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CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior


3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적


6단계 08권 TG


7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and


Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.


Mom: What s he wearing? Child: He is wearing some space clothes. Mom: Yes, he is an astronaut. [Page 8-9] Mom: Where is this? Child: It is a desert. C


Lesson 9 Invasion of Christmas Island I m very upset. I think you should see a doctor. Would you say that again? Roads which the crabs travel are closed. Christmas Island is invaded by millions of red crabs. ask / wantto They want the crabs to live. Words between break -broke-broken by = beside ex. Sit by the fire and have a nice warm. carefully challenge crab dangerous safe die death dropping floor holiday = vacation invade invasion island islander journey lay -laid-laid ex. The hen laid six eggs last week. leaf leaves leave leftover ex. Would you wrap the leftovers for me? locker mate mix mixture need once plant put 86 quite rainforest safe safety save share ex. My parents share my joys and sorrows. sign soil space stand -stood-stood ex. I can t stand for his rudeness any more. surprised ex. I was surprised to hear of his failure. tourist travel upset village water Phrases be ready to ex. Everything is packed and ready to go. go on (with) ex. Please go on with your story. go through lay an egg make a journey millions of ex. Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago. put up watch out (for) ex. Watch out for fake items.

Words 01 need 02 plant 03 leaf 04 soil 05 lay 06 holiday 07 tourist 08 break 09 mix 10 carefully 11 sign 12 upset 13 invasion 14 quite 15 journey 16 locker 17 safe 18 leave 19 rainforest 20 surprised 21 travel 22 save 23 floor 24 island 25 leftover 26 challenge 27 stand 28 mate 29 invade 30 share 31 crab 32 water 33 space 34 village 35 between 36 dropping 37 islander 38 die Phrases 39 make a journey 40 put up 41 be ready to 42 millions of 43 go on (with) 44 watch out (for) 45 go through p.188 Lesson 9 87 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 88 p.188 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Phrases 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

1 He took on a new (challenge / village). 2 There s (quiet / quite) a chill in the air this morning. 3 These turtles (lie / lay) eggs in the sand. 4 I want to become a doctor and (save / share) people s lives. 5 Where is a (passenger / tourist) information center? 6 There are some in the fridge. 7 This is clearly an act of economic. 8 The island is invaded by of red crabs. 9 Every year these birds make a. go on put up go through be ready 10 It took a long time to immigration. 11 The workers road signs for the drivers. 12 to live in this house with the children. 13 Do you think we should with this project? 14 leaf 15 safe 16 invade 17 angry p.188 take on chill turtle information fridge act economic invade red crab take immigration road sign Lesson 9 89 A: I m very upset. I have too much work to do. B: I understand. upsetangry I m upsetangry. I feel so mad. I hate this. / I can t stand it. I feel very bad about it, too. Don t get upset. 1 A: What s, Tim? Tim B: I m very because my plant is dying. A: Did you it? B: Of course. I it every day. A: Then maybe it needs more sun and air. You d it by the window. 2 A: Hi, Mingu. B: Hi. A:? B: I m very. Jack and Nara keep things from me. Jack A: I think you them about your feelings. A: My computer doesn t work. What should I do? B: I think you should try this. I think you should ~. You d better ~. 90

p.188 Why don t you ~? I advise you to ~. 3 A: What s wrong, Eric? Eric B: I m very upset Nick broke my guitar. Nick A: Oh, I m sorry. But Nick is your little brother. Nick B: But, Mom, he my MP3 player, too. it. MP3 A: He s just too. keep your things in safer places. A: I think I should go now. B: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. I beg your pardon? / Pardon (me)? / Excuse me? / I m sorry? WouldCouldyou say that again? / Could you repeat that? What did you say? 4 A: Would you like to get? B: I m sorry, but I didn t. A: I m quite hungry. Would you like? B: Oh, sure. I m hungry, too. go to the pizza place over there? A: Would you? B: go to the pizza place over there. A: Okay. Lesson 9 91 p.189 A: Excuse me. Where can I use the Internet? B: You can use the Internet in the computer room 1.. 2 A: I beg 2.? B: You can go to the computer room on the second floor 3. the Internet. 2 A: Thanks. B: 4. leave your bag in a locker. You 5. your bag with you into the computer room. A: 6.? B: 7. in the computer room. I think 8. your bag in a locker. (A) I don t know. Maybe I dropped it in the subway. (B) Oh, I m sorry. What happened? (C) Are you okay, Jenny? (D) I m very upset because I lost my cell phone. (E) I think you should check with the Lost and Found Center in the subway station. 92

1 A: What s wrong? B: Someone stole my bike. I can t it. saw stand wait leave found 2 A: I m very upset because I got a bad grade. B: I think you listen to your teacher. 3 A: I lost my keys. B: Why don t you check your room? 4 A: Why don t we go to the pizza place over there? B: I m sorry? I beg your pardon? You can say that again. What did you say? Would you say that again? 5 A: I have a terrible headache. What should I do? B: You should do exercise. You d better not take a rest. How about going shopping? I advise you to see a dentist. In my opinion, you should go see a doctor. stole steal upset bad grade lost lose check pizza place over there terrible headache Lesson 9 93 p.189 6 broke break A: What s wrong, Steve? B: I m very because my brother broke my computer. bored excited upset angry careful 7 Would you that again? tell say speak make review 8 fat sweets A: I m getting fat. What should I do? B: I think you d not better have too many sweets. [9~10] A: Excuse me. Where can I use the Internet? B: You can use the Internet in the computer room on the second floor. A: I beg your pardon? B: You can go to the computer room on the second floor to use the Internet. A: Thanks. B: You d better leave your bag in a locker. You can t take your bag with you into the computer room. second floor 2 had better locker A: B: No bags in the computer room. I think you should leave your bag in a locker. 9 10 = You leave your bag in a locker. 94

