Introduction of Korea COEN COEN means Converting Engineering You can find the Best Solution for Filtration and Separation We are Exclusive Distributor of CONWED Plastics in Korean market Tel : 031-826-3042 Fax : 031-826-3047 E-mail :
회사연혁 2000Y 한국코엔주식회사설립현대자동차울산공장도장부스용필터생산및납품개시대우자동차용순정에어크리너원단납품개시 ( 마티즈, 매그너스, 티코, 레조 ) 2001Y 일본산요전자에어필터납품개시 / 액체정화용백필터원단개발 2002Y 헤파필터및파티클캐빈에어필터공정설치완료 (Pleating Machine, Injection Molding Machine, Hotmelt Mini-Pleating Machine) 2003Y 엘지전자헤파필터개발및납품개시 ( 싸이킹청소기 ) 워셔블헤파필터생산공정설치 ( Urethane Foaming Machine and Heat Bonding Machine) 2004Y 자동차에어컨용활성탄콤비에어필터생산설비도입 ( Activated Carbon Scattering & Lamination Machine) 2005Y 삼성전자진공청소기용헤파필터생산개시 (H10/H11/H12/H13 Grade) 공기청정기용헤파필터생산설비설치 (Ultrasonic Bonding & Sewing Machine and Printing Machine) 웅진코웨이가정용공기청정기용필터 OEM 생산및납품 ( 한국바이린 ) 2006Y 세계최대필터용 PP Net 전문미국 Conwed Plastic 한국대리점개시고성능필터원단가공설비도입 (High speed Slitting Machine and PUR Lamination) 2007Y 발전설비용가스터빈필터용생산설비도입 (Automotive Urethane shooting machine for Cartridge Filter) 2008Y 벤처기업인증 / 연구개발전담부서인정 ( 한국산업기술진흥협회 ) / 부품소재전문기업인증 ( 지식경제부 ) / ISO 14001 인증자동차콤비필터개발정부지원확정 ( 지식경제부 / 한국부품소재진흥협회 ) 2009Y 산업패밀리클러스터지원사업지원확정 ( 중소기업청 )
조직구성 구분 인원 Operation Main Products Remarks 사무실 5 고객지원팀영업팀필터디자인개발팀 Customer Service Sales R&D 제 1 공장 13 활성탄원단제조합지및절곡핫멜트미니플리팅우레탄가공에폭시가공엣지본딩 Filter Media (Activated Carbon Filter) HEPA Filter for Air Purifier Gas Turbine Cartridge Filter 캐빈에어필터 조립 제 2 공장 20 사출초음파본딩 진공청소기용헤파필터 합계 38
Business Structure Filtration & Separation 코오롱 스펀본드지지체 BBA 고효율여재 한국바이린 중성능여재 신뢰성평가 /MKT 한국생산기술연구원 ( 코오롱, 한국코엔공동위탁 ) 성능평가및수명시험 한국코엔 여재복합화 (HBT) 절곡 / 사출 / 조립 /MKT 탈취필터여재 Conwed Plastic Filter Net / Tube
생산설비 Air Filters for Automotive Painting Shop
생산설비 절곡 (Pleating)
생산설비 핫멜트미니플리팅 (HEPA Filter made by Hotmelt Mini-Pleating)
생산설비 필터원단생산 (Laminated Filter Media) - 활성탄원단생산설비 (Activated Carbon scattering Lamination) - 습기경화형핫멜트합지생산설비 (PUR Hotmelt Slot Die Lamination) Spunbond + Meltblown + Spunbond HEPA Filter media Nonwoven + EVA. Polyester. Polyamide. PP Coating Edge material for Cabin Air Filter and Air Purifier Filter 1 Pre filter 2 Main filter 3 Support filter 4 Carrier Air flow
생산설비 고속재단 (Slitting) Machine Width : 2200mm
생산설비 필터전문사출기 (Industrial Filters made by Injection Molding)
생산제품 진공청소기용필터 (Vacuum Cleaner Filters) Washable Air Filter Motor Safety Filter Hepa Filter Wiper
생산제품 Vacuum Cleaner Filters Washable Air Filter Mesh Type
생산제품 Vacuum Cleaner Filters Washable Air Filter Nonwoven Type (Urethane Bonding / Epoxy Bonding/Injection Molding)
생산제품 Vacuum Cleaner Filters Hepa Filter (Hotmelt Minipleating / Injection Molding / Epoxy Bonding)
생산제품 Vacuum Cleaner Filters Washable Hepa Filter (O Type)
Product Vacuum Cleaner Filters Others (Motor Safety / Bust Bag / Steam Wiper / ACF filter / Urethane Foam )
생산제품 Cabin Air Filter for Automotive Particle Type (PP Net + Special Nonwovens) Combi Type (Spunbond NWF + ACF + Spunbond or Special Nonwovens)
생산제품 Air Filter for Gas Turbine Dust Removal and Liquid Bag Filter
Conwed 제품
Korea Coen Gallery
Korea Coen Gallery Sewing Process
Korea Coen Gallery Lamination & Sliiting
Korea Coen Gas Turbine Filter Converting
캐빈필터성능시험장비 (Test Machine for Filters) FX3300 Maker : TEXTEST Pressure : 125Pa TSI 8130 Air flow : 32LPM Aerosol : Sodium chloride Mass mean diameter : 0.26 μm