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- 2 -

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[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~

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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운


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_KF_Bulletin webcopy


바르게 읽는 성경

Unit Five: Conversation Three.


Lesson 9 Shop Smart! Where are you going to buy them? I would read other people s reviews. We live in a world where hundreds and thousands of new ads are created every day. so that ~ They want to open our wallets so that we buy their products. advertise advertisement ex. I advertised my house in the newspaper. airport attention ex. May I have your attention for a while? bottom top carefully cheap expensive choose choice clearance sale common ex. The couple have no common features. compare create deal differently different direct indirect even famous ex. I watched a famous Broadway musical. free deal healthy health hit imagine ex. I can imagine how you felt. instead invitation card leading lost and found Mars message melt ex. The snow melts slowly. model 132 online phrase planet ex. Mars and Jupiter are planets, but the Moon is not. play product produce promise quality cf. quantity reason ex. I felt blue without any reasons. review rock bottom price smart sneaker special trust ex. I trust and respect him. wallet well-known famous winner work be similar to become interested in break down ex. My car broke down yesterday. catch one s attention compare A with B A B first of all ex. First of all, I opened the window for a change of air. for the same reason hundreds and thousands of make a choice take a break to one s face

01 common 02 healthy 03 planet 04 cheap 05 famous 06 attention 07 melt 08 imagine 09 create 10 leading 11 invitation card 12 advertise 13 phrase 14 bottom 15 product 16 quality 17 work 18 online 19 wallet 20 promise 21 hit 22 trust 23 winner 24 special 25 reason 26 smart 27 model 28 compare 29 review 30 differently 31 direct 32 airport 33 message 34 choose 35 well-known 36 carefully 37 instead 38 special 39 clearance sale 40 lost and found 41 sneakers 42 rock bottom price 43 free deal 44 Mars 45 first of all 46 to one s face 47 make a choice 48 take a break 49 be similar to 50 become interested in 51 hundreds and thousands of 52 catch one s attention 53 break down 54 for the same reason p.201 Lesson 9 133 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 134 p.201 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

1 buy : sell = quantity : 2 cheap : expensive = top : 3 believe : trust = well-known : 4 produce : product = advertise : 5 The ice cream softened and began to. 6 The dress is an article made by a company. 7 I don t like him without any specific. 8 We observed the through a telescope. common quality imagine review advertise 9 I hope your new book gets good. 10 Close your eyes and you are on the moon. 11 I saw my favorite actor this brand on TV. 12 Our friendship grew from interests in movies. 13 Our products are better than foreign products in. 14 First all, it s important to be healthy. 15 Eastern art was similar Western medieval art. 16 Teenagers are really interested their appearance. 17 How do Korean food compare American food? p.201 soften article company specific observe telescope brand interest eastern western medieval Lesson 9 135 A: What are you doing? B: I m making a sign for a moving sale. A: What are you going to sell? B: Some toys and bags. be going to whatwherewhen be going to willbe planning to be going towillbe planning to What are you going to do tomorrow? Where will you go after school? When are you planning to go? I m going to go swimming. I ll walk my dog. I m planning to go to a club meeting. 1 A: Hi, Jason. are you doing? Jason B: I m online shopping malls to buy a computer. A: So are you to shop? B: I don t know. other people s reviews now. A: That s a good. 2 A: Hey, what are you doing? B: a weekend camping trip. A: Where go? B: Seoraksan. it s beautiful in all seasons. A: Right. It s to camp in Korea. 136

p.201 A: My goodness! My shirt is too small. B: No way! You bought it last week. A: Yeah. What should I do? B: Well, I d go to the store. I wouldi d if If I were you (If I were you,) I wouldn t go shopping. You d better exercise. You should get some rest. Why don t you go to bed early? Should I wash my dog? Can you give me some advice? What would you do if you were in my place? 3 A: are you going a new computer? B: I don t know. so many online shopping malls. A: Right. them all. B: Do you have? A: Well, other people s reviews first. 4 A: do for your father s birthday? B: I don t know. I don t have a present. A: Right. Everything is. B: any ideas? A: Well, for him. Lesson 9 137 p.201 A: Hi, Subin. 1.? B: 2. a good online shopping mall. A: What do you 3.? B: I need to buy 4. sneakers. A: So 5. to buy them? B: I don t know. All the shopping malls 6. they are the best. A: Yeah. 7. them all. B: 8. any ideas? A: Well, I d read 9.. B: 10.. That s a smart way to shop. A: 11. for lunch? A hamburger or a sandwich? B: Hmm. I don t know. 12.. A: Me, too. But you can only choose one. B: Right. So 13.? A: Well, 14.. I think it s healthier. (A) Well, I d wear something white and black. (B) Jason, I heard about the party next weekend. What are you going to wear? (C) Good idea. I ll do that. It s going to be fun. (D) I don t know. Do you have any ideas? 138

1 A: are you doing? B: I m a class party. A: Really? are we do? B: We re sing and dance. 2 A: I m planning to go camping this weekend. B: A: Dobongsan. I heard it s beautiful in fall. How will you go there? When are you going to go? Where are you going to go? What are you planning to do? Why don t we go there together? 3 A: What are you going to buy for your brother s birthday? B: I don t know. Do you have any ideas? A: Well, I d buy a sweater for him. 4 What are you going to do there? How long are you going to stay there? What are you going to do during the vacation? A: B: I m going to visit my uncle in Paris. A: Cool. B: I m going to visit famous museums. A: B: I m going to stay there for a month. class party go camping vacation Lesson 9 139 5 A: What are you going to do this Saturday? B: I m going to go fishing with my dad. A: Are you okay? You look very sick. B: I think I have a cold. I d go home and sleep. A: My goodness! I lost my dictionary. B: No way! You just bought it last week. A: A button from my shirt is missing. What should I do? B: Well, I d go to the store. A: When are you going to leave for the meeting? B: I don t know. Do you have any ideas? [6~8] Brian: Hi, Subin. What are you doing? Subin: I m searching for a good online shopping mall. Brian: do you need to buy? Subin: I need to buy a pair of sneakers. Brian: So are you going to buy them? Subin: I don t know. All the shopping malls advertise that they are the best. Brian: Yeah. You can t trust them all. Subin: Do you have any ideas? Brian: Well, I d read other people s reviews. Subin: You re right. That s a smart way to shop. 6 When where When how What where What when Where when 7 I will I hope to I d rather you d better you shouldn t 8 Subin is going to after the conversation. 140 p.201 go fishing have a cold dictionary missing search for sneaker (-s) advertise trust review

