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Push... 2 Push... 4 Push... 5 Push... 13 Push... 15 1 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution Push (Daemon ), Push Push Observer. Push., Observer. Session. Thread Thread. Observer ID. Observer / /Session interval pushserver.xml. Log4j. : Push. FORCS Co., LTD 2

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A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution bin conf lib ozpushcntrl.bat ozpushcntrl.sh ozpushstart.bat ozpushstart.sh ozpushstop.bat ozpushstop.sh OZServicePS.exe OZPushServerInstallService.bat OZPushServerUninstallService. bat pushserver.ico pushserver.properties pushserver.xml crimson.jar log4j.jar ozpush50.jar ozsfw50.jar OZServiceBootstrap.jar OZUSLClientSession.jar parser.jar sample.jar xalan.jar xerces.jar xerceslmpl.jar xml-apis.jar (.bat) (.sh) Push (.bat) (.sh) Push (.bat) (.sh) Push NT Push NT Push Push Push, session, transmission, Observer XML Push NT USL XML Observer XML Xerces XML Xerces XML Xerces XML Xerces license ozlicense.xml Push logs pushserver.log Push FORCS Co., LTD 4

License Push ozlicense.xml Push License. License License, IP,. Push IP License. Push ozpushcntrl.bat JRE Push. Windows JVM, UNIX ozpushcntrl.sh JRE Path. @echo off ----------------------------------------------------- OZ Push Server Contorl(OZA SHELL) This script file written and tested under Windows 2000 User should set following variables: JAVA_HOME - Determines the version of Java used to start OZ Server. This variable must point to the root directory of a JDK or JRE installation. for an up-to-date list of supported JVMs your platform. MAX_MEMORY - Maximum memory used by OZ Push Server. (The unit is mega-byte.) MIN_MEMORY - Minimum memory used by OZ Push Server. (The unit is mega-byte.) ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 5 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution Set user-defined variables ----------------------------------- set JAVA_HOME=...JRE set MAX_MEMORY=256 set MIN_MEMORY=256 set JAVA_OPTION= set OZPUSHSERVER_HOME=.. set OZLIBALL=%OZPUSHSERVER_HOME%lib ----------------------------------- OZ Main Class ----------------------------------- set OZLIB=%OZLIBALL%ozpush50.jar;%OZPUSHSERVER_HOME%conf; ----------------------------------- OZ Server Class ----------------------------------- set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%ozsfw50.jar ----------------------------------- Library for Logging ----------------------------------- set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%log4j.jar ----------------------------------- Library for XML ----------------------------------- set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%xalan.jar set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%xercesImpl.jar set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%xml-apis.jar set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%parser.jar set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%xerces.jar set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%crimson.jar ----------------------------------- User Library ----------------------------------- set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%sample.jar echo %OZLIB% if not "%1" == "-start" goto notstart FORCS Co., LTD 6

set JAVA_OPTION= %JAVA_OPTION% -Xms%MIN_MEMORY%m -Xmx%MAX_MEMORY%m :notstart %JAVA_HOME%binjava %JAVA_OPTION% -cp %OZLIB% oz.push.server.console %1 %2 %3 %4 : MAX_MEMORY, MIN_MEMORY JVM /, JAVA_OPTION. JAVA_OPTION. ozpushcntrl.sh JRE Push. Windows JVM, UNIX ozpushcntrl.sh JRE Path. #!/bin/sh #----------------------------------------------------- # # OZ Push Contorl. # # This script file written and tested under HP-UX # # User should set following variables: # # JAVA_HOME - Determines the version of Java used to start # OZ Server. This variable must point to the # root directory of a JDK or JRE installation. # for an up-to-date list of supported JVMs your platform. # MAX_MEMORY - Maximum memory used by OZ Server. (The unit is mega-byte.) # MIN_MEMORY - Minimum memory used by OZ Server. (The unit is mega-byte.) # JAVA_OPTIONS - On some platforms, certain java command-line options are # recommanded when running OZ Server. # #----------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------- # Set user-defined variables # ----------------------------------- JAVA_HOME=../../jre MAX_MEMORY=256 7 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution MIN_MEMORY=128 JAVA_OPTION=-hotspot OZPUSHSERVER_HOME=.. OZLIB=.:$OZPUSHSERVER_HOME/conf OZLIB=$OZLIB:$OZPUSHSERVER_HOME/lib/ozpush50.jar # ----------------------------------- # OZ Server Library # ----------------------------------- OZLIB=$OZLIB:$OZPUSHSERVER_HOME/lib/ozsfw50.jar # ----------------------------------- # Library for Logging # ----------------------------------- OZLIB=$OZLIB:$OZPUSHSERVER_HOME/lib/log4j.jar # ----------------------------------- # Library for XML # ----------------------------------- OZLIB=$OZLIB:$OZPUSHSERVER_HOME/lib/xalan.jar OZLIB=$OZLIB:$OZPUSHSERVER_HOME/lib/xercesImpl.jar OZLIB=$OZLIB:$OZPUSHSERVER_HOME/lib/xml-apis.jar OZLIB=$OZLIB:$OZPUSHSERVER_HOME/lib/parser.jar OZLIB=$OZLIB:$OZPUSHSERVER_HOME/lib/xerces.jar OZLIB=$OZLIB:$OZPUSHSERVER_HOME/lib/crimson.jar ----------------------------------- User Library ----------------------------------- set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%sample.jar if [ "$1"!= "-start" ]; then JAVA_OPTION= else JAVA_OPTION="$JAVA_OPTION -ms$min_memory"m JAVA_OPTION="$JAVA_OPTION -mx$max_memory"m fi echo "" echo $OZLIB echo "" $JAVA_HOME/bin/java $JAVA_OPTION -classpath $OZLIB oz.push.server.console $1 $2 $3 $4 FORCS Co., LTD 8

