대한안과학회지 2016 년제 57 권제 5 호 J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2016;57(5):763-771 ISSN 0378-6471 (Print) ISSN 2092-9374 (Online) http://dx.doi.org/10.3341/jkos.2016.57.5.763 Original Article 만성중심장액맥락망막병증에서망막외층의변성 : 빛간섭단층촬영및안저자가형광사진소견 Outer Retinal Layers Alterations in Chronic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy: Spectral Domain-OCT and Fundus Autofluorescence Findings 오인석 장지혜 In Seok Oh, MD, Ji Hye Jang, MD 대구파티마병원안과 Department of Ophthalmology, Daegu Fatima Hospital, Daegu, Korea Purpose: To document alteration of the outer retinal layers and fundus autofluorescence (FAF) change in eyes with chronic central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR). Methods: Seventeen eyes of fifteen patients diagnosed with chronic CSCR from January 2014 to March 2015 with at least 6 months of follow-up and no history of surgery were enrolled in this study. Morphologic alterations in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), the photoreceptor inner segment/outer segment (IS/OS) junction layer, and the outer retina were evaluated by Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). The FAF images were obtained via Heidelberg Retina Angiogram using a view mode of 30 and were described using distribution patterns of retinal autofluorescence compared to background autofluorescence. After tomographic alignment of the FAF intensities with the OCT findings, we analyzed and assessed the alteration of the outer retinal layers and the characteristics of retinal autofluorescence. Results: RPE detachment lesions in SD-OCT showed little or no change in autofluorescence pattern. Five of seven eyes with s in SD-OCT showed hyper-fluorescence in FAF. All of the eyes with defects or changes of the reflective line representing the IS/OS junction in SD-OCT correlated with hyper-fluorescence in FAF. Seven of nine eyes with persistent subretinal detachment () showed specific ring-shaped hyper-fluorescence in FAF matching up with the border of the, and five eyes with photoreceptor OS elongation within showed a granular type of hyper-fluorescence within the ring-shaped hyper-fluorescence in FAF. Conclusions: In chronic CSCR, we found that s, the lesion IS/OS junction defect, the border of, photoreceptor OS elongation in SD-OCT correlate with hyper-fluorescence lesions in FAF. The areas of the autofluorescence changes in the FAF images are associated with the extent of change in the RPE and outer retina. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2016;57(5):763-771 Keywords: Chronic central serous chorioretinopathy, Fundus autofluorescence, Optical coherence tomography, Outer retinal layers alterations Received: 2016. 