Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 English ( 영어 ) 이책은결혼이민자를위한한국생활정보를담고있습니다. 다누리포털 ( 에접속하시면 이책자에대한더욱자세한내용을보실수있습니다. This boo

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Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 English ( 영어 ) 이책은결혼이민자를위한한국생활정보를담고있습니다. 다누리포털 (www.liveinkorea.kr) 에접속하시면 이책자에대한더욱자세한내용을보실수있습니다. This book provides useful information about daily lives in Korea for immigrants by marriage. For more information on this book, please visit Danuri Portal (www.liveinkorea.kr).

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 02+03 어린이 / 청소년할인등록 편의점 : 생년월일등록으로할인등록완료 기타판매점 : 어린이 / 청소년용으로변경후홈페이지에서생년월일등록 ( 최초사용후 10일이내등록 ) 등록된생년월일은홈페이지에서조회가능 분실 도난시카드값과잔액은환불받을수없습니다. 소득공제 /T마일리지서비스는홈페이지등록후제공됩니다. 카드이용에대한자세한사항 ( 이용약관등 ) 은티머니홈페이지및고객센터를참조하시기바랍니다 ( 외국인상담 1644-0088 *8번). Guide to using T Money 다누리콜센터 1577-1366 으로전화하시면한국어, 영어, 중국어, 베트남어, 타갈로그 ( 필리핀 ) 어, 크메르 ( 캄보디아 ) 어, 몽골어, 러시아어, 일본어, 태국어, 라오어, 우즈베크어, 네팔어로한국생활궁금증을답해드립니다. Call Danuri Helpline ( 1577-1366) and get answers to your questions about life in Korea in Korean, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog (Filipino), Khmer (Cambodian), Mongolian, Russian, Japanese, Thai, Lao, Uzbek, or Nepali. 티머니이용안내 홈페이지 www.t-money.co.kr 고객센터 1644-0088 티머니란? 교통카드및전자화폐로사용할수있는스마트카드로, 일정금액을충전하여충전한금액만큼사용할수있다.( 버스, 지하철, 택시등교통수단이용시편의점, 대형마트등에서물건구입시사용가능 ) 사용 : 교통및티머니가맹점에서사용할수있습니다. 충전 : ATM 및티머니충전가맹점 ( 편의점, 전철, 가두판매점등 ) 환불 : 티머니편의점및수도권지하철 (1~8호선) 티머니역사 서비스센터를이용하시기바랍니다 ( 정상카드잔액환불시소정의수수료가부과됨 ). Website : www.t-money.co.kr Customer Service 1644-0088 What is T Money? A smart card that can be used as a transportation card and electronic money. You can charge the card with certain amount of money to use. (Can be used for transportation such as bus, subway, taxi, etc. or for purchases in a convenience store, markets, etc.) Use your T Money to pay for public transport fares and at participating stores. Top up your T Money at ATMs and participating stores (convenience stores, subway, street vendors). Refunds for your T Money are available at participating T Money convenience stores and T Money Service Centers at subway stations (Line 1-8) in the metropolitan area. A small fee is charged for balance refund of a functional card. Discount for Children and Teenagers Convenience Stores: Register your DOB for discount benefits. Other Participating Stores: Change user group to "Children/ Teenagers" and register your DOB on the T Money website. (Registration is required within 10 days after first use.) Registered DOB can be viewed on the T Money website. The cost of T Money card and the remaining balance cannot be refunded in the event of loss or theft of the card. Register for income deductions and T Mileage Service on the T Money website. View the Terms and Conditions of Use on the T Money website or call the Customer Service Center. Foreign language service is available via Ext. 8 on 1644-0088.

Contents Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage Ⅰ 대한민국은어떤곳인가요? 06 정식국명및위치 07 한국지도 08 계절 Introduction to the Republic of Korea 06 Official name & location 07 Map 08 Seasons Ⅲ 한국생활을알고싶어요 28 가족관계 29 언어예절 32 통신서비스 42 교통수단 46 기초한국어 52 선배결혼이민자의이야기 55 입국시필요한서류안내 61 부록 _ 지하철노선도 I want to learn about life in Korea Ⅱ 한국생활에도움이필요해요 10 다누리콜센터 ( 1577-1366) 13 다문화가족지원센터 22 폭력피해이주여성지원기관안내 27 주요주한외국대사관연락처 I need help with life in Korea 28 Family relations 29 Language manner 32 Communications services 42 Means of transportation 46 Basic Korean expressions 52 Stories from other marriage immigrants 55 Documents needed to enter Korea 61 Appendix_Subway Map 10 Danuri Helpline ( 1577-1366) 13 Multicultural Family Support Center 22 Guide to Immigrant Women Who Are Victims of Violence 27 Major Foreign Embassies in Korea

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 06+07 Ⅰ 대한민국은어떤곳인가요? Introduction to the Republic of Korea 정식국명및위치 Official name & location 대한민국 (Republic of Korea) 은줄여서 한국 (Korea) 이라고도부릅니다. 아시아대륙지도에서한국의위치를확인해보세요. 한국지도 Map 한국에는 17개의광역자치단체가있으며, 수도는서울특별시입니다. 아래지도에서서울과앞으로살게될곳의위치를확인해보세요. The Republic of Korea is commonly known as Korea. Try and find Korea on the map of Asia. Korea has 17 metropolitan councils, and its capital city is Seoul. Look at the map below for Seoul and your future place of residence. Mongolia China Republic of Korea Seoul Incheon Gyeonggi-do Gangwon-do Chungcheongbuk-do Nepal Chungcheongnam-do Daejeon Sejong Gyeongsangbuk-do India Thailand Vietnam Philippines Jeollabuk-do Gwangju Jeollanam-do Daegu Ulsan Busan Gyeongsangnam-do Sri Lanka Malaysia Jeju East Timor

