초등영문법 3800 제 2 정답과해설

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중학영어듣기 2학년

2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직


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1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and

여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

49-9분동안 표지 3.3



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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보





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CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior


소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien

HappyListener 3_정답.indd

Objective 이야기를즐기며정전기의원리를이해하기 Look at~. 의표현을이용하여말해보기 Key Words & Expressions Rub the balloon. Look at the paper. Look at his hair. Procedure Contents M


초등영문법 3800 제 2 정답과해설

Chapter 01 일반동사 Unit 01 일반동사의종류 Check and Write 본문 p.9 2. want 3. play 4. like 5. go Unit 02 일반동사의현재형 Check and Write 본문 p.11 2. have 3. wakes up 4. cook 5. live 6. eat Practice 1 본문 p.12 A 2. get up 3. put on 4. eat 5. brush 6. walk B 1. likes 2. stays up 3. listens 4. sleeps 5. has 6. wakes C 1. wake up 2. sleep 3. go 4. hate 5. want D 1. study 2. have 3. keep Practice 2 본문 p.14 2. I keep my fingers crossed 내가행운을빌게. 3. He does his homework 4. I play video games 5. I have an English test 6. I play soccer 7. I have the flu 나독감걸렸어. 8. I have a runny nose 나콧물나와. 9. I hate shots 나는주사가싫어! 10. I have a fever 11. She nags me 그녀는나에게잔소리를해. 12. I watch Crayon Shin-chan 나는 짱구는못말려 를봐. 13. You use your smartphone 14. They fall down and get up again 그들은넘어지고다시일어나는거야. 15. I like warm hugs 난따뜻한포옹을좋아해. 16. We read many books 우리는책을많이읽어. 17. They eat ice cream 그들은아이스크림을먹는다. 18. Old habits die hard 오래된습관은고치기어렵다. ( 세살버릇여든까지간다.) 19. I have no special talents 나는특별한재능들을가지고있지않다. 20. I destroy my enemies Practice 3 본문 p.17 2. I dislike Pororo 나는 뽀로로 를싫어해. 3. I want a bicycle 4. I need a break 난휴식이필요해. 5. Many kids watch cartoons 6. I sleep until 11 o clock 7. I want a One Piece figure 8. I watch Gag Concert on Sundays 나는일요일에 개그콘서트 를본다. 9. Most kids go to bed early on Sundays 대부분의아이들은일요일에일찍잔다. 10. I hate Mondays 나는월요일이싫어! 11. We hate Mondays 우리는월요일을싫어한다. 12. We do our homework 우리는우리의숙제를한다. 13. I get up late and go to school in a hurry 나는늦게일어나서서둘러학교에간다. 14. My mom[mother] nags me 나의엄마는나에게잔소리를하신다. 15. They play soccer 16. You swim well 너는수영을잘한다. 17. Mina loves you 미나가너를사랑해. 18. I have no special talents 나는특별한재능들을가지고있지않다. 19. I keep my smartphone at home 나는집에서나의스마트폰을달고산다. 20. I like Sihu 나는시후가좋아. Let s Practice More! SET 01 본문 p.20 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. SET 02 본문 p.21 02. speak 03. have 04. put on 05. are 06. study 07. live 08. is 09. likes 10. brush 11. likes 12. want 13. have 14. is SET 03 본문 p.22 02. wakes 03. speak 04. are 05. have 06. have 07. is 08. teach 09. die 10. is 11. want 12. do 13. eat 14. likes 2 초등영문법 3800 제 2 권