This is a picture of the boy who(m) I met last week. He had a guitar which his father bought for him. who(m) which who(m) which that This is the boy. + I wanted to meet him. This is the boy who(m)thati wanted to meet. I lost the book. + I got it for my birthday. I lost the book whichthati got for my birthday. This is the house (which) he built. This is the man of whom I spoke yesterday. 1 I ll wear the dress (who / which) my mom made. 2 This is the man (whom / which) my sister wants to marry. 3 I m reading the book (whom / that) Jane gave me. 4 Look at the pictures (who / that) they painted. 5 This is the boy (who / which) I taught English. These cookies were left by Yumi. This note was written by her, too. beby be be by The computer was fixed by my uncle. English is spoken (by people) in many countries. Lesson 9 95 p.189 be by Many tourists visit the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is visited by many tourists. be by 6 Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. 7 Kevin draws this picture. 8 Edison invented light bulbs. ask / want to Shall I ask someone to help you? No. I want you to help me. ask/wantto ask wantwould liketelladviseorder to The police officer ordered people to go back. My teacher wants me to study harder. to not He asked me not to say that again. 9 She him her cook dinner. 10 The sign people right here. 11 I my dad me with my homework. 96

1 I have a dog they re looking for. who whom what why which 2 This sign tells people stop. I want you become a good son. at by with to into 3 Millions of red crabs invade Christmas Island. = Christmas Island millions of red crabs. 4 Many stars by us in the night sky. saw are seen will be seen did see can be seen 5 This is a poster of the movie which you are watching. The blue giant whom the monkey looks at is Genie. The man who Genie holds is Aladdin. The woman who Aladdin falls in love with is Jasmine. I like this movie which is based on the book. look for sign become millions of invade crab poster giant hold fall in love with be based on Lesson 9 97 6 Paper invented in China. This is the window whom I cleaned. The structure was used as a theater. The sign tells people to not swim here. The woman which Harry falls in love with is Sally. 7 The boy who wears glasses is Jack. I mean the girl who wears a white cap. The man who she loved was my brother. I m reading the book which Jane gave me. This is the cell phone which Junho bought it. 8 They wanted not her to be their king. 9 The house was by a famous architect. The first World Cup was in Uruguay. build held built held built hold builded held builded holded 10 My dad gave me a book. The book was interesting. The book was interesting. 98 p.189 invent structure wear mean cell phone famous architect interesting

Invasion of Christmas Island Once a year, between October and December, Christmas Island is invaded between A and BAB beby by millions of red crabs. They come out of the rainforest and move down the mountain, then go through cities and villages. Red crabs make a dangerous journey to the sea to mate and lay eggs in the sea. (to) make a journey They go over roads and gardens, under cars, and through buildings, homes and schools. At schools, the crabs run around the students feet, eat leftovers under the table, and then go on with their journey. At home, you find them under your bed, behind the desk, and in your shoes. But people are not surprised by these crabs. They try hard to make the crabs journey safe. to be surprised by make (go) (go) -s tryto foot T F 1 Red crabs come out of the rainforest during the spring. ( ) 2 Red crabs make a journey in order to lay eggs in the sea. ( ) 3 People can t find red crabs at home. ( ) 4 The islanders try to make red crabs journey safe. ( ) once between invade millions of crab rainforest village dangerous journey mate lay -laid-laid leftover surprised Lesson 9 99 The islanders want the crabs to live because they are important to the rainforest. They mix the soil and let air go through it. The crabs also keep the forest floor clean, eating leaves and fruits. They leave behind droppings which are very good for the soil. be good for want to let Many red crabs are killed by cars. To save the crabs, roads which the crabs travel are closed. People put up road signs for the drivers. Students make posters to ask islanders to watch out for the crabs journey. Many islanders to ask to leave their cars at home. They walk and bicycle carefully. Some people give water to the crabs when they come to their gardens. keep to give A to BB A Sharing space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. But Christmas Islanders are happy because they can help the crabs. If you ever go to Christmas Island during the Christmas holidays, be ready to live with millions of red crabs! 5 Why are red crabs important to the rainforest? First, they mix the and let go through it. Second, they keep the clean, eating and. Third, they leave behind which are very good for the soil. 6 What do people do to save red crabs killed by cars? They are which red crabs travel. 100 p.189 islander mix soil floor leave dropping save share space challenge holiday

