 당신이사과하고있는것이무엇인가요? 그것을명확하게쓰세요. 3. Do not say it is someone else's. 그것이다른사람의잘못이라고말하지마세요. 4. you will not do the same thing again. 당신이똑같은일을다시하지않을거라약속하세요. C Write an Apology Letter 1. Read Junho s apology letter to Minji and talk about why it is not sincere. 준호가민지에게쓴사과편지를읽고, 좋은사과편지가아닌이유를말해봅시다. 148) Dear Minji, 친애하는민지에게, Are you still angry with me? 너나에게여전히화가나있니? Our group couldn't hand in the science project today. 우리그룹은오늘과학과제를제출할수가없었어. But it was not my fault. 하지만그것은내잘못이아니었어. I couldn't do my part of the project because my computer didn't work. 나는내컴퓨터가고장나서과제의내몫을할수없었어. How could I do my part without a computer? 컴퓨터없이내가어떻게내가할부분을할수있었겠니? Anyway I promise it won't happen again. 어쨌든다시는그런일이일어나지않을거라고약속할게. Best, 안부를전하며 Junho 준호 2. Imagine that you are Junho and write an apology letter to Minji. Use the tips given in the box. B의조언을참고하여여러분이준호가되어민지에게사과편지를써봅시다. 149) Dear Minji, 친애하는민지에게, I am so sorry, Minji. 정말미안해, 민지야. Our group couldn't. 우리그룹은오늘과학숙제를제출할수가없었어.. 그것은내잘못이었어.. 나는내컴퓨터가고장나서과제의내몫을할수없었어.. 나는선생님께가서그에게모든것이내잘못이라말씀드릴게.. 다시는그런일이일어나지않을거라고약속할게. Please accept my apology. 부디내사과를받아줘. Best, 안부를전하며, Junho 준호가 3. Share your apology letter with your partner. 자신의사과편지를짝과바꿔읽어봅시다. Flickr c Chelsey Barnes Tip * 자신의글에대한짝의의견을들어봅시다. 1. 지시에맞게쓰였나요? 2. 내용을쉽게이해할수있나요? 3. 철자와어법이바르게사용되었나요? 1 과분석 9

중 2 천재 ( 김 ) 지이다영어 Think Outside the Box 24 Understanding Cultures 25 A Complete the letter Anthony got a letter but his puppy ripped it. Complete the letter by guessing the missing part. Anthony에게온편지를강아지가찢었습니다. 찢어진부분에들어갈말을추측하여완성해봅시다. 150) Say Sorry Dear Anthony, 친애하는 Anthony, I like you because you are very -. 나는네가매우잘생겨서좋아. I first met you on the way to. 나는도서관가는길에처음너를만났어. When I saw you, you. 내가너를보았을때, 너는공원에서농구를하고있었어. I think you were. 나는네가정말로행복할거라생각해. I want to watch. 나는이번주일요일에너와함께영화를보길원해.? 그러겠다고말해주겠니? Let's meet at. 극장앞에서 3시에만나자. From J Jenny로부터 B Guess and Write Look at the words on the cards and guess what word they are related to. Make up your own clues in 3 and 4. 다음표현을보고연상되는단어를알아맞힌뒤, 모둠별로낱말연상놀이를해봅시다. 151) How do people say, I'm sorry, in other languages? 사람들이, 미안합니다. 를다른언어로어떻게말하죠? In Chinese, we say, Dui bu qu. 중국어로는 对不起 라고말합니다. In Italian, we say, Mi dispiace. 이탈리아어로는 Mi dispiace 라고말합니다. In Spanish, we say, Lo siento. 스페인어로는 Lo siento 라고말합니다. The Japanese say, "Gomen nasai. 일본인들은 ごめんなさい 라고말합니다. 다른나라를여행하거나그나라의사람을만날때 미안합니다 또는 고맙습니다 와같은말을그나라의말로할수있다면많은도움이됩니다. On The Web 위에소개된나라외의다른나라에서는 미안합니다 라는말을어떻게할까요? 인터넷에서찾아발표해봅시다. How To Play 1. 네명씩모둠을이룬뒤, 제시된표현을보고연상되는낱말을알아맞힙니다. 2. 모둠별로문제를만든뒤돌아가며발표하고맞혀봅니다. 그리스어 Λυπάμαι 노르웨이어 Jeg beklager 독일어 Es tut mir leid 말레이어 Saya minta maaf 베트남어 Tôi xin lỗi 네덜란드어 Het spijt me 덴마크어 Jeg er ked af 러시아어 Мне очень жаль 몽골어 Намайг уучлаарай 스웨덴어 Jag är ledsen 아랍어 ا نا ا سف 아일랜드어 Tá brón orm 웨일즈어 Mae'n ddrwg gen I 체코어 Je mi líto, 태국어 ฉ นขอโทษ 인도네시아어 Maafkan aku 캄보디아어 ខ 터키어 Üzgünüm ញ ព តជ ស កស ត យ 페르시아어 من متاسفم 포르투갈어 Sinto muito 폴란드어 Przykro mi 핀란드어 Olen pahoillani רע ט צמ ינא 히브리어 프랑스어 Je suis désolé 헝가리어 Sajnálom 힌디어 म म फ च हत ह 10 4 과분석

