Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Math in English Level B Book 2 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요. 1
Book 2 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표 10,000 ~ 100,000 까지수세는법, 도형의합동과대칭, 분수의종류와크기비교 등을영어로익힌다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리등을 자유롭게쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? Yes Some No 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? Yes Some No 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? Yes Some No 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Math in English (Level B) Book 2 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 1A 0 ~ 9 까지의 아라비아숫자 구간 ( 영어에서 수를읽을때 세 자리씩끊어읽는부분 ) 콤마, 쉼표 천 digit period comma one thousand 만 ten thousand 십만 one hundred thousand 그룹, 무리 group 구분짓다 separate 비교하다 compare 순서를매기다 ~ 에서시작하다 order start from 1B 왼쪽 자리 left place 값, 가치 value 순서대로 in order 주어진 given 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 합동의, 일치하는 닮은 congruent similar 2A 대칭축미끄러지다, 옮기다뒤집다돌리다 line of symmetry slide flip turn 도형 figure 모양 shape 나누다맞다, 일치하다분자 divide match numerator 분모 denominator 2B 분모가같은분수분수막대타일 like fraction fraction bar tile 알려주다 tell 세다 count 더적은 less 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 크기가같은분수가분수대분수 equivalent fraction improper fraction mixed number 3A 고쳐말하다 양, 합계 rename amount 보여주다 show 또다른 another 더큰꺾은선그래프수직선 greater line graph vertical line 수평선 horizontal line 막대그래프 bar graph 3B 증가하다 감소하다 increase decrease 자료 data 변화시간이흐름에따라위로움직이다 change over time move up 5
Book 2 Unit 1 Numbers 10,000 ~ 100,000 1A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 digit 2 period 0 ~ 9까지의아라비아숫자구간 ( 영어에서수를읽을때세자리씩끊어읽는부분 ) 9 그룹, 무리 group 10 만 ten thousand 3 comma 콤마, 쉼표 11 구분짓다 separate 4 one thousand 천 12 십만 one hundred thousand 5 ten thousand 만 13 0 ~ 9 까지의 아라비아숫자 digit 구간 ( 영어에서 6 one hundred thousand 십만 14 수를읽을때세자리씩끊어 period 읽는부분 ) 7 group 그룹, 무리 15 천 one thousand 8 separate 구분짓다 16 콤마, 쉼표 comma 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points <10,000 ~ 100,000 숫자말하고쓰는법 > 다양한방법으로숫자를쓸수있어요. 예 ) 84,612 ( 아라비아숫자형태 ) 80,000 + 4,000 + 600 + 10 + 2 ( 만자리천자리백자리십자리일자리로나누어쓴형태 ) Eighty-four thousand, six hundred twelve ( 글자로쓴형태 ) 천단위이상의숫자에서는숫자세개를하나의그룹으로묶어그사이에쉼표를찍어주어야해요. 예 ) 68,429 100,000 Let s Practice 빈칸을채워숫자를다양한방법으로읽어보세요. 1. Ten Thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 9 9 7 1 3-99,713-90,000 + 9,000 + 700 + 10 + 3 - Ninety- nine thousand, seven hundred thirteen 2. Ten Thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 1 5 8 0 6-15,806-10,000 + 5,000 + 800 + 6 - Fifteen thousand, eight hundred six 7
Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 여러분은숫자를여러다른방법으로쓸수있어요. (write / different / can / a number) You can write a number in different ways. 2. 콤마는구간을나누어줍니다. (separates / periods) A comma separates periods. 3. 58,982 라는수에는몇개의숫자들이있나요? (digits / in the number / how many) How many digits are in the number 58,982? 4. 천구간에숫자 0 이들어있는수는어느것인가요? (in the thousands period / which / has) Which number has a 0 in the thousands period? 5. 99,876 을글로쓰면어떻게되나요? (written / how / the number) How is the number 99,876 written? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. What does the number 68,429 mean? 2. 68,429 means 6 ten thousands plus 8 thousands plus 4 hundreds plus 2 tens plus 9 ones. 3. The number 45,932 has 5 digits. 4. A period is a group of three digits. 5. The number 45,932 has two periods, ones and thousands. 선생님확인 8
Book 2 Unit 2 Compare and Order Numbers 1B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 compare 비교하다 9 값, 가치 value 2 order 순서를매기다 10 자리 place 3 start from ~ 에서시작하다 11 순서대로 in order 4 left 왼쪽 12 비교하다 compare 5 place 자리 13 주어진 given 6 value 값, 가치 14 순서를 매기다 order 7 in order 순서대로 15 왼쪽 left 8 given 주어진 16 ~ 에서 시작하다 start from 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points < 수비교하여순서매기기 > 여러자리를가진수의크기를비교할때는각수의가장왼쪽자리에있는큰단위 숫자부터차례로비교해나가면돼요. 숫자가같다면다음작은단위로넘어가고숫자가 같지않으면수가큰쪽이더큰수가된답니다. 예 ) 23,456과 23,537 크기비교 1 만단위비교 : 2 = 2 2 천단위비교 : 3 = 3 3 백단위비교 : 4 < 5 23,456 < 23,537 Let s Practice 보기처럼글로표현된수를숫자로바꿔표시하고두수의크기를비교하여빈칸에알맞은 숫자를써넣으세요. 보기 ) Sixty thousand, seven hundred forty-nine 60,749 Sixty-seven thousand, forty nine 67,049 60,749 < 67,049 1. Eleven thousand, nine hundred twenty 11,920 Eleven thousand, nine hundred twenty-two 11,922 11,920 < 11,922 2. Thirty-eight thousand, one hundred six 38,106 Thirty-eight thousand, one hundred sixteen 38,116 38,106 < 38,116 3. Ninety thousand, twenty-two 90,022 Ninety thousand, two hundred twenty 90,220 90,022 < 90,220 10
Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 루비호수에는물고기가 32,790 마리있습니다. (in Ruby Lake / there / fish) There are 32,790 fish in Ruby Lake. 2. 물고기가더적게있나요, 개구리가더적게있나요? (frogs / less / there) Are there less fish or frogs? 3. 6 월에 19,433 명의사람들이루비호수를방문했습니다. (visited / in June) In June, 19,433 people visited Ruby Lake. 4. 어떤달에더많은수의사람들이방문했나요? (month / greater / which / did) In which month did the greater number of people visit? 5. 어떤새들이가장많나요? (birds / the greatest number) Which birds have the greatest number? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Compare 23,456 and 23,537 starting from the left. 2. Use place value to compare the numbers. 3. Compare the ten thousands place. 4. Stop comparing when the digits are not the same. 5. Write them in order from the least to the greatest. 선생님확인 11
Book 2 Unit 3 Congruence and Symmetry 2A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 congruent 합동의, 일치하는 11 도형 figure 2 similar 닮은 12 미끄러지다 slide 3 line of symmetry 대칭축 13 모양 shape 4 slide 미끄러지다, 옮기다 14 맞다, 일치하다 match 5 flip 뒤집다 15 합동의 congruent 6 turn 돌리다 16 나누다 divide 7 figure 도형 17 닮은 similar 8 shape 모양 18 대칭축 line of symmetry 9 divide 나누다 19 돌리다 turn 10 match 맞다, 일치하다 20 뒤집다 flip 20 개중 개정답 12
Key Points < 도형비교하기 > 합동인도형 (congruent figures) : 크기와모양이같은도형 닮은도형 (similar figures) : 모양은같지만크기가서로다른도형 대칭축 (a line of symmetry) : 도형을어떤직선을기준으로접었을때완전히겹쳐지는경우의그직선 Let s Practice 다음두도형의관계가합동이면 C, 닮은도형이면 S, 합동도닮은도형도아니면 X 를밑줄에 적어표시해보세요. 1. S 2. 3. C C 다음중대칭축이있는도형은무엇인가요? 동그라미해보세요. 4. a. b. c. 13
Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 도형 K 는도형 L 과닮았습니다. (similar to / figure) Figure K is similar to figure L. 2. 그들은크기와모양이같습니다. (shape / size / the same) They are the same size and shape. 3. 여러분은도형을옮길수있습니다. (slide) You can slide a figure. 4. 여러분은도형을뒤집을수있습니다. (flip) You can flip a figure. 5. 여러분은도형을돌릴수있습니다. (turn) You can turn a figure. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Congruent figures have the same size and shape. 2. Figure C is congruent to figure D. 3. Similar figures have the same shape, but not the same size. 4. A line of symmetry divides this figure into two congruent parts. 5. They match exactly. 선생님확인 14
Book 2 Unit 4 Compare and Order Fractions 2B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 numerator 분자 9 알려주다 tell 2 denominator 분모 10 타일 tile 3 like fraction 분모가같은분수 11 더적은 less 4 fraction bar 분수막대 12 세다 count 5 tile 타일 13 분자 numerator 6 tell 알려주다 14 분모가같은 분수 like fraction 7 count 세다 15 분모 denominator 8 less 더적은 16 분수막대 fraction bar 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points < 분수크기비교하기 > 분수막대이용하여비교하기 1/4 3/4 1/4 막대는 3/4 막대보다더짧으므로 3/4이 1/4보다더큽니다. 타일이용하여비교하기 3/6 1/2 3/6 의타일개수와 1/2 의타일개수는서로같으므로 3/6 과 1/2 은크기가 같습니다. Let s Practice 보기처럼분수막대나타일을색칠해해당분수를표현한후, 분수들의크기를비교해보세요. 보기 ) 1/3 2/6 1/3 = 2/6 1. 1/2 5/8 < 1/2 5/8, 2. 2/5 2/10 > 2/5 2/10 16
Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 전체가몇개의부분으로되어있나요? (in the whole / parts) How many parts are in the whole? 2. 원의몇분의몇이빨간색인가요? (fraction / red) What fraction of the circle is red? 3. 주황색나비는몇마리인가요? (orange / butterflies) How many butterflies are orange? 4. 1/3 과 2/3 는분모가같은분수입니다. (like fractions) 1/3 and 2/3 are like fractions. 5. 분수막대를이용하여전체의부분들을비교해보세요. (fraction bars / to compare) Use fraction bars to compare parts of a whole. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The numerator tells how many parts are being counted. 2. The denominator tells how many equal parts are in the whole or in the group. 3. How many butterflies are in the group? 4. The circle has 3 equal parts. The denominator is 3. 5. Like fractions have the same denominators. 선생님확인 17
Book 2 Unit 5 Fractions and Mixed Numbers 3A Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 2 3 equivalent fraction improper fraction mixed number 크기가같은분수 9 또다른 another 가분수 10 양, 합계 amount 대분수 11 보여주다 show 4 rename 고쳐말하다 12 더큰 greater 5 amount 양, 합계 13 대분수 mixed number 6 show 보여주다 14 가분수 improper fraction 7 another 또다른 15 크기가같은 분수 equivalent fraction 8 greater 더큰 16 고쳐말하다 rename 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points < 가분수와대분수 > 분수의값이 1 보다더크거나같은분수를가분수 (improper fraction) 라고해요. 그래서가분수의분자는분모보다그수가더크거나같답니다. 예 ) 2 3 5 2, 2, 4 분자가분모보다작은보통의분수와자연수가함께표시되어있는분수를 대분수 (mixed number) 라고해요. 자연수는 1, 2, 3 과같은정수를말해요. 예 ) 2 1 2 1 2, 3 가분수는대분수로고쳐쓸수있어요. 예 ) 2 3 = 1, = 1 1 5 1, = 1 2 2 2 4 4 Let s Practice 다음중가분수에해당하는것에모두동그라미해보세요. 1. a. 5 b. 7 c. 6 3 10 5 다음중대분수에해당하는것에모두동그라미해보세요. 2. a. 3 1 b. 7 c. 6 2 10 5 다음주어진분수와그값이같은분수를찾아동그라미해보세요. 3. 9 4 a. 1 1 b. 3 3 c. 2 1 4 4 4 4. 13 a. 2 b. 1 c. 1 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 19
Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 1/3, 2/6, 그리고 3/9 는크기가같은분수입니다. (equivalent fractions) 1/3, 2/6, and 3/9 are equivalent fractions. 2. 가분수는 1 보다더크거나같습니다. (improper fractions / equal / greater) Improper fractions are greater than or equal to one. 3. 또다른크기가같은분수는 4/12 입니다. (another) Another equivalent fraction is 4/12. 4. 가분수는대분수로고쳐말할수있습니다. (be renamed / mixed number) Improper fractions can be renamed as mixed number. 5. 여덟개의부분중네부분은주황색입니다. (parts) 4 parts of 8 parts are orange. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Equivalent fractions name the same amount. 2. Fraction bars show equivalent fractions. 3. 1/2, 2/4, and 4/8 are equivalent fractions. 4. A mixed number is a whole number and a fraction. 5. The numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator. 선생님확인 20
Book 2 Unit 6 Line Graphs 3B Word Master 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 line graph 꺾은선그래프 11 시간이 흐름에따라 over time 2 vertical line 수직선 12 변화 change 3 horizontal line 수평선 13 감소하다 decrease 4 bar graph 막대그래프 14 자료 data 5 increase 증가하다 15 위로 움직이다 move up 6 decrease 감소하다 16 수직선 vertical line 7 data 자료 17 막대그래프 bar graph 8 change 변화 18 꺾은선 그래프 line graph 9 over time 시간이흐름에따라 19 수평선 horizontal line 10 move up 위로움직이다 20 증가하다 increase 20 개중 개정답 21
Key Points < 꺾은선그래프와막대그래프 > 꺾은선그래프 (line graph) 는자료에해당하는각점들을선으로이어꺾은선으로나타낸그래프에요. 하나의자료가시간의흐름에따라어떻게변화하는지비교할때유용하게사용된답니다. 그에반해막대그래프 (bar graph) 는많은자료들을동시에비교할때주로사용돼요. Let s Practice 다음의꺾은선그래프를보고각질문에알맞은답에동그라미하세요. Number of Fish 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 1. How many fishes were caught on Tuesday? a. 16 b. 14 c. 24 2. On which day was the most fish caught? a. Wednesday b. Thursday c. Friday 3. On which day was the least fish caught? a. Monday b. Tuesday c. Saturday 22
Sentence Master 주어진단어를포함하여아래문장을영작해보세요. 1. 왼쪽으로수평선을따라움직이세요. (the horizontal line / follow) Follow the horizontal line to the left. 2. 9 월에는 150 대의보트가대여되었습니다. (rented / September) In September, 150 boats were rented. 3. 동물들의총수는증가했습니다. (increased / the total number) The total number of animals increased. 4. 텐트가토요일에적게팔렸나요일요일에적게팔렸나요? (tents / sold / less) Were less tents sold on Saturday or Sunday? 5. 월요일보다일요일에더많은물고기가잡혔습니다. (fish / more / caught) More fish were caught on Sunday than on Monday. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Line graphs show how data changes over time. 2. Move up the vertical line for April. 3. The point for April is 50. 4. The line graph and the point for show different data. 5. How many animals were recorded in January? 23 선생님확인
NEAT Speaking 유형 문제 그림보고질문에답하기 What fraction of the butterflies is blue? 출처 B2, p. 28 힌트 나비의몇분의몇이파란색인가요? What fraction of the butterflies ~ fourth butterfly 답안 A(One) fourth of the butterflies is blue. 24
NEAT Writing 유형 그림의세부묘사완성하기 출처 B2, p. 48 힌트 답안 catch least increase from A to B (1) caught on Saturday (2) The least fish was caught (3) increased from 25