1. 7. Revised: 2016. 2. 24. Accepted: 2016. 3. 27. Address reprint requests to Ji Hye Jang, MD Department of Ophthalmology, Daegu Fatima Hospital, #99 Ayang-ro, Dong-gu, Daegu 41199, Korea Tel: 82-53-940-7140, Fax: 82-53-954-7417 E-mail: mjmom99@naver.com 만성중심장액맥락망막병증은후극부에얕은장액망막박리와함께미만성망막색소상피위축및망막색소상피층의융기가관찰되는것을말하며, 한번발생후계속지속되는경우와잦은발생및호전을반복하는경우가있다. 1 급성인경우에는특별한치료없이좋은시력예후를보이지만, 만성형인경우에는잦은누출과오래된망막하액으 c2016 The Korean Ophthalmological Society This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 763
- 대한안과학회지 2016 년제 57 권제 5 호 - 로인해망막색소상피세포의위축및시세포의변성을초래하여시력저하및영구적중심암점이남을수있다. 2,3 중심장액맥락망막병증의일차병소가맥락막인지망막색소상피인지아직논란의여지는있으나, 형광안저혈관조영술 (fluorescence angiography, FAG) 을통해망막색소상피층균열로인한과형광의누출점및누출반흔이관찰됨을확인할수있었고, 인도사이아닌그린혈관조영술 (indocyanine green angiography) 을통해맥락막혈관의투과성증가에따른과형광이관찰되어맥락막의혈류이상이일차적인원인으로생각되고있다. 1,2 그러나형광안저혈관조영이나인도사이아닌그린혈관조영으로황반부위에있는망막박리부위의기능이상및시력예후를판단하기는어렵다. 빛간섭단층촬영 (optical coherence tomography, OCT) 은세극등현미경으로관찰하기힘든얕은장액성박리나작거나볼록하게융기된망막색소상피박리를관찰가능케하며, 4 안저자가형광촬영검사 (fundus autofluoresecence, FAF) 는망막색소상피층및망막외층 (outer retina) 의자가형광변화를알려주어망막색소상피의대사활동을간접적으로반영해준다. 5 최근에 confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (cslo) 출현으로안저자가형광촬영을임상적으로활용할수있게되었으나, 만성중심장액맥락망막병증에서의망막외층변화가어떤특징적인자가형광변화를보이는지에대한연구는부족한실정이다. 이에저자들은만성중심장액맥락망막병증환자에서빛간섭단층촬영영상과안저자가형광사진을지형학적으로일치시켜, 빛간섭단층촬영에서관찰되는망막외층의변화와안저자가형광사진에서보이는자가형광의변화양상을살펴보고, 임상적으로어떠한의의가있는지알아보고자한다. 대상과방법 2014년 1월부터 2015년 3월까지본원안과에서만성중심장액맥락망막병증으로진단받은 35명의환자중 6개월이상지속적인경과관찰및치료를받은환자 15명 17안을대상으로후향적으로조사하였다. 만성중심장액맥락망막병증은망막전문의 2명에의해빛간섭단층촬영검사에서최소 6개월이상황반중심에지속적인장액망막박리가확인되고, 형광안저혈관조영검사상전반적인과형광의창문비침이보이고여러개의불명확한누출이관찰되거나, 인도사이아닌그린혈관조영상초기에맥락막혈관확장및충만으로과형광이관찰되는경우로정하였다. 검사상후극부와아래망막박리부위를연결하는위축된길 (tract) 과함께장액망막박리가 3개월이상지속된경우, 1년이상경과관찰한환자중여러번재발되면서망막하액이완전히소실되지않는경우도포함하였다. 다만, 고도근시, 결절맥락막혈관병증, 습성노인황반변성 (exudative age-related macular degeneration) 에의한맥락막신생혈관이관찰된경우와심한매체혼탁으로안저검사가제대로시행되지않는경우, 최근 12개월이내에유리체망막수술을받은경우는연구대상에서제외하였다. 모든환자에서초기진단시성별, 나이, 최대교정시력등을조사하였고안저검사및컬러사진촬영, 같은날에시행한빛간섭단층촬영과 cslo 혈관조영술시스템을이용한혈관조영제주입전안저자가형광촬영을분석하였다. 본연구에서는빛간섭단층촬영은스펙트럼영역빛간섭단층촬영기 Spectralis OCT TM (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) 를이용하여 raster scan 방식으로황반부 5.8 5.6 mm에해당하는부위에대해 25개의 cross-sectional horizontal images (240 μm interval) 를얻었다. 25개의단면 A B C Figure 1. Fundus autofluorescence image classification compared to background autofluorescence. (A) Iso-fluorescence. (B) Hypo-fluorescence. (C) Hyper-fluorescence. 764
