Hi-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 is The High-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 is the 7th exhibition for weapons, military equipment and acces

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01 2013 Hi-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 is The High-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 is the 7th exhibition for weapons, military equipment and accessories. It is endorsed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, and hosted by Daejeon Metropolitan City and the R.O.K Army Training & Doctrine Command to instigate collaboration between industry, schools, institutes, authorities and the military, in order to promote further invigoration of the national defense industry. Overview Title Duration Scale Venue Hosted by Managed by Hi-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 Tue Thu days Except, until 15:00 on 6. 20 (Thu) 100 Companies, 200 booths DIME Exhibition Center, Daejeon Daejeon Metropolitan City, R.O.K Army Training & Doctrine Command Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise, INNOBIZ Association, Korea Defense Industry Association, Daejeon Technopark, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality Daejeon Defense Venture Center Display Category Weapons, Military Equipment and Accessories Special Events Business Meeting Date Venue Managed by Main Event Tue Wed Business Lounge at Exhibition Hall Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise 1:1 Business Meetings between R.O.K Army Training & Doctrine Command and Participating Companies Hi-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 Date Venue Hosted by Participant Date Venue Main Event Participant Defense Partnership Meeting Daejeon Convention Center, (2F) 201 (Grand Ballroom) R.O.K Army Training & Doctrine Command, Daejeon Metropolitan City Manager of Military Power Development Department and Private Enterprises Tue11:00 In front of DIME Exhibition Center Representatives of Host(Management), etc. Tape cutting, Exhibition tour, etc.

02 Registration Booth Type Shell Scheme Raw Booth Booth Rate Rates(a VAT-exclusive Price) KRW 1,500,000 / Booth KRW 900,000 / Booth Included Items 1 Company Signboard / Booth Number Board A pair of Information Desk / Chair 3 Spotlights (100W) 2 Fluorescent Lights, Lighting electricity (1KW) Pytex 1 Outlet (2-hole) Exhibition Space Provided only Only 2 or more booths available Exhibitors applied raw booths should select a construction company and submit a draw to DIME Limited in height to one story not to exceed 4m Services and facilities assistance fee Power Supply & Lighting LAN Water Supply & Drainage Compressed Air Directory Ad Category Everyday 10:00-18:00 (Installation and Use) 24 hour (Installation and Use) (Installation and Use) (Installation and Use) (Installation and Use) (Title Page No.1 & No.4) (Title Page No.2 & Facing page) (Title Page No.3 & Facing page) (Inside Sheet) Price (a VAT-exclusive Price) KRW 30,000 / KW KRW 35,000 / KW KRW 70,000 / Line KRW 300,000 / EA KRW 300,000 / EA KRW 700,000 / Page KRW 600,000/Page KRW 500,000/Page KRW 400,000 / Page Hi-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 Registration & Payment Deadline Procedure Payment Bank Account Information Until 2013. 5. 10 (Fri) (Booth closes when all the spaces are full) www.hi-defense.or.kr On-line Registration at www.hi-defense.or.kr Must be payed within 1 week of submitting Application Form Hana Bank 622-910007-28404 (Account holder : Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise) Hi-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 Exhibition Secretariat TEL. 042)869-5331, 5332 FAX. 042) 878-5339 E-MAIL. master@hi-defense.or.kr

03 Concurrent Event 2013 Seminar for Combat Development Date Main Participants Venue Hosted by Managed by Presentation Companies Contents Tue Consolidated Army Logistics School 13 : 30 (3F) 301 Army Signal School 13 : 20 (1F) 101-102 R.O.K Army Training & Doctrine Command, Daejeon Metropolitan City Wed Military Officers in charge of Education & Training Commands and Personnel from Private Enterprises Selected Companies among All Participating Companies Air Defense Artillery School 10:00 (3F) 301 Introduce Defense-Related Products and Technology / Discuss how to Utilize Them Army Intelligence School 13 : 00 (1F) 101-102 Date Venue Daejeon Convention Center, (2F) 201 (Grand Ballroom) Information www.tradoc.mil.kr TEL. 042)878-6312 / E-MAIL. youyomin@naver.com TEL. 042) 878-1311 E-MAIL. pa7se6@hanmail.net TEL. 042) 878-7413 E-MAIL. cigsch7716@army.mil.kr TEL. 010-8322-6036 E-MAIL. adsch2100@army.mil.kr TEL. 031) 640-7311 E-MAIL. intlsch5770@army.mil.kr TEL. 043) 740-6986 E-MAIL. rcs6811@yahoo.co.kr Test Evaluation Seminar Hi-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 Date Venue Hosted by Schedule Information Daejeon Convention Center, (2F) 201 ( ) / (1F) 105-108 Defense Acquisition Program Administration 09:00-10:00 10:00-10:50 11:00-12:00 12:00-14:00 14:00-17:00 18:00-19:00 Registration Session1 Luncheon www.dapa.go.kr Defense Acquisition Program Administration TEL. 02) 2079-6548 / 042) 868-7308 Session2 Dinner ETRI http://www.etri.re.kr Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute TEL. 042) 860-1270 E-MAIL. wjchang@etri.re.kr

04 Visit info. Visit info. Hours Except, until 15:00 on 6. 20 (Thu) Procedure Online Registration On-site Registration Schedule Tue Wed Thu AM PM AM PM AM PM Hi-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 (DIME Exhibition Center) (Grand Ballroom) 11:00 Seminar (Combat Development) Exhibition Business Meeting 13:20 Seminar for Combat Development (Army Signal Sch.) 11:00 Seminar (Test and Evolution) 13:30 10:00 Seminar for Combat Seminar for Combat Development Development (Consolidated Army (Air Defense Logistics Sch.) Artillery Sch.) Hi-Tech Defense Industry Fair Business Meeting 13:00 Seminar for Combat Development (Army Intelligence Sch.) 9:00 Test Evaluation Seminar 10:00 Defense Partnership Meeting

05 (DIME Exhibition Center) Location By car Tollgate Route Estimated Time From Daedeok Valley IC From Yuseong IC Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute JCT. - Do Ryong Three-way Intersection - Dae-Deok Danji JCT - Expo Science Park JCT. - DIME Exhibition Center World Cup Stadium - Chungnam National University Main Gate - Expo Science Park JCT. - DIME Exhibition Center Approx. 15min. Approx. 20min. Hi-Tech Defense Industry Fair 2013 From Daejeon IC Using public transportation Transportation By Train By Express Bus Jungni-dong JCT. - Ojeong-dong Agricultural and Marine Products Market - Han bat Bridge - Dunsan Bridge - DIME Exhibition Center Bus Route Daejeon Station - BUS 705 - DIME Exhibition Center Seodaejeon Station - BUS 618 - DIME Exhibition Center Daejeon Terminal Complex - BUS 102, BUS 105 - Get off at Sujeong town APT. - Transfer to BUS 911 - DIME Exhibition Center Yuseong Bus Terminal - BUS 121 - DIME Exhibition Center Approx. 40min.