TOEIC LC LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS 유정연
TOEIC LC LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS 유정연
Contents Lesson 01 Lesson 02 Lesson 03 Lesson 04 Lesson 05 Lesson 06 Lesson 07 Lesson 08 Lesson 09 Lesson 10 Part 1 _ Part 1은다맞자! Part 2 _ Part 2가관건! Part 3, 4 _ 자신감을갖고덤비자! Part 1 _ 사무실및업무 Part 1 _ 쇼핑, 식당및여가 Part 1 _ 실내 & 실외풍경 Part 2 _ Who & Where Part 2 _ When & What Part 2 _ Why & How Part 2 _ 긍정 & 부정 008 018 026 036 048 060 070 092 092 102
Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20 Part 2 _ 부가 & 선택 Part 2 _ 평서, 제안, 요청 Part 1, 2 _ 문제풀이 Part 3 _ 구매, 쇼핑, 배송, 재정 Part 3 _ 출장, 교통, 친환경 Part 3 _ 문서업무, 인사, 영업 Part 4 _ 음성메시지, 광고 Part 4 _ 장내 & 사내공지 Part 3, 4 _ 문제풀이 Part 1-4 _ 문제풀이 112 122 132 144 154 166 176 186 196 208 지난 / 오늘강의 Review 정답모음 224
Lesson 01 Part 1 은다맞자! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 1 Objective 1 Part 1의출제의도와문제푸는방법을공부한다. 2 문장듣기에필요한강세와리듬원리를이해한다. 3 Part 1에서필요한동작과상태의개념정리를한다. 4 Actual Test 를통해서실전감각을키운다. 강좌 200% 활용하기 1. 매일 LC 공부하는계획을세운다. 강의듣는시간을제외하고하루 1시간 ~1시간 30분동안혼자 LC 공부하는시간을확보해주세요. 해당시간은한번에몰아서보다는짧게여러번이더효과적입니다. 예를들어 1시간이면 30분공부하고잠시다른과목공부나휴식을취한후에 30분또공부하는방법입니다. 2. 예습은필요없습니다. [ 복습 ] 위주로꼼꼼히듣고따라읽기해주세요. 수업중에강조된번호나풀고틀린번호들위주로 DN(Dictation Note) 작성을반드시해본후에스크립트를맞추어보세요. DN의빈칸은반드시 1~2회만듣는것으로제한하는것이중요합니다. 5. 내입에서발음되지않는소리는내귀에서도듣지못한다! L C 는입을열고최대한성우흉내를내어발음하는것이중요합니다. 가능한 Part 1-2 같은짧은문장은스크립트를보지않고귀에만의존해서들리는대로발음해보고 Part 3-4 같은긴문장은스크립트를보며성우호흡과같이맞추며따라읽기해주세요. 4. 매강의마다있는 [REVIEW] 코너를적극활용한다. 한글문장을보며 해당단어떠올리기 순서에맞게열거하기 까지하고맞추어 보세요. 문장을들으며해석하는것이한결쉬워집니다! 008
Main Lecture Lesson 01 I. Part 1 은어떻게생겼나? 1. 내용 우리주변에서흔히볼수있는사진 2. 어떻게풀어? 사진을보고보기항목 4 개를들으며 [ 객관적으로 ] 사진과가장가깝게묘사된문장을골라답으로결정한다. 3. Part 1 풀어보기 Q. (A) (B) (C) (D) Part 1 풀어보기 Script (A) People are taking a picture of a dog. (B) A tree has lost all the leaves. (C) Ducks are swimming in the ocean. (D) The buildings are overlooking the water. 4. 어떻게준비할까? 1) 상황을익숙하게하고관련된어휘와표현을익힌다. - 잘나오는상황 : 사무실, 공사장, 정원, 공원, 물가 2) 소거법을적극적으로활용하자. 오답유형도파악한다. 1 유사발음함정 2 보이지않는단어나오면제거 3 사물의위치끝까지듣기 4 동작과상태의구분 009
Lesson 01 Part 1 은다맞자! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 1 II. 동작과상태의구분 1. 동작 여자가여행가방을끌고있다. She is pulling a suitcase. S + be being p.p (S 가 ~ 되는중이다 ) A suitcase is being pulled. 2. 상태 차들이주차되어있다, 일렬로. (A) Cars are parked in a row. (B) Cars have been parked in a row. (C) Cars are being parked in a row. 010
Yoo sful Tip! (1) Lesson 01 1. 단어강세위치 강세를모르면소리가안들린다! 영어단어의강세가첫음절이아닌두번째나그이후에있는경우에는특히신경써서발음해주세요. [ 단어를듣고해당단어찾기 ] 1) (A) sign (B) assign 2) (A) world (B) award 3) (A) regional (B) original 2. 영어문장에서의리듬내용상중요한단어들 (meaning words, 의미어 ) 에강세를주고그렇지않은단어들 (function words, 기능어 ) 에서는힘을빼게되니강약이생기고높낮이가생기면서리듬이생긴다. 강약을확실하게잡고리듬을타며들으면내용이보인다! [ 문장을들어보고강세가들어가는단어잡기 ] 1) 여자가검토하고있다, 서류들을. The woman is reviewing some documents. 2) 배들이묶여있다, 부두에. Some boats are tied up to the dock. 3) 사람들이걷고있다, 인도를따라서. People are walking along the sidewalk. 011