Reading Challenging During Christmas holidays I went to Christmas Island near Australia. The tiny island is called Christmas Island because it was discovered in 1643 on Christmas Day. When I stayed there, I saw red crabs everywhere. They were crossing the island to mate and lay eggs in the sea. during to The islanders tried very hard to make the crabs journey make safe. Sharing space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. But the islanders were very happy. Someday I want to go back to the island. in on Grammar Easy The Colosseum is in Rome. It was built in Roman times. It was used as a theater by the Romans. It was painted by many artists. It is visited by people from all over the world. by = Many artists panted it. Grammar Challenging Jane: Tarzan, please close the door. Tarzan: Okay. Jane: Why don t you learn English? Tarzan: Okay. Can I play outside? Jane: No, you can t. Stay here and study. Tarzan: Okay. Jane: Tarzan, would you help me cook dinner? Tarzan: Okay. This is a poster of the movie which you are watching. The blue giant whom the monkey looks at is Genie. The man whom Genie holds is Aladdin. The woman whom Aladdin falls in love with is Jasmine. Isn t this movie interesting? Writing Easy 1 The window was cleaned by Jane. 2 The branch was broken by Kate. 3 The homework was done by Martin. 4 The bench was cleaned by Susan. 5 The plants were watered by Tom. Writing On Level Dear Yejin, I want you to smile more. I want you to read more books. And I want you to become a good daughter to your parents. I want you to talk to your parents more and to be kinder to your brother. I want you and wantto Writing Challenging This book is The Little Prince. It was written by Saint Exupéry. This is a story about a Little Prince whom the writer met in a desert. The boy who has yellow hair is the Little Prince. The Little Prince told a story about a fox which he loved a lot. The fox, which was very cold inside, changed because of his love. because of Lesson 9 101 1. Once a year, October December, Christmas Island is invaded by red crabs. 2. They come out of the rainforest and move down the mountain, then cities and villages. 3. Red crabs make a dangerous journey to the sea to mate and in the sea. They go over roads and gardens, under cars, and through buildings, homes and schools. 4. At schools, the crabs run around the students feet, eat under the table, and then their journey. At home, you find them under your bed, behind the desk, and in your shoes. 5. But people by these crabs. 6. They hard the crabs journey safe. The islanders want the crabs to live because they are important to the rainforest. 7. They mix the soil and through it. 8. The crabs also keep the forest floor clean, leaves and fruits. 9. They droppings which are very good for the soil. 10. Many red crabs cars. 11. To save the crabs, roads the crabs travel are closed. 12. People road signs for the drivers. 13. Students make posters to ask islanders for the crabs journey. Many islanders leave their car at home. 14. They walk and carefully. Some people give water to the crabs when they come to their gardens. 15. space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. 16. But Christmas Islanders are happy they can help the crabs. 17. If you ever go to Christmas Island the Christmas holidays, live with millions of red crabs! 102 p.189 1. 10 12 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

10 12 Lesson 9 103 p.190 104

Words + Reading Listening On Level Christmas holidays I went to Christmas Island near Australia. The tiny island Christmas Island because it in 1643 on Christmas Day. When I stayed there, I saw red crabs. They were crossing the island and lay eggs in the sea. The islanders tried very hard to make the crabs journey safe. Sharing space with crabs must be a. But the islanders were very happy. Someday I want to to the island. Grammar Easy The Colosseum is in Rome. It in Roman times. It was used a theater by the. It was painted by many artists. It is visited by people from. Grammar Challenging Jane: Tarzan, please close the door. Tarzan: Okay. Jane: you learn English? Tarzan: Okay. play outside? Jane: No, you can t. Stay here and study. Tarzan: Okay. Jane: Tarzan, me cook dinner? Tarzan: Okay. p.190 This is a poster of the movie you are watching. The blue giant the monkey looks at is Genie. The man whom Genie holds is Aladdin. The woman whom Aladdin with is Jasmine. Isn t this movie interesting? Writing Easy 1 The window by Jane. 2 The branch by Kate. 3 The homework by Martin. 4 The bench Susan. 5 The plants Tom. Writing On Level Dear Yejin, I want you to smile more. I want you to. And I want you to become a good daughter to your parents. I want you to talk to your parents more and to to your brother. Writing Challenging This book is The Little Prince. It by Saint Exupéry. This is a story about a Little Prince whom the writer met in a. The boy who is the Little Prince. The Little Prince told a story about a fox which he loved. The fox, which was very cold, changed his love. Lesson 9 105 mix village soil million crab journey once rainforest share invade leftover challenge mix : to blend objects together into one mass : 1 : to enter a country using military force : 2 : the top layer of the earth : 3 : sea creature with a hard shell : 4 : a small part that remains of cooked food : 5 : a new or difficult task that tests somebody s ability : 6 : a forest with heavy annual rainfall : 7 : the act of traveling from one place to another : 8 : on one occasion only; one time : 9 : 1,000,000; a very large amount : 10 : to have or use something that another person has or uses : 11 : a community of people smaller than a town : (A)(B)(C) Once a year, between October and December, Christmas Island is (A) invaded / surprised by millions of red crabs. They come out of the rainforest and move down the mountain, then go (B) by / through cities and villages. Red crabs make a (C) dangerous / safe journey to the sea to mate and lay eggs in the sea. They go over roads and gardens, under cars, and through buildings, homes and schools. (A) (B) (C) invaded through safe invaded by dangerous invaded through dangerous surprised by safe surprised through safe 106