- 오인석 장지혜 : 만성중심장액맥락망막병증에서의망막외층변성 - 영상 (cross-sectional image) 에서망막색소상피박리부위는빨간색화살표로표시하고, 망막색소상피의융기 (hump) 가있는부분은하얀색화살표로표시하였으며, 지속적인망막하액이있는부위는파란색화살표, 시세포내외절경계반사도의변화및시세포층의형태변화가있는부위는노란색화살표, 그리고지속된망막하액이존재하는부위에서감각신경망막층아래로시세포외절의연장이관찰되는부분은노란색화살표머리로표시하였다. 6 안저자가형광사진은 Spectralis HRA (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) 의 confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope system을이용하였다. 황반부 30 30 크기에 raster pattern 으로스캔하였고, 형광안저혈관조영술에서쓰이는것과같은파랑광선 (488 nm) 과차단필터 (>500 nm) 를사용하여자가형광을촬영하였다. 7 또한안저자가형광사진을여러번촬영하여이미지를자동적으로평균화하여이미지의노이즈현상을줄였다. 자가형광의세기는 Adobe Photoshop 7.0 프로그램의형광히스토그램평균값을이용하여동일안배경형광 (OCT 상확인된장액망막박리영역의외측황반의형광 ) 과비교하여차이가 0-10 unit 이내인경우를동일 (iso-fluorescence), 배경형광보다 10 unit 이상낮은것을감소 (hypo-fluorescence), 10 unit 이상높은것을증가 (hyperfluorescence) 로기술하였다 (Fig. 1). 8 또한자가형광의형태에따라가운데가어둡고바깥쪽이고리형태로자가형광이증가한경우 ring shape 9, 자가형광의증가가고르게분포된경우 diffuse, 알갱이형태로불규칙하게자가형광의증가가나타나는경우 granular 10, 두형태가불규칙하게섞여공존하는경우 irregular type으로구분하였다. 이후 OCT에서관찰되는변화된망막외층및망막색소세포층의부위가안저자가형광사진에서자가형광의신호세기가어떻게변하는지조사하였다. 결과 대상군은 15명 17안중남자가 11명 12안, 여자가 4명 5 안으로평균연령은 53.70 ± 9.09세 (33-66세) 였다. 평균증상기간은 10.65 ± 2.60개월 (6-16개월) 이었고초진시력은평균 0.19 ± 0.22 (log MAR) 였다 (Table 1). 스테로이드사용기왕력은 1명 1안에서있었고 3명 4안이광역학치료를시행한후에도재발한경우였다. 빛간섭단층촬영검사상 25개의단면영상에서 4안에서망막색소상피박리 7안에서망막색소상피의국소융기, 4 안에서시세포내외절경계선의반사도변화가관찰되었다. 9안에서지속적인망막하액이있는부위가관찰되었고, 그중 7안에서는감각신경망막층아래시세포외절의연장이 Table 1. Baseline characteristics of chronic central serous chorioretinopathy patients Variable Chronic CSCR (n = 17) Age (years) 53.70 ± 9.09 Sex (male:female) 12:5 Laterality (right:left) 11:6 Baseline BCVA (log MAR) 0.19 ± 0.22 Duration of symptom (months) 10.65 ± 2.60 Values are presented as mean ± SD unless otherwise indicated. CSCR = chronic central serous chorioretinopathy; BCVA = best-corrected visual acuity; SD = standard deviation. Table 2. Clinical correlation between SD-OCT and fundus autofluorescence in chronic CSCR Case No. SD-OCT finding FAF change 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PED IS/OS defect PED IS/OS defect IS/OS defect PED PED IS/OS defect Ring-shape hyper-faf Ring-shape hyper-faf Ring-shape hyper-faf Hypo-FAF Hypo-FAF Ring shape hyper-faf Irregular hyper-faf Ring shape hyper-faf Ring shape hyper-faf SD-OCT = spectral domain optical coherence tomography; CSCR = chronic central serous chorioretinopathy; FAF = fundus autofluorescence; PED = pigment epithelial detachment; RPE = retinal pigment epithelium; IS/OS = inner segment/outer segment; = serous retinal detachment. 빛간섭단층촬영검사상관찰되었다 (Table 2). 안저자가형광사진과비교해보면빛간섭단층촬영검사상망막색소상피박리가관찰되는 4안에서안저자가형광사진상 4안모두배경형광과동일한형광을보였고, 망막색소 765