SET 04 본문 p.23 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. SET 05 본문 p.24 02. brush 03. stays 04. make 05. has 06. go 07. keep 08. live 09. use 10. read 11. loves 12. need SET 06 본문 p.25 02. speak 03. wakes 04. go 05. keep 06. swim 07. go 08. want 09. has 10. rises 11. sleep 12. eat 13. like 14. nags SET 07 본문 p.26 02. have 03. wakes 04. make 05. play 06. likes 07. stays 08. study 09. have 10. teach 11. like 12. read 13. loves 14. watch 15. swim 16. do 17. eat 18. get 19. plays 20. has SET 08 본문 p.28 02. She puts on her glasses 그녀는그녀의안경을쓴다. 03. I listen to Exo s music 나는엑소의음악을듣는다. 04. They want a vacation 그들은방학을원해! 05. He speaks English very well 그는영어를아주잘해. 06. He has an English test next Monday 그는다음주월요일에영어시험을봐. 07. I do my homework after school 나는방과후에나의숙제를한다. 08. We play computer games 우리는컴퓨터게임을한다. 09. She goes to the movies every Saturday 그녀는토요일마다영화를보러가. 10. Mina keeps her smartphone at home 미나는집에서스마트폰을달고산다. 11. He eats breakfast with his family 그는가족들과아침을먹는다. 12. They have a math test this Thursday 그들은이번주목요일에수학시험을쳐. 13. My mom always nags me 우리엄마는항상내게잔소리를한다. 14. We need your help 우리는너의도움이필요해. 15. Mom dislikes Pororo 엄마는 뽀로로 를싫어해. 16. You go to school in a hurry 너는서둘러학교에간다. 17. She likes Sihu 그녀는시후를좋아해. 18. I have sweet dreams every night 나는매일밤좋은꿈을꾼다. 19. We walk to school at eight 우리는 8 시에걸어서학교에간다. 20. Mom, she has a fever 엄마, 그녀는열나요. Unit 03 일반동사의 3 인칭단수형 (1) Check and Write 본문 p.31 2. wants 3. eats 4. runs 5. drives Unit 04 일반동사의 3 인칭단수형 (2) Check and Write 본문 p.33 2. goes 3. cries 4. teaches 5. has Practice 1 본문 p.34 A 2. opens 3. takes out 4. washes 5. cut 6. make 7. cleans 8. puts 9. says B 1. works 2. teaches 3. goes 4. studies 5. plays 6. loves 7. watches 8. likes C 1. drives 2. rides 3. takes 4. walks Practice 2 본문 p.36 2. My dog kisses me 나의개는나에게뽀뽀를해. 3. He solves the problem 그는문제를해결해. 4. Junsu wants Nintendo 준수는닌텐도를원해요. 5. Sihu plays board games 시후는보드게임을한다. 6. He likes playing board games 그는보드게임하는것을좋아한다. 7. My teacher teaches math 나의선생님은수학을가르치셔. 8. Sihu does his homework 9. Nayeon plays board games 나연이는보드게임을해. 10. I play board games 11. Mom scolds me 엄마는나를혼내셔. 12. something bad always happens 13. Your voice sounds so odd 목소리가너무이상하게들려요. 14. A stitch in time saves nine 제때의바느질한번이아홉번의바느질을던다. 15. The early bird catches the worm 일찍일어나는새가벌레를잡는다. 16. The world has so many lessons 세상은아주많은교훈을가지고있다. Practice 3 본문 p.38 2. A mailman delivers letters 우체부는편지를배달해요. 3. My mother washes the vegetables 나의엄마는야채를씻어요. 4. I cut the onions 정답과해설 3