I want to visit a country where it snows all the time. I don t know why Julie is not here today. (1) (2) 4 how the way the place where in / on / at which the timeday when in / on / at which the reason why for which the way how in which This is the town. I was born in it. This is the town whichthati was born in. This is the town in which I was born. This is the town where I was born. I don t know the reason why she changed her mind. You d better change the way you study math. = You d better change how you study math. cf. You d better change the way how you study math. 1 This is the house our family used to live. 2 Tell me the reason you were late home. 3 There was a moment everybody was very quiet. 4 That is the reason. The singer is popular for the reason. 5 A park is an open area. People can walk and play games there. Lesson 9 141 p.201 so that ~ Romeo went up the tree so that he could talk to Juliet. Sam woke up early so that he would not miss the train. (1) so that Mike works hard so that he can go on vacation in winter. (2) so that in order that in order toso as toto I turned on the radio so that I could listen to the news. = I turned on the radio in order that I could listen to the news. = I turned on the radio so as to listen to the news. = I turned on the radio in order to listen to the news. = I turned on the radio to listen to the news. that Tom runs so fast that he can catch the dog. = Tom runs very fast, so he can catch the dog. = Tom runs fast enough to catch the dog. I m so tired that I can t wash the clothes. = I m very tired, so I can t wash the clothes. = I m too tired to wash the clothes. 6 (that, his, so, a famous singer, tried, best, he, could, become, he) 7 John (the library, to, John, get, a better idea, went, in order to) 8 Mike worked hard so that he could make money. Mike worked hard he could make money. 9 I walk my dog every day so that it can stay healthy. I walk my dog every day to stay healthy. 142

1 (1) I don t know the reason (how / why ) she called me. (2) She ll need a strong will ( so / such) that she can succeed. 2 I remember the year. I entered elementary school in the year. I remember the year I entered elementary school. why how when where which 3 Linda went to Italy so as to study music. = Linda went to Italy she could study music. too so that such that in order to enough that 4 The school I study is not far from here. Winter is the season we can go skiing. why when which how how why where when when where 5 I wanted not to disappoint my parents. So I did my best. I did my best I wouldn t disappoint my parents. call strong will enter elementary school far season disappoint Lesson 9 143 6 This is the shop in which I bought the blue jeans. how why what when where [7~8] 7 I felt so happy I saw him. The summer I traveled in Europe was very hot. why when that what where 8 I got up at five that I could catch the first train. I was sleepy that I couldn t finish my homework last night. so too such so as in order 9 He works too hard to support his family. He works enough hard to support his family. He works hard so that he can support his family. He works so hard that he can support his family. He works hard so as that he can support his family. 10 Is there a place where we can swim? I like fall when the leaves change colors. She swims every day so that she can stay healthy. I went to the library in order to borrow some books. I can t understand the way how he solves the problem. 144 p.202 travel catch support

Shop Smart! Imagine that you are going to have pizza for lunch. There are two pizza be going to will There are ~ restaurants in town. They advertise their restaurant very differently. One one ~, the other... restaurant says, Lorenzo s Pizza. Best Pizza in Town! Since 1967. The other says, Paulo s Pizza. 20% Off Every Day. Now, which restaurant would you go to? off Advertising is a message that tries to sell something. However, it does not 1 Paulo s Pizza. 20% Off Every Day emphasizes ( low price / good quality). 2 Gold Medal Winner or a First Prize Winner makes we trust (low price / good quality ). 3 Advertising uses less ( direct / indirect) messages to make us buy their products. imagine advertise differently message product instead ad advertisement direct look at way promise quality spend phrase reason trust Lesson 9 145 say to your face, Buy our product! Instead, ads make us want to buy their products through less direct messages. They say good things about the products to make us become interested in them. They make us want to know more about them and want to try them. They even make us feel that we need them and have to buy them. Let s look at how ads do their jobs in different ways. to one s face Ads the products they make us make feel Ads often promise the quality of a product. If a product does not have often good quality, no one would want to spend money for it. This is why we see the reason phrases like The Best or Number One very often in ads. For the same reason, we trust a Gold Medal Winner or a First Prize Winner product more easily. trust Low prices also draw the attention of shoppers, and free deals are always welcome. For many people, Buy One and Get One Free sounds cheaper than 50% Off. Many smart shoppers wait for Rock Bottom Prices or Clearance Sales. It s Bigger and Better Here was once a hit ad for a famous hamburger restaurant. Such an ad helps us compare the product in the ad with other leading brands. It also gives us a good reason why we should buy their product. Smart shoppers always compare products before they choose one. For them, phrases like 20% More, Works Faster, or 1/3 Less Sugar always catch their attention. Do you buy products that famous people advertise? In many ads, a well-known person tells how much he or she likes the product. Those ads sometimes make us trust the product. They also make us feel that we could become like the people in the ads. If it works for them, it will work for you, too. This is their message. than sound smart shoppers catch one s attention famous make cf. either such a(n) to compare help give little welcome compare trust 4 Smart shoppers buy products after they products. 5 Many shoppers Clearance Sales because of low price. 6 Famous people s ads sometimes make us the products. 146 attention free deal rock bottom price clearance sale hit famous compare leading brand work catch one s attention well-known

