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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck


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Being friends with the face in the mirror



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3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'

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When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no

How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

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1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Dad, look at this. I made a birthday card for Grandma. M: Wow, you decorated it with dried flowers. W: Yes

희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec



4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정



55호 1면

수능 CAT



StorypalintrotoPenPaling - Korean


Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you




1. 청소년의 이해


Mom: What s he wearing? Child: He is wearing some space clothes. Mom: Yes, he is an astronaut. [Page 8-9] Mom: Where is this? Child: It is a desert. C


Lesson 9 I Need Some Advice Don t mention it. You know what? I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. I want to talk about my best friend. Sometimes I talk to her about my problems. However, she doesn t always listen. Words advice cf. advise anymore become best good brand close ex. The window will not close. dear feeling forget forgot forgotten happen ex. Accidents like this happen all the time. honesty cf. honest however hurt kind last ex. We caught the last bus home. listen lose lost lost ex. She lost her child in the crowd. matter ex. What s the matter? mention ex. He has never mentioned you before. need phone policy popular price problem 120 puppy reason share should ex. You should wait here. smart start suddenly then ex. I m invited too, so I ll see you then. together uniform usually ex. I usually get up at 7 o clock. Phrases all the time ex. Your photo was in my wallet all the time. as you know ex. As you know, I should go now. come across ex. I came across him on the way home. listen to ~ ex. Sit down and listen to me. lots of a lot of ex. There were lots of people at the concert. share A with B A B ex. Eli shared his bread with Sue. sound like ex. They sound like very bad kids. this kind of thing ex. I ve never done this kind of thing before. Why don t you+ ~? ex. Why don t you take a break?

Words 1 smart 2 together 3 need 4 kind 5 dear 6 advice 7 best 8 lose 9 last 10 policy 11 honesty 12 phone 13 forget 14 popular 15 reason 16 uniform 17 mention 18 start 19 brand 20 hurt 21 usually 22 happen 23 matter 24 problem 25 listen 26 anymore 27 close 28 share 29 feeling 30 however 31 then 32 puppy 33 suddenly 34 price 35 should 36 become Phrases 37 all the time 38 this kind of thing 39 come across 40 lots of 41 as you know 42 share A with B 43 Why don t you+~? 44 sound like 45 listen to ~ p.185 Lesson 9 121 Words 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 122 p.185 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 good 32 33 34 35 36 Phrases 37 38 39 40 41 42 A B 43 44 45

1 I share my house (with / to) four other people. 2 (As / Like) you know, you need to study hard. 3 What kind of music do you (listen / hear) to? 4 (How / Why) don t you ask him? 5 She was a very (deer / dear) friend. 6 it started to rain. 7 He decided to take my. 8 I think the is reasonable. 9 Her behavior me a lot. 10 The singer is among a lot of girls. come across sound like listen to kind of 11 She likes to classical music. 12 Yesterday he his old photos in the drawer. 13 I ve never heard of this thing. 14 Sumi wants to go with me. And that a good idea. 15 close first 16 best open 17 last win 18 lose alone 19 together worst p.185 share need to ask deer decide reasonable behavior classical music drawer win alone worst Lesson 9 123 A: Let me help you with your bags. B: Thank you very much. A: Don t mention it. Thank you for -ing. Thanks for -ing. Don t mention it. / My pleasure. / You re welcome. / No problem. 1 A: Sujin won t to me. B: Why? A: I her birthday. B: Well, Sujin loves chocolate. You can buy some chocolate for her. A: That s a good idea. a lot. B: it. 2 A: Do you need any? B: Yes. I close the window. A: me try. There you go. B: a lot. A:. A: Hi, Jim. How are you doing? B: I m doing well. Thank you. How about you? A: I m great. You know what? I won in the piano contest. B: Wow! Congratulations. You know what? Guess what? / Look! / Listen! 124

p.185 3 A: You? I saw Chunhyangjeon. B: I m sorry, but I you. A: I saw a Korean, Chunhyangjeon. B: I see. A: Did you see it? B: Sure, I did. A: You know what? I came across Jim on my way home. B: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. A: I happened to meet Jim on my way home. I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. / Sorry? / Pardon me? / Excuse me? / What did you say? / CouldCanyou say that again? I m sorry, but I don t understand. 4 A: My Austrian friend chose an English name me. B: I m sorry, but I. A: My friend chose an English name for me. B: Oh, what is it? A: June. It my Korean name, Jueun. June B: That s interesting. A:? My birthday is June, too. 6 Lesson 9 125 p.185 Dialog 1 A: What s the 1., Yujin? B: My friend, Sujin, 2. talk to me. A: 3. why? B: No, I don t. A: Then, ask her the reason. B: Okay. Thanks for 4. my problem. A: 5.. Dialog 2 A: 6.? Sujin phoned me last night. B: I sorry, but 7.. A: Sujin called me last night. B: Good. Sujin and you became 8. again. A: Right. I m so happy now. (A) I mean I caught a cold. (B) You look tired. What s the matter? (C) Sorry, I didn t hear you. (D) That s too bad. Drink a lot of water. (E) I have a cold. (F) Don t mention it. (G) Thanks a lot. 126