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 08+09 계절 Seasons 봄 Spring 여름 Summer 한국은봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울의 4계절이분명한온대기후입니다. Korea has a temperate climate, with four distinct seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. 가을 Autumn 겨울 Winter 봄 Spring 가을 Autumn 3~5월. 아침 저녁은서늘하고낮에는따뜻합니다. 꽃이아름답게피어나는계절입니다. It is chilly in the mornings and evenings, and warm and pleasant during the days from March to May. 9~11 월. 10~25 C 로하늘이맑고, 건조한계절입니다. 단풍이무척아름답습니다. The temperature ranges from 10 C to 25 C in September to November. It is clear and dry during this season. Autumn foliage is really beautiful. 여름 Summer 6~8월. 25~35 C 정도되는습하고더운날씨가이어지고, 6월말부터 7월말사이에우기 ( 장마 ) 가있습니다. It is hot and humid from June to August. The temperature ranges from 25 C to 35 C, and the rainy season begins at the end of June and ends at the end of July. 겨울 Winter 12~2 월. -10~10 C 로춥고, 눈이내리고찬바람이부는날이많습니다. 따뜻한옷과난방기구가꼭필요합니다. It is cold, snowy and windy from December to February. The temperature ranges from -10 C to 10 C. Winter clothes and indoor heating are essential for winter.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 10+11 Ⅱ 한국생활에도움이필요해요 I need help with life in Korea 다누리콜센터 ( 1577-1366) 다누리콜센터에전화를하시면 365일, 24시간이주여성상담원들이 13개국언어 * 로한국생활의궁금한점을응답해드립니다. 전화 (3자통화 ) 로통역도가능합니다. 특히, 위급한상황에서전화하시면상담원들이경찰에전화하거나구급차를불러주는등빠르게도와드립니다. 1577-1366 을누르신후원하는언어를말씀하시면해당언어상담원과연결됩니다. *13 개국언어 : 한국어, 영어, 중국어, 베트남어, 타갈로그 ( 필리핀 ) 어, 크메르 ( 캄보디아 ) 어, 몽골어, 러시아어, 일본어, 태국어, 라오어, 우즈베크어, 네팔어 1577-1366 Danuri Helpline ( 1577-1366) Call Danuri Helpline to get answers to your questions about life in Korea around the clock, 365 days a year, in 13 languages* from consultants who are immigrants themselves. Phone (three-way call) interpretation services are also available. Make a phone call when you are in an emergency situation to get quick help such as calling the police or ambulances. Call 1577-1366 and say the language you wish to use. You will be connected to a worker who speaks your language. *13 languages : Korean, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog (Filipino), Khmer (Cambodian), Mongolian, Russian, Japanese, Thai, Lao, Uzbek, and Nepali languages. 다문화가족 이주여성을위한긴급지원과생활정보제공 13개언어로서비스가지원됩니다. Emergency support and living information for multicultural families and immigrant women. Services are available in 13 languages. 전화상담, 면접, 방문상담모두가능해요. 가정폭력, 성폭력, 성매매등폭력피해상담전화도다누리콜센터를이용해주세요. Online counseling, interviews and visiting counseling services are all available. Please use Danuri Helpline for counseling for domestic violence, sexual violence, and sex trafficking. Android iphone 다누리앱 은다문화가족및외국인의안정적인한국생활정착에필요한정책및생활정보콘텐츠를제공하고있습니다. 'Danuri App provides contents on policies for multicultural families and foreigners for settlements in Korea and daily information.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 12+13 다누리콜센터의도움을받을수있는다양한상황을알아볼까요? 공항에막도착했는데한국어는모르고어디로가야할지모르겠어요. 한국어를배우고싶어요. 어떤기관에서도움을받을수있나요? 체류와관련된정보를알고싶어요. 임신을했어요. 정부에서어떤지원을해주나요? 남편과부부상담을받고싶은데한국말을잘하지못해요. 긴급상황이발생했어요. 도와주세요! 병원에왔는데말이안통해요. Occasions when you can get help from Danuri Helpline I just arrived at the airport. I do not speak Korean, and do not know where to go. I want to learn Korean. Which organization can I get help from? I want to get some information related to sojourn in Korea. I am pregnant. What kind of support can I get from the Korean government? I want to use the couples counseling service with my husband, but I do not speak Korean well. I am in an emergency situation and need urgent help! I visited a clinic, but I cannot communicate with them. 다문화가족지원센터 Multicultural Family Support Center 다문화가족지원센터는결혼이민자가한국어교육부터가족상담, 자녀교육까지원스톱으로서비스를받을수있는곳입니다. 한국에도착하면가까운다문화가족지원센터를꼭들러주세요. 전국 217개소다문화가족지원센터는다누리콜센터 1577-1366 으로전화하면안내받을수있습니다. 이용시간은보통오전 9시에서오후 6시까지입니다. 다누리포털 www.liveinkorea.kr 에서도확인할수있어요! Multicultural Family Support Centers provide one-stop services for marriage immigrants that range from Korean language education to counseling about family affairs and child education. Visit your nearest Multicultural Family Support Center in Korea. For information about Korea s 217 Multicultural Family Support Centers, call Danuri Helpline ( 1577-1366). The Centers are generally open from 9 to 6. You can also get information at Danuri Portal (www.liveinkorea. kr).