We live in a world where hundreds and thousands of new ads are created every day. All ads are different; however, they have a common goal. They want to open our wallets so that we buy their products. This is the reason why we need to shop smart. Are you a smart shopper? be ads so that in order that 7 Although all ads are different, they have a(n) goal. 8 Advertisements want to make us their products. Think and Write Today I went shopping for a new pair of sneakers. There were two sneaker stores in the mall. I compared them. The ad at the first shop was World s Best Since 1983. I liked that they were a famous brand. However, they were too expensive. So I went to the second shop. Their ad was 30% Off. I liked that I can get a free T-shirt. I bought a pair of sneakers there. I think I made a good choice. (that) T F 9 The writer bought more famous brand s sneakers. ( T / F ) 10 The writer got a T-shirt for free in the second shop. ( T / F ) p.202 hundreds and thousands of create common goal wallet a pair of free choice Lesson 9 147 so go shopping a pair of two sneaker stores liked in the second shop Listen & Speak Plus Yellow B: Yeah, it s going to be a lot of fun. Are you going? 1 A: Jason, what are you going to buy for Jenny s birthday? A: Of course. I wouldn t miss it. Sure. the Halloween party B: Then what are you going to wear? B: I don t know. Do you have any ideas? A: Well, I d buy her some flowers. She loves them. B: Good idea. Thanks. I would A: I don t know. What should I wear? What should I ~? B: Well, I d wear something with Halloween colors. A: I see. An orange sweater and a black hat will be 2 A: Mike, what s wrong? good. What s the matter? B: My new watch isn t working. What should I do? A: I d take it back to the store. B: Yeah. You re going to look great. look 2 A: Mike, what are we going to do at the party next B: Right. I ll do that right now. week? Plus Green Listen & Speak 1 A: Julie, what are you doing? B: I m planning for a class party. A: That sounds like fun. B: Yeah. Do you want to help? A: Sure. When are you going to have it? B: We re going to have it next Saturday. 2 A: Jenny, what are you doing? B: I m making plans for my science project. A: What are you going to write about? the class party B: We re going to play some games. A: That s going to be fun. What are we going to play? B: I don t know yet. Do you have any ideas? A: Well, how many people are going to be there? B: Nine or ten. We want something that everyone can play together. A: Then I d play bingo. B: Bingo! play games how many I d B: I m going to write about Mars, the red planet. A: Sounds interesting. But what s so special about Mars? B: Well, it s very similar to the Earth. Plus Purple Listen & Speak be similar to 1 A: Jane, did you hear about the Halloween party why Peter bought two pairs of sneakers. He was so next week? happy. D Peter s sneakers are now too small for him. He went shopping so that he could buy a new pair. He went to the so that same store where I bought my sneakers. When he went there, they were selling everything at 50% off. This is 148

1. Imagine that you are going to have pizza. 2. two pizza restaurants in town. 3. They advertise their restaurant very. 4. restaurant says, Lorenzo s Pizza. Best Pizza in Town! Since 1967. 5. says, Paulo s Pizza. 20% Off Every Day. 6. Now, would you go to? 7. Advertising is a message that something. 8. However, it does not say, Buy our product! 9. Instead, ads make us want to buy their products through messages. 10. They say good things about the products to make us them. 11. They to know more about them and want to try them. 12. They us feel that we need them and have to buy them. 13. how ads do their jobs in different ways. 14. Ads the quality of a product. 15. If a product does not have good quality, no one would want money for it. 16. This is we see phrases The Best or Number One very often in ads. 17., we trust a Gold Medal Winner or a First Prize Winner product more easily. 18. Low prices also of shoppers, and free deals are always welcome. 19. For many people, Buy One and Get One Free sounds 50% Off. 20. Many smart shoppers Rock Bottom Prices or Clearance Sales. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1967 5. 20% 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1 17. 18. 19. 50% 20. Lesson 9 149 21. It s Bigger and Better Here was once for a famous hamburger restaurant. 22. Such an ad the product in the ad with other leading brands. 23. It also gives a good reason we should buy their product. 24. Smart shoppers products before they choose one. 25. For them, 20% More, Works Faster, or 1/3 Less Sugar always. 26. products that famous people advertise? 27. In many ads, a well-known person tells he or she likes the product. 28. Those ads sometimes the product. 29. They also make us feel that we the people in the ads. 30. If it works for them, it will work for you,. This is their message. 31. We live in a world hundreds and thousands of new ads are created every day. 32. All ads are different; however, they have. 33. They want to open our wallets we buy their products. 34. This is we need to shop smart. Are you a smart shopper? Think and Write 35. Today I went shopping for a new. There were two sneaker stores in the mall. I compared them. The ad at the first shop was World s Best Since 1983. I liked that they were a famous brand. However, they were too expensive. 36. So I went to. 37. Their ad was 30%. I liked that I can get a free T-shirt. I bought a pair of sneakers there. I think I made a good choice. 150 p.202 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20% 1/3 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Think and Write 35. 1983 36. 37. 30%