p.190 1 1 They try hard making the crabs journey safe. 2 Share space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. 3 Christmas Island is invaded millions of red crabs. 4 To save the crabs, roads what the crabs travel are closed. 5 The crabs also keep the forest floor to clean, eating leaves and fruits. 6 You d better to leave your bag in a locker. 7 People are not surprising by these crabs. 8 They mix the soil and lets air go through it. 9 Some people give water the crabs when they come to their gardens. 10 Red crabs make a dangerous journey to the sea to mate and laying eggs in the sea. During Christmas holidays I went to Christmas Island near Australia. The tiny island is called Christmas Island because it discovered in 1643 on Christmas Day. When I stayed there, I saw red crabs everywhere. They were crossing the island to mate and lay eggs in the sea. The islanders tried very hard to make the crabs journey safe. Sharing space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. But the islanders were very happy. Someday I want to go back to the island. Lesson 9 107 1 bicycle bike journey travel dangerous safe surprise amaze important significant 2 At schools, the crabs run around the students feet, eat leftovers under the table, and then go on their journey. 3 actor favor doctor director inventor 4 They up fences to prevent visitors from cutting across the grass. on your pajamas and go to bed. taketake getget gogo putput havehave 5 I beg you pardon? Sorry, what did you say? Would you say that again? You d better try to talk to me. I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. 108 6 A: I m very upset. I have too much work to do. B: I understand. I see. I hate this. I can t stand it. That s all right. I feel very bad about it, too. 7 A: What should I do? B: I think you should try this. I lost my keys. I m so sleepy these days. My best friend is very angry. I got an A again on my science test. I can t see things very clearly these days. 8 A: Excuse me. Where can I use the Internet? B: You can use the Internet in the computer room on the second floor. A: I beg your pardon? B: You can go to the computer room on the second floor to use the Internet. A: Thanks. B: You d better leave your bag in a locker. You can t take your bag with you into the computer room. theater post office library coffee shop subway station Grammar + Reading

9 A: Are you okay, Jenny? B: I lost my cell phone! What can I do? A: Oh, I m sorry. What happened? B: I don t know. Maybe I dropped it in the subway. A: I think you should. check your room again leave your bag in a locker not forget where your bag is you d better try to talk to her check with the Lost and Found Center (10~11) A: What s wrong, Eric? B: I m very upset Nick broke my guitar. A: Oh, I m sorry. But Nick is your little brother. B: But, Mom, he broke my MP3 player, too. I can t stand it. A: He s just too young. I think you should keep your things in safer places. 10 when so and because although 11 My offer still stands. She was too weak to stand. The tower stands 30 meters high. Everyone should stand when he comes in. His heart won t stand the strain any longer. 12 He is the man Jenny wants to marry. This is the boy I wanted to meet. when whose of which whom which 13 She is loved many people. You d better put it the window. 14 John asked Kelly not use his computer. 15 The crabs also keep the forest floor clean, eat leaves and fruits. 16 Butter makes from milk. This letter wrote by Mike. The room should clean by five. The computer was fixed by my father. The meeting cancelled because of the accident. Lesson 9 109 17 I like the book my friend gave to me yesterday. The people I met in Japan were very kind. 18 Steve me to open the door. wants tells made asked advised (19~20) 19 They gave me some money. (to) 20 The farmer grows a lot of vegetables. (by) 21 Kelly asked John bring the box. The building built by my father. This is the boy which I wanted to meet. Tom asked Kate to not use his computer. The Eiffel Tower is visited by many people. 110 (22~24) Once a year, between October and December, Christmas Island is invaded by billions of red crabs. They come out of the rainforest and move down the mountain, then go through cities and villages. Red crabs make a dangerous journey to the sea (A)to mate and (B) eggs in the sea. They go over roads and gardens, under cars, and through buildings, homes and schools. At schools, the crabs run around the students feet, eat leftovers under the table, and then go in with their journey. 22 23 (A) She wants to be a singer. I need something to drink. I am very glad to hear that. John studied hard to pass the exam. Jenny grew up to be a famous actress. 24 (B) lie laid lain lay lied

(25~27) At home, you find them under your bed, behind the desk, and in your shoes. But people are not surprised by these crabs. They try hard to make the crabs journey safe. The islanders want the crabs to live because they are important to the rainforest. They mix the soil and let air go through it. The crabs also keep the forest floor clean, eating leaves and fruits. They leave behind droppings very good for the soil. 25 26 this is these are that is which is which are 27 (28~30) Cars kill many red crabs. To save the crabs, roads which the crabs travel are closed. People put up road signs for the drivers. Students make posters to ask islanders to watch out for the crabs journey. Many islanders leave their cars at home. They walk and bicycle carefully. Some people give water to the crabs when they come to their gardens. Sharing space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. But Christmas Islanders are happy because they can help the crabs. If you ever go to Christmas Island during the Christmas holidays, be ready to live with millions of red crabs! 28 Cars kill many red crabs. = Many red crabs. 29 I am late. I must take a taxi. He ll call you. You must be here. I got a bad grade. I must study hard. It s already 5 o clock. I must go now. He s not answering the phone. He must be out. 30 Lesson 9 111 (31~32) The islanders want the crabs to live they are important to the rainforest. They mix the soil and let air to go through it. The crabs also keep the forest floor clean, eating leaves and fruits. They leave behind droppings which are very good for the soil. 31 32 According to the passage, which question can t be answered? Why do the islanders want the crabs to live? What do the crabs do with the soil of the rainforest? How do the crabs keep the forest floor clean? What do the crabs leave behind in the forest? What do the islanders do for the crabs safe journey? (33~35) A: What s wrong, Eric? B: I m very because Nick broke my guitar. A: Oh, I m sorry. But Nick is your little brother. B: But, Mom, he broke my MP3 player, too. I can t it. A: He s just too young. 112 p.191 33 sad scared tired upset worried 34 35 You d better keep your things in safer places. You don t keep your things in safer places, do you? I think you should keep your things in safer places. I advise you to keep your things in safer places. Why don t you keep your things in safer places?

