How to write good research papers 황은성 서울시립대학교
논문, 왜쓰는가?? 동료학자들에게내가만든정보의전달과검증 그렇다면, 어떻게쓰여져야하는가??
Peer review 유의성 신규성 정확성
1. 선행연구에대한비판적검토를통한새로운문제제기 2. 오류없는결과도출 3. 충실한분석과해석. 4. 이에대한정확한기술. 그리고, 논리적주장전개 어떻게준비할것인가?
1. 오류없는결과도출 flawless research
During investigation Errors, Bias & Misconducts - Carelessness ( 부주의 ) - Incompetence ( 무능력 ) - Self-deception ( 선입견과자기기만 ) - Ignorance ( 무시, 무지 ) - Frauds ( 조작 )
Errors [1] Can you find the the mistake? 2x3=6 3x3=9 4x3=12 5x3=15 6x3=18 7x3=21 - Modified from [Zahra Mulroy. Mirror. Posted on 28 Apr 2016]
[2] 모방을통한생존률증진현상이자연계에서일어나는가? ( 자료 : Biology, 5th ed. Cambell 외, 2006, Pearson) 90 80 70 공격당한인공뱀 (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 산호뱀이없는산 그림 1. 실험결과 I 산호뱀이있는산 모방을통한생존률증진현상이자연계에서일어난다
공격당한인공뱀 (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 인공왕뱀인공갈색뱀 10 0 공격당한인공뱀 (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 산호뱀이없는산산호뱀이있는산 그림 2. 실험결과 II 모방을통한생존률증진현상이자연계에서일어난다 인공왕뱀결론? / 해결책은? 인공갈색뱀 0 산호뱀이없는산 산호뱀이있는산 그림 1. 모방실험결과 III
100 90 80 공격당한인공뱀 (%) 70 60 50 40 30 인공왕뱀인공갈색뱀 같은결론? 20 10 0 산호뱀이없는산 산호뱀이있는산 그림 2. 실험결과 II
데이터조작 원데이터 Time course 측정 1 hr 3 hr 5 hr #1 5 3 17 #2 7 2 20 3 hr 측정치변조 발표한데이터 Time course 측정 1 hr 3 hr 5 hr #1 5 10 17 #2 7 11 20
데이터이미지조작 Mahboubi H, et al. 2016. Protocol Exchange. Zheng J. et al. 2017. Oncotarget
0 h 24 h 0 h 24 h 0 h 24 h 결론? 결론? 결론?
2. 정확한기술 scientific writing 논문작성의기본
논문, 왜쓰나?
2. 논문, 무엇을어떻게써야하나?
제목 title 초록 abstract 서론 introduction 왜이연구를하는가? 방법 ( 과재료 ) methods (and materials) 무엇을어떻게하였나? 결과 results 무엇을얻었나? 찾았나? 토의 discussion 무엇을의미하나? 사사 acknowledgement 인용문헌 references 표와그림 tables and figures
1. 제목 Title 이논문은이렇게재미있는주제에대한것이다 "
1. 제목 Title 고속도로교통소음에대한다양한방음대책비교 Comparison of noise control plans for road-traffic Noise on Highways Body mass index and mortality rate among Hispanic adults: a pooled analysis of multiple epidemiologic data sets Senescence-associated β-galactosidase is lysosomal β-galactosidase MiR-200b and cancer/testis antigen cage form a feedback loop to regulate the invasion and tumorigenic and angiogenic responses of a cancer cell line to microtubule-targeting drugs Early and advanced stages of ovarian cancer
좋은제목설정의요령 1. 정확하면서도간결할것 (Fabrication and microstructure characterization of silicon powder from soil Characterization of silicon powder from soil) 2. 대표적이고강력한주제어를맨앞에배치. 첫단어로다음은사용을피할것 - The, A, On, Results on, Studies on, investigation on, An approach to, An analysis of, (On the discontinuous grain growth of silicon compounds Discontinuous grain growth of silicon compounds) 3. 필요하다면콜론을사용하여부제목을만들것 Health and retirement : Do changes in health affect retirement expectations? 4. 좋은제목을설정하기위해서는논문을쓰기시작전, 결과를쓴후, 서론을쓴후, 고찰을쓴후에한번씩제목을새로이붙여본다.