1 Lesson 9 151 152 p.202

Words + Reading Listen & Speak Plus Yellow 1 A: Jason, 1. buy for Jenny s birthday? B: I don t know. Do you 2.? A: Well, 3. her some flowers. She loves them. B: Good idea. Thanks. 2 A: Mike, 4.? B: My new watch isn t working. 5.? A: I d take it back to the store. B: Right. I ll do that 6.. Listen & Speak Plus Green 1 A: Julie, what are you doing? B: 7. a class party. A: That sounds like fun. B: Yeah. Do you 8.? A: Sure. When are you going to have it? B: We re going to have it next Saturday. 2 A: Jenny, what are you doing? B: I m 9. my science project. A: What are you going to write about? B: I m going to write about Mars, the red planet. A: 10.. But what s so special about Mars? p.202 B: Well, it s very 11. the Earth. Listen & Speak Plus Purple 1 A: Jane, did you hear about the Halloween party next week? B: Yeah, it s going to be a lot of fun. Are you going? A: 12.. I wouldn t miss it. B: Then what are you going to wear? A: I don t know. 13.? B: Well, I d wear something with Halloween colors. A: I see. An orange sweater and a black hat will be good. B: Yeah. You re going to 14.. 2 A: Mike, what are we going to do at the party next week? B: We re going to 15.. A: That s going to be fun. What are we going to play? B: 16.. Do you have any ideas? A: Well, 19. are going to be there? B: Nine or ten. We want something that everyone can play together. A: Then I d 17.. B: Bingo! Lesson 9 153 1 bottom : the lowest part of anything : 2 : how good or bad something is : 3 : a person or thing that is very popular : 4 : to have confidence or faith; to believe : 5 : to form a mental picture or image of : 6 : known to or recognized by many people : 7 : a small reddish planet that is the 4th from the sun : 8 : belonging equally to or shared by more than one : 9 : the amount of money that you have to pay for something : 10 : the basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction : 11 : to become soft or liquid, or to lose shape, usually by heating : 12 : a group of words especially one that forms part of a sentence : 13 : to make something known to the public by any of various methods : 14 : any of the bodies (eg. the Earth) which move round the Sun or round another star : 15 : to examine people or things to see how they are similar and how they are different : planet reason Mars melt compare quality hit phrase imagine trust price famous advertise common (A)(B)(C) Today I went shopping for a new pair of sneakers. There were two sneaker stores in the mall. I (A) compared / complained them. The ad at the first shop was World s Best Since 1983. I liked that they were a famous (B) band / brand. However, they were too expensive. So I went to the second shop. Their ad was 30% Off. I liked that I can get a free T-shirt. I (C) bought / brought a pair of sneakers there. I think I made a good choice. (A) (B) (C) compared band brought compared brand bought compared band bought complained brand brought complained band bought (A) (B) (C) 154

p.203 Grammar + Reading 1 1 They advertise their restaurant very different. 2 Advertising is a message that tries selling something. 3 However, it does not say from your face, Buy our product! 4 Ads make us want buy their products through less direct messages. 5 They say good things about the products to make us become interested by them. 6 They even make us feel what we need them and have to buy them. 7 Let s look at how do ads their jobs in different ways. 8 Such an ad helps us comparing the product in the ad with other leading brands. 9 It also gives to us a good reason why we should buy their product. 10 In many ads, a well-known person tells how many he or she likes the product. 11 If it will work for them, it will work for you, too. 12 This is the reason when we need to shop smart. Peter s sneakers are now too small for him. He went shopping so that he could buy a new pair. He went to the same store when I bought my sneakers. When he went there, they were selling everything at 50% off. This is why Peter bought two pairs of sneakers. He was so happy. Lesson 9 155 1 trust believe online offline direct indirect quality quantity healthy unhealthy 2 This is really our rock price. The fish swims near the. hit top sale bottom ocean 3 First all, I applied for a passport and a visa. I bought a backpack which is similar my sister s. of in of to at from at to from in 4 She foretold that the girl would become a famous painter. good unique popular respected well-known 5 This product is the best in quality. how good or bad something is a person or thing that is very popular an amount that you can measure or count a particular characteristic of a person or thing the amount of money that you have to pay for something 156 6 A: Anne, what are you doing? B: I m planning for a class party. A: B: We re going to have it next Saturday. What are you going to do? When are you going to have it? Where are you planning to do it? How many people will you invite? Why don t you come to the party? 7 A: What are you going to buy for Jenny s birthday? B: I don t know. Do you have any ideas? A: I d buy her some flowers. She loves them. 8 Right. You can t trust them all. Where are you going to buy a new computer? I don t know. There are so many online shopping malls. Well, I d read other people s reviews first. Do you have any ideas?

9 A: Mike, what s wrong? B: My new MP3 player isn t working. A: What are you going to do for the vacation? B: I don t know. Do you have any ideas? A: I lost my dictionary. What should I do? B: Well, I d go to the lost and found. A: My goodness! I broke my glasses. B: No way! You just bought it last week. A: What do you want for lunch? A hamburger or a sandwich? B: I don t know. I d have a sandwich. (10~12) Brian: Hi, Subin. Subin: I m searching for a good online shopping mall. Brian: What do you need to buy? Subin: I need to buy a pair of sneakers. Brian: So where are you going to buy them? Subin: I don t know. All the shopping malls advertise that they are the best. Brian: Yeah. You can t trust them all. Subin: Do you have any ideas? Brian: Well, I d read other people s reviews. Subin: You re right. That s a smart way to shop. 10 How are you doing? What s the problem? What are you doing? Where are you going? What will you do after school? 11 That s right. I think so, too. I think you re wrong. I don t agree with you. It s nice of you to say so. 12 Subin wants to buy a pair of sneakers. Brian thinks we can trust all the shopping malls. Brian advises Subin to read other people s reviews. Subin is looking for a shopping mall at the Internet. Subin will read other people s reviews after the conversation. (13~14) 13 There is Mr. Brown s Bakery you can buy fresh bread. how when where which for which 14 Tell me the reason he refused the job offer. why how when where which 15 I will study harder I can catch up with him. due to in order so as to so that such that Lesson 9 157 16 This is the hospital in which my mom works. how when what where which 17 I studied really hard so as to pass the exam. = I studied really hard to pass the exam. = I studied really hard I could pass the exam. 18 I ll never forget the time when I met her. I remember the day when I saw the musical. It is the time when you start to study. She was listening to music when I entered the room. 2008 was the year when the Olympic Games were held. 19 I got up early so that I could see the sunrise. I got up early to see the sunrise. I got up too early to see the sunrise. I got up early so as to see the sunrise. I got up early in order to see the sunrise. I got up early in order that I could see the sunrise. 158 20 This is the time when the traffic is heavy. He turned off the light in order to sleep. A park is a place where people can take a walk. She wants to know the reason how he left her. You d better wear a raincoat so that you won t get wet. (21~22) Imagine that you are going to have pizza for lunch. There are two pizza restaurants in town. They advertise their restaurant very differently. restaurant says, Lorenzo s Pizza. Best Pizza in Town! Since 1967. says, Paulo s Pizza. 20% Off Every Day. Now, which restaurant would you go to? 21 One Another One Others Some Others One The other Some The others 22 Who ate the cake which was in the fridge? Mary bought a jacket which has many pockets. Look at the dog which is running with his owner. We lived in the house which my grandfather had built. Do you know which pet she likes better, dogs or cats?

