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2012-2013 Research Models And Diet & Bedding

Diet & Bedding Product Guide

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 70 Orientbio Diet & Bedding (Rodent) No. 5L79 No. 5053 No. 5025 No. 5002C33 58Y1 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/60% Energy FROM Fat-Blue 58Y2 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/10% Energy FROM Fat-Yellow 58V8 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/45% Energy FROM Fat-Red Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) No. 5008 No. 58Y1 No. 58Y2 No. 58V8 www.orient.co.kr

71 Orientbio Diet & Bedding (Begal / Primate) No. 5LL9 No. 5007 No. 5048 Aspen Shaving Corn Cob Beta-chip 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 72 Rat and Mouse 18% (Auto) RAT MOUSE HAMSTER Rat and Mouse Diet Product Code 5L79 Nutrients Protein 18% Fat,ether extr 5.2% Fat,acid hydr - Crude fiber 6.7% Ash 5.7% Calcium 0.85% Phosphorus 0.62% Certified - Irradiated - Autoclavable Appropriate for: Rats Mice Hamsters mm 10 20 www.orient.co.kr

73 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Guaranteed Analysis Chemical Composition 1 Crude protein not less than 18.0% Crude fat not less than 5.0% Crude fiber not more than 5.0% Ash not more than 8.0% Added minerals not more than 3.0% Ingredients Ground corn, wheat middlings, dehulled soybean meal, animal fat preserved with BHA, fish meal, dehydrated alfalfa meal, cane molasses, calcium carbonate, salt, ground oats, ground wheat, ground soybean hulls, dried beet pulp, wheat germ, dried whey, dicalcium phosphate, DL-methionine, corn gluten meal, menadione dimethylpyrimidinol bisulfite, silicon dioxide, magnesium oxide, thiamin mononitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin A acetate, soybean oil, dlalpha tocopheryl acetate, cholecalciferol, folic acid, biotin, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, cyanocobalamin, manganous oxide, zinc oxide, ferrous carbonate, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, calcium iodate, cobalt carbonate, sodium selenite. Autoclaving Suggestions To autoclave the pellets, place on trays, in small bags, or in larger bags, to a depth of no more than 3 inches. When steam autoclaved, the pellets swell and exert force on adjacent pellets. Confinement by a bag or container creates additional pressure, which may result in sticking. Assay before and after autoclaving: Conditions of sterilization must be determined for each autoclaving unit. Microbiological evaluation should be done to insure sterilization is achieved. It is best to assay the diet before and after sterilization to determine nutrient losses. Feeding Directions Provide feeders large enough to hold two to three days supply of Rat & Mouse 18% (Auto) at any time. Arrange feeders so that animals cannot contaminate feed with feces. Keep plenty of clean, fresh water available to the animals at all times. Nutrients 2 Protein, % 18.0 Arginine, % 1.08 Cystine, % 0.28 Glycine, % 0.84 Histidine, % 0.47 Isoleucine, % 0.78 Leucine, % 1.50 Lysine, % 0.95 Methionine, % 0.48 Phenylalanine, % 0.83 Tyrosine, % 0.52 Threonine, % 0.68 Tryptophan, % 0.21 Valine, % 0.93 Serine, % 0.87 Aspartic Acid, % 1.67 Glutamic Acid, % 3.93 Alanine, % 0.97 Proline, % 1.43 Taurine, % <0.01 Fat (ether extract), % 5.2 Fat (acid hydrolysis), % 6.7 Cholesterol, ppm 103 Linoleic Acid, % 1.9 Linolenic Acid, % 0.1 Arachidonic Acid, % <0.1 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.2 Total Saturated Fatty Acids, % 1.7 Total Monosaturated Fatty Acids, % 1.4 Fiber (Crude), % 5.2 Neutral Detergent Fiber3, % 16.8 Acid Detergent Fiber4, % 5.7 Nitrogen-Free Extract (by difference), % 55.9 Starch, % 33.9 Glucose, % 0.3 Fructose, % 0.3 Sucrose, % 2.0 Lactose, % 0.3 Total Digestible Nutrients,% 78.6 Gross Energy, kcal/gm 4.04 Physiological Fuel Value5, kcal/gm 3.43 Metabolizable Energy, kcal/gm 3.21 Minerals Ash, % 5.7 Calcium, % 0.85 Phosphorus, % 0.62 Phosphorus (non-phytate), % 0.28 Potassium, % 0.85 Magnesium, % 0.25 Sulfur, % 0.28 Sodium, % 0.31 Chlorine, % 0.53 Fluorine, ppm 13 Iron, ppm 250 Zinc, ppm 150 Manganese, ppm 140 Copper, ppm 20 Cobalt, ppm 0.65 Iodine, ppm 1.7 Chromium, ppm 1.4 Selenium, ppm 0.27 Vitamins Carotene, ppm 2.8 Vitamin K (as menadione),ppm 3.4 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 92 Riboflavin, ppm 8.0 Niacin, ppm 60 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 24 Choline Chloride, ppm 1300 Folic Acid, ppm 4.2 Pyridoxine, ppm 12 Biotin, ppm 0.28 B12, mcg/kg 19 Vitamin A, IU/gm 44 Vitamin D3 (added), IU/gm 1.5 Vitamin E, IU/kg 80 Ascorbic Acid, mg/gm trace Calories provided by: Protein, % 21.028 Fat (ether extract), % 13.668 Carbohydrates, % 65.304 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. 2. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration except where other wise indicated. Moisture content is assumed to be 10.0% for the purpose of calculations. 3. NDF = approximately cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. 4. ADF = approximately cellulose and lignin. 5. Physiological Fuel Value (kcal/gm) = Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbohydrate (use Nitrogen Free Extract) x 4,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 74 Rodent Diet 20 RAT MOUSE HAMSTER Rat and Mouse Diet Product Code 5053 Nutrients Protein 20% Fat,ether extr 4.5% Fat,acid hydr 5.4% Crude fiber 4.7% Ash 6% Calcium 0.80% Phosphorus 0.62% Certified - Irradiated Autoclavable - Appropriate for: Rats Mice Hamsters mm 10 20 www.orient.co.kr