나는양파를썰어요. 5. Every puzzle has an answer 모든퍼즐은해답을가지고있어요. 6. A firefighter wears an orange uniform 소방관은주황색유니폼을입어요. 7. Mina sends a letter 미나는편지를보내요. 8. Sihu writes a letter to Mina 시후는미나에게편지를써요. 9. My homeroom teacher teaches English 나의담임선생님은영어를가르치세요. 10. A panda eats bamboo leaves 판다가대나무잎을먹어요. 11. My grandpa reads books 나의할아버지는책을읽어요. 12. Mina dislikes going to the dentist 미나는치과에가는것을싫어해요. 13. She brushes her teeth three times a day 그녀는하루에세번양치를해요. 14. She says hello to the students 그녀는학생들에게인사를해요. 15. He has a good voice 그는좋은목소리를가지고있어요. 16. Mina drinks milk for breakfast 미나는아침으로우유를마셔요. 17. Bakers bake bread 제빵사들은빵을구워요. 18. Mina loves bread 미나는빵을아주좋아해요. 19. My younger brother copies pandas 내남동생은판다를따라해요. Let s Practice More! SET 01 본문 p.40 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. SET 02 본문 p.41 02. studies 03. sounds 04. catches 05. brushes 06. copies 07. delivers 08. watches 09. bakes 10. happens 11. tries 12. relaxes SET 03 본문 p.42 02. does 03. studies 04. plays 05. tries 06. watches 07. sounds 08. walks 09. teaches 10. says 11. brushes 12. drinks 13. wants 14. helps SET 04 본문 p.43 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. SET 05 본문 p.44 02. saves 03. begins 04. wake 05. wear 06. sends 07. eats 08. reads 09. dislikes 10. brush 11. teaches 12. say 13. has 14. play SET 06 본문 p.45 02. plays 03. solves 04. works 05. teaches 06. goes 07. studies 08. plays 09. loves 10. watches 11. likes 12. drives 13. rides 14. takes SET 07 본문 p.46 02. delivers 03. makes 04. opens 05. takes 06. washes 07. cuts 08. cleans 09. puts 10. says 11. scolds 12. has 13. sounds 14. saves 15. catches 16. plays 17. saves 18. begins 19. wakes 20. happens SET 08 본문 p.48 02. My grandfather reads books 우리할아버지는책을읽으신다. 03. Mina drinks milk for breakfast 미나는아침으로우유를마신다. 04. He bakes bread 그는빵을굽는다. 05. She loves bread 그녀는빵을아주좋아한다. 06. My younger brother copies pandas 내남동생은판다를따라한다. 07. She prepares for the class 그녀는수업을준비한다. 08. My dad relaxes on weekends 우리아빠는주말에휴식을취하신다. 09. Sihu writes a letter to her 시후는그녀에게편지를쓴다. 10. My mom helps me 우리엄마는나를도와주신다. 11. She tries her best 그녀는최선을다한다. 12. Jane wants a doll Jane 은인형을원한다. 13. My grandma watches TV all day 나의할머니는하루종일 TV 를보신다. 14. Mina sends a letter 미나는편지를보낸다. 15. A panda eats bamboo leaves 판다는대나무잎을먹는다. 16. He dislikes going to the dentist 그는치과에가는것을싫어한다. 17. My homeroom teacher teaches English 우리담임선생님은영어를가르치신다. 18. The world has many lessons 세상은많은교훈을가지고있다. 19. My brother has a good voice 나의남자형제는좋은목소리를가지고있다. 20. She scolds him 그녀는그를혼낸다. 4 초등영문법 3800 제 2 권

Chapter 02 be 동사의부정문과의문문 Unit 01 be 동사의부정문 Check and Write 본문 p.53 2. am not 3. are not, aren t 4. is not, isn t 5. are not, aren t 6. is not, isn t Unit 02 be 동사의의문문 Check and Write 본문 p.55 2. Are, am, I m, not 3. Is, is, isn t 4. Is, is, isn t Practice 1 본문 p.56 A 2. is, not 3. Is 4. is, not 5. is, not 6. Is 7. is 8. Are 9. are, not B 1. is, not 2. Is 3. is, not 4. Is 5. is 6. is, not 7. is, not C 1. Is 2. is, not 3. Is 4. is, not Practice 2 본문 p.58 2. Are your parents strict 너의부모님은엄격하시니? 3. Is your father a good singer 너의아버지는노래를잘부르시니? 4. Is your grandparents house 5. My brother is not smart 우리형은똑똑하지않아. 6. Is Hayul a picky eater 하율이는편식하니? ( 입맛이까다롭니?) 7. Hayul is not a grown-up 하율이는어른이아니야. 8. I am not happy 나는행복하지않다. 9. He is not a child 10. Are you tired 너는피곤하니? 11. I am not a big eater 나는대식가가아니야. 12. My mother is not inside the house 우리엄마는집안에안계세요. 13. Happiness is not far away 행복은멀리있지않아. 14. They are not young 그들은어리지않아. 15. They are not your real friends 그들은너의진정한친구들이아니야. 16. I m not your enemy 나는너의적이아니다. 17. You are not weak 너는약하지않아. 18. Are you sad 너슬프니? 19. Are you sure 확실해요? Practice 3 본문 p.60 2. I am not[i m not] lazy 난게으르지않아. 3. It is not[it isn t/it s not] easy 그것은쉽지않아. 4. Are you thirsty 너목마르니? 5. Are you late for school 너는학교에늦니? 6. Are you hungry 너희들은배가고프니? 7. No, we are not[we aren t/we re not] hungry 아니, 우리는배고프지않아. 8. Sehun is not[sehun isn t] a good rapper 세훈이는랩을잘하지못한다. 9. Are you a good rapper 너는랩을잘하니? 10. I am not[i m not] a good rapper 나는랩을못해. 11. Is he your best friend 그는너의가장친한친구니? 12. No, he is not[he isn t/he s not] my best friend 아니, 그는내가장친한친구가아니야. 13. We are not[we aren t/we re not] in the same class 우리는같은반이아니다. 14. Our classroom is not[our classroom isn t] clean 우리교실은깨끗하지않다. 15. Is the problem important 그문제가중요하니? 16. Is the webtoon funny 그웹툰재미있니? 17. The webtoon is not[the webtoon isn t] funny 그웹툰은재미없어. Let s Practice More! SET 01 본문 p.62 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. SET 02 본문 p.63 02. is not 03. is not 04. is not 05. are not 06. am not 07. is not 08. are not 09. is not 10. is not 11. are not 12. is not 13. are not 14. is not SET 03 본문 p.64 02. I m not 03. isn t 04. isn t 05. isn t 06. aren t 07. isn t 08. isn t 09. aren t 10. aren t 11. isn t 12. I m not 13. aren t 14. aren t 정답과해설 5