(23~25) Advertising is a message that tries to sell something., it does not say to your face, Buy our product! Instead, ads make us want to buy their products through less direct messages. They say good things about the products to make us become interested in them. They make us want to know more about them and want to try them. They even make us feel that we need them and have to buy them. Let s look at how ads do their jobs in different ways. 23 Or Instead However Therefore In other words 24 ads messages ads products messages ads products ads customers products 25 (26~28) Ads often promise the of a product. If a product does not have good, no one would want to spend money for it. This is we see phrases like The Best or Number One very often in ads. For the same reason, we trust a Gold Medal Winner or a First Prize Winner product more easily. Low prices also draw the attention of shoppers, and free deals are always welcome. For many people, Buy One and Get One Free sounds cheaper than 50% Off. Many smart shoppers wait for Rock Bottom Prices or Clearance Sales. 26 price deal quality quantity appearance 27 28 (29~31) Do you buy products that famous people advertise? In many ads, a well-known person tells he or she likes the product. Those ads sometimes make us trust the product. They also make us feel that we could become like the people in the ads. If it works for them, it will work for you, too. This is their message. Lesson 9 159 29 when where how much how many how often 30 He enjoys collecting art works. If my plan works, we ll be rich! After breakfast, I got ready for work. My dad works for a computer company. He doesn t know how to work the coffee machine. 31 (32~35) I think I m a smart shopper. There are many reasons. First of all, smart shoppers care about the quality of a product. That s (A) why / because I do not buy a product if it does not have good quality. Second, many smart shoppers try to buy things at a big sale. I always wait for a clearance sale. Third, smart shoppers always compare products before they choose. I try to visit many stores and look (B) after / for the best deal. Last, smart shoppers understand that all ads want to open shoppers wallets. That s why I only buy things I really need. Now, how about you? Are you a smart shopper, too? Just do (C) that / what I do. Then, you will become a smart shopper in no time. 160 p.203 32 33 where to buy products why to compare products why to advertise products how to be a smart shopper how to look for good shopping malls 34 (A)(B)(C) why after that why for what because for that because after what because for what 35 soon often busily always long before

1 bottom top melt boil smart wise choose pick reason cause cheap expensive 2 With the discount coupon, you can get 20%. Never put till tomorrow what can be done today. of on off over under (3~4) 3 A: My pants are too small. B: No way! You just bought them last week. A: Yeah. What should I do? B: I d go to the store. You should buy them. Where did you buy them? You d better buy smaller ones. Why don t you wear them tomorrow? 4 A: I heard about the party next weekend. B: I don t know. Do you have any ideas? A: Well, I d wear something white and black. What will you do? Will you go to the party? What are you going to bring? What are you going to wear? Where are you planning to go? (5~6) A: Cathy, what are you going to do this Saturday? B: I m going to go shopping with my friends. A: are you going to buy? B: I m going to buy a pair of sneakers and some jeans. A: are you going to shop? B: I don t know. Do you have any ideas? A: I d shop at the new store downtown having a big sale. 5 How Why When What Where 6 I d rather You d better I d like to You used to You are supposed to 7 (saved, some money, a bike, buy, that, he, can, so, he) 8 A gym is a place people exercise. I don t know the date he will return. how why why when when where where when which where Lesson 9 161 9 He ran fast so as not to be late for school. He ran fast in order not to be late for school. He ran so fast that he wouldn t be late for school. He ran fast so that he wouldn t be late for school. He ran fast in order that he wouldn t be late for school. 10 Nobody knows the way how crosses the river. she (11~13) It s Bigger and Better Here was once a hit ad for a famous hamburger restaurant. (A) Such / So an ad helps us (B) compare / comparing the product in the ad with other leading brands. Smart shoppers always compare products (C) after / before they choose one. For them, phrases like 20% More, Works Faster, or 1/3 Less Sugar always catch their attention. 11 (A)(B)(C) Such compare after Such comparing after Such compare before So comparing after So compare before 162 p.204 12 (gives, their product, buy, a good reason, we, should, why, it, us, also) 13 to love except out of such as (14~15) We live in a world hundreds and thousands of new ads are created every day. All ads are different; however, they have common goal. They want to open our wallets so that we buy their products. This is the reason we need to shop smart. Are you a smart shopper? a 14 why who how when when how where why in which where 15