1 A: You know? I saw The Matrix. B: Sorry, I didn t. A: I saw a sci-fi movie, The Matrix. B: I. A: Did you see it? B: Sure, I did. [2~3] 2 A: Thank you for your advice. B: Not at all. You re right. My pleasure. You re welcome. Don t mention it. 3 A: How are you doing, Jane? B: I m doing fine, thanks. I won the English Speech Contest. A: Wow! Congratulations! Look. Listen. Guess what? No problem. You know what? 4 A: You know what? I got an A + in English! B: A: I got an A + in English. B: You did a great job. That s too bad. Sounds great. Sorry, I didn t hear you. No problem. Don t mention it. sci-fi movie advice pleasure mention fine speech contest job Lesson 9 127 5 A: You know what? I got a new car. B: Good for you. A: I lost my bag. B: Don t mention it. A: Is there a post office around here? B: Sorry, I didn t hear you. A: Do you need any help? B: Yes. I can t open the window. A: Thank you for coming to my party. B: My pleasure. 6 A: Do you need any help? B: Yes, I can t open this bottle. A: Let me try it. There you go. B: That s too bad. A: No problem. [7~8] Kevin: You look worried. Yujin: My friend, Sujin, won t talk to me. Kevin: Do you know why? Yujin: I forgot her birthday. Kevin: Well, Sujin loves chocolate. You can buy some chocolate for her. Yujin: That s a good idea. Thanks a lot. Kevin: Don t mention it. 7 What s wrong with you? What happened? Is anything wrong? What s up? What did you say? 8 Why was Sujin angry at Yujin? Because. 128 p.185 lose post office around bottle worried forget wrong happen

want to What do you want to be when you grow up? I decided to go to Italy to study music. She hopes to meet you. toto ex. To get up early is good for your health. His job is to teach math. I want to eat spaghetti. to want, wish, decide, hope, plan, choose, expect ex. What do you plan to do? I hope to swim today. cf. enjoy, mind, stop, give up 1 I want at home. (stay) 2 He decided regularly. (exercise) 3 I plan my mother tomorrow. (visit) 4 She wanted a cellphone. (have) 5 We chose by train. (go) 6 (wanted / pizza / to make / she) 7 (Mom / with the dishes / to help / tried / I) 8 (to win / he / a gold medal / is hoping) 9 (we / this town / to leave / decided) Lesson 9 129 p.185 however Jenny studied hard. However, she couldn t pass the test. To his surprise, however, the tiger didn t move. It looked so sad. Some students are for keeping pets. Other students, however, are against keeping pets. however ex. I was tired. However, I had to work. however ex. We wanted to arrive on time, however, we were delayed by traffic jam. 10 Kevin ordered apple juice. (And / However) the waiter brought him orange juice. 11 I wanted to send you an email. (However / So) I didn t know your email address. 12 He was feeling bad. (Because / However) he went to work. 13 I bought many books. (However / Or) I didn t read them. However 14 My brother likes to play games. He s from Brazil. 15 She s from Mexico I couldn t find it. 16 I looked for my wallet. I like to listen to music. 14 15 16 130

1 (1) He didn t study hard. (However / So), he got a good grade. (2) I wanted to call you. (Because / However), I didn t have your number. (3) Jane wants to (be / being) a doctor in the future. (4) They decided (write / to write) a letter to the mayor. 2 I bought a lot of books., I didn t read them. Before However And As a result For instance 3 We to open a new office near the downtown area. decided planned wanted mind hoped [4~5] 4 (nice jeans / you / buy / to / want) 5 (want / talk / about / to / my / best friend / I) number doctor future mayor bought buy a lot of office downtown area jeans talk about Lesson 9 131 6 It is sunny., it s a little bit cold. Ann s test was difficult., she did very well. Because And Or However So 7 Yujin looked for her key. However,. I didn t have your number she couldn t stop it he wanted to make his key they brought him spaghetti she couldn t find it 8 I like to buy some shoes. He wants to be a millionaire. She doesn t always listen to me. Josh hopes seeing her girl friend. Jenny started to talk about her. 9 To see is to believe. You need to get up early. She wants to go there alone. I like to play the piano. He tried to keep his promise. 10 I hope see you soon. John wants eat spaghetti. I like teach music at school. The kids enjoyed swimming in the pool. You need eat breakfast every day. 132 p.186 sunny a little bit cold key millionaire listen to hope believe early alone promise soon enjoy pool breakfast

