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V 3+CD4+ T Selective Expansion of TCR V 3+CD4+ T Cells in Collagen-induced Arthritis in DBA/1 Mice Jae Seon Lee, Mi La Cho, Jung Eun Lee, So Youn Min, Chong Hyeon Yoon, Wan Uk Kim, Jun Ki Min, Sung Hwan Park and Ho Youn Kim Rheumatism Research Center, Catholic Institutes of Medical Science, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea ABSTRACT Background: Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice is animal model of autoimmune disease known as rheumatic arthritis in human. We investigated -specific CD4+ T cell receptor usage in CIA mice. Methods: In CIA model, draining lymph node (dln) CD4+ T cells and splenocytes at 3 rd, 5 th, 8 th week, we investigated -specific T cell proliferation, production of IL-17, IFN-, TNF-, IL-4 and IL-1. And we also performed anti- IgG Ab measurements in serum level, TCRV usage and T cell clonality with RT-PCR-SSCP analysis. Also, we performed proliferative response against when -specific T cell subset is deleted. Results: CIA mice showed more increase in the serum level of anti- IgG than normal mice after induction of arthritis. And the level of anti- IgG2a in CIA mice was increased after 3 rd week after primary immunization, while anti- IgG1 was decreased. Draining LN CD4+T cells have proliferated against stimulation at 3 rd week after 1 st immunization. CD4+T cells derived from dln of CIA mice produced proinflammatory cytokine IFN-, IL-17 etc. Draining LN CD4 T cells of CIA presented higher proportion of CD4+V 3+subsets compared to those of normal mice at 3 rd week after 1 st immunization, and they were increased in proportion by stimulation. Draining LN CD4+ T cells without TCRV 3+/V 8.1/8.2+/V 1b+cells were not responsive against stimulation. But, -reactive response of TCRV 3-/V 8.1/8.2-/V 1b- T cells was recovered when V 3+ T cells were added in culture. Conclusion: Our results indicate that CD4 +V 3+ T cells cells are selectively expanded in dln of CIA mice, and their recovery upon re-stimulation in vitro, as well as the production Th1-type cytokines, may play pivotal role in CIA pathogenesis. (Immune Network 25;5(2):78-88) Key Words: TCRV 3, antigen-specific T cell, type II collagen, collagen-induced arthritis Immune Network 78

Selective Expansion of V 3+CD4+T Cells in CIA Early Stage 79

8 Jae Seon Lee, et al.

Selective Expansion of V 3+CD4+T Cells in CIA Early Stage 81 Table I. TCR V and C primer set V 1 5 -TTC GAA ATG AGA CGG TGC CC; V 2 5 -AGA GGT CAA ATC TCT TCC CG; V 3 5 -CTT CAG CAA ATA GAC ATG AC; V 4 5 -TGG ACA ATC AGA CTG CCT CA; V 5.1 5 -GAG ATA AAG GAA ACC TGC CC; V 5.2 5 -GAG CAA AGG ATT CCT ACC C; V 6 5 -CGA CAG GAT TCA GGG AAA GG; V 7 5 -ATA CAG GGT CTC ACG GAA GA; V 8.1 5 -CAT ATG TCG CTG ACA GCA CG; V 8.2 5 -CAT ATG GTG CTG GCA GCA CT; V 8.3 5 -CAT ATG GTG CTG GCA ACC TT; V 9 5 -ACA GGG AAG CTG ACA CTT TT; V 1 5 -AAT CAA GTC TGT AGA GCC GG; V 11 5 -GGA GTC CCT GAC TTA CTT TC; V 12 5 -AAG ATG GTG GGG CTT TCA AG; V 13 5 -TCT ATA ACA GTT GCC CTC GG; V 14 5 -CCT CCA GCA ACT CTT CTA CT; V 15 5 -CGC CTG AAA AGG CAT TTG AA; V 16 5 -CAG ACG TGG AGT TTC TGG T; V 17 5 -ACA GAC TTG GTC AAG AAG AG; C 5 -GGC TCA AAC AAG GAG ACC TTG. A W W2 W3 W5 W8 W12 n=2 1 week Cll+CFA Cll+IFA sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice Arthritic score evaluation start B Arthritic score 12 1 8 6 4 2 Normal CIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C Normal CIA Figure 1. Development of CIA in DBA/1J mouse. (A) DBA/1J mice was immunized with type II collagen in adjuvant. (B) Results are expressed as the sum of arthritic severity of three paws except boosted paw. (C) Hematoxylin and eosin stain CIA, Collagen-induced arthritis

