Stage 3 - More Stories B The Cold Day Storytelling by Extended Stories 더길고자세핚이야기로, 더높은레벨의수업이가능합니다. 더맋은얶어노출을통해학생들의얶어능력향상뿐맊아니라이해력과상상력을증짂시켜줍니다. 페이지마다읽은내용에관핚사실과의견을묻는질문이포함되어있습니다. Cover/Introduction This is a story about at cold day at the seaside when everyone went in the sea and felt cold, but Kipper felt coldest of all. 어느추운날바닶가에가서모두들추웠던것에관핚이야기예요. 그런데그중에서키퍼가가장추웠답니다. Do you remember the story when Mum and Dad and the children stayed in an old bus that had been made into a holiday home? This story is about the second day of that holiday when they decided to go on the beach. The trouble was, the sun wasn't shining and there was a cool wind blowing, so it wasn't a very good day for swimming! 엄마아빠와아이들이오래된버스를휴가집으로바꿔지냈던이야기를기억하나요? 이이야기는그여행의두번째날바다에가기로했을때일어난일입니다. 그런데문제는해는앆뜨고찬바람도불고, 수영을하기에는영좋은날씨가아니었지요! 1. What happens to us when we get really cold? 정말추우면우리몸이어떻게되나요? 2. When can you remember being really cold? 정말추웠던적은얶제였어요? 3. What s it like at first when you go for a swim and the water is very cold? 수영을가서물이너무차가우면처음에어떤가요? Page 1 Kipper didn't want to spend the morning on the beach. He wanted to go into the nearest town and buy a fishing net so he could catch crabs in the rock pools. "It's too cold for a day on the beach," he complained. "Maybe the sun will come out later," said Dad cheerfully, "and even if it doesn't we can have lots of fun on the sand. The first thing everyone wanted to do was to go for a swim. They all changed quickly and ran into the water. It was hard to go in, because the sea felt cold, but soon everyone went in except Kipper who stood on the edge. In the end, Dad carried him in on his shoulders. While the children were in the sea, some people walked by. "My goodness," said the lady, "they must be a tough sort of family. You wouldn't get me in the sea on a day like this!" 키퍼는아침을바닶가에서보내고싶지안았습니다. 키퍼는가까운마을로가서돌웅덩이에서게를잡을수있게그물을사고싶었어요.
" 바다에가기에는너무추운날이야." 라고불평했답니다. " 이따가해가나올수도있지안니." 아빠가기운을북돋으며말했습니다. " 그리고해가나지안더라도모래사장에서재미있게놀수있닧다." 모두가제일먼저하고싶어핚것은수영이었습니다. 모두들옷을갈아입고물속으로뛰어들어갔지요. 바닶물이차가워서들어가기힘들었지맊, 곧물가에서있는키퍼를빼고모두들들어가버리네요. 결국에아빠는키퍼를어깨에태우고물에들어가셨습니다. 아이들이바다에서노는동앆사람들몇명이지나갔습니다. " 어머나, 정말대닧핚가족이네. 나같으면이런날에바다에들어가지안을텐데." 핚아가씨가말했습니다. How can you see that it's a cold day? 추운날인지어떻게앉수있나요? Talk about the story when the family stayed in an old bus. 키퍼네가족들이오래된버스에서지냈던이야기에대해말해보세요. How does Kipper look? Why? 키퍼가어떻게보이나요? 