I Need Some Advice I want to talk about my best friend. Her name is Julie. She is very smart. want to cf. to want, hope, wish, expect, decide, promise, pretend We do lots of things together. We usually listen to music or play computer = a lot of games. Sometimes I talk to her about my problems. However, she doesn t lose not always: always listen. Last Friday I lost my puppy, and I was sad. I told her about it, and suddenly she started to talk about her puppy. This kind of thing happens always all the time. What should I do? Can you give me some advice, please? Can you ~, please? Amy, Canada. Dear Amy, Julie is your best friend. Do you want to lose her? No? Then, say to her, the best: good want to Sometimes you don t listen to me. It hurts me. As you know, honesty is the best policy. Yujin, Korea Dear Amy, Do you think Julie is your best friend? Julie doesn t listen to you. Good friends are good listeners. Why don t you share your feelings with another friend? share A with B: A B HowWhatabout -ing? Kevin, Korea T F 1 Amy wrote this letter to give advice. 2 Amy s best friend doesn t always listen to her. 3 Yujin suggests Amy should not talk to Julie. 4 Kevin thinks Julie is not a good friend for Amy. p.186 smart together usually lose kind advice hurt a good listener feeling Lesson 9 133 Listening 1 A: You look tired. What s the matter? = What s wrong? / What s up? B: I have a cold. A: That s too bad. Drink a lot of water. = Sorry to hear that. B: Thanks a lot. A: Don t mention it. = You re welcome. / No problem. 2 A: Do you know what? I met a Turkish man. = Guess what? / Listen. / Look. B: Sorry, but I didn t hear you. = Sorry? / Excuse me? / Pardon me? / What did you say? A: I met a man from Turkey. B: Where did you meet him? A: In the museum. Speaking 1 A: Thanks a lot. B: Don t mention it. = No problem. / You re welcome. 2 A: I m so sorry. B: No problem. = No problem. / You re welcome. / That s okay. 3 A: You know what? I got Ds in English and science. B: Sorry, but I didn t hear you. A: I got Ds in English and science. B: That s too bad. Writing Many students want to have a puppy. However, they don t want to take care of it. We need to give food and water to the puppy. We need to walk it, too. Can you do these things? want to = But = puppy needto give food and water, walk 134 Listening tired cold mention Turkish museum Speaking problem science Writing puppy take care of walk

1. I talk about my best friend. 2. Her is Julie. 3. She is very. 4. We do together. 5. We listen to music or computer games. 6. I her about my problems. 7. However, she listen. 8. Last Friday I my puppy, and I sad. 9. I told her about it, and suddenly she started about her puppy. 10. This thing happens. 11.? 12. give me some, please? Amy, Canada Dear Amy, 13. Julie is your. 14. Do you her? No? 15. Then, say to her, Sometimes you don t me. It me. 16., is the best policy. Yujin, Korea Dear Amy, 17. Do you think Julie is your? 18. Julie doesn t you. 19. Good friends are good. 20. you your feelings another friend? Kevin, Korea p.186 1. 2. Julie 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Amy Amy 13. Julie 14. 15. 16. Amy 17. Julie 18. Julie 19. 20. Kevin Lesson 9 135 Julie 136 p.186

Listening 1 A: You look tired. What s the? B: I have a cold. A: too. Drink a lot of water. B: Thanks a lot. A:. 2 A:? I met a Turkish man. B: Sorry, but I. A: I met a man from Turkey. B: did you meet him? A: In the museum. Speaking 1 A: Thanks a lot. B:. 2 A: I m so sorry. B: No. 3 A: You know what? I got Ds in English and science. B:, A: I got Ds in English and science. B:. Writing Many students want to have a puppy., they don t want to it. We need to give and to the puppy. We walk it, too. Can you do? p.186 Listening 1. A: B: A: B: A: 2. A: B: A: B: A: Speaking 1. A: B: 2. A: B: 3. A: D B: A: D B: Writing Lesson 9 137 I want to talk about my best friend. Her name is Julie. She is very smart. We do lots of things together. We usually (A) listen / hear to music or play computer games. Sometimes I (B) talk / listen to her about my problems. However she doesn t always listen. Last Friday I lost my puppy, and I was (C) excited / sad. I told her about it, and suddenly she started to talk about her puppy. This kind of thing happens all the time. (A) (B) (C) listen talk excited hear talk sad listen talk sad hear listen excited listen listen sad 138. Words + Reading happen advice lose reason hurt policy honest matter share price 1 happen : to take place or occur : 2 : to cause physical or emotional pain : 3 : the cause of something, or the motive behind someone s action : 4 : a suggest about what someone should do : 5 : not hiding the truth or the facts about something : 6 : a way of doing something that has been officially agreed : 7 : the amount of money that must be paid to buy something : 8 : to have or use something at the same time as someone else : 9 : the reason for pain, worry or a problem : 10 : to no longer have something because you don t know where it is :

