The Hand & MALT BREWING company The Hand & MALT BREWING company Handcrafting our way to perfection. 우리는타협하지않고최상의재료만을사용하여최고의크래프트맥주를만드는데전념합니다. 앞으로도더핸드앤몰트의맥주가당신의입에닿을때마다만족하고신뢰할수있도록, 맛있는맥주를만들기위해언제나최선을다할것입니다. Quality & Consistency 더핸드앤몰트는국내프리미엄수제맥주브랜드로, 품질과일관성을추구합니다. 또한더맛있는맥주를위해늘새로운것을시도합니다. 국내최초김치유산균맥주개발, 국내최초베럴에이지드프로그램, 국내최초미국유명브루어리와의콜라보레이션, 국내최초한국에서자란홉을사용한 Wet hop 맥주출시등. 지역사회와함께성장하고있습니다. We are the premier craft brand in Korea and The Hand & Malt is synonymous with quality and consistency. We have pushed the boundaries locally and introduced innovations like kimchee lactobacillus beer, first to barrel age, first wet hop beer with locally grown hops, and first to collaborate with a major US brewery. We are dedicated to making quality hand crafted beers in Korea using only the finest ingredients with a no compromise attitude. We will always strive for consistently delicious beers you can trust every time it touches your lips.
The Hand & MALT BREWING company THE BEERS The Hand & MALT BREWING company THE BEERS Slow IPA 슬로우아이피에이 abv 4.6 IBU 40 365 IPA 365 아이피에이 abv 6.5 IBU 63 Description 편하게마실수있는 IPA FLAVOURS 꽃, 감귤, Fresh함, 진한바디감 Description 기분좋은씁쓸함, 오리지널 IPA FLAVOURS 시트러스, 트로피컬, 솔향 저알콜맥주로, 호프를천천히맥주에스며들게하여완벽한시트러스아로마향과깔끔한끝맛을음미할수있도록양조하였습니다. 황금빛빛깔과꽃, 감귤, 그리고트로피컬한맛과향의독특한조화를느낄수있습니다. This award winning beer is a low alcohol Session India Pale Ale with a deep golden sunset hue and a pronounced hop profile that is a unique blend of floral, citrus and tropical flavors and aromas. 핸드앤몰트가슬로우 IPA에이어선보이는오리지널 West Coast IPA입니다. 캐스케이드와치눅홉이지닌시트러스, 트로피컬, 솔향이풍부하게퍼지며, 기분좋은씁쓸함이주를이루는균형감높은 IPA 입니다. This IPA is an original American West Coast style India Pale Ale. We ve used a special combination of cascade and chinook hops, so you will get a blast of citrus and tropical aroma, with the piney hop flavors you are used to in an IPA. 355 ML
The Hand & MALT BREWING company THE BEERS The Hand & MALT BREWING company THE BEERS New London Ale 뉴런던에일 abv 4.8 IBU 22 Waterfall Pale Ale 폭포페일에일 abv 5.2 IBU 28 Description 영국, 미국맥주의특징을함께담은맥주 FLAVOURS 로스티드몰트, 솔향 Description 씁쓸함, 미세하게느껴지는달콤함 FLAVOURS 씁쓸하면서도스위트한향 뉴런던에일은영국식에일과미국식페일에일의캐릭터를함께녹여낸맥주입니다. 영국식에일특유의고소한몰트캐릭터와함께, 미국치눅 & 캐스케이드홉이지닌솔의시원한향과깔끔한피니시를함께느낄수있습니다. 하나의정확한스타일로이름지을수없는, 그렇기에매력적인맥주입니다. It is a cool hybrid of a English bitter and Pale Ale. We ve brewed a English Bitter style beer with American chinook and cascade hops so you can taste the rich bread character from the malt but also finishes with a piney hop flavor. 폭포페일에일은간편하게마시기좋은맥주입니다. 중간에서밝은색상사이의색상을띄며드라이한맛과 Piney Hop의향을느낄수있습니다. The Waterfall pale ale is a very easy and drinkable pale ale which is so bright that it can almost pass as a lager. It has medium to light body with a piney hop forward nose with a slighty dry finish. 20l keg
The Hand & MALT BREWING company THE BEERS The Hand & MALT BREWING company THE BEERS Belgian Wit 벨지안위트 abv 5.0 IBU 9 K-Weisse 케이바이스 abv 4.0 IBU 9 Description 상큼하고신선한향 FLAVOURS 오렌지, 아로마향, 상쾌한향 Description 베를리너바이스스타일의 Sour Ale FLAVOURS 복숭아, 사과, 레몬향, 새콤함 솜털같은거품에, 자극적이지않으면서도상큼하며효모의향이살짝가미된유럽식클래식맥주입니다. 상큼한과일맛이나고목넘김이부드러운밀맥주로남, 여구분없이누구나즐길수있는것이특징입니다. This European classic is refreshingly tart (from the orange and coriander) with a nice fluffy head. A great all year around beer to pair with most foods or try by it self! 더핸드앤몰트가직접김치에서채취한유산균으로만든베를리너바이스스타일의 Sour Ale 로, 상아색을띠며복숭아, 사과, 레몬향이나는샴페인느낌의맥주입니다. 새콤함과청량감, 낮은도수로인해무더운여름에부담없이마실수있는한국식 Sour Ale 입니다. The Hand & Malt's take on a traditional Berliner Weisse but made with lactobacillus from kimchee. Visually this beer has a light golden hue with a hint of peach aroma. The K-Weisse will be a tart and refreshing low alcohol drink to quench your thirst. 20l keg