- 대한안과학회지 2016 년제 57 권제 5 호 - Figure 2. Relation between altering the outer retina on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and the fundus autofluorescence image in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy. FAF = fundus autofluorescence; PED = pigment epithelial detachment; = retinal pigment epithelium hump; IS/OS defect = inner and outer photoreceptor segment defect; = serous retinal detachment; OS elongation = outer photo receptor segment elongation. 상피층의국소융기가관찰되던 7안에서 5안은배경형광보다과형광, 2안에서동일형광이관찰되었고, 과형광인 5안중 4안이 granular type, 1안이 diffuse type이었다. 시세포내외절경계부의형태변화를보인 4안역시모두배경형광보다과형광을나타내었고그중 3안이 diffuse type, 1안이 irregular type이었다. 지속적인망막하액이관찰되던 9안에서 7안은배경형광보다과형광을, 1안은저형광, 나머지 1안에서동일한형광을나타내었다. 안저자가형광사진에서과형광을보인 7안을형태별로분류하면 6안에서 ring shape, 나머지 1안에서 diffuse type이관찰되었다. 떨어진감각신경망막층의바깥에시세포외절의연장이관찰된 7안에서는 5안이고리모양의과형광안에 granular type의과형광을, 1안이저형광을, 나머지 1안에서동일한형광을보였다 (Fig. 2, Table 2). 고찰 본연구는만성중심장액맥락망막병증을진단받은환자에서안저자가형광사진의자가형광변화와빛간섭단층촬영영상을통한망막외층의변화를비교하여어떠한연관관계가있는지알아보고, 안저자가형광사진으로망막색소상피층을비롯한망막외층의변화를파악할수있는지알아보고자하였다. Spaide and Klancnik 11 은망막색소상피내에리포푸신의과다축적이나망막색소상피세포의기능저하나소실뿐만아니라리포푸신전구물질인시세포외절 (outer segment) 의변화에의해서도자가형광의세기가변한다고하였다. Song et al 4 은스펙트럼도메인빛간섭단층촬영을통해급성형, 초기만성형, 늦은만성형, 재발형중심장액맥락망막병증의망막색소상피층과망막외층의변화를서술하였고, 시간이지날수록시세포외절의두께가점점얇아지고, 망막외층에고반사의점들이증가하거나, 망막하공간에삼출물이축적될수있으며, 얇은망막색소상 피박리나망막색소상피의융기가관찰된다고하였다. 이에만성중심장액맥락망막병증환자에서망막색소상피및망막외층의병적변화로인해자가형광신호세기가변화될수있으며, 비정상적인자가형광이보일경우어떠한임상적연관성이있는지알아보는것은의미가있다고본다. 만성중심장액맥락망막병증환자는장기간지속된망막하액과함께망막색소상피층의변화를동반하는경우가많아안저자가형광에서급성과다르게망막색소상피세포의손상정도와자가형광물질의축적에따라자가형광변화가나타내므로안저자가형광영상은급성과만성을구분하는데유용한검사로알려져있다. 7,8,11-13 Dinc et al 12 은망막색소상피층의균열에의한누출부위와망막하공간의누출액이고인영역은자가형광의차단을야기해저형광을띤다고하였으며, 급성에서는 80%, 재발형만성에서는 88.2% 의저형광을보인다고하였다. Framme et al 7 은형광안저혈관조영검사 (FAG) 와안저자가형광사진 (FAF) 을비교하면서자가형광의변화를조사하였는데, 누출점부위는급성형, 만성형모두에서저형광 ( 72%, 76%) 을띠며, 장액망막박리부위는급성형에서는저형광 (77%), 만성형에서는과형광 (85%) 을보인다고하였다. Teke et al 13 은급성과만성중심장액맥락망막병증환자에서나타나는빛간섭단층촬영검사 (OCT) 와안저자가형광사진 (FAF) 의특징을조사하였는데, 누출점은둘다 85% 에서저형광을보였고, 장액망막박리부위는급성형에서는 90% 에서저형광을보이면서빛간섭단층촬영과일치하는경계가분명한자가형광의변화를보였고, 만성형에서는 90% 에서과형광을보이면서빛간섭단층촬영과일치하지않는영역의자가형광의변화를보였다고하였다. 본연구에서는만성중심장액맥락망막병증환자에서의빛간섭단층촬영검사 (OCT) 와안저자가형광사진 (FAF) 을지형적으로일치화하여누출점부위의자가형광분석보다는망막상피세포층아래의누출액이있는부위와망막하공간 766
- 오인석 장지혜 : 만성 중심장액맥락망막병증에서의 망막외층변성 - A B C D Figure 3. Patient with 16 months of history of central serous chorioretinopathy in the left eye (Case 1). (A) Fundus autofluorescent image, presenting with diffuse hyper-fluorescence at the superior temporal area of the macula (white arrow area), normal perifoveal intensity (red arrow area). (B) Fluorescence angiography, showing several dots of leakage with window defect lesion. (C) Spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) raster scan image, exhibiting semicircular pigment epithelial detachment (red arrows) with continuation of the inner segment/outer segment photoreceptor junction line. (D) SD-OCT raster scan image, showing the retinal pigment epithelium humps (white arrows). 의 누출액이 고인 영역의 자가형광 변화를 살펴보았다. 망 시세포 내외절 경계선의 연속성이 끊어진 영역(yellow ar- 막색소상피박리가 있는 부위(red arrow)는 모두 자가형광의 row)은 안저자가형광사진에서 모두 과형광을 띠었고, 과형 변화가 없었고(Fig. 2, 3, Table 2), 망막색소상피의 융기가 광의 경계면은 시세포 내외절의 연속성이 끊어진 경계 부 있는 부위(white arrow)는 71.4%에서 과형광을, 그중 80% 위와 일치하지는 않았다. 장액망막박리 부위(blue arrow)는 가 알갱이 형태의 과형광을 나타냈다(Fig. 2, 3, Table 2). 77.8%에서 과형광을 띠었으며, 특히 망막하액이 고인 부위 767