p.186 Grammar + Reading 1 Good friends are good listen. 2 What should I to do? 3 Can you give some advice me, please? 4 Last Friday I lose my puppy, and I was sad. 5 However, she does always not listen. 6 We usually listen to music or playing computer games. 7 I want talking about my best friend. 8 As you knew, honesty is the best policy. 9 Why don t you sharing your feelings with another friend? 10 Then, say to her, Sometimes you don t listen me. It hurts me. I also wanted to wear brand name shoes. However, I didn t buy them. They were too expensive. Instead, I bought nice shoes at the market. There are many fashionable shoes at a good price. Why do you want paying more? Lesson 9 139 1 honest honesty fashionable fashion advise advice difficult difficulty healthy health 2 We had lots snow last winter. I ve never done this kind thing before. with at of off on 3 I m just tired all the time. usually always all of us sometimes at times 4 a suggestion about what someone should do duty direction policy advice role 140 5 I want to talk to you about it. There are lots of things to do. Seat yourself and listen to me. A child doesn t like to share the toys with others. The dogs were fighting each other. (6~7) 6 A: Thank you for sending the book. B: No problem. That s all. It s my pleasure. You re welcome. Don t mention it. 7 A: You know what? I met a Turkish man. B: A: I met a man from Turkey. What? Pardon? What did you say? You can say that again. Sorry, but I didn t hear you.

8 A: You know what? I saw the Matrix. Did you see it? B: Sure, I did. A: It was awesome. Do you know me? Tell me. Come here. Guess what? Are you listening? 9 Thanks a lot. Do you need any help? Let me try. There you go. Don t mention it. Yes, I can t close the window. 10 A: You know what? Plants can hear music. B : Oh, really? I didn t know that. A: What do you want to make? B : I want to be a pilot. A: I m going to Madrid. B : Sorry, I didn t hear you. A: Thank you for coming today. B : My pleasure. A: Sometimes Julie hurts me. B : Did you tell her about your feelings? (11~12) A: Do you need any help? B: Yes. I can t turn on the computer. A: Let me to try. B: Thanks a lot. A: Don t mention it. 11 12 There you go. Here we go. Let s start. There he comes. Here you are. (13~15) A: You know what? I saw Chunhyangjeon. B: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. A: B: I see. A: Did you see it? B: Sure, I was. 13 14 I didn t see a Korean movie, Chunhyangjeon. I think so, too. Chunhyangjeon is a Korean movie. I saw a Korean movie, Chunhyangjeon. I d like to see it someday. Lesson 9 141 15 What? Listen. Sure. What do you know? How are you doing? (16~17) 16 I want travel to Japan. 17 She decided meet her parents. 18, she doesn t have enough money. So However Thus Therefore Because 142 19 to I have to go there alone. Anne loves to play the piano. I try to keep a diary in English. He decided to go to New York. I think students need to wear their uniforms. 20 He ordered green tea., they brought coffee. She looked for her glasses., she couldn t find them. I wanted to visit you., I was too busy. It looked cold outside., we didn t go out. Jake worked hard., he failed again. 21 You look bored. What do you plan to do this weekend? I was very tired, however, I had to work. I wanted not to be late for school, so I ran. I wished buying that expensive car. 22 I wanted get to the hospital. I went to Second Street.

(23~25) I want talk about my best friend. Her name is Julie. She is very smart. We do a lot of things together. We usually listen music or played computer games. Sometimes I talk my friend about my problems. However, she doesn t always listen. 23 of with to from by 24 25 (26~27) Last Friday I lost my puppy, and I was sad. I told her it, and suddenly she started to talk her puppy. This kind of thing happens all the time. What should I do? Can you give me some advice, please? 26 27 for with to about around (28~30) Dear Amy, Julie is your best friend. Do you want to lose her? No? Then, say to her, Sometimes you don t listen to me. It me. As you know, honesty is the best policy. Yujin, Korea 28 29 30 makes hurts sends enjoys loves Lesson 9 143 (31~33) Dear Amy, Do you think Julie is your best friend? Julie doesn t listen to you. Good friends are good listeners. Why don t you share your feelings another friend? Kevin, Korea 31 What s the purpose of this passage? to give advice to blame to apologize to ask advice to invite 32 at with to about by 33 Kevin Amy 144 p.187 (34~35) I like having a puppy. It is very cute and small., I don t like taking care of it. I have to give food and water to the puppy. I have to walk it, too. Can you help me, please? 34 What advice can you give to the friend above? You can buy a puppy. You had better be honest. You can ask your parents for help. You can go to work for some money. You had better get up early in the morning. 35 If Or Then Because However

