80_The Curious Incident of the dog.hwp

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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

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- 2 -


여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정



바르게 읽는 성경

뿔l 앓 醫 l활칸사 / 창간사 김 우 명 t 찰 즈i / 창간호 6 떠돌이 (시 ) 박 명 성 7 라 파스에서 생긴 일 이 달 호 14 아버지 만세 김 영 ;;<} 17 안타까운대면 박 명 성 21 석장의 졸엽장 임 숙 자 22 <;>!- 화 김 혜




소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


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희망풍차는 우리 주변의 소외된 어린이, 어르신, 다문화가족, 북한이주민과의 결연을 통해 생계, 의료, 주거, 교육 등 대상자에게 꼭 필요한 도움을 제공하는 국민참여형 통합적 맞춤형 휴먼 서비스입니다.

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step 1-1

3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

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1967년 비틀즈는 ‘Sergeant Pepper

Willstory( ) 71.indd








c 스피드리딩카페 - 출처를밝히지않은수정및재배포는엄격히금지합니다. 영어원서 <The Curious Incident of the Dog> 단어장 http://book.interpark.com/product/bookdisplay.do?_method=detail&sc.shopno=0000400000&sc.prdno=2077317 원서바로가기 ( 클릭 ) 영어원서에나오는어려운어휘가정리되어있습니다. 이를활용하면원서를더욱쉽게읽고, 어휘력을탄탄하게기를수있습니다! 원본출처 : 스피드리딩카페단어장게시판 (http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc/4763) 이단어장은대한민국최저가인터넷서점 인터파크외국도서 와의제휴를통해재배포되고있습니다. 국내최대원서읽기동호회스피드리딩카페를방문해보세요! 이미수만명의 Reader들이함께모여영어원서를읽고있습니다! http://cafe.naver.com/readingtc