75 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Description PicoLab Rodent Diet 20 is a Constant Nutrition, 20 % protein diet formulated for rat, hamster and mouse breeding colonies. Irradiation treatment and special 4-ply packaging provide virtually bacteria-free dietary control. Refer to the Shelf Life section at the end of this book for product longevity information and storage suggestions. Features and Benefits Formulated with 20% protein for breeding colonies Reliable microbial control Precision processing assures constant nutritional quality Irradiation eliminates the need for autoclaving Product Forms Available Oval pellet, 101625mm length (3/8"5/8"1") Meal (ground pellets), special order Guaranteed Analysis Crude protein not less than 20.0% Crude fat not less than 4.5% Crude fiber not more than 6.0% Ash not more than 7.0% Added minerals not more than 2.5% Ingredients Ground yellow corn, soybean meal, wheat middlings, ground wheat, fish meal, dried beet pulp, wheat germ meal, cane molasses, brewers dried yeast, ground oats, alfalfa meal, dried whey, soybean oil, calcium carbonate, salt, DL-methionine, choline chloride, vitamin A acetate, cholecalciferol, cyanocobalamin, calcium pantothenate, folic acid, riboflavin, thiamin mononitrate, nicotinic acid, menadione dimethylpyrimidinol bisulfite (source of vitamin K), pyridoxine hydrochloride, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, calcium iodate, cobalt carbonate, copper sulfate, manganous oxide, ferrous carbonate, zinc sulfate, zinc oxide. Feeding Directions Feed ad libitum to rodents. Plenty of fresh, clean water should be available to the animals at all times. Refer to the Animal Care and Biological Values section of this manual for detailed feeding directions. Rats- All rats will eat varying amounts of feed depending on their genetic origin. Larger strains will eat between 15-30 grams per day. Smaller strains will eat between 12-15 grams per day. Feeders in rat cages should be designed to hold two to three days supply of feed at one time. Mice-Adult mice will eat 4 to 5 grams of pelleted ration daily. Some of the larger strains may eat as much as 8 grams per day per animal. Feed should be available on a free choice basis in wire feeders above the floor of the cage. Hamsters-Adults will eat 10 to 14 grams per day. Chemical Composition 1 Nutrients 2 Protein, % 20.0 Arginine, % 1.20 Cystine, % 0.28 Glycine, % 0.94 Histidine, % 0.49 Isoleucine, % 1.03 Leucine, % 1.56 Lysine, % 1.13 Methionine, % 0.43 Phenylalanine, % 0.89 Tyrosine, % 0.56 Threonine, % 0.78 Tryptophan, % 0.25 Valine, % 1.03 Serine, % 1.00 Aspartic Acid, % 2.10 Glutamic Acid, % 4.33 Alanine, % 1.12 Proline, % 1.47 Taurine, % 0.02 Fat (ether extract), % 4.5 Fat (acid hydrolysis), % 5.4 Cholesterol, ppm 149 Linoleic Acid, % 2.26 Linolenic Acid, % 0.20 Arachidonic Acid, % <0.01 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.36 Total Saturated Fatty Acids, % 0.84 Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, % 1.04 Fiber (Crude), % 4.7 Neutral Detergent Fiber3, % 15.3 Acid Detergent Fiber4, % 6.2 Nitrogen-Free Extract (by difference), % 54.8 Starch, % 32.1 Glucose, % 0.20 Fructose, % 0.25 Sucrose, % 3.14 Lactose, % 1.11 Total Digestible Nutrients,% 75.3 Gross Energy, kcal/gm 4.02 Physiological Fuel Value5, kcal/gm 3.40 Metabolizable Energy, kcal/gm 3.08 Minerals Ash, % 6.0 Calcium, % 0.80 Phosphorus, % 0.62 Phosphorus (non-phytate), % 0.33 Potassium, % 0.97 Magnesium, % 0.23 Sulfur, % 0.26 Sodium, % 0.33 Chlorine, % 0.52 Fluorine, ppm 18 Iron, ppm 210 Zinc, ppm 81 Manganese, ppm 80 Copper, ppm 13 Cobalt, ppm 0.64 Iodine, ppm 0.52 Chromium, ppm 2.7 Selenium, ppm 0.22 Vitamins Carotene, ppm 3.8 Vitamin K (as menadione),ppm 3.3 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 18 Riboflavin, ppm 8.0 Niacin, ppm 93 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 17 Choline Chloride, ppm 1800 Folic Acid, ppm 2.9 Pyridoxine, ppm 7.4 Biotin, ppm 0.1 B12, mcg/kg 18 Vitamin A, IU/gm 25 Vitamin D3 (added), IU/gm 2.2 Vitamin E, IU/kg 99 Ascorbic Acid, mg/gm Calories provided by: Protein, % 23.550 Fat (ether extract), % 11.922 Carbohydrates, % 64.528 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. 2. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration except where otherwise indicated. Moisture content is assumed to be 10.0% for the purpose of calculations. 3. NDF = approximately cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. 4. ADF = approximately cellulose and lignin. 5. Physiological Fuel Value (kcal/gm) = Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbohydrate (use Nitrogen Free Extract) x 4,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 76 GUINEA PIG Guinea Pig Diet Product Code 5025 Nutrients Protein 18.5% Fat,ether extr 4% Fat,acid hydr 5.5% Crude fiber 12.4% Ash 8.5% Calcium 1.10% Phosphorus 0.60% Certified - Irradiated - Autoclavable - Appropriate for: Guinea Pig Rats - Mice - Hamsters - mm 10 www.orient.co.kr

77 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Description Guinea Pig Diet is a Constant Nutrition, complete lifecycle diet formulated to maintain reproduction, lactation, growth and maintenance of guinea pigs. Its specially researched formula helps minimize stillbirths, tissue calcification, and pregnancy toxemia. Guinea Pig Diet contains the proper amount of stabilized vitamin C as determined by PMI Nutrition International research. No supplemental greens are needed. Refer to the Shelf Life section at the end of this book for product longevity information and storage suggestions. Features and Benefits Complete diet eliminates need for supplements Contains the proper amount of stabilized vitamin C Minimizes stillbirths, tissue calcification, and pregnancy toxemia Product Forms Available Pellet, 4 mm diameter10 mm length (5/32"3/8") Meal (ground pellets), special order Guaranteed Analysis Crude protein not less than 18.0% Crude fat not less than 4.0% Crude fiber not more than 16.0% Ash not more than 9.0% Added minerals not more than 3.5% Ingredients Alfalfa meal, ground yellow corn, soybean meal, ground oats, wheat middlings, ground soybean hulls, cane molasses, animal fat preserved with BHA, dicalcium phosphate, ground wheat, dried whey, calcium carbonate, salt, magnesium oxide, ascorbic acid, DL-methionine, choline chloride, folic acid, cholecalciferol, vitamin A acetate, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, calcium pantothenate, thiamin mononitrate, nicotinic acid,cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, sodium selenite, copper sulfate, ferrous carbonate, calcium iodate, manganous oxide, cobalt carbonate, zinc sulfate, zinc oxide. Feeding Directions Guinea Pig Diet should be fed free choice except when a weight control program is desired. Mature animals will consume 25-40 grams daily. Feed young growing animals freechoice only. Guinea pigs require vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in their daily diet. A lack of the vitamin results in scruvy. Stability of vitamin C varies with environmental conditions. Hot and humid conditions accelerate the loss of this nutrient from the product. For best results, store in cool, dry conditions and feed within 180 days of date of manufacture. Beyond 180 days, the product will be nutritionally adequate if in good condition, providing a supplemental source of vitamin C is given. Provide guinea pigs a continuous supply of clean, fresh water.the practice of using greens to supply water is not recommended since unconsumed materials will mold and spoil. Chemical Composition 1 Nutrients 2 Protein, % 18.5 Arginine, % 1.08 Cystine, % 0.28 Glycine, % 0.89 Histidine, % 0.45 Isoleucine, % 0.96 Leucine, % 1.48 Lysine, % 0.97 Methionine, % 0.40 Phenylalanine, % 0.91 Tyrosine, % 0.58 Threonine, % 0.75 Tryptophan, % 0.27 Valine, % 0.96 Serine, % 0.98 Aspartic Acid, % 2.21 Glutamic Acid, % 3.62 Alanine, % 0.95 Proline, % 1.31 Taurine, % <0.01 Fat (ether extract), % 4.0 Fat (acid hydrolysis), % 5.5 Cholesterol, ppm 39 Linoleic Acid, % 1.03 Linolenic Acid, % 0.06 Arachidonic Acid, % <0.01 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.06 Total Saturated Fatty Acids, % 1.43 Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, % 1.48 Fiber (Crude), % 12.4 Neutral Detergent Fiber3, % 25.2 Acid Detergent Fiber4, % 11.9 Nitrogen-Free Extract (by difference), % 46.6 Starch, % 20.5 Glucose, % 0.29 Fructose, % 0.75 Sucrose, % 2.10 Lactose, % 0.46 Total Digestible Nutrients,% 67.0 Gross Energy, kcal/gm 3.87 Physiological Fuel Value5, kcal/gm 2.96 Metabolizable Energy, kcal/gm 2.60 Minerals Ash, % 8.5 Calcium, % 1.10 Phosphorus, % 0.60 Phosphorus (non-phytate), % 0.37 Potassium, % 1.25 Magnesium, % 0.35 Sodium, % 0.35 Chlorine, % 0.60 Fluorine, ppm 16 Iron, ppm 330 Zinc, ppm 70 Manganese, ppm 76 Copper, ppm 13 Cobalt, ppm 3.0 Iodine, ppm 0.62 Chromium, ppm 1.6 Selenium, ppm 0.24 Vitamins Carotene, ppm 36 Vitamin K (as menadione),ppm 2.4 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 9.3 Riboflavin, ppm 6.0 Niacin, ppm 66 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 19 Choline Chloride, ppm 1850 Folic Acid, ppm 3.2 Pyridoxine, ppm 4.0 Biotin, ppm 0.30 B12, mcg/kg 13 Vitamin A, IU/gm 30 Vitamin D3 (added), IU/gm 3.4 Vitamin E, IU/kg 50 Ascorbic Acid, mg/gm 1.0 Calories provided by: Protein, % 24.966 Fat (ether extract), % 12.146 Carbohydrates, % 62.888 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. 2. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration except where otherwise indicated. Moisture content is assumed to be 10.0% for the purpose of calculations. 3. NDF = approximately cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. 4. ADF = approximately cellulose and lignin. 5. Physiological Fuel Value (kcal/gm) = Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbohydrate (use Nitrogen Free Extract) x 4,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 78 Certified Rodent Diet RAT MOUSE HAMSTER mm 10 20 Rat and Mouse Diet Product Code 5002C33 Nutrients Protein 20.1% Fat,ether extr 4.5% Fat,acid hydr 5.1% Crude fiber 4.6% Ash 5.8% Calcium 0.80% Phosphorus 0.60% Certified Irradiated Autoclavable - Appropriate for: Rats Mice Hamsters www.orient.co.kr