Lesson 01 LC의 본질을 꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 1 Part 1은 다 맞자! Actual Test 꼭 문제를 먼저 풀어보고 강의를 들어주세요. 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 3. 7. 012
Actual Test 정답 /Script/ 해석 Lesson 01 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (B) 1. (A) He is arranging furniture. (B) He is turning on the computer. (C) He is sitting using his laptop. (D) He is sipping from a cup. 1. (A) 그는가구를정리하고있다. (B) 그는컴퓨터를키고있다. (C) 그는앉아서노트북을사용하고있다. (D) 그는컵으로홀짝홀짝마시고있다. 어휘 - arrange: 정리하다 - turn on: 켜다 - sip: 조금씩마시다 2. (A) He is climbing the ladder. (B) He is descending the steps. (C) He is putting on a jacket. (D) He is looking for a book. 2. (A) 그는사다리를오르고있다. (B) 그는계단을내려오고있다. (C) 그는재킷을입는중이다. (D) 그는책을찾고있다. 어휘 - climb: 오르다 - descend: 내려오다 - be putting on: 입다 [ 동작 ] 3. (A) People are lined up to make payments. (B) A clerk is weighing some produce. (C) Merchandise has been arranged for sale. (D) A customer is carrying a basket. 3. (A) 사람들이계산을하기위해줄을서있다. (B) 점원이제품의무게를재고있다. (C) 물건들이판매를위해진열되어있다. (D) 손님이바구니를들고있다. 013
Lesson 01 Part 1 은다맞자! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 1 어휘 - make payments: 지불하다 - weigh: 무게를재다 - produce: 농산물 4. (A) People are putting on backpacks. (B) Rocks are being carried across the field. (C) They are approaching a cabin. (D) They are hiking in a line. 4. (A) 사람들이백팩을매는중이다. [ 동작 ] (B) 돌들이들판을가로질러옮겨지고있다. (C) 그들이오두막으로다가가고있다. (D) 그들은한줄로하이킹하고있다. 어휘 - approach: 접근하다, 다가가다 - cabin: 오두막 5. (A) A man is wearing a backpack. (B) A woman is opening an umbrella. (C) They are facing each other. (D) A woman is assisting a man. 5. (A) 남자가백팩을매고있다. [ 상태 ] (B) 여자가우산을펴고있다. (C) 그들은서로마주보고있다. (D) 여자가남자를도와주고있다. 어휘 - be wearing: 입다 [ 착용상태 ] - face each other: 서로마주보다 6. (A) They are standing next to each other. (B) The vase holds some flowers. (C) There are books piled up on the counter. (D) A man is reaching down the counter. 6. (A) 그들은서로옆에서있다. (B) 꽃병에꽃들이있다. (C) 카운터위에책들이쌓여있다. (D) 남자가카운터아래로팔을뻗고있다. 014
어휘 Lesson 01 - next to each other: 서로옆으로, 나란히 (=side by side) - pile up: 쌓다, 쌓아올리다 - reach down: 아래로뻗다 7. (A) A cart has been left outside. (B) Lamps are hanging on the wall. (C) The railing is being installed on the balcony. (D) The curtains have been pulled open. 7. (A) 카트가밖에놓여있다. (B) 램프들이벽에매달려있다. (C) 난간이발코니에설치되고있다. (D) 커튼이당겨서열려있다. 어휘 - hang: 걸다, 걸리다 - railing: 난간 오늘강의 Review 1. 남자가재킷을입고있는중이다. [ 동작 ] 2. 꽃병에꽃들이있다. [ 영국식발음 ] 3. 난간이설치되고있다. 발코니에 [ 동작 ] 015
