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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

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step 1-1


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April 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.2 생명을 꿈꾸다 목차 From Editor 아침에는 다리가 4개,점심에는 2개, 저녁에는 3개인 것은? Guidance 익숙해지는 일상 속에서 우리아이 자립심 키우기 환경을 지키는 아이들의 좋은 습

[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~


3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적

희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec

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중학영어듣기 2학년

서론 34 2


The Special Promise After School 2 2

Unit 06 LESSON 01 LESSON 02 Grammar 1 p.11 A 1. the soccer player, whom 2. the doll, which 3. the boy and his dog, that 4. him, who 5. the hat, that B 1. whom, that 2. which, that 3. that 4. which 5. that C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D 1. This is the coin which that I found under the sofa. 2. She is the teacher who(m) that everybody likes. 3. The girl who(m) that you met yesterday is my sister. Real Test Speed Check LESSON 03 Grammar 2 before / after p.13 Vocabulary Speed Check p.9 A 1. budget 2. congratulate 3. admire 4. improve 5. feed 6. decision 7. include 8. realistic 9. successful 10. provide 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B C D allowance Speed Check A 1. After 2. Before 3. After B 1. before you go to bed / After you brush your teeth 2. after he took a long walk / Before you felt very tired C 1. go you go going 2. left he left leaving 3. will travel travels 4. is was 5. me I pp.14~15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before 6. 7. 8. Harry Potter is the book which that I ve read three times. He is the man who(m) that everybody likes. 9. She took a piano lesson after she came back home. She took a piano lesson before she had dinner. She watched TV after she had dinner. 1. the cat which that who(m) Tony 2. that 3. before after 4. the bed my dad made that 5. Before before 6. Before I go to high school will go go 7. who 8. Harry Potter is the book which that I ve read three times. He is the man who(m) that everybody likes. the book which that read the book the man who(m) that likes him Harry Potter 3 2 Unit 06

9. She took a piano lesson after she came back home. She took a piano lesson before she had dinner. She watched TV after she had dinner. Jane after before Jane TV after LESSON 04 Communication Real Test 1. 2. 3. That s surprising What a surprise! / I m so surprised! / How surprising! / How amazing! / Unbelievable! 4. (D)-(B)-(A)-(C) 1. A: 3 B: A: 5 1 2. B Steve Jobs Steve Jobs A: Steve Jobs B: A: p.17 3. That s surprising! What a surprise! / I m so surprised! / How surprising! / How amazing! / Unbelievable! A: B: 4. (D)-(B)-(A)-(C) (D) (B) (A) (C) (D) (B) (A) (C) pp.18~21 1. 2. save 3. 4. 5. 6. (C)-(A)-(D)-(B) 7. 8. 9. before he went to bed 10. 11. 12. A smart phone is a thing which that people can t live without. 13. basketball with me after you finish your homework 14. 15. 16. how much money you are going to spend 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Be sure to include all the income and expenses that you have planned. 23. 24. 25. 26-1. which that 26-2. The book that I read yesterday was very interesting. 26-3. I have a lot of homework (which that ) I have to do by tomorrow. 1. balance total 2. save save 3. admire 4. A: 305 B: 5. A Sports Camp A: B: A: 8 1 8 7 6. (C)-(A)-(D)-(B) Neopet (C) Neopet (A) Neopet (D) (B) (C) Neopet (A) Neopet (D) (B) Money In, Money Out 3

07~08 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 7. 8. 9. before he went to bed before (went) Ted 10. after 11. a new friend who that 12. A smart phone is a thing which that people can t live without. a thing which that without it 13. basketball with me after you finish your homework after play basketball finish one s homework finish 14. which that 15. Brian 5,520 10,000 Brian 20,000 Brian 25,000 Brian Brian 29,520 Brian 16~18 Brian 4 Jenny 16. how much money you are going to spend how much be going to 17. Jenny Brian Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny 18. Jenny 4 19~20 19. (expenses) 20. everything-thing that 21~22 4 Unit 06