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 14+15 다문화가족지원센터가다문화가족의안정적인사회정착을지원합니다. 한국어교육수준별정규한국어교육 (1~4 단계 ) 및심화과정운영 통 번역서비스결혼이민자의가족 사회생활에필요한의사소통지원 사회적응 취업지원결혼이민자대상사회적응교육, 취업기초소양교육 다문화가족이중언어가족환경조성가정내이중언어사용에대한인식개선및부모자녀상호작용코치등 상담및사례관리 다문화가족구성원간관계증진을위한상담및사례관리서비스 자녀언어발달지원서비스 ( 한국어 ) 다문화가족자녀대상언어발달정도평가및언어교육 다문화가족자녀성장지원 부모 자녀관계향상프로그램, 사회성발달, 미래설계, 위기사례지원프로그램등 방문교육서비스 한국어교육 부모교육 자녀생활서비스방문지원 가족교육 부부교육, 가족관계향상프로그램, 부모역할교육등 다누리포털 (www.liveinkorea.kr) 및다누리앱 (App), 다누리콜센터 ( 1577-1366) 를통해서전국 217 개소다문화가족지원센터안내를받을수있습니다.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 16+17 Multicultural Family Support Centers support the stable settlement of multicultural families. Education for family Education for married couples, family relations improvement program, education about parental roles, etc. Korean language education Operation of regular Korean education (Level 1 to Level 4) by level and intensive courses Creating bilingual family environment for multicultural families Improvement of the awareness on use of two languages at home and coaching for interaction with children Support for language development of children (Korean) Evaluation of language skills and language education for children of multicultural families Support for children s development for multicultural families Parent child relation improvement program, social development, future-planning, and crisis management support program, etc. Interpretation Translation Services Provides communication means needed for family and social life of marriage immigrants Support for adaptation to the society and job seeking Education for marriage immigrants adaptation to society and basic job seeking skills Counseling and Case Management Provides counseling for improving relations between multicultural family members and case management On-site education service On-site service for Korean language education, education for parents, and life education for children Get information about 217 Multicultural Family Support Centers at Danuri Portal (www.liveinkorea.kr), Danuri App and Danuri Helpline ( 1577-1366).

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 18+19 외국인종합안내센터 ( 1345) Immigration Contact Center ( 1345) 사증, 체류관리, 국적취득등출입국관련전반에대하여한국어, 영어, 일본어, 중국어, 베트남어등총 20개언어로자세한내용을알아볼수있어요. 체류기간을연장할때 체류자격을변경할때 체류자격외활동시 재입국허가를받을때 기타외국인의신고의무 이용시간 : 평일 09:00~22:00 (18:00 이후는한국어, 영어, 중국어안내 ) 홈페이지 : www.hikorea.go.kr You can get detailed information about immigration, including visa, sojourn and naturalization, in 20 languages including Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese. Extending your visa Changing the type of your visa Engaging in activities not allowed under your visa Seeking permission for re-entrance Other obligations for foreigners in Korea Center hours : 09:00~22:00 on weekdays (Korean, English and Chinese only after 18:00) Website : www.hikorea.go.kr 알아두세요 For your information! 대한민국입국후 90일을초과하여대한민국에체류하게되는외국인은 90일이내에출입국관리사무소또는출장소에외국인등록을해야합니다. 대한민국에체류중체류자격부여또는체류자격변경허가를받는경우에는체류자격부여또는체류자격변경과동시에외국인등록을하게됩니다. 이민자조기적응프로그램을이수하면최초외국인등록및체류기간연장시체류기간 2년부여의혜택이있습니다.( 전국출입국관리사무소, 다문화가족지원센터및외국인지원단체에서운영 ) 꼭기억하세요! 외국인등록을한외국인이이사등의이유로체류지가변경된경우에는사유가발생한날로부터 14일이내에체류지또는근무지관할출입국사무소에신고를해야합니다. ( 위반시과태료또는범칙금부과 )

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 20+21 A foreigner who is staying in Korea for more than 90 days must register as an alien at one of the Korean Immigration Offices or their branch offices within 90 days of his or her arrival. < 외국인등록증 ARC Card > If a visa is issued or a change in the visa type is permitted during the stay in Korea, the applicant is registered as an alien when the applicant gets the visa or changes the visa type. Completion of programs for early adaptation of immigrants will grant benefits such as twoyear stay for the initial alien registration and extension of stay. (Operated in Immigration Offices nationwide, Multicultural Family Support Centers, and support institutions for foreigners) 앞면 Front 뒷면 Back 꼭기억하세요! Remember! Remember! When a registered foreign resident changes the address due to reasons such as moving, he or she needs to report to the Immigration office of the residence or place of work within 14 days of occurrence. (Failure to do so may be subject to fines or other penalties) 개인정보유출주의! 외국인등록증을다른사람에게빌려주거나계좌비밀번호등과같은개인정보를온라인에함부로입력하지마세요. Beware of personal information leaks! Do not lend your ARC card to another person or enter your private information such as account password online.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 22+23 폭력피해이주여성지원기관안내 Guide to Immigrant Women Who Are Victims of Violence (1) 폭력피해이주여성쉼터 가정폭력, 성폭력, 성매매피해이주여성및동반자녀에대한보호및상담, 의료, 법률등지원제공 (2) 폭력피해이주여성그룹홈 가정폭력, 성폭력, 성매매피해이주여성및동반자녀주거지원 국민임대주택우선입주권부여 (3) 폭력피해이주여성자활지원센터 가정폭력, 성폭력, 성매매피해이주여성및동반자녀자립 자활에필요한자원제공 직업기술교육훈련, 취업알선 (4) 해바라기센터 성폭력, 가정폭력, 성매매피해자에게상담 의료 법률 수사지원 (365일 24시간 ) 폭력피해위기상황대처할수있도록지원 (5) 성폭력상담소성매매피해상담소 위기및지속상담, 무료법률지원 수사기관조사와법원의증인신문시동행 의료기관및지역내피해자보호시설연계 (6) 대한법률구조공단 폭력피해와관련된법률상담및형사, 민사, 가사소송 변호지원 www.klac.or.kr (7) 다문화가족지원센터 부부상담, 통 번역지원 www.liveinkorea.kr APP 다운 - 안드로이드폰 : 플레이스토어 > 다누리입력 > 이용 - 아이폰 : 앱스토어 > 다누리입력 > 이용 (1) Shelter for immigrant victims of violence Provides protection, counseling, medical services, and legal advices to immigrant women who are victims of violence and their children (2) Group home for victimized immigrant women Provides housing for immigrant women who are victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, or sex trafficking Granted priority to public rental housing (3) Center for self-support of victimized immigrant women Provides resources for independence self-support of immigrant women and children who are victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, or sex trafficking Training for vocational skills and job placement