지이다영어중 2 천재 ( 김 ) Wrap Up 26,27 6. Choose the correct word for the blank. 빈칸에들어갈말로알맞은것을골라봅시다. 157) 1 write 2 writing 3 to write 1. Listen and choose the girl s reason for being late. 대화를듣고, 여학생이늦은이유로알맞은것을골라봅시다. 152) W: I'm sorry I'm late. M: That's okay. What happened? W: My brother was sick. I took him to the doctor. M: Is he okay now? W: Yes. 1 Her brother was sick. 2 The traffic was heavy. 3 She helped her brother with his homework. 2. Listen and choose the item the boy reminded the girl to bring. 대화를듣고, 남학생이가져오라고당부한것을골라봅시다. 153) M: Tina, don't be late for the picnic. W: Don't worry. I'll be there by 9. M: Okay. W: I packed a camera, a warm sweater, and some snacks. What else do I need? M: Make sure you bring some water. W: Okay, I will. 7. Choose the statement that is true according to the passage. 글의내용과일치하는것을골라봅시다. 158) 1 Zuzu goes to school every day. 2 Ms. Watson is an English teacher. 3 Zuzu scared Ms. Watson. 8. Complete what Ms. Watson will remind the student using the given words. 괄호안의말을이용하여 Ms. Watson이당부했을말을완성해봅시다. 159) Make sure you. (bring / a pet) 9. Correct the underlined word. 밑줄친부분을바르게고쳐써봅시다. 160) My mom told me helping my sister. Your Own 10. complete the sentence by filling in the blank with your own thought. 빈칸에알맞은말을넣어자신의생각을써봅시다. 161) I think that science. 3. Fill in the blank and practice the dialog with your partner. 빈칸에알맞은말을넣어짝과대화해봅시다. 154) A: B: That's okay. I don't need it today. 1 I bought a book yesterday. 2 I m sorry. I didn t bring your book. 3 Can you lend me your book today? 4. Fill in the blanks with the word that shows the proper relationship. 두낱말사이의관계가같도록빈칸에알맞은말을써봅시다. 155) color : colorful = beauty : Your Own 5. Fill in the blank and practice the dialog with your partner. 빈칸에알맞은말을넣어짝과대화해봅시다. 156) A: I have a headache. B: That's too bad. Make sure. [6~8] 다음글을읽고, 지시에답해봅시다. Yesterday I brought my pet rabbit, Zuzu, to school. During math class, he came out of my backpack and ran to Ms. Watson. She screamed, and my classmates ran everywhere. When I came back home, my dad told me an apology letter to Ms. Watson. Notes 교과서본문은출판사및공동저자에게저작권이있습니다. 아이콘은 icons8.com에게저작권이있습니다. Hwang Minkyu c moruhaka@naver.com 162) 1 과분석 11

중 2 천재 ( 김 ) 지이다영어 중 2 천재 ( 김 ) 교과서 1 과 Answers 1) I m sorry. 2) I'm sorry 3) That's all right. 4) That's okay. 5) make sure 6) to study / wash / to clean / do, to do / to close / sing, singing / to play 7) ask / advise / get / order / tell / allow 8) that 9) that 10) that 11) that 12) that 13) I m sorry. 14) ⑴b ⑵a ⑶c 15) 2 16) I'm sorry 17) for 18) being 19) that 20) But 21) That's okay. 22) That s all right. 