SET 04 본문 p.65 02. Is 03. Is 04. Is 05. Are 06. Is 07. Am 08. Are 09. Is 10. Are 11. Are 12. Is SET 05 본문 p.66 02. Is she angry 그녀는화났니? 03. Is she a good singer 그녀는노래를잘부르니? 04. Is their house in the city 그들의집은도시에있니? 05. Is the webtoon funny 그웹툰은재미있니? 06. Are you hungry 너는배고프니? 07. Are they your friends 그들은너의친구들이니? 08. Is he a teacher 그는선생님이니? 09. Is the problem important 그문제는중요하니? 10. Is he a baseball player 그는야구선수이니? 11. Is Mike a picky eater Mike 는입맛이까다로운사람이니? 12. Are you late for school 너는학교에늦었니? 13. Am I lazy 나는게으르니? 14. Are they young 그들은어리니? SET 06 본문 p.68 02. it is, it is not[it isn t/it s not] 03. I am, I am not[i m not] 04. she is, she is not[she isn t/she s not] 05. I am, I am not[i m not] 06. it is, it is not[it isn t/it s not] 07. we are, we are not[we aren t/we re not] 08. they are, they are not[they aren t/they re not] 09. he is, he is not[he isn t/he s not] 10. she is, she is not[she isn t/she s not] 11. he is, he is not[he isn t/he s not] 12. I am, I am not[i m not] 13. they are, they are not[they aren t/they re not] 14. she is, she is not[she isn t/she s not] SET 07 본문 p.70 02. The baby is not[isn t] awake 그아기는깨어있지않아. 03. Your dog is not[isn t] cute 너의개는귀엽지않아. 04. She is not[she isn t/she s not] rich 그녀는부유하지않아. 05. Hayul is not[isn t] a big eater 하율이는대식가가아니야. 06. My father is not[isn t] a good singer 나의아빠는노래를잘못부르셔. 07. Irene is not[isn t] a smart girl Irene은똑똑한소녀가아니야. 08. We are not[we aren t/we re not] sleepy 우리는졸리지않아. 09. I am not[i m not] a fool 나는바보가아니야. 10. My mom is not[isn t] inside the house 나의엄마는집안에계시지않아. 11. They are not[they aren t/they re not] tired 그들은피곤하지않아. 12. You are not[you aren t/you re not] weak 너는약하지않아. 13. The problem is not[isn t] important 그문제는중요하지않아. 14. Our classroom is not[isn t] clean 우리의교실은깨끗하지않아. 15. The webtoon is not[isn t] funny 그웹툰은재미있지않아. 16. They are not[they aren t/they re not] your real friends 그들은너의진정한친구들이아니야. 17. She is not[she isn t/she s not] afraid of birds 그녀는새를두려워하지않아. 18. We are not[we aren t/we re not] in the same class 우리는같은반이아니야. 19. My parents are not[aren t] in Seoul 나의부모님은서울에계시지않아. 20. I am not[i m not] lazy 나는게으르지않아. SET 08 본문 p.72 02. are, not 03. is, not 04. are, not 05. Are, you 06. Is, your 07. is, not 08. am, not 09. Is, he 10. are, not 11. is, not 12. Are, they 13. is, not 14. Are, you 15. Is, she 16. Are, they 17. am, not 18. is, not 19. is, not 20. Are, you Chapter 01~02 실전테스트 분문 p.74 01. is, not 02. 4 03. 1 04. 3 05. 3 06. 4 07. 4 08. A cat eats ice cream. 고양이가아이스크림을먹는다. 09. The princess is pretty. 공주는예쁘다. 10. I love animals. 나는동물들을사랑한다. 11. Jenny likes red shoes. Jenny 는빨간구두를좋아한다. 12. They dance at school. 그들은학교에서춤을춘다. 13. Are you from China? 너는중국에서왔니? 14. She is not angry. 그녀는화나지않았다. 15. reads 16. carries 17. is 18. 4 19. plays 20. look 21. like 22. plays 23. goes 24. 2 25. 2 26. Is, she is 27. She has breakfast every day. 그녀는매일아침을먹는다. 28. It is your cat. 그것은너의고양이이다. 29. We like you. 우리는너를좋아한다. 30. Tom eats bread. Tom 은빵을먹는다. 6 초등영문법 3800 제 2 권

