Unit 7. Mazes and Labyrinths Lesson 1 Are You Lost? Lesson 2 Forgotten Promises 1. 학습목표 (The Purpose of This Unit) 이단원은 Lesson 1에서미로와미궁의개념을알아보고, 그리스신화에등장하는미로에살았던미노타우르스와테세우스사이의싸움을통해미노스문명의역사를알아본다. 그리고 Lesson 2에서는테세우스가크레타섬으로가서미노타우르스를죽인후에아테네로돌아오는데, 테세우스가크레타섬으로떠나기전에아버지와한약속을잊어버리고아테네로돌아올때에, 아들이죽은줄알고아버지가자살하는사례를통해약속이얼마나중요한가를고찰해볼것이다. 2. 미노스문명 ( 크레타문명 ) 미노스문명 (Minoan civilization, 기원전 3650~ 기원전 1170) 또는크레타문명은그리스의크레타섬에있었던그리스청동기시대의고대문명이다. 미노스문명은기원전 2700~1500년경동안번성했다. 그후로는미케네문명이크레타섬의미노스문명의영역을지배하였다. 미노스문명은 20세기초에영국고고학자아서에반스의발굴에의해재발견되었으며, 1939년윌듀런트는미노스문명을 연속된유럽의첫고리 라고하였다. 미노스인들이자신들을어떻게칭했는지는알려져있지않다. 미노스의 를뜻하는 미노안 (Minoan) 이라는낱말은아서에반스가크레타섬의전설적인왕의이름인미노스 (Minos) 에서만들어낸말이다. 미노스는그리스신화의미로이야기에나오는인물인데, 아서에반스는그곳이크노소스라고비정했다. 혹자는시리아마리 (Mari) 문서고에나오는고대이집트의지명 케프티우 (Keftiu, *kaftāw) 와셈어 카프토르 ("Kaftor" 혹은 "Caphtor") 그리고 카프타라 (Kaptara) 가크레테섬을이르는말이라고주장하기도한다. 미노스문명이멸망한지수백년뒤에나온오디세이아에는크레테원주민을 에테오크레테사람 (Eteocretans, 진짜크레테사람 ) 이라고불렀는데, 이들이아마도미노스인의후손일것이다. 미노스문명의궁전들은이섬에서발굴된유적중가장유명한건물이다. 고고학자들이발굴한거대한장서고를통해이곳이행정기능을담당하는건물임을알수있다. 발굴된각궁전은제각각차이가있지만, 공통적으로다른건물들과분리되어있다. 궁전은내외부계단, 작은우물, 육중한기둥, 창고와정원을갖춘다층건물도있다. 미노스사람들은미케네그리스인들에게큰영향을주었는데, 가령초기그리스 - 1 -
의문자인선형 B 문자는미노스문명의선형 A 문자를받아들인것이다. 3. 테세우스와미노타우르스 1) 테세우스테세우스는아테네의왕아이게우스와트로이젠의왕녀아이트라사이에서태어났다 ( 바다의신포세이돈의아들이라는설도있음 ). 아이게우스는임신한아이트라를남겨둔채홀로귀국하면서검과샌들을커다란바위밑에숨겨둔후남자아이가태어나면이물건들을스스로꺼낼수있을때쯤아테네로보내라는말을남겼다. 성장한테세우스는단번에바위를움직여아버지의검과샌들을꺼냈다. 그러고나서일부러안전한해로가아닌산적과괴한들이출몰하는위험한육로를택해아테네로향했다. 여행도중테세우스는코리네테스, 시니스, 스키론, 프로크루스테스등노상에서여행자를살해하는악인들을그들과동일한방법으로모조리죽였다. 아테네에서는마녀메디아가아이게우스의마음을사로잡고있었다. 테세우스의등장에위협을느낀메디아는그를독살할계획을세웠다. 그러나검을보고테세우스가자신의아들임을안아이게우스가독이든잔을쳐서떨어뜨려메디아의음모가탄로났고, 진노한왕은그녀를즉시추방했다. 2) 미노타우르스크레타섬의미노스왕에게수소를보낸바다의신포세이돈은그소를죽여제물로바치라고명령했다. 그러나너무나도아름다운수소를바치기가아까워진미노스왕은다른소를제물로바쳤다. 진노한포세이돈은미노스의아내파시파에 (= 파시파이 ) 가이수소와관계를갖도록만들었다. 그리하여인간과소의혼혈아로태어나게된것이바로미노타우로스다. 미노타우로스는하반신은소, 상반신은기골이장대한인간의형상을하고있었다. 그리고매우추한얼굴에머리에는뿔, 발에는굽이달려있었다. 미노타우로스는 미노스의수소 라는의미다. 미노스왕은뛰어난발명가겸건축가인다이달로스에게명하여탈출이불가능한라비린토스 ( 미궁 ) 를축조한뒤여기에미노타우로스를가뒀다. 어느날아테네에서자신의아들이사고로죽자미노스왕은아테네측에그책임을추궁하여 9년마다미노타우로스의제물로일곱명의청년과일곱명의처녀를바칠것을요구했다. 미노타우로스를퇴치하기로결심한테세우스는스스로제물이되겠다고자원했다. 그리고그의안전을염려하는아버지에게몬스터퇴치에성공하면그표식으로배에흰돛을달고돌아오겠다고약속했다. 제물을운반하는배에는항상검은돛이달려있었던것이다. 테세우스는제물이었기때문에무기를갖고들어갈수없었지만맨손으로도충분히괴물을쓰러뜨릴자신이있었다. 문제는그후의탈출방법이었다. 일단라비린토스에들어간사람은설령미노타우로스를죽인다고해도얽히고설킨미로속에 - 2 -
서헤매다가두번다시빠져나올수없게되는것이다. 그런데테세우스에게첫눈에반한미노스왕의딸아리아드네가실뭉치를그에게건네주며미궁에서탈출하는방법을알려주었다. 테세우스는아리아드네의말대로실끝을입구에묶은다음미궁으로들어갔다. 그런다음그는미노타우로스를맨손으로때려죽이고실을따라가무사히미궁을탈출했다. 테세우스는제물로끌려온다른사람들과아리아드네를데리고크레타섬을떠났다. 테세우스는항해도중들른낙소스섬에아리아드네를홀로남겨둔채고향으로돌아갔다. 그후절망에빠진아리아드네를위로해준것은주신 ( 酒神 ) 디오니소스였다고한다. 테세우스는괴물을퇴치하면흰돛을달고돌아오겠다는아버지와의약속을잊어버리고말았다. 검은돛을본아이게우스왕은아들이죽은것으로알고상심한나머지바다에몸을던져죽었다. 에게해 라는이바다의이름은그의이름에서따왔다고한다. 아테네의왕위를물려받은후에도테세우스는수많은모험을했다. 테세우스의아들히폴리토스는아버지의오해를사국외로추방되어결국죽고말았다. 이처럼테세우스의만년은불행의연속이었다. 사악한친구페이리토오스와함께저승세계인타르타로스로갔다가실패한그를 12업 을이루기위해찾아온헤라클레스가구해준적도있다. 그러나테세우스는성군이기도했다. 스스로왕위에서물러나아테네에민주정치의초석을마련한테세우스는사후에도아테네시민들의사랑을받아신에버금가는대우를받았다. 