: MAX_MEMORY, MIN_MEMORY JVM /, JAVA_OPTION. JAVA_OPTION. pushserver.properties Push. #----------------------------------------------- # Main configuration of push #----------------------------------------------- path.oz.push.home=.. path.oz.push.home Push. (/ ) pushserver.xml Push, session, transmission, Observer. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr"?> <ozpushserver port="8088"> <log priority="debug" path="../logs/"> <logger type="console" aync="false" /> <!-- DailyRollingFile <logger type="dailyrollingfile" filename="pushserver.log" append="true" immediateflush="true" datepattern="yyyy-mm-dd" /> --> <logger type="rollingfile" filename="pushserver.log" append="true" immediateflush="true" maxbackupindex="5" maxfilesize="10kb" /> </log> <session interval='5000'/> <transmission multi='false'/> <observers> <!-- observer <observer name="ob1" classname="sample.observer.ob1" checkinterval="5000" /> <observer name="ob2" classname="sample.observer.ob2" checkinterval="5000"/> 9 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution --> </observers> </ozpushserver>#------------------------------------------- # Main configuration of ozpushserver #------------------------------------------- Element ozpushserver port Push. ( :8088). ( :DEBUG) Log level, FATAL log. log level, log priority ERROR INFO log. "ERROR" level log log. "ERROR", "INFO" level log DEBUG log. path. ( : %OZPushHome%\log) logger logger,. ( :Console) : logger, Console RollingFile Console DaillyRollingFile. type Console RollingFile DaillyRolling File.. ex) pushserver.log, pushserver.log.1, pushserver.log.2,... (DatePattern). ex) pushserver.log, pushserver.log., pushserver.log.,... FORCS Co., LTD 10

session transmission Observer async filename append immediateflus h datepattern maxbackupin dex maxfilesize interval multi name classname checkinterval logger Console. ( :false) logger RollingFile DaillyRollingFile. ( :pushserver.log) logger RollingFile DaillyRollingFile. ( :true) logger RollingFile DaillyRollingFile. ( :false) logger DaillyRollingFile. "DatePattern". ( :YYYY-MM-DD) logger RollingFile Backup.. ( :5) logger RollingFile. ( :1MB). ( :5000). ( :false) Observer. Observer.. ( :5000) DatePattern yyyy-mm 6 12 pushserver.log pushserver.log.2005-06 pushserver.log. 11 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution yyyy-ww yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd-hh ( ) ( ), 1 12 pushserver.log pushserver.log.2005-01 pushserver.log. 7 1 pushserver.log pushserver.log.2005-07-01 pushserver.log. 7 1 10 pushserver.log pushserver.log.2005-07-01-09 pushserver.log. FORCS Co., LTD 12

-help. ) ozpushcntrl -help -obinfo ObserverID.. ObserverID ObserverName ObserverClassName client ) ozpushcntrl -obinfo ip: port:8088 id:observerid -oblist ip Observer.. ObserverID ObserverName ObserverClassName client ) ozpushcntrl -oblist ip: port:8088 -obruninfo Observer.. ObserverID ObserverName ObserverClassName client ) ozpushcntrl -obruninfo ip: port:8088 -obstop ObserverID Observer. ) ozpushcntrl -obstop ip: port:8088 id:observerid -stop OZ Push ) ozpushcntrl -stop ip: port:8088 13 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution -usage start. ) ozpushcntrl usage -version Push. ) ozpushcntrl version ip: port:8080 FORCS Co., LTD 14

Push. DataModule.StartPush Prototype Definition BOOL StartPush(string ObserverIP, integer ObserverPort, string Observername) Push. : SynchronizeToDataSet true. ObserverIP Push IP Argument ObserverPort Observername Push Port Push Observer DataModule.EndPush Prototype Definition BOOL EndPush() Push. Observer Observer. 1).. Push Server 15 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution. 2) ODI,. Push Push. Observer. (. ("OB1", "OB2", "OB3") Observer pushsample.jar.) pushsample.jar Push Server /lib. Push Server /bin ozpushcntrl.bat. ----------------------------------- User Library ----------------------------------- set OZLIB=%OZLIB%;%OZLIBALL%pushsample.jar Push Server /conf pushserver.xml Observer. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr"?> <ozpushserver port="8088"> <log priority="debug" path="../logs/"> <logger type="console" aync="false" /> <!-- DailyRollingFile <logger type="dailyrollingfile" filename="logfile.log" append="true" immediateflush="true" datepattern="yyyy-mm-dd" /> --> <logger type="rollingfile" filename="pushserver.log" append="true" immediateflush="true" maxbackupindex="5" maxfilesize="10kb" /> </log> <session interval='5000'/> FORCS Co., LTD 16

<transmission multi='false'/> <observers> <observer name="ob1" classname="sample.observer.ob1" checkinterval="5000" /> <observer name="ob2" classname="sample.observer.ob2" checkinterval="5000"/> <observer name="ob2" classname="sample.observer.ob2" checkinterval="5000"/> </observers> </ozpushserver> OZ Application Viewer OZ Push Server. Board ozcar.odi Table Table. Board Button Button "OnClick". Button1(StartPush) //Push Server Push Server. var dm = _GetDataManager.GetDataModule("ozcar"); //Push Server IP, Port, Observer Name. var push = dm.startpush("","8088","ob1"); Button2(EndPush) // Push Server var dm = _GetDataManager.GetDataModule("ozcar"); var push = dm.endpush(); [] - [] ( ). 17 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution "StartPush" Push Server. ozcar.odi DB. "EndPush" Push Server. ozcar.odi DB. FORCS Co., LTD 18