21. 22. Be sure to include all the income and expenses that you have planned. all the income and expenses you have planned that all that 23~24 23. as ~ as possible as much information as possible 24. 25. on the right track right 26-1. which that the shirt which that Words & Phrases waste[weist] respect[rispèkt] dish[di ] pity[píti] be excited about from A to B A B amazing[ mèizi\] pet[pet] save[seiv] budget[b=d,it] stick to congratulate[k ngr t léit] puppy[p=pi] allowance[ láu ns] total[tóutl] amount[ màunt] income[ínk<m] fare[f ] run out of be worried about make a budget monthly[m=n^li] smart[sm ; t] simple[símpâl] find out write down list[list] decision[disí,ân] expense[ikspèns] possible[p s bâl] up to date successful[s ksèsf l] provide[pr váid] that is include[inklù;d] realistic[rí; listik] compare[k mp ] actual[ kt u l] improve[imprù;v] interesting[íntâristi\] 26-2. The book that I read yesterday was very interesting. that read it 26-3. I have a lot of homework (which that ) I have to do by tomorrow. homework which that do it Money In, Money Out 5

Unit 07 LESSON 01 Vocabulary Speed Check p.25 A 1. little 2. pot 3. polite 4. play 5. strange 6. water 7. taste 8. enough 9. trick 10. turn in 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B C D expected LESSON 02 Grammar 1 p.27 Speed Check A 1. caught 2. made 3. driven 4. was broken 5. were sent B 1. was built 2. me 3. Was, invited C 1. My room is cleaned by me. 2. The team leader was chosen by us. 3. The letter wasn t written by her. D 1. were bought by my sister 2. was taken by Judy 3. was repaired by my mom LESSON 03 Grammar 2 -ing p.29 A 1. drawing 2. buying 3. eating B 1. about traveling 2. for coming 3. without crying 4. in learning C 1. good at playing 2. afraid of riding 3. looking forward to winning Real Test Speed Check pp.30~31 1. 2. 3. afraid of going 4. 5. were washed by Dad 6. 7. 8. His parents are respected by him. The snowman wasn t built by us. 9. thinking of buying excited about going 1. the mouse be by was eaten 2. thank you for for helping A: B: 3. afraid of going be afraid of of going 4. broke broken caught was caught sang sung was were 5. were washed by Dad the dishes be by were washed 6. without tell telling be 7. 8. His parents are respected by him. The snowman wasn t built by us. his parents beby are respected the snowman benot by wasn t built 9. thinking of buying excited about going think of of buying be excited about about going 6 Unit 07

LESSON 04 Communication Real Test 1. 2. 3. expected to be quiet 4. (C)-(D)-(B)-(A) 1. I m afraid A: B: 2. be expected to / be supposed to / should / must / have to be allowed to A: B: p.33 3. expected to be quiet be expected to A: B: 4. (C)-(D)-(B)-(A) (C) (D) (B) (A) (C) (D) (B) (A) pp.34~37 1. 2. lent 3. 4. 5. 6. (B)-(A)-(D)-(C) 7. 8. 9. 10. was taken by the man 11. 12. looking forward to seeing 13. were written by my uncle Were these books written by 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. It is not cooked enough. 24. 25. 26-1. fixed was fixed 26-2. were watered 26-3. Was his letter read by everyone? 1. share 2. lent 3. be known as be famous for one after another 4~5 4. be expected to 5. 6. (B)-(A)-(D)-(C) (B) (A) (D) (C) A (B) (A) (D) (C) 7. A B Why not? I m afraid you can t. A: B: A: 8. The Story of Stone Soup 7

(bus) 9. was sent movedted was chosen Tony Jim Ted 10. was taken by the man beby 11. built was built Did Was was made made paint painted 12. looking forward to seeing look forward to to seeing 13. were written by my uncle Were these books written by be by Be by 14. without knowing without being known 15~17 15. (stingy) 16. be known as was known be famous for for spending tired from from walking 17. 18~20 18. So 19. even, much, still, far, a lot very 20. The magic soup is always good 21~24 8 Unit 07

21. 22. be was used 23. It is not cooked enough. benot enough 24. 25. 9 5 11 26-1. fixed was fixed be The computer yesterday be was fixed 26-2. were watered be The plants were watered Kevin 26-3. Was his letter read by everyone? his letter Be by everyone be wasread read[red] Words & Phrases bring[bri\] play[plei] snack[snæk] cafeteria[k fitíâri ] turn in paper[pèip ] be expected to somewhere[s=m w ] give one s seat to also[ ;lsou] quiet[kwái t] send[send] (sent-sent) move[mu;v] choose[t u;z] (chose-chosen) fairy[f Âri] be famous for enough[in=f] strange[streind,] tired from knock[n k] sadly[s dli] share[ ] lend[lend] (lent-lent) pot[p t] magic[m d,ik] even[í;vân] return[ritá; n] taste[teist] hurry[há;ri] pepper[pèp ] put into one after another invite[inváit] bowl[boul] agree[ grí;] stone[stoun] anymore[énim ; ] international[ìnt n nâl] fair[f ] hold[hould] introduce[ìntr dδù;s] popular[p pj l ] for free look forward to fix[fiks] water[w ;t ] The Story of Stone Soup 9