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 24+25 (4) Sunflower Center (Crisis Intervention Center for Women and Children) Provides services including counseling, medical, legal, and investigation to victims of sexual violence, domestic violence, and sex trafficking (24 hours a day, 365 days a year) Supports to cope with crisis from violence (5) Counseling centers for victims of sexual violence and sex trafficking Provides counseling in crisis follow-up services, free legal services Assistance in police investigations and witness testimony in court Referral to medical centers and local shelters for victims (6) Korea Legal Aid Corporation Provides advocacy services for criminal, civil, and family suits for the victims of violence www.klac.or.kr (7) Multicultural Family Support Center Provides marriage counseling, interpretation, and translation www.liveinkorea.kr Download APP - Android phones: Google Play > Enter Danuri > Download - iphone: AppStore > Enter Danuri > Download 이주여성을대상으로한가정폭력이란? 1 신체적폭력 상대의신체에물리적인힘을가하여상태또는손상을입히는것 밀치기, 때리기, 흉기나칼사용등 2 언어 정서적폭력 말로써상대방에게상처를주는것, 감정적인상처를입히는것 폭언, 욕설, 비난, 조롱, 무시, 냉담등 3 성적폭력 상대배우자가성적인관계를원하지않음에도불구하고강제로성적인접촉행위를하는것 강제적인성관계, 강제불임, 낙태, 데이트성폭력, 디지털 ( 사이버 ) 성폭력 4 경제적폭력 경제권을가진배우자가상대배우자에게경제적자율권을주지않는것 자신의소득을통제당하는경우, 직업을갖지못하게하기, 생활비내지않기한국어상담여성긴급전화 1366 외국어상담다누리콜센터 1577-1366 신고경찰서 112

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 26+27 What is violence targeting immigrant women? 주요주한외국대사관연락처 Major Foreign Embassies in Korea 1 Physical violence Using physical force on another person s body to cause injury or damage Pushing, hitting, using a weapon or a knife 2 Linguistic emotional violence Offending another person with words, causing emotional harm Abusive language, swearing, reproaching, mockery, disregard, ignorance, etc. 3 Sexual violence Forced sexual contact despite the other party s unwillingness to have sexual relationship Forced sexual intercourse, forced sterilization, abortion, date rape, digital (cyber) sexual violence 4 Economic abuse The spouse in charge of finance not allowing the other the access to economic resources Monitoring and controlling one s income, preventing one from getting a job, not paying living expenses Emergency call for women in Korean 1366 Counseling in foreign languages Danuri Helpline 1577-1366 Report to Police 112 국가 Country 미국 USA 러시아 Russia 중국 China 일본 Japan 베트남 Vietnam 태국 Thailand 필리핀 The Philippines 우즈베키스탄 Uzbekistan 캄보디아 Cambodia 라오스 Laos 몽골 Mongolia 네팔 Nepal 우크라이나 Ukraine 미얀마 Myanmar 키르기즈스탄 Kyrgyzstan 연락처 Contacts 02-397-4114 02-318-2116 02-738-1038 02-2170-5200 02-734-7948 02-795-3098 02-796-7387 02-574-6554 02-3785-1041 02-796-1713 02-794-1951 02-3789-9770 02-790-5696 02-790-3814 02-379-0951

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 28+29 Ⅲ 한국생활을알고싶어요 I want to learn about life in Korea 가족관계 Family relations 가족내위, 아래의순위와질서를중요하게여깁니다. 가정에서는부모, 조부모, 친척중웃어른을공경할것을가르칩니다. 부모-자녀관계가특별합니다. 한국부모는자녀에대한사랑이지극한편입니다. 때로는이러한사랑이지나쳐서자녀를의존적으로만들기도합니다. 이전에는할머니 할아버지, 아버지 어머니, 자녀가함께사는 3세대가족이많았지만, 요즘은부모, 자녀만함께사는 2세대가족이많습니다. Koreans value hierarchy and order in their families. At home, children are taught to respect those who are older, including parents, grandparents and older relatives at home. Koreans have special parent-child relations. Korean parents love their children very much, which sometimes makes their children over-dependent. In the past, there were many three-generation families which included children, parents, and grandparents. Nowadays, many families only have parents and children. 언어예절 Language manner 한국에서는가족관계에서서로예의를가지고부르는호칭이있습니다. Korea has polite expressions that are used when addressing a family member. (1) 아내의남편, 남편가족에대한호칭 How to address your husband and the members of his family : 관계상황 Relation 시아버지 Father-in-law 시어머니 Mother-in-law 남편 Husband 남편의형 Elder brother 남편의누나 / 여동생 Elder sister/younger sister 남편의남동생 Younger brother 호칭어 Title (hoching) 아버님 Abeonim 어머님 Eomeonim 여보, 00아빠 Yeobo, OO appa 아주버님 Ajubeonim 형님 / 아가씨 Hyeongnim/agassi 도련님, 서방님 Doryeonnim, seobangnim