The Hand & MALT BREWING company THE BEERS The Hand & MALT BREWING company THE BEERS Mocha Stout 모카스타우트 abv 5.0 IBU 28 Belgian Dubbel 벨지안듀벨 abv 7.0 IBU 21 Description 입안을감싸는부드러운향 FLAVOURS 커피향, 초콜릿향, 우유같은거품 Description 달달함, 구수함, 드라이한맛 FLAVOURS 건포도, 자두, 캐러맬향 풍부한맥아와커피, 초콜릿향, 크리미한거품을가진흑맥주입니다. Rich malt and coffee flavors are prevalent in the nose and taste of this stout. It has a milky feel and is surprisingly easy to drink. 더핸드앤몰트의벨지안듀벨은한국전통엿과벨지엄트래피스트액체효모를사용해, 매우다양하고깊은맛을자랑합니다. 첫느낌은달고구수하며끝맛은드라이합니다. 건포도, 자두와캐러맬향과맛을느낄수있습니다. The Hand & Malt Belgian style Dubbel is brewed with traditional Korean Yeot (candied sugar), creating a beer that is complex and rich that has a malty sweet up front flavor with a dry and warm finish. Look for flavors and aromas of dark fruits, caramel and spices. 355 ML
The Hand & MALT BREWING company THE BEERS The Hand & MALT BREWING company THE BEERS Seasonal Beer 계절맥주 Can Beer 핸드앤몰트캔맥주 Seasonal Beer 더핸드앤몰트는각계절에어울리는독특하고창의적인맥주를출시합니다. 예를들어, 더핸드앤몰트홉농장에서직접수확한특별한홉으로양조한가을 Haverst IPA 등, 각계절마다출시되는더핸드앤몰트의특별한계절맥주시리즈를기대해주세요. The seasonal Beer is our chance to shine using the most popular style of beer. For every season we strive to create a unique beer to fit that season. For example, in the fall we use our special hops from our farm for the country s first harvest IPA. Every season our new offering gives our fans something special to look forward to. 더핸드앤몰트는한국소규모수제맥주시장최초로캔맥주를출시했습니다. 슬로우아이피에이 (Slow IPA), 모카스타우트 (Mocha Stout) 를 355ml의캔제품으로더욱신선하고, 간편하게즐겨보세요. 동서양의요소가조화롭게표현된디자인으로더욱특별하며, 한지재질의라벨을사용하여한국적정서를느끼실수있습니다. Our can craft beer is not only special on the inside but outside also. In order to give a Korean touch to our cans we use a traditional rice paper label to give it a special texture, so when you pick it up you won't let it go. 20l keg 355 ml
The Hand & Apple Cider Company 더핸드앤애플은국내최초이자최고의크래프트사과주 (Craft Cider) 회사입니다. 국내최초의천연애플사이더를출시했으며, 가장신선한풍미와피니시를제공하기위해남양주에위치한사이더제조시설에서최상의사과만을이용해소규모단위로천연사이더를생산합니다. The Hand and Apple handcrafts all its ciders in small batches using the best apples to deliver the freshest ciders from Namyangju, South Korea. Cider is the world s fastest growing alcoholic drinks category in volume terms, and The Hand and Apple is poised to help the growth of cider in Korea through its dedication to quality and consistency of every hand crafted batch. The Hand and Apple's foundational house cider is a proprietary recipe and other seasonal and varieties will be based on this house cider.
The Hand & apple cider company hard cider The Hand & apple cider company hard cider Apple Cider 애플사이더 abv 5.9 Hop Cider 홉사이더 abv 5.9 Description 사과의맛과향, 달콤하면서도깔끔함 FLAVOURS 사과향, 달콤함, 상큼함, 깔끔한맛 Description 사과, 홉의맛과향 FLAVOURS 사과향, 홉향, 청량함, 시원함, 깔끔한맛 상큼한맛의사이더로, 천연의글루텐프리 (Gluten Free) 사과만을사용하여상큼한사과향과첫맛은달콤하면서도끝맛은깔끔합니다. 애플사이더를기본으로, 홉을첨가하여홉의향과맛을충분히녹여낸하드사이더. 열대과일의아로마와함께청량함과깔끔함이돋보이는사이더입니다. This semi-tart cider uses all natural, gluten free apples to bring out an apple aroma, with a slightly sweet up front taste and off dry finish. Based on the foundational Hard Apple Cider, this drink is visually pale green color. It has a great tropical aroma with a slightly bitter but refreshing apple taste. 355 ML 355 ML
The Hand & apple cider company hard cider from the hand, for the people Raspberry Cider 라즈베리사이더 abv 6.0 Description 사과, 라즈베리의맛과향 FLAVOURS 사과향, 라즈베리향, 깔끔한맛 BREWERY 경기도남양주시화도읍폭포로 361-1 361-1, Pokpo-ro, Hwado-eup, NAMYANGJU-SI Tel 031) 593-6258 Fax 031) 559-8226 E-mail 애플사이더를기본으로, 천연라즈베리를넣어 라즈베리의향과맛을강조한하드사이더. 라즈베리가지닌특유의산미와함께드라이한끝맛을지녔습니다. Based on the foundational Hard Apple Cider, this drink is visually stunning with it s reddish/pink hues. We use all natural raspberries to give it a less tart but semi-sweet and medium dry finish. TAPROOM 서울종로구사직로 12길 12-2 12-2, JONG-RO 12-GIL, JONGNO-GU, SEOUL Tel 02) 720-6258 FOLLOW US /thehandandmalt /thehandandapple 20l keg @thehandandmalt @thehandandapple
The Hand & Malt The Hand & apple 더핸드앤몰트더핸드앤애플