1 millions of: go through: lay eggs: once a year: 1 make a journey: 2 invent : invention = invade : 3 Did you water the plant? She fell into the water. I m thirsty. I need some water. Rinse the peas with cold water. The smoke made my eyes water. The gardener is watering the flowers. 4 What is Eric s feeling? A: What s wrong, Eric? B: Nick broke my guitar. A: Oh, I m sorry. But Nick is your little brother. B: But, Mom, he broke my MP3 player, too. I can t stand it. A: He s just too young. I think you should keep your things in safer places. happy angry scared shocked surprised 5 A: I think I should go now. B: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. Excuse me? I beg your pardon? What did you say? Could you repeat that? Why do you say again? 6 (A)~(D) A: Are you okay, Jenny? (A) I think you should check with the Lost and Found Center in the subway station. (B) Oh, I m sorry. What happened? (C) I lost my cell phone, so I m not good. (D) I don t know. Maybe I dropped it in the subway. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 7 People use this plant as medicine. as medicine. 8 Mom wants me being a teacher. Mom hopes me being a teacher. Mom hopes to me be a teacher. Mom expects me being a teacher. Mom expects me to be a teacher. Lesson 9 113 9 He orders his son go back home. My mother asks me clean the room. He wants her to not change her mind. My teacher expects me to study harder. My parents tell me stop playing computer games. 10 Choose the right words. (1) I have a dog (whom / which) Mary gave. (2) This is the singer (whom / which) I like best. (11~12) A: What s wrong, Tim? B: I m very upset because my plant is dying. A: Did you water it? B: Of course. I watered it every day. A: Then maybe it needs more sun and air. You d better putting it by the window. 11 12 Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim 114 p.192 (13~15) Many red crabs killed by cars. To save the crabs, roads which the crabs travel closed. People put up road signs for the drivers. Students make posters to ask islanders to watch out for the crabs journey. Many islanders leave their cars at home. They walk and bicycle carefully. Some people give water to the crabs when they come to their gardens. Sharing space with millions of crabs must be a. But Christmas Islanders are happy because they can help the crabs. If you ever go to Christmas Island during the Christmas holidays, be ready to live with millions of red crabs! 13 14 help sign challenge poster holiday 15 red crabs to make posters to put up road signs to leave cars at home to walk and bicycle carefully to water the flowers in the garden

1 journey trip dangerous safe behind in front of be good at be poor at important unimportant 2 a large area where trees grow close together forest floor leaf space holiday 3 I met your mother. We meet together a year. after once when one day someday 4 Which one is unnatural dialogue? A: My sister broke my computer. I hate this. B: I understand. A: My friend, Mike won t talk to me. What should I do? B: Why don t you write a letter to him? A: Turn right and go down three blocks. B: Excuse me? A: I think I should go now. B: I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. A: Would you like to get something to eat? B: Of course not. (5~7) A: Excuse me. Where can I use the Internet? B: You can use the Internet in the computer room on the second floor. ( ) A: I beg your pardon? B: You can go to the computer room on the second floor to use the Internet. ( ) A: Thanks. ( ) B: leave your bag in a locker. You can t take your bag with you into the computer room. ( ) A: I beg your pardon? B: No bags in the computer room. ( ) 5 I think you should leave your bag in a locker. 6 Pardon me? Come again? What did you say? What can I do for you? Could you say that again? 7 You may You can You will You d better You would Lesson 9 115 8 A: Would you like to get something to eat? B: A: I m hungry. Would you like to get something to eat? B: Oh, sure. Shall we go to the pizza place over there? I m sorry, I can t. I m not hungry yet. If you don t mind, I will. Sure. What s the problem? I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. 9 (A) I m very upset because my plant is dying. (B) Of course. I water it every day. (C) What s wrong, Tim? (D) Did you water it? (E) Then maybe it needs more sun and air. You d better put it by the window. (B) (A) (E) (C) (D) (B) (C) (E) (D) (A) (C) (A) (D) (B) (E) (C) (B) (E) (D) (A) (D) (E) (B) (A) (C) 10 The police officer stopped the car. The police officer was stopped the car. The car was stopped the police officer. The car is stopped by the police officer. The car was stopped by the police officer. The police officer was stopped by the car. 116 11 not I ran to the bus stop to be late for school. 12 The cake by a girl yesterday. make makes made is made was made 13 The girl I met yesterday was from Greece. who whose whom which that 14 Sharing space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. You must come back home early. The people must stay in the cave. You must not leave the matter unsettled. The wedding is coming, so we must send invitations. You must have been sad when your grandfather passed away.