4. 단어와문법노트 (Vocabulary and Grammar Notes) Lesson 1 A. Vocabulary Notes 1) maze; 미로, 미로놀이. a system of twisting and turning paths leading to a central point. 2) labyrinth; 미궁, 미로. a network of passages or paths that meet and cross each other, through which it is difficult to find one's each other, through which it is difficult to find one's way. 3) aerial photography; 항공사진. 4) hedge; 울타리, 장벽. a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, usually, cut level at the top, which divides one garden or field from another. 5) at some time; 언젠가. once, at one time, before, the other day. 6) stroll; 걸어가다, 방랑하다. to walk a short distance slowly or lazily, esp. for pleasure. - 3 -
7) trace; 쫓아가다, 추적하다. to find a person by following their course. 8) twisted; 나선상으로돌다. to move in a winding course. 8) vary; 가지각색이다, 다양하다. to be different, have qualities that are not the same as each other. 9) tablet; 서판, 패. a shaped flat piece of stone or metal with words cut into it. 10) chip; 잘게썰다. to cut potatoes into small pieces ready to be cooked as chips. 11) weave; 짜다, 뜨다. to form by twisting parts together. 12) manuscript; 사본, 필사본. the first copy of a book or piece of writing, written by hand or typed before being printed. 13) bale; 꾸러미, 더미. a large tightly tied mass of material ready to be taken away. 14) circuit; 순환. a curving path that forms a complete circle round an area. 15) clockwise; 시계바늘방향으로도는. in the direction in which the hands of a clock move. 16) mercury; 수성. the planet nearest to the sun. 17) coincidence; 일치, 동시발생. (an example of) the happening by chance at the same time or place of two or more events which are similar or related. 18) astronomer; 천문학자. the person who has the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, etc. 19) diameter; 지름, 직경. a straight line going from one side of a circle to the other side, passing through the center of the circle. 20) minotaur; ( 인신우두의 ) 미노타우로스. in classical mythology a creature which was half a man and half bull. 21) offend; 성나게하다. to hurt the feelings of, upset. 22) payment; 변상, 지불. the act of paying. 23) slay; 죽이다, 살해하다. to kill violently, murder. 24) lair; 야수의굴. the place where a wild animal hides, rests, and sleeps. B. Grammar Notes P. 85. 1) Everyone, at some time, has strolled along a labyrinth or through a maze. 주어인 Everyone은항상단수주어로취급하여단수동사가온다. 그리고 If not은 Everyone has not strolled along a labyrinth or through a maze. 이축약된것이다. 2) A labyrinth is a twisted path. twisted는 twist의과거분사이다. - 4 -
