항체 포털 서비스 Preparation Peptide 총 4주 소요 / 473,000 ~ 511,000 Free of charge 2~3 days 243,000 ~ 281,000 의뢰서 작성 Peptide epitope prediction 유전자 정보

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1 Preparation Service AbFrontier Custom service 장점 실험 담당자와의 원활한 1:1 커뮤니케이션 (신속한 feedback을 통한 맞춤형 제작 서비스) 고객연구센터 - 개별 서비스의 진행 상황 및 결과 즉시 확인 ( & SMS 전송) 회원제 -연구자의 프로젝트 보안 강화 Gene to Antibody 항체 전문가의 One stop service 구현 국내 최대 규모의 동물 시설 : 3,500 rabbit cages, 500 mouse cages Peptide service 안내 항체 제작을 위한 최적의 위치 추천 (Peptide Prediction) 다양한 modification peptide - Acetylation, Phosphorylation, Sulfurylation, Disulfide bond 등 Conjugation service - HRP, Biotin, FITC 등 Service Protein Service 안내 High quality protein 제공 다양한 E.coli strain을 이용한 최적화된 단백질 정제 조건 확립 서비스 기간 : 9 weeks Young In Frontier s Over 36,000 custom antibodies worldwide since 2004 Human Protein Atlas (HUPO, major antibody partner Supplied 30,000 catalogue antibody products 4,000 animal cages controlled in clean-room (including 500 SPF) Seasoned antibody research scientists with 300 years of experience Strict QC by YQMS (Young In Frontier Quality Management System) 전세계 모든 항체 문의는 에이비프런티어로!

2 항체 포털 서비스 Preparation Peptide 총 4주 소요 / 473,000 ~ 511,000 Free of charge 2~3 days 243,000 ~ 281,000 의뢰서 작성 Peptide epitope prediction 유전자 정보 제공 Peptide synthesis Prediction Peptide/carrier conjugation KLH: Immunogen BSA: Assay 230,000 2~3 days Peptide Ag 제작 완료 Polyclonal Ab production Protein Monoclonal Ab production 총 9주 소요 / 2,080,000 ~ 의뢰서 작성 690,000 (1 kb, template 제공 기준) Template, Vector 제공 Cloning 390,000 Optimization 850,000 (tagged) Protein purification Protein Ag 제작 완료 (2.5 mg) Polyclonal Ab production Customer offer AbFrontier data report AbFrontier offer PCR, Cloning, Sequencing Large scale culture 150,000 (1L) Monoclonal Ab production Cloning 디자인 Primers, DNA, E. coli cell stock Optimization E. coli cell stock Protein Purification

3 Gene Service Gene Bacterium Human cell 서비스 안내 Cloning - Mutation 없는 Product 보장 DNA - cdna에서 Plasmid까지 다양한 template 사용 가능 2 DNA - Infosheet 및 sheet 제공 Restriction enzyme - 서비스 기간 : (Subcloning, Mutagenesis : 2 weeks) - Subcloning, Mutagenesis, Plasmid preparation service Optimization Plasmid 1 Gene - 4종의 다양한 E.coli strain을 이용한 최적의 단백질 발현 확인 - 다양한 Test (발현 온도, Solubility, column binding)를 통한 정제단백질양 예측 - 서비스 기간 : Restriction enzyme Protein purification - Tagged protein & Intact protein 정제 Plasmid - Affinity, Ion exchange, Gel filtration, FPLC 3 - 서비스 기간 : Bacterium AbFrontier Custom service 장점 실험 담당자와의 원활한 1:1 커뮤니케이션 (신속한 feedback을 통한 맞춤형 제작 서비스) 4 고객연구센터 - 개별 서비스의 진행 상황 및 결과 즉시 확인 ( & SMS 전송) 회원제 -연구자의 프로젝트 보안 강화 Gene to Antibody 항체 전문가의 One stop service 구현 국내 최대 규모의 동물 시설 : 3,500 rabbit cages, 500 mouse cages Young In Frontier s Over 36,000 custom antibodies worldwide since 2004 Human Protein Atlas (HUPO, major antibody partner Supplied 30,000 catalogue antibody products 4,000 animal cages controlled in clean-room (including 500 SPF) Seasoned antibody research scientists with 300 years of experience Strict QC by YQMS (Young In Frontier Quality Management System) 전세계 모든 항체 문의는 에이비프런티어로!

4 항체 포털 서비스 Gene Service Gene Gene cloning 총 3주 소요 / 690,000~ Customer offer AbFrontier data report 의뢰서 작성 AbFrontier offer Subcloning PCR cloning Infosheet Primer order PCR Customer vector on demand Vector selection pet vector series pgex vector series Enzyme digestion Ligation/ Transformation Cloning service (Customer offer) 1. Gene information (NCBI, Expasy number) 2. Template 20 μl (0.1 μg/μl) (vector information, restriction enzyme site) Colony incubation/ DNA prep Enzyme digestion cloning data Candidate sequencing Sequence align Primers, DNA, E. coli cell stock Cloning 완료 Optimization Protein purification 총 3주 소요 390,000 Final data / 종료 37/ 20 C test data E. coli (BL21 4종 strain) Transformation Column binding test Binding data 37 C/ 20 C Expression/ Binding test Host selection, Binding test 2 weeks Yes Optimization 완료 총 3주 소요 850,000 Western blot test Yes Large scale cell culture 1st column purification Column binding test data Purification data 2nd column purification Final data 3rd column purification Concentration & dialysis Purification 완료 Final data