2. 초록 Abstract 논문을읽기전, 또는읽어볼수없는사람에게연구내용을전달할수있어야한다. 또, 내게유익한내용인가를판단할수있도록도와주어야한다. 짧은시간에내용을전달할수있도록간결하게작성하라.
2. 초록 Abstract Abstract should be a miniature standalone article! 구성 Background (Introduction of problem + Purpose) - 왜이연구를하였나? Methods - 어떻게연구가이루어졌나? Results - 어떤결과가나왔나? Conclusion - 이들결과로부터얻어진결론과주장은무엇인가?
남해안통영-사량도동북부의굴양식장주변해역에서 2016년 6월부터 2017년 5월까지식물플랑크톤군집의계절변동및환경특성을조사하였다. 본연구는굴의먹이생물인식물플랑크톤의현존량이계절적으로어떻게분포하고, 그들의현존량을조절하는환경인자특성을규명하고자하였다. 조사기간동안수온은 2월 7.54 C에서 8월 29.5 C로변화하였고, 하계에고수온현상이지속되었다. 염분은하계집중강우와태풍의영향으로 31 psu 전후로낮게관찰되었고, 최저치는 9월에 30.68 psu로, 최고치는 5월 34.24 psu로관찰되었다. ph는표층에서 7.95~8.50로, 저층의 7.91~8.3보다조금높게관찰되었으며, 용존산소는 ph와유사하게표층에서 6.0~9.45 mg L -1 로높게나타났고, 저층에서는하계에 5.25 mg L -1 의전후로낮게관찰되었다. 질산염 + 아질산염은 0.14 μm에서 7.66 μm로, 인산염은 0.01 μm에서 4.16 μm로, 규산염은 0.27 μm에서 20.33 μm로각각변화하였다. 표층 Chl. a 농도는 0.37 μg L -1 에서 2.44 μg L -1 로변화하였고, 연평균 1.26 μg L -1 로관찰되었다. 식물플랑크톤군집은연평균규조류가 69% 로가장높았고, 다음으로와편모조류가 17%, 은편모조류 10% 순으로나타났다. 6월에는와편모조류 P. donghaiense 가 90% 로극우점하였고, 7 월은규조류 Chaetoceros decipiens 가우점하였다. 하계에는 Rhizosolenia setigera 와 Pseudo-nitzchia delicatissima가높게나타났고, 추계에는 Chaetoceros spp. 와함께은편모그룹이점차적으로증가하였다. 동계에는 Skeletonema spp. 와 Eucampia zodiacus가높은밀도로출현하였다. 결과적으로굴양식장주변해역에서계절에관계없이 Chl. a 농도가 2.5 μg L -1 이하로나타났고, 연평균이 1.26 μg L -1 로일정하게낮게나타난것은지속적으로여과섭식하는굴의성장특성때문에일정의식물플랑크톤현존량이제어되고있다는것을시사할수있었다. 환경생물학회지. 35권 4호. p492 초록에논문의모든정보를담으려하지말라. 본문에중요한정보가있음만을알려라.