15 He is a teacher who I like. It s the book which I read yesterday. Look at the picture whom she bought. I like the dress which Jenny is wearing. The cell phone which my father uses is old. 16 Christmas Island is invaded by millions of red crabs. Millions of red crabs. (17~18) At home, you find them under your bed, behind the desk, and in your shoes. ( ) But people are not surprised by these crabs. ( ) They try hard to make the crabs journey safe. ( ) The islanders want the crabs to live because they are important to the rainforest. ( ) The crabs also keep the forest floor clean, eating leaves and fruits. ( ) They leave behind droppings are very good for the soil. 17 They mix the soil and let air go through it. 18 What is the best word for the blank? which who whom whose of which (19~20) The islanders want the crabs to live because they are important to the rainforest. They mix the soil and let air go through it. The crabs also keep the forest floor clean, eating leaves and fruits. They leave behind droppings which are very good for the soil. Many red crabs are killed by cars. To save the crabs, roads, which the crabs travel are closed. People put up road signs for the drivers. Students make posters to ask islanders watch out for the crabs journey. Many islanders leave their cars at home. They walk and bicycle carefully. Some people give water to the crabs when they come to their gardens. 19 watch watch watched watching to watch to be watched 20 Lesson 9 117 (21~23) Many red crabs ( ) cars. To save the crabs, roads, which the crabs travel are closed. ( ) People put up road signs for the drivers. Students make posters to ask islanders to watch out for the crabs. Many islanders leave their cars at home. ( ) They walk and bicycle carefully. ( ) Some people give water to the crabs when they come to their gardens. ( ) But Christmas Islanders are happy because they can help the crabs. ( ) If you ever go to Christmas Island during the Christmas holidays, be ready to live with millions of red crabs! 21 Many red crabs cars. 22 Sharing space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. 23 signs journey island forest challenge 118 p.192 (24~25) Once a year, between October and December, Christmas Island is invaded by millions of red crabs. They come out of the rainforest and move down the mountain, then go through cities and villages. Red crabs make a dangerous journey to the sea to mate and lay eggs in the sea. They go over roads and gardens, under cars, and through buildings, homes and schools. At schools, the crabs run around the students feet, eat leftovers under the table, and then go on with their journey. At home, you find them under your bed, behind the desk, and in your shoes. But people are not surprised by these crabs. They try hard to make the crabs journey safe. 24 Why do red crabs come out of the rainforest and go to the sea? to make the journey safe to keep the forest floor clean to go over roads and gardens to eat leftovers under the table to mate and lay eggs in the sea 25

1 to enter a country by force with an army mate invade mix space surprise 2 real really safe safely love lovely happy happily careful carefully 3 I my room my sister. (4~5) A: What s wrong, Tim? B: I m very because my plant is dying. A: Did you w it? B: Of course. I w it every day. A: Then maybe it needs more sun and air. You d better put it by the window. 4 happy tired upset sleepy lonely 5 w (6~7) A: Excuse me. Where can I use the Internet? B: You can use the Internet in the computer room on the second floor. A: I beg your pardon? B: You can go to the computer room on the second floor to use the Internet. 6 What happened? Do you forgive me? Could you repeat that? May I ask you a favor? Can I ask you a question? 7 I hurried not to be late. I get up early to have breakfast. I studied very hard to pass the test. He was very happy to meet his friend. He turned on the computer to play computer games. Lesson 9 119 8 A: My friend, Yuna won t talk to me. What should I do? B: Why don t you write a letter to her? 9 (A)(E) A: Would you like to get something to eat? (A) I m hungry. Would you like to get something to eat? (B) I m sorry, but I didn t hear you. (C) Would you say that again? (D) Let s go to the pizza place over there. (E) Oh, sure. Shall we go to the pizza place over there? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 10 I like jackets which have many pockets. The person whom I love most is my son. I lost the book which my mom bought for me. Do you have the cap which I lent you last week? This is a picture of the girl who I met yesterday. 11 That is the movie. My father directed it. 120 12 A lot of students visit the palace. Paper invented in China in 105 AD. These posters were painted by Jane. I think you had better study harder. The plants are watered by Tom every day. 1 2 3 4 5 13 She wants me to walk fast. I want Jane to come with me. He told me to not smoke again. He asked John to bring the box. He ordered the soldiers to go back. (14~16) Once a year, October and December, Christmas Island is invaded by millions of red crabs. They come out of the rainforest and move down the mountain, then go through cities and villages. Red crabs make a dangerous journey to the sea to mate and lay eggs in the sea. They go roads and gardens, under cars, and through buildings, homes and schools. At schools, the crabs run around the students feet, eat leftovers under the table, and then go on with their journey. 14 food that has not been eaten after a meal

15 and on among over among in between on between over 16 According to the passage, which one is correct? 1 4 5 6 (17~19) At home, you find them under your bed, behind the desk, and in your shoes. But people are not surprised by these crabs. They try hard to make the crabs journey safe. The islanders want the crabs to live because they are important to the rainforest. They mix the soil and let air going through it. The crabs also keep the forest floor clean, eating leaves and fruits. They leave behind droppings which are very good for the soil. 17 18 They shoes the crabs people islanders leaves and fruits 19 (20~22) Many red crabs are killed by cars. To save the crabs, roads, which the crabs travel are closed. People put up road signs for the drivers. Students make posters to ask islanders to watch out for the crabs journey. Many islanders leave their cars at home. They walk and bicycle carefully. Some people give water to the crabs when they come to their gardens. Sharing space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. Red crabs make a dangerous journey to the sea to mate and lay eggs in the sea. But Christmas Islanders are happy they can help the crabs. If you ever go to Christmas Island during the Christmas holidays, be ready to live with millions of red crabs! Lesson 9 121 p.193 20 21 so and while but because 22 According to the passage, which question can t be answered? Why are many red crabs killed? Why do Christmas Islanders happy? What do students do to help red crabs? Why do red crabs come out of the rainforest? What do many islanders do instead of driving their cars? (24~25) Once a year, between October and December, Christmas Island is invaded by millions of red crabs. They come out of the rainforest and move down the mountain, then go through cities and villages. Red crabs make a dangerous journey to the sea to mate and lay eggs in the sea. They go over roads and gardens, under cars, and through buildings, homes and schools. At schools, the crabs run around the students feet, eat leftovers under the table, and then go on with their journey. At home, you find them under your bed, behind the desk, and in your shoes. But people are not surprised by these crabs. They try hard to make the crabs journey safe. The islanders want the crabs to live because they are important to the rainforest. They mix the soil and let air go through it. 24 What is the best title for the passage? Christmas Island Journey on Christmas How to Save Rainforest How to Cook Red Crabs Invasion of Christmas Island 23 plant trees recycle plastic turn off the lights use both sides of paper use bicycles instead of cars 25 things that we save money things that we must do for nature things that we stop eating too much things that we get along with one another things that we learn more about ourselves 122