79 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Description Certified Rodent Diet is a Constant Nutrition formulation that has yielded highly favorable results for the maintenance, growth and reproduction of rats and mice. It has been developed as a complete life-cycle diet that can also be used by breeders to assure animals do not develop undesirable tissue residues of contaminants. A sample of this product will have been assayed prior to shipment. Features and Benefits Each package is assayed for environmental contaminants prior to shipment Preanalysis monitoring assures maximum diet control Fulfills GLP requirements Product Forms Available Oval pellet, 101625 mm length (3/8"5/8"x1") Meal (ground pellets) Guaranteed Analysis Crude protein not less than 20.0% Crude fat not less than 4.5% Crude fiber not more than 5.5% Ash not more than 7.0% Added minerals not more than 2.5% Ingredients Ground corn, dehulled soybean meal, ground wheat, fish meal, wheat middlings, brewers dried yeast, cane molasses, wheat germ, dried beet pulp, dehydrated alfalfa meal, ground oats, dried whey, ground soybean hulls, soybean oil, calcium carbonate, casein, salt, dicalcium phosphate, choline chloride, DL-methionine, cholecalciferol, vitamin A acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, dlalpha tocopheryl acetate, thiamin mononitrate, nicotinic acid, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, folic acid, manganous oxide, zinc oxide, ferrous carbonate, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, calcium iodate, cobalt carbonate. Feeding Directions Feed ad libitum to rodents. Plenty of fresh, clean water should be available to the animals at all times. Refer to the Animal Care and Biological Values section of this manual for detailed feeding directions. Rats- All rats will eat varying amounts of feed depending on their genetic origin. Larger strains will eat between 15-30 grams per day. Smaller strains will eat between 12-15 grams per day. Feeders in rat cages should be designed to hold two to three days supply of feed at one time. Mice-Adult mice will eat 4 to 5 grams of pelleted ration daily. Some of the larger strains may eat as much as 8 grams per day per animal. Feed should be available on a free choice basis in wire feeders above the floor of the cage. Hamsters-Adults will eat 10 to 14 grams per day. Chemical Composition 1 Nutrients 2 Protein, % 20.1 Arginine, % 1.13 Cystine, % 0.27 Glycine, % 0.86 Histidine, % 0.49 Isoleucine, % 1.03 Leucine, % 1.58 Lysine, % 1.18 Methionine, % 0.43 Phenylalanine, % 0.88 Tyrosine, % 0.59 Threonine, % 0.78 Tryptophan, % 0.24 Valine, % 1.05 Serine, % 1.01 Aspartic Acid, % 2.19 Glutamic Acid, % 4.20 Alanine, % 1.24 Proline, % 1.47 Taurine, % 0.01 Fat (ether extract), % 4.5 Fat (acid hydrolysis), % 5.1 Cholesterol, ppm 150 Linoleic Acid, % 2.15 Linolenic Acid, % 0.16 Arachidonic Acid, % <0.01 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.34 Total Saturated Fatty Acids, % 0.86 Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, % 1.14 Fiber (Crude), % 4.6 Neutral Detergent Fiber3, % 13.8 Acid Detergent Fiber4, % 5.9 Nitrogen-Free Extract (by difference), % 55.0 Starch, % 36.3 Glucose, % 0.25 Fructose, % 0.30 Sucrose, % 3.13 Lactose, % 1.11 Total Digestible Nutrients,% 77.0 Gross Energy, kcal/gm 4.04 Physiological Fuel Value5, kcal/gm 3.41 Metabolizable Energy, kcal/gm 3.10 Minerals Ash, % 5.8 Calcium, % 0.80 Phosphorus, % 0.60 Phosphorus (non-phytate), % 0.34 Potassium, % 0.86 Magnesium, % 0.21 Sulfur, % 0.25 Sodium, % 0.30 Chlorine, % 0.47 Fluorine, ppm 13 Iron, ppm 210 Zinc, ppm 76 Manganese, ppm 75 Copper, ppm 11 Cobalt, ppm 0.6 Iodine, ppm 0.77 Chromium, ppm 2.0 Selenium, ppm 0.25 Vitamins Carotene, ppm 5.6 Vitamin K (as menadione),ppm 0.4 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 16 Riboflavin, ppm 8.0 Niacin, ppm 95 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 17 Choline Chloride, ppm 1800 Folic Acid, ppm 4.0 Pyridoxine, ppm 6.0 Biotin, ppm 0.13 B12, mcg/kg 20 Vitamin A, IU/gm 18 Vitamin D3 (added), IU/gm 2.2 Vitamin E, IU/kg 66 Calories provided by: Protein, % 23.585 Fat (ether extract), % 11.880 Carbohydrates, % 64.535 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. 2. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration except where otherwise indicated. Moisture content is assumed to be 10.0% for the purpose of calculations. 3. NDF = approximately cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. 4. ADF = approximately cellulose and lignin. 5. Physiological Fuel Value (kcal/gm) = Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbo- hydrate (use Nitrogen Free Extract) x 4,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 80 RAT MOUSE HAMSTER Rat and Mouse Diet Product Code 5008 Nutrients Protein 23.5% Fat,ether extr 6.5% Fat,acid hydr 7.5% Crude fiber 3.8% Ash 6.8% Calcium 1.00% Phosphorus 0.65% Certified - Irradiated - Autoclavable - Appropriate for: Rats Mice Hamsters www.orient.co.kr mm 10 20