Chapter 03 일반동사의부정문과의문문 Unit 01 일반동사의부정문 Check and Write 본문 p.81 2. does not, doesn t 3. do not, don t 4. do not, don t 5. does not, doesn t Unit 02 일반동사의의문문 Check and Write 본문 p.83 2. Does, does, doesn t 3. Do, do, don t 4. Does, does, doesn t 5. Do, do, don t Practice 1 본문 p.84 A 2. Does, does 3. Does, does 4. Do, don t 5. Does, doesn t B 1. Do, do 2. Do, do 3. Does, doesn t 4. Do, do C 1. Do, don t 2. Do, don t 3. Do, don t 4. Do, do D 1. don t 2. don t 3. doesn t 4. don t 5. don t 6. Do 7. doesn t Practice 2 본문 p.87 2. Do you eat fish 너희는생선을먹니? 3. People don t like the movie 4. Do students like club activities 학생들은동아리활동을좋아하니? 5. Does your dog jump high 너의개는높이점프하니? 6. Do we have an English test 7. Do you take a walk 8. I don t have time 나는시간이없다. 9. doesn t like bananas 10. Does Jane study with Karen Jane 은 Karen 과함께공부하니? 11. I don t wear a muffler 12. He doesn t care about 13. I don t remember Karen s birthday 나는 Karen 의생일이기억나지않는다. 14. Students don t take notes 15. They don t go 16. Do your parents come 17. Do I play games 18. Do you like the color blue 너는파란색을좋아하니? 19. Do your friends play baseball Practice 3 본문 p.90 2. Do your friends go to the library 너의친구들은도서관에가니? 3. I don t eat breakfast 나는아침밥을먹지않는다. 4. Sam doesn t care about 5. I don t remember his phone number 나는그의전화번호가기억나지않는다. 6. Students don t listen to their teacher 학생들은선생님의말을듣지않는다. 7. Mina doesn t like 8. Children don t like sad movies 아이들은슬픈영화를좋아하지않는다. 9. Does your computer make noise 너의컴퓨터는소음을내니? 10. Do turtles swim fast 거북이가빨리헤엄치니? 11. Do you eat beans 너는콩을먹니? 12. I don t wear a watch 나는손목시계를차지않는다. 13. Do we have a math class 14. Does your sister share clothes 15. I don t like movies 나는영화를좋아하지않는다. 16. They don t go to church 그들은교회에가지않는다. 17. Do you like the color violet 너는보라색을좋아하니? 18. Do your friends eat snacks 19. Does Jane like jelly Jane 은젤리를좋아하니? Let s Practice More! SET 01 본문 p.92 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. SET 02 본문 p.93 02. do not 03. does not 04. do not 05. do not 06. do not 07. do not 08. does not 09. do not 10. does not 11. do not 12. does not 13. do not 14. does not SET 03 본문 p.94 02. doesn t 03. don t 04. don t 05. 06. 07. don t 08. 09. 10. don t 11. doesn t 12. doesn t 13. 14. doesn t SET 04 본문 p.95 02. Does 03. Do 04. Does 05. Do 06. Do 07. Do 08. Does 09. Do 10. Does 11. Does 12. Do 13. Does 14. Does 정답과해설 7