1 un- fair usual direct happy healthy 2 seen or happening often; quite normal or usual: These birds aren t so nowadays. belonging equally to or shared by more than one: We share a language. special unique seldom common leading 3 Parents should not their children with other children. 4 A: What are you going to buy for your brother s birthday? B: I don t know. Do you have any ideas? A: You d better buy a cap for him. Why don t you make a cake for him? I d buy a photo book for him. How about buying a game CD for him? I m going to buy a book for him. 5 A: What are you doing? B: I m making invitation cards for the school play. A: Good. Why don t you join the play club? B: All the parents and teachers of 3rd year students. A: That s good. I m sure it will be a great play. (8~9) A: Mike, what are we going to do at the party next week? ( ) B: We re going to play some games. ( ) A: That s going to be fun. ( ) B: I don t know yet. Do you have any ideas? A: Well, how many people are going to be there? B: Nine or ten. We want something that everyone can play together. ( ) A: Then I d play bingo. ( ) B: Bingo! (6~7) 8 A: Tom, what are you going to do during the winter vacation? B: I m going to visit my uncle in New York City. A: Cool. What are you going to do there? B: I m going to visit famous buildings. A: are you going to stay there? B: I m going to stay there for two weeks. A: Wow! I m sure you re going to have a wonderful time. What are we going to play? 6 When Where How long How far How often 9 What did they decide to do at the party next week? Complete the answer. They decided. 7 Which is NOT true according to the conversation? Tom s uncle lives in New York City. Tom has a plan for the winter vacation. Tom will stay for two weeks in New York City. Tom will have a wonderful time with his family. Tom will visit famous buildings in New York City. 10 the way the day the time the place the reason Ted quit the job last month. He didn t like how people treated him. Lesson 9 163 164 11 I called my friends so that I might know how they were doing. = I called my friends know how they were doing. enough to such that in order to so as that in order that 12 (1) The house my family lived was very small. (2) This is the reason they are so poor. 13 (1) We must hurry so that we may catch the last bus. = We must hurry catch the last bus. (2) I was so tired that I couldn t finish my homework. = I was tired finish my homework.

14 I put my money in the bank. to keep it safe too safe to keep it so as to keep it safe in order to keep it safe so that I could keep it safe 15 Is this the square you gathered? Let s go to the hotel Boa is staying. Can you tell me the time you re free? I went to the park I could take pictures. I like to spend time in the place I can be alone. 16 This is the reason why I study English for. That is the way we came to know the fact. Please turn off the light so that I can sleep. She went to the airport so as to see her dad off. The city where we spent our vacation was beautiful. (17~19) Imagine that you are going to have pizza for lunch. (A) One restaurant says, Lorenzo s Pizza. Best Pizza in Town! Since 1967. (B) The other says, Paulo s Pizza. 20% Off Every Day. Now, which restaurant would you go to? (C) There are two pizza restaurants in town. They advertise their restaurant very. 17 (A)(C) (A)(B)(C) (A)(C)(B) (B)(A)(C) (C)(A)(B) (C)(B)(A) 18 kindly similarly strongly uniquely differently (19~20) Advertising is a message that tries (selling / to sell) something. ( ) However, it does not say to your face, Buy our product! ( ) They say good things about the products to make us become (interesting / interested) in them. ( ) They make us want to know more about them and want to try them. ( ) They even make us feel that we need them and have to buy them. ( ) Let s look at how ads do their jobs in different ways. Lesson 9 165 p.204 19 Instead, ads make us want to buy their products through less direct messages. 22 how why who when where 23 ads less prices leading brands better products smart shoppers 20 (24~25) (21~23) It s Bigger and Better Here was once a hit ad for a famous hamburger restaurant. Such an ad helps us the product in the ad with other leading brands. It also gives us a good reason we should buy their product. Smart shoppers always compare products before they choose one. For them, phrases like 20% More, Works Faster, or 1/3 Less Sugar always catch their attention. We live in a world where hundreds and thousands of new ads are created every day. All ads are different;, they have a common goal. They want to open our wallets we buy their products. This is the reason why we need to shop smart. Are you a smart shopper? 24 thus still however instead nevertheless 21 25 because so that in order such that so as that 166

1 Mars Earth Jupiter Mercury sun star meteor planet science 2 We have a(n) flight to Chicago. People wear sunglasses to avoid sun light. Could you me to the Shoes department? serve show direct express change 3 I found my purse at the lost and found. I became interested in the study of birds. There are hundreds and thousands of people. Buy one, get one free deals at Burger Zzang. This weekend we re having year-end clearance sale. 4 A: What are you going to do tomorrow? B: I will take care of my pets. I m going to help my parents. I have a plan to go to the zoo. I used to go shopping with my sister. I m thinking of playing soccer with my friends. 5 A: Peter, where are you going? B: I m going to the bookstore and then to the post office. A: Well, I d go to the post office first. It s about to close soon. B: Oh, you re right. It s almost five o clock. Q: What will Peter do after the conversation? Complete the answer. A: He will go to and then to 6 I don t have enough money to buy a present. A: What are you going to do for your father s birthday? ( ) B: I don t know. ( ) A: Right. Everything is so expensive. ( ) B: Do you have any ideas? ( ) A: Well, I d make a song for him. ( ) (7~9) A: Jane, did you hear about the Halloween party next week? B: Yeah, it s going to be a lot of fun. Are you going, Mike? A: Of course. I wouldn t miss it. B: Then what are you going to wear? A: I don t know. What should I wear? B: I d wear something with Halloween colors. A: I see. An orange sweater and a black hat will be good. B: Yeah. You re going to look great. Lesson 9 167 7 8 Without you, If I were you, As you know, When I go there, As I am not you, 9 Which is NOT true according to the conversation? Mike Jane Mike (10~11) 10 Do you know you ve left the car keys? I know a shop you can buy trendy clothes. why when where which that 168 11 The music was loud that I couldn t sleep. Speak clearly that they can understand you. if so as such in order 12 All things have changed after the day. Her book was released at the day. All things have changed after the day her book was released. All things have changed after the day her book was released. 13 I didn t forget his birthday I wrote down it. I wrote down his birthday I might not forget it. because because so that because because so that so that so that in order that though.