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 30+31 남편형의아내 Elder brother s wife 여동생의남편 Sister s husband 남편동생의아내 Younger brother s wife (2) 남편의아내, 아내가족에대한호칭 형님 Hyeongnim 서방님 Seobangnim 동서 Dongseo How to address your wife and the members of her family : 관계상황 Relation 장인 Father-in-law 장모 Mother-in-law 아내 Wife 아내의오빠 / 남동생 Elder brother/younger brother 아내의언니 / 여동생 Elder sister/younger sister 아내오빠의아내 Elder brother s wife 아내남동생의아내 Younger brother s wife 아내언니의남편 Elder sister s husband 아내여동생의남편 Younger sister s husband 호칭어 Title (hoching) 장인어른, 아버님 Jangineoreun, abeonim 장모님, 어머님 Jangmonim, eomeonim 여보, 00 엄마 Yeobo, 00 eomma 형님 / 처남 Hyengnim/cheonam 처형 / 처제 Cheohyeong, cheoje 아주머니 Ajumeoni 처남댁 Cheonamdaek 형님, 동서 Hyeongnim, dongseo 동서, 0 서방 Dongseo, 0 seobang 한국말은상대방을높이는존댓말과높이거나낮추지않는보통말이있습니다. 손윗사람인경우에존댓말을사용하고, 손아랫사람에게는주로보통말을사용합니다. 가족마다조금씩차이가있으므로, 가족과상의해보세요. There are polite expressions and casual expressions in Korea. Koreans use polite expressions when they are addressing someone who is older, and casual expressions when addressing someone who is younger. But family cultures can vary.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 32+33 통신서비스 Communications services 공중전화공중전화를사용하려면동전이나카드가필요합니다. KTL 공중전화는동봉된티머니로사용할수있습니다. 시내통화요금은 180초당 70원이고휴대전화는 38초당 70원입니다. Local codes There are 17 local codes in Korea. When making a call within a local area, a caller may enter only the phone number. When calling someone in a different local area, the caller will need to enter the local code and the phone number. For example, to place a call from Seoul to someone in Busan, press 051, which is the local code for Busan, and enter the phone number. Public phone You will need coins or a telephone card to use a public phone. KTL public phones can be used using T Money. Local calls cost KRW 70 per 180 seconds, while calls to mobile phones cost KRW 70 per 38 seconds. 지역 Region 서울 Seoul 부산 Busan 번호 Code 02 051 지역 Region 경기 Gyeonggi 강원 Gangwon 번호 Code 031 033 대구 Daegu 053 충북 Chungbuk 043 알아두세요 인천 Incheon 032 충남 Chungnam 041 For your information! 광주 Gwangju 062 전북 Jeonbuk 063 지역번호한국내지역번호는총 17 개로구분됩니다. 같은지역안에서는전화번호만누르면되지만, 다른지역으로전화할때는지역번호를먼저누른뒤전화번호를눌러야합니다. 예를들어서울에서부산으로전화를걸 대전 Daejeon 울산 Ulsan 세종 Sejong 042 052 044 전남 Jeonnam 경북 Gyeongbuk 경남 Gyeongnam 061 054 055 때는부산의지역번호인 051을누른뒤해당전화번호를누르세요. 제주 Jeju 064

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 34+35 긴급전화와수신자부담통화모든공중전화에는위급할때사용할수있는빨간버튼이있습니다. 카드나동전이없어도버튼만누르면범죄신고나화재신고를할수있고, 구조를요청할수도있습니다. 긴급번호는반드시외워두세요. normal calling charge. To make a collect call, press the emergency button, 1541, the phone number you want to call and the pound (#) button. 범죄신고 : 긴급버튼 + 112 화재신고 : 긴급버튼 + 119 동전이나카드가없을때는수신자부담통화서비스를이용하면됩니다. 이서비스를이용하면전화요금이상대방에게청구되며, 가격은일반통화요금보다약간비쌉니다. 이용방법은국내인경우 긴급버튼 + 1541+ 상대방전화번호 # 을순서대로누르면됩니다. Emergency calls and collect calls Every public phone has a red button for emergency calls. You can report a crime or a fire or call for help in an emergency simply by pressing the button - no telephone card or coin is needed. Remember the emergency numbers. To report a crime : Emergency button + 112 To report a fire : Emergency button + 119 If you have no coins or telephone card, you can make a collect call. A collect call is charged to the person who receives the call, at a rate that is slightly higher than a 꼭기억하세요! Remember! 경찰서 ( 112) 사기나폭행, 강도와같은범죄피해를입었을때와같은위급하고도움이필요한상황이나, 교통사고가났을때, 또는이를목격한때에는 112 로전화하여신고하면됩니다. 공중전화에서는빨간색긴급통화버튼을누른후에 112 를누르면되고, 일반전화나휴대폰에서는국번없이 112 를누르면무료로통화할수있습니다. Police station ( 112) Report in times of emergency or in need of help in cases of crimes such as fraud, assault, or robbery, or in cases of car accidents by calling 112. Press the red emergency button at a public phone and then dial 112; dial 112 without a local code from a fixed-line phone or a mobile phone to make a free call.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 36+37 꼭기억하세요! Remember! 소방서 ( 119) 불이나거나누군가아파서빨리병원으로데려가야할때, 또는이러한상황을목격한경우에는 119 에신고하면됩니다. 공중전화에서는빨간색긴급통화버튼을누른후에 119 를누르면되고, 일반전화나휴대폰에서는국번없이 119 를누르면됩니다. 국제전화국제전화는인터넷이나외국인을위한상점, 일부편의점등에서국제전화카드를구입하여사용하는것이저렴합니다. International calls The cheapest way to make international calls is to use international telephone cards, which you can purchase online, at stores that target foreigners and at some convenience stores. Fire station ( 119) Report a fire or an emergency (if someone needs quick transport to a hospital) by calling 119. Press the red emergency button at a public phone box and call 119. You can also make a free call by dialing 119 without any local code from a fixed-line phone or a mobile phone. 한국 Korea 해외 Overseas 일반전화기에전화하기 한국에서미국 LA의 123-4567 번으로전화하는경우 : 국제전화서비스번호 + 국가번호 ( 미국 ) ➊ + 지역번호 (LA) ➋➊➌ + 전화번호 ➊➋➌-➍➎➏➐ How to call a person with a fixed-line number To make a call from Korea to 123-4567 in LA, USA : International calling service number + Country code (US) ➊ + Local code (LA) ➋➊➌ + Telephone number ➊➋➌-➍ ➎➏➐