Unit 08 LESSON 01 LESSON 02 Grammar 1 sothat... p.43 A 1. so 2. kindly 3. weak 4. beautiful 5. too B 1. so bad that I felt bored 2. so beautifully that I was moved 3. so fast that I couldn t catch up with her 4. so quickly that I can t understand him C 1. too poor to buy 2. so busy that she can t 3. so nervous that I couldn t 4. too young to D 1. so, couldn t see 2. so well that, lent Real Test Speed Check LESSON 03 Grammar 2 until p.45 Vocabulary Speed Check p.41 A 1. grassland 2. feed 3. shelter 4. windmill 5. area 6. nature 7. lifestyle 8. wood 9. fan 10. set up 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B C D livestock Speed Check A 1. until 2. before 3. comes 4. because 5. leave B 1. 2. 3. 4. C 1. until the show was over 2. until I went out 3. until the sun came up 4. until he finishes the test D 1. he came 2. didn t start 3. she comes 4. I make 5. stops pp.46~47 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. quick quickly 6. 7. 8. so sick that he couldn t walk / too sick to walk couldn t sleep well until / could sleep well after 9. so difficult that he didn t do well until he leaves college so kindly that I was happy 1. sothat 2. 3. sothat too 4. 5. quick quickly so that She speaks quickly 6. until will allow allows 60 7. 8. so sick that he couldn t walk / too sick to walk couldn t sleep well until / could sleep well after so that too to Maria 9. so difficult that he didn t do well until he leaves college so kindly that I was happy so that She treated me kindly. so that 10 Unit 08

LESSON 04 Communication Real Test 1. French in France A: B: 2. A: lemon B: A: p.49 1. 2. 3. What 4. (C)-(D)-(B)-(A) 3. What bird What bird 4. (C)-(D)-(B)-(A) (C) (D) (B) (A) (C) (D) (B) (A) pp.50~53 1. 2. 3. shelter 4. 5. 6. 7. lemon, tomato, computer, ski, chocolate 8. 9. Windmill. 10. 11. 12. until 13. too upset to talk 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. sheep and horses 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26-1. so good that I watched it 26-2. so short that she can t ride 26-3. so beautifully that everyone was moved 1. China Chinese 2. 3. shelter (shelter) 4. 5. where during A: B: 6. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 7. lemon, tomato, computer, ski, chocolate lemon tomato computer ski chocolate fork cup Aguitar Different Places, Different Lifestyles 11

B A 8~9 A: B: A: B: Windmill A: B: A: B: 8. 9. Windmill. windmill 10. sothat it 11. 12. until 13. too upset to talk 14. 15. Actions speak louder than words. 16. will finish finish 17. 18~19 18. 19. sheep and horses livestock 20~21 20. 21. 12 Unit 08

22~23 Saba Saba 22. 23. 24. 25. 26-1. so good that I watched it sothat 26-2. so short that she can t ride too to... that can t 26-3. so beautifully that everyone was moved so that He sang the song beautifully. Words & Phrases pet[pet] all over the world tornado[t ; nèidou] warning[w ; ni\] safety[sèifti] look for dictionary[dík néri] interesting[íntâristi\] word[w ; d] pump out most of land[lænd] go -ing how to understand[>nd st nd] be able to actor[ kt ] interview[ínt vjú;] be over in order to upset[<psèt] calmly[k ;mli] chocolate bar sweet[swi;t] allow[ láu] cave[keiv] shelter[ èlt ] danger[dèind, ] according to environment[inváiâr nm nt] grassland[gr sl nd] raise[reiz] place[pleis] feed[fi;d] portable[p ; t bl] set up still[stil] almost[ ;lmoust] desert[dèz ; t] all year round underground[=nd gràund] look like hole[houl] bottom[b t m] courtyard[k ; tj ; d] island[áil nd] make a living wood[wud] official[ fí Âl] address[ drès] describe[diskráib] wall[w ;l] poster[póust ] favorite[fèivârit] stove[stouv] warm[w ; m] convenient[k nví;nj nt] twice[twais] ride[raid] roller coaster moved[mu;vd] Different Places, Different Lifestyles 13