Lesson 01 Part 1 은다맞자! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 1 Actual Test Dictation Note 한번만듣고빈칸을채워보세요. ( 틀린문제만하셔도됩니다.) 1. (A) He furniture. (B) He the computer. (C) He his laptop. (D) He a cup. 2. (A) He the ladder. (B) He the steps. (C) He a jacket. (D) He a book. 3. (A) People payments. (B) A clerk some produce. (C) Merchandise. (D) A customer a basket. 4. (A) People backpacks. (B) Rocks across the field. (C) They a cabin. (D) They in a line. 5. (A) A man a backpack. (B) A woman an umbrella. (C) They each other. (D) A woman a man. 6. (A) They each other. (B) some flowers. (C) There are books. (D) A man the counter. 7. (A) A cart outside. (B) Lamps the wall. (C) The railing on the balcony. (D) The curtains. 016
Memo 017
Lesson 02 Part 2 가관건! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 2 Objective 1 Lesson 1의주요문장을복습한다. 2 Part 2의내용, 출제의도와문제푸는방법을공부한다. 3 오답요소인유사발음과다의어구별훈련을한다. 4 Actual Test 를통해실전감각을키운다. 지난강의 Review 1. 점원이무게를달고있다, 농산물의. 2. 그들은서있다, 서로옆에. ( 나란히 ) 3. 램프들이걸려있다, 벽에. 018
Main Lecture I. Part 2 는어떻게생겼나? Lesson 02 시험지에서보여지는 Part 2 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 실제풀어야하는 Part 2 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 11. Who was assigned to collect applications? (A) Yes, I ll apply for the position. (B) I think that s my job. (C) We managed to sign the contract. 1. 내용 1) 회사업무 ( 문서, 회의, 공사, 영업, 마케팅등 ) 2) 쇼핑, 일상, 여행 2. 질문 질문을듣고기억했다가뒤에나오는보기항목세개를듣고가장 [ 대화가능한답변 ] 을고른다. 3. Questions and Responses Questions and Answers 가아니라 Responses( 응답 ) 이다. 답이정해져있지않다! 4. 어떻게준비할까? 1) [ 질문 ] 을잘듣고기억하는것이중요하다!! 의문사, 주어, 동사중심으로해석을정확하게해내고보기항목이다끝날때까지내용을기억하자. 질문의내용은주로 [ 서술어 : 동사 or be + 형용사 ] 에있다. 질문의예 1 What did you discuss with the manager? 2 Are you interested in trying on these shoes? 019
Lesson 02 Part 2 가관건! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 2 2) 소거법적극활용 유사발음, 다의어함정 1 appoint vs. point 2 contact vs. contract 3 fair vs. fare 주어일치 1 둘이하는대화 He / She 정답확률낮다. 의문사의문문은 (Yes/No) 제거 1 What would you like to drink? No, I m full. Yoo sful Tip (2) 1. 유사발음 (A) 와 (B) 혹은 (C) 중에서빈칸에알맞은단어를고르세요. 1) approve vs. prove 1 Who the construction project? 2 He can t it. (A) approve (B) prove 2) subscribe vs. prescribe 1 Would you like to to our magazine? 2 I can you some medicine. (A) prescribe (B) subscribe 3) copy vs. coffee 1 I need to make 10 of this document for the seminar. 2 Could I have a cup of, please? 3 He is making some. (A) coffee (B) copy (C) copies 2. 다의어 (A) 와 (B) 혹은 (C) 중에서해당문장에서사용된단어의뜻을고르세요. 1) present Mark will present our marketing strategy. (A) 선물 (B) 발표하다, 내놓다 (C) 참석한, 출석한 2) check Can I pay these supplies by check? (A) 수표 (B) 확인하다 3) plant The supervisor reviewed the blueprint for the new plant in China. (A) 식물 (B) 공장 020
Actual Test 꼭문제를먼저풀어보고강의를들어주세요. Lesson 02 1. (A) (B) (C) 2. (A) (B) (C) 3. (A) (B) (C) 4. (A) (B) (C) 5. (A) (B) (C) 6. (A) (B) (C) 7. (A) (B) (C) 021