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [1] 2 muzzle [mʌz -əl] n. ( 동물의 ) 주둥이, 부리 ( 입 코부분 ) I put my hand on the muzzle of the dog. 5 for Christ's sake 제발, 부디 ( 다음에오는명령문을강조함 ); 그만둬 ( = God's sake!) "Let go of the fucking dog for Christ's sake." 7 vein [vein] n. 정맥 ( 靜脈 ), 심줄 v. 정맥을넣다 I am veined with iron, with silver and with streaks of common mud. 7 stimulus [stímjələs]n. (pl. -li [-laì]) 자극 ; 격려 I cannot contract into the firm fist which those clench who do not depend on stimulus. 7 inverted comma 따옴표 She put this word into inverted commas 7 quotation sign 인용부호 by making the wiggly quotation sign with her first and second fingers. 7 fetch a stick 개에게막대기던져주고물어오라고하는것 He could not even fetch a stick. 11 squat [skwɑt] 웅크리 ( 고털썩앉 ) 다, 쭈그리다 (crouch).the policeman squatted down beside me and said. 17 assault [əsɔ ːlt] 습격 [ 강습 ] 하다.( 사람을 ) 폭행하다 "I am arresting you for assaulting a police officer. 17 monkey 짓궂은장난 ; 바보같은짓 bussiness 17 lose one's rag ( 구어 ) 불끈화내다. = get one's rag out [up] I will seriously lose my rag. if you try any of that monkey business again, you little shit, 17 bugger [bʌg ər] ( 속어 ) 자식, 놈 ; ( 영국속어 ) 귀찮은일 The little bugger just had a pop at me. 23 senile dementia [síːnail dimeńʃiə] 노인성치매증 Grandma Burton was in a home because she had senile dementia. 23 hatch [hæʧ] ( 갑판의 ) 승강구, 반문 ( 半門 ) It had a metal door with a long, thin hatch near the floor for sliding trays of food into the cell. 23 commit [kəmít] 범하다, 저지르다 Policemen could look in and check that prisoners hadn't escaped or committed suicide. 23 wee [wiː] ( 구어 소아어 ) =WEEWEE 쉬 ( 하다 ). And if they didn't notice I would be able to wee on the clothes and put them out. 23 slander [slæńdəːr ] 중상, 비방 ; 법률 명예훼손 Because telling lies about people is called slander. 27 I laughed my socks off. 양말이벗겨질정도로웃다 27 He was the apple of her eye. the apple of one's [the] eye 눈동자 ; 장중보옥, 매우소중한것 [ 사람 ]. 27 They had a skeleton in the cupboard. 영국 ( 남의이목을꺼리는 ) 집안비밀 = faḿily skeĺeton 27 We had a real pig of a day. 돼지같은날 ( 좋지않은의미로사용 ) 27 apocryphal [əpɑḱrəfəl] 성서외전의, 출처가의심스러운 But he wasn't called anything because this is an apocryphal story. 37 shaky [ʃeíki] 흔들리는, 불안정한 feel shacky 기분이좋지않다. They make me feel shaky and scared. 41 weave [wiːv] v. 비틀비틀하다, 좌우로흔들리다, The car weaved a little bit across the dotted line in the middle of the road. 41 minesweeper [maínswìːpər] 컴퓨터지뢰찾기게임 ^^ Then I turned my computer on and played 76 games of Minesweeper. 41 snooker [snu (ː)kəːr] n. 스누커 ( 당구게임의종류 ) Father was sitting on the sofa watching snooker on the television and drinking scotch. 43 corrugate [kɔ ːrəgeìt, kɑŕ-] 을주름지게하다 ; 을물결모양으로만들다. 43 Norman [nɔ ːrmən] 노르망디의, 노르만족의 He was sitting in the kitchen staring out of the back window down the corrugated iron fence and the top of the tower of the church on Manstead Street which looks like a castle because it is Norman.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [2] 43 calf [kæf, kɑːf] 1 송아지, 2 종아리, 장딴지 he went into hospital to have an operation on his leg to make his calf muscle longer so that he could walk better. 47 troll(e)y [trɑĺi] 영국 손수레, 광차 ( 鑛車 ). He said I would only ever get a job collecting supermarket trollies or cleaning out donkey shit 47 sanctuary [sæ ŋktʃue ri] 보호구역 at an animal sanctuary 47 spazzer ( 사전에없음 ) 바보, 멍청이 and they didn't let spazzers drive rockets that cost billions of pounds. 47 spastic [spæśtik] 경련성마비환자 ; ( 속어 소아어 ) 바보. I'm not a spazzer, which means spastic. 47 digression [daigre ʃən,] 본제를벗어나지엽으로흐름, 여담 This is what is called a digression. 47 lino(type) [laínoutaìp] n. 자동주조식자기, 라이노타이프 ( 상표명 ) It was a lino cut, which is when you draw a picture on a piece of lino. 53 saturated fat [sæ tʃəreìtid fæt] 포화지방 She ate food which was healthy and high in fiber and low in saturated fat like chicken 53 muesli 영 뮤즐리 ( 곡물 견과 건과 등을섞어우유와함께먹는아침식사 ) and vegetables and muesli. 53 aneurysm [æńjurìzəm] n. 의학 동맥류 ( 瘤 ). I said that it was probably an aneurysm. 53 embolism 53 clot [eḿbəlìzəm] 색전증 ( 塞栓症 )( 혈전 ( 血栓 ) 공기의기포따위로혈관이막힘 [klɑt] n. 떼, ( 엉긴 ) 덩어리 vi. 덩어리지다 ; 응고하다. 53 vessel [veśəl] 해부학 식물 도관 ( 導管 ), 혈관. There are two main types of heart attack. The first is an embolism. 53 bosom [buźəm, ] n. ( 문어 ) 가슴, 흉부. = BREAST. She held his head against her bosoms That is when a blood clot blocks one of the blood vessels taking blood to the muscles in the heart. 59 Crusade [kruːseíd] n.