PROFIBUS Training Center PROFIBUS ENGINEER 1 Services of PROFIBUS Center Korea PROFIBUS 기술을기반으로하는제품과서비스제공 주요활동 : 현장진단 ( 현장문제진단및기술지원 ) 엔지니어링및개발지원 PROFIBUS관련제품공급 (Analyzer, Master, Converter, Chips, Development Kit 등 ) 교육 ( 정기교육 / 현장맞춤교육 ) 2
The road to PROFIBUS PROFIBUS in the OSI model PROFIBS 표준은 OSI model 의 3 개 Layers 로구성된다. -application layer, -data link layer, -physical layer. 3 The road to PROFIBUS Overview of the PROFIBUS family 4
Basic Principles Transmission speed (baudrate) PROFIBUS 는 10 개의통신속도 (RS485) 를선택하여사용할수있다.. 9.6; 19.2; 45.45; 93.75; 187.5; 500; 1500; 3000; 6000; 12000 kbit/s REMARKS : * 최대케이블길이와통신속도는역의관계가성립된다. * 통신속도는같은 Bus에있는모든 Master에서똑같게지정되어야한다. * 대부분의 Slave는통신속도를자동적으로인식한다. * 경제적, 기술적사유로어떤제품들은모든통신속도를지원하지는않는다. * 오래전제품들은 45.45 kbit/s 통신속도를지원하지않는경우가있다. 5 PROFIBUS DP (part 1) GSD files 6
RS 485 and PROFIBUS DP RS 485 signal levels 7 RS 485 and PROFIBUS DP Topology 8
RS 485 and PROFIBUS DP Cable construction and wire colors The A and B are green and red : 9 RS 485 and PROFIBUS DP Cable types 아래종류의케이블은표준 PROFIBUS 케이블이사용될수없는환경에서사용할수있다. * Robust Cable * Food Cable * Underground Cable * Trailing Cable * Festoon Cable * FRNC Cable * Flexible Cable * Shipboard Cable * Hybrid Cable 10
RS 485 and PROFIBUS DP Connectors * Connector 에대한기술은별도로정의되어있지않다. 즉, 제조사의제품이 Connector 의특성을정한다. * PROFIBUS 표준에서추천하는종류 : DB9 and M12 * 제조사가표준에서정한 Connector 를선택한다면표준에따라장치되어야한다. 11 12
RS 485 and PROFIBUS DP Repeaters - 개요 리피터는케이블길이를확장하고접속스테이션수 (32 개이상.) 를증가시키기위한해결책이다. 13 RS 485 and PROFIBUS DP ProfiHub 예 1 14
15 16
COMbricks 개요 Web server `with ProfiTrace ProfiTrace 2 CommDTM SNMP OPC Email TELNET Ethernet / Internet Monitoring networks PN/PN coupler Redundancy Star networks Fiber optic I/O DP/DP coupler PN/DP coupler I/O T T Non-standard cable Alarm contacts 17 1 다양한종류의미디어구성 Redundancy 12 Mbps Ethernet ProfiTrace CommDTM 10 modules Ethernet RS 485 Non-PROFIBUS Fiber optic (031)216-2640 18
여러세그먼트의감시 ( 한네트워크 ) Browser Segment 6..10 ProfiTrace OE WWW 1 PROFIBUS Network 구성 : - 1 Head Station - 최대 10 Repeater modules (2 channels / each) = 20 채널 Segment 1..5 Hi-PRO Tech. Co., Ltd. PHONE : (02)522-5005, 5035 E-mail: 19 여러네트워크감시 N1 N2 N2 N3 N4 Browser ProfiTrace OE WWW 4 PROFIBUS Networks 구성 : - 1 Head Station - 최대 10 Repeater modules (2 channels / each) = 20 채널 N1 N2 N2 N3 N4 Hi-PRO Tech. Co., Ltd. PHONE : (02)522-5005, 5035 E-mail: 20
Fiber Optic topologies 3 km 3 km Point-to-point with split up over the same or different networks 3 km Point-to-point in a hub topology Mix of topologies and interfaces in the same or different networks Point-to-point (redundant) 3 km 3 km 3 km Point-to-point bus structure (031)216-2640 21 Test and measurement tools Handheld tools Comsoft Nettest II Siemens BT200 Functions: 케이블단선 / 단락 전압, 쉴드문제 문제있는장치확인 케이블길이측정 Termination 유무확인 Slave List 확인 로깅 Non active segments (Master have been removed)! 22
Test and measurement tools Test and evaluation Masters PROFIBUS Master Deutschmann ProfiCaptain PROCENTEC Maximum baudrate 19.2k and RS 232! Functions: 네트워크구성 I/O 테스트 진단 라이브리스트와네트워크스캔 23 Test and measurement tools Oscilloscopes Functions: 진폭 (Amplitude) 간섭 (Reflections) Noise EMC ProfiTrace 2, Scopeware PROCENTEC Active Network! 24