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 38+39 휴대폰인터넷전화에전화하기한국에서일본의휴대폰 080-123-4567 번으로전화하는경우 : 국제전화서비스번호 + 국가번호 ( 일본 ) ➑➊ + 휴대폰번호 ➑ -➊➋➌-➍➎➏➐ 휴대폰인터넷전화에전화하기해외에서한국의휴대폰 010-123-4567 번으로전화하는경우 : 국제전화서비스번호 + 국가번호 ( 한국 ) ➑➋ + 휴대폰번호 ➊ -➊➋➌-➍➎➏➐ How to call a person with a mobile number To make a call from Korea to 080-123-4567, a mobile phone number in Japan : International calling service number + Country code (Japan) ➑➊ + Mobile number ➑ -➊➋➌-➍ ➎➏➐ How to call a person with a mobile number To make a call from overseas to 010-123-4567 in Korea : International calling service number + Country code (Korea) ➑➋ + Mobile number ➊ -➊➋➌-➍➎➏➐ 지역번호와전화번호앞에 0 이있는경우, 0 은제외합니다. If the local code or the telephone number starts with 0, omit it. 해외 Overseas 한국 Korea 알아두세요 For your information! 국제전화의올바른사용 일반전화기에전화하기 해외에서한국서울의 123-4567 번으로전화하는경우 : 국제전화서비스번호 + 국가번호 ( 한국 ) ➑➋ + 지역번호 ( 서울 ) ➋ + 전화번호 ➊➋➌-➍➎➏➐ How to call a person with a fixed-line number To make a call from overseas to 123-4567 in Seoul, Korea : International calling service number + Country code (Korea) ➑➋ + Local code (Seoul) ➋ + Telephone number ➊➋➌- ➍➎➏➐ 국제전화는일반국내통화료보다훨씬비쌉니다. 국제전화는심야나공휴일등할인시간대에사용하면요금을절약할수있습니다. 물론나라별, 통신사별로요금이다양하므로미리알아보는것이중요합니다. 요즘에는스마트폰에무료통화가가능한애플리케이션을다운받아국제전화를사용할수있습니다. How to make an international call International calls are much more expensive than domestic calls. You can save money by making international calls during discounted hours, including late night hours and public holidays. Check before making a call, as the calling charges may vary depending on the country or service provider. There are also applications for free international phone calls you can download on your smartphones.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 40+41 국가번호 Country code 국가 Country 번호 Code 국가 Country 번호 Code 국가 Country 번호 Code 국가 Country 번호 Code 나이지리아 Nigeria 234 우즈베키스탄 Uzbekistan 998 미국, 캐나다 USA & Canada 1 칠레 Chile 56 네팔 Nepal 977 이라크 Iraq 964 미얀마 Myanmar 95 카자흐스탄 Kazakhstan 7 독일 Germany 49 이란 Iran 98 방글라데시 Bangladesh 880 캄보디아 Cambodia 855 라오스 Laos 러시아 Russia 말레이시아 Malaysia 856 7 60 이집트 Egypt 인도 India 인도네시아 Indonesia 20 91 62 베트남 Vietnam 브라질 Brazil 수단 Sudan 아르헨티나 Argentina 84 55 249 54 콜롬비아 Colombia 키르기즈스탄 Kyrgyzstan 태국 Thailand 필리핀 The Philippines 57 996 66 63 멕시코 Mexico 52 일본 Japan 81 앙골라 Angola 244 호주 Australia 61 몽골 Mongolia 976 중국 China 86 에콰도르 Ecuador 593 홍콩 Hong Kong 852

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 42+43 교통수단 Means of transportation 교통수단이용시동봉된티머니를사용해보세요. Use the enclosed T-money when using transportation. (1) 버스버스에는시내버스, 시외버스, 고속버스및공항버스가있습니다. 시내버스요금은탈때현금으로지불하거나교통카드를사용합니다. 시외버스나고속버스, 공항버스를이용할때는승차권을미리구입해야합니다 ( 공항버스는현금, 교통카드도가능 ). 버스에타기전에출발시간과목적지를확인하세요. (1) Bus Types of buses include local buses, intercity buses, express buses, and airport buses. Fares for local buses are paid with cash or a transportation card. To use intercity buses, express buses, or airport buses, you will need to purchase tickets in advance. (Airport buses can be paid with cash or transportation card.) Check the time of departure and the destination before getting on a bus. Remember! 꼭기억하세요! 환승제 ( 승차및하차시교통카드단말기에교통카드접촉 ) 수도권에서는버스를갈아타거나버스에서지하철로갈아탈때기본료를추가하지않고거리에따른요금만지불하면됩니다. Transfer (touch your transportation card to the card reader when getting on and off) In the metropolitan area, you only need to pay the extra fare depending on the travelled distance when you transfer to another bus or a subway train. 공항버스정차장과노선은인천국제공항공사 (www.airport.kr) 홈페이지에서확인할수있습니다. You can check the airport bus stops and routes on Incheon International Airport website (www.airport.kr).