( 종종 C-) 역사 십자군 In the Bible it says Thou shall not kill but there were the Crusades and two world wars. 59 frosted glass [frɔ ːstid glæs] 젖빛유리 I could see her standing in her hall on the other side of the frosted glass in her front door. 59 padlock [pæ dlɑ k / -ĺɔ k] n. 맹꽁이자물쇠. The shed was locked with a padlock. 59 spike [spaik] n. 긴못, 주사바늘 There was no blood on the spikes. 59 spade [speid] n. 가래, 삽 I could see some other tools as well, a spade and a rake. 59 rake [reik] n. 갈퀴 ; 고무래 ( 꼴의부지깽이 ) 61 traćk suìt 운동선수의보온복. She wears tracksuit trousers. 61 vicar [víkər] 영국국교 교구목사 ( 교구세를받는 rector 와는달리봉급만을받음 ). Mrs. Peters's husband is a vicar called the Reverend Peters. 61 reverend [re v-ərənd] a.1 귀하신, 존경할만한, 거룩한 ( 사람 사물 장소따위 ).2 (the R-) 님 ( 성직자에대한경칭 ; 略 : Rev.). 61 singularity [sìŋgjəlæŕəti] 기이 ( 奇異 ), 기묘, 비범, 특이성단일, 단독 A black hole is what is called a singularity. 61 electromagnetic [ile ktroumægne tik] a. 전자기 ( 電磁氣 ) 의 ; 전자석 The gravity of a black hole is so big that even electromagnetic waves like light can't get out of it.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [3] 61 rubbish [rʌ biʃ] 쓰레기, 폐물, 잡동사니. 하찮은것 They don't like the idea that other people will move into their house and put their things into the rubbish. 61 molecule [mɑĺəkju ːl ] 분자 ; 미분자 ( 微分子 ) All his molecules were broken down into other molecules. 61 hawthorn [hɔ ːɵɔːrn] n. 산사나무, 서양산사나무. That is all right because he is a part of the flowers and the apple tree and the hawthorn bush now. 61 cremate [kríːmeit, krimeít] vt. 소각하다 ; 화장하다. But Mother was cremated. 61 crematorium [krìːmətɔ ːriəm, kre mə-] n.(pl.-ria ) 화장장. I couldn't ask at the crematorium because I didn't go to the funeral. 61 Antarctic [æntɑ ːrktik] 남극 ( 지방 ) 의. [opp.] arctic. I think that there are molecules of Mother up there, or in clouds over Africa or the Antarctic. 67 outing [aútiŋ] 산놀이 ; 소풍 (excursion); 산책 ; 행락 Father takes me out somewhere on an outing to the boating lake. 67 concussion [kənkʌ ʃən] 진동, 격동, 충격,( 뇌 ) 진탕 ( 震盪 ). I knocked her unconscious and she had concussion. 67 bloke [blouk] n. ( 속어 ) 놈, 녀석 (fellow). I was in Colchester on Thursday, so you're asking the wrong bloke. 67 try another tack 다른방침을시도하다 I decided to do what is called Trying a Different Tack. 67 bubonic [bjuːbɑńik] a. 서혜임파선종의 "Most people don't like rats because they think they carry diseases like bubonic plague." bubonic plague is a serious infectious disease spread by rats. It killed many people during the Middle Ages. ( 선페스트 : 림프절에이상을일으켜염증유발 ) 67 sewer [sju ːəːr] n. 하수구 ( 下水溝 ), 하수도 That's only because they lived in sewers 67 stow [stou] 집어넣다. 틀어넣다 (away; in), 싣다 and stowed away on ships coming from foreign countries. 67 marzipan[mɑ ːrzəp 으깬아몬드를설탕등과섞어만든과자. It has four pink and yellow squares in the middle and it has marzipan icing round the edge. 67 alternately [ɔ ːltərnitli] ad. 번갈아, 교대로 ; 하나걸러. Is it a long cake with a square cross section which is divided into equally sized, alternately colored squares? 67 reasoning [ríːz-əniŋ] n.u 추론, 추리 I was imagining a Chain of Reasoning inside my head. 67 hit the hay ( 구어 ) ( 잠 ) 자다 "I'm going to hit the hay." 67 brass-monkey [bræśmʌ ŋki, brɑ ːs-] a. ( 속어 ) 지독히추운. It's brass monkeys out there. 67 rustle up 급히마련하다, tucker( 구어 ) 의상??? Let's rustle up some tucker. 71 headmistress [hedmiśtris] headmaster( 초중교장 ) 의여성형 The headmistress didn't want me to take it at first. 71 invigilator [invi dʒəleìitə] 시험감독관 I could take the A level and the Reverend Peters would be what is called the invigilator. 73 behavioral [biheívjərəl] a. 행동의, 행동에관한. This was because of the stress of looking after someone who has Behavioral Problems like I have. 73 hoover [hu ːvər] ( 영국구어 ) 후버청소기로청소하다. But since Mother died Father hasn't done any hoovering, so that is OK. 73 beat [frighten, knock, lick, punch, scare, whale] the the daylights [living daylights] out of 79 lumberjack [lʌḿbərdʒæ k] n. 재목벌채인, 벌채노동자 He was wearing a lumberjack shirt. out of ( 속어 ) ~ 을호되게혼내주다, 부들부들떨게하다 ; 때려눕히다. 79 Jesus wept ( 비어 ) 원이럴수가있나 ( 분노 비탄의소리 ). Father put his head in his hands and said, " Jesus wept." 79 involve [invɑĺv] 말아넣다, 연루시키다, 말려들게하다, I know you told me not to get involved in other people's business. 79 trespass [treśpəs]( 남의토지 권리에 ) 침입, 침해하다 You are not to go trespassing in other people's gardens. 79 spacecraft [speískræ ft, -ḱrɑ ːft] n. 우주선 (spaceship) You have to be someone who would like being on their own in a tiny spacecraft