Test and measurement tools Busmonitors / Analyzers ProfiTrace PROCENTEC PB Monitor ComSoft IT Monitor-ITM Scope TMG-itec ProfiTrace Active Network! Functions: Live List Messages Device Diagnostics Cycle times Logging Oscilloscope 25 Test and measurement tools 26
Test and measurement tools 27 Test and measurement tools Facts and Fiction The most important tools for troubleshooting a network during operation are an oscilloscopes and a busmonitor (Analyzer). 네트워크가동작중에문제해결을위한가장유용한 Tool 은오실로스코프와버스모니터 (Analyzer) 이다. 28
PROFIBUS DP (part2) PROFIBUS DP Fast, cost efficient, plug and play (Part2) 29 PROFIBUS DP (part2) Diagnostics handling (1) DP master Slave 1 and 2 Slave 2 has diagnostics The maximum supp. diagnostic length is stated in the GSD file and can have a maximum length of 244 bytes.... 30 1.0
PROFIBUS DP (part2) Diagnostics handling (2) 이 Trace 는diagnostic event가발생한 slave를나타내고있다. Data High in Response Diagnostic Request/ Response 31 1.0 PROFIBUS DP (part2) PROFIBUS DP functions with appropriate SAPs Functions Data exchange Check Config Set Parameters Get Diagnostics Get Config Set Global Control Read Outputs Read Inputs Set Slave Address Master-Master Commando s SSAP --- 62 (3E) 62 (3E) 62 (3E) 62 (3E) 62 (3E) 62 (3E) 62 (3E) 62 (3E) 54 (36) DSAP --- 62 (3E) 61 (3D) 60 (3C) 59 (3B) 58 (3A) 57 (39) 56 (38) 55 (37) 54 (36) 32 1.0
PROFIBUS DP (part2) Power on/ Reset DP slave state machine (1) Diagnostics Parameters Configuration Diagnostics Master 는유효하지 ( 연결되어있지 ) 않은 Slave 의 Diagnostic 을지속적으로요구한다. Slave 가 diagnostic 요구에응답을준경우에비로소 Parameter 가전송된다. Parameter 후에 Configuration 이전송된다. Configuration 후에 Master 는모든것이받아들여졌는가를확인하고자 Diagnostics 를요구한다. Slave 에모든정보가받아들여지면 Master 는지속적으로 Slave 와함께 Data Exchange 를한다. Data exchange 33 1.0 PROFIBUS DP (part2) DP slave state machine (2) Attention Service Sd Adr Sap Fc Len Data (hex) (hex) (hex) request data SRD_HIGH SD2 01 -> 22 3E -> 3C 6D DL SD2 01 <- 22 3E <- 3C 08 016 02 05 00 FF A4 00 1. Diagnostics 0A token SD4 01 -> 01 send data ack. SRD_HIGH SD2 01 -> 22 3E -> 3D 5D 017 B8 14 01 0B A4 00 00 OK SC 2. Parameters fdl_status SD1 01 -> 00 49 send data ack. SRD_HIGH SD2 01 -> 22 3E -> 3E 7D 002 13 23 OK SC 3. Configuration token SD4 01 -> 01 request data SRD_HIGH SD2 01 -> 22 3E -> 3C 5D 4. Diagnostics DL SD2 01 <- 22 3E <- 3C 08 016 00 0C 00 01 A4 00 0A token SD4 01 -> 01 request data SRD_HIGH SD2 01 -> 22 () -> () 7D 004 00 44 67 33 DL SD2 01 <- 22 () <- () 08 004 8A 08 FF DD fdl_status SD1 01 -> 02 49 token SD4 01 -> 01 request data SRD_HIGH SD2 01 -> 22 () -> () 7D 5. 004 Data 00 exchange 44 67 33 DL SD2 01 <- 22 () <- () 08 004 8A 08 FF DD fdl_status SD1 01 -> 03 49 token SD4 01 -> 01 request data SRD_HIGH SD2 01 -> 22 () -> () 7D 004 00 44 67 33 DL SD2 01 <- 22 () <- () 08 004 8A 08 FF DD 34 1.1
PROFIBUS DP (part2) Slaves which are not (yet) available Initial Request (Sync) No Response Missing Stations 35 1.0 PROFIBUS 정기교육안내 여러분도프로피버스의전문가가되시길바랍니다!! 36