Lesson 02 Part 2 가관건! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 2 Actual Test 정답 /Script/ 해석 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (B) 7. (B) 1. What s the round trip airfare to Vancouver? (A) I think it s not fair. (B) I ve been there several times. (C) It s about $800. 1. 벤쿠버까지왕복항공운임이얼마입니까? (A) 제생각에그것은공정하지않아요. (B) 그곳에몇번다녀왔어요. (C) 800달러정도입니다. 어휘 - round trip: 왕복여행 - airfare: 항공요금 2. Should we ask the manager to review our report? (A) Yes, we could use some advice. (B) I managed to raise funds. (C) The room has a great view. 2. 매니저에게저희보고서를검토해달라고해야할까요? (A) 네, 우리는조언이필요해요. (B) 저는기금모집을하고자했어요. (C) 그방은훌륭한전망을가지고있어요. 어휘 - could use ~: ~ 를원하다, ~ 를필요로하다 - manage to ~: 그럭저럭 ~ 를해내다 - raise funds: 기금을모으다 3. Have you seen Susan recently? (A) Yes, she was in the lounge. (B) I took care of the plants. (C) She recently applied for a visa. 3. Susan을최근에봤나요? (A) 네, 그녀는라운지에있었어요. (B) 저는식물을보살폈어요. (C) 그녀는최근에비자를신청했어요. 022
어휘 - take care of: 돌보다, 처리하다 - apply for: 신청하다 Lesson 02 4. Is the construction going to be done on schedule? (A) It s already been delayed. (B) My schedule is full today. (C) They are building a bridge. 4. 건설은계획대로끝날예정인가요? (A) 이미지연되었어요. (B) 오늘제스케줄이꽉찼어요. (C) 그들은다리를짓고있어요. 어휘 - on schedule: 일정대로인 - delay: 지연하다 5. Do you prefer the white or the blue dress? (A) I bought this shirt online. (B) She chose the blue wallpaper. (C) The white one looks the best. 5. 당신은하얀색과파란색드레스중에서어떤것을선호하시나요? (A) 저는이셔츠를온라인으로샀어요. (B) 그녀는파란벽지를선택했어요. (C) 하얀색이가장좋아보이네요. 어휘 - wallpaper: 벽지 6. When will the award ceremony begin? (A) The movie starts around 4. (B) It s printed on the pamphlet. (C) They left a minute ago. 6. 시상식은언제시작하나요? (A) 영화는 4시쯤에시작해요. (B) 팸플릿에나와있어요. (C) 그들은방금전에떠났어요. 023
Lesson 02 Part 2 가관건! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 2 어휘 - award ceremony: 시상식 7. Mr. Wilson has asked for your assistance. (A) No, Carol is his assistant. (B) I ll phone him right away. (C) His office is down the hall. 7. Wilson 씨는당신의도움을요청했어요. (A) 아니요, Carol이그의조수예요. (B) 제가바로그에게전화해볼게요. (C) 그의사무실은복도끝이에요. 어휘 - ask for~: ~ 를요청하다 오늘강의 Review 1. 왕복항공요금이무엇인가요, 밴쿠버까지의? 2. Susan 을최근에본적있나요? 네, 그녀는라운지에있었어요. 3. Mr. Wilson 이요청했어요, 당신의도움을. 내가전화할게요, 그에게, 지금바로. 024
Actual Test Dictation Note 한번만듣고빈칸을채워보세요. ( 틀린문제만하셔도됩니다.) Lesson 02 1. to Vancouver? (A) I think. (B) several times. (C) $800. 2. our report? (A) Yes, we. (B) I funds. (C) The room. 3. Susan recently? (A) Yes,. (B) the plants. (C) She a visa. 4. Is the construction? (A) It s. (B) My schedule. (C) a bridge. 5. dress? (A) online. (B) She. (C) The white one. 6. the award ceremony? (A) around 4. (B) the pamphlet. (C) They. 7. Mr. Wilson. (A) No, Carol. (B) him. (C) His office. 025
Lesson 03 자신감을갖고덤비자! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 3, 4 Objective 1 Lesson 2의주요문장을복습한다. 2 Part 3-4의출제의도와출제유형그리고푸는방법을공부한다. 3 관용어구및표현을정리한다. 4 Actual Test 를통해실전감각을키운다. 지난강의 Review 1. 우리가매니저에게요청해야할까요, 검토할것을, 우리보고서를? 네, 우리는조언을필요로해요. 2. 그시상식이언제시작될까요? 그것은인쇄되어있어요, 팸플릿에. 3. 그공사가끝날까요, 일정대로? 그것은이미지연되었어요. 026
