Sheu HM, et al., British J Dermatol 1997; 136:884-890 Kao JS, et al., J Invest Dermatol 03; 1:446-464
1 10 0 3 Day Normal MLE Lotion Lotion MLE Cream Cream 80 7 70 6 3 Day Normal MLE Lotion Lotion MLE Cream Cream
100 80 0 Day 4 Day 8 Day 1
(%) 100 80 P-value=0.0001 P-value=0.0001 29.86% P-value=0.0070 17.12% 23.63% 16.02% 48.30% 32.74% 0 Day 4 Day 8 Day 1 (%) 100 P-value=0.0001 83.28% 80 6.38% 7.41%.6% 61.22% 37.46% 0 Day 4 Day 8 Day 1
Treatment X Duration(wk) In children(aged between 6mo and 12y) MOM 0.1% cr od X3 HYDV 0.2% cr bid X3 MOM 0.1% cr od X 3 CLO 0.0% cr bid X 3 MOM 0.1% cr od X 6 HYD 1.0% cr bid X 6 No. of patients treated (evaluated) 111 112 30(30) 30(30) 24(23) 24(19) Treatment outcome decrease in total sign and symptom severity score(%) 87.2 78.6 86.1 66.1 9 7 bid=twice daily; CLO=clobetasone; cr=cream; HYD=hydrocortisone; HYDV=hydrocortisone valerate; MOM=mometasone; od=once daily; p 0.001 vs comparator < STUDY 1 > < STUDY 2 > Decrease in total sign and symptom score(%) 0 30 10 MOM(n=109) FLU(n=109) 0 30 10 MOM(n=66) TRI(n=66) < STUDY 1 > Fluocinolone acetonide 0.02% 1 < STUDY 2 > Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% 1 **P<0.001 vs comparator 4 8 1 22 Duration of treatment (days) 4 8 1 22 Duration of treatment (days) Study design Treatment Duration (days) No. of subjects Effect on serum cortisol levels r, db, pg nb r, db r, nb MOM 0.1% ung od 1g/day HYDB 1.0% ung od 1g/day MOM 0.1% ung 10g/day(h/day) a MOM 0.1% ung 30g/day(22h/day) a MPA 0.1% ung 30g/day(22h/day) a MOM 0.1% cr 16g/day(11h/day) a HYDB 0.1% cr 16g/day(11h/day) a 21 24 24 11 10 12 12 MOM HYDB No effect on serum cortisol levels MOM MPA MOM > HYDB a:application under airtight occlusion. cr=cream; db=double-blind; HYDB=hydrocortisone butyrate; MOM=mometasone; MPA=methylprednisolone aceponate; nb=nonblind; od=once daily; pg=parallel group; r=randomised; ung=ointment; indicates similar effect; > indicates significantly greater effect.
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