3. 서론 Introduction 다른문헌들의고찰을통해서본연구에서해결하려는문제를제시한다. 1. 문제제기 - 연구주제의제시 Cellular senescence is an important part of aging. Cells continue proliferation until they reach a state of senescence which is thought a main reason for the decline of body function during aging. However, its molecular mechanism is poorly understood. 2. 연구의필요성과중요성제시 주제와관련한과거의발견내용들 Cellular senescence has been first noticed by Leonard Hayflick in 1962. Normal human cells when cultured in vitro, proliferate for a limited number of population doublings, and then enter a state of irreversible growth arrest (Hayflick, 1962). 3. 가설, 연구전략과의미제시 제시하고자하는가설은무엇인가? 어떻게증명하였나? 그의미는? The primary objective of the present work is to determine the molecular pathway how cells deliver the growth arrest signal to the expression of various senescence phenotypes. We cultured normal human fibroblast until senescence, and isolated proteins involved in gene transcription
좋은서론작성의요령 1. 시제는대체로과거형또는현재완료형 Most studies related to this work have been conducted on laboratory settings. 2. 그러나, 내연구목적은현재형으로기술할수있다. Good paraphrasing This work intends to examine the sensitivity of the engineering parameters. 3. 주요논문의내용을소개할때는그논문에대한장황한리뷰를만들지마라. 한두문장으로요약하라. 4. 표절또는자기표절을피하라 단하나의문단이라도인용표기없이가져오면표절이다. 특히, 말바꾸어쓰기를철저히하여 paraphrasing plagiarism 을하지마라.
4. 재료와방법 Materials and methods or Methodology 따라서했을때동일한결과가나오도록상세히정보를제공한다. 동일한결과가재현될수있도록시약과장비의상세정보를제공한다. - Powder nicotinamide was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, WA, USA) and dissolve in.. 약어는최초로언급할때풀어서기술하고, 그이후에는약어만쓴다. - Scanning electron micriscopy (SEM) was performed on The samples were next applied to SEM. 인용 : 이미다른논문에기술된동일한방법이사용되었다면, 다시쓰지않을수있다. 그러나, 조금이라도다름이있다면기술해준다. - Sound velocities were measured by the resonance technique described by Jonhson, et al (2007). Briefly, a bell was placed in a liquid medium.. 사용한물질이주체가되도록수동태로기술한다. - The powder was synthesized by dispersing 문장은숫자로시작하지않는것이관례이다. - 6 mg of silver was analyzed A segment of 6 mg silver was analyzed..
동일내용의 방법, 표절또는자기표절인가? Q6: "If a scientist is describing a method that is used in different papers, can they use that same description?" A: (Bob) Anecdotal feedback from CrossCheck members indicates that editors are largely unconcerned with plagiarism in method sections. In fact, it has been requested that ithenticate includes a feature that excludes methods from originality check. (Rachael) I d agree with Bob. An Editor reading the paper as a subject specialist will understand that there will necessarily be a degree of overlap/the same methods section if the same method has been used. (Bob Creutz, Executive Director of ithenticate; Rachael Lammey from CrossRef) (Self-Plagiasrism Q & A (, ithenticate 사 )
5. 결과 Results 서론에서제기한문제의해답, 즉, 가정에대한증거를논리적으로제시한다. 1. 좋은논문은좋은 results section 이기본이고, 좋은 result section 은치밀한관찰과그의기술에기초한다. 따라서, 결과데이터에대한치밀한관찰과분석이좋은논문을만들기위한핵심이다. 2. 결과에서증거로제시하는데이터하나하나는그자체가작은논문이다. 즉, 데이터를설명하기위해서는 그실험이실시된이론적배경, 그실험을수행한재료와방법, 결과의상세한설명, 그에기반한결론, 그리 고결론의해석또는의미를군더더기없이기술한다.
결과작성에서주의할점 1. 그림의한부분한부분을지적하면서결론을치밀하고정밀하게제시한다. - Telomere shortening rate was significantly reduced to 9 bp per division (Fig. 5A, lanes 4-8, and 5B, lower box). However, as shown in Fig. 5C, the results of a TRAP assay demonstrate that there was no activation of telomerase in the untreated cells (lanes 2 vs. 3). 2. 그림이나표를보지않고결론만을읽어도그내용을이해할수있게상세해야한다. 3. 그림자체에대한설명은 results section 이아닌 figure legend ( 그림설명 ) 에서한다. 4. 여러데이터 (figure) 의순서는가정을논리적으로지지하는순서로배치한다. 이배치가잘되었을때논리적으로설득력있는논문이완성된다. 5. 때로는 results 가아닌 methods section 에포함되는것이타당한자료도있다.