1 honest dishonest difficult easy helpful helpless cute pretty best worst 2 a general plan or principle that people use to help them make decisions or take action police polish schedule care policy 3 She is a very person. What of announcement is this? cool kind smart cute nice 4 A: You know what? I got As in English and science. B: Good for you! What? Guess what? Can you guess? What is your grade? What do you think of it? 5 Pardon? Excuse me? What did you say? Do you know the reason? Sorry, but I didn t hear you. 6 A: Do you need any help? B: Yes. I can t open the window. A: Let me try. There you go. B: Thanks a lot. A: That s too bad. Oh, I see. Don t mention it. Sure, I did. That s interesting. 7 Did you see it? I saw a Korean movie Chunhyangjeon. I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. Sure, I did. You know what? I saw Chunhyangjeon. I see. 8 When do you plan the farm? visit visits to visit visited visiting Lesson 9 145 9 Which is wrong? I like to cook. She wants to sing. Jack wants be a pilot. Miran hopes to study abroad. Jane likes to drink orange juice. 10 to Amy started to work at a flower shop. Eric decided to be an actor. Jenny likes to draw pictures. I m glad to meet you. Mike hoped to see his mother. (11~13) I want about my best friend. Her name is Julie. She is very smart. We do lots of things together. We usually listen to music or play computer games. Sometimes I talk to her about my problems., she doesn t always listen. Last Friday I my puppy, and I was sad. I told her about it, and suddenly she started to talk about her puppy. This kind of thing happens all the time. What should I do? Can you give me some advice, please? Amy, Canada 11 146 p.187 12 talk lose to talk lost talked to lose to talk lose talk lost 13 Therefore Because However As you know So (14~15) Dear Amy, Julie is your best friend. Do you want to lose her? No? Then, say to her, Sometimes you don t listen to me. It hurts me. As you know, Yujin, Korea Dear Amy, Do you think Julie is your best friend? Julie doesn t listen to you. Good friends are. Why don t you share your feelings with another friend? Kevin, Korea 14 health is better than wealth no news is good news there is a will, there is a way actions speak louder than words honesty is the best policy 15 good listeners good advisers good sellers new teachers new speakers.

1 open door hurt feelings give advice play an A in math share joys and sorrows 2 The girl looks a student. It sounds a great idea. at like for to with 3 advice : the general condition of your body, and how healthy you are price : the amount of money that must be paid in order to buy something health : an opinion you give someone about what someone should do policy : a name given to a product or service brand : a rule or group of rules for doing business by industry and government 4 It s store policy. How did it happen? I can t stand it anymore. John and I share a lot of information. I couldn t get to sleep, however, it was very hot. 5 A: I bought this plant for you. B: Thank you so much. A: You re welcome. Not at all. No problem. My pleasure. Don t mention it. Don t worry about it. (6~7) Kevin: You look sad. What s the matter, Yujin? Yujin: My friend, Sujin, won t talk to me. Kevin: Do you know why? Yujin: No, I don t. Kevin: Then, ask her the reason. Yujin: Okay. Thank you for listening to my problem. Kevin: Don t mention it. (8~9) Yujin: You know what? Sujin phoned me last night. Kevin: Yujin: Sujin called me last night. Kevin: Good. Sujin and you became friends again. Yujin: Right. I m so happy now. 8 Do you know why? I m sorry, but I can t. How did you feel? What s up? I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. 9 6 matter It doesn t matter to me. This is a matter of etiquette. It s a simple matter. The matter is very important. Thank you for your attention in this matter. When did Yujin and Sujin talk on the phone? How does Yujin feel today? Who are talking on the phone now? Why did Sujin make a phone call to Yujin? Who called Yujin last night? 7 According to the conversation, which is true? Kevin won t talk to Yujin. Kevin asks Yujin why she looks sad. Kevin thanks Yujin for listening to his problem. Yujin advises Kevin to ask Sujin why she was angry. Yujin thinks Sujin doesn t talk to her because she didn t call. 10 They to meet the famous singer. gave up minded enjoyed wanted let Lesson 9 147 148 11 My favorite singer is Michael Johnson. He sings very well and his songs are fantastic. However,. everybody likes him he is not a good dancer he loves music every much he is not my favorite singer I like singing his songs so much 12 We planned on a picnic today. we couldn t go because of heavy rain. go And to go However going So to went However to go And 13 You look worried. I wanted buying that expensive car. What do you plan to do this Saturday? I wanted not to miss the train, so I ran. I am very tired. However I need to study.