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 44+45 (2) 지하철서울을포함한수도권, 부산, 대구, 광주, 대전에서지하철이운행되고있습니다. 수도권에는 9개의지하철과인천1~2 호선, 분당선, 신분당선, 경의중앙선, 공항철도등이운영되고있습니다. (2) Subway Subways are operated in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Busan, Daegu, Gwangju and Daejeon. The Seoul Metropolitan Area has nine subway lines, Incheon line 1~2, Bundang line, Sinbundang line, Gyeongui-Jungang line, and Airpot Railroad. Please refer to the subway map in the appendix. 부록지하철노선도를참고해주세요. (3) 택시택시는 24시간운행합니다. 종류는일반, 모범, 대형택시가있습니다. 전화로호출하는콜택시를이용하려면택시요금외에별도의수수료 ( 통상 1,000 원 ) 를내야할수도있습니다. (4) 기차기차는항공기를제외하면가장빠른교통수단입니다. 대부분의주요대도시에는기차역이있으며, 버스및지하철과연결되어편리하게이용할수있습니다. 고속철도 (KTX SRT), 새마을호, 무궁화호순으로속도가빠르고요금이비쌉니다. (3) Taxi Taxis are operated around the clock. Taxi types include general, premium and limousine taxis. To use a call taxi, a passenger may need to pay an extra charge (KRW 1,000 in general). (4) Train A train is the fastest means of transportation other than a plane. There are train stations in most of Korea s large cities, and passengers can conveniently use the trains as they are connected to buses and subways. The fastest and most expensive option are the Express Trains (KTX SRT), followed by Saemaeul and Mugunghwa. For a detailed map of railroads in Korea, visit www.letskorail.com. 자세한철도노선은인터넷 (www.letskorail.com) 에서확인하세요.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 46+47 기초한국어 Basic Korean expressions 상황에맞는인사 How to greet others 처음만났을때 A : 처음뵙겠습니다. B : 만나서반갑습니다. When meeting someone for the first time A : Cheo-eum boep-get-seum-ni-da. (Nice to meet you.) B : Man-na-seo ban-gap-seum-ni-da. (Nice to meet you.) 보통인사 A : 안녕하세요? B : 안녕하세요? 헤어질때 A : 안녕히계세요. B : 안녕히가세요. General greeting A : An-nyeong-ha-se-yo? (How are you?) B : An-nyeong-ha-se-yo? (How are you?) When saying good-bye A : An-nyeong-hi gye-se-yo. (Good bye.) B : An-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo. (Good bye.)

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 48+49 잠자기전 A : 안녕히주무세요. B : 네. 안녕히주무세요. 외출할때 A : 다녀오겠습니다. B : 다녀오세요. Before going to bed A : An-nyeong-hi ju-mu-se-yo. (Good night.) B : Ne, an-nyeong-hi ju-mu-se-yo. (Good night.) When we are going out A : Da-nyeo-o-get-seum-ni-da. (See you later.) B : Da-nyeo-o-se-yo. (See you soon.) 아침문안인사 A : 안녕히주무셨습니까? B : 네, 잘잤습니다. 귀가할때 A : 다녀왔습니다. B : 어서오세요. In the morning A : An-nyeong-hi ju-mu-syeot-seum-ni-kka? (Did you have a good sleep?) B : Ne, jal jat-seum-ni-da. (Yes, I had a good sleep.) When we come home A : Da-nyeo-wat-seum-ni-da. (I m home.) B : Eo-seo o-se-yo. (Welcome home!)

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 50+51 감사인사 A : 고맙습니다. B : 별말씀을요. How to say thank you A : Go-map-seum-ni-da. (Thank you.) B : Byeol-mal-sseum-eul-yo. (You re welcome.) 사과인사 A : 죄송합니다.( 미안합니다.) B : 괜찮습니다. How to apologize A : Joe-song-ham-ni-da. (I am sorry.) B : Gwaen-chan-seum-ni-da. (That s okay.) 도움이필요할때실례합니다. 도와주세요. ( 장소, 지역 ) 에가고싶어요. ( 버스, 기차, 택시 ) 를타고싶어요. ( 화장실, 약국등 ) 은어디있나요? When you need help Sille-ham-ni-da. Do-wa-ju-se-yo. (Excuse me, would you help me?) -e Ga-go-sip-eo-yo. (I want to go to (place, area).) -leul Ta-go-sip-eo-yo. (I want to take a (bus, train, taxi).) -eun Eo-di-e it-na-yo? (Where is (toilet, pharmacy, etc.)?) 한국어를잘알아들을수없을때 ( 종이를내밀며 ) 여기에써주세요. When I can not understand Korean well Yeo-gi-e sseo-ju-se-yo. ((Put out the paper) Write it here.)

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 52+53 선배결혼이민자의이야기 선배결혼이민자 7 명이모여한국을모르는이민자의눈높이에서가장필요한정보를골라내어이책을편집하였고, 이과정에서후배에게전하고싶은따뜻한메시지를남겨두었습니다. 꼭읽어보세요. Stories from other marriage immigrants Seven earlier marriage immigrants gathered to compile this book with the most essential information for immigrants who are unfamiliar to Korea. While doing so, they have written the following messages to new marriage immigrants. Please read. 한국어나한국문화를잘몰라도모국어실력에대한자신감을가지고열심히노력하면꼭행복할거예요. < 안순화, 중국 > Even if you don't really know Korean language or culture, you will be fine with confidence in your own language and efforts. <An Sun-hwa, China> 로마에가면로마의법을따라야하지만, 자기나라의문화도함께사랑하기바랍니다. < 이케다마유미, 일본 > When in Rome, do as the Romans do. But I hope you also love your own culture. <Ikeda Mayumi, Japan> 한국어와한국문화를미리배우고오면한국에서살아가는데큰걱정이없어요. 낯선한국생활을우리와함께극복해보아요. < 오안희, 베트남 > If you learn the Korean language and culture, there is no problem in living in Korea. Let s get over the unfamiliar lives in Korea with us. <Oh An-hee, Vietnam> 한국에먼저온선배로서후배여러분이알아두고입국하면좋을것같은내용을적어보았습니다. 처음한국에오자마자바로취직부터하려고하기보다는먼저한국생활에필요한기본적인예절을배우면좋겠습니다. 그리고나중에태어날자녀를위해, 새롭게일군가족을위해, 한국어를열심히배우는것이많은도움이됩니다. 한국어공부에힘쏟길바랍니다. < 김지현, 캄보디아 > I made a list of things that immigrants should know before entering Korea. It is recommended to learn about basic manners for living in Korea, rather than getting a job as soon as you are here. Also, it is important to learn Korean for future children, and for the new family. I hope you do your best in learning Korean. <Kim Ji-hyun, Cambodia>