5 Monoclonal Antibody Service AbFrontier Custom service 장점 실험담당자와의원활한 1:1 커뮤니케이션 ( 신속한 feedback을통한맞춤형제작서비스 ) 고객연구센터 - 개별서비스의진행상황및결과즉시확인 ( & SMS 전송 ) 회원제 -연구자의프로젝트보안강화 Gene to Antibody 항체전문가의 One stop service 구현 국내최대규모의동물시설 : 3,500 rabbit cages, 500 mouse cages Ascites service 2-3 ml/mouse 제공 (5 mice로진행 ) 서비스기간 : 5 weeks Mono Isolate immune cells Antibody forming cells Tumor cells Fusion Immunization Hybridomas Monoclonal antibodies Clonal expansion Antibody-producing hybridomas cloned Hybridomas screened for production of desired antibody 서비스안내 - Protein 2.5 mg (purity: 90-95%) - Peptide 5 mg (purity: > 70%) 4마리의 mice (Balb/c strain) 사용 Test용 culture supernatant 제공 최소 2 개의 positive clone 보장 ( screening) Isotyping service 최적화된자체프로토콜에의해단축된개발기간 : 4 months Purification service IgG purification - Protein G column chromatography - 서비스기간 : 1- Affinity purification - 2 step (Protein G Affinity) column chromatography - 서비스기간 : 2-4 weeks Young In Frontier s Over 36,000 custom antibodies worldwide since 2004 Human Protein Atlas (HUPO, major antibody partner Supplied 30,000 catalogue antibody products 4,000 animal cages controlled in clean-room (including 500 SPF) Seasoned antibody research scientists with 300 years of experience Strict QC by YQMS (Young In Frontier Quality Management System) 전세계모든항체문의는에이비프런티어로!

6 Monoclonal antibody production 항체포털서비스 Monoclonal 총 16 주소요 / 4,890,000 Customer offer AbFrontier data report AbFrontier offer Additional service 의뢰서작성 Mono Ag preparation Primary Injection (Week 0) 4 mice 항원제공 항원확인 890,000 Immunization 1 st Boost Injection (Week 2) 4 mice Immunity test 면역스케줄 Final Boost Injection (Week 3) 2 mice Fusion (After three days) Spread 96well-4plates Fusion 결정 2,300,000 Fusion Fusion test Yes Method 1 Method 2 - WB - IP (2 plates/ 24 well) 1 st cloning (5 clones/ 96 well) 1 st screening WB or IP (2 plates/ 24 well) Parental Freezing (50 clones) 1,700,000 Cloning 6 weeks 2 nd cloning (1 clone/ 96 well) 2 nd screening 3 rd cloning (1 clone/ 96 well) Culture Sup. 25 ml Cell Freezing 2 clones (5 vials: 3 X 10 6 ) Isotyping 4 weeks Isotyping 3 rd screening 175T cell culture Ascites (2~3 ml/ mouse) 690,000 Ascites data IgG Purification (serum 10 ml each) 310,000

7 Polyclonal Antibody Service 서비스 안내 Conjugation service Peptide conjugation: KLH, BSA - Protein 2.5 mg (purity: 90-95%) HRP conjugation - Peptide 5 mg (purity: > 70%) FITC conjugation 사용 동물 : Mouse, Rabbit, Rat, Goat Biotin Conjugation 2번의 test bleeding 제공 (5, 7주차) 동물 추가 및 Pre-immune test 가능 서비스 기간: 9 weeks 선택의 폭이 다양한 package (Abpep & Standard package) Preparation Design Peptide Synthesis IHC IP Antiserum Preparation & Purification Test Immunostain Delivery Westem Blot Others Rabbit, Mouse, Rat, Goat WB or IP test AbFrontier Custom service 장점 실험 담당자와의 원활한 1:1 커뮤니케이션 (신속한 feedback을 통한 맞춤형 제작 서비스) 고객연구센터 - 개별 서비스의 진행 상황 및 결과 즉시 확인 ( & SMS 전송) 회원제 -연구자의 프로젝트 보안 강화 Gene to Antibody 항체 전문가의 One stop service 구현 국내 최대 규모의 동물 시설 : 3,500 rabbit cages, 500 mouse cages Young In Frontier s Over 36,000 custom antibodies worldwide since 2004 Human Protein Atlas (HUPO, major antibody partner Supplied 30,000 catalogue antibody products 4,000 animal cages controlled in clean-room (including 500 SPF) Seasoned antibody research scientists with 300 years of experience Strict QC by YQMS (Young In Frontier Quality Management System) 전세계 모든 항체 문의는 에이비프런티어로! Poly Customer s

8 Polyclonal antibody production 항체포털서비스 Polyclonal 총 9 주소요 / 890,000 의뢰서작성 Ag preparation 항원제공 Poly Primary Injection (Week 0) 2 rabbits 1 st Boost Injection (Week 4) 2 rabbits 1 st Test bleeding (week 5) Serum 1 ml/ear vein Immunity test (week 5) 항원확인 면역스케줄 890,000 9 weeks 2 nd Boost Injection (Week 6) 2 rabbits 2 nd Test bleeding (week 7) Serum 1 ml/ear vein Immunity test (week 7) Additional boosting (Optional) 180,000 Pre immune 및 test serum Test serum 및 data 3 rd Boost Injection (week 8) 2 rabbits Heart Puncture 여부결정 Final heart puncture (week 9) Serum 50 ml Final Immunity test Yes Method 1 Method 2 Purification 310,000 Antibody purification (IgG) Serum 10 ml Antibody purification (Affinity) Serum 10 ml 540,000 Customer offer AbFrontier data report Additional service Antibody conjugation (2 mg) 230,000 ~ 290,000

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