분사는현재분사와과거분사로나뉜다. 현재분사는기본형태가동사원형 +ing, 과거분사는동사원형 + ed( 규칙변화, 불규칙변화는다르게변한다.) 을붙여서만들며, 문장에서형용사역할을한다. ex) wear+ing=wearing, boil+ed=boiled( 규칙변화 ), pay=paid( 불규칙변화 ). A. 현재분사는동사원형 +ing의형태로, 명사가행위를하는주체이다. --하는 으로해석한다. ex)the manager( 인터뷰하는주체 ) interviewing applicants is very professional. B. 과거분사는동사원형 +ed의형태로분사가꾸미는명사가행위를당하는대상이다. --된 으로해석한다. ex) The tourists will stay at a hotel( 위치하는대상 ) located in the center of the city. 3) The first ones( 주어및선행사 ) [(that 생략 ) we know about] were created ( 본동사 ) more than three thousand years ago. P. 86. 4) There are no written records of where( 의문사 ) the idea for the seven-circuit labyrinth( 주어 ) came( 동사 ) from. written은과거분사이다. 그리고 where( 의문사 ) the idea for the seven-circuit labyrinth( 주어 ) came( 동사 ) from 의문사동사어순으로된간접의문문이다. 5) This might explain how( 의문사 ) the design( 주어 ) became( 동사 ) so popular around the world. 간접의문문이다. 6) It was further developed for use in medieval churches and cathedrals( 선행사 ) where( 관계부사 ) examples are still found. where는 medieval churches and cathedrals이라는장소를선행사로취하는관계부사이다. P. 87. 7) The most famous labyrinth is one [that( 관계대명사 ) no one has ever seen]. 8) The Minotaur was a monster [that( 관계대명사 ) lived on the island of Crete where( 관계부사 ) his father was king.] 9) King Minos and his wife offended the greek gods and were punished (by the greek gods). 위의문장은동사가두개인데, 한개는능동태동사이고, 다른한개는수동태동사문장이다. punish는 벌하다, 응징하다 라는의미를가진동사이며, 의미상으로 미노스왕과그의아내가 벌을받은것이므로수동태의형태를취했다. 10) This is a confusing part of the story. 현재분사이다. 11) Whatever was once there( 주어 ) is now gone( 동사 ) as King Minos palace at Knossos burned to the ground sometime during the fifteenth century BC. - 5 -
C. TOEIC Test 1 1. Everyone, at some time, along a labyrinth or through a maze. a) have strolled b) has strolled c) stroll d) has been strolled 2. A labyrinth is a path a) twist b) twists c) twisting d) twisted 3. There are no written records of the idea for the seven-circuit labyrinth( 주어 ) came( 동사 ) from. a) that b) where c) how d) why 4. King Minos and his wife offended the greek gods and. a) is punished b) are punished c) punished d) were punished 5. This is a part of the story. a) confusing b) confused c) confuse d) confusion 정답 : b, d, b, d, a D. Review Points 1. The materials and sizes of mazes and labyrinths are astonishingly varied. As decorations, they have been carved in rock, set on clay pots and tablets, arranged with chipped colored stone in mosaics, woven into baskets and written on manuscripts. 2. The oldest and most common labyrinth design is called the seven-circuit labyrinth in which you walk clockwise and then counterclockwise at each circuit, getting closer and closer to the center. The design looks complicated but you can easily draw one if you know the trick. It involves starting with what is called a seed design and adding connecting lines in a set sequence from left to right. 3. The labyrinth design was adopted by the Romans who used it to decorate their floors in colorful mosaics. It was further developed for use in medieval churches and cathedrals where examples are still found, often three to ten meters in diameter. Lesson 2 A. Vocabulary Notes 1) lot; 제비뽑기. the use of such objects to make a choice or decision. 