1 He helps many poor people. = Many poor people by him. (2~3) 2 The sign tells people here. 3 The sign tells people here. (4~5) 4 by / read / students / many / this book / is 5 better / you d / to / talk / about / feeling / them / your 6 Minsu s mother wants a doctor. 7 The song Yesterday is sung by the Beatles. 8 The person was her son. She loved the person most. The person. 9 Mrs. Kim: Did you make your bed? Sora: Oh, Mom. I don t have enough time to make the bed in the morning. Mrs. Kim: Why don t you get up earlier so that you do your duty? Sora: OK. I ll try my best. wants to make her bed in the morning. Lesson 9 123 10 (I Kate) Come with me. (Kate Tom) Don t walk too fast. (Tom Sue) Don t turn off the TV. I want Kelly to come with me. (1) Kate. (2) Tom. (11~12) 11 He had a guitar. His father bought it for him. 12 I lost the umbrella. My mother gave it to me. 13 I showed the students many examples. The students. Many examples. 124 p.193 14 My sister s room is very dirty. So my mom is angry about it. My sister should clean the room. My mom also wants that. (1) My mother wants. (2) 15-1 An American woman started Mother s Day in 1908. Mother s Day an American woman in 1908. 15-2 Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare. Shakespeare. 15-3 He did not write this letter.

22 23 which who 24 write music: = compose music 25 get off get on get off: pp.83~84 1 make Weeny worried 2 Exercising regularly makes us healthy. 3 The refrigerator keeps food fresh. 4 Watch out! Be careful! Look out! 5 healthily healthy 6 Listen Listening 7 (1). (2). 8 The woman whothatis wearing a blue dress is my mom. 9 Steve has a cat whichthathas a black tail. 10 Where show me the way 11 I m new around here 12 I am waiting for her listening to my favorite music. 13 How do you do? 14 (1) City Hall (2) bus (3) the driver 15-1 bank 15-2 turn right second on your right 15-3 Yes. Go straight for two blocks and turn left. You ll see it on your right next to the post office. 2 make 3 keep 5 keep healthily healthy 6 7 (1) tryto (2) try-ing 8 who that 9 which that 12 13 Do you do how? 14 15-1 15-2 Q: A: 188 Lesson 9 Invasion of Christmas Island p.87 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 p.88 1 island 2 water 3 tourist 4 holiday 5 space 6 need 7 between 8 floor 9 carefully 10 die 11 dropping 12 islander 13 travel 14 dangerous 15 plant 16 safe 17 invasion 18 once 19 mate 20 put 21 surprised 22 journey 23 upset 24 crab 25 rainforest 26 invade 27 challenge 28 sign 29 village 30 soil 31 leftover 32 mix 33 quite 34 save 35 locker 36 stand 37 break 38 millions of 39 go on (with) 40 put up 41 make a journey 42 go through 43 be ready to 44 watch out (for) 45 lay an egg p.89 1 challenge 2 quite 3 lay 4 save 5 tourist 6 leftovers 7 invasion 8 millions 9 journey 10 go through 11 put up 12 Be ready 13 go on 14 leaves 15 dangerous 16 invasion 17 upset pp.90~91 1 wrong upset water water better put 2 What s wrong angry should talk to 3 because broke I can t stand young, I think you should 4 something to eat hear you to get something to eat Shall we say that again Let s p.92 1 on the second floor 2 your pardon 3 to use 4 You d better 5 can t take 6 I beg your pardon 7 No bags 8 you should leave (C) (D) (B) (A) (E) pp.93~94 1 2 should 3 4 5 6 7 8 you d not better you d better not 9 I beg your pardon? 10 had better 1 I can t stand it. 2 should 3 Why don t you ~? 4 You can say that again. 5 6 upsetangry 7 8 had better not 9 B I beg your pardon? 10 I think you should ~. You had better ~. pp.95~96 1 which 2 whom 3 that 4 that 5 who 6 Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare. 7 This picture is drawn by Kevin. 8 Light bulbs were invented by Edison. 9 asks to help 10 tells to turn 11 wanted to help pp.97~98 1 2 3 was invaded by 4 5 6 7 8 They wanted her not to be their king. 9 10 whichthatmy dad gave me 1 which 2 tellwantto 3 beby 4 can 5 6 was invented whichthat not to swim who(m) that 7 which it bought it 8 wantto not to 9 build builthold held 10 whichthat pp.99~100 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 soil air forest floor leaves fruits droppings 6 closed roads p.102 1 between, and, millions of 2 go through 3 lay eggs 4 leftovers go on with 5 are not surprised 6 try to make 7 let air go 8 eating 9 leave behind 10 are killed by 11 which 12 put up 13 to watch out 14 bicycle 15 Sharing 16 because 17 during be ready to 189