14 He uses a bus saving some money. He uses a bus so as to save some money. He uses a bus in order to save some money. He uses a bus so that he may save some money. He uses a bus in order that he may save some money. 15 Tell me the way you came so fast. She told us how she solved the problem. This is the house where Shakespeare lived. Chuseok is the day when we can see a full moon. This is the reason which I can t go there right now. 16 I went there so that I could see her. He was so kind that he drove me home. I didn t eat much so that I could lose weight. Be careful so that you may not fall from the tree. Sora speaks fast so that I can t understand her. (17~19) Ads often promise the quality of a product. If a product does not have good quality, no one would want to spend money for them. This is how we see phrases like The Best or Number One very often in ads. For the same reason, we trust a Gold Medal Winner or a First Prize Winner product easilier. also draw the attention of shoppers, and free deals are always welcome. For many people, Buy One and Get One Free sounds cheaper than 50% Off. Much smart shoppers wait for Rock Bottom Prices or Clearance Sales. 17 18 Good looks Low prices Newest styles Foreign products Famous brands 19 being at liberty not tied or fastened not occupied, not in use having something without paying for it not working or having another appointment; not busy Lesson 9 169 (20~22) Do you buy products famous people advertise? In many ads, a well-known person tells how much he or she (like) the product. Those ads sometimes make us trust the product. They also make us feel we could become like the people in the ads. If it (work) for them, it will work for you, too. This is their message. 20 why who what that of which 21 James made her laugh. He made his son a kite. I made him fix the computer. She made the boy wash his face. Bill made his daughter do her homework. 22 170 p.205 (23~25) Today I went shopping for a new pair of sneakers. There were two sneaker stores in the mall. I compared them. The ad at the first shop was World s Best Since 1983. I liked that they were a famous brand. However, they were too expensive. I went to the second shop. Their ad was 30% Off. I liked that I can get a free T-shirt. I bought a pair of sneakers there. I think I made a good choice. 23 24 So But Instead In fact For example 25 Which one is NOT true about the passage above? The writer got a T-shirt for free. The writer compared two sneaker stores. The writer wanted to buy a pair of sneakers. The writer bought sneakers at the second shop. At the first shop, they were selling their sneakers at 30% off.

1 A: Sally, are you okay? You look very sick. B: I think I have a cold. What should I do? A: Well, I d. B: Okay. I will do that. (2~4) A: Peter, are you going to the Halloween party next week? B: Sure. How about you, Jane? A: Me, too. I can t wait to go. B: (bring) A: I don t know. Do you have any ideas? B: Hmm. I d bring a Halloween cake. A: Good idea. I ll do that. B: Good. Everyone will like it. 2 3 What will Jane bring to the party? Answer in English. 4 What are Peter and Jane going to do next week? Answer in English. (5~6) 5 I remember the day. We cheered the Korean soccer team on the day. 6 Sam finally arrived at the palace. The wizard lived in the palace. (7~8) so that 7 I wanted to become a model. I lost weight. 8 You have to get up early tomorrow morning. You d better set the alarm clock. (9~10) 9 You must first say the reason why you were late. 10 Do your best so that you may not fail. so as to Lesson 9 171 (11~12) Advertising is a message that tries to sell something. However, it does not say to your face, Buy our product! Instead, They say good things about the products to make us become interested in them. They make us want to know more about them and want to try them. They even make us feel that we need them and have to buy them. Let s look at how ads do their jobs in different ways. 11 (ads, make, want, through, direct) 12 their jobs (13~14) Ads often promise the quality of a product. If a product does not have good quality, no one would want to spend money for it. This is why we see phrases like The Best or Number One very often in ads. For the same reason, we trust a Gold Medal Winner or a First Prize Winner product more easily. Low prices also draw the attention of shoppers, and free deals are always welcome. For many people, Buy One and Get One Free sounds cheaper than 50% Off. Many smart shoppers wait for Rock Bottom Prices or Clearance Sales. 172 p.205 13 14 (1) Good quality (2) Low price 15-1 (1) Let s find a quiet place we can talk. (2) He remembered the year his wife was born. 15-2 This is the bench. We used to sit and talk on the bench. 15-3 Peter went shopping so that he could buy a new pair. He went to the same store (1) I bought my sneakers. When he went there, they were selling everything at 50% off. This is (2) Peter bought two pairs of sneakers. He was so happy.