82 Jae Seon Lee, et al. A total IgG1 (ng/ml) total IgG2a (ng/ml) 14 12 1 8 6 4 2 25 2 15 1 5 Normal CIA3 5 8 3w 5w 8w N.D. Normal CIA 3 5 8 3w 5w 8w O.D. (45nm) B 1.4 1.2 Normal CIA 3 5 8 3w 5w 8w Figure 2. Humoral responses followed induction of CIA. Each mouse serum were collected at 3 rd, 5 th, 8 th week after 1 st immunization and diluted 1 5, for total IgG1 and IgG2a (A), 1 1, for anti- IgG2a (B). For measurements of anti- IgG1 and IgG2a Ab, immunoplate was coated with 4 g/ml. Anti- IgG1 Ab was not detectable in all group (data not shown). DATA represent the mean value of normal mice (n=3) serum or CIA mice (n=9) serum. N.D. means Not Deectable.

Selective Expansion of V 3+CD4+T Cells in CIA Early Stage 83 S.I. 12 1 8 6 4 2 CIA 3w 5w 8w Normal 3 5 8 Figure 3. -reactive T cell proliferative response followed induction of CIA. T cell proliferative responses of dln CD4+ T cells from CIA or normals. Cells were stimulated 4 g/ml for 3 days in 96 well U bottom plate. S.I. (Stimulation index) = cpm value of stimulated cell/cpm value of unstimulated cell. pg/ml 6 5 4 3 2 1 IL-17 pg/ml 4 3 2 IFN-r 1 pg/ml 2 15 1 5 TNF-a * * * pg/ml 12 1 8 6 4 2 IL-4 * pg/ml 18 16 14 12 1 8 IL-1 Figure 4. -stimulated CD4+ T cells produced proinflammatory cytokine IL-17, IFN-. Draining lymph node was removed at 3 rd week after 1 st immunization. And CD4+ T cells of dln were isolated using CD4 microbead. CD3-cells from each mice spleen were -irradiated at 5, rad and used it as antigen-presenting cells. Cells were stimulated 4 g/ml for 2 days. These cytokine were measured by ELISA. : Normal, : CIA; p.5.

84 Jae Seon Lee, et al. A 2 15 * normal CIA % 1 5 2 3 4 5.1/5.2 6 7 8.1/8.2 8.3 9 1b 11 12 13 14 B CD4+ Vβ 3 + (%) 2 15 1 5 * * Cll Cll Cll 3 5 8 3w 5w 8w C CD4+ Vβ 8.1/8.2 + (%) 25 2 15 1 5 Cll Cll Cll 3w 3 5w 5 8w8 Figure 5. CD4+ T cell receptor screening in CIA model. (A) Draining lymph node was removed from normal mice or CIA mice at 3 rd week after 1 st immunization. After cells were cultured without stimuli for 3 days in vitro, we investigated T cell receptor repertoires using flowcytometry analysis. Cultured cells were double-stained with PerCP-conjugated anti-mouse CD4 Abs and FITC-conjugated anti-mouse TCR V Abs. (B) Comparisons of V 3+CD4+ T cell portion between nonstimuli and 4 g/ml stimulation in CIA (C) Comparisons of V 8.1/8.2+CD4+ T cell portion between nonstimuli and 4 g/ml stimulation. p.5.

Selective Expansion of V 3+CD4+T Cells in CIA Early Stage 85 Vβ 3 8.1 8.2 1 3 8.1 8.2 1 Figure 6. Pattern of TCR V chain usage in CIA spleen CD4+ T cells during in vitro culture with. Spleen was removed at 5 th week after 1 st immunization and isolated with CD4 microbead. CD4+ T cells were stimulated with 4 g/ml for 3 days. RT-PCR products spanning the CDR3 region of 4 V (V 3, 8.1, 8.2, 1b) genes were analysed using SSCP method. Arrows indicate that TCRV 3 derived from stimulated CD4+ T cells express stronger pattern. A 4 3 * B 3. 2. * * S.I. 2 1 S.I. 1.. Cll + Vb3+ + T cell Vβ3+CD4 T cell Figure 7. V 3+ T cells are essential for -specific proliferation in CIA. Among total CD4+ T cells, V 3+ or V 8.1/8.2+ or V 1+ T cell was removed using FACS sorter. (A) V 3+/ V 8.1/8.2+/V 1+ T cells proliferated against stimulation. (B) V 3-/V 8.1/8.2-/V 1- had inhibited proliferation when stimulated with. But, they were increased when V 3+ T cells were added. : V 3+/V 8.1/8.2+/V 1+ group, : V 3-/V 8.1/8.2-/V 1- group; p.5.

86 Jae Seon Lee, et al.

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