14 to I try to study hard. Her dream is to teach children. I hope to see you soon. This book is easy to read. To get up early is good for your health. 15 I don t want wear a school uniform. Many parents choose work at home. 16 Many students want to have a puppy. But they don t want to take care of it. There is lots of things to do for it. For example, we need to give food and water to the puppy. We also need to walk it. Can you do these things? (17~19) I want to talk about my best friend. Her name is Julie. She is very smart. We do a lot of things together. (A) We usually listen to music or play computer games. (B) Sometimes I talk to my friend about my problems. (C) Last Friday I lost my puppy, and I was sad. (D) I told her about it, and suddenly she started to talk about her puppy. (E) This kind of thing happens all the time. What should I do? Can you give me some advice, please? Amy, Canada 17 However, she doesn t always listen. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 18 talking clever many talking always 19 What does the underlined means? Amy Amy Julie Amy Julie Julie Amy Lesson 9 149 (20~21) Dear Amy, Julie is your best friend. Do you want lose her? No? Then, say to her, Sometimes you don t listen to me. It hurts me. As you know, honesty is the best policy. Yujin, Korea 20 lose 21 (22~23) Amy, Do you think Julie is your best friend? Julie doesn t listen to you. Good friends are good listeners.? Kevin, Korea 22 150 p.188 23 don t / another / why / feelings / share / you / your / with / friend? (24~25) Some of my friends are wearing brand shoes. They look cool. I want to wear them, too., my parents won t get them for me. What should I do? Can you help me, please? 24 How However Therefore Since Because 25

1 honest honesty lose loss popular popularity better best advise advice sudden suddenly 2 He comes from Australia. He is. She is from Egypt. She is. Austria Egypt Australia Egypt Australian Egyptian Austria Egyptian Austrian Egypt 3 not hiding the truth or the facts about something sad honest thankful joyful cheerful 4 A: Do you know what? I met a Turkish man. B: Sorry, I didn t hear you. A: I met a man from Turkish. B: Where did you meet him? A: In the museum. 5 I see. Got it. How s everything? How is it going? You know what? Guess what? Pardon me? I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. Good for you! Have fun! 6 A: Where are you going, Jane? B: I m going to the library. I won the English Speech Contest. A: Wow! Congratulations. Yon know what? Guess what? Look! Listen! Of course. (7~8) A: You look tired. What s the matter? B: I have a cold. A: That s too bad. Drink lots of water. B: Thanks lots of. A: 7 8 I wish your mother gets well soon. Sorry, I can t. I agree with you. You re right. Don t mention it. Lesson 9 151 (9~10) A: My Australian friend chose an English name for me. B: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. A: My friend chose an English name for me. B: Oh, what is it? A: June. It sounds like my Korean name, Jueun. B: That s interesting. A: My birthday is in June, either. 9 10 I beg your pardon? You know what? Where is your friend from? How do you know? Oh, what s this? 11 I want go to the movies with him. I love play soccer and watch the soccer game. She hopes finish this work soon. He finished writing the report. She likes go to the art museum. 152 12 This test was very difficult., he got good grades. He wants to play with his children., he is always busy. So And Therefore However Before 13 Today is very hot. I want go swimming. 14 You have to see a doctor. Mary loves to write a poem. I try to keep a diary every day. He decided to go to the college. They need to wear their uniforms.