* 테이블과그림 Tables and Figures Legend만읽고 figure가이해되도록 legend를상세히. 사용한 symbol들은 legend에반드시설명하고, symbol의사용은일관성있게. 통계데이터를표시한다. 그래프에범례를넣을공간이있다면넣되, 그림을복잡하게만들지말것. (Kang Hwang, Aging Cell 8:426. 2006)
6. 고찰 Discussion 데이터가제시하는결론을포괄적으로분석하고, 서론에서제기한문제와대비해서생각해본후, 인류나동료학자들에게전달하고자하는메시지를만든다. 1. 앞서제시한결과들을종합적으로정리한다. 2. 그리고, 서론에서제기하였던가설과연구목적에대비하여종합된결과가제기된가설을얼마나잘지지하는지를논리적으로정리한다. 그리고, 중요하게발견된것을여기서다시기술한다. 3. 타인의연구와대조되는부분과그렇지않은부분을정리한다. 이를통해본연구의가치를스스로평가한다. 4. 끝으로향후연구방향을제시한다. 미처연구되지못한점, 지금은해결이어려운부분들은앞으로연구되어야할필요성이있다고기술한다. 또한, 결과의실용적측면또는기대효과도기술한다
주의점 1. Results에서정리했던결과를다시장황하게기술하지않도록한다. 쓸데없이고찰을길게만드는것이다. 2. 반복실험에서서로상치하는결과가나올때, 이를보고하고, 그이유에대해서고찰해야한다. 3. 논문의주장에상치하는다른논문을언급하고상이점의원인에대해서고찰해야한다. 4. Results에서언급되지않은결과를고찰에서기술하면서새로운주장을펴는것은현명한일이아니다.
7. 참고문헌 References 참고문헌의존재이유 올바른인용은논문의기본적인윤리이자예의이며, 또, 다음과같은이유에서인용은꼭필요하다. 인용을통해원저자에게그의글과아이디어에대한 credit 을챙겨주는것은표절의문제없이다른사람의지 적재산을사용할수있는유일한방법이다. 인용은원래의아이디어가어디에서유래되었고저자의아이디어를더많이찾기를원하는사람들의일을 쉽게해준다. 인용문헌들을통해당신연구의타당성과아이디어의우수성을과시할수있다.
논문으로공개되지않은내용의인용 미출판물, 개인적인조언도참고문헌에인용되어야한다. 이미얻어진미발표데이터 : (SY Jang, unpublished data) 개인적인대화나학회에서얻어들은이야기 : (JS Novel, personal communication) 투고중또는예정인논문 : (SY Jang, in preparation) 또는 (submitted to Nature) 심사완료 ( 게재예정 ) 인논문 : (SY Jang, in press in Nature (DOI 번호 )) 학위논문을인용하는경우 : Based on the thesis submitted by SY Jang for the Ph.D. degree, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, (2011) 웹자료를인용하는경우 : 웹에접속해서실제로자료를획득한연월일을기재할것. Shanker, T. (2011, July 6). Pentagon weighs strategy to deter terror. The New York Times On the Web. Retrieved July 24, 2011 from World Health Organization Home page. Retrieved July 17, 2011 from
우리대부분의문제 : 비과학적인글과비문 MBR 공정에서내부반송비에따른생물대사성분의거동. < 한국물환경학회지 > 21 권 6 호. pp.602-608
" 우리의핵심목표는올해달성해야될것은이것이다하는것을정신을차리고나가면우리 의에너지를분산시키는걸해낼수있다는마음을가지셔야합니다." (2015 년 5 월 12 일 )
비문 ( 非文 ) - 문법에맞지않는문장 비문은논리보다는감상에의존한의사전달에익숙한우리의구어체적표현방식의문제이다. 그런데, 비문은불완전하고미숙한생각에기초한다. 때문에, 비문은정확한의사전달의중요 성을인식하지못하고있다는인상을주게되며, 결과적으로작업전체의의미와중요성을퇴 색시키는결과를초래한다.