Main Lecture I. Part 3 는어떻게생겼나? A 헐, 복사기가또고장이야! 이번주만벌써세번째야! B 알아, 내가수리센터에연락했는데내일오후에나올수있대. Lesson 03 A 어떻게하지, 나내일아침수업자료복사해야하는데 B 길건너복사집에요청해보지그래? 나도내자료를했는데비싸지않고빨리해주더라. 1 무엇이문제인가? 복사기고장 2 A는내일아침에무엇을하나? 수업 3 B가 suggest하는내용은? 길건너복사집이용하기 II. Part 3 풀어보기 1. What does the woman want to do? (A) Check in a hotel (B) Pick up a package 2. Why most likely is the woman s name missing from the list? (A) She is a new resident. (B) She moved to another department. 3. What does the man ask for? (A) A document (B) Contact information Part 3 풀어보기 Script W Hi, (1) I got a memo in my mail box saying that a parcel was left here at the front desk for me. My name is Christina Malone. M Wait a moment. Let me check. I cannot find your records on my computer. Your name is supposed to appear on the list of residents. W Oh, (2) I just moved in last Monday, so that s probably why I m not in your records. I live in Apartment 11D. 027
Lesson 03 자신감을갖고덤비자! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 3, 4 M I see. But before you pick up your parcel, (3) I need proof of your residence since you are not on the list. Could you show me a copy of your rental contract and photo ID? III. Part 4 풀어보기 4. What is the problem? (A) A store has gone out of business. (B) Some merchandise is unavailable. 5. What does the speaker suggest? (A) Purchasing an alternate item (B) Visiting another store branch 6. What does the speaker say he will do? (A) Deliver an item at no costs. (B) Provide product samples Part 4 풀어보기 Script M Hello, this is Tyler from Collin Furniture. You said you d like to order a set of sofa with brown color. (4) I m sorry to say that we don t have any more of that color in stock. It s been discontinued. (5) However, we do have similar shade of brown that s a little lighter in stock that s a little lighter than one you plan to order. You can buy it at a 10 percent discounted price now. (6) We will also offer free delivery service. If you still are interested in, please let me know. IV. Part 3-4 어떻게준비할까? 1. 지문의종류와유형에많이익숙해지자 노출도를높이기 & 줄거리기억하기 2. [ 눈 ] 의힘을키우자질문들의해석이신속 & 정확해야한다! 1 Where is the conversation taking place? 2 What are the listeners asked to do after the meeting? 3. 핵심어 (keyword) 를잡아지문전체에서정답의위치를정확하게잡아내자 4. 패러프래이징짝을붙여외우자 offer free delivery service deliver an item at no costs 028
Yoo sful Tip (3) 관용어구및어려운표현 1. make it Can you make it to the concert tonight? ( 의지를가지고 ) 해내다, 참석하다, 시간에맞추다 2. leave for the day The manager has already left for the day so I can t see her today. 퇴근하다 Lesson 03 3. come up with The client has asked us to come up with some brilliant advertising ideas for their new product. 생각해내다 4. be supposed to Weren t you supposed to go to the dentist this afternoon? ~ 하기로되어있다 5. be scheduled to The plane was schedule to leave at 3:00 this afternoon but there has been a change. ~ 하기로일정이잡혀있다 6. show around We have a new employee here today. Could you show him around the office and other facilities? 구경시켜주다 029