81 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Description Formulab Diet is a Constant Nutrition formula supplying complete life-cycle nutrition for use in breeding colonies of rats, hamsters and most outbred (non-inbred) mouse strains. The high-energy, high-protein formulation of this diet maximizes reproduction of rats and hamsters and is an excellent life-cycle diet for most rodents. Features and Benefits Similar nutrient concentration to 5001, with higher energy content Maximizes reproductive performance of rats and hamsters; supports gestation and lactation simultaneously Formulated to feed rats, hamsters and many mouse strains Single product inventory Available in Irradiated or Non-Irradiated form. Product Forms Available Oval pellet, 10 mm x 16 mm x 25 mm length (3/8"x5/8"x1") - Non-Irradiated available in 15 kg or 50 lb paper sacks - Irradiated available in 25 lb paper sacks Meal (ground pellets), special order Guaranteed Analysis Crude protein not less than 23.0% Crude fat not less than 6.5% Crude fiber not more than 4.0% Ash not more than 8.0% Added minerals not more than 2.5% Ingredients Ground corn, dehulled soybean meal, ground wheat, fish meal, wheat middlings, porcine animal fat preserved with BHA, cane molasses, brewers dried yeast, porcine meat meal, wheat germ, ground oats, dried beet pulp, dehydrated alfalfa meal, calcium carbonate, dried whey, salt, menadione dimethylpyrimidinol bisulfite, choline chloride, cholecalciferol, vitamin A acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, thiamin mononitrate, folic acid, DL-methionine, nicotinic acid, calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, vitamin B12 supplement, manganous oxide, zinc oxide, ferrous carbonate, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, calcium iodate, cobalt carbonate. Feeding Directions Plenty of fresh, clean water should be available to the animals at all times. Rats- All rats will eat varying amounts of feed depending on their genetic origin. Larger strains will eat between 15-30 grams per day. Smaller strains will eat between 12-15 grams per day. Feeders in rat cages should be designed to hold two to three days supply of feed at one time. Mice-Adult mice will eat 4 to 5 grams of pelleted ration daily. Some of the larger strains may eat as much as 8 grams per day per animal. Feed should be available on a free choice basis in wire feeders above the floor of the cage. Hamsters-Adults will eat 10 to 14 grams per day. Chemical Composition 1 Nutrients 2 Protein, % 23.5 Arginine, % 1.44 Cystine, % 0.35 Glycine, % 1.23 Histidine, % 0.58 Isoleucine, % 1.20 Leucine, % 1.87 Lysine, % 1.40 Methionine, % 0.43 Phenylalanine, % 1.08 Tyrosine, % 0.66 Threonine, % 0.90 Tryptophan, % 0.28 Valine, % 1.19 Serine, % 1.20 Aspartic Acid, % 2.60 Glutamic Acid, % 4.77 Alanine, % 1.39 Proline, % 1.63 Taurine, % 0.02 Fat (ether extract), % 6.5 Fat (acid hydrolysis), % 7.5 Cholesterol, ppm 280 Linoleic Acid, % 1.37 Linolenic Acid, % 0.09 Arachidonic Acid, % 0.01 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.29 Total Saturated Fatty Acids, % 2.51 Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, % 2.32 Fiber (Crude), % 3.8 Neutral Detergent Fiber3, % 11.3 Acid Detergent Fiber4, % 4.0 Nitrogen-Free Extract (by difference), % 49.4 Starch, % 34.9 Glucose, % 0.22 Fructose, % 0.24 Sucrose, % 2.57 Lactose, % 0.39 Total Digestible Nutrients,% 81.2 Gross Energy, kcal/gm 4.15 Physiological Fuel Value5, kcal/gm 3.50 Metabolizable Energy, kcal/gm 3.31 Minerals Ash, % 6.8 Calcium, % 1.00 Phosphorus, % 0.65 Phosphorus (non-phytate), % 0.42 Potassium, % 1.10 Magnesium, % 0.20 Sulfur, % 0.24 Sodium, % 0.28 Chlorine, % 0.48 Fluorine, ppm 19 Iron, ppm 230 Zinc, ppm 73 Manganese, ppm 71 Copper, ppm 13 Cobalt, ppm 0.4 Iodine, ppm 0.8 Chromium, ppm 1.4 Selenium, ppm 0.23 Vitamins Carotene, ppm 4.0 Vitamin K (as menadione),ppm 3.2 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 16 Riboflavin, ppm 5.0 Niacin, ppm 109 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 15 Choline Chloride, ppm 2000 Folic Acid, ppm 3.0 Pyridoxine, ppm 6.0 Biotin, ppm.0.20 B12, mcg/kg 20 Vitamin A, IU/gm 15 Vitamin D3 (added), IU/gm 3.3 Vitamin E, IU/kg 55 Ascorbic Acid, mg/gm Calories provided by: Protein, % 26.849 Fat (ether extract), % 16.710 Carbohydrates, % 56.441 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. 2. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration except where otherwise indicated. Moisture content is assumed to be 10.0% for the purpose of calculations. 3. NDF = approximately cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. 4. ADF = approximately cellulose and lignin. 5. Physiological Fuel Value (kcal/gm) = Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbohydrate (use Nitrogen Free Extract) x 4,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 82 58Y1 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/60% Energy FROM Fat-Blue Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) RAT MOUSE Rat and Mouse Diet Product Code 58Y1 Nutrients Protein 23.6% Fat,ether extr 60.9% Fat,acid hydr 34.9% Crude fiber - Ash - Calcium 0.78% Phosphorus 0.59% Certified - Irradiated - Autoclavable - Appropriate for: Rats Mice Hamsters - mm 10 20 www.orient.co.kr

83 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Description Diet Induced Obesity Rodent Purified Diet with 60% Energy From Fat - Dyed Blue is based on AIN-76A Semi-Purified Diet, Rat or Mouse 5800-B. See Van Heek et al., J. Clin. Invest. 99:385-390, 1997, for initial use of this formula. Storage conditions are particularly critical to TestDiet products, due to the absence of antioxidants or preservative agents. To provide maximum protection against possible changes during storage, store in a dry, cool location. Storage under refrigeration (2) is recommended. Maximum shelf life is six months. (If long term studies are involved, storing the diet at -20 or colder may prolong shelf life.) Be certain to keep in air tight containers. Product Forms Available* Meal 1/2" Pellet, Irradiated 1/2" Pellet *Other Forms Available By Request Ingredients Lard 31.6600 Casein - Vitamin Free 25.8450 Maltodextrin 16.1530 Sucrose 8.8910 Powdered Cellulose 6.4610 Soybean Oil 3.2310 Potassium Citrate, Tribasic Monohydrate 2.1320 Dicalcium Phosphate 1.6800 DIO Mineral Mix 1.2920 AIN-76A Vitamin Mix 1.2920 Calcium Carbonate 0.7110 L-Cystine 0.3880 Choline Bitartrate 0.2580 Blue Dye 0.0060 Part of the TestDiet "Blue-Pink-Yellow" DIO Series ("van Heek" Series) DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/10% Energy From Fat -Yellow 1/2" Pellet - Catalog # 58124 (58Y2) Meal - Catalog # 56834 (58Y2) DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/45% Energy From Fat -Red 1/2" Pellet - Catalog # 58125 (58V8) 1/2" Pellet, Irradiated - Catalog # 55629 (58V8) Meal - Catalog # 1810729 (58V8) Meal, Irradiated - Catalog # 1810730 (58V8) Feeding Directions Feed ad libitum. Plenty of fresh, clean water should be available at all times. CAUTION: Perishable - store properly upon receipt. For experimental use only, not for human consumption. Nutritional Profile 1 Protein, % 23.6 Arginine, % 0.90 Histidine, % 0.67 Isoleucine, % 1.24 Leucine, % 2.24 Lysine, % 1.88 Methionine, % 0.67 Cystine, % 0.48 Phenylalanine, % 1.24 Tyrosine, % 1.31 Threonine, % 1.00 Tryptophan, % 0.29 Tyrosine, % 1.31 Valine, % 1.47 Alanine, % 0.71 Aspartic Acid, % 1.66 Glutamic Acid, % 5.28 Glycine, % 0.50 Proline, % 3.04 Serine, % 1.43 Taurine, % 0.00 Fat, % 34.9 Cholesterol, ppm 301 Linoleic Acid, % 4.70 Linolenic Acid, % 0.39 Arachidonic Acid, % 0.06 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.39 Total Saturated Fatty Acids, % 13.68 Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, % 14.00 Fiber (max), % 6.5 Carbohydrates, % 25.9 Energy (kcal/g) 5.16 From: kcal % Protein 0.943 18.3 Fat (ether extract) 3.140 60.9 Carbohydrates 1.037 20.1 Minerals Calcium, % 0.78 Phosphorus, % 0.59 Phosphorus (available), % 0.59 Potassium, % 0.77 Magnesium, % 0.07 Sodium, % 0.13 Chlorine, % 0.20 Fluorine, ppm 1.2 Iron, ppm 60 Zinc, ppm 46 Manganese, ppm 76 Copper, ppm 7.8 Cobalt, ppm 0.0 Iodine, ppm 0.27 Chromium, ppm 2.6 Molybdenum, ppm 2.11 Selenium, ppm 0.21 Vitamins Vitamin A, IU/g 5.2 Vitamin D-3 (added), IU/g 1.3 Vitamin E, IU/kg 64.6 Vitamin K (as menadione), ppm 0.65 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 7.8 Riboflavin, ppm 7.8 Niacin, ppm 39 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 19 Folic Acid, ppm 2.6 Pyridoxine, ppm 7.4 Biotin, ppm 0.3 Vitamin B-12, mcg/kg 13 Choline Chloride, ppm 1,290 Ascorbic Acid, ppm 0.0 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration on an As Fed basis except where otherwise indicated. 2. Energy (kcal/gm) - Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbohydratex 4,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 84 58Y2 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/10% Energy FROM Fat-Yellow Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) RAT MOUSE Rat and Mouse Diet Product Code 58Y2 Nutrients Protein 17.3% Fat,ether extr 10.2% Fat,acid hydr - Crude fiber - Ash - Calcium 0.57% Phosphorus 0.43% Certified - Irradiated - Autoclavable - Appropriate for: Rats Mice Hamsters - mm 10 20 www.orient.co.kr