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [4] thousands and thousands of miles away from the surface of the earth and not panic or get 79 claustrophobia [klɔ ːstrəfoúbiə] 밀실공포, 폐소 ( 閉所 ) 공포 ( 증 ). claustrophobia. 79 linkup [líŋkʌ p] n. 연결 ; ( 우주선의 ) 도킹. We would do that through a radio linkup and a T V monitor. 79 anemic [əníːmik] a. 병리 빈혈 ( 증 ) 의 For example, all the iron in your blood which stops you from being anemic was made in a star. 89 at large 마음대로, 자유로이 ; ( 범인이 ) 붙잡히지않고 : I never found out who killed Wellington so the murderer was still At Large. 97 licorice [líkərəs] n. 감초를넣어만든사탕과자. I went down to the shop at the end of our road to buy some licorice laces and a Milky Bar 97 pavement [peívmənt] 포장도로 영국 ( 특히포장한 ) 인도 Mrs. Alexander's dachshund was sitting on the pavement. 97 tartan [tɑ ːrtn] 타탄 ( 의 ), 격자무늬의 ( 모직물 ) It was wearing a little coat made out of tartan material, which is Scottish and check. 101 straightforward [streìtfɔ ːrwəːrd] a. 똑바른 ; 정직한 ; 솔직한 ; There was always a straightforward answer at the end. 101 quote [kwout]( 남의말 문장등을 ) 인용하다, 따다쓰다.It is not what is called a direct quote because I have made it simpler and easier. 101 illiteracy [ili tərəsi] n. U 문맹 ; 무학, 무식. There is enough mathematical illiteracy in this country, 101 propagate [prɑṕəgeìt] 번식시키다, 늘 [ 불 ] 리다. 널리펴다, 선전 [ 보급 ] 하다. 101 utterly [ʌ tərli] ad. 아주, 전혀, 완전히. You are utterly incorrect We don't need the world's highest I Q propagating more. 101 irate [aíreit, -- ] a. 성난, 노한. How many irate mathematicians are needed to get you to change your mind? 103 dungaree [dʌ ŋgəríː] 올이굵은무명으로만든노동복 Rhodri was wearing a pair of white dungarees 103 the third degree ( 경찰의 ) 엄중한문초, 고문. "God, you do get the third degree, don't you." 103 parky [pɑ ːrki] a.( 영국속어 ) 싸늘한, 차가운??? "So, it looks like Parky stitched them up, then?" 103 (come) out of the ar( 구어 ) 아주오래되다 [ 낡다 ]. "Well, those circuit boards looked like they'd come out of the bloody ark." 103 reckon [reḱ-ən] ( 영국속어 ) 좋다고 [ 가망있다고 ] 생각하다. "Best to let sleeping dogs lie, I reckon." 103 clothesline [klouðzlaìn] n. 빨랫줄 It was just a garden, with grass and a shed and a clothesline. 107 moor [muəːr] 영 (heather 가무성한 ) 황무지, 광야 She escaped and he chased her across the moor. 107 curse [kəːrs] n. 저주 ; 악담, 욕설 James Mortimer also has an ancient scroll which describes the curse of the Baskervilles. 107 profane [prəfeín] 독신 ( 瀆神 ) 의, 모독적인, 불경스런 Sir Hugo Baskerville, who was a wild, profane and godless man. 107 yeoman [joúmən] 자유민, 소지주 ; 중류농민, 자작농. And he tried to do sex with a daughter of a yeoman, 107 daredevil [dɛ ərde vəl] 무모한 [ 물불을안가리는 ] ( 사람 ) And his friends, who were daredevil roisterers, chased after him. 107 roister [rɔístəːr] 으스대다 ; 술마시며떠들다. 107 inherit [inheŕit] v. ( 재산 권리따위를 ) 상속하다. And Stapleton is poor, so he tries to kill Sir Henry Baskerville so that he will inherit the hall. 107 phosphorus [fɑśfərəs 화학 인 ( 燐 ), ( 드물게 ) 인광체 He has brought a huge dog and covered it in phosphorus to make it glow in the dark. 107 bog [bɑg, bɔ(ː)g] n. 소택지 ( 沼擇地 ), 습지 ; 수렁. And Stapleton dies because he is sucked into a bog.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [5] 107 circumspect [sə ːrkəmspe kt] 신중한 (prudent), 주의깊은 Learn from this story not to fear the fruits of the past, but rather to be circumspect in the future, 107 foul [faul] 더러운, 천한, 비열한, 못된, 부정한, that those foul passions 107 grievously [gríːvəsli] 슬프게, 심하게, 가혹하게, 고통스럽게 whereby our family has suffered so grievously may not again 107 undoing [ʌndu ːiŋ] 3 파멸 [ 타락 ]( 시키기 ); 파멸의원인 be loosed to our undoing. 107 subtly [sʌ tl] 미묘하게, 희미하게, 교묘하게 There was something subtly wrong with the face, 107 coarseness [kɔːrs] 상스러움, 조악함, 열등, 하급 some coarseness of expression, 107 mar [mɑːr] vt. 손상시키다, 훼손하다. 망쳐놓다 some hardness, perhaps of eye, some looseness of lip which marred its perfect beauty. 107 tor [tɔːːr] ( 뾰죽한 ) 바위산, 험한바위산꼭대기 You can look them up in a dictionary, like tors (which are hills or rocky heights). 107 caretaker [kɛ ərteìkər] 관리인, 집지키는사람,[ 영 ] 문지기, 수위. He is the caretaker at Baskerville Hall. 107 endeavo(u)r [ende vər] 하려고노력하다, 애쓰다, 시도하다. His mind... was busy in endeavouring to frame some scheme into which all these strange and 107 apparently [əpæŕəntli] 명백히, 일견하여. 외관상으로는, apparently disconnected episodes could be fitted. 107 deerstalker [-śtɔ ːkər] 사슴사냥꾼 ; 헌팅캡의일종 (= ha t) In the original stories Sherlock Holmes is never described as wearing a deerstalker hat. 113 Masquerader [mæ skəreídər] 가장 [ 가면 ] 무도회참가자. She was reading a book by Georgette Heyer called The Masqueraders. 113 epileptic [e pəleṕtik] a. 지랄병의, 간질의. I do a Search through my memory to find a picture of someone having an epileptic fit. 113 handyman [hæńdimæǹ] n. 잡역부 ; 재주있는사내 I think I'd be living with someone called Jean. And he'd be, ooh, a local handyman. 113 muddle [mʌ dl] 혼합하다 ; 뒤섞어놓다 (up; together) Someone has muddled the film up and she can't tell what happened in what order. 127 sulfur [sʌĺfər] n. 화학 황, 유황빛. The video was about the sea creatures who live around sulfur chimneys, 127 organism [ɔ ːrgənìzəm] 유기체 [ 물 ]; 생물 ( 체 ). 유기적조직체 ( 사회따위 ) Scientists never expected there to be any living organisms there. 127 ecosystem [íːkousìstəm, eḱou-] n. 생태계. It was so hot and so poisonous, but there are whole ecosystems there. 127 grant [grænt] 승인하다, 허가하다, ( 주장, 의론을 ) 승인하다 All the facts that you take for granted can be completely wrong. 127 spherical [sfeŕik-əl] 구 ( 球 ) 의, 둥근 And I like imagining that I am there sometimes, in a spherical metal submersible with windows 127 submersible [səbmə ːrsəbəl] n. 잠수정 a. 잠수할수있는 127 implode [imploúd] 안쪽으로파열하다, 내파 ( 內破 ) 하다. that are 50 cm thick to stop them from imploding under the pressure. 127 seabed [si ːbe d] n. 해저 (seafloor). I can control the motors and move anywhere I want to on the seabed and I can never be found. 127 advert [æ dvəːrt] n. ( 영국구어 ) 광고. He was carrying an old advert for Fussell's Milk Powder which was made of metal. 127 pardner [pɑ ːrdnər] n. ( 구어 ) 짝패. He said, "Howdy, pardner," which is a joke he does. 127 rhetorical 127 bollocks [ritɔ ːrik-əl] 수사학의 ; 수사적인, 화려한 ; 과장적인. [bɑĺəks ] pl. 단수취급 농담실없는소리 (nonsense). This is what Siobhan says is called a rhetorical question. But Father interrupted me and said, " Don't give me that bollocks!"