Lesson 03 자신감을갖고덤비자! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 3, 4 Actual Test 꼭문제를먼저풀어보고강의를들어주세요. 1. What does the woman say caused the problem? (A) A cost has increased. (B) An employee is on vacation. (C) A presentation was postponed. 4. Who most likely is being addressed? (A) Librarians (B) Theater employees (C) Cinema patrons (D) Factory workers (D) A file has been deleted. 5. What does the speaker say about the 2. Why is the man concerned? (A) He needs to copy a document. (B) He cannot find a contract. (C) He has to reschedule a meeting. (D) He is unsure of which person to brochure? (A) It will be complete tomorrow. (B) It has wrong information. (C) It is bigger than before. (D) It has just been mailed. contact. 6. What are the listeners asked to do? 3. What does the woman suggest? (A) Ordering a new photocopier (B) Borrowing a file from a colleague (C) Calling a repair person (A) Purchase tickets (B) Get ready to send invitations (C) Contact the speaker (D) Share their ideas (D) Contacting a nearby business 030
Actual Test 정답 /Script/ 해석 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (D) [1-3] Lesson 03 M Hey, Belinda, is the copy machine out of order? The red lamp on the control panel keeps blinking. W No, it needs a new toner. I ordered some just this morning and it will take 3 days to be delivered. (1) Chris was supposed to place an order yesterday but he took this week off and I couldn t realize that until this morning. M Well, (2) I need to make copies of my presentation for the board meeting tomorrow afternoon. Do you have any idea I can manage this without any trouble? W (3) Why don t you email the file to the print shop across the street? They provide quick and quality service. I will give you the phone number. 남 Belinda, 복사기가고장났나요? 제어판의빨간색불이계속깜박거려요. 여 아니요, 새로운토너가필요해요. 제가아침에주문을했고배달되기까지 3 일이걸릴거에요. Chris 가어제주문을하기로했었는데 그가이번주에휴가를내고제가오늘아침에야깨달았어요. 남 음, 저는내일오후에있을이사회를위한제프레젠테이션의복사본을만들어야해요. 당신은제가이일을문제없이해결할수있는 방법을알고있나요? 여길건너편에있는복사점에파일을이메일로보내는게어때요? 그들은빠르고우수한서비스를제공해요. 제가전화번호를줄게요. 어휘 - out of order: 고장난 - control panel: 제어판 - board meeting: 이사회 - across the street: 길건너 1. What does the woman say caused the problem? (A) A cost has increased. (B) An employee is on vacation. (C) A presentation was postponed. (D) A file has been deleted. 1. 여자가말한문제점의원인은무엇인가? (A) 비용이증가하였다. (B) 직원이휴가중이다. (C) 프레젠테이션이연기되었다. (D) 파일이삭제되었다. 031