85 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Description Diet Induced Obesity Rodent Purified Diet with 10% Energy From Fat, Dyed Yellow is based on AIN-76A Semi-Purified Diet, Rat or Mouse 5800-B. See Van Heek et al., J. Clin. Invest. 99:385-390, 1997, for initial use of lower-fat versions of this formula. Originally manufactured as "D12450B". Storage conditions are particularly critical to TestDiet products, due to the absence of antioxidants or preservative agents. To provide maximum protection against possible changes during storage, store in a dry, cool location. Storage under refrigeration (2) is recommended. Maximum shelf life is six months. (If long term studies are involved, storing the diet at -20 or colder may prolong shelf life.) Be Product Forms Available* 1/2" Pellet, Irradiated 1/2" Pellet Meal Meal, Irradiated *Other Forms Available On Re Ingredients (%) Sucrose 33.1290 Dextrin 29.8560 Casein - Vitamin Free 18.9560 Powdered Cellulose 4.7390 Maltodextrin 3.3170 Soybean Oil 2.3700 Lard 1.8960 Potassium Citrate, Tribasic Monohydrate 1.5640 Dicalcium Phosphate 1.2320 DIO Mineral Mix 0.9480 AIN-76A Vitamin Mix 0.9480 Calcium Carbonate 0.5210 L-Cystine 0.2840 Choline Bitartrate 0.1900 Yellow Dye 0.0500 Feeding Directions Feed ad libitum. Plenty of fresh, clean water should be available at all times. CAUTION: Perishable - store properly upon receipt. For laboratory animal use only; NOT for human consumption. Nutritional Profile 1 Protein, % 17.3 Arginine, % 0.66 Histidine, % 0.49 Isoleucine, % 0.91 Leucine, % 1.64 Lysine, % 1.38 Methionine, % 0.49 Cystine, % 0.35 Phenylalanine, % 0.91 Tyrosine, % 0.96 Threonine, % 0.73 Tryptophan, % 0.21 Valine, % 1.08 Alanine, % 0.52 Aspartic Acid, % 1.22 Glutamic Acid, % 3.87 Glycine, % 0.37 Proline, % 2.23 Serine, % 1.05 Taurine, 0.00 Fat, % 4.3 Cholesterol, ppm 18 Linoleic Acid, % 1.39 Linolenic Acid, % 0.19 Arachidonic Acid, % 0.00 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.19 Total Saturated Fatty A 1.14 Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, % 1.30 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, %1.59 Fiber (max), % 4.7 Carbohydrates, % 37.4 Energy (kcal/g) 2 3.78 From: kcal % Protein 0.692 18.3 Fat (ether extract) 0.384 10.2 Carbohydrates 2.697 71.5 Minerals Calcium, % 0.57 Phosphorus, % 0.43 Phosphorus (available), % 0.43 Potassium, % 0.57 Magnesium, % 0.05 Sodium, % 0.12 Chloride, % 0.21 Fluorine, ppm 0.9 Iron, ppm 44 Zinc, ppm 34 Manganese, ppm 55 Copper, ppm 5.7 Cobalt, ppm 0.0 Iodine, ppm 0.20 Chromium, ppm 1.9 Molybdenum, ppm 1.55 Selenium, ppm 0.15 Vitamins Vitamin A, IU/g 3.8 Vitamin D-3 (added), IU/g 0.9 Vitamin E, IU/kg 49.3 Vitamin K (as menadione), ppm 0.48 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 5.7 Riboflavin, ppm 5.7 Niacin, ppm 28 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 14 Folic Acid, ppm 1.9 Pyridoxine, ppm 5.5 Biotin, ppm 0.2 Vitamin B-12, mcg/kg 9 Choline Chloride, ppm 950 Ascorbic Acid, ppm 0.0 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration on an As-Fed basis except where otherwise indicated. 2. Energy (kcal/gm) - Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbohydrate x4,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 86 58V8 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/45% Energy FROM Fat-Red Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) RAT MOUSE Rat and Mouse Diet Product Code 58V8 Nutrients Protein 21.3% Fat,ether extr 45.7% Fat,acid hydr - Crude fiber - Ash - Calcium 0.70% Phosphorus 0.53% Certified - Irradiated - Autoclavable - Appropriate for: Rats Mice Hamsters - mm 10 20 www.orient.co.kr