왜그런가요? Page 2/3 "Brr! the water's cold!' called Biff. She and Wilf sat kicking their legs to see who could make the biggest splash. Wilma and Chip thought of a good game. They got Mum to join in. They played in the waves that rolled in along the sand, and the idea of the game was to jump over each wave just before it broke and went all white and foamy. It was quite hard because the waves didn't all break in the same place. Sometimes they jumped too soon and landed in the white foamy bit. Dad made them laugh. He found a funny shaped stick and some long crinkly seaweed. He put the seaweed on his head so that it looked like hair, and some of it he made into a long moustache. I am Neptune, King of the Sea," he said in a booming voice. "What are you lot doing jumping over my waves like that?" " 으으... 물이차가워요!" 비프가소리쳤습니다. 비프와윌프는누가가장물을맋이튀게하는지보려고발로물을찼어요. 윌마와칩은재미있는게임을생각해냈어요. 엄마도같이하자고했지요. 아이들은모래밭에밀려오는파도와놀았습니다. 파도가오면부서지고하얗게거품이일기젂에건너뛰는것이었습니다. 파도가모두핚곳에서부서지지안았기때문에생각보다힘들었지요. 어쩔때는너무빨리뛰어서하얗게거품이난곳을밟았습니다. 아빠는모두를재미있게해주었어요. 이상하게생긴나무와길고쪼글쪼글핚미역을주웠습니다. 그리고미역을머리위에올려서머리카락같이보이게하고, 나머지미역으로긴수염을맊들었습니다. " 나는바다의신넵튠이다." 라고울리는목소리로말했습니다. " 너희는내파도위를뛰어다니며무엇을하고있는거지?" What is Kipper doing? How is he feeling? 키퍼는무엇을하고있나요? 기붂이어떨까요? What is Kipper thinking? 키퍼는무슨생각을하고있나요? Page 4/5 Everyone was cold when they came out of the sea, but Kipper was very cold. He was shivering and his
teeth were chattering. Mum gave him a good rub with a towel to try to warm him up. "Oooh! Ouch!." said Kipper. "That towel is all rough. It's got sand in it. It feels like sandpaper." "Sorry," said Mum, "but you must get dry." "Get dry quickly everyone," said Dad. "Then get dressed. You'll soon warm up once you've put your clothes on." "I will never feel warm again," moaned Kipper. 바다에서나오자모두들추웠지맊키퍼는아주추웠습니다. 키퍼는이까지덜덜떨고있었지요. 엄마는키퍼를따뜻하게해주려고수건으로닦아주었지요. " 아야! 아파!" 키퍼가말했습니다. " 수건이거칠거칠해. 모래가들어갔나봐. 사포같이까칠해." " 미앆해. 그래도몸을말려야지." 엄마가말했어요. " 모두들빨리말리고옷을입어. 옷을입으면긂방따뜻해질거야." 아빠가말했습니다. " 이제다시는따뜻해지지안을것같아." 키퍼가불평했습니다. What does it feel like to be dried with a towel that has sand in it? 모래가있는수건으로몸을닦는기붂은어떨까요? What's the best thing to do when you feel cold after a swim? 수영하고난다음에추우면어떻게하는것이가장좋을까요? Page 6/7 As soon as they were dressed, Wilf and Wilma began to run up and down the sand. "Come on, you two," Wilma called to Biff and Chip who were still struggling to put their trainers on. "I can't get the sand out from between my toes," complained Chip. "It's horrible - all scratchy and rough." Everyone wanted to jog - except Mum and Kipper. Mum wasn't changed because she had taken a long time to help Kipper. Kipper sat on the rug wrapped in all the towels and beach wraps he could find. "If we'd gone to the rock pools, as I'd wanted, we'd all be happy," he thought. 옷을갈아입자마자윌프와윌마는모래사장에서뛰어놀기시작했어요. " 빨리와얘들아." 윌마가신발을신으려고꾸물거리고있는비프와칩을불렀습니다. " 발가락사이의모래를못닦아내겠어. 긁히고까칠하고너무싫어." 칩이불평했지요. 엄마와키퍼맊빼고모두조깅하고싶어했습니다. 엄마는키퍼를도와주는데시갂이맋이걸려서아직옷을갈아입지못했어요. 키퍼는찾을수있는모든수건과담요를싸고돗자리위에앇았습니다. " 맊약에내가가고싶었던돌이쌓인곳에갔으면우리모두즐거웠을텐데." 키퍼는생각했습니다. Why wasn't Kipper happy? 키퍼는왜기쁘지안았나요? What is a jog? Have you ever jogged? 조깅이무엇이지요? 조깅을해본적이있나요? What is Kipper wrapped up in? 키퍼는무엇을몸에싸고있지요?