- 대한안과학회지 2016 년제 57 권제 5 호 - A B C D Figure 4. Patient with 11 month history of central serous chorioretinopathy in the right eye before treatment (Case 3). (A) Fundus autofluorescent image, presenting ring-shaped hyper-fluorescence (blue arrows) with more hyper-fluorescence at the bottom of the macular area (*). (B) Fluorescence angiography image, window defect at the macular area with hyper-fluorescence. (C) Spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) raster scan image, exhibiting neurosensory retinal detachment () (blue arrows) with elongation of the photoreceptor outer segments (yellow arrowheads). (D) SD-OCT raster scan image, showing accumulation of photo-sensitive materials at the bottom of (*). 의경계면을따라안저자가형광촬영상고리형태의증가된자가형광으로나타났고, 축적된망막하층의침전물과망막외층으로광수용체세포층의연장 (yellow arrow-head) 이있는부위는지형적으로안저자가형광촬영상과형광의과립들과일치하였다 (Fig. 4, 5, Table 2). 대부분의환자에서안 저자가형광사진에서관찰되는고리형태의과형광을보이는병변부위와빛간섭단층촬영영상에서의장액망막박리의경계면이일치하는결과를보였고, 이는 Teke et al 13 의연구와는다른소견이었다. Roisman et al 9 은빛간섭단층촬영에서관찰되는망막색 768
- 오인석 장지혜 : 만성중심장액맥락망막병증에서의망막외층변성 - A B C D Figure 5. Patient with 12-month history of central serous chorioretinopathy in the right eye after focal laser photocoagulation (Case 9). (A) Fundus autofluorescent image, presenting with diffuse hyper-fluorescence at the temporal and inferior temporal areas of macula and ring-shaped hyper-fluorescence at the macular area (blue arrow area). The asterisks (*) show retinal damage scarring by focal laser photocoagulation. (B) Fluorescence angiography, window defect at the superior temporal area with mild pooling of hyper-fluorescence at the late phase. (C) Spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) raster scan image, exhibiting elongation of the photoreceptor outer segment (yellow arrowheads) at the neurosensory retinal detachment area (blue arrows). (D) SD-OCT raster scan image, showing discontinuation of the inner segment/outer segment photoreceptor junction line (yellow arrows). 소상피박리부위가형광안저혈관조영술의누출점과일치하며, 근적외안저자가형광 (the near-infrared autofluorescence) 영상에서는저형광으로관찰된다고하였다. 근적외안저자가형광의원천은주로망막상피세포와맥락막의멜라닌색 소로, 망막색소상피박리부위가저형광을띠어서중심장액맥락망막병증이맥락막또는망막색소상피의이상에의해발생함을지지해준다고하였다. 그러나본연구에서는 488 nm 을이용한안저자가형광사진을통해자가형광변화를살펴 769