SET 05 본문 p.96 02. Does your father play badminton 너의아버지는배드민턴을치시니? 03. Do pigeons walk fast 비둘기는빨리걷니? 04. Do your parents come to school 너의부모님은학교에오시니? 05. Do your friends play baseball 너의친구들은야구하니? 06. Do people like the movie, Batman vs. Superman 사람들은영화 배트맨대슈퍼맨 을좋아하니? 07. Do you drink a lot of water 너물많이마시니? 08. Does your dog jump high 너의개는높이점프하니? 09. Does Jack study with Ben Jack 은 Ben 과함께공부하니? 10. Do your friends play soccer after school 너의친구들은방과후에축구를하니? 11. Does Mina like action movies 미나는액션영화를좋아하니? 12. Do turtles swim fast 거북이가빨리헤엄치니? 13. Does your computer make noise 너의컴퓨터는소음을내니? 14. Do we have a math class today 오늘우리수학수업이있니? SET 06 본문 p.98 02. he does, he doesn t 03. we do, we don t 04. I[we] do, I[we] don t 05. he does, he doesn t 06. I[we] do, I[we] don t 07. I[we] do, I[we] don t 08. he does, he doesn t 09. she does, she doesn t 10. they do, they don t 11. they do, they don t 12. she does, she doesn t 13. I[we] do, I[we] don t 14. you do, you don t SET 07 본문 p.100 02. You don t eat fish 너는생선을먹지않는다. 03. Your parents don t come to school 너의부모님은학교에오시지않는다. 04. Do students like the lunch menu 학생들이점심메뉴를좋아하니? 05. Do your friends go to the cyber cafe 너의친구들은 PC 방에가니? 06. Do your friends play baseball 너의친구들은야구하니? 07. Does he care about other people 그는다른사람들에대해신경쓰니? 08. Jake doesn t fight with Mark every day Jake 는 Mark 와매일싸우지않는다. 09. Do you go to the library 너는도서관에가니? 10. You don t want some juice 너는주스를원하지않는다. 11. Do they take pictures 그들은사진을찍니? 12. Students don t like club activities 학생들은동아리활동을좋아하지않는다. 13. Does your dog jump high 너의개는높이점프하니? 14. Does Mina like action movies 미나는액션영화를좋아하니? 15. Do ducks walk fast 오리가빨리걷니? 16. Your computer doesn t make noise 너의컴퓨터는소음을내지않는다. 17. Does Jane like jelly Jane 은젤리를좋아하니? 18. Do we have an English test today 우리오늘영어시험을보니? 19. Does Sam care about his health Sam 은그의건강에대해신경쓰니? 20. You don t take a walk with your dog 너는너의개와함께산책을하지않는다. SET 08 본문 p.102 02. does, not 03. Do 04. do, not 05. do, not 06. Do 07. Does 08. don t 09. doesn t 10. Does 11. don t 12. don t 13. does, not 14. Do 15. do, not 16. don t 17. doesn t 18. does, not 19. don t 20. don t Chapter 04 의문사의문문 Unit 01 의문사가있는의문문만드는법 Check and Write 본문 p.107 2. When do you leave 너는언제떠나니? 3. What is your favorite food 네가가장좋아하는음식은무엇이니? 4. Who do you meet 너는누구를만나니? 5. Where do you go 너는어디에가니? 8 초등영문법 3800 제 2 권

Unit 02 who/what 의문문 Check and Write 본문 p.109 2. What 3. Who 4. What 5. Who 6. What Practice 1 본문 p.110 A 2. What 3. What 4. Who 5. Who B 1. What 2. Who 3. is 4. are 5. does C 1. do 2. Who 3. is 4. Who 5. What D 1. is 2. says 3. wakes 4. does 5. do Practice 2 본문 p.112 2. What is her name 그녀의이름은무엇이니? 3. Who is that woman 저여자분은누구니? 4. What is that 5. Who are those people 저사람들은누구니? 6. What do you want 넌무엇을원해? 7. What do I do 8. What is wrong 9. Who is that girl 10. Who teases Mina 누가미나를놀리니? 11. What is Sihu s phone number 시후의전화번호는뭐야? 12. What do they do 13. What is going on 14. What do people eat 사람들은뭘먹니? 15. What is this place 이장소는무엇인가요? 16. Who is your homeroom teacher 너의담임선생님은누구니? 17. Who says 18. Who are you 넌누구니? 19. What is the key Practice 3 본문 p.115 2. Who is your best friend 너의제일친한친구는누구니? 3. What does he read 그는무엇을읽나요? 4. Who is angry 누가화났니? 5. What do you want 6. Who does he help 그는누구를돕니? 7. What does he bring 그는무엇을가져오니? 8. What do you do 9. Who reads a book 누가책을읽니? 10. Who does he like 그는누구를좋아하니? 11. What is your job 당신의직업은무엇인가요? 12. What does she do 13. What do you need 너는무엇이필요하니? 14. Who do you meet 너는누구를만나니? 15. What are your plans 16. Who do you visit 17. What is your hobby 너의취미는뭐니? 18. What do we eat 19. Who cleans the bathroom 누가화장실을청소하니? 20. What does Mina buy 미나는무엇을사니? Let s Practice More! SET 01 본문 p.118 02. What 03. Who 04. What 05. Who 06. What 07. What 08. Who 09. What 10. What 11. Who 12. What SET 02 본문 p.119 02. Who is that little boy 저작은남자아이는누구니? 03. What is that smell 저냄새뭐야?( 무슨냄새야?) 04. What is that on your desk 네책상위에있는저것은무엇이니? 05. Who are those people 저사람들은누구야? 06. What is your favorite game 네가가장좋아하는게임은무엇이니? 07. What are you doing now 넌지금무엇을하고있니? 08. What is Sihu s phone number 시후의전화번호는무엇이니? 09. What are your plans for vacation 너의방학계획은무엇이니? 10. Who is your brother 누가너의오빠이니? 11. What is your problem 너의문제는무엇이니? 12. What is the key to happiness 행복의열쇠는무엇이니? SET 03 본문 p.120 02. likes 03. do 04. do 05. does 06. 07. do 08. 09. does 10. do 11. do 12. 13. 14. does 정답과해설 9