Unit 09 LESSON 01 LESSON 02 Grammar 1 if p.59 Speed Check A 1. comes 2. will be 3. unless 4. will go 5. will B 1. 2. 3. 4. C 1. If she arrives late 2. I ll get two apples 3. Turn on the TV 4. If the boy wins the race D 1. will pay pay 2. give gives 3. will call call 4. comes will come 5. Unless If aren t are LESSON 03 Grammar 2 p.61 Vocabulary Speed Check p.57 A 1. death 2. strange 3. foreign 4. necklace 5. umbrella 6. indoors 7. cultural 8. whistle 9. misunderstand 10. be related to 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B C D run Speed Check A 1. ride 2. have 3. check 4. to lift 5. repaired B 1. They let their daughter go to the museum. 2. Somebody made him wear a ugly hat. 3. She had her children cook dinner. 4. I had the wall painted by him. C 1. close the window 2. the picture taken 3. you go to the party 4. them do their homework D 1. stayed stay 2. washes wash 3. had (to) have 4. he has him have 5. write written Real Test pp.62~63 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The woman let her son read the book. 6. 7. 8. me open the car door (to) answer the question us play on the street 9. meet her, give her this letter finish early, I will wait for you me wear the red coat 1. want to 2. it(= the washing machine) repair A: B: 3. if Unless 4. If will help help 5. The woman let her son read the book. 6. he borrows him borrow Sarah 7. Ben 14 Unit 09

8. me open the car door (to) answer the question us play on the street made help to let Martha 9. meet her, give her this letter finish early, I will wait for you me wear the red coat If LESSON 04 Communication Real Test 1. 2. 3. sorry afraid 4. (B)-(A)-(D)-(C) p.65 1. B A: B: 2. A A: B: 3. sorry afraid A: B: 4. (B)-(A)-(D)-(C) (B) (A) (D) (C) (B) (A) (D) (C) 1. 2. difference 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sorry. 8. 9. 10. good luck 11. 12. 13. Unless 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. different beliefs, cultures 21. sick 22. 23. 24. 25. 26-1. let us have a party in the yard 26-2. makes me practice the piano every day 26-3. will make it come true make her disappear 1. 2. difference = pp.66~69 3. 4. B A: B: 5. (B) (D) (C), (A) (B) (D) (C) (A) 6. B A A: B: A: Did I Do Something Wrong? 15

7. Sorry A B A: B: 8. A: B: 9~10 A: B: A: B: A: B: David A: 9. it 10. good luck B David A 11. 12. choose stay 13. Unless and If... not Unless = 14. help have help to Judy 15. 16. will promise promises he him Tim 17. 10 31 18~20 18. 6 29 7 3 19. For example However 16 Unit 09

20. different beliefs, cultures 21~23 Skorda 21. sick get well 22. 23. Skorda 24~25 Brielle: Brielle Johnson http://friend.blog.com/bongsu 24. Brielle Brielle 25. 26-1. let us have a party in the yard 26-2. makes me practice the piano every day make 26-3. will make it come true make her disappear Words & Phrases question[kwèst Ân] mind[maind] newspaper[nδù;zpéip ] important[imp ; tânt] nervous[ná; v s] umbrella[<mbrèl ] drop[dr p] use[juz] necklace[nèklis] take a look at rabbit[r bit] without[wi"àut] choose[t u;z] essay[èsei] topic[t pik] noisy[n izi] issue[í u;] recently[rí;sântli] for the first time secret[sí;krit] promise[pr mis] fun[f<n] October[ któub ] Did I Do Something Wrong? 17