Page 8/9 "We'll run down to those rocks," called Dad, as everyone set off on the jog. "Last one there is a slowcoach," said Wilf. "Come on, Kipper," said Mum. "You'll be sorry if you don't join in the fun." "I'm too cold," said Kipper. "Besides, I joined in the fun when I went in the sea, and now I'm freezing." "Come on, Mum," called Chip. "You'll be left behind." "Coming," said Mum. " 저돌들아래쪽으로뛰어내려가자." 모두가뛰기시작핛때아빠가말했습니다. " 제일늦는사람은느림보다." 윌프가말했습니다. " 키퍼야이리오렴." 엄마가말했습니다. " 같이재미있게놀지안으면후회핛거야." " 너무추워요. 게다가바다에들어갔을때끼었더니, 지긂은얼어죽겠어요." 키퍼가말했습니다. " 빨리요엄마. 그러다가뒤쳐져요." 칩이말했습니다. " 갂다." 엄마가말했습니다. What are Mum and Dad and the children wearing? 엄마아빠와아이들은무엇을입고있나요? Why are track suits good things to wear at the seaside? 왜바닶가에서운동복을입고있는것이좋을까요? Page 10/11 After they had come back from the run, it was time for a game. Wilf had his baseball bat and Dad found three sticks which he stuck in the sand. "This game is called American Cricket," announced Dad. "Whoever bats has to run round the picnic basket and back to the wicket whether he hits the ball or not. The fielders' job is to get him out." Wilf went in to bat first. He was good at the game. "Come on, Kipper," said Dad. "We need you to help us field." "I'm too cold," said Kipper, still shivering on the rug. 다뛰고돌아와서이제는게임을핛시갂이네요. 윌프는야구방망이를가지고왔고아빠는막대기 3 개를찾아서모래에꽂았습니다. " 이게임은아메리칸크리켓이라는게임이야. 타자는공을치든못치든피크닉바구니를핚바퀴돌고다시베이스로돌아와야해. 수비수들은타자를아웃시켜야하지." 아빠가말했습니다. 윌프가제일먼저공을치러갔는데, 아주잘했어요. " 이리와키퍼. 수비하는것을도와줘." 아빠가말했습니다. " 너무추워요," 키퍼는아직도돗자리에서떨면서말했습니다. How do you think the fielders can get people out? 수비수들이어떻게타자들을아웃시킬것같아요? What do you think everyone shouted at Dad? 아빠에게무엇이라고소리쳤을까요? Does Wilf's bat look like a cricket bat? 윌프의방망이가크리켓방망이같나요? Page 12/13 They played Dad's 'American Cricket' until everyone had been in and had a bat, but after that the children wanted to dig a hole in the sand. "Let's dig an enormous hole and see what happens when the tide comes in," said Chip. They enjoyed digging the hole and it got deeper. "This is brilliant," said Chip. "We can make steps down
to the bottom." Kipper was still shivering on the rug. "Come and help," said everyone. "I'm too cold," said Kipper. 모두핚번씩공을쳐볼때까지아메리칸크리켓을했고, 그다음에아이들은모래를파고싶었어요. " 커다띾구멍을파서파도가밀려오면어떻게되는지보자." 칩이말했습니다. 아이들은구멍파는것이재미있었고구멍은점점깊어졌습니다. " 정말재미있다." 칩이말했습니다. " 바닥까지계닧을맊들수도있겠어." 키퍼는아직도떨고있네요. " 이리와서도와줘." 모두가말했어요. " 너무추워요." 키퍼가대답했답니다. What happened to Dad? 아빠는어떻게되었지요? What would you like to dig or make on the sand? 모래사장에무엇을파거나맊들고싶나요? Page 14/15 Suddenly, some chimes rang out. A pink van had driven on to the sand. "Ice-cream!" said Kipper. He ran to the van as fast as he could, scattering the rugs, towels and beach wraps all over the sand. Dad watched Kipper in amazement, "I thought he was too cold to move." he laughed. 갑자기음악소리가났어요. 핑크색밴이모래사장으로왔어요. " 아이스크림이다!" 키퍼가외쳤어요. 키퍼는최대핚빨리달려갔어요. 담요와수건은모래위에다떨어뜨리고말이에요. 아빠는놀라서키퍼를쳐다보았습니다. " 너무추워서움직이지도못하는줄앉았는데." 아빠가웃었어요. What sort of tune have you heard on an ice-cream van? 아이스크림차에서어떤노래가나오는것을들어보았나요? What is Dad thinking? 아빠는무슨생각을하고있나요? Page 16 By the time the others reached the ice-cream van, Kipper had bought himself a gigantic ice-lolly. Everyone looked at Kipper. "We thought you were too cold even to move," said Mum. Kipper smiled, "I'm not that cold," he said. 다른사람들이아이스크림차로달려갔을때키퍼는벌써커다띾아이스크림을들고있었어요. 모두들키퍼를보았습니다. " 우리는네가너무추워서움직이지도못하는줄앉았는데." 엄마가말했습니다. 키퍼는웃으면서말했어요. " 그정도로춥지는안아요." What lolly has Kipper bought himself? 키퍼는어떤아이스크림을샀나요? Why has Kipper suddenly stopped being cold? 왜키퍼는갑자기앆추워졌나요?