87 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Description Diet Induced Obesity (DIO) Rodent Diet with 45% Energy From Fat, Dyed Red is a Purified Diet based on AIN-76A Semi-Purified Diet, Rat or Mouse 5800-B. See Van Heek et al., J. Clin. Invest. 99:385-390, 1997, for initial use of this formula. Storage conditions are particularly critical to TestDiet products, due to the absence of antioxidants or preservative agents. To provide maximum protection against possible changes during storage, store in a dry, cool location. Storage under refrigeration (2) is recommended. Maximum shelf life is six months. (If long term studies are involved, storing the diet at -20 or colder may prolong shelf life.) Be certain to keep in air tight containers. Product Forms Available* Meal Meal, Irradiated 1/2" Pellet, Irradiated 1/2" Pellet *Other Forms Available By Request Ingredients Casein - Vitamin Free 23.3060 Lard 20.6840 Sucrose 20.1360 Maltodextrin 11.6530 Dextrin 8.4830 Powdered Cellulose 5.8270 Soybean Oil 2.9130 Potassium Citrate, Tribasic Monohydrate 1.9230 Dicalcium Phosphate 1.5150 DIO Mineral Mix 1.1650 AIN-76A Vitamin Mix 1.1650 Calcium Carbonate 0.6410 L-Cystine 0.3500 Choline Bitartrate 0.2330 Red Dye 0.0060 Part of the TestDiet "Blue-Pink-Yellow" DIO Series ("van Heek" Series) DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/10% Energy From Fat -Blue 1/2" Pellet - Catalog # 58126 (58Y1) 1/2" Pellet, Irradiated - Catalog # 56833 (58Y1) Meal - Catalog # 1810473 (58Y1) DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/10% Energy From Fat -Yellow 1/2" Pellet - Catalog # 58124 (58Y2) Meal - Catalog # 56834 (58Y2) Feeding Directions Feed ad libitum. Plenty of fresh, clean water should be available at all times. CAUTION: Perishable - store properly upon receipt. For laboratrory animal use only, not for human consumption. Nutritional Profile 1 Protein, % 21.3 Arginine, % 0.81 Histidine, % 0.60 Isoleucine, % 1.12 Leucine, % 2.02 Lysine, % 1.69 Methionine, % 0.60 Cystine, % 0.44 Phenylalanine, % 1.12 Tyrosine, % 1.18 Threonine, % 0.90 Tryptophan, % 0.26 Valine, % 1.33 Alanine, % 0.64 Aspartic Acid, % 1.50 Glutamic Acid, % 4.76 Glycine, % 0.45 Proline, % 2.75 Serine, % 1.29 Taurine, % 0.00 Fat, % 23.6 Cholesterol, ppm 196 Linoleic Acid, % 3.48 Linolenic Acid, % 0.32 Arachidonic Acid, % 0.04 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.32 Total Saturated Fatty Acids, % 9.05 Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, % 9.32 Fiber (max), % 5.8 Carbohydrates, % 41.2 Energy (kcal/g) 2 4.65 From: kcal % Protein 0.850 18.3 Fat (ether extract) 2.124 45.7 Carbohydrates 1.649 35.5 Minerals Calcium, % 0.70 Phosphorus, % 0.53 Phosphorus (available), % 0.53 Potassium, % 0.70 Magnesium, % 0.06 Sodium, % 0.12 Chlorine, % 0.18 Fluorine, ppm 1.1 Iron, ppm 54 Zinc, ppm 41 Manganese, ppm 68 Copper, ppm 7.0 Cobalt, ppm 0.0 Iodine, ppm 0.24 Chromium, ppm 2.3 Molybdenum, ppm 1.90 Selenium, ppm 0.19 Vitamins Vitamin A, IU/g 4.7 Vitamin D-3 (added), IU/g 1.2 Vitamin E, IU/kg 60.6 Vitamin K (as menadione), ppm 0.58 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 7.0 Riboflavin, ppm 7.0 Niacin, ppm 35 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 17 Folic Acid, ppm 2.3 Pyridoxine, ppm 6.7 Biotin, ppm 0.2 Vitamin B-12, mcg/kg 12 Choline Chloride, ppm 1,165 Ascorbic Acid, ppm 0.0 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration on an As Fed basis except where otherwise indicated. 2. Energy (kcal/gm) - Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbohydrate x4,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 88 BEAGLE Canine Diet Product Code 5LL9 Nutrients Protein 27.5% Fat,ether extr 10.0% Fat,acid hydr 11.6% Crude fiber 2.9% Ash 7.7% Calcium 1.80% Phosphorus 0.95% Certified - Irradiated - Autoclavable - Appropriate for: Rats - Mice - Hamsters - mm 10 www.orient.co.kr

89 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Guaranteed Analysis Crude protein not less than 27.0% Crude fat not less than 10.0% Crude fiber not more than 5.0% Ingredients Ground Corn, Dehulled Soybean Meal, Poultry Meal, Corn Gluten Meal, Animal Fat Preserved with BHA, Soybean Oil, Flash Dried Blood Meal, Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate, Wheat Middlings, Ground Wheat, Fish Meal, Salt, Ground Oats, Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal, Ground Soybean Hulls, Cane Molasses, Dried Beet Pulp, Choline Chloride, Wheat Germ, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Vitamin A Acetate, Cholecalciferol (Source of Vitamin D-3), Ferrous Sulfate, Folic Acid, dl-alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, Calcium Pantothenate, Menadione Dimethylpyrimidinol Bisulfite, Thiamin Mononitrate, Nicotinic Acid, Manganous Oxide, Biotin, Riboflavin, Cobalt Carbonate, Copper Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Calcium Iodate, Ferrous Carbonate, Bacillus Subtilis Fermentation Extract Dehydrated, Dried Yucca Shidigera Extract, Zinc Sulfate, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Silicon Dioxide, Yeast Fermentation Solubles, Sodium Selenite. Feeding Directions Feed ad libitum. Plenty of fresh, clean water should be available at all times. Chemical Composition 1 Nutrients 2 Protein, % 27.5 Arginine, % 1.48 Cystine, % 0.43 Glycine, % 1.19 Histidine, % 0.64 Isoleucine, % 1.09 Leucine, % 2.55 Lysine, % 1.43 Methionine, % 0.50 Phenylalanine, % 1.28 Tyrosine, % 0.76 Threonine, % 1.00 Tryptophan, % 0.27 Valine, % 1.40 Serine, % 1.23 Aspartic Acid, % 2.31 Glutamic Acid, % 4.36 Alanine, % 1.56 Proline, % 1.77 Taurine, % 0.02 Fat (ether extract), % 10.0 Fat (acid hydrolysis), % 11.6 Cholesterol, ppm 135 Linoleic Acid, % 2.75 Linolenic Acid, % 0.26 Arachidonic Acid, % 0.02 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.31 Total Saturated Fatty Acids, % 3.07 Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, % 3.57 Fiber (crude), % 2.9 Neutral Detergent Fiber, % 9.6 Acid Detergent Fiber, % 3.8 Nitrogen-Free Extract (by difference), % 41.5 Starch, % 28.8 Glucose, % 0.25 Fructose, % 0.26 Sucrose, % 1.31 Lactose, % 0.20 Total Digestible Nutrients, % 82.8 Gross Energy, kcal/gm 4.66 Physiological Fuel Value, kcal/g 3.66 Metabolizable Energy, kcal/g 3.46 Minerals Ash, % 7.7 Calcium, % 1.80 Phosphorus, % 0.95 Phosphorus (non-phytate), % 0.71 Potassium, % 0.70 Magnesium, % 0.16 Sulfur, % 0.21 Sodium, % 0.41 Chlorine, % 0.66 Fluorine, ppm 13.2 Iron, ppm 387 Zinc, ppm 130 Manganese, ppm 73 Copper, ppm 14 Cobalt, ppm 0.92 Iodine, ppm 2.13 Chromium, ppm 1.18 Selenium, ppm 0.43 Vitamins Carotene, ppm 1.1 Vitamin K (as menadione), ppm 0.4 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 11.9 Riboflavin, ppm 4.5 Niacin, ppm 82 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 20 Choline Chloride, ppm 2,000 Folic Acid, ppm 3.6 Pyridoxine, ppm 12.5 Biotin, ppm 0.2 Vitamin B-12, mcg/kg 62 Vitamin A, IU/g 44 Vitamin D-3 (added), IU/g 4.9 Vitamin E, IU/kg 57 Ascorbic Acid, ppm 55 Calories provided by: Protein, % 30.027 Fat (ether extract), % 24.576 Carbohydrates, % 45.397 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. 2. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration except where otherwise indicated. Moisture content is assumed to be 10.0% for the purpose of calculations. 3. NDF = approximately cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. 4. ADF = approximately cellulose and lignin. 5. Physiological Fuel Value (kcal/gm) - Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbohydrate (use Nitrogen Free Extract) x 4,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 90 BEAGLE Certified Canine Diet Product Code 5007 Nutrients Protein 25.5% Fat,ether extr 8.5% Fat,acid hydr 9.5% Crude fiber 2.8% Ash 7.1% Calcium 1.65% Phosphorus 1.00% Certified Irradiated - Autoclavable - Appropriate for: Rats - Mice - Hamsters - mm 10 www.orient.co.kr