SET 04 본문 p.121 02. does he 03. do you 04. does he 05. do you 06. do people 07. does she 08. do you 09. does he 10. do they 11. does he 12. do you do 13. do you 14. do you SET 05 본문 p.122 02. Who 03. Who 04. What 05. What 06. Who 07. What 08. What 09. What 10. Who 11. Who 12. What 13. Who 14. What SET 06 본문 p.123 02. Who 03. What 04. Who 05. Who 06. What 07. Who 08. What 09. What 10. What 11. Who 12. What SET 07 본문 p.124 02. What, does 03. Who, is 04. What, do 05. Who, skips 06. What, is 07. Who, is 08. Who, does 09. What, is 10. Who, do 11. What, do 12. Who, is 13. What, does 14. What, are 15. Who, does 16. What, does 17. What, do 18. What, are 19. What, is 20. Who, teases SET 08 본문 p.126 02. What do they do on their birthday 그들은그들의생일에무엇을하니? 03. What is her name 그녀의이름은무엇이니? 04. Who wakes you up 누가너를깨워줘? 05. Who does he like 그는누구를좋아하니? 06. What is Sihu s phone number 시후의전화번호는뭐야? 07. Who helps me 누가나를도와줄거야? 08. What do we eat for breakfast 우리는아침으로무엇을먹어요? 09. Who is your homeroom teacher 너의담임선생님은누구니? 10. What is this place 이장소는무엇인가요? 11. What does Mina buy 미나가무엇을사니? 12. Who cleans the bathroom 누가화장실을청소하니? 13. What is the key to happiness 행복의열쇠는무엇이니? 14. Who is your best friend 너의제일친한친구는누구니? 15. Who is angry 누가화났니? 16. What do you want for your birthday 너는생일선물로무엇을원하니? 17. Who are those people 저사람들은누구니? 18. What is your hobby 넌취미가뭐니? 19. What do you do for your friend 너의친구를위해너는무엇을해? 20. Who reads a book 누가책을읽니? Unit 03 when/where 의문문 Check and Write 본문 p.129 2. Where are you 너어디에있어? 3. Where do they play 그들은어디에서놀아? 4. When does he study 그는언제공부해? 5. Where do we go 우리어디가요? Unit 04 how/why 의문문 Check and Write 본문 p.131 2. Why 3. Because 4. How 5. Why 6. Because Practice 1 본문 p.132 A 2. How 3. Where 4. When B 1. How 2. is 3. Why 4. Because C 1. When 2. leave 3. How 4. go 5. does 6. takes 7. do 8. arrive 9. Why 10. Because 11. Where 12. play Practice 2 본문 p.134 2. Where is my dog 내개가어디에있지? 3. How are your parents 너희부모님은어떻게지내시니? ( 너희부모님은안녕하시니?) 4. Where are you from 너는어디에서왔니? ( 너는어디출신이니?) 5. Where do you want to go 너는어디에가고싶어? 6. Where do you find your dog 너는어디에서너의개를발견하니? 7. When does your girlfriend come 너의여자친구는언제오니? 8. How is my hair 내머리어때요? 9. Why do you like her 넌그녀가왜좋아? 10. Why are you happy 너왜행복해? 11. How are you 너는어떻게지내? ( 안녕?) 12. Why is dad so late 아빠는왜이렇게늦어요? 13. Where do you live 10 초등영문법 3800 제 2 권