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [6] 127 levelheaded [le vː-əlhe did] a. 온건한, 분별있는. But Father was a more levelheaded person, which means he didn't get angry as quickly. 131 nephritis [nifraítis] n. 신 ( 장 ) 염 ; =BRIGHT'S DISEASE. This disease causes a high fever, acute nephritis, jaundice and hemorrhages. 131 jaundice [dʒɔ ːndis,] 황달 ; ( 비유 ) 편견, 빙퉁그러짐. 131 hemorrhage [heḿəriʤ] n. 출혈. 131 inflammation [iǹfləmeíʃən] 점화, 연소, 의학 염증 Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys. 131 kidney [ki dni] n. 해부학 신장 ( 腎臟 ); 콩팥 131 fungus [fʌ ŋgəs] 버섯, 균류 ( 菌類 ) 의학 균상종 ( 菌狀腫 ) The other sorts of hay fever are from grass pollen and fungus pollen, 137 plaster [plæśtər] 1 회반죽, 벽토 2 고약 영 반창고 Then he got me to put a plaster on it so it didn't bleed. 137 expedition [e kspədíʃən] 긴여행 [ 항해 ], 탐험, 유람여행. He said he was going to take me on an expedition and we were going to Twycross Zoo. 137 captivity [kæptívəti] 사로잡힘, 사로잡힌몸 [ 기간 ], 감금 Randyman, which is the name of the oldest Red-Faced Black Spider Monkey ever kept in captivity. 137 plaice [pleis] n. (pl., plaices) 가자미 넙치류 Then we went to the café and Father had plaice and chips and apple pie and ice cream. 139 spiritualist [spíritʃu-əlist] 심령술사 ; 심령주의자, 유심론자.When Sir Arthur Conan Doyle got old he joined the Spiritualist Society. 139 stoŕm troòper ( 나치스 ) 돌격대원 Imperial Stormtroopers from the Death Star in Star Wars 139 presume [prizu ːm] 추정하다, 상상하다, 인가하고생각하다. No more things should be presumed to e xist than are absolutely necessary. 149 bruise [bruːz] n. 타박상, 좌상 ( 挫傷 ); 상처자국. When I went to school on Monday, Siobhan asked me why I had a bruise on the side of my face. 149 lid [lid] n. 1 뚜껑. 2 눈꺼풀 (eyelid) I put the lid back on the dustbin. 149 bluff [blʌf] 허세부려속이기 It is called a Double Bluff like in a real murder mystery novel. 149 airing cupboard 영 세탁물건조선반 [ 장 ] But the only place to look was in the airing cupboard and there was nothing in there. 149 chow [tʃau] n.( 속어 ) 음식물 (food); 식사 ( 때 ). "Excellent, excellent. What do you fancy for chow tonight?" 149 racket [ræḱit] 떠드는소리, 큰소리, 소음 ; 야단법석 I'll make a bit of a racket, I'm afraid, 149 shift [ʃift] 이동하다, 자리를옮기다 [ 바꾸다, 뜨다 ]. so if you want to watch television we're going to have to shift it upstairs. 149 flat [flæt] 평면, 평지 (plain); 저습지 (swamp), 소택지 Also we've moved into the new flat at last as you can see from the address. 149 ferm [fəːrm] n. 상사 ( 商社 ), 상회, 회사 ; 상회이름 Mother had never worked as a secretary for a firm that made things out of steel. 149 leap [liːp] 껑충뛰다, 뛰다, 도약하다, 뛰어오르다 I could easily Leap to the Wrong Conclusions. 149 deduce [didju ːs]( 결론 진리등을 ) 연역 ( 演繹 ), 추론하다 You should make sure you have all the available clues before you start deducing things. 151 till [til]n. 돈궤, 카운터의돈서랍. When he told the lady on the till upstairs, they said it was called Tuck and 151 friar [fraíəːr] n. 탁발수사 ; 수사 ( 修士 ) he was a ghost of a Franciscan friar 151 monastery [mɑńəste ri] ( 주로남자의 ) 수도원 who used to live in the monastery which was on the same site hundreds of years ago. 151 hypothetic(al) [haìpəɵe tik], [-əl] a 가설의, 가정의, 억설의 Hypothetical means that the numbers aren't the real numbers, it is just an illustration.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [7] 151 heron [heŕən] (pl. s, 집합적 ) 조류 왜가리 There was a heron which came and ate lots of the frogs. 151 chicken wire [tʃíkin waiəːr] ( 망의눈이육각형인 ) 철망 닭장에흔히쓰인데서 157 disinfectant [dìsinfeḱtənt] n. 소독제, 살균제. He once ate one of the little blocks of blue disinfectant which hang inside the toilets. 157 sewage [su ːidʒ] n. U 하수오물, 오수 ( 汚水 ) 157 157 at the end of one's tether pull oneself together 백계가다하여, 궁지에빠져, 한계에이르러. 기운 [ 정신 ] 을차리다 ; ( 병에서 ) 회복되다 ; 자제심을발동 ( 發動 ) 하다 It was falling in front of the house and it would drain away into the gutters and flow to a sewage station. I was at the end of my tether. I should pull myself together and I hit him, which was wrong, but I was so upset. 157 pervy [ 사전에없음 ] ( 속어 ) 변태, 성도착증환자 Mr. Perkin is weird (Angie calls him Pervy Perkin). 