23) at 24) so 25) went 26) at 27) but 28) at 29) for 30) therefore 31) thus 32) felt 33) so 34) bought 35) drinks 36) 부모님, 선생님 37) / 38) you call us 39) at 40) on 41) worried 42) 비인칭주어 43) that 44) make sure 45) ~ 할때 46) that 47) call you 48) ten, science 49) 1 You can t use your cell phone here. Use your phone outside. 2 You can t bring your cat here. Don t bring your pet. 3 You shouldn t write in the book. Take notes in your notebook. 4 You re playing your music too loudly. Please turn down the volume. 5 You shouldn t run here. Walk quietly. 6 You can t eat in here. Don t bring food. 7 You re making too much noise. Be quiet. 8 You left trash on the table. Take trash with you. 50) Make sure you turn down the volume. 51) I m sorry. It s my fault. 52) took 53) nine-year-old 54) to 55) brought 56) with 57) but 58) about 59) a lot of 60) in 61) lots of 62) much 63) plenty of 64) to write, to 부정사의명사적용법 65) apology 66) to 67) Make sure 68) that 69) sincere 70) 아빠가유리에게무엇을하라고했나요? He told her to write an apology letter to Mr. Yu. 71) to apology 72) to 73) that 74) brought 75) to 76) in 77) a few 78) found 79) was full of 80) was filled with 81) to show 82) to 83) 명사적용법 : ~ 하는것 84) But 85) said 86) that 87) could 88) check out 89) from 90) borrow 91) So 92) to show 93) to 94) in 95) 명사적용법 : ~ 하는것 96) that 97) would 98) cause 99) in 100) that 101) fault 102) because 103) brought 104) to 105) But 106) that 107) because 108) ran 109) anyone 110) 왜유리가 Tito 에게보여주기를원했나 요? She wanted to show a big green book to Tito. 111) Also 112) quite 113) on 114) meant 115) that 116) like 117) such as 118) was 119) on 120) 간판, 표지판 121) that 122) were 123) in 124) put up 125) for 126) like 127) set up 128) install 129) Anyway 130) will you accept my apology? 131) not to 132) that 133) won t 134) look forward to 135) seeing 136) soon 137) telling 138) before long 139) PS 140) too 141) 유리에게 동물출입금지 표지판은무엇 을의미했나요? She shouldn t bring animals like dogs. 142) 3-4-2-1-5 143) iguana, check out, scared, apology 144) 1. careful 2. useful 3. beautiful 4. colorful 145) was full of / put up / check out / look forward to 146) to clean the house / to take her to the party / to come back home by 12 / to wear her glass shoes. 147) hand in the project by March 18. / yesterday / didn t work / couldn t / write her an pology letter. 148) 미안하다는말로시작하지않았다. / 자신 의잘못이아니라고했다. 149) hand in the science project today. / It was my fault. / I couldn t do my part of the project because my computer didn t work. / I will go to the teacher and tell him that is all my fault. / I promise it won t happen again. 150) good-looking / the library / were playing basketball in the park / really happy / a movie with you this Sunday / 3 in front of the theater / Will you say yes? 151) library 152) 1 153) 2 154) 2 155) beautiful 156) You take a rest. / you go to bed early. 157) 3 158) 3 159) don t bring a pet to school. 160) helping to help 161) is a useful subject 12 4 과분석