너어디에살아? 14. When is your birthday 너의생일은언제니? 15. How do you know 네가어떻게아니? 16. Why do you want 17. How do I look 나어때보여? 18. Why do you buy a cake 너는왜케이크를사니? 19. How much is it 그것은얼마니? 20. Why are you busy 너는왜바빠? Practice 3 본문 p.137 2. Why do you blame me 왜저를탓하세요? 3. How is the weather 날씨어때? 4. How do I look 나어때보여? 5. How do you feel 너는기분이어떠니? 6. When do I pick you up 내가언제너를데리러갈까? 7. How do you know Mina 네가미나를어떻게알아? 8. Where do you study 넌어디에서공부하니? 9. How does he arrive 10. When do you do your homework 너는언제숙제를해? 11. Why do you follow me 너왜나따라와? 12. How do you know each other 너희들은서로어떻게알아? 13. Where do we meet 우리어디서만나? 14. When do we meet 우리언제만나지? 15. When do you wake up 너는언제일어나니? 16. Where does the dog sleep 그개는어디서자니? 17. Where is the bookstore 서점은어디있니? 18. When does the store open 그상점은언제열어? 19. Why are you nice to me 너나한테왜잘해줘? 20. Why is he great 왜그가훌륭해? Let s Practice More! SET 01 본문 p.140 02. How 03. When 04. How 05. How 06. Why 07. Where 08. When 09. Where 10. Where 11. How 12. Why SET 02 본문 p.141 02. Why 03. When 04. 05. 06. 07. When 08. 09. When 10. Why 11. 12. When 13. 14. Why SET 03 본문 p.142 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. SET 04 본문 p.143 02. How do 03. How is 04. How do 05. Where do 06. When do 07. Where does 08. When does 09. Why is 10. When did 11. Why do 12. When do SET 05 본문 p.144 02. do 03. is 04. are 05. are 06. does 07. is 08. are 09. do 10. is 11. do 12. do 13. do 14. does SET 06 본문 p.145 02. I, go 03. I, like, rain 04. school, at 05. takes, minutes 06. arrive, home 07. play, soccer 08. play, playground 09. arrive 10. Because, present 11. look, happy 12. meet, my, friend 13. Because, homework 14. are, classmates SET 07 본문 p.147 02. How, do 03. How, much 04. Where, does 05. Where, do 06. Why, do 07. How, is 08. How, do 09. When, do 10. How, do 11. How, do 12. Where, do 13. When, do 14. Where, is 15. How, does 16. Why, are 17. Why, is 18. When, do 19. Where, is 20. When, does SET 08 본문 p.148 02. Why are you 03. Why do you 04. When do you 05. How do you 06. Where do you play 너희들은어디서놀아? 07. How long 08. When do you 09. When do we 10. Where 11. Why do you 12. When do you 13. Why do you 정답과해설 11

14. When do you 15. Where is 16. When does 17. Why are you 18. Where are you from 너는어디에서왔니?( 너는어디출신이니?) 19. Why do you like her 넌그녀가왜좋아? 20. Why do you buy Chapter 03~04 실전테스트 분문 p.150 01. 2 02. (1) is (2) is 03. (1) Does (2) does 04. 2 05. (H)ow, (d)o 06. When, does 07. 2 08. 4 09. Does he wear a coat? 그는코트를입니? 10. What do you see? 너는무엇을보니? 11. When, Do 12. (1) is (2) is 13. (1) Does (2) does 14. (1) Do (2) do 15. 1 16. I do not[don t] need a rest. 난휴식이필요하지않아. 17. She does not[doesn t] want to go there. 그녀는그곳에가고싶지않아해. 18. Does he like running? 그는달리는것을좋아하니? 19. Do you want a puppy? 너는강아지한마리를원하니? 20. 3 21. 2 22. 2 23. 축구경기를보러간다. 24. She does not walk to school. 그녀는학교로걸어가지않아. 25. Does he bake bread? 그는빵을굽니? 26. 4 27. 3 28. Does Mary like cats? Mary는고양이를좋아하니? 29. Do you study English? 너는영어를공부하니? 30. 1 12 초등영문법 3800 제 2 권