157 squat [skwɑt / skwɔt] oneself (down) 웅크리다 He always puts his hand on my sholder and squots down so his face is really near mine 157 creep [kriːp] give a person the creeps 아무를섬뜩하게하다. and I can smell his toothpaste which gives me the creeps. 157 anethsetic [æǹəsɵe tik] a. 마취의 ; ( 지각 ) 마비의, n. 마취제.The dentist just gave me what is called a local anathsetic. 157 tug [tʌg] 당기다, ( 세게 ) 잡아당기다. [syn.] pull The dentist had to tug and pull and strain so much and it seemed really funny to me. 157 giddy [gídi] 현기증나는 ; 어지러운, [cf.] dizzy. I felt giddy. 163 clamp In this experiment you put your head in a clamp and you look at a page of writing on a screen. 163 saccade [sækɑ ːd] 단속적운동 ( 안구의순간적운동 ). And the flicks are called saccades. 163 homunculus [həmʌ ŋkjələs] ( 연금술사가만든 ) 난쟁이 It is called a homunculus, which means a little man. 167 landing [læńdiŋ] n 상륙, 건축 ( 계단의 ) 층계참. Father picked up my clothes from the bathroom floor and put them on the landing. 167 nobble? There was a little red piece of Lego with eight nobbles on. 167 handful [hæńdfu l] ( 구어 ) 다루기힘든사람 [ 물건, 일 ]; 귀찮은존재.Maybe we are a bloody handful. 167 mutt [mʌt]( 속어 ) 바보, 얼간이 ; ( 경멸 ) ( 잡종 ) 개 ; 똥개 Maybe it is easier living on your own looking after some stupid mutt. 167 row [rau] 법석, 소동.( 구어 ) 말다툼 ( 영국구어 ) 큰소리, 소음 Anyway, we had this row. 167 blowout [bloúaùt] n. 파열, 폭발 Well, quite a few rows to be honest. But after this particularly nasty little blowout, 167 chuck [tʃʌk] 가볍게치다, 던지다, 팽개치다. chuck out 쫓아내다 she chucked me out of the house. 167 schizophrenic [skìtsəfreńik] 정신분열증의, 정신분열증환자 And you know what that bloody dog was like after the operation. Bloody schizophrenic. 167 bottle up (1) 병에밀봉하다.(2) ( 노여움따위를 ) 억누르다 "And it was like everything I'd been bottling up for two years just..." 167 compost [kɑḿpoust] 혼합물 ; 배양토, 혼합비료, 퇴비. The shed has the lawn mower and lots of gardening equipment like pots and bags of compost. 173 constellation [kɑǹstəleíʃən / kɔǹ-] n. 천문학 별자리 I could see the constellation Orion. 173 club [klʌb] n. 곤봉 ; 타봉 The constellation looks like a hunter with a club and a bow and arrow. 179 luminous [lu ːmənəs] a. 빛을내는 [ 쐬인 ], 빛나는 It has a luminous face and lights up if you press a button.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [8] 179 planisphere [plæńəsfìər] 평면구형도 천문학 평면천체도 In summer I sometimes come outside at night with my torch and my planisphere, 179 aperture 179 parabola [æṕərtʃu ər] 뻐끔히벌어진구멍, 틈 ; ( 렌즈의 ) 구경 ( 口徑 ). [pəræ bələ] 수학 포물선 ; 파라볼라 ( 구형체 ( 求刑體 ) And on the bottom is a map of the sky and on top is an aperture which is an opening shaped in a parabola and you turn it round to see a map of the sky 179 latitude [læ tətju ːd] 위도 ( 緯度 )( 略 : lat.), 위선 ( 緯線 ), that you can see on that day of the year from the latitude that Swindon is on, 179 circular [sə ːrkjələr] 원형의, 둥근 ; 빙글빙글도는. 순환 ( 성 ) 의. 179 flap [flæp] 상처, 베여서들떠있는살을의미하는듯 I sliced a flap of skin off. There was the circular lid of a very old metal pan leaning against the wall. 179 disinfectant [dìsinfeḱtənt] n. 소독제, 살균제. Mr. Davis had to clean the flesh under the flap with disinfectant to get the germs and the dirt out. 179 theobromine 179 methylxanthine 179 inverse proportion 179 stab 179 interference 179 parsnip 181 beforehand [ɵìːəbroúmin] 테오브로민 ( 카카오의알칼로이드 ). [me ɵəlzæńɵin] 메틸크산틴, 메틸크산틴유도체 ( 誘導體 ). [prəpɔ ːrʃən] 반비례 <-> direct proportion( 정비례 ) [stæb] ( 칼따위로 ) 찌르다 (thrust): 꿰다 (pierce) [iǹtərfi ərəns] 방해, 훼방 ; 저촉 ( 抵觸 ); 충돌 ; 간섭 [pɑ ːrsnip] 네덜란드 [ 미국 ] 방풍나물 ( 뿌리는식용 ). [bifɔ ːrhæǹd] 미리, 사전에, 전부터. 지레짐작으로. But you mustn't give him chocolate because it's got caffeine and theobromine in it, which are methylxanthines, and it's poisonous for rats in large quantities. They were in inverse proportion to one another. I could stab someone if they grabbed hold of me. But there was too much interference in my head and this had made me confused. There were carrots and onions and parsnips and broccoli in bo xes. If I am in a place I know, like home, I have seen almost everything in it beforehand. 