2) perish; 죽다, 멸망하다. to die in a terrible or sudden way. 3) sail; 돛. a piece of strong cloth, such as nylon or canvas, fixed in position on a ship to move it through the water by the force of the wind. 4) defeat; 쳐부수다, 죽이다. to win a victory over in a war, competition, or game. beat. - 6 -
5) creep; 살금살금걷다. to move slowly, quietly, carefully so as not to attract attention. 6) ball of string; 실꾸리, 실타래. 7) bound for; --행의. for going to or intending to go to. 8) hoist; 내걸다, 올리다. to raise, lift, or pull up a flag using ropes. 9) translucent; 반투명의. not transparent but clear enough to allow light to pass through. 10) lane; 좁은길. a narrow often winding road or way between fields, houses, etc. 11) run out; 고갈되다, 탕진되다. to come to an end, so that there is no more; be completely used up. B. Grammar Notes P. 91. 1) Long ago, our kingdom fought that of Minos, King of Create. that은 kingdom을의미한다. 2) We lost, and he was able to choose whatever payment he wanted. whatever 는복합관계대명사이다. whatever는 어떤 일지라도, 어떤 이든 을의미한다. 우리는전쟁에서졌다. 그리고그는그가원하는어떤보상이라도선택할수있었다. P. 92. 3) A young woman [who is] carrying a candle creeps forward to where( 의문사 ) Theseus( 주어 ) is sleeping( 동사 ). carrying은현재분사로써선행사인 A young man이선행사이다. 그리고선행사와현재분사사이에 주어 + 동사 가생략되었다. 그리고 -- where Theseus is sleeping은간접의문문이다. P. 93. 4) You are cursed for forgetting your promises. forgetting 은 for 라는전치사의 목적어로사용된동명사이다. C. TOEIC Test 2 1. I should begin at the beginning. Long ago, our kingdom fought that of Minos, King of Create. What does underlined that mean? a) beginning b) King c) kingdom d) Minos 2. We lost, and he was able to choose payment he wanted. a) whatever b) whoever c) wherever d) however - 7 -
3. The ship that takes you Create has black sails and white sails. a) to b) for c) on d) of 4. A young woman a candle creeps forward to where Theseus is sleeping. a) carry b) carried c) carries d) carrying 5. On the ship bound for Athens. Black sails. a) is hoisted b) hoist c) are hoisted d) hoists 정답 : c, a, a, d, c. D. Review Points 1. I should begin at the beginning. Long ago, our kingdom fought that of Minos, King of Create. We lost, and he was able to choose whatever payment he wanted. 2. On the ship bound for Athens. Black sails are hoisted. 5. 토론 (Discussion): 10 분예정 주제 (Topic): 친구와약속, 혹은가족과의약속을했을때에왜그약속을지켜야 하는지, 아니면약속을지키지않아도되는지를논하세요. 6. 결론 (Conclusion) 우리는이단원에서 Lesson 1에서미로와미궁에대한이야기와미노스문명의미노타우르스의이야기를검토해보았다. 그리고 Lesson 2에서는테세우스와미노타우르스의전투를감상한이후에, 테세우스가아버지와의약속을지키지않아서아버지가자살하는이야기를읽어보았다. 우리는이단원에서약속이얼마나중요한가를깊이숙고해보아야한다. 대학생으로써, 그리고앞으로미래의지도자가될사람으로서다른사람들과약속을할경우에는반드시지켜야할약속만을해야한다. 지키지못할약속은처음부터거절하는것이더욱바람직한일이다. 만약에약속을했다면반드시지켜야한다는것을삶의지혜로명심해야할것이다. - 8 -