pp.103~104 1 Once a year, between October and December, Christmas Island is invaded by millions of red crabs. 2 They come out of the rainforest and move down the mountain, then go through cities and villages. 3 Red crabs make a dangerous journey to the sea to mate and lay eggs in the sea. 4 They go over roads and gardens, under cars, and through buildings, homes and schools. 5 At schools, the crabs run around the students' feet, eat leftovers under the table, and then go on with their journey. 6 At home, you find them under your bed, behind the desk, and in your shoes. 7 But people are not surprised by these crabs. 8 They try hard to make the crabs journey safe. 9 The islanders want the crabs to live because they are important to the rainforest. 10 They mix the soil and let air go through it. 11 The crabs also keep the forest floor clean, eating leaves and fruits. 12 They leave behind droppings which are very good for the soil. 13 Many red crabs are killed by cars. 14 To save the crabs, roads which the crabs travel are closed. 15 People put up road signs for the drivers. 16 Students make posters to ask islanders to watch out for the crabs journey. 17 Many islanders leave their car at home. 18 They walk and bicycle carefully. 19 Some people give water to the crabs when they come to their gardens. 20 Sharing space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. 21 But Christmas Islanders are happy because they can help the crabs. 22 If you ever go to Christmas Island during the Christmas holidays, be ready to live with millions of red crabs! p.105 Reading Challenging During is called was discovered everywhere to 190 mate millions of challenge go back Grammar Easy was built as Romans all over the world Grammar Challenging Why don t Can I would you help which whom falls in love Writing Easy 1 was cleaned 2 was broken 3 was done 4 was cleaned by 5 were watered by Writing On Level read more books be kinder Writing Challenging was written desert has yellow hair a lot inside because of pp.106~107 1 invade 2 soil 3 crab 4 leftover 5 challenge 6 rainforest 7 journey 8 once 9 million 10 share 11 village 1 They try hard to make the crabs journey safe. 2 Sharing space with millions of crabs must be a challenge. 3 Christmas Island is invaded by millions of red crabs. 4 To save the crabs, roads whichthatthe crabs travel are closed. 5 The crabs also keep the forest floor clean, eating leaves and fruits. 6 You d better leave your bag in a locker. 7 People are not surprised by these crabs. 8 They mix the soil and let air go through it. 9 Some people give water to the crabs when they come to their gardens. 10 Red crabs make a dangerous journey to the sea to mate and lay eggs in the sea. pp.108~112 1 2 with 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 by 14 15 eating 16 17 that 18 19 They gave some money to me. 20 A lot of vegetables are grown by the farmer. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 are killed by cars 29 30 31 32 33 34 stand 35 1 2 go on with: 3 favor 4 put up: put on: 5 6 7 What should I do? 8 A 9 10 Nick because 11 stand 12 whom 13 beby by 14 askto use to use 15 eating 16 is made was written be cleaned was cancelled 17 who(m) that which that 18 make to 19 give giveto 20 beby 21 bring to bring built was built which who(m)that to not not to 22 go on with 23 (A) to 24 to mate and lay laid laid 25 people crabs 26 be (droppings) whichthat be are 27 28 be by be are 29 must 30 31 (let) 32 33 34 I can t stand it. stand: 35 You d better ~. I think you should ~. I advise you to ~. Why don t you ~? 191

pp.113~114 1 2 invasion 3 4 5 6 (C) (B) (D) (A) 7 This plant is used 8 9 10 (1) which (2) whom 11 12 13 are 14 15 1 lay an egg: 2 -ion 3 water 4 Eric MP3 5 7 people 8 wanthopeexpectto 9 go to go clean to clean to not not to stop to stop 10 (1) gave which (2) like whom 11 had better+ put 12 A Tim 13 Many red crabs roads be are 14 challenge: 15 pp.115~118 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 invade Christmas Island 17 18 19 20 21 are killed by 22 23 24 25 192 1 2 forest 3 once: once a year: 1 4 5 B 6 Pardon me? / Come again? / What did you say? / Could you say that again? 7 had better 8 A B 10 be by 11 to not to 12 be yesterday be 13 whom that whom who 14 15 (the picture) which that 16 be invade 17 18 which 19 askto 20 21 22 23 25 people red crabs pp.119~122 1 2 3 share with 4 5 (w)ater 6 7 8 9 (B) (A) (E) (C) (D) 10 11 That is the movie whichthatmy father directed. 12 13 14 leftover(s) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 invade 2 ly ly 3 share A with B: A B 5 water 7 10 11 which that it 12 invented was invented 13 to not smoke not to smoke to not to 14 leftover 15 between A and B: A B go over: 16 At schools, the crabs run around the students feet 17 let go 18 the crabs 19 22 23 24 25 people are not surprised by these crabs pp.123~124 1 are helped 2 not to turn left 3 not to take pictures 4 This book is read by many students. 5 You d better talk to them about your feeling. 6 him to become be 7 is was 8 who(m)thatshe loved most was her son 9 Mrs. Kim, Sora 10 (1) wants Tom not to walk too fast (2) wants Sue not to turn off the TV 11 He had a guitar whichthathis father bought for him. 12 I lost the umbrella whichthatmy mother gave to me. 13 were shown many examples by me / were shown to the students by me 14 (1) my sister to clean the room (2) I think you should clean the room. You d better clean the room. 15-1 was started by 15-2 wrote Romeo and Juliet 15-3 This letter was not written by him. 4 beby read read 6 wantto 7 Yesterday is was 9 wantto 10 wantnotto 11 a guitar it a guitar which that 12 the umbrella it the umbrella which that 13 show to 14 (1) wantto (2) I think you should ~. / You d better 15-3 benotby 193