Lesson 9 Shop Smart! p. 133 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 p. 134 01 differently 02 imagine 03 winner 04 carefully 05 common 06 Mars 07 planet 08 phrase 09 attention 10 leading 11 model 12 compare 13 smart 14 hit 15 airport 16 review 17 famous 18 message 19 product 20 sneakers 21 promise 22 bottom 23 cheap 24 trust 25 instead 26 wallet 27 work 28 melt 29 advertise 30 choose 31 create 32 even 33 clearance sale 34 wellknown 35 rock bottom price 36 lost and found 37 direct 38 free deal 39 invitation card 40 reason 41 healthy 42 quality 43 online 44 special 45 make a choice 46 take a break 47 first of all 48 break down 49 become interested in 50 hundreds and thousands of 51 catch one s attention 52 be similar to 53 for the same reason 54 to one s face p. 135 1 quality 2 bottom 3 famous 4 advertisement 5 melt 6 famous 7 reason 8 planet 9 review 10 imagine 11 advertise 12 common 13 quality 14 of 15 to 16 in 17 with pp. 136~137 1 What looking at where going I m reading way to shop 2 I m planning for are you going to I heard one of the best places 3 Where to buy There are You can t trust any ideas I d read 4 What are you going to, enough money to buy so expensive Do you have I d make a song p. 138 1 What are you doing 2 I m searching for 3 need to buy 4 a pair of 5 where are you going 6 advertise that 7 You can t trust 8 Do you have 9 other people s reviews. 10 You re right 11 What do you want 12 I like both 13 what should I have 14 I d have a sandwich (B) (D) (A) (C) pp. 139~140 1 Whatplanning forwhatgoing togoing to 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 read other people s reviews 2 3 I d I would 5 A I d go home and sleep. B A 6 what all the shopping malls where 8 Brian pp. 141~142 1 where 2 why 3 when 4 That is the reason why the singer is popular. 5 A park is an open area where people can walk and play games. 6 He tried his best so that he could become a famous singer. 7 John went to the library in order to get a better idea. 8 in order that 9 in order so as 201 pp. 143~144 1 (1) why (2) so 2 3 4 5 so that 6 7 8 9 10 1 the reason why so that 2 in the year when 3 so as to so that 4 The school where the season when 5 so that 6 the shop where 7 when The summer when 10 the way how pp. 145~147 1 low price 3 good quality 3 direct 4 compare 5 welcome 6 trust 7 common 8 buy 9 F 10 T pp. 149~150 1 for lunch 2 There are 3 differently 4 One 5 The other 6 which restaurant 7 tries to sell 8 to your face 9 less direct 10 become interested in 11 make us want 12 even make 13 Let s look at 14 often promise 15 to spend 16 why like 17 For the same reason 18 draw the attention 19 cheaper than 20 wait for 21 a hit ad 22 helps us compare 23 us why 24 always compare 25 phrases like, catch their attention 26 Do you buy 27 how much 28 make us trust 29 could become like 30 too 31 where 32 a common goal 33 so that 34 the reason why 35 pair of sneakers 36 the second shop 37 Off pp. 151~152 1 Imagine that you are going to have pizza for lunch. 2 They advertise their restaurant very differently. 202 3 Advertising is a message that tries to sell something. 4 It does not say to your face, Buy our product! 5 Instead, ads make us want to buy their products through less direct messages. 6 They say good things about the products to make us become interested in them. 7 They make us want to know more about them and want to try them. 8 They even make us feel that we need them and have to buy them. 9 Let s look at how ads do their jobs in different ways. 10 Ads often promise the quality of a product. 11 If a product does not have good quality, no one would want to spend money for it. 12 This is why we see phrases like The Best or Number One very often in ads. 13 Low prices also draw the attention of shoppers, and free deals are always welcome. 14 Many smart shoppers wait for Rock Bottom Prices or Clearance Sales. 15 Such an ad helps us compare the product in the ad with other leading brands. 16 It also gives us a good reason why we should buy their product. 17 Smart shoppers always compare products before they choose one. 18 Do you buy products that famous people advertise? 19 In many ads, a well-known person tells how much he or she likes the product. 20 Those ads sometimes make us trust the product. 21 They also make us feel that we could become like the people in the ads. 22 If it works for them, it will work for you, too. 23 We live in a world where hundreds and thousands of new ads are created every day. 24 They want to open our wallets so that we buy their products. 25 This is the reason why we need to shop smart. p. 153 1 what are you going to 2 have any ideas 3 I d buy 4 what s wrong 5 What should I do 6 right now 7 I m planning for 8 want to help 9 making plans for 10 Sounds interesting 11 similar to 12 Of course 13 What should I wear 14 look great 15 play some games 16 I don t know yet 17 how many people 18 play bingo

pp. 154~155 Words + Reading 2 quality 3 hit 4 trust 5 imagine 6 famous 7 Mars 8 common 9 price 10 reason 11 melt 12 phrase 13 advertise 14 planet 15 compare Grammar + Reading 1 They advertise their restaurant very differently. 2 Advertising is a message that tries to sell something. 3 However, it does not say to your face, Buy our product! 4 Ads make us want to buy their products through less direct messages. 5 They say good things about the products to make us become interested in them. 6 They even make us feel that we need them and have to buy them. 7 Let s look at how ads do their jobs in different ways. 8 Such an ad helps us (to) compare the product in the ad with other leading brands. 9 It also gives us a good reason why we should buy their product. 10 In many ads, a well-known person tells how much he or she likes the product. 11 If it works for them, it will work for you, too. 12 This is the reason why we need to shop smart. pp. 156~160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 in orderso that 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 why 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 5 quality 6 B 7 I di would 8 9 A B I d ~. 10 11 You re right. I think so, too. / I agree. 12 Brian 13 Bakery where where in which 14 the reason why why for which 15 so that in order that 16 the hospital where 18 19 20 the reason how why 21 two pizza restaurants onethe other one the other... 22 24 ads products 26 quality 27 This why the reason 29 likes how much 31 34 (A) That s why ~. cf. That s because (B) look for cf. look after (C) do 203 what pp. 161~162 1 2 3 4 5 What Where6 7 He saved some money so that he can buy a bike. 8 9 10 11 12 It also gives us a good reason why we should buy their product. 13 14 15 1 2 off put off 4 A 5 What Where 8 a place where the date when 9 10 how the way Nobody knows the way howshe crosses the river. 11 (A)such an cf. so (B) help to (C) before 12 also give us a good reason give 4 a good reason why 14 a world where the reason why 15 a common goal to open our wallets so that we buy their products pp. 163~166 1 2 3 compare 4 5 6 7 8 9 to play bingo 10 11 12 (1) where (2) why 13 (1) in order to so as to (2) tooto14 15 16 17 18 19 20 to sell interested 21 compare 22 23 24 25 204 1 unfair unusual indirect unhappy unhealthy 2 common 5 3 6 for two weeks2 How long 8 I don t know yet. 9 10 how the way 12 The house where the reason why 13 so that in order to so as to so that can t too to 14 15 the time when where 16 why for This is the reason whichthati study English for. = This is the reason for which I study English. = This is the reason why I study English. 17 (C) (A) One (B) The other 18 19 Instead 20 try to cf. try become interested in 21 Smart shoppers always compare products ~ compare 22 a good reason why 23 smart shoppers 24 however