- 대한안과학회지 2016 년제 57 권제 5 호 - 보았으며, 망막색소상피박리부위는모두자가형광변화가없었음을, 망막색소상피의융기부위는대부분자가형광의증가를보였다. 저자들이사용한단파장의안저자가형광영상은망막색소상피및망막하공간의리포푸신같은색소에의해발산되는자가형광을촬영한것이며, 리포푸신의밀도와망막색소상피세포주위의형광물질의양에의해자가형광의변화를나타낸다. 그러므로작은망막색소상피박리가있는부위의망막색소상피층은상피세포내의리포푸신변화가없음을, 망막색소상피의융기가있는부위는망막색소상피의대식작용약화로색소의응집이나섬유성삼출물의고임으로자가형광물질이축적되어있음을유추할수있다. 오래된후극부망막박리가존재한만성중심장액맥락망막병증환자에서는특징적인안저자가형광변화가관찰되었다. 오래된망막하액이있는공간은어둡고, 장액망막박리의경계부위는자가형광이증가하는 ring shape 9 이관찰되는데, 이는망막박리의경계부위에있는망막색소상피세포가많은양의절단된시세포외절을탐식하여처리하고자하여세포내에리포푸신이많이증가된상태인것으로보인다. 중심와부근에고리모양의자가형광이증가된부분은시간이지남에따라망막색소상피의기능저하로진행할수있으며, 만성중심장액맥락망막병증환자에서정상망막과비정상망막을구분하는경계로볼수있다. Spaide 14 는장액망막박리가있는동안에망막색소상피의기능저하로시세포외절을탐식하지못하여시세포외절의연장이발생하며, 오래된외절에리포푸신같은자가형광물질이축적되어불규칙한형태의자가형광의증가가발생한다고하였다. Matsumoto et al 15 은중심장액맥락망막병증에서불규칙한형태의안저자가형광의증가부위가빛간섭단층촬영을통해장액망막박리가있는공간에서시세포외절의연장부위와일치함을확인하였다. 본연구에서도빛간섭단층촬영에서시세포외절의연장이있는부위는고리형태의과형광안에알갱이형태의불규칙한과형광 (71.4%) 을보였다. 감각신경망막박리층아래시세포외절의연장이존재하는 5안중 1안에서중력방향으로안저자가형광사진에서주변부위보다과형광으로나타나는곳이관찰되고동일부위빛간섭단층촬영상과형광의 fluorophore가관찰되는것을확인할수있었다 (Fig. 4). 이는장액망막박리가장기간지속됨에따라떨어져나온감각신경망막층아래시세포외절이중력에의해아래쪽으로축적되어안저자가형광사진에서더욱진한과형광으로나타나는것으로생각된다. 본연구의한계점은첫째, 대상안을선정한기간이짧아보다많은환자에서검사결과를비교하지못해분석결과 의신뢰도가떨어진다는것이다. 둘째로백내장여부가안저자가형광신호의측정에영향을주는중요한인자로알려져있는데, 본연구에서는통제하지못하였다. 이로인해안저자가형광사진영상을얻는테크닉의차이가결과에영향을미칠수있다. 셋째로, 현재상품화된안저자가형광촬영시스템에서는자가형광의절대적인강도의정량화가불가능하다. 그래서본연구에서는동일사진의배경신호와비교하여망막의특정부위의자가형광세기변화를정성적으로표현하였다. 넷째, Spectralis HRA (Heidelberg Engineering) 의 confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope system을이용하여황반부 30 30 크기에 raster pattern으로스캔한이미지를바탕으로비교하였기에만성중심장액맥락망막병증환자에서장기간지속된장액망막박리가중력방향으로이동하면서생기는망막주변부망막색소상피층의위축된길 (tract) 은비교분석에서제외되었다. 결론적으로만성중심장액맥락망막병증환자에서안저자가형광검사상관찰되는고리형태의과형광의병변을통해지속적인감각신경망막박리가존재할수있음을유추해볼수있다. 또한자가형광증가를보이는영역은빛간섭단층촬영상망막색소상피의작은융기, 시세포내외절경계선의변화, 시세포외절의증가와같은망막외층의변화와관련이있어망막기능이상당히저하되어있음을유추할수있다. 하지만빛간섭단층촬영결과없이안저자가형광사진만을가지고임상적으로활용하기엔무리가있어만성중심장액맥락망막병증에서의안저자가형광변화소견은좀더많은환자군을통한장기간의추척관찰이필요할것으로생각된다. REFERENCES 1) Nicholson B, Noble J, Forooghian F, Meyerle C. Central serous chorioretinopathy: update on pathophysiology and treatment. Surv Ophthalmol 2013;58:103-26. 2) Ross A, Ross AH, Mohamed Q. Review and update of central serous chorioretinopathy. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2011;22:166-73. 3) Kim YY, Flaxel CJ. Factors influencing the visual acuity of chronic central serous chorioretinopathy. Korean J Ophthalmol 2011;25: 90-7. 4) Song IS, Shin YU, Lee BR. Time-periodic characteristics in the morphology of idiopathic central serous chorioretinaopthy evaluated by volume scan using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. Am J Ophthalmol 2012;154:366-75. 5) von Rückmann A, Fitzke FW, Bird AC. Distribution of fundus autofluorescence with a scanning laser ophthalmoscope. Br J Ophthalmol 1995;79:407-12. 6) Yalcinbayir O, Gelisken O, Akova-Budak B, et al. Correlation of spectral domain optical coherence tomography findings and visual acuity in central serous chorioretinopathy. Retina 2014;34:705-12. 770
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