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 54+55 대한민국은우리모두가안전하게살아갈수있는나라입니다. < 조몬티타, 태국 > Korea is a country where all of us can live safely. <Jo Montita, Thailand> 입국시필요한서류안내 Documents needed to enter Korea 한국에입국할때는입국신고서와세관신고서, 건강상태질문서를작성해제출하게됩니다. 도착전승무원이기 ( 선 ) 내에서 1매씩배부 가족이화목하고건강하기위해서는현재의나를받아들이고재정비하는시간이꼭필요합니다. 첫발을내딛은여러분을힘찬박수로응원하겠습니다. < 오르나, 몽골 > It is essential to have time to accept who I am and readjust things to have a happy and healthy family. I will support you with a big applause on your new steps. <Oh Reuna, Mongolia> When you enter Korea, you will submit an arrival card, a customs declaration, and a health questionnaire. Crew member will hand out each sheet before arrival (1) 입국신고서대한민국에입국하는외국인은대한민국출입국심사관의입국심사를받아야합니다. 입국심사를받을때에는여행목적과국내체류지등을기재한입국신고서와여권을제시하시기바랍니다. 한국어를열심히배우면좋은기회를얻을수있고끈기만있다면뭐든지다할수있어요. 좋은직장과행복한인생을생각하면서열심히배우세요. < 김민지, 네팔 > You will have good opportunities if you learn Korean, and you can do anything if you have enough patience. Study hard wishing for a good job and a happy life. <Kim Min-ji, Nepal> (1 ) Arrival Card A foreigner entering Korea will need to go through immigration with an inspector. Please turn in your passport and the arrival card filled with your purpose of trip and address in Korea.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 56+57 ARRIVAL CARD 入國申告書 ( 外國人用 ) 1 1 漢字姓名 2 2 Family Name / 姓 3 3 Given Name / 名 4 4 Male / 男 Female / 女 5 5 Nationality / 國籍 6 6 Date of Birth / 生年月日 (YYYY-MM-DD) 7 7 Passport No. / 旅券番號 8 8 Home Address / 本國住所 9 9 Occupation / 職業 10 10 Address in Korea / 韓國內滯留豫定地 (Tel : ) 11 11 Purpose of visit / 入國目的 12 12 Flight(Vessel) No. / 使名 船名 Tour 觀光 Business 商用 Conference 會議 Visit 訪問 Employment 就業 Official 公務 13 13 Port of Boarding / 出發地 Study 留學 Other 其他 ( ) 14 14 Signature / 書名 Official Only 公用欄 (2) 세관신고서세관신고서는동반가족이있을경우, 대표자한명이기재하여신고할수있습니다. 1인당휴대품의면세범위는주류 1병 (1l, 400달러이하 ), 향수60ml, 담배 200개피, 기타합계 600달러이하의물품입니다. 위면세범위를넘는물품은세관신고서해당란에 V 표시한후뒷면 신고물품기재란 에내용을적어야합니다. 자세한사항은관세청 (www.customs.go.kr) 홈페이지의 관세행정안내 > 개인용품 > 여행자휴대품 내용을참고하세요. 1 한자성명 Chinese Name 2 성 Family Name 3 이름 Given Name 4 성별 Sex 5 국적 Nationality 6 생년월일 Date of Birth 7 여권번호 Passport No. 8 현주소 Current Address 9 직업 Occupation 10 한국내체류예정지 Address in Korea 11 방문목적 Purpose of visit 12 항공편명 Flight No. 13 출발지 Port of Boarding 14 서명 Signature (2) Customs Declaration Customs declaration can be filled by one person per family. The carry-on products exempted from taxation per person are one bottle of liquor (1l, up to 400 usd), 60ml perfume, 200 cigarettes, and a total of up to 600 dollars worth of other products. You will need to put a check (V) and write the content on the customs declaration form for products that exceed the above amount. For details, please refer to Korea Customs Service website (www.customs.go.kr) Guide to Customs Administration > Personal belongings > Traveler s belongings.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 58+59 (3) 건강상태질문서건강상태질문서에입국전체류했던국가나지역을쓰고입국시검역소에제출해신고해야합니다. 입국후발열, 발진, 설사등감염병의심증상이있을경우해당란에 V 표시합니다. 자세한내용은질병관리본부콜센터 1339 또는질병관리본부국립검역소 (http://nqs.cdc.go.kr/nqs) 홈페이지를참고하세요. Android iphone 다누리앱 QR 코드 (3) Health Questionnaire You need to list the country or regions you visited before entering Korea and submit to the quarantine station to report. If you have suspicious symptoms for diseases such as fever, rashes, or diarrhea after entering the country, you need to put a check (V) in the appropriate place. For details, please refer to Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1339 or the National Quarantine Station website (http://nqs.cdc.go.kr/nqs). 이포켓가이드북은한국생활가이드북의핵심내용을발췌하여정보를제공하고있습니다. 한국생활가이드북은대한민국다문화가족지원서비스와한국문화, 한국생활등을한권에담고있습니다. 한국생활가이드북은다문화가족지원포털다누리 (http://www.liveinkorea.kr) 또는앱스토어에서 다누리 (Danuri) 를검색하여다누리앱을통해받으실수있습니다. Danuri App QR Code This pocket guidebook features highlights from the Guidebook for Living in Korea, which provides information about multicultural families and foreigner support services, Korean culture and life in Korea. Guidebook for Living in Korea is downloadable from Danuri (http://www.liveinkorea. kr), the portal for multicultural family support, or through Danuri App, which is available by searching for Danuri in app stores.

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage 한국어 / English 60+61 Memo Memo

Welcome Book for immigrants by marriage Publish Publisher Minister of Gender Equality and Family, Chung Hyun-back Related Government Organizations Plan and produce Photograph Korea Tourism Organization, Weekly Gonggam of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Cultural Heritage Administration Design JNC Translate Maekyung Buyers Guide Corp. Reference Guidebook for Living in Korea (2018), Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Copying this publication, in part or in full, is prohibited.