181 graffito [grəfíːtou] (pl. -ti ) 긁은그림 [ 글자 ], 낙서 And the next day someone had graffitied CROW APTOK 181 lamppost [læḿppoùst] 가로등기둥 to lamppost 437 in our street, which is the one outside number 35. 181 spire [spaiəːr] 뾰족탑 ;( 탑의 ) 뾰족한꼭대기. 원추형 There is a village in the distance which has a church with a square tower and not a spire. 181 ridge [ridʒ] 산마루, 산등성이,( 밭 직물의 ) 두둑, 이랑 There are ridges in the field, 181 medieval [mìːdiíːv-əl, me d-]a. 중세 ( 풍 ) 의, 중고의 which means that in medieval times it was 181 furrow [fə ːrou / fʌŕou] 밭고랑 ; ( 시어 ) 밭, 경지. what is called a ridge and furrow field. 181 an inclined plane 경사면, 사면 The northwest and southeast corners are slightly lower than they would be if the field was an inclined plane. 181 clarification [klæ rəfikeíʃən] 정화 ( 淨化 ); 명시, 해명, 설명 It doesn't matter because it is not a lie, just a clarification. 191 approximation [əprɑ ksəmeíʃən ] 접근, 근사. 어림셈 ( 값 ) This is just what I remember so it is an appro ximation.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [9] 191 tightrope [taítroùp] n. ( 줄타기용의 ) 팽팽하게맨줄 And it was like stepping off the cliff on a tightrope. 191 trance [træns] 몽환의경지, 황홀 ; 열중 ; 망연자실. 혼수상 When she tried talking to you, you were in a complete trance. 191 stroll [stroul] n. 어슬렁어슬렁거닐기, 산책 Why don't you and I take a stroll to the cashpoint machine, eh? 191 quid [kwid] ( 영국구어 ) 1 파운드금화, ; 1 파운드 ( 지폐 ) And he said, "About 30 quid." 191 specimen [speśəmən] 견본, ( 구어 ) 기묘한사람, 괴짜 "You are a prize specimen, aren't you." - 너아주괴짜로구나! 191 dreadlocks [dre dlɑ ks] 가늘게따서오글오글하게한헤어스타일 And he had dreadlocks, which is what some black people have. 193 protractor [proutræḱtər] n. 측량 각도기. You put something down somewhere, like a protractor or a biscuit. 197 caravan 197 knuckle [kæŕəvæǹ]( 자동차로끄는 ) 이동주택, 트레일러하우스 [nʌḱəl] ( 특히손가락밑부분의 ) 손가락관절 ( 마디 ); There were 4 caravans in a muddy field with 2 dogs and some clothes hanging up to dry. I started to tap a rhythm on the glass with my knuckles to help me wait 197 coefficient [koùəfíʃənt] 수학 물리 계수 ( 係數 ), 율 ( 率 ); I made some of the coefficients large so that they were hard to solve. 197 truncheon [trʌńtʃ-ən] n. ( 순경등의 ) 곤봉, 경찰봉. I could see his walkie-talkie and his truncheon on his belt. 197 lookout That's not my (own) lookout. 내가알바아니다."Well, it's your lookout," and she went away. 199 Replication [re pləkeíʃ-ən] 응답 ; 반향 ; 복사, 모사 ; 복제 Things have to make copies of themselves (this is called Replication) 199 Mutation [mjuːteíʃ-ən] 변화, 변전 ( 變轉 ), 돌연변이, 변종 ; 변성 ( 變聲 ). They have to make small mistakes when they do this (this is called Mutation) 199 Heritability [he ritəbiĺəti] n. U 상속 [ 유전 ] 가능성. These mistakes have to be the same in their copies (this is called Heritability) 199 evolve 199 genetic [ivɑĺv ] 발전시키다 ; 전개하다 ; 진화 [ 발달 ] 시키다. [ʤine tik], [-əl] 발생 [ 유전, 기원 ] 의 ; 발생 [ 유전학 ] 적인. Because an eye has to evolve from something else very like an eye and it doesn't just happen because of a genetic mistake, and what is the use of half an eye? 211 daft cunt ( 속어 ) 미친녀석 "Come on, shift it, you daft cunt. I need more beers before I sober up." 211 sober up [soúbəːr] 술이깨다 211 Are you for real? 정말이냐, 꿈 [ 거짓말 ] 같다. And I said, "What sort of tube?" And she said, "Are you for real?" 211 pillar [pílər] n. 기둥 ; 표주 ( 標柱 ), 기념주 ; There were pillars which had blue lights in the ground around the bottom of them. 211 squeal [skwiːl]( 고통 공포로 ) 끽끽 [ 깩깩 ] 울다, 비명을지르다. And then the roaring turned into a clattering and a squealing and it got slowly quieter. 223 resonant frequency 공진주파수 ( 共振周波數 ) They make different notes because they have what are called different resonant frequencies 227 Thanks a fucking bundle ( 비꼼 ) 무지막지고맙군 ~ Thanks a fucking bundle. 227 (as) mad as a hatter ( 속어 ) 아주미쳐서 ; 몹시성이나서. And the man said, "Mad as a fucking hatter. Jesus," 227 sodding [sɑ diŋ ] ( 영국속어 ) 괘씸한 ; 심한, 꺼림칙한. And he said, "No, it's a sodding crocodile."