문법적으로하자가없는 manuscript 를투고하는것은좋은논문평가에필수적이다.
논문을쓰기위해서는과학적사고하기와글쓰기훈련이필요하다! 치밀하고정확히전달하기 근거에기반해주장하기 논리적으로설득하기 철저히인용하기 글에자존심과책임감갖추기 내글쓰기
과학적글쓰기 - 나타난것을빠뜨리지않고모두말하기, 철저한고찰에기반하여추론하기 2008. 최석조저. 아트북스
나만의글쓰기 1. 표절의배제 2. 글에자존심갖추기
가. 아이디어표절 - 타인의고유한생각이나연구착상, 분석체계나방법, 논문의전개방식을출처표시없이사용 Case 1. 편집인, 심사자에게중요한유형의표절 논문의 발견의신규성 에대한판정 - 아이디어표절에대한긴 debate 1.Liu, S. 1999. Tracking bacterial growth in liquid media and a new bacterial life model. Science in China (42:644-654,in English entirely). Abstract includes "individual growth and family formation of Escherichia coli was continuously observed in real-time for up to 6 h. The observations showed primarily unidirectional growth and reproduction of E. coli and suggested more than one reproduction in the observed portion of E. coli life span. A new bacterial life model is proposed: each bacterium has a stable cell polarity that ultimately transforms into two bacteria of different generations; the life cycle of a bacterium can contain more than one reproduction cycle; and the age of a bacterium should be defined by its experienced chronological time. This new bacterial life model differs from the dominant concepts of bacterial life but complies with all basic life principles based on direct observation of macroorganisms. 2.Ackermann,M. 2008. Bacteria as a new model system for aging studies: investigations using light microscopy. BioTechnique (44:564-567). Abstract includes "do all organisms age? Or are there organisms that would continue to live forever if not killed by external forces? For a long time it was believed that aging only affected organisms such as animals, plants, and fungi. Bacteria, in contrast, were assumed to be potentially immortal and until recently this assertion remained untested. We used phase-contrast microscopy to follow individual bacterial cells over many divisions to prove that some bacteria show a distinction between an aging mother cell and a rejuvenated daughter, and that these bacteria thus age. This indicates that aging is a more fundamental property of organisms than was previously assumed. Bacteria can now be used as very simple model system for investigating why and how organisms age." The 2008 publication did not cite the 1999 publication despite the fact that the author of the 2008 publication was directly informed of the prior publications by the author of the 1999 publication which is a peer-reviewed and indexed publication.
Case 2. 서론에서다른문장의주장을소개할때인용하지않으면아이디어표절이다.
나. 텍스트표절
어느정도면표절인가? 1) Looking at published medical articles coldly, through the lens of applied linguistics (my background), I think we have to say that medical journal editors are indeed highly tolerant of one-sentence copying, provided the reference is given. 2) NEVERTHELESS, one-sentence copying ( patch writing it s sometimes called) creates problems in writing cohesion, and is to be avoided EVEN IF the journal editors do tolerate it. 3) SO, paraphrasing is important not just to do a perfunctory re-write to avoid an accusation of plagiarism, but to make sure that the cited information is cohesively interwoven into the expression of the present author s own messages. -Mary Ellen
내글에자존심갖추기 - Paraphrasing 말바꾸어쓰기 Original Source If any language group, Spanish or other, chooses to maintain its language, there is precious little that we can do about it, legally or otherwise, and still maintain that we are a free country. We cannot legislate the language of the home, the street, the bar, the club, unless we are willing to set up a cadre of language police who will ticket and arrest us if we speak something other than English. -James C. Stalker, "Official English or English Only," English Journal 77 (Mar. 1988):21. As Stalker points out, if any group of languages, Greek or other, decides to keep its language, there is not much any of us can do, with laws or not, and still claim to be a free country. We cannot pass laws about what we speak at home, on the street, or in restaurants, unless we also decide to tolerate having special police who will take us off to jail if they hear us not speaking English (21). Plagiarized Paraphrase 말바꿔쓰기표절 Stalker points out that in a democracy like the United States, it is not possible to have laws against the use of a language and it certainly would not be possible to enforce such laws in homes and public places (21). Revised Paraphrase 제대로된말바꿔쓰기 - Ann Raimes. Pocket Keys for Writers. Wadsworth Publishing 에서인용
논문쓰기에서표절을피하는데도움이되는조언 1. 평상시, 생각과아이디어를잘정리하여기록해두어라. 2. 타인의글에있는아이디어와결과는반드시출처를함께기록해두어라. 3. 타인의글과아이디어에매력을느낀다면우선그글의포인트를숙지하고요점을메모한후, 내용을자신의단어와글로옮겨써라. 즉, 말바꾸어쓰기를하라. 4. 다른사람의외국어로된글을그대로번역하여쓰지마라.
