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/ /

( ) / ISR

: KH 76 : 1.5m( ), 0.6m( ) (1): 680-690km, 57 : 10-20kW( ) : 50m - 15

0.5m (SAR) : 10( 2) 2005 5-9 800

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Photophone(A.G. Bell, 1880) Sun 200 m Transmitter vibrator & mirror Receiver Se crystal

Digital Transmission Hierarchy Voice channel bandwidth 8,000 Hz sampling rate 8 bit/sample = 64 kbit/sec Frame time : 125 µsec 7 x T2. 6 x T3 T3 or DS3 MUX. T4 or DS4 MUX 274.176 Mb/s 24 x 64 kb/s. 4 x T1 T1 or DS1 MUX. T2 or DS2 MUX 6.312 Mb/s 44.736 Mb/s North American hierarchy 1.544 Mb/s

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