91 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Description Certified Canine Diet is a Constant Nutrition, palatable and complete life-cycle diet for reproduction, growth and maintenance of laboratory dogs. Its constant-nutrient formulation helps minimize nutritional variables in longterm studies.available only in an extruded particle size which is convenient for mixing. A sample of this product will have been assayed prior to shipment. Refer to the Shelf Life section at the end of this book for product longevity information and storage suggestions. Features and Benefits Each package is assayed for environmental contaminants prior to shipment Preanalysis monitoring assures maximum diet control Fulfills GLP requirements Product Forms Available Chunk, 168 mm (5/8"5/16") Meal (ground chunks) Guaranteed Analysis Crude protein not less than 25.0% Crude fat not less than 9.0% Crude fiber not more than 4.0% Moisture not more than 12.0% Ash not more than 10.0% Added minerals not more than 2.0% Ingredients Ground corn, porcine meat meal, dehulled soybean meal, corn gluten meal, ground wheat, wheat middlings, porcine animal fat preserved with BHA, dried beet pulp, blood meal, dried whey, calcium carbonate, brewers dried yeast, fish meal, wheat germ, salt, choline chloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin A acetate, cholecalciferol, menadione dimethylpyrimidinol bisulfite (source of vitamin K), folic acid, calcium pantothenate, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, thiamin mononitrate, nicotinic acid, manganous oxide, ferrous sulfate, cyanocobalamin, cobalt carbonate, riboflavin, copper sulfate, biotin, zinc oxide, dicalcium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, calcium iodate, sodium selenite. Feeding Directions Due to the variation of dog breeds used for research purposes, the feeding directions given are for the Beagle. For dogs the size of Beagles, the feed consumption is normally 20-30 grams of airdry Certified Canine Diet per kilogram of body weight. Smaller breeds consume slightly more in proportion to body weight, while larger breeds consume slightly less. If fed dry, Certified Canine Diet can be offered free choice in self feeders. If desired, it can be fed moistened with water, milk or broth. For growing pups, feed free choice. Most pups will start to eat solid food at three to four weeks of age. Sometimes pups eat better if the feed is moistened. Chemical Composition 1 Nutrients 2 Protein, % 25.5 Arginine, % 1.46 Cystine, % 0.37 Glycine, % 1.85 Histidine, % 0.55 Isoleucine, % 1.02 Leucine, % 2.10 Lysine, % 1.10 Methionine, % 0.44 Phenylalanine, % 1.09 Tyrosine, % 0.74 Threonine, % 0.90 Tryptophan, % 0.25 Valine, % 1.15 Serine, % 1.23 Aspartic Acid, % 2.49 Glutamic Acid, % 4.90 Alanine, % 1.70 Proline, % 2.10 Taurine, % 0.01 Fat (ether extract), % 8.5 Fat (acid hydrolysis), % 9.5 Cholesterol, ppm 168 Linoleic Acid, % 1.33 Linolenic Acid, % 0.08 Arachidonic Acid, % 0.01 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.08 Total Saturated Fatty Acids, % 3.63 Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, % 3.41 Fiber (Crude), % 2.8 Neutral Detergent Fiber3, % 11.1 Acid Detergent Fiber4, % 4.1 Nitrogen-Free Extract (by difference), % 46.1 Starch, % 34.5 Glucose, %. 0.24 Fructose, % 0.24 Sucrose, % 1.10 Lactose, % 0.46 Total Digestible Nutrients,% 83.1 Gross Energy, kcal/gm 4.27 Physiological Fuel Value5, kcal/gm 3.63 Digestible Energy, kcal/gm 3.54 Metabolizable Energy, kcal/gm 3.40 Minerals Ash, % 7.1 Calcium, % 1.65 Phosphorus, % 1.00 Phosphorus (non-phytate), % 0.77 Potassium, % 0.71 Magnesium, % 0.16 Sulfur, % 0.24 Sodium, % 0.42 Chlorine, % 0.43 Fluorine, ppm 12 Iron, ppm 370 Zinc, ppm 140 Manganese, ppm 55 Copper, ppm 13 Cobalt, ppm 0.50 Iodine, ppm 1.7 Chromium, ppm 2.3 Selenium, ppm 0.28 Vitamins Carotene, ppm 2.0 Vitamin K (as menadione),ppm 0.29 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 10 Riboflavin, ppm 4.5 Niacin, ppm 77 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 20 Choline Chloride, ppm 2000 Folic Acid, ppm 2.8 Pyridoxine, ppm 13 Biotin, ppm 0.2 B12, mcg/kg 27 Vitamin A, IU/gm 40 Vitamin D3 (added), IU/gm 4.4 Vitamin E, IU/kg 44 Ascorbic Acid, mg/gm Calories provided by: Protein, % 28.107 Fat (ether extract), % 21.080 Carbohydrates, % 50.813 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. 2. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration except where otherwise indicated. Moisture content is assumed to be 10.0% for the purpose of calculations. 3. NDF = approximately cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. 4. ADF = approximately cellulose and lignin. 5. Physiological Fuel Value (kcal/gm) = Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbohydrate (use Nitrogen Free Extract)x4,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 92 MONKEY Certified Primate Diet Product Code 5048 Nutrients Protein 25 Fat,ether extr 4.7 Fat,acid hydr 5.6 Crude fiber 4.6 Ash 5.6 Calcium 1.00 Phosphorus 0.60 Certified Irradiated - Autoclavable - Appropriate for: Rats - Mice - Hamsters - www.orient.co.kr