Lesson 03 자신감을갖고덤비자! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 3, 4 2. Why is the man concerned? (A) He needs to copy a document. (B) He cannot find a contract. (C) He has to reschedule a meeting. (D) He is unsure of which person to contact. 2. 남자가걱정하는이유는무엇인가? (A) 그는서류의복사본이필요하다. (B) 그는계약서를찾지못한다. (C) 그는회의일정을다시잡아야한다. (D) 그는어떤사람과연락해야하는지확실하지않다. 3. What does the woman suggest? (A) Ordering a new photocopier (B) Borrowing a file from a colleague (C) Calling a repair person (D) Contacting a nearby business 3. 여자가제안한것은? (A) 새로운복사기를주문하는것 (B) 동료로부터파일을빌리는것 (C) 수리공에게전화하는것 (D) 근처사업체에연락하는것 [4-6] M (4) This afternoon I ll inform you on the plays we ll be presenting here at Rocoo Theater next season. (5) We ve just sent the new season s brochure to our patrons by mail. So I want you all ready to respond to inquiries about each show and the various ticket options. I ll email you a summary of all these details so that you can refer to it any time you need. (6) And if you come up with some great ideas to promote our performances, please feel free to contact Russell in the marketing department. 남 오늘오후제가다음시즌에이곳 Rocoo Theater 에서공연할연극에대해알려드리겠습니다. 저희는방금막메일로고객들에게 새로운시즌의책자를보냈습니다. 그래서저는여러분들이각각의쇼와다양한티켓옵션에대한질문들에대답할준비가되기를바랍니다. 제가여러분이언제든지필요할때조회할수있도록이모든자세한사항들에대한요약을이메일로보낼것입니다. 그리고저희공연을홍보할좋은아이디어가떠오르시면, 마케팅부서의 Russell에게부담없이연락하시기바랍니다. 어휘 - patron: 후원자, 단골고객 - inquiry: 질문, 문의 - come up with: 생각해내다 032
4. Who most likely is being addressed? (A) Librarians (B) Theater employees (C) Cinema patrons (D) Factory workers Lesson 03 4. 청자들은누구인가? (A) 사서 (B) 극장직원 (C) 영화후원자 (D) 공장직원 5. What does the speaker say about the brochure? (A) It will be complete tomorrow. (B) It has wrong information. (C) It is bigger than before. (D) It has just been mailed. 5. 화자가책자에대해서얘기한것은무엇인가? (A) 내일완성될것이다. (B) 잘못된정보를갖고있다. (C) 예전보다커졌다. (D) 방금메일로발송되었다. 6. What are the listeners asked to do? (A) Purchase tickets (B) Get ready to send invitations (C) Contact the speaker (D) Share their ideas 6. 청자들이하도록요청받은일은? (A) 티켓구매 (B) 초대장발송준비 (C) 화자에게연락하기 (D) 그들의아이디어를공유하기 033
Lesson 03 자신감을갖고덤비자! LC 의본질을꿰뚫는 700 PLUS Part 3, 4 오늘강의 Review 1. 말씀드리게되어미안합니다, 우리는그색을더이상가지고있지않다는것을, 재고로. 2. 당신은구매할수있습니다, 그것을, 10% 할인된금액으로, 지금. 3. Chris 는주문을하기로되어있었어요, 어제, 하지만그가이번주휴가를냈어요. 034
Actual Test Dictation Note 한번만듣고빈칸을채워보세요. ( 틀린문제만하셔도됩니다.) [1-3] M Hey, Belinda, is the copy machine out of order? The red lamp on the control panel keeps Lesson 03 blinking. W No, it needs a new toner. I ordered some just this morning and it will take 3 days to be delivered. and I couldn t realize that until this morning. M Well,. Do you have any idea I can manage this without any trouble? W? They provide quick and quality service. I will give you the phone number. [4-6] M This afternoon I ll inform you on the plays we ll be presenting.. So I want you all ready to respond to inquiries about each show and the various ticket options. I ll email you a summary of all these details so that you can refer to it any time you need.. 035