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time [10] 227 scarper [skɑ ːrpəːr] ( 영국속어 ) ( 특히셈을치르지않고 ) 도망치다, 내빼다. I'm not having you scarpering. 227 soaking [soúkiŋ] a. 흠뻑젖은 And Mother said, "Christopher, you're soaking. Roger, don't just stand there." 227 catch[take] one's death (of cold) ( 구어 ) 심한감기에걸리다 And Mother said, "Go on or you'll catch your death." 227 wail [weil] 소리내어울다, 울부짖다 And then she made a loud wailing noise like an animal on a nature program on television. 227 settle ( 문제가 ) 해결되다 ; 처리되다, 결말나다 "Well, I think that probably settles it as far as I'm concerned." 227 sort out 영 정리하다, ( 분쟁 문제등을 ) 해결하다 ; Otherwise, you're going to have to sort this out between yourselves. 233 Compassionate Leave 특별휴가 she made a telephone call to the office and took what is called Compassionate Leave 233 skip [skip] n. ( 쇠로된 ) 버킷 ; 광차 ( 鑛車 ) I liked it between the skip and the Ford Transit van so I stayed there for a long time. 233 cog [kɑg / kɔg] n. ( 톱니바퀴의 ) 이 There were two tiny brass cogs in the dirty water 233 gutter 233 revision [gʌ tər]( 처마의 ) 낙수홈통 ( 물받이 ). ( 길가의 ) 하수도, 수로 [rivíʒ-ən] 개정, 교정 ( 校訂 ), 수정, 개정판. 영국 복습. in the gutter by my feet, like cogs from a windup watch. I've done lots of revision. And Mrs. Gascoyne said we could use a room at school. 233 hassle [hæśl] n.( 구어 ) 격론, 말다툼, 싸움 : 난투, 혼전. "Please, Christopher. Don't give me any hassle right now, OK?" 233 eclipse [iklíps] n. 천문학 ( 해 달의 ) 식 ( 蝕 ) It's best if you know a good thing is going to happen, like an eclipse. 233 filling [fíliŋ] 채움, 충전 ;( 음식물의 ) 소,( 치아의 ) 충전재 it's bad if you know a bad thing is going to happen, like having a filling or going to France. 233 charge [tʃɑːrdʒ] n 7 비난 ; 고발, 고소 ; 죄과. The police would only arrest Father if Mrs. Shears did what is called pressing charges. 233 a hint of 극소량, 조금, 미량 ( 의 ) I helped Mother paint her room White with a Hint of Wheat. 233 rod [rɑd / rɔd] n. 장대, ( 가늘고긴 ) 막대 You had to hold the puzzle so that both rods slid to the end of their tunnels. 233 intersection [iǹtərseḱʃən] 교차, 횡단 ; ( 도로 ) 교차점 They weren't crossing the intersection between the two pieces of the puzzle. 233 retriever [ritríːvəːr] 잡은짐승을찾아가지고오는사냥개 ; 리트리버 ( 사냥개의일종 ) "He's two months old. And he's a golden retriever." 233 lorry [lɔ (ː)ri, lɑŕi] n. 영국 화물자동차, 트럭 Men came and carried the logs away on a lorry. 내용수정문의는메일로해주시고, 무단수정재배포를금합니다. made by ahbonahbon@naver.com

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