93 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Description Certified Primate Diet is a high protein, complete life-cycle diet for all non-human primates. Its Constant Nutrition formulation includes vitamin D3 and stabilized vitamin C. It is available in an extruded biscuit form similar to regular Monkey Diet.A sample of this product will have been assayed prior to shipment. Chemical Composition 1 Features and Benefits Each package is assayed prior to shipment for environmental contaminants Preanalysis monitoring assures maximum diet control Fulfills GLP requirements Product Forms Available Standard biscuit, 162245 mm length (5/8"x7/8"x1 3/4") Meal (ground biscuits), special order Guaranteed Analysis Crude protein not less than 25.0% Crude fat not less than 5.0% Crude fiber not more than 6.5% Moisture not more than 12.0% Ash not more than 6.0% Added minerals not more than 3.0% Ingredients Dehulled soybean meal, ground corn, ground wheat, corn gluten meal, wheat middlings, ground soybean hulls, porcine animal fat preserved with BHA, dried whey, dried beet pulp, dicalcium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, fish meal, casein, brewers dried yeast, dehydrated alfalfa meal, salt, l-ascorbyl-2- polyphosphate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, menadione dimethylpyrimidinol bisulfite (vitamin K), cholecalciferol, choline chloride, vitamin A acetate, ferrous sulfate, folic acid, calcium pantothenate, DL-methionine, thiamin mononitrate, dlalpha tocopheryl acetate, nicotinic acid, vitamin B12 supplement, riboflavin, zinc oxide, manganous oxide, ferrous carbonate, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, calcium iodate, cobalt carbonate, sodium selenite. Feeding Directions Primates, like guinea pigs and man, require ascorbic acid in their daily diet.the stability of vitamin C varies with environmental conditions; therefore, Certified Primate Diet should be fed within 180 days of manufacture. Primates generally consume about 2% to 4% of their body weight in food each day.the daily food allowance should be given in equal portions twice during the day to prevent wastage. If given too much food, monkeys may throw it outside the cage. Fresh, clean water should be available at all times. Certified Primate Diet may be soaked in a fruit juice to soften the product for infants or animals that have difficulty chewing. Fruit juice is recommended because water soaking more rapidly deteriorates vitamin C. The use of fruit, vegetables or other supplements is optional and is not necessary. Product beyond 180 days of age is nutritionally adequate, if in good condition, providing a supplemental source of vitamin C is given. The date of product manufacture is found at the bottom of the back panel of the bag. Nutrients 2 Protein, % 25.9 Arginine, % 1.43 Cystine, % 0.37 Glycine, % 1.06 Histidine, % 0.62 Isoleucine, % 1.33 Leucine, % 2.56 Lysine, % 1.27 Methionine, % 0.48 Phenylalanine, % 1.34 Tyrosine, % 0.93 Threonine, % 0.97 Tryptophan, % 0.30 Valine, % 1.33 Serine, % 1.46 Aspartic Acid, % 2.81 Glutamic Acid, % 5.94 Alanine, % 1.58 Proline, % 2.05 Taurine, % <0.01 Fat (ether extract), % 4.7 Fat (acid hydrolysis), % 5.8 Cholesterol, ppm 67 Linoleic Acid, % 1.51 Linolenic Acid, % 0.10 Arachidonic Acid, % <0.01 Omega-3 Fatty Acids, % 0.14 Total Saturated Fatty Acids, % 1.59 Total Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, % 1.72 Fiber (Crude), % 4.0 Neutral Detergent Fiber3, % 13.6 Acid Detergent Fiber4, % 5.7 Nitrogen-Free Extract (by difference), % 48.7 Starch, % 36.7 Glucose, % 0.16 Fructose, % 0.16 Sucrose, % 2.72 Lactose, % 1.68 Total Digestible Nutrients,% 76.1 Gross Energy, kcal/gm 4.14 Physiological Fuel Value5, kcal/gm 3.40 Metabolizable Energy, kcal/gm 3.19 Minerals Ash, % 6.6 Calcium, % 1.15 Phosphorus, % 0.70 Phosphorus (non-phytate), % 0.43 Potassium, % 0.96 Magnesium, % 0.18 Sulfur, % 0.28 Sodium, % 0.23 Chlorine, % 0.36 Fluorine, ppm 25 Iron, ppm 520 Zinc, ppm 150 Manganese, ppm 130 Copper, ppm 21 Cobalt, ppm 0.68 Iodine, ppm 1.8 Chromium, ppm 1.6 Selenium, ppm 0.30 Vitamins Carotene, ppm 1.7 Vitamin K (as menadione),ppm 3.0 Thiamin Hydrochloride, ppm 15 Riboflavin, ppm 8.7 Niacin, ppm 100 Pantothenic Acid, ppm 60 Choline Chloride, ppm 1800 Folic Acid, ppm 11 Pyridoxine, ppm 14 Biotin, ppm 0.17 B12, mcg/kg 48 Vitamin A, IU/gm 43 Vitamin D3 (added), IU/gm 6.6 Vitamin E, IU/kg 110 Ascorbic Acid, mg/gm 0.75 Calories provided by: Protein, % 30.399 Fat (ether extract), % 12.346 Carbohydrates, % 57.255 *Product Code 1. Based on the latest ingredient analysis information. Since nutrient composition of natural ingredients varies, analysis will differ accordingly. 2. Nutrients expressed as percent of ration except where otherwise indicated. Moisture content is assumed to be 10.0% for the purpose of calculations. 3. NDF = approximately cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. 4. ADF = approximately cellulose and lignin. 5. Physiological Fuel Value (kcal/gm) = Sum of decimal fractions of protein, fat and carbohydrate (use Nitrogen Free Extract) x,9,4 kcal/gm respectively. 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 94 Product Code BETA CHIP Compatible with all small animals, including transgenic breeds Heat-treated to reduce bacterial and enhance absorbency Proven track record of superior performance Free-flowing chips are compatible with all bedding dispensers Aspirated to remove dust Regular changing prevents the development of ammonia Creates a comfortable habitat with a natural appearance www.orient.co.kr

95 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Product Code ASPEN SHAVINGS Compatible with all small animals, including transgenic breeds Heat-treated to reduce bacterial and enhance absorbency Proven track record of superior performance Shredded variety is particularly suited for nesting and animal enrichment Aspirated to remove dust Regular changing prevents the development of ammonia Creates a comfortable habitat with a natural appearance 031-730-6100

Diet & Bedding Product Guide 96 Product Code bed-o cobs www.orient.co.kr

97 Orientbio Diet & Bedding Quarter Inch: inch Use for larger species of mice, rats and guinea pigs All bed-o cobs brand laboratory animal bedding possess the same great qualities; the choice of granule size depends on researcher and animal preference. Eighth Inch: inch Most popular for mice, greater surface area, smaller particles and more uniform surface All bed-o cobs brand laboratory animal bedding possess the same great qualities; the choice of granule size depends on researcher and animal preference. Bedding Choice of Professionals bed-o'cobs brand corn cob bedding the research community s bedding choice for over 45 years. Bedding Choice of Professionals bed-o'cobs brand corn cob bedding the research community s bedding choice for over 45 years. Perfect for Isolator Cages bed-o'cobs corn cob bedding is documented to show it's perfect for Isolator Cages because of its ammonia controlling properties. Perfect for Isolator Cages bed-o'cobs corn cob bedding is documented to show its perfect for Isolator Cages because of its ammonia controlling properties. Natural Absorption Features Animals are on a dry surface. The bedding allows liquids to flow from the top down, then absorb from the bottom up. bedo cobs is proven to encapsulate the urea found in animal urine and controls the ammonia level. Natural Absorption Features Animals are on a dry surface. The bedding allows liquids to flow from the top down, then absorb from the bottom up. bedo cobs is proven to encapsulate the urea found in animal urine and controls the ammonia level 100% Natural Corn Cobs bed-o'cobs bedding is completely biodegradable and incinerable. 100% Natural Corn Cobs bed-o'cobs bedding is completely biodegradable and incinerable. bed-o'cobs Brand Laboratory Animal Bedding is: bed-o'cobs Brand Laboratory Animal Bedding is: Produced in a modern production facility. Regularly subjected to independent analysis. Guaranteed to meet or exceed all testing requirements. Consistently the highest quality corn cob bedding. Available in autoclavable bags or irradiated for those critical studies. Heat dried to 8% maximum moisture Produced in a modern production facility. Regularly subjected to independent analysis. Guaranteed to meet or exceed all testing requirements. Consistently the highest quality corn cob bedding. Available in autoclavable bags or irradiated for those critical studies. Heat dried to 8% maximum moisture Packaging: 1.25 cubic foot bags: enough to fill 111 standard size (78sq in x ¼ deep) shoebox cage. Bulk bags: 36 inch x 36 inch x 36 inch (27 cubic feet) 36 inch x 36 inch x 50 inch (37.5 cubic feet) Packaging: 1.25 cubic foot bags: enough to fill 111 standard size (78sq in x ¼ deep) shoebox cage. Bulk bags: 36 inch x 36 inch x 36 inch (27 cubic feet) 36 inch x 36 inch x 50 inch (37.5 cubic feet) 031-730-6100

58Y1 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/60% Energy FROM Fat-Blue 58Y2 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/10% Energy FROM Fat-Yellow Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) 58Y1 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/60% Energy FROM Fat-Blue 58Y2 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/10% Energy FROM Fat-Yellow 58V8 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/45% Energy FROM Fat-Red Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg) 58Y1 DIO Rodent Purified Diet w/60% Energy FROM Fat-Blue Net wt. 50Ib (22.67 kg)