중복게재 / 자기표절 이미출판된자신의논문과상당부분겹치는내용을다시출판하는경우. - 자기표절 (text recycling; self-plagiarism): 자신글의일부를다시쓰는경우. 비교적적은범위의중복. - 이중게재, 중복게재 (duplicate publication; redundant publication): 글과데이터가많이중복되고, 새로운논문으로서의가치가적을경우. 4 가지대표적인유형이중출판 ( 중복게재 ) 분할출판덧붙이기출판번역출판
자기글가져오기, 어느정도허용될수있나? ( 서울대학교연구윤리규정 ) ( 서울대학교연구윤리규정. 2012 개정본 )
자기표절, 이중게재, 왜문젠가? 학자간의약속 "
1. 내학위논문의학술지발표? 이미발표한학술지논문의학위논문제출? 1 은장려되어야할일이다! ( 이것이시비가되고있는것은연구실적평가에서잘못된이중업적등재때문이다.) 1과 2 두경우모두관례적으로허용되고있다. 2에서는주의해야할점이있다!
2. 이차문헌 (secondary sources) 의인용 - 참고한논문이인용한제 3 자의글을내글에서소개하고자할때 Johnson (1902, as cited in Lee and Leonard, 2009) reported that... It was suggested that the earth is composed of...(johnson, 1922, as cited in Lee and Leonard, 2009) 존슨 (1902, 리와레너드 (2009) 에서재인용 ) 이주장한바와같이
논문저자의자격은무엇이정하는가? 논문의저자는그논문에대해공적으로책임을져야한다. 논문의투고시점에서뿐아니라발표된이후에도논문이주장하는발견과가설의과학적진실성을높이기위한검증작업이계속이루어진다. 이러한과정에서발생하는질문과논쟁에서저자는적절히응답하거나대응할수있어야한다. 그러기위해서는저자는논문의내용을알고있고, 데이터의생산과정, 방법, 그해석, 또, 그가치의타당성에대해논리적견해를제시할수있어야한다. 단순히원고에대해코멘트하거나, 실험의목적과의미를깨닫지못한채데이터측정만을해서는이러한역할을하는것은가능치않을것이다.
Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals - ICMJE
누가저자인가? 논문저자가될수있는사람 1. 논문최종본을퇴고하고승인한자로서, 2. 연구의목적과방법, 추진계획을설계하거나, 연구목적을인지하고실험을행하여자료를얻어서분석, 해석하고 or 3. 이에근거한초안이나최종본을작성한사람 논문저자가될수없는사람 1. 지시받은대로실험을행하여데이터를제공하기만한사람 2. 실험실이나기기를제공하기만한사람 3. 연구비를제공하기만한사람 4. 단순한아이디어를제공하기만한사람 5. 돈을받고데이터를측정해주는사람 ( 이들에대해선논문의 acknowledgement 에서감사를표시한다 )
저자배정에서국내연구자가주로범하는오류의예 1. 연구에참여하지않은주임교수나연구실장이주저자또는공동저자로등재되는경우 2. 학생, 연구원이한실험결과를다른사람의논문연구의일부로넘겨주는경우 3. 의도적으로제자의이름을배제하는경우 4. 논문에가족을등재해주는경우 * 연구실내에서연구원의연구 : 팀연구와개인연구, 구분되어야한다.