15 My parents won t get shoes me. You can buy some chocolate her. to of with for on 16 What do you plan to do this weekend? You look bored. I was very tired. However, I had to work. I wanted not to be late for school, so I ran. I decided buying that expensive car. 17 I I studied very hard for tests and we had mid-term tests last week. You know what? I got Ds in English and science. My math grade was C +. 18 Friends Parents Teachers 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100(%) Most students get advice from their friends. Almost 80% of the students get advice from their friends. About 15% of the students get advice from their parents. Only about 5% get advice from their teachers. Many students usually ask advice of their parents. (19~21) I want to talk about my best friend. ( ) We do a lot of things together. ( ) Sometimes I talk to her about my problems. However, she doesn t (A) always listen / listen always. ( ) I told her about it, and suddenly she started to talk about her puppy. ( ) This kind of thing happens all the time. ( ) What (B) would / should I do? Can you give me some (C) advice / advices, please? 19 What is Amy s problem? grades friends family health pocket money 20 (A) (B) (C) Lesson 9 153 21 Last Friday I lost my puppy, and I was sad. (22~23) Dear Amy, Julie is your best friend. Do you want to lose her? No? Then, say, Sometimes you don t me. It hurts me., honesty is the best policy. Yujin, Korea Dear Amy, Do you think Julie is your best friend? Julie doesn t listen to you. Good friends are good. Why don t you your feelings with another friend? Kevin, Korea 22 To see is to believe. Practice makes perfect. Don t cry over spilt milk. To tell the truth is the best way. The early bird catches the worms. 23 to her listen to As you know teachers share 154 p.188 (24~25) I also wanted brand name shoes. However, I them. They were too expensive., I bought nice shoes at the market. There are many shoes. Why do you want to pay more? 24 to wear bought Instead fashionable at a good price 25 What is the main idea of the passage?

(1~2) 2 1 A: May I take your order? B: Yes, I d like a cup of coffee. A: How do you like your coffee? B: A: How do you like your coffee? B: No sugar, please. 2 A: Excuse me. Is this your pen? B: Yes. Thank you. A: (3~4) A: I saw The Host yesterday. B: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. A: I saw the movie The Host. Did you see it? B: Yes, I did. (one, Koreans, out, four, of, that movie, saw). A: Wow. 3 4 (5~6) 5 (want, glass) 6 (decide, accept) (7~8) however I don t agree with you. I did not enjoy it. 7 I think you re right. 8 The play was very popular. Lesson 9 155 9 across an opinion that you give somebody about what he or she should do to ask clerk to give food in a restaurant. down not silent, not quiet 10 Some of my friends are wearing brand shoes. They look cool. I want to wear them, too. However, my parents won t get them for me. What should I do? Can you help me, please? Kevin, from Canada I also wanted to wear brand name shoes. However, I won t buy them. They were too expensive. Instead, I bought nice shoes at the market. There are many nice shoes, too. Why do you want to pay more? Yujin, from Korea (1) What is Kevin s problem? (2) What is Yujin s advice? 156 p.189 <Where Do You Get Advice> Friends Parents Teachers 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100(%) 11-1 Adviser Friends Teachers Percent 15% 11-2 Most students in my class get advice from their. Almost of the students get advice from their friends. About of them get advice from their parents. Only 5% get advice from their. 11-3 Yujin: You know what? Most students in my class get from their Kevin: Really? I didn t know that. What percent of students get advice from their friends? Yujin: It s almost. And about of the student get advice from their parents. Kevin: Then how about teachers? Do they get advice from, too? Yujin: Yes, but it s only. Kevin: Wow. We need talk to our teachers more often..