dress up costume[k stδu;m] trick[trik] treat[tri;t] receive[risí;v] a lot of foreign[f (;)rin] be from different[dífâr nt] culture[k=lt ] belief[bilí;f] sometimes[s=mtàimz] misunderstand[mìs<nd st nd] each other be related to indoors[índ ; z] overturn[òuv tá; n] right away garlic[g ; lik] pillow[pílou] get well whistle[ wísâl] lose[lu;z] matter[m t ] difference[dífâr ns] be going to look for interested[íntâristid] leave[li;v] teach[ti;t ] yard[j ; d] force[f ; s] practice[pr ktis] come true disappear[dìs pí ] make a wish genie[d,í;ni] free A from B A B lamp[læmp] Unit 10 LESSON 01 LESSON 02 Grammar 1 -ing p.75 Vocabulary Speed Check p.73 A 1. disappear 2. tax 3. plant 4. wooden 5. affect 6. happen 7. chopstick 8. blow 9. prefer 10. these days 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B C D (d)isposable Speed Check A 1. closing 2. talking 3. touching 4. swimming 5. burning B 1. shaking 2. called 3. broken 4. taking 5. running C 1. a girl crying for help 2. her heart beating fast 3. her husband baking bread 4. him enter the building D 1. typed typing type 2. she her 3. to get getting get 4. cleaning cleaned 5. was LESSON 03 Grammar 2 tell / ask to p.77 Speed Check A 1. asked 2. to clean 3. him 4. not to be 5. to keep B 1. Abe to wear 2. him to go 3. me to cook 4. Ben not to paint C 1. me to turn off the lights 2. you to be happier 3. him not to lose the game 4. them to be safe D 1. seeing to see 2. give to give 3. he him 4. not go not to go 5. I buy me to buy Real Test pp.78~79 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. to move move moving 6. 7. 8. us not to swim Bob repairing Casey to come over 9. him following me the song sung them not to be 18 Unit 10

1. saw 2. to 3. to to not 4. ask to 5. to move move movingfelt to 6. put Helen 7. wishto A: B: 8. us not to swim Bob repairing Casey to come over saw Casey Casey 9. him following me the song sung them not to be ask to not to LESSON 04 Communication Real Test 1. 2. 3. Which do you prefer, soccer or baseball? Which do you like better, soccer or baseball? 4. (B)-(D)-(C)-(A) 1. which A: B: p.81 2. AB A: B: A: A 3. Which do you prefer, soccer or baseball? Which do you like better, soccer or baseball? Q: A: 4. (B)-(D)-(C)-(A) (B)-(D)- (C) (A) (B) Tomatina (D) (C) (A) pp.82~85 1. 2. disappear 3. 4. 5. 6. No, I haven t 7. 8. 9. have you heard of yellow dust? 10. 11. 12. 13. do to do 14. 15. cheering 16. 17. 18. wooden chopsticks 19. 20. 21. blue yellow 22. 23. 24. 25. 26-1. them to be quiet 26-2. him to study harder 26-3. falling, him not to play outside 1. 10 12 100 1,000 Save Our Forests 19

2. disappear appear dis- = 3. disposable 4. what which what 5. A B prefer A to Blike A better than BA be better than B A be preferable to B 6. No, I haven t Sally A B have have A: Sally B: 7. Winter Swim (C) (A) Winter Swim (B) (D) (C) (A) (B) (D) 8. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 9~10 A: B: A: B: A: B: 9. have you heard of yellow dust? have 10. A 11. to 12. felt 13. do to do told to A: David B: 14. advised to smelled 15. cheering heard 16. ask to they them Jin 20 Unit 10

17. the largest environmental events in the world on the last Saturday of March each year People turn off for the event to help the environment 3 18. wooden chopsticks 19~22 19. 20. 4 1 21. blue yellow blue yellow 22. the other half are sent to Korea, Japan and America 23. 24~25 24. For example 25. 26-1. them to be quiet ask to 26-2. him to study harder tell to 26-3. falling, him not to play outside heard falling to to not Save Our Forests 21

Words & Phrases throw away prefer[prifá; ] happen[h pân] event[ivènt] sore[s ; ] throat[^rout] dust[d<st] these days forget[f gèt] water[w ;t ] bite[bait] jog[d, g] do exercise advise[ædváiz] vegetable[vèd,ât bâl] meat[mi;t] smell[smel] burn[b ; n] pan[pæn] cheer up stage[steid,] make a noise environmental[invàiâr nmèntl] turn off turn on environment[inváiâr nm nt] many times once[w<ns] cut down actually[ kt u li] forest[f (;)rist] million[mílj n] turn into billion[bílj n] wooden[wùdn] chopstick[t pstìk] quarter[kw ; t ] desert[dèz ; t] growing[gróui\] affect[ fèkt] blow[blou] piece[pi;s] disposable[dispóuz bâl] trash[træ ] for example campaign[kæmpèin] one s own get a discount government[g=v nm nt] tax[tæks] outside[àutsáid] allow[ láu] 22 Unit 10