Desirable research culture and systems 연구진실성을높이는장치들 Lab note 연구노트작성 Statistician-guided experimental design 통계학자의도움에의한연구설계 Open communications : intramural and extramural 오픈토론 Collaborations : intramural and extramural 공동연구 Peer-reviewing on evaluation of research outcomes 결과평가에대한공정심사 Appropriate credit acknowledgment 적절한실적평가 Strengthening COI clarification 이해충돌의예방
Some hints on correct usage of english
Pointers While Writing Content Emphasize contrast using However Nevertheless Although/Even though Yet Despite/In spite of In contrast/in comparison While/Whereas On the other hand/on the contrary However To get more insight into the physiological and chemotaxonomic significance of polyisoprenoids, it is important to understand the biosynthetic pathways of polyisoprenoids in plants, and to obtain information on the occurrence of these compounds. However, few studies have focused on the distribution of polyisoprenoids in mangrove plants. Although In Ae. corniculatum, Av. lanata, C. tagal, N. fruticans, R. apiculata, and S. caseolaris, dolichols with no polyprenols were observed, although trace amounts of polyprenols were detected in Av. alba, Av. officinalis, B. parviflora, R. mucronata, and X. granatum.
Pointers While Writing Content Add emphasis using Undoubtedly Indeed Obviously Admittedly Particularly Especially Especially Metal fixed orthodontic appliances have a long h istory of use, along with attempts to improve upo n their structure, material, and color, especially th e aesthetic requirements, which have attracted m ore and more focus in recent years. Obviously The test result of the stress-strain curve is show n in Figure 1. Obviously, the elastic modulus and v iscosity coefficient of the wires decreased with in creasing temperature. Indeed Indeed, the results from independent t-tests sho w that the accuracy scores were consistently high er in the massed learning group than in the distri buted learning group (Table 4).
Pointers While Writing Content Show cause using For Because Since As Because Because a central venous line was not inserted, we tentatively initiated dopamine infusion at 5 μg/kg/min, which was increased to 10 μg/kg/ min; however, his hypotension worsened (Fig. 1 ). Since (Preferred) Since the outputs of linear models do not satis fy the constraints on probabilities, linear regres sion might not be suitable as the probability est imator. As Such hedge needs are too large to be fully met by U.S. and European banks capacity to provid e dollars as they became keen to squeeze asset s due to recent regulatory changes.
Pointers While Writing Content Compare data using Similarly Likewise Similar to Similarly Similarly, by increasing the sonic conductanc e Cr, the pressurised gas can be exhausted to the atmosphere immediately to avoid negativ e work. both and Both and These results show that fungi possessing lign inolytic activity at 0 C are abundant under sn ow cover, and they belong to both Basidiomyc ota and Ascomycota. Similar to After rehabilitation, the perception of life qu ality by the present study group was similar t o that of the control group.
Pointers While Writing Content Indicate results using As a result As a consequence (of) Therefore Thus Consequently Hence Owing to Therefore The identification of severe type-2/eosinophilic asth ma is important for improving the management of pa tients with asthma. Therefore, efforts to develop noninvasive biomarkers for type-2/eosinophilic airway inf lammation have been made during this decade. Owing to Patients in group B had a significantly lower frequen cy of history of admission owing to asthma and were taller than those in group C. Thus Elevated FeNO also reflects oxidative/nitrative stress i n the airways, which drives fibrosis progression and m ay represent a marker of excess decline in pulmonary function when sufficiently elevated. Thus, FeNO alon e may identify severe type-2 predominant asthma in r eal-world settings.
Effective Academic English Language Use Some tips on Forecasting! The whole paper ( The focus of this paper is... ) Another section ( The physical properties are presented and an alyzed in Section 5 ) The current section ( This section will examine... ) A previous section ( In the previous section, we demonstrated t hat... ) Passage immediately preceding or following ( The objectives are as follows:... )
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