9 I Need Some Advice 1 matter 2 won t 3 Do you know 4 listening to Lesson p.126 5 Don t mention it 6 You know what 7 I didn t hear you 8 friends p.121 (B) (E) (C) (A) (D) (G) (F) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A B 43 44 45 p.127 1 what, hear you, see 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Yujin forgot hersujin sbirthday 2 3 4 p.122 1 become 2 smart 3 price 4 suddenly 5 puppy 6 then 7 however 8 feeling 9 share 10 close 11 anymore 12 listen 13 problem 14 matter 15 happen 16 usually 17 hurt 18 brand 19 start 20 mention 21 uniform 22 reason 23 popular 24 forget 25 phone 26 honesty 27 policy 28 last 29 should 30 lose 31 best 32 advice 33 dear 34 kind 35 need 36 together 37 sound like 38 listen to 39 as you know 40 lots of 41 Why don t you 42 share A with B 43 come across 44 this kind of thing 45 all the time 5 Don t mention it. My pleasure. / No problem. / You e welcome. 6 Thanks. Thank you. 7 8 p.123 1 with 2 As 3 listen 4 Why 5 dear 6 Suddenly 7 advice 8 price 9 hurts 10 popular 11 listen to 12 came across 13 kind of 14 sounds like 15 open 16 worst 17 first 18 win 19 alone p.124 1 talk, forgot, Thanks, Don t mention 2 help, can t, Let, Thanks, Don t mention it 3 know what, didn t hear, movie 4 for, didn t hear you, sounds like, You know what p.129 1 to stay 2 to exercise 3 to visit 4 to have 5 to go 6 She wanted to make pizza. 7 I tried to help Mom with the dishes. 8 He is hoping to win a gold medal. 9 We decided to leave this town. 10 However 11 However 12 However 13 However 14 My brother likes to play games. However, I like to listen to music. 15 She s from Mexico. However, he s from Brazil. 16 I looked for my wallet. However, I couldn t find it. 185 p.131 1 (1) However (2) However (3) be (4) to write 2 3 4 You want to buy nice jeans. 5 I want to talk about my best friend. 6 7 8 9 10 1 (1)~(2) However (3) toto (4) decide to 2 However 3 mind 4-5 want to toto 6 However 7 However 8 hope to seeing to see 9 to is to 10 hope wantneed to to like to enjoy p.133 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T p.135 1 want to 2 name 3 smart 4 lots of things 5 usually, play 6 Sometimes, talk to 7 doesn t always 8 lost, was 9 to talk 10 kind of, all the time 11 What should I do 12 Can you, advice 13 best friend 14 want to lose 15 listen to, hurts 16 As you know, honesty 17 best friend 18 listen to 19 listeners 20 Why don t, share, with 186 p.136 1 I want to talk about my best friend. 2 We do lots ofa lot of / many things together. 3 We usually listen to music or play computer games. 4 Sometimes I talk to her about my problems. 5 This kind of thing happens all the time. 6 Julie is your best friend. 7 Then, say to her, Sometimes you don t listen to me. It hurts me. 8 As you know, honesty is the best policy. 9 Good friends are good listeners. 10 Why don t you share your feelings with another friend? p.137 Listening 1 matterproblem, That s, bad, Don t mention it 2 Do you know what, didn t hear you, Where Speaking 1 Don t mention it 2 problem 3 Sorry, but I didn t hear you, That s too bad Writing However, take care of, food, water, need to, these things p.138 Words + Reading 1 happen 2 hurt 3 reason 4 advice 5 honest 6 policy 7 price 8 share 9 matter 10 lose Grammar + Reading 1 Good friends are good listeners. 2 What should I do? 3 Can you give me some advice, please? or Can you give some advice to me, please? 4 Last Friday I lost my puppy, and I was sad. 5 However, she doesn tdoes notalways listen. 6 We usually listen to music or play computer games.

7 I want to talk about my best friend. 8 As you know, honesty is the best policy. 9 Why don t you share your feelings with another friend? 10 Then, say to her, Sometimes you don t listen to me. It hurts me. p.140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 to travel 17 to meet 18 19 20 21 22 get to get 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 4 advice 5 each other: 9 10 11 Let me 13 Sure, I saw it. do did 16 want to 17 decide to 19 tohave to 20 21 wish to 22 want to get to get 24 listen play 26 28 29 me Amy Julie 30 hurts 31 Amy 33 34 35 However p.145 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 (policy) 4 You know what? Guess what? 5 6 7 8 plan to 187 9 want to want be wants to be 10 to to 11 What should I do? Can you give me some advice, please? 12 want to to talk Last Friday lose lost 14 Amy p.147 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 to 16 17 18 19 20 to lose 21 22 Dear 23 Why don t you share your feelings with another friend? 24 25 1 A 3 (price) health advice brand policy 4 however because 6 matter matter 7 Kevin Yujin Kevin Sujin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin 188 9 10 to wanted 11 However 12 plan to however 13 want to 14 15 want choose to to 16 lots of things is are 17 18 want to talking start to 19 this kind thing Amy Julie 20 want to to lose p.151 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 go to go 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (A) always listen (B) should (C) advice 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 Australia: Australian: Egypt: Egyptian:

3 honest 4 from Turkish from Turkey 7 a lot lots of 9 too either 10 You know what? 11 want, hope to to love, like to to finish 13 want to go to go 14 to have to 15 get A for B = buy A for B: B A 16 decide to 17 D C + 18 19 Amy 20 (A) be (B) What should I do? (C) advice 21 Julie 23 teachers listeners 24 However didn t buy 25 p.155 1 Excuse me? / Sorry? / What? / What did you say? / Pardon? / I beg your pardon? 2 No problem. / My pleasure. / Don t mention it. / Not at all. / You re welcome. 3 You know what? / Guess what? / Look! / Listen! 4 One out of four Koreans saw that movie. 5 I want to drink a glass of juice. 6 He decided to accept her advice. 7 However, I don t agree with you. 8 However, I did not enjoy it. 9 advice order noisy 10 (1) HeKevinwants to wear brand shoes. (2) You don t need to pay more for brand shoes. or You can buy nice shoes at a good price at the market. 11-1 Parents, 80%, 5% 11-2 friends, 80%, 15%, teachers 11-3 advice, friends, 80%, 15%, teachers, 5% 5 want to drink to drink 6 decide to accept to accept 7-8 however 9 (advice) (order